la- ft U 3 Ll HI fti A . r. r4 r NO NOKTII. NO SOUTH. UNDCK THE CONSTITUTION, BUT A SACKED MAIXTCNAKCK OF THAT INS1 HI M 1 ! I AS THE LIYION. VOL. 13.- M'AKTIIUK. VINTON COUNIY, OHIO. JULY 27, '1805. NO 51 w M IF, 1 lit t Cbt lilt tlnir flcraotiat. -:.- i:LltIIRi r.YK.KV TII'JP.St.AV HV E. A . H Li ATT O N, O P F 1 0 E : lit Uratloii' Itiiil'inifji, I- -t of Court Uoiinu, L' B Slaiis. ti:i-.h, cash. 'I'lio If.Mi;iiT will I'O Koiitono your Tor Two Onllur; Si Months., t'r UihT Dollar; 'I'li'uo tliipMit, for Kifiy l.'-nit. JSfAII aporr v.'ill ho dlwonUinioil ut llio oxpirulii'U of llu tiiiio ptiiil f .r. TKUUS rHt AVKI'V1j5Ii0. Ono rhir.iTO one Insertion, Knuh uUiUoual tiHicrliou. 1.01) Curdii ono vuar. 8 8 fo Noiko (if uppiiinln.!n:is ot r A u Orn, Uttanliaii ami txeajiitnr.i 2.11 All-:u.-litii-!l:l imtiuUH linl'oTO J. P. , S,')0 K.litnrial nuth-u- por linn, 10 Yearl y ul jurt'mmuiiU will bo cliargol G0, per C"1i,iiii )r annum. Ainl In irirli.imiti ra'.os fur lojn than n uilumn, mill fur loistiiuo. t-if Ton limei minimi clun,'0il nx ono Krplnro, miU nil A lvurliu)iii:iiu ur 1 Lcpal Notions nmst ko pail In ii.!'. .i ico. Jy Tlin iilinvijt rn nnipt ho coiiipl'ioJ with I A 1 1 puyninri b must ho mudo to tl.u I'ro- ilor, ill ro Inl '0 111. u.'uiltu. The Democr aJohOliiec. tVo nrii prt)utroil to o coiln with nuntnesn, ii:i.:iii'.li iin.l at pri.'.n l' it. Uil'y cuiiipo'.iliL'ii, nil kiinl ol Job Work, jiidi us P-OOlvS, I'AM P 11 LETS, HAND P. ILLS, SHOW PILLS, POSTERS, PlliXi UAMMES HILL HUM 15. P.LANKS -f nil KINM'S, blllLM INCJ UILLS. LA DLL!-1, iVc, itc. iivo ii:i n triiil niul lieonviiiri..! tin I w )i;iin i.inl will .hi ii.iuti i'i liL.i.i.r l'.,r ('a.-ii. lln n :mij tlurr ti.s'.ul ii ilinii.ii t in thrisoctiiiii nl'1'" miry U. A. t'us-ir uii.h. ll. Ii. Sh ivu UKSTAKLE & S1II V 15 , Atl:r!Hys at Laiv, Cl iim A'iium, K '.ai.: Acltl ftMiI Ccn-'t' iii-Aridiir, hU) Co. 0. OltiOi' n'l M'lill Slrril. Iv, dunri I'tlsl of. I'!. I KudyN Miilh Will iU in 1 nr iiiiiMy all 'u'l i' uln t.i'..!i ii .'ar i, iii i.'i i C'ljiaics of . I i j . J tun . l'il;i; aii. I iSi'iutii. .lanilarv I'.n b l:'!'i"i tf, 15. A. MATTON, Al!r'v t L:uy am! ' JIcArh , Ohio. Hi.iii' lii iMiMi.l hy lli'i V. r., fur lliu ) iir;i(ib I will llllilll'l in llr.l ii'!":ullli 'll Ull'l l.'iiMl'-U'Hl l irm n-t'riiii !' I'l.ii u. ii.Mil:at !li lliiit.'l Slalii , an. I SViwI uf Oiliu, lnclil'lin? tli'J Morjfiii mi. I I'l.tiiiH. Ijjiiuliox anil mvirujjc l"Iuy rrMirci). I'KNShdN f.iv ...! '.I ; l an 1 ill.- -il.Ti:-1 y. .lion an I M'amoii an I I'nr lliu lu ir". T s! i inri uml nuainou ivlui h.ivi) ilriil ail I iivn Mlttil ill t.lm M'rfi.M. I W'Hihl ny In my I'll. 'lul.i. thai iiowill tiUi'ii'l irniiiilly W lla.r huaiiiui.u ami in i.l ir iln l ir i) t. .1.1 i. I v'i 1. J0KRS- HOUSE. PORTSMOUTH OHIO. "Mi. Junks Inn pur Ii isi'il ilio OM I'ly r.'.iiiilh llnii n. mi l clianyi"! its n:niic us uhuvf. 'Vl'.i1 II hi h:is brt'ii ri-n o li'lttl mi. I i-. iinvv omii Inr 1 1 in rci i-p1 inn if the n L 1 i -. U is on lln1 vvliarl'.H Ir.'tllli)' I iciilion, mul im niiisvifl I"! Hi.iriil tu iiukt; tins stay i1 vi .iiors ut th'd Iimi.41. nil thuy can Viih. Uliuios low ii -i the limes will ullorj. Jinn' "JiMli I8'i5 -mini. A.fO.HWK'.il.O A.i.s,uii(;m.ii ! inn PilSCAM5 feO SURGEON McArlhur, Ohio, Will iilti'inl prdiiiplly nml tnri'fully lo tho practice of llu ir pcofesoiou in all its Iranrhi's. rJ 'i-Sl'KCIAI. ATTENTION GIVEN TO SS.IUJLXY. j;o n. Sill, W!. tf. T..A. IJKATTON, ASK'U.M-W'O. BRVTOS AXD MAYO Alloriicys at Law, McAKTllUIi,rLNTON Co. O. Wll.lj altcn.l tr nil lezal luilno!w iiitrnstcl t i llu'ir vitro in Vi iton, AthunJaoknon, Kua, lliH'lsiii! mul ailjiiiniiifr cnnt'u!i. I'urticulur attoiitiu'i nivon to tho collo.r.lion of Ht'MiiirHolaii'is fur 7'oiisi.inn, Ilinmlitv", ur ifurs i f pay A'o., uxuiiiKt tho IniUstl ti tutus or I'hio, iiichiiliinj M'irttnn raid vluiint. April Hih. IS65, lyr JAMES WARD, SA1)1)LE& HARNESS M a n u l a o w rc r. - file AUT11UU, OHIO. Warrants aWoi-k Keeps constantly on hand and wil Gull at tins lowest pricca, Saddles, Hri (Ilea and Ilarncpa of every description nnd warrants his work fur two years. C Jul 1 and examine. 1st door west o lio Oourt IJouko. cc. 22, lRCl-Ciuo. For Blank Deeds. Call at GOOD NEWS AT LAST ! TU npTT-ralllnn Ult. KApriAKL U tlio Ifflt. U IWwtl whou all ollicm havo f.iilij. ALL WHO AXIU IN TIJOUCLD, All who bnvo ln iinfurtniintp, nil whoiio fond linpn Iikvo becu dhnpiHiinttHl, criwlinl, and blimtcil, all who liaro Un wiliiccd by tilsn promlson and dicoll, ult w ho Lavo lin deceived and ti ldtU with, all go to him for ilvlco ami to gi t Bill hfictli n. h t llu milk.' your iiibfnrtuui paw awny, lio makes tho lamli.r and oivyof your cm uiKa full lmmilum, and ho luinina yunr characte r and rc.i:liikilUy in biilo or oll n-ioi u uud riiiaoH. All who uro iu douht or llio affi o. tionsor thino they lovo couault him to relievo and miliary their minda, anil to find out if tlitir bright uud wunu uu- niu uo n'UMt'll. IN ,LOVB AFTAins IIS NEVEK TAILS. no has tho secret of winniiiu llio affections of tha mkltoH't. 11j'9 tho Binulo to a wealthy and luiipy nmrriniTi 'id makca llio inarilid ha.iy. lliu aid mid ailvlro haa lm-n liiiled iu iunuuieiublo lu. itaucij, and tho reanlt him alwaya been A SPEEDY & HAPPY MARniAGB. To inulio thiujja more niiro, ho will abow Jon the like, uena of YOUn FUTURE HUSBAND OR WIPE Ho will lull ynn their rireunmtaiicrii and their futur pnmieeH ; and nlmt in Iwltcr tliaii all, ha can tell you tlinnitlit and what tlnir "real" intiniioiia uro. What la bolter hv uiu tell you it' ihey uiU aukc yoL happy. Hr. It.ipliu'l In, theref ire, n snro (lepemlenoo. - To ul I iu liniiiuehii tii,advieo ininvaliiitlo. llu ran furo. tell, wild llio certainly, thu result or nil i-inn. Iliereiul anil Litiniiiean transiieUeiiK noil Hjiilatii'iia. Dr. ltiipliiiel inturprcta dreuiua for lottery uuuibeia with ua- failing uccui-aev. LOTTERY NUMSER3 glvon wlthont any extra charso. IVIORB COOS NEWS!!! Pr. ItAPIIAKTi will enst ynur Ilonwopo or writ ytuir nativity. Kvery man, lhroin;h tho Ii ii;jIIi mid lireiidtti of Uiu himl, who Iiiih liud luck, and who run nutlet on in t tic world, Hliould bo III iusdisbiuii of hit llnreacopo, and i;et Dr. Kapha. I a Wiittcn Opinion of his Futuro Troa ; pects in Lifo. It will pniilo him to wrillli, cniliience, and lienor. Tliutiii.inils ot Ried men, who weio iintiirtiinato and mi. ueceiiil'ul in their biHimssineii who win ked hard, and win) Htriitnlfd fli'aintit ailver.-lty nnd misfortune llio greater part uf llu ir llm, and wlm r.niiiil the inoro they tried to pt forward iu the win Id the iiiuru Ihinnn went Miuiiwt them: Tlieo men gut lir. Knplmol'a wrilteu (ipiniiiti npiiii tlu ir futuro pnnipecld In life. All thoso who wisely followed lir. Hnpluud'a advleo uro now RICH, HAPPY, AND SUCCESSFUL In nil their lin.lorlotiinR.i; vcliilo llinao who were blinded by prijiidico and Icnnrnnco, neRtected hla udvko aio at i II luboilnt; agaiuat udvemlty uud pivcrty, Do anaured WEALTH, EMINENCE, AND GOOD LUCK ro within the reach of all. If yon w lili lo bo rich and happy you will eoimult hliil nl.o. GOOD NEWS for tho AFFLICTED. Ho has the Rift, and can ti ll tho nnileted tho ennso ol ineir uikhso aim sullerliiif. Ilo can iil,o tell whether Ihey ran bo cured or Lot, Ikua saving tho nUlltted both troiiblo and expense. Corimillutiiiua daily, Puuiloyi oxceptcd. ODlco bourt from 10 A. M. to 8. P. M. All interviews arc strictly irlrnto and confidential, lUciiforowomiy, goouol go all I uud consult DP.. RAPHAEL, Tho Astrologer of tho 19th Contnry, NO. 221 EAST IHADiSww' UTEEET,' CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. BIT rorsonal interTiown granted to Gontlcmen only. All tu.1iue.19 with LADIES lo bo don by lottor. HV Persona at a dlatonco may mvH rr.NTiAll.r by letter, It ttiey Incloso ONE DOLlAIt, for tVmnnltatlun In naoli letter. All lotters, comuiii. nlcntions, nml luterviews, aro strictly prlvato and eon. tbleutlnl. No auiwer will bo given lo lctton uuloaa 0D4 dollar la hit liiml as ft Gnisultatlon i'oo. Addioss nil liittntaaa follows! I DR. RAPHAEL, DOS NO. 6273, POST-OFFICE, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. .- r- Let it bo clearly tin- derstood thnt tlio prlro named na ft coiisultutlOD feo ys f.r n coiiHidtatl.n only. It does not pay fortho pooler's written opiuiou of your futuro priMpi-la In lifo. It due not pay fur wlnnlnx tho otVecliotia of tho opiofllto lex, uur for tho comuiiitnutlon of a happy niarrlujfe, nor for duliirf nny other busiueds named in tlio nlmvo aihertido. inent. Tho JJoclur hua a fixed prlco fur iluiiiR each bci. rate bunluuM. In your consultation with Iholioctor, yon learn how yon can rcalizo tho foud hoi uearest your heart! yon aro told how you tun get all yon want, and le.w vonr biisinens ouitht to bo dune so that it can not rail. Ilowill furelellwIiatlsyourPESTlJiy. Iu short,? ho sill tell what is before you, otc. Caution to tho Public. ' Pr. V. RarWl, tlm Astrnlnoer, has no connection with l'UOKKSi-MiKnr lr. W. M. ltaphael, or with any other geutlemau of tho saino niuuo. r"Cnt this advertlsoniout out. Whin yon coma, bring It with you and huw it to tho girl who opcm ru dwr To prevent iniatukes, oah to SEE TEE DOCTOR HIMSELF. I LET THE AFFLICTED READ ! And lcnrn that a perfi-ct and rsullcal euro Is warrautod and unaruiitetd to all who am ulllicted with weakness, doljilily, nvrroin complaints, melancholy thoughts, do. pn-uion or spirits, ilUlned and aw-'Ob-u or niind, lo( or ak.ip, lts uf memory, luas of euennr and mnacular mwert puny growth, wiwtlui; away, and a want of con. telencti in lliem'elve., fainting tits, convubivo trout, blinds. impniencoanddisi:iHt of lire. , HEAIt WHAT TUK SIKIiIOAfi TltESS 9AT9. ' Some physlrians n .piirn lo bo told tho nature of your dlwaae tho KNOMHII BuTANIO PIIYSHUAN does Hot. m. perfect knowlnlgoof the human system enable him lo describe, tlio riiseaarj without any Infonuntioa from tho patient, to cxnliin its original causo, and to guarantee its euro. And, what is mora Taluablo still, ho will honestly nnd frankly tell whether you can bo cured or not. All his communications and interflows aro strictly prlvuto and confidential. jUnlimJ Tim ilotanlo Remedies of lr. Kapha. 1, tho Eogllah Botaulo I'hyaiclan, never failed yet to niako a perfect, Mdiial, and iermaneat euro of A Mi PKIVATK, BK UtKT, AND VKNEURAIi PISEASKS, without tho lito of Mercury, wilhoiit hindernnee from business, and williout fear ot discovery or exposure. No deadly pot. sons, auch aa nrsunic, mix Tomica, opium, or any other poisons, h'o niercury nor any dtailly iniuerals uotlilng fiat purely Vegetablo Uolanlcal llemedies aro used by this wonderful Volatile Phybiclnn. Ilia Kolanlc liemo dies never yet failed to cure tlio most ubstioato and tho nuist dangerous cases, and to reniovo ull mercury and olher Impurities from tho system when all other Ik-uio dii had lail'd. .'feileal oHraal. GOODNKWd FOB 8INULB MEN' CONTEMrtAT IMI MAHRIAGE. Hear. what the Baltimore corrca pomlent of tho Oddfellow, Booosboro. Maryland, said on Thnnday, the 31st of May, 1SVO: , 11 Nunmrous cares of diseases caused riy early Indiscre tion haviiiglicenperrormial by the English Botanic Phy sician, I feel it my duty, having ft kuowleilgo of Ihenl, to stato tho fact, heKeving that in doing so I may do aeniio tu tin suffering. Ono caao in particular that of a youn mm in this city is worthy of nolo. He had become Hi" victim of a habit, tho more allusion towhlch nuts a shudder, and after years of rufferingand doctor. log kuvo up all hopes of recovery. He wished to marry, and was dearly beloved by as sweet a girl as orer lisped word or affection, but ho was tearful, Lorvous, and proa (rated. Ue dared not wed on account of tho shattered tato of his system, llcsoucht relief at tho hands of th Ilotanio l'hysiclao, and, astonishing as it may seem, all the bloom and vbior of youth has returned, and ho , now tho happy fattier of a iair or bright boys." Aay who are innering, no matter what their com a-taiut, can call on tho Botanic PhysielsnconBdentially. TU,-y may rely nixm relief. His oftlco is at Ko. 221 EAbf MAMaON STKEET, CHICAGO, 1LL.INOI3. nlth X blanks Justices A Sermon on Keards, Quarter Hosses, Fiddles, and Foolin' with the Gals. Old Thoir minister was certainly a Bhidy, ho lmd just such a fuco and air na a clover nrtiut might bavo cho don to oliaracterize tlio bull-wether of eou:o canting Abolition fleck. In yiK-rt, it was 6tern, hard, and nncoin promising. Nor wad bin garb Ices singular, fur lio.,pportcJ,(niay5 wo be forgiven lor tho pharsu,) a Bnufl'y bro'.vn eoat, of atrungo and antir-tia- tod cut, w'licli boro bat two evident tokens of long uud not over careful tifliiKC Tlio continuations wero of yollowiah grey cloth, with stovo pipo luga, built liko an Ii idlnnan's hurri cano, straight up and down," und oixieoJ below tho knees in nervicea blclooking biiokrikin riding leathura, well etuinud with Missouri mud; add to thesi) a pair of Cnil'ilo overalmes, a Burpiiuing t-hirt cjlhtr, and a w.n derfully Btaieliod linen cravat, wboao (Minplicntcd folds and puritanical still'ijeBs w)oll huvo broken A "New Vurk wablierwiMiiati's heart at flrt jilit," an 1 you will bavo a very oc eurnto tit. Ii neat ion ol this reverend gontleinan's outer innn. Wo must not fni'g' t, however, a mr of wide mowed horn ppeetiCitu which dividdil Uioirtiino lietveen tlio too ol Ins vetietuLIu head, and tho bridgo of an iiidopundeiitly cocked up noso, there by adding not a littlo to thu grotcs- rHieeneaa ol tins aomowhat nuclerical The lirut BoUclion from this par c'on'u ilwconrso is as ful'.owB: "Yip, im ein-ettieken brrtherin Hnd fistirs, lluir Lord only knows how Piu t'. lning this byar cungn'ga tinn ont tho gall of bittointBH and tbo bonds of itiiiiniiy; whar's tho si list! of my wrnfltiin'n in prayor? 'fluitV the g"b.l ff my' gro8mfiV"Tti gjierit ? what b tJu; nm of my ridin ilotii hyiir every Lord's dnv mornin1, an' thar corderoy mighty bad at that, Ui try n' 9tivo thojo liyar Binnors tfoin tlio brim.Htonn as ia to come? W'.nPs the Btnso, 1 Bay, my brelherin? for I lei! yeon nil, an I just allow that thai Lord knows it too, that thar'e eonio of y con a settin' byar. hat diitioo out thar toes in a week al tlmr religion that thar minister kin linuniior inter thar heads, letl alone Iheir hearta, with t rar-mect- inV nn' preichia' an' bingin' of ptjuluifi, thrt.iigh a 'hull year round. Yes, my brethcrin nnd Biatora, it's thar wickf diKGSof (jlirietmus week, thnr tliiiiein', and thar fnolii:', nd tlmr (irinkin', and thar gamblin', that docs thar devil's work byar: an' wlmr will yeou bo my brcthorin? yes, whar wU yeon bo, I aay, whon iSatun conies a buntin' bia own, or ns is remarked in thar Seripters. lileo a rtiann' lion a goiu' rouud to boo what ho kin devour? tako kecr, my breth erin, tuko keerl" And ngain- in allusion to tlio prayer meeting businesE.: "Whar's tho good in invitin' ycon intor prayer inoetiu's. whon yeou aro plwavB excusin' yfiouieelvoj und nev er thnr? Ef it war a corn liuskiu', wouldn't yeou bo tlmr? Well, yeou would; and I jo6t knoio cl it war a doss nice, ycou'd bo Buro to be thar, Dut hew ia it, when wo want ycon to servo tho Lord, and call on yeou to corao tip an' help us, are yeou thar thai? Well, you ain't, brethcrin, an why ain't you? Why, because thar ain't no keards, ncr quartoi bosses, nor liddle3, nor dancm , nor foo'in' with tho gals, thar'a tho why. An' how was it 'tothcr nij-ht, my brethcrin, when Deacon Graves and ycour preacher war all tbar? Well, it rained, B'poso it did air yoou bu car or air yeou sail? And wouldn't yoou bov gone, ef yuou had boon su gar or salt, 11 it were to a ironct Well, you would. Yoou air travelin' tbo broad road, tho hull on you it's dreadful nico now it ain't Btcop and hain't got no ruts inter it, but yeou'd better bo a goin' tho narror ouo--yc9, ef ii wore all corderoy and hog wallow, yeou'd do well to bo a goin' of it for when thar folks bb tiavel it air eboutin' glory and halleluya, whar will vou be? A wailiu' an' a naabin of ycour tectb, thar'b whar." And aguiu: "When I go inter a tbar bouse of a prosr.ol religion, an' bco thar, tbar,bcgauinjon board, and thar dice Im. or may bo, a pack of keards a ia- on mar taolo, 1 allow that thar tat.. ' . in that hoii39, tbar's eomething wiqng. uo yoou bco them air things in toy cabin, my brethcrin, or in Dea cat Graves's cabin? Well, voou don't. But thar'a a Uiblo tha, aV a hymn look, an' a Bound of prayer, an' aSbhout ol thauksgiu' thar, Well, thariP' Gals. A Soldier's Letter to Gen. Cox. [From the Ohio Statesman.] S?mo days no'we learned, inci- dent:i!Iy,that a number of officers and soldferu, who have soeii nurvico tlu- miff tho into war, hud addressed a letter to General Jacob Dolsmi Cox, ihoilicpublican candidato for Govern or, Hking bini certain tmestioua as to Ins views about Kestorutiun and No groKulTiago. Wo Iiavo Buececdcti in profturing a copy of tho letter, which wo Liint bolow. Wo understand tliaCitwas handed to tho Gonoral in (Ml ay it was written; but ,it has not yet been answered, as wo aro iu . f - turned. It is as lollows : SOLDIERS' LETTER TO GEN. COX. COLUMBUS, O, July 3d, 1865. Majou Genkical Cox, Commandiii'' tot Armv iiiuiifl! vcu Sir As your follow Foldicrs M mMnirr iStlrii.tiii 1 1 . i I - j 1 " and ellow citizens, wc congratulate juu uion your uommation as a can aiua tor Governor of Ohio; and aa Coinrlldoa dcairtnir vmir Biwonaa if ' -r j - ...... tllClO llO a COIlCUrrCllCU of (iur vlowa ou cejtaiu public questions of great ..... i ..linn, u iiuuiuBs vou inia noio ,1. . . . , j ...... . Wo are only soldiers, and know no liing ot tho tneks and schemes ol poiitteianfi: an. wo tberuforo rorof that tho -Convention which nlat:od you n nomination failed to give ex pretiiuii of tho views ol tho party on tbo iul ject of" Reconstruction of "the IT' i uiiin aua iNegro Kulliago. . 'no.Ui4iU4l-r .C3cvcnt-ii-i Heiioral toMtie indorsed tho policy of Preeideut Jolntson. but it ia fmiiillv .... . ., . .. .. . i .' vruo tnata lew liouis alter tho ad jonrnmunt of the Convention, (Jon. oencuck declared in a speech in trout of tho Cppilal that ho was opposed to receiving tlio representatives ol the Southern States into Congress, until tboy bad shown their loyalty by giv ing tno right olBuJIrngo to tho negro. Ilo further said that "thoro wero throo chisaoB of persons in tho Scuth llio aristocrats, who wero scrcs- fiionibte; the wbitu traeh," meaning tboeo loyal whites who bavo tho mis tortuno to bo poor; and "tho uegroen, who were loval to tho core." And if BulTmgo was cxtemled to cither ot theso cIiibpcs, ho wishud it to bo given to mo negro. It is charL'ed. Genoral. that von nro in favor of placing tho nngro up on a Political cnnulitv with whim soldiers, and white- citizens. iu order, therefore, to 2ivo yon an opportunity to vindicato yourself lioiafcharges of so damaging a char acter, wo ask you tuc lollowing quea tions: 1st. Aravon in favor rd rfRtorinor tho boiithprn iSthtna tn nil Umir riirhtti in the Union, aa proposed by Trost dunt .Tfililiann nvnn it' tlm riirlif nf sufJrago ia not extended to tbo Ne- CO? 2d. A to von in furor nf rnvincr j" p n tho negro tho right tovoto in Ohio, ana to contcr upon turn all tuo other nrivilcfes of a citizen, either now. or at any future lime? Wo loel it to bo uuo to vou to aay that wo aro iu favor of President Johnson's "nlun of ronnntitrnetinn' , r - -- 1 that wo bohevo it to bo tho duty of all loyal citizens to sustain tho Gov- ornment, and that we ara opBod to negro BufJ'rao uow. or at any future timu. Wo aro.rcsLcctfullv. your coinrados and fellow citizens, " F. S. Paukeb, Cant. SStti O. V. I. A. L. AkuicusoN. " " L. W. Nichols, " D. C. Patrick, ldj. " M. G. W. Emitii. Sorfrt. 13th II. S. A A. II. PoTE.f, lato Lt.-Col. Inv. Corns sr r- s .o.a . d. V . tJlIILTOK, lBt Lt. bStll U. V. 1. J. D. Wilson, 1st Lt. SSth " Ln. Lane, latoSergt. 1st Cav. U.S.A r. Ivonv. 1st i,t ssiii n v i J. II. f ATTER30N, 1st Lt. 83th O.V.I. sr - ft J j. It. aiAESUiLL. " " " J.I. WlNSIMGLAB, M " (Tjr'Iloii. Emertiou Etberidgo baa beco arrcatcd. n A Fizzle. [From the Ohio Statesman.] v ,v ioiiijniiui.'uiiii" nun lid i fi'lillnmnn ami n e,.l..vl. I. After tho noniinati'in of Gen. Cvx I for Governor, bv the Iii i'Uiiiiciin Statu convention, held im thu L'lut ol Juno, Senator Shernmn announced that no man in Oh:, would more cordially piipiiotl the ti.iiiiiii. u Hun his brother, General W.T. ifhoiinan This was. of course, regarded with great favor by tho friends of n-ro equality, and was heralded all over the Stato nea big thing; but many d tho llopnblietina v, ho knew John Sherman's disposition to maka rnro liablo Btatetntntf, diij not beliovo him in this iiifjtance ut any rate, Ihey received this anniiuncemeut with many gains of allowance. John saw this, and felt that hid re-election to tho United States Somite might depend upon a few words from Gen. Sherman in favor of Gtnoral Cox and he laboud hum that timu until laet Thursday, in conjunction with other IlepuhKcnn inunng'.'is, to get Tectmit'oh to Bpeak thoso low words. Gen Sherman iliei.Ja vntl fl4 mm li gen uino heroism in his Into Hank movememont in Oliio as any Gener al was over culled upon to exhibit on tho hold ot battle! 1 1 in liroiiQurn that John brought to b:;ar upon him wa terrific. Kvery available influ enco was seized and uai d in the ell'ort to accomplish tho object. Gen. Cox was peraiHU-utly thurbt forward and kept in Gen. Shernian'rt tiresietico, bo - " iw "i iiii "i.ienj.'i iy iur LTi'il in;it u Waa nn imposaih.rty fur "en tlcmaii who mo in harinonv with the . .1 . . . . . iews of thu lutlor to nuiil'onnli liim Jl . ..i t i i ' '. i-iu eonio no no less, niidor tlio cir cumstanees, than to say of Cox whit lin il i.l ua,, ..I: r i : ' hodiJ Ray complimenting him as a .i . ii "H'l II Uli 1 1 I 4 a I . fa I 111 It I It'll l ing kindly o( him as a militiuy man. if .. , . , J lie uttered no wor.U indorsing Cox .w ivuinn im politically, or uromia:ii" port m his raco for Govurncr; and therein 1 ...vw .u. v.v.uiuii , nun fio outjlunlced his brother I all tho Kepuhliam mnna- John and all gens! lie gave them to understand, distinctly, that his great popularity ion! ii in.l Iwi f . .. ! 1 ... .1 r . cornel not bo ut;ed to aid in elevatiit" the nero eauulitv candicliiTIo thii tJiieo of Governor of Ohio. s, The Religious Press on the Washington Executions. Washington Executions. [From the Ohio Statesman.] The Keligious papers that wo havo uoeii eiiico the. Washington Execu tions nearly all applaud tho perform- ancoineluding, ofconroo, tho mili tary comniiaaion, and tho trial; and seem to rcuret that llio nrisoners wero not hung! Thuy aro especially jubilant over tho hanging of "Mrs Sorratt some of thorn even indulg ing in olfenBivo allusions to tho lio- ligion tho irofeasod, whoso kind offi ces and coiiBoIatioua werj adminiu- tcrcd to her up to tho vory closo of her life. I!ut tho New York Obscrycr can uotrefrm'n from Buying: "It was universally rcrrrotted that so short a timo was allowed thoso misurablo wretches for preparation to meet thoir dreadful doom, lt would havo been moro becoming a good Government to have deferred thoir execution a few dava at leas?, and tho effect on tho public mind would bavo bocn mere solemn and pcrma-. ucnt." Others wero willing to bco them hung "without tho benefit of the clergy," aDxiona, doubtless, to have sent them straight to the devil forgetting tho crucifixion eccno. when tho Savior ot uiu vri'iiu maicfaet0f . , . ' tho World said to tho repentant who wag dying at his 8'uio. "to-dav thou shalt 0 bo with mo in Paradise." l I ' A Canard. Soitio rascally Republican wire puller telegraphed from this city to tho New York World, on last Thura i!.iv. that Gen. Sherman, in tlm conraoofhis remarks, "heartily in- dorsed Gen (Jox, announcing him aa llm niavr frricnrnir At I nn " KIiai. uiu ' wt.... miiki- man did no eucIi thing, as tho fellow , ..I V l , I ll who aont tuo uiepatcu Knew wnon no -n ... ,. contomptibb trick, to porpctrato such I a awinilli nn it 1 li'iiiofimr-o tie, i-i.u.. I was sendin'r it. it was a rrcan n awind o on a Ueiiioeruf.o. Diun'r- , - - , , , but it ia in keeiniii' with bgliij of tim 'managoiB of tho Republican party. Ohio Statesman. Gen. Sherman at Louisville, Ky. On tho 3d itiet. General Shcrmaa received nn imposing reception At Louisville. Uou JamciiGuthrio, in h. lmli of tho city, welcomed tho Gen t ral in a brier and pertinent speech, to which tho Ge.ieral ,reepondcd as foilowe: Gknti r:iiriN; I recognizu tho fact that hett! in Li'iii.;vi!lo I 1 - - "-k"" liim carer r which liaa brought mo back again to meet vou tin !0 III I'lll'll ll'iinx years ago all wan confueion boro, and no man know where, bin nniidiiu,.. wa3, and hardiv know whether ho was hiimiell a U-don man or a rebel, 1 cunio hero then a utrauger, and na my friend, Mr Guthrie, has truly aaid, tul oflovo ai.J ardor for tho Governinent and ibo Ibig of our iu liontunco. 1 thoii.rlit. -n- - until hoitght, nmkeil my brain t) tho best of itti t:aniu:iti-' Imt t ti'mii ri. . , . i urn. iuai at tlio time all hmked to mo jdoomy 11 I X. 1 al 11.. .1 t . m . u.u. t Knew nun in thoiNorlli and West, and in thu South, too wero thousand of men who, whon properly reached, would rally to our Hag. I began tho work hero four years aio. airff 1 IHVI, plinili.rnl lis tlo Binco. 1 thon-skt then, na I think now, tlmt thocouiHu and conllnenco ol river and mouiituin had bound us hv law higher thntj our own making1 to Ftand fuguther nu one nation. I bolit vo that, by past history and present interest, wo urn nlu,. .r,nn,i , - "IU'. UUUUU to live togother in peace ami harmo- y. i kiiow mat wo can, and bo hevo that wo will. Put if it becomee necessary to ubo forco to that end, let US do it liko limn nn.1 in. ,-. oil I uuu tv vy UiaV men that tho Biipreiuo law of tho land - - .V...-U ,u ui uiu innu tnuet bo oboved from love, if possible but fear, il necessary. 1 wi6h that wo.CouU all live brothers even -.-... mi ii, v uiuihitb, even m 'bo blue gnia region of Kentucky. Laughter. J Iiut though tho heart of iu ri j uiu I1VOII UI Kentucky m bi enough to taka iu tho wholo world, yot iier limits havo ........ C h . . .. i l it , ... not room for nj uil, and I am ga I that uhto otuer otatc-j in thu enjoy ment of natural advAntagea nearly aa great as Kentucky. Therrj are Wis consin. iMiohignn. Pennsylvania, and New Yoik, aud TctinesBOO, Ala- oama, ami ueorgia, in tact, look in any direction wo may, wo boo lands lavored by God, all bound together by a common government. Though tbo parts may at times bcciu discor dant, wo nro bound as men to bold them in ono Nationnl llninn. Viva yeara ago wo did not drcain of tho II 1 .a ... rrouwes tmeaa, Out tboy did ariso and aro now suppressed, and now peace exibts all over our lund; and I W lcomo back this neaco. fwennqo it appcala to tho hearts of mon and tho 1 . . ..a . - nigiiect interesia ol tlio nation. 1 lovo inv iirofesion and nnliliora Imt j , ....u, v u - at tho Barno timo 1 think that tho in terest ol tho whoio country demands that when troubles ariso they should bo determined by tho courts at law and not by forco or tho ninaket, and thcreforo 1 hopo that tho peaco that is nov ujon ua will last forever, and that if I am ovnr called upon to fight it may bo with uomebody outsido of our national limits. Choers.J I thank vou. siectlcmon. for thus t a ' COtuiilLr tOL'ethcr. 1 thank vo-.i fnr rj C3 J -v this manitiBtation of interest in mo, aud I shall ever regard Louisville aa ono of the brightest spots in my mom- oi y. I applause. I nTIt is said thattbero wos never but one man who wasn't spoiled by 116111! lionized bo wna a Jew. and his namo was Daniel. rrpA Kansas t ancr. Bncirinfjr at tho (stupidity of a ceiemporary, eaye: Tbo best thing b1 has got off this week is a dirty uliiit." rrPA Buffi'-al iournal tulla nf a man who lived five years with a ball his head. Wo bavo known ladies livo twice as long with nothing but balls in their heads. fJC7s,'Now, do tako thia mcdicino, wife, and I'll bo banged if il doesn't euro you." "O, I will tako it then, by all rucaua, tor it is suro to do good ono luvauop iui it, io a ui u way or tho other," ' a I, 18 u luuiioauoio iuui lUUt electricity travels so rapidly that it i . ... i t. J rr .-it. :, . ,t.i . r. .. i it . may oo sent lurougu guu puwuor williout iguiinig u, aca is is omy when it is resided that an exrloeioa tukes place.