McAr nn WWMR. JL nil-Li VOLUME 7. 1 M'AIITIIUR, VINTON COUNTY OHIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1873. NUMBER 34. McArtiiur Enquirer J. V. UOWEN, Editor ami Proprietor ! Torms of Subscription. Oito copy, ono ycnr.fl 60 I One eopy,8inos.fl 00 Onucopv, (I niuH. . .. 7& One copy, 4mos. BO If not paid within tlioyiiiir oo Clubs nfTwoiity , -if?lV5S 'i'lio Me. Arthur Ksquikkk circulates Hp. OK POSTAUK within tlio limit oi iutoii C'omitv. , ,,' U, , Tim MArtliur Kkquibkb nml Jl" thru Hun WUtiri" will bo Hunt to ono poison ono failure to' notify a discontinuance nt the iul of tlio tinio subscribed for, .will lio taken as a now engagement for subscription. Advertising Rates. The npitue occupied liv 10 linen of tills (Noil, nnrcil) tvpo shall constitute a square. ICule ami Figure Work 50 cents additional. 8 men, Ono square, f 4 00 Two squares, B 00 0 nio.i. f 0 00 7 00 10 00 13 00 15 00 18 00 2i (10 40 00 13 nios. f W 00 1(1 00 15 00 18 00 SO 00 20 00 JO 00 eo oo Three iitinres. I 00 II IK) 10 00 000 15 00 2,- 00 i'oii. icuirt'S, SIX;' iiitivt'.t, I' .lllMUl, 1, "iiiiiinn, . One i til u mil. l.Li'. Advertisements-ft 00 pur square rnr Hrst insertion: nml &0 oohts ot squuve for ouch additional insertion. lluslncss Cards, not exceeding 8 linos, fB per venr. . , ,. All bills due oti llrst iusortinn of advertise ments, . Bill wltli regular advertisers to bo paid iiutirtcrlv. business Notices 10 cents a line. Mitrringe Notices -according to tlio llbenillty of the 1 hi i t i .j -i. Yuaily advertisers entitled to quarterly change. , , mi iiilvurtmuniRiitri not otlierwiso ordered, will he continued until ordered discontintioil, and chawed aeeoidinirlv. HOTELS. jgOWEN HOUSE, (Formerly Hntnls House,) ZALESKI, OHIO. KG BERT 1J0.WEn7 Phopiuetoh. i 'his House, which In convenient to IheH. It. t. Mine changing pinpriotors, bus been lioinughly renovated nml l flli li islicil, mid 111.- present proprietor oilers to travelers and bonnier the best ncciimmodntions. (noil stable on the premise. fifei'" TKUMH 110S I' llKAHONAlll.t .fSiJf Iw&el JgAUGIIMAN HOUSE. fi. W. Sinkham and Mrs. Eliza Hy son, Proprietors. z ALoasicr, o. Having leased (Ills Hotel, we would inform the truvclinj; piihllc mill others, that they have thoroughly reuovateil and icl'iii n ilnil it. It is capacious nml commodious, mid the piopriotori. will emleiivor to ncccmiiioilnto nil who may favor them with their patronage. Lunch served upon a moment's not Ice. Tennis will he provided lor. Tobacco, Cigars, etc., kept at all times. Terms moderate. July 10, IKi.l-Um. II UL1JERT HOUSE, MoARXHXJR. OHIO. J.UIKS WORKMAN, Proprietor. Tills House, since changing proprietors, has been thoroughly renovated from "top to bot tom." The present proprietor otters to trav eling the best itcconiuiodntioii in clean and ncnt slvld, itt low price. Conns mid try it. (Joint stabling, ami luuacs will ho Hell eared for. (.'. V. JUllNKTT's "Hus lino" stin ts from this Uouso daily, ut 11 o'clock noon, Mr tlio Hallrond. lo-cly jglGGS HOUSE. I'll ENDKRQ AST & JENNINGS, Plto'S. i COR. SlAUIET AND FnOXT ST'8. POBTSMOUTH, O. This House fronts the Stenmlioat I.iinilliiK, and con veil lent to the It. It. Depot. Klff(iint ly mid richly fju'i)ilicd lor convenience and coiufort. ; -. i - v JzJ ERCHANTS' HOTEL. PORTSMOUTH, OHIO. J. V. VAItSEB Propvlctor. Tills Hotel Is In the moit eonveiilent part of the city on Front St., between Market and Jen'orsiiu, MERICAN HOTEL. Corner Hlxli and Rtato 81., nearly opposite Htato House, COXiTJCBTJS, OHIO. E. J. BLOUNT Troprlotor. This Hotel is furnished throughout with all Hie modern Improvements. Uuests can rely on the best treatment and very low hills. street Cars pass tills Hotel to and from all Hailioad Depots. JSHAM HOUSE. OHIO. Dll. l.T. MON AH AN l'roprletor, This hoii.e, formerly tlio lshnm House, lias lici'ii Hi nimirlily runovatoil nml beautifully Imuished. lluviiiK superior facilities, every -l liinir will bediiua tomiike quests coin fm table, iahle ulwayssuiiplliKl with the best the mar ket atfoi'ds, Niraly furnished rooms and (ileiniust hods, (iood Utilities. Kvery effort innlii for tlio comfort of patrons. All charges ipniiHinte. kEPOT HOTEL. CHILLICOTHE, OHIO, M. MEUKLE l'roprletor. This Hotel, a few lect from tlio Itiillroad Do id, and where all travelers on all trains can I , ike meals, has Just been grentlr onlarifud and tliiiroiiKhlv renireil, pniutuil, &C, ami is now in complete order fur the reception of ffiiusts. Trains stop tun minutes for meals. Terms moderate. QRAWF0RD HOUSE, Virner Sixth and Walnut BtrooU. C'.'IIsrOIXTlTA.'TI, OHIO. V. T. OAKKS J. T. VIRHKR, Proprietor .Ino. Alol.N.rifRB 4 J. II., Clerks. This lioiiflu has been entirely Itellltetl and Uetnoileled, ami is in all Huspeet a FIKST-CLAS3 HOTEL. A I.L TnK I.OXUHIKR OK TtlK Rl IROK. Tallin mii'iiaMoil by ninio In the West. Ample nml nleasunt aciiiiniodiitliiiis for travelers. Ulvn lis nan. HAKES It CO . l'roirletors, PUMPS. Amerioan Snbmerged Pump. "Tim Best Pump in the World." (HI II AOENT8 report over $.'100,000 worth of property snveil rroin r ire mis year uy uieio iiiiiiips,'h-lug tlio most powerful foreo-puinpi In the world, in well as NuN-l' iiKitxiNO. Hee OeUiber nuinlier, uaKO SIM), also tlio l'ro liiiuin I. lit., pHjfeillUoI'tlio Ainerleaii ARrlcul tiirlsl. This pniier never deceive the farmers. Sownolleo In Kehrnarv uiiniber, pnre4n. Trv one. If It don't do the win k claimed, send It hank and net your money, ss WK WAKKANT our pumps to do all we i laliu for them on our ciirulurs. fend for Circulars of orders to tlm nnilfre poi'l M'f'KCo., No. ll5'liaiuheiHt.,New York. An order for nine No. 1 1'uiaps svouros nn exclusive town ajjeney, "l-tf. ATTORNEYS. 0 T. GUNNING, A.TTOKIsrE!Y A. IT LAW - ' MoARTIICH, WHO. Prompt attention given to nil legal business ntrustod to hisenre. () lllce at his residence. Feb. 811, lb"73. B. F. AliMSTRONU, ATTOEKEY A.T JLA.W M'AIlTlITJlt, O. OFKICK 111 Second Story of Davis' Build Injr, opposite Vinton County National Dank, July 0. 1HTS ly. J M. McGILLIVRAY, ATTOEWEYAT LAW McAUTIICll, OHIO. Will attend proinptly to any business given his euro anil management In any Courts of Vinton and adjoining cMuntios. omen In the Court House, up stairs. u J S.CLAYPOOLE, ATTOE1TEYAT LAW MeAUTIIUlt.OIIIO. Prosecuting Attohnkyop Vinton County. Will prni'tlcG In Itoss, Vinton nml adjoining counties. All leal business entrusted to his cure proinptly nttemled to. MAHBLE. B R. HIGGINS & BR0., SJ ANL'FAOTl ItUKS OP Karbla lionnmsnts, Tomb Stones, MANTI.K.S. VURNITl'RK, &e.. LOftAPf, - - - OHIO. (iood Assortment of Marble constantly on linml. All kinds of CKMKTKUV WOHKilone to order in the Illicit stvlo. Photographs. c. J. BILLINGIIURST, PHOTOGRAPHER, am! dealer in nil kinds of PICTURES, ALBUMS, FRAMES, Pletare Cord nml Picture Nails. Jy-COPYINO carefully done, and the smallest l'i-tiiren enlarged to nny size, nml finished in Oil, Wnter-eolors, or Indki Ink, or any other style that may lie desired, at the LOWKHT RATKS. Large nml llnely finished Photographs can he iniido from scratched and faded Pictures. Pictures of nil kinds Framed to order, unil all work warranted to give satisfaction. 10-etf Dentistry. S. T. BOG G ESS, RESIDENT DENTIST, Jackson C. H., Oliio. Br'yCaii ut all times be found Ht his ofllee. TKlii'H KXTKACTKl) iibsolntely without pain, and with perfect surety, by tlio use of LAUUHINU UA. el Hack Line. jyJoAETHUR HACK LINE. Charles W. Barnett, Proprietor Will run regularly to M'ArtliurStutlon to meet nil trains. Hack leaves McArlliur Poxt 0 lllce at 10 o'clock, A. m to meet Cast Lino West; at 12 SI. to meet the Cincinnati lCxnress going cast; Ht4 o'clock r. If., to meet Hie St. I.ouls Kxpresn golue west, at 5 r. M for Knst Line east. Will meet the Pnrkorshurg, Marietta and nleski Aceouiodatioii on application in per son or by letter. Orders left at tlio Post O lllce, MuArtlmr, or Dnmlas, promptly nt tended to. uno4-ltf!8. CHA11I.K.4 Y. BAItNETT. Woolen Mills. AllensvilleWooleii Mills. NEW INDUCEMENTS. V aro prepared to do all kinds of work done in a frit class woolen factory, such ns CAIIDINU, SPININO and WEAVING. Satlsfnetioii will ho given to all onr customers. lligliest market price paid for wool. Dillon, Huston Co. Juno 5, lftTtl-Sin. Land Agency. K ANSAS CENTRAL LAND AGENCY. MaJ. JOHN W. I1K1UC3. Manager. Ualina, Kan. Roal Kstate lliisiness: also have for snlo all the lands of tho Kansas Pacllle Hallway Coin- puny, iiinouniiiig ut ovoro,uuu,uuu acres oi mo most desirable In Central and Western Kan sas; also Mill sites. Coal Lands, Farms, Cattle Itnnches, and City Property In Sal Inn anil the iiulghlxirinsr towns, for sale at all times. flriV Send for tho " Kansas Central Ailvo-o,"nlargi'Ma-colmnn land paper, seo what wo have for salo, and read all about the great Acrsione state or inn west. March Stl, lb1-ev' Railroads. PITTSBURG, CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS R. C. II. DIVISION. UOlNd KAST. I.oavo Arrive Leave Arrlvu lieave Arrlvo Cincinnati. Lancaster.. Laneaster. auosvllle, H:.Kl n. 111. S:io p. in. a .15 p. m. 4:10 p. m. 4:lt0 p. ui. 11:10 " 8:111 ii.m H:V( " 10:40 " l:OTp in Mtlihum P'lliiilelp'la, VIM " 1:00 pm K:00 pm 8:10 " 11:00 am 4:00 pm 4:10 " 0:15 , 0:110 " Walto, Hun't. Now York.. H:lio " OOINO WKHT. N.Yoik .. 0:80 .m. l"ilailiilp'la. VJMtl p. in. Pittsburg... l:H,1a. in. Lonvo Arrlvu Lonvo Arrio Leave Arrive .auesvllhi.. H:0 Lancaster. o 11 C'liielntiatl. 10:80 10:40 " . 8:00 p. m H:)M AGENTS WANTED, , In nrery county of cadi Stale, for a new National Hook. (THK l.ivrs. .Nil roKTiiAITM oc TDK rHkHiiiKNTH) with Ino simile ropy of tun iieuiaraiion ui iiiiioioiiiicnoc, ino i iinsu tntlun of I' li I toil Hlnles, nnd Washington's Knruwull Address, with 10 lino steel plates. V'or eliTitlnrs ami lei ins, address Johusou Wllsfm A Co., 37 ileckinan St. N, Y uifleAw-Oiii. Selected Poetry. [From the N. Y. Star.] Uncle Sam's Whitehashed Lambs. Once Uncle Sam's Littlu liiiiilis Kleeces were as white as snow, lint Uncle Sum's Little hinihs Went where lambs ought not to go, Then I'nrlo Sam's , Little himlis Cot their fleece black Willi soot; So Undo Sam's . Little laiuhs Didn't like goats very well; r'or Cni lo Sam's Little luiiibs Knew that goats werosent to h 1. Then lliie.leSani' Little himlis Cot their friends to take n bush; When Uncle Sam's Little lambs Were covered o'er with whitewash. Now Uncle Sam's jyittlulumhs In corruption next will nielli i''nr Undo Sam's Littlo lambs Keep on hand a whitewash brush. Don't. Don't qnuiY Hie wine tho templing wine To clendeii care or urlofi Pleasure may Ho within tlio cup, Hut oil 1 its bliss is brief. Temptation holds It to your lips I lint hid the lltmd iluii.i t Tho silver cup is brimmed with blood, Draw n from the orphan's heart. Tho mother's prayer, a sister's tear, Tho widow's dark despair " All that sud hearts can know of woe, Like blond drops mingle there. Don't linger whom the nectar flows, For lessen ci.rc It won't. Oh! listen to the still small voice, That ever whlspors, 'Don't." Correspondence. ILLINOIS. Ludlow, Champaign Co., Ill., August 17, 1873. Editoii Esquikek: Have beeu rusticating in the country, seven miles east of the above place, since Thursday last, and surrounded by end less cornfields and extended prairies. If we could realize that "we were monarch of all we surveyed," what a huge farm would be our lot; and then Ave would no doubt feel like the man who drew tho elephant, "what would we do with it?" Nearly all tne pniiiju soil in this section Las been cultivated and improved the past season. The main production being corn, although there has been a good breadth of wheat harvest ed, as also flax, oats and smal ler cereals. The wheat was a fair crop, oats did well, but flax is comparatively a failure. Just uow the corn is suffering from a severe drouth, and unless a good refreshing rain falls soon, the crop will .be short. The corn stalks are short and small, and the leaves are being shriv eled by the heat. There has been no rain, worthy of note, 6ince the 4 th of July last. Should there be early frosts the corn will prove a total fail ure. Any number of improved farms can be purchased for from twenty-five to thirty-five dollars per acre in this locality. We think these are very fair and reasonable prices, considering that the soil is equal to any in tho West, and climate healthy. The great lack, however, is an abundance of water. At tho present time nearly all the wells are dry, and running streams scarce and at a dis tance, consequently'stock is apt to suffer through the heat of summer. , Game, such as prairie chick ens, ducks and cranes, is abundant, and make an appe tizing dish. Most of tho towns are at a stiind-still, except those located at prominent manufacturing or central points. Nearly all the towns have grown at a greater speed than tho farming commu nities surrounding them, and henco their collapse. But they will no doubt retain a steady, substantial growth, correspond ing with that of the farming community. Urbana, tho county town, of this county, (Champaign.) is attractive, nnd exhibits consid erable thrift and enterprise. Tho same may bo said of Cham paign, two miles west of Ur bana, at the crossing of the Illinois Central and the Indiana, Bloomington and Western ltail roads. Both towns aro vicing with eacli other as to growth and business, and it is "hard to tell 'tother from which," The towns aro conncctod by a street railroad. Paxton. tho county town of Ford county, . ia also wide awake, being located at the crossing of the Illinois Central and Toledo, Wabash and West- ern Drancti Haurotuta, it s . a new town, and is making rapid strides towards greatness and popularity. An artesian well is nearly completed, and an abundanpP of wstpr m thus been secured. Your corres pondent gave the town a short visit on Friday last, and called at the Commercial office. The boys were luiey and just put ting the paper to press, and re ported business good. They are all social fellows. We have an item that we are almost afraid to mention to the young men of Vinton county, especially to those of McAr- thur. However, we will abide the consequences, and "speak right out."' There is a beauti ful young lady in this neigh i i i . , ooruoou wno can beat any young man in the . general man agement of a farm. She plows, harrows, pitches hay and grain, runs threshing and mowing machines,' breaks colts, handles the scrapers in making and rrrndinnr vimfls lnna nrnrnf5iiiT and performs tho household du ties for the family. She is the manager of her father's farm, and does it equal to the best mau. She js hut sixteeu r t i years oi ajre, and ner name is Miss firinxuf.u TTavs Now, . t ii it t young men, uon c an maite a rush for Illinois. So far as politics is concern ed, the farmers appear to con trol matters in this part of the State. Ford county has a full ticket of farmer candidates, so has Champaign, and the Pat rons of Husbandry are spread ing like wild-fire. Lawyers and politicians who aro candidates for public favor, wear straws in their hats or cover them with hay seeds in tho hope thereby to curry favor with the agricul turists. Farmers' suits are in great demand among office seekers. We depart for Nebraska to- monow morning. More anon FRANK. TENNESSEE. LA GRANGE FURNACE, TENN., August 4th, 1873. Editor Enquirer: Many people think it an easy matter to sit down and write an article for publication, think it an easy thing to commit to pa per tne tnougnts tnat come forth, but tho great trouble found by almost every one myself particularly is the fact that when the "foolscap" i be fore them and the pen taken up tho thoughts aforesaid are not forthcoming, or if they do come, are in such a mixed up condi tion they cannot be committed to paper. Imaginary work is easily performed. In commun ing with ourselves we .become good speakers, and writers, and our words pour forth in an un interrupted stream of eloquence Without an audience or listonor we can talk right along and say many sharp things make many good hitsall appropri ate and to the point, but were wo to face an nudienco the wholo fabrio would go down in utter ruin our eloquence would vanish in thin air and our thoughts becomo so hidden by our "bashfulness" that our tongue would refuse to utter a single, ono of them. Our self reliance is not sufficient for the occasion we lack the moral courage at the right moment to push ahead and the result iawe fail "iii the outset. Hundreds of our, young men might become .powerful dobaters if this one great' trouble did not stare them in the face. The history of our country gives us the names of our great men, who, in this one respect, utterly failed in their lives. Chief Justice Taney, T1103, JfiFFpnaoN, our own Pres ident GiNT, and so on. But I did not start out to write an artichrljr tho above tenor, but to give you a few items of in terest concerniqg our locality, of which I suppose most of your readers are unacquainted The La Grange Iron Works, a corporation doing business in Stewart county, Tennessee, own about forty thousand acres of land on which are erected their blast furnaces, to-wit : Eclipse, Clark, and La Grange. The first named is dismantled and has been standing still for 'several years. The two last named are in successful operation The two furnaces, Clark and La Grange, are but one mile apart, and the nearest one, one and one-fourth mile from Tennessee River. Both furnaces make about six thousand tons annually of first quality, No. 1 Foundry aud Mill iron. They are both in the hands of experienced furnacemen ; Clark now being handled by Mr. Wm. Reed, of your county. He had done well and his success stamps him as one of the btst furnace- men of our country. The sup ply of timber and ore for these furnaces is simply inexhausti ble; You can have no concep tion of an ore bank until you haVo looked at some of them in in this county. Take the vine yard hill east of McArthur, and split it from summit to base and entirely remove one-half, and imagine the face of the other one solid mass of ore and you havo an idea of a Tennessee ore bank. We have ono bank here Clark Furnace bank which has a face of about oue hundred and fifty feet in length by an average of thirty feet in in heighth. In it we work from twenty to fifty men, aud from three to five carts. We have now erected near it a fine ore washer to which is hauled all the fine ores, where it goes through a process of washing and comes out entirely clear of dirt. The capacity of the wash ing machine is seventy-five to eighty tons per day. The. La Grange Furnace has a bank similar to that of Clark, near which a washer will be erected soon. Both furnaces employ from three to five hundred men and from twenty-five to forty teams, and tho benefit accru ing to the citizens here by rea son of these works is very great. This not an agricultural country, but is pretty well adopted to grazing and the raising of sheep. Farmers, however, have heretofore taken but little interest in stock rais ing, and there are but few sheep in the county. Of late there is a better disposition manifested and the farmers are consulting their interests by the introduction of somo good stock into various parts of the county. As an agricultural or stock raising country, however, this is destined to be a failure, but as an iron country it will become 0110 of tho greatest im portance, and that too, before many years. Already East Tennessee, North Alabama, and Georgia is being flooded with Eastern capitalists in search of secure investment, 1 and it is constantly working itself this way, and ere long this whole country will become ono vast iron works, and tho precious minerals now hidden in mother earth will bo distributed to all parts of the globe. What a glorious future awaits Tennes- seo ! Few years will pass be- fore she will bo one of the brightest stars in our constella W. Marrying Tipplers. "A word of warning to young ladies on this subject is not inappropriate. How many young women, by uniting their destin les with tipplers,, or men - of confirmed - iutemperate -habits, have involved themselves in lives of sorrow, and often,shame! 'Yetjin spite of all the wretched ness of drunkards, wives,' says Mr. Cuyler, 'young women are continually willing to marry men who are in the habit of in dulging in the social glass. Ladies often refuse the marriage offers of. young men because they are too poor, or of too hum ble a family,or two plain in per son or manners. But only now and one has good sense enough to ref uso to unite herself with a man who will not pledge himself to total abstinence. A rich and fashionable young man has commonly no trouble to get a wife, even though he is hardly sober long enough to pronounce the marriage vow. But a teetotaler in course rai ment might be snubbed as a vulgar fellow who has never seen society. Ladies ! before you begin to scold at me for this impious thing, just look around and see if it is not true." "Ladies, this is an important subject, and should consider it well. It involves your happi ness and respectability in this world, and perhaps your salva tion in the next. You should reject the hand of any man who indulges in the intoxicating cup. What is riches, station, or anything, worth, without so briety, virtue and character. Beware." Few Christians, if any, suffi ciently honor Christ, as govern ing their concerns. They do not say, "Now while I am praying on earth, my Saviour is working for mo in heaven, lie is saying to one, ( do this 1' and to another, ' do that 1' and all for my good." While Jeremiah was, doubtless, crying to God out of the dungeon, Ebed-me-lech was interceding for him with the king, and they were preparing the means of his de liverance. See Jer. 38. Let the warm-hearted Chris tion bo careful of receiving a wrong bias in religion. When a ball is in motion, almost any thing presented to it obliquely will turn it wholly out of its course. Beware, therefore, of a wrong direction in Christian ity. Fix your attention ever on such examples as St. John and St. Paul, and hear how they speak : "If any man love not tho Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema, maranatha." Religious joy is a holy, a deli cate deposit, it is a pledge of something greater, and must not bo though lightly of; for if it bo withdrawn only for a little and, notwithstanding tho ex perience we may have had of it, we shall find no living creatur that can restore it to us, and we can only, with David, cry," Re store unto me, 0 Lord, the joy of thy salvation." God teaches some of his best lessons in tho school of afflic tion. , It is said that St Paul's Epistle of the Ephesians has quite the spirit and air of a pris on. That school must be truly which produces such experience and wisdom. ' Books of the Bible. When and by whom were the books of tho Old Testament first collected and arranged ? By Ezra, about 450 years be fore Christ. The five books of Moses has been kept with the ark of the covenant (Deut. 31: 21 20) and Joshua had writ ten that portion of Scripture bearing his name "in the books of the - laws of God." Joshua 8:2126. 7 , What are the most prominent translations of the Bible that have ever beeu niado ? ; The Septuagint, the Vulgate, the lfty and the n English o King James' Bible. . What is the meanins: of tho word Septuagint ? Seventy. Tho , translation 11 1 was so-caiieu because it was made by seventy, or : more strictly speaking, by seventy two men; six having been chosen from each of tho twelve tribes of Israel for that purpose. When and where was this translation made ? At Alexandia, in Egypt, about 500 years before Christ. It was a translation of the Old Testament only, from the He brew into the Greek. How was this regarded by the Jews in the time of Christ ? It was regarded with pecu liar reverence. Our Savior and the apostles generally quoted from this version. What is the Vulgate transla tion ? It is a Latin translation of the Septuagatc, not of the He brew ; and so called the Vul gate, because, being the only version which the tho Roman Catholic Church holds to bo reliable, it is in that Church the common version. When and by whom was this translation made? By Jerome, about the year A. D. 100. It was hastily made and became very incorrect by many changes. What of the Douay Bible ? It is an Euglish translation of the Vulgate, with notes and comments, and is the only English Biblo approved by the Roman Catholic Church. From what did it receive its name ? From the placo where it was first published Douay, a town in France. When was it published? In 1G01. Why does it differ so much from our English Bible ? Because it was made not from the original Hebrew, but from the Vulgate which was from the Septuagint, and very imperfect. . It could not be as correct as a translation made directly from tho Hebrew. Why is our English verfiion callled "King James' Bible ?" Because it was made during tho reign of James I., the King of England. When was it beirun and when completed? . In the year 1G07 the work was commenced and was fin' ished in about three years and published in 1611. By whom was the transla tion made ? Fifty-four of the most learned nien of the kingdom were ap pointed for the task. Seven did not serve, leaving forty seven as the number who were actually engaged in. tho work. How was the labor appor tioned among this number ? They were divided into six classes, to each of whom a cer tain portion of , the , Bible was given to translate, not from the Latin or from tho Septuagint, but directly from' the original Ilehrow and Greek. , How will t our English , ver sions compare with all tho oth er versions of the Biblo ? It is said by the most com petent judges to be better than' any other. When and by whom was the Bible first divided into chapters ? It is generally said to have been done by Cardinal Hugo, ;-' A. D. 1240. But as early as -the third century the four Gos pels has been divided into chap ters. Whom and by whom were the chapters divided into ver ses? ; ; By Robert Stephens, in the -year 1551. It is said, that he ? performed the greatest part of this laborious task while on horseback on a journey -from S. Journal. The Sawdust Swindle. This catch-penny swindle, we have no doubt, is . familiar by melancholy experience,, to not a few of our more confi ding readers. A circular is re-, ceived by post, directed, in full with all the titles which cour tesy could suggest. Within is a letter addressing the victim in the most confidential and particular manner, and propos ing either to send a consign ment of counterfeit money, or some other remarkably valua ble present, from jewelry .to elixir of life, all in considera tion of v. small remittance. Thinking, at last, that his ship had come in, the unfortunate wight sends his remittance and in a process of time receives a package, for which he pays ex pressage and bears tremblingly home, only to find an inclosure of saw-dust of unimpeachable quality, but very trifling value. If there be any among our readers who have thus been duped, we have no doubt that it will afford them consolation to learn that two of the biggest, "sawdust swindle" offices in New York city were pulled by the police, last Tuesday,- the managers and clerks arrested, and at least a temporary check put to the nefarfous business. Among the pieces cf evidence found by the police were books containing thousands of names and addresses all over the country, a large number, of boxes packed with sawdust for for dispatching, and a few cards Springfield, (Mass) Union. A Timely Catechism. The following catechism wa!s,,. invented and published in 1866 , by Dr. Henry G. Clark, of Bos ton. . Its republication at. the present time is believed to be appropriate: - 1. Will it (the cholera) come this fall? Yes. . '. ... ,. 2. How shall we avoid it?, . . . , By eating only plain food, in moderate quantities, at regular times. 1 , By abstaining from in toxica-" ting drinks. By avoiding unripe fruit and sale and imperfectly cooked vegetables. - ' By being so clothed as never to get chilled, especially in the night air. - ' ; r! By avoiding all over-crowded and ill-ventilated places, espe cially to sleep in. " By having all cellars, drains, vaults, yards and outhouses clean, dry and freed from all bad smells. . 3. If we get sick what shall we do? . . , ,"r.-.. ."' . , Leave offeating and drinking, go to bed, send for your doctor, and do exactly what ho , tells you. ' . 4. Is it contagious: Those who know most about it say No. .; :! 1 , 1 II - L - , Ji There are but two states , in the world which may be, pro nounced happy either i that of tho man who rejoices in the light of God's countenance, or that of him who mourns after it