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Marietta daily leader. (Marietta, Ohio) 1895-1906, May 28, 1896, Image 1

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i 1
VOL. II. NO. 127.
Relievo the Droughthy Condi
'tions in Many Sections.
Severe Local Storms Have Caused Se
rious Injury to the Crops
In Portion of Lower Missouri nnd Cpper
Mississippi Valleys Condition of Corn
In Kentucky is Splondld Indiana
Wheat Injured by Bust and )Fly.
Chicago, May 27. Tho reports as to
tho condition of tho crops through
out tho country and tho general effect
of tho weather on tho growth, cultiva
tion and harvest of same woro Tuesday
made by tho directors of tho soveral
cllmato and crop soctlons. Tho reports
received at Chicago wero as follows:
Abundant, rains have relieved
droughthy conditions in tho Ohio val
ley and generally in tho middle At
lantic states. In tho southern states
rains have been of local character and
tho droughthy conditions previously
existing have not been fully relieved
and well distributed rains aro greatly
Sovero local storms have caused seri
ous injury to crops in portions of tho
lowor Missouri and upper Mississippi
valleys and floods havo done some dam
ago in portions of Illinois and Missouri
In tho central gulf 6tatcs tho corn crop
is being laid by in excellent condition,
but over tho eastern and western por
tions its condition is loss favorable
owing to drought. In tho central val
leys except portions of Oklahoma, Mis
souri, Nebraska and Illinois, where
thero has been too much rain, tho
week has been very favorablo to corn
nnd early planted has mado rapid
growth. Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas
and Eastern Kansas report improve
ment in winter wheat, although thero
may bo some rust.
Kentucky Warm, with slightly de
ficient sunshine. Heavy showers broko
drought in all sections. Rain too lato
to fully reyivo wheat, which is still
very short,' but oats, hemp, pastures,
meadows and gardens aro greatly im
proved. Condition of corn splendid
and fine progress has been mado in to
bacco setting.
Indiana Abundant xains improved
crops. Grasses in excellent condition,
wheat headed but injured by fly and
rust in many fields. Corn growing
nicely and is well cultivated. Tobacco
plants aro set out, ryo and oats are in
good condition and barley 13 ripening.
Ohio Warm, with local rains, defi
cient sunBhlno. Oats, corn, gardens
and pastures show progress. Wheat
heading fairly, but no special improve
ment. Cut worms aro hurting corn.
Ilyo is blooming. Somo strawberries
aro ripe and on the market,
We Are Still
These are some of our Unsurpassed Bargains for this week:
fr 7K Men's All Wool Suits in Blue and Black Cheviots, Cassimeres, and
pU. ' Scotch Tweeds, light, medium and dark colors. Linings, trimmings,
fit and finish first class In every respoot.
JQ rtfl Equal to the best 810.00 Suit -shown elsewhere. All we ask is to
V"wU come jn an e convinced yourself. This lot comprises plain and
fancy strictly All Wool Cheviots, Worsteds, Cassimeres, Homespuns and Tweeds;
Elegantly made and trimmed.
in flfl ' wo will sell you a Suit equal to any shown elsewhere for $12.00
VlViUU or jlg 00 rpjjg mdterlals are the choicest produced by all the re
nowned looms, and from every point of view they are garments such as fastidi
ous dressers are wont to wear.
Long Pant Suits
Suits made from Blue and Black and Fancy Cheviot, stylishly cut,
other stores sell them at $0,00.
Elegant Suits, sizes 13 to
perfect fit; none, as good
Very choice Suits, the very
in every way, the newest styles and designs; others sell them at 810.00
Sliort Pant Siaits
$1 ' -7 C Double Breasted Suits, strictly all wool materials, in light and
I t sJ ,3ari mixtures, also plain blue.
"J5 () RH Double Breasted Suits,
4 fc" J S
ed; same as others sell at
Double Breasled Suits,
Sailor Styles, all the latest
tail; others sell them at 5,00.
The largest and most complete line of
ever shown in Marietta at
25c, 50c and 75c.
A full and complete line of
Oive ua c trial'.
Clothiers, Hatters
Cor. Front and Butler sts.,-
lie Issues a Proclamation Prescribing Bar.
oral Important Itemlsslons to Ills Sub
jects. Moscow, May 27. Tho proclamation
issued, by tho czar on tho occasion of
his coronation prescribes various re
missions, of which tho following aro
tho principal:
All arrears of taxes in European
Russia and Poland aro remitted and
the land tax is reduced by half for ten
years. Tho sentences of exiles in Si
beria aro materially reduced, political
offenders receiving further remissions,
with tho restoration of tholr civil rights
in certain cases. Tho ex-ministers of
tho interior and justices aro empowered
to submit to tho czar deserving cases
of those punished after a regular trial.
These persons who shared hi tho Polish
rebolllon who aro not guilty of mur
der, cruelty, arson or robbery, aro ex
empted from tho polico supervision
preceding 1883 and aro granted full
freodom of resldonoo if they return to
their own country and take tho oath
of allegiance.
Ponder Works Blow Up.
Fobt Scott, Kas., May 27. During
a heavy electric storm Tuesday ovem
ing lightning struck ono of tho seven
largo buildings of tho Laflin Powder
Co., at Turck, Cherokee county, Kas.,
and an awful explosion followed, the
fiamo of tho burning powder shooting
800 feet in tho air. Tho report was
heard for 20 miles. Tho plant was es
tablished in 1800 and cost $250,000.
Owing to tho distance of tho plant from
a telegraph office no dotails can bo
learned. It is feared that many lives
wero lost, 'as the factory run a largo
night force.
Burial of Gen. Falrchlld.
Madison, Wis., May 37. Funeral
services wero held over tho remains of
tho lato Gen., Lucius Fairchild Tuesday
afternoon in tho cast wing of the capi
toL. Tho military honors paid tho de
ceased soldier and statesman wero
thoso duo a brigadier general, Tho at
tendance was tho largest seen at a
funeral In Wisconsin. Tho interment
was in Forest Bill cemetery.
The North American Saengcrbund.
St. Louis, May 29. At a meeting of
delegates from IS German singing soci
eties, it was decided not to go to tho
sacngcrfest of tho North American
Saengcrbund, as societies. Tho con
vention will bo "held at Pittsburgh, Pa.,
on Juno 8, and tho many hundred St.
Louis members will not attend on ac
count of tho Inability to secure satis
factory railroad rates. .
In tho Hands of 'Itocelvers.
Toledo, O., May 27. Two of Toledo's
oldest industries went into receivers'
hands Tuesday, tho Central Chandller
Co., assets, 8100,000, liabilities, 839,000,
and tho Toledo Planing Mill Co., assets
850,000, liabilities, 825,00k
The Push!
19 years, made from the choicest fabrics,
elsowhero under ?8.50.
best fabrics on the market; superb
sizes 4 to 14, very nobby, elegantly finish-
including Reefer, Prince, Inperials and
spring patterns, faultless in every de
will save you moneys
and Furnishers,
01d,P. O. Building
Prohibitionists Meet at Pitts
burgh to Nominate a Ticket.
The Money Question Starts a Pretty
Good Sized Row Among Delegates.
lion. A. A. Stevens Elected Temporary
Chairman Mr. A.Wilson, of Chicago,
Temporary Secretary A Large
Number of Delegates Present.
Convention Hall, Pittsburgh, May 27.
Tho sovonth national convention of tho prohi
bition party was called to order In this city
Wednesday morning In Exposition hall. There
was a largo attendance.
Mr. IL U Castlo, chairman ot the commltteo
on reception, In his address ot welcome, said
he welcomed the convention "as tho repre
sentatives ot an army of 300,000 ot the most
loyal and slnglo-hearted patriots, and ot COO,
000 of as devoted, consecrated women as ever
gathered under any banner or made war
against any enemy,"
Samuel Dickie, of Michigan, chairman ot tho
national committee, responded to tho address
of welcome. ,
Right at tho opening ot formal proceedings,
when Mr. Dickie, the chairman of tho national
convention, presented tho name ot A. A. Ste
vens, ot Tyrone, Fa., as temporary chairman,
tho free silver taction broke out.
Chaunccy W. Dunn, of California, rose to a
point ot order nnd asked Mr. DIcklo to rule
upon It. IIo offered as a substitute a minority
report, substituting tho name ot Edward J.
Wheeler as temporary chairman In place ot
Mr. Stevens.
Mr. Dickie ruled the motion out of order and
ordered Mr. Dunn to tako his seat Mr. Dunn
refused to do so tor somo time and a sceno ot
uproar ensued Mr. Durn appealed from tho
decision ot the chair, and Mr. Dlckta refused
to entertain tho appeal.
Mr. Stevens In tho meantime had come for
ward, but had been mot by such persistent
cries for ""Dickie" that he gavo way. Mr.
Dickie asked ot Mr. Dunn whether It
ho ruled pn tho point of order this uproar
would suslBo. Mr. Dunn replied that It was
not on uproar, but simply a demand for their
rights. Mr. Dickie "repeated his ruling that
tho minority report which was signed by ex
Gov. St John and othors was out of order, and
again refusod to cntortain an appeal from this
decision, wboreupon Mr. Dunn declared that
all parliamentary precedent had boon violated,
nnd Mr. St. John took up the discussion with
no better result
IIo was followed by Mr. Woodbey, a colored
dolcgate from Nebraska, and confusion con
tinued. Chairman Stevens ordered him to be
seated. Mr. Woodboy answered: "I shall not
do It." "Then," said Mr. Stevens, "I shall
order you to be removed, from tho convention,"
Mr. Woodboy accentuated his rebellion by
.standings hUchalr and shouting at tho top
of his voice, and Mr- Whlrten, of Indiana,
camo to tho rescue of the chair by asserting
that Mr. Woodboy. was not even yet entitled
to the floor as a delegate.
Then the band was called upon to drown the
uproar and to glo tho chairman time to re
cover his wind end his composure, both being
considerably disturbed. Meanwhile, half tho
convention wns walking tho floor and a squad
of policemen was ushered Into the hall to keep
Mr. Wheeler, of New York, the gentleman
named In the minority report as temporary
chairman, rose and for tho sake of harmony
withdrew his name, although protesting
against what ho called an arbitrary and unjust
Then nt last Temporary Chairman Stovens
was permitted to deliver his opening address.
Ho gave an Interesting historical sketch ol
tho reign of tho party, and claimed for Pitts
burgh the credit ot having originated in June
ot that same year the counter movement
which had crystallized Into tho prohibition
Material political success had only been
realized by the party within the past year,
when prohibition mayors had been elected in
Norfolk, Va., (In the state which was tho
"mother of presidents") In WUIlamsport, Pa.,
and in Albion, Mich., whero the prosent chair
man of tho national commltteo ot the prohibi
tion party, Mr. Samuel DIcklo, had been tri
umphantly returned.
Mr. Stevons continued: "If my prognostica
tions of the politics ot our country during this
year bo correct, each party will havo Its own
Issue to maintain without entering Into an
tagonisms that have existed In the past In
political 'contests It Is,' therefore, impor
tant that we should make no mistakes.
Avoid extremes In contending for ques
tions that tho prohibition party was nevet
born to settle so long as the drink traffic re
mains legalized by the government On this
question wo nro agree! We should avoid
anything that will divide our rank, divert oui
minds from the great purpose for which we
are organized and cause a halt In tho advance
we havo been nnd are making for political
power nnd control."
Complete order was maintained durinj
Chairman Stevens' aldress, Mr, A. Wilson,
ot Ctficago, who had beon selected as tempo
rary secretary, called the roll of states and
the committee on credentials was named. At
18:30 the convention took a'recess until 3 p. m.
and tho various committees proceeded to or
ganize. Dr. J. D. Cranflll, of Texas, elected chair
man of the committee on platform, which
Is a victory for the narrow gauge element ol
tho party. Mrs. Helen M. Gouger has beec
elected chairman ot the committee on perma
nent organization.
When the convention reassembled a reso
lution was passed expressing rogret for the
sudden death of Bon. J. B. Hock, ono of the
delegates from Massachusetts.
The committee on credentials reported 80
delegates present A resolution pledging the
convention not to abate Its relentless war or
the licensed rum power, was ordered tele
graphed to various religious bodies now It
conference, also to congress,, and to Mlsi
Frances Willard and Lady Somerset, In Eng
land. Mrs. Gougar, chairman of the oommtttco ot
permanent organization reported tho name ol
Oliver W. Stewart, ot Illinois, (one ot tbf
broad gauge faction) as permanent chairman.
Mr. Ferguson, of New York, presented i
minority report on behalf of the narrow gauge
men reccommendlng the continuance of Mr.
A. A. Stevens In the chair as the permanent
A tangle over a point of order threw tho con
vention into a scene of contusion, which lasted
more than halt an hour.
Tickler's Service Pension BUI.
WAsniNQXOjr, May 37. Tho report
written by Mr. Plcklor, South Dakota,
accompanying tho service pension bill
introduced, ''places tho number of per
sons to be beneBted by the bill' at 200,000,
tho average time of service at two yean
and the average monthly pension
therefor 810.30.
Tho report alleges that the total cost
per annum resulting from this bill
could not exceed 33p,500,000.
Insurance Company (Jolts.
WnsEWO, TV, Va., May 37. The
Jefferson Fire Insuranco Co. has do
'elded to quit business. It has been
one of tho prominent West Virginia
nreycompa,nle, but la not making
motiay." -
The Report Organizing a Company Adopt
ed by tho Methodist General Contcrcnco
Amid Great Enthusiasm.
Cleveland, O., May 27. The feature
of the general conference of tho Meth
odist Episcopal church was tho adop
tion of the resolution providing for an
Immense church Insurance company,
competing with the great companies of
tho world. Tho session was excited,
and confusion reigned all morning.
Bishop Fowler, who presided, had
his hands full to keep order. The fight
over the formation of tho new insur
ance company was short, but it was
the great parliamentary battle of tho
Tho conference wrangled for a half
hour over the adoption of resolutions
providing for a constitutional commit
tee. It will bo composed of six minis
ters, blx laymen and threo bishops and
will report to tho general conference
of 1000. It was decided to spend 81,000
toward aiding in tho publication of a
hymeneal for tho use of the Danish and
Norwegian congresslons.
Resolutions calling on tho United
States to negotiate with the nations of
Europe for the relief of stricken Ar
menia was adopted.
Tho committee on the state of the
church reported in favor of organizing
a mutual church insuranco company,
tho affairs to be in charge of a board
bf insuranco and the company to do a
general fire, lightning and tornado
Win. M. Swindols, the chairman of
the committee, said that the plan was
practical und that its adoption meant
:i saving of millions of dollars to tho
Gen, Rusting said that the commit
tee's report was one of the most vision
ary matters that had yet been presented
to the general conference. "Wo might
just as well embark in tho dry goods
business or tho drug," he said. "The
whole scheme, if adopted, will wind up
with a scandal which will shake tho
very foundation of the great Methodist
Then Gen. Rusting called for a vote
by orders. This means a separate
vote by tho ministerial and by tho lay
delegates. A negativo vote by either
division defeats a proposition. It re
quires a third of either order to have
a vote by orders. The call for a vote
by orders was not sustained.
The report organizing an insurance
company was then adopted amid great
One Man Killed and Five Others Seriously
Injured at Clay City, 111.
Clay Citv, 111., May 27 Frank
Evans, aged 20 years, was instantly
killed and five other men seriously in
jured by a boiler explosion in Souder's
saw mill Wednesday morning. Evans'
body was blown a distance of 200 feet.
' Tho Injured are: J. II. Scudder, leg
badly crushed; Otis Scudder, hip bro
kon,will probably die; Win. Evans, arm
and shoulder crushed; John and Wm.
Wilson, brothers, badly injured by fly
ing debris.
Tho Walling Murder Trial Adjourns Until
Thursday Morning.
Newport, Ky.. May 27. Wednesday noon
tho second cnlre of 73 names vras exhausted,
leaving 11 jurors In the box. These men ard
still subject to 14 poromptory challenges two
from the commonwealth and twelve from the
defense. Court adjourned at noon until 8:30
Thursday morning.
Attorney Will Collins has taken depositions
which disclose tho plan ot Waiting's defense
Five witnesses, It Is said, whoso names can
not bo learned, have deposed that during tho
night of the murder Walling was in their
A Horrible Tragedy In California.
San Jose, Cal., May 27. Tho most
horrible crime in tho history of the
county was perpetrated at Campbell, a
small place about six miles southwest
of this city, Tuesday night CoL It. P.
McGlincy and wife, thoir daughter,
Mrs. James Dunham, James Wells, a
son of "Mrs. McGllncey, a hired woman,
Minnie Shesler and a hired man, James
Briscoe were killed by James Dunham,
a son-in-law of Col. McGlincy, who
made his escape. The causo of tho ter
rible crime Is a mystery. So far. as
known Col. McGlincy and Dunham
wero on amicable terms and if there
was any family skeleton in tho closet
no ono seemed to know it.
Robbed and Murdered.
Houston, Tex., May 27. L B. Baker,
a wealthy and Influential cattlo man of
this city, was Wednesday found murder
ed in the residence of Congressman J. C.
Hutcheson, whero ho had been living.
Amelia Peterson, a servant girl, made
the discovery. Tho dead man's face
was horribly mutilated. Tho motive
for tho murder was apparently rob
bery, as the room had beon ransacked
and two bundles of silverware wero
found tied up near an open window.
The Drummers' Four Days' Convention.
' Cincinnati, May 27. With a big
boom tho drummers' convention opened
Wednesday morning for a four days'
session, Delegates havo been pouring
In from all quarters, and tho day was
given over to receiving and welcoming
the visitors, whoso U. C. T. badges will
be an open sesame to places of amuse
ment and publo interest during their
stay in the Queen City.
Female Aeronaut Drop to Death.
Cincinnati, May 27. Word was re
ceived "Wednesday that May Allison,
tho ronpwned aerial performer of Cln
clnati, was drowned in the Back river
at Baltimore Tuesday. Tho remains
were shipped hero to her mother, Mrs.
John .AUiaon, who is living with her
relative, Missionary Thomas Emery, on
Pino street ,
The American' Wo.
Dublin, May 87. In the, tennis
match for the championship of Ireland
Wednesday, W. A. Lamed, the Amer
,taBxhfjMlon,t. beat" OL H., Martin, of
Cbliwlc-k'l by scores ol 0-3, C-3 and 6-h
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar Baklnir Powder.
of all In leavening strength Latest
mates uovernmeni noon Jtevori.
Rovat, Baking PowoEn Co., 103 Wall St. N.T
Hew and Interesting Happenings Wltbia
Our Borders.
Corning Mill -i tho Miami Powder Works
Struck A Torrlllc Explosion Follows.
Xknia, O., May 37. A terrific elec
trical storm was experienced in this
county about midnight, doing great.
damage. A largo amount of lumber,
wagons and other property wero
washed down Shawnee creek fromCop
enhaver's sawmill. Loss, SI, 000. Tho
smoke stack, 105 feet high, and costing
83,000, at tho O. S. and S. O. homo was
struck by lightning and cracked from
top to bottom, so that it will havo to bo
torn down, and is In danger of falling
at any moment, and might crush part
of the main building of the home. At
Goes, five miles north of this city, tho
lightning struck a corning mill at the
Miami powder works and exploded 500
pounds of powder, blowing tho mill to
pieces and then burning it, entailing a
loss of S1.G0O. No ono was in tho mill
at tho time. The rainfall is supposed
to have been four inches.
Drilling to Do Commenced on n Ten Thou
sand Aero I.ensc.
Winchester, O., May 27. Ex-County
Commissioner Phillip M. Hughes, of
Bratton township, and W D. Marshall,
of Tranquillity, who have been secur
ing leases on Adams county land for an
eastern syndicate for oil purposes, have
succeeded in leasing almost 10,000
acres of land in tho northern and east
ern sections of tho county. The secre
tary of tho syndicate which they repre
sent is expected to arrive this week,
when a place for the first well will bo
located and the machinery will be
placed in position. Tho first well will
probably bo located on Mr. Hughes'
land. Experts claim there Is every In
dication for an abundance of oil.
Ohio Knights of Pythias.
Cincinnati, O., May 27. Wednesday
was tho second and last day of the 27th
annual sosslon of the grand lodge,
K. of P., of Ohio. In tho morning
400 men were given tho grand
lodgo rank at College hall. One
event to mar the otherwise
pleasant session was tho death
of Representative T. O. Batch's
daughter at Bcllcfontaine. Resolu
tions of sympathy were forwarded to
the bereaved brother. In tho hands of
the judiciary committee is the proposi
tion to assess 81 per year per 100 mem
bprs for tho next ten years to create a
fund for tho erection of a homo for
the aged and indigent members of the
The Warrant Revoked.
Columbus, O., May 27. Gov. Bush
nell revoked the warrant issued May
22 for tho extradition of J. Bettprman
and H. Hildebrand, wholesale mer
chants of Cincinnati, for whom demand
was mado by the governor of West Vir
ginia, for tho alleged obtaining of
money by threats and force. This ac
tion is taken because tho governor is
satisfied that tho extradition was
sought for personal motives and not
for the punishment of crime.
Hallway Collision In Cleveland.
Cleveland. O., May 27. Tuesday
evening a freight train on tho Clove
land and Pittsburgh railway collided
with a special passenger train at tho
Warner road crossing. On tho special
woto General Manager Lore, Division
Superintendent Charles Watts, Gen
eral Superintendent W. n. Shriven and
S. IL Church, all of this road. The crews
of both engines jumped and escaped un
hurt None of tho officials were in
jured. Dan Lyons Dying.
Columbus, O., May 27. Dan Lyons, a
familiar figure for many years in sport
ing circles here, lies at tho point o
death at St Francis hospital. Ho is
suffering from tlie effects of a dissi
pated life. For a decade or more Lyoos
has been an attache of ono of tho best
known gambling houses of tho city.
Twice In the Same Fine.
Spencerville, O., May 27. During
tho storm the largo now barn on tho
farm of Joseph Metzger wns struck by
lightning and contents consumed by
fire. A barn on the samo site was de
stroyed by lightning about a year ago,
exploding tho theory that lightning
strikes but onco in tho same place.
Ulcfcle Ttlderi Collide.
Covington, O., May 87. Robert Tem
pleton, tho 12-year-old son of Dr. Tern
ploton, whilo riding a bicycle collided
with another rider and was probably
fatally Injured.
Ohio Miner Itobbed.
Martin's Febbv.O., May 87. Stephen
Surgaya, a Bohemian miner at Whoel
ing Creek mine, was robbed of 95M
which he kept in a beg concealed in a
bed. , .,. Jtl u
Arrival and Departure of Trains.
Depart 6:00 a. w 10:40 a. m., S:00 rm 4:55
p. m.. 7:00 p. m ll :25 p. m.
Abiutk 3:05 a. m., 8:10 a. m., 12:25, p. m., 4-.M
p. m., 6:40, p. m., 8:55 p.m.
T. & O. C. EX.
Leave 2. 10 p. m., 0:00,4:00 a.m
ariuvk....' 4:4 I2:i5p m.7;80a .
C. &. M.
Leave 6:25 a.m. 2:55 p.nt
arrive 11:1.1a. m., 7:05 p. a
z. o.
Leave , 0:20 a. m., 1:40 p. m
Arrive i louoa.m., 5:55 p. m
O. R. R. B. (Eastern Time.)
South 10:25, 2: w a.m.: 7:16 p. m
NoitTii litis p.m.; 8:40,7:23a. m
KflfttI lit it lil H Ifc a I ! I ill
White Drill Coats, price
$1.00. We sell a lot of
them to the Butchers, Bar
bers, Bartenders, etc.
You can get
us price 25c.
them from,
All kinds
Aprons for Cooks, Butch
ers, Carpenters, Stone
masons, Bartenders, Etc.
We sell lots ol'lhemto
tfoe "best of trade, eul to
pattern. We have all
sizes, price $1.00.
4t- 44---4 Ali t-r tVi 4AnAB
Cincinnati, May!"
Flour Spring patent, 5a 60S 1 S3; sprlns
fancy, J115130. spring family, 8-6032.83;
winter patent, J3.603.85; fancy, S3.15Q3.40;
family, i602.00: extra, $2. 133.2.40; low grada,
JL75i00; rye, northwestern, $2.43.G0; do,
city. Si 60.
Wheat No. 2 red nominal at 66367c. o
Corn Sales: No. 2 mixed, track, 29Kc; No.
2 yellow, track, 9c; No. 2 white, track, 31c; do,
June delivery, 30Hc; yellow ear, track, 32c.
Oats Salos: No. 3 mixed, track, 21c: Na
2 white, track, KlMc; sample white, truck,
Hte Sample, track, 33c; Na 2, to arrive,
HoGS-Select butchers', $3.23.S0; fair to)
good packers', (3.2033.23; fair to good light,
S3.WS3-35; common and roughs, 21 86 aa 15.
Cattle Fair to good shippers, $1403100;
good to choice butchers', EJ.7K.iOO-, fair to
modlum butchers', $3.253. 03; common, &i&0l
a 15.
LTIEEI' and I.amds Sheep Extras, J133
3.50; good to choice, S100.23; common to
fair, $-00.-73; yearlings, common to extra,
$3.25(2,4.25. Spring Lambs Extras, (5.65
5.73; good to choice, $5. 00 S3. GO; common to
fair. saeosi73.
Veal Calves Fair to good light, 11.00
4.60; extra, t4.7-3i.00; common and large,
Wool Unwashed One merino, 8.9o per ibt
quarter-blood clothing, ll12o; medium (de
laine and olothlag, 12o; braid, 10311c; modlum
combing, 12212HC Washed, fine merino X to.
XX, 11Q120; medium clothing, 13314c; dclalno
fleece, 13t!4c; long combing, 14o; quarter
blood and low, 12c
New Yobk, May 27.
Wheat No. 2 red. May, 67s; Juno, 06H.
CO 7-10c; July, 68!.6o: September, 65 15-11
60Ho; (December, 67..68a,
Coim No. 3 red, July, S1'ffi35c; Angust;
35Kc; September, S6c; No. 2, S4HG S3c
Oats Na 2 dull; July, 23X western, -3C
Other articles unchanged,
Toledo, O, May 27.
Wheat No. 2 red cash, 63Kc; June. 63!er
July, Oixc: August, 61c; September, eijjc.
Cobn Na e mixed, September, SOXc
Chicago, May VS.
Calls on July wheat opened at 69S.O,
sold at 59Xo, last price (SueOKe. Puts
opened at (9c, sold at BSK&iDo, lost price 59c
Calls on July corn opened at Z3Xc the only
price. Puts opened at SK.28ST. last price)
Pn-rsB 1QU, Pa., May to.
Cattle Receipts fair, market fair.
Boos Prime light and best mediant,
Serw ens Elastic
weights, ta 4533.1; common to fair Yorkers
t3.40O3.43 heavy hogs, U33-g3,
Sheep Prime, tlW33.ro; good, 11503503;
fair, niOSJ.35; common, U 503-90; cholSl
yearllnts, I! 6035.00; common to good yer
lings, U633140f spring lambs, (5.00(2.6,00.
Veal Calves-- BOffltTS.
BtmrALO, N. Y May 20.
Cattlb Stoekers, t-1533.23; veals, steady,
good, 13. 50(3125.
Hoos Good and weighty porkers, 11603
J3.65; light, U63: mlxftd packers, 115533.60:
medium and heavy, t3.4.50; pigs, $160v
Sheep ahd Lahbs Fair to good sheep.
tB. 4033.751 culls and common. K60O135; trfa-f
lambs quotable at 6. 5035, 66f. export shaver
3.tt3-00 lor h'gflWa-es t eo-lftertr1',
. th

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