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Marietta daily leader. (Marietta, Ohio) 1895-1906, October 06, 1896, Image 1

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VOL. II. NO. 238
Determined to Fight it Out Until
the Election. '
Ho Positively Declines to Rotlre From
the Ticket.
Ho Wants Sewall-to Got Off The Oeorstsn
Sore at Everybody Do Says Ho Is a
Misused Man, Bat It Not Afraid
to Do His Duty.
Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 5. "I'd lay my
head on the block before I'd retire
from the race to make way for a pluto
crat, a bondholder, a national bank
er and a protectionist llko Mr.
Sewall," said Tom Watson Sunday
night "If Mr. Sewall is willing to
pet off the ticket I believe that even
now there is a chance to elect Mr.
Bryan,' said Mr. Watson. "Mr. Bryan
and I could make a tour together and
inside of tea days we might restore
thousands of votes."
"I will remain on the ticket till the
last ballot Is cast'" exclaimed Mr. Wat
son. "When tho election is over I will
go back to my party and tnoy win
know then that tho trust committed in
to my hands has not been betrayed.
"I have been shamefully treated, but
I am not afraid to do my duty. I rep
resent a great political party and was
regularly nominated for tho office ol
'vico president. Think of how I have
Ibeen used! Think of tho humiliation
lof having to beg in public for a formal
notification of my nomination. Think
of tho indignity of being asked to
abandon tho cause of my party for the
sake of a fellow like Sewalll No, I will
not retire. I intend to vote for Bryan
and do all in my power to elect him.
But I want to warn the free silver
democrats of tho country that they can
not hope to secure enough votes from
the populists to elect Mr. Bryan by re
viling their candidate. You can not
laugh down a cause for which 1,800,000
have cast their votes. These men arc
beginning to realize that their party
has been sold out."
Slartlnn" Canals Doabled.
Boston, Oct. 5. A telegram received
from tho Lowell observatory, Flag
staff, Ariz., announces that tho Mar
tian canals, Phison and Euphrates,
have been observed doubled.
Well-Known Actress Dead.
Washington, Oct. 5. Miss Annie
Lewis, the well-known actress, died
Monday morning near this city of con
sumption. Celebrated Ungliei Actress Dying.
London, Oct. 5. Mrs. Bernard Beere,
tho celebrated English actress, is re
ported to be dying.
inwnnii hM aue hat a fits i
III II .UUUUlIIlLrJ 1118.il LuLlUUl
As a rule, they are coined at'lhe United States Mints that is one
way. Another way is to MAKE DOLLARS BY SAVING, and that
is done bj buying your Clothing, Hats and Furnishings from
Men's Fashionable Fall Suits!
Men's finely made all wool
Clay Worsted, Thibet and
Scotch, 'Singlo and Double
Breasted Suits.
flW f flfi Men's fine Tailored Suits,
ml A UU clegautly made and trira
t med, comprising Diagon
al nhd Pin Check Worsteds, Fine Vicun
nas and Cheviots.
Children's Suits !
Children'b all wool Bluo Jer
sey Suits, guurauteed fast
Children's vcrv fine suits,
double breasted, Suilnr and
Reefer suits, latest fall
Men's Heavy
Men's Camel's hair,, fleece lined tfi
and natural wool, faVicy ribbed JSlBfi
in all colors. WVU
We are the sole agents for the celebrated
e buckeye,
Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers,
Cor, Front and Butler ste., Old P. 0. Building
It It Thought a Definite Understanding
Hat Uocn Reached In Rcspoct to the
lloandary Disputes.
New Yohk, Oct. 5. A Herald special
from Washington says:
There is a well defined belief In
diplomatic circles here that as a result
of Joseph Chamberlain's visit to this
country some definite understanding
has been reached between him and
Secretary Olncy In respect to a final
settlement of tho long-pending Venez
uelan boundary line dispute.
Just what tho terms of tho agree
ment are no one in Washington is pre
pared to say. Whatever transpired
between the English secretary of the
colonics and our secretary of stato
was, of course, semi-official in charac
ter and will not take formal shape un
til Mr. Chamberlain has conferred
with Lord Salisbury and Ambassador
Paunccfote and Secretary Olney have
come together again.
Nothing in writing has passed be
tween the two governments in respect
to tho Venezuelan situation since tho
publication of the last correspondence
in July. There were two unpublished
notes relating to the question of settled
districts which, at that time, seemed to
bo -the only obstacle in the way of get
ting tho whole question before an ar
bitration tribunal.
Secretary Olncy and Ambassador
Paunccfote arc expected to get togeth
er during tho present month, when the
result of the conferences between Sec
rotary Olney and Mr. Chamberlain will
take formal shape in a proposition from
tho British minister to our secretary of
state. This proposition, it is
believed, will bo in tho nature of
further concessions by Great Britain
in regard to tho question of settled dis
tricts, and will bo so much more liberal
than anything Great Britain has heretofore-
proposed, that the United States
will- be able to accept it, and thus
place Venezuela in a position for an
amicable settlement of tho territorial
Eastern Mills Starting Up.
Lawrence, Mass., Oct. 5. The Evcr
3tt mills started up Monday morning
an 40 hours' time, giving work to 1,500
persons. The mills have been shut
iown since July 30. Several depart
ments of the Arlington mills resumed
operations Monday, giving work to
3,000 of the 3,500 employes. The Pem
berton is now tho only mill in the city
not in operation and there are exten
sive improvements being made. It will
be started up next week.
Aged Widow Hangs llorsolr.
Woodsfield, 0., Oct 5. Mrs. Young,
an aged widow, living near Lowlsville,
took her life by hanging herself. De
spondency, indused by domestic diffi
culties, is assigned as the cause. Sho
is 70 years old.
Men's Fine Business and
Dross Suits, embracing
Plaid and Cheek Chevi
ots, Unfinished Worsteds and Scotches,
raadeupinFlyfront sack coat and vest.
At this price wo will sell
you Men's Suits, which
are en ual in overv re'snect
to a tailor mado Suit Beautifully lined
and trimmed and perfect fitting.
Children's doublo breastQd, tff
all wool suits, well made in faA,
nobby pattorns.
Children's very flue knee
pant suits; made of import
ed woolens of tho very
newest and nobbiest desurns, best of
uiuiralngs and workmanship.
Men's underwear, finest all war
wool and Wrights Genuine JjC
Health underwear. mw
Controller of the Currency Eck
els Issues a Statement.
Amount of Money Held by the
Banks of the Country.
Cash In 5,733 Institutions Keportlng,
8413,184,840 Number at Depositors
In National Banks Importing
on July 1 Were 2,310,333.
Washington, Oct. 5. Controller of
tho Currency Eckels has issued a state
ment of an investigation mado by him
of the amount of money held by tho
banks of tho country.
Tho number of banking houses and
trust companies inquired of wore 13,
963 and "7 clearing houses, covering
all in tKe country. Replies wero re
ceived from 6,837 banks and trust
companies and CO clearing houso
associations. Tho information
however, is of such a character as to
enable a fair and correct result from
all to be approximated. Of tho 5,723
reports received, 3,043 were of national
banks; 1,404 stato banks; 457 savings
banks; 230 of private banks and 84 of
loan and trust companies. Divided by
geographical divisions, tho number
representing, and tho number not re
porting, were as follows:
New England states, viz.: Maine,
New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachu
setts, Rhode Island and Connecticut,
reporting, 829; not reporting, 397.
Eastern istatcs, viz.: New York,
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware,
Maryland and District of Columbia,
reporting, 1,275; not reporting, 802.
Southern States viz: Virginia, West
Virginia, North Carolina, South Caro
lina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Miss
issippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas,
Kentucky and Tennessee, reporting
070; not reporting 3,377. v
Western States viz: Missouri, Ohio,
Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin,
Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas and Nebras
ka, reporting 2,434; not reporting 3,
3S2. Pacific states and territories, viz:
Nevada, Oregon, Colorado, Utah, Ida
ho, Montana, Wyoming, New Mexico,
North Dakota, South Dakota, Wash
ington, Arizona, Oklahoma and Indian
territory, reporting, 509; not reporting,
771. i
Total reporting, 5,723; not reporting,
Tho total amount of cash in 5,723 in
stitutions reporting was 8413,134,819.
It is divided as follows: Gold coin,
S134,077,003; gold certificates, 855,281,
338; silver dollars, 88,254,012; fractional
silver, 37,399,073; silver certificates, 839,
003,590; treasury notes, 1800, S13.120.01S;
United States notes, 8110,409,875; cur
rency certificates, 20,S58,000; national
bank notes, 823,705,83 1; of this total cash
tho 3,458 national banks reporting held
8335,171,010 and the-2,203 states, etc.,
877,050,233. Tho amount of gold coin
and gold certificates held by these na
tional banks was S155,073,C01; by tho
state, etc., 834,484,737. In this con
nection it may be stated that the total
number of national banks, viz, 3,089,
held on July 14, tho dato of "the last
official call,S301,05S,4S5 cash, o.f which
amount there was in gold coin and
gold certificates S101,853,500.
The total cash and the part thereof
of gold certificates held by reporting
'banks in each geographical division is
as follows:
Amount of
Gold and
Gold Cer
tificates 515,403,703
9 50S.JS3
53,4 0 427
States ToUl cash.
New EngUnd Stum .. 35.6S9.27J
Eastorn States 213,i;950J
Southern Statos J9 OSfJ 010
Wentern States 103681015
Paclflo States and Ter
ritories. i. .. -5.031703
Total 5414 1.'l,819 8160,553,341
The returns from tho 00 of the 78
clearing house associations of the coun
try bhow that on July 1 the total clear
ings amounted to 8227,0:15,401. Tho
balances of these total clearings set
tled in cash or cash exchanges was but
S19,152,634, or but little moro than S
per cent of tho whole. These bal
ances wero as follows:
Gold, Sl.Si'i.OlGj gold clearing houso
certificates, 205,000; silver and silver
certificates, Sl75,0o0; ' United States
notes, 83,451,701; currency, Sl,017,10l;
currency certificates, Sli.VS.'i.OOO: na
tional bank notes, S1U.740; exchanges,
3,083,299; managers' certificates, S3,
001,004; collection by credit or from
debtor bank, SS5.030; 'not stated, 82 V
129. Total, 819,152,834.
Tho total number of depositors in
national banks reporting on July 1
wero 2,315,83S, with individual .deposits
aggregating SL.GE0,0S5,193. On July
11 the total individual deposits of all
tho national banks wero 31,008,413,503
and tho estimated number of deposit
tors 2,435,025. Tho tbtal'number of de
positors in reporting banks, other than
national banks wero 3,014,030, with
deposits aggregating 81,038,35'.!,
073. In 1894, an investigation showed
tho number of bank depositors to be
about 0,000,000. A conservative esti
mate, in view of tho fact that tho num
ber of depositors in national banks
shows an increase of about half a mil
lion, would mako the total number
now at between ton and oloven mil
lions, with total deposits aggregating
over flvo billions of dollars.
Killed by a Tlit Illow.
MEMrms, Tc'nn., Oct. 5. Will Gaines,
a Negro desperado, killed, Joseph St.
Marie, white, an electrician, Sunday
night. St. Marjo had asked tho Negro
tho hour. Tho Negro told him It was
none of -his busines i. St. Mario looked
'at the Negro a fow seconds, whereupon
tho Negro struck him with his fist,
breaking St. Marie's neck. Tho mur
derer escaped.
Of tho Hallway Wreck Nenr Doirann'i
Station, Md., Tnlton From tho Debris
It Is Supposed Manx Moro Tramps Were
Cumdeiiland, Md., Oct 5. The num
ber of dead in tho wreck on tho Pitts
burgh division of the Baltimore and
Ohio railroad, near Bowman's station,
will novcr be known until the debris
has been cleared away and this will
cousume several days.
Up to this time fourbodics have been
taken out of tho wreckage. Three
wero white men, who could not bo
Identified, and the fourth was a col
ored man, who was identified as Goo.
Wclcum, a colored printer, of Martins
burg, WV Va.
The four injured tramps now at tho
Western Maryland hospital say that
about tho middle of tho train in a bos
car were about 15 tramps who had the
door closed to keep out the cold. If
those men vtorc not caught in the
wreck they hurried away during tho
scenes of excitement that followed.
The belief is general that many moro
bodies will bo found. Blood is found
on splintered wood nway from points
where the dead and injured so far
known have been taken out.
Flames Raging In the Canyons and Over
tho Slopes of the Kcho Mountain Kange.
l'ASAi)ENA,Cal.,0ct.5. For three days
flamejfhaYO been sweeping through the
canyons and over the slopes of tho
Echo moutain range. The fire began
some miles away from tho Echo mount
ains and tho line of the Mount Low
railway, but has continued to spread in
spite of the efforts of hundreds of fire
fighters sent from here.
At one time tho flames wero borne
by the wind in dangerous proximity to
the mountain resort. By back firing
tho progress of the fire was temporari
ly checked, but Sundiy night great
sheets of flame could be seen bweeping
through the dense brush, and it is
feared that the hotel and other mount
ain buildings arc in grave danger.
A number of camps have been de
stroyed and tho people narrouly es
caped. A strip 20 miles long has been
burned over. All the available men
have been sent out by the -Mount Low
Railway Co.
Tho Report That the Towers Have Aruod
to a Settlement of tho Enstern Ques
tion. Loxdo:.-, Oct. fi. The Daily Mail
Monday publishes a dispatch from
Vienna confirming the report that tho
powers have agreed upon pacific set
tlement of the eastern question honor
ably to all parties concerned and
amply guaranteeing the futuro securi
ty of the Armeninns. The dispatch
adds that tho leading feature of the
agreement is the formation of a
Christian zono on the basis of Jewish
plan in Russia in which security of life
and property will be assured the Ar
menians by all the powers or some of
them, any necessary active operations
to be undertaken by Great Britain,
France, Russia and, perhaps, Italy.
Will Marry Bliss Kdlth Colllno Sometime
In Noi ember Their 1'rIondB Admlr-It.
New York, Oct. 5. The engagement
of Miss Edith Collins and Chauncey M.
Depew is practically acknowledged by
their friends. The wedding may bo
looked for in November. It will bo
celebrated at Bartholomew's church.
An intimate friend of Miss Collins
on this side of tho water is in receipt
of a letter from her. bhe is now
in Russia, but will reach Paris about
October 7. There she will join Mrs.
Clarence Collins, her stepmother. It is
said that Mrs. Collins has been super
intending tho making of tho trousseau
ordered for tho bride-elect. Miss Col
lins will reach New York tho latter
part of October. She has been tho
guest for some time of l'rince and
Princess Demidoff, at Keif?.
Flood Losses In Morgan County, W. Vu.
CuJinuiiLAKD, Md., Oct. 3. The Hood
losses in Morgan county, West Virginia,
including Berkeley Springs, last week,
will aggregate 8200,000, of which lie
Ford & Co., of Baltimore, who operate
tho large tannery in Berkeley Springs,
will share nearly one-fourth, the.
Berkeley Springs hotel, and the Fair
fax inn, 'the two leading resorts, wero
each damaged 81,000. J. V. Johnson,
a storekeeper, lost 83,000, and Somers
& Hove: male 81,000. Scores of people
suffered minor losses, running from
S50 to 500.
A Illlghtcd Life.
New York, Oct, 5. The life history
of Albert Weber, the once wealthy
piano manufacturer, is one of early
successand succeeding sorrows. Weber,
who married Irene Perry, tho actress,
has been declared insane and taken to
Orient Folnt, L. I., for safe-keeping,
lie is in tho caro of his mother.
Totnl Gold Imports.
New York, Oct. 5. Tho steamship
La Bourgogne, which arrived Sunday,
brought 8000,000 gold, consigned to
Lazard Freres. It was announced
fiora Boston that Kidder, Peabody &
Co. had received 8995,000 gold by tho
steamship JSorvla. Total iraportsithus
far have been 814,310,550.
I.l linns Chang Home.
New York, Oct. 5. A special cable
to Sunday morning's World from Tien
Tsln, China, reports that tho imperial
secretary, Ll Hung Chang, arrived at
port Saturday morning. Ho was ac
companied by 'its entire suite which ho
brought to America, and all members
of the party are said to be well.
Badly Damaged by Fire.
Detroit, Mich., Oct. 5. 'Fire Mon
day morning badly damaged tho three
upper floors of the old Detroit Free
Press building, a five-story brick
structure on the corner of Larned and
Shelby streets, and caused a loss of
about 575,000, which is well covered by
InsuTdncej ,
Absolutely Pure
A cream of tartar Baking Powder. Highest
oj all in leavening strength Latitt United
otatei Government Food Report.
Royal Baking Powder Co.. 100 Wall St.,N.Y
In Ohio's Stuto IInuso Placed on File by
Columbus, O., Oct. 5. The plans for
the state capitol improvement are on
exhibition in the senato chamber.
Some provide another story and others
add wings, wliile in some places both
are included. Some provide wings on
the north and couth ends, cud others
on the east and west sides.
It is noticeable that every one of the
architects has acted on tho belidf that
a modification should be made in the
dome, and every plan proposed makes
an alteration in it. It is also noticea
ble that tho most of the competitors
labored to preserve the samo Grecian
Btyle of architecture that characterizes
the old building. Thero are three de
signs that meet with favor.
Itnor-Ratsers Sleet with a Disaster.
Wooster, O., Oct 5. While work
men were raising the roof on Daniel
Wiles' barn Monday morning at Golden
Corners, eight miles north of Wooster,
it gave way, and 20 men were precipi
tated 50 feet to the ground. Arthur
Whonsetter received fatal internal in
juries; Reuben Whonsetter, right ankle
broken; Henry Snell, three ribs broken;
Cyrus Ewing, jaw broken; Georgo
Snell and Melvin Reed, internal in
juries. Kilted by the Klertrlc Current.
Steuijenville, O., Oct. 5. Benjamin
Duvall, son of ex-Councilman Jackson
Duvall, was instantly killed at the
power house of the Steubenvillc Gas
and Electric Light Co. Ho was work
ing at a machine when his right arm
camo in contact with a metal brush,
while his left hand was resting on tho
metal disk. This formed an electric
current of 1,000 volts through his body.
Ho was 27 years of ago and unmarried.
Farinors TCIfo Suicides.
HOUSTON", O., Oct. 5. Mrs. Jacob
Day, wife of a farmer near this vil
lage, committed suicide by taking mor
phine because 6ho had been subpe
naed to attend a trial in Troy, 0., in
which her daughter was held for in
fanticide. The Visit Postponed.
Canton, O., Oct. 5. The delegation
of farmers from North Missouri, sched
uled to arrive Monday, missed connec
tion at St. Louis, owing to the delay of
trains on a western road and the visit
has been postponed.
llagcy Plant Destroyed.
Canton, O., Oct 5. Early Monday
morning fire completely destroyed the
plant of tho Canton Buggy and Gear
Co. Loss estimated at S20.000. Insur
ance comparatively small. Fire of in
cendiary origin.
Two Hoys Run Down by a Train.
Alliance, O., Oct. 5.---While two
boys, named Ollinbaughaud Lutinger,
aged about nine and twelve years,
were herding cows along the Pitts
burgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago rail
road, four miles west of here, they
wore run over by one of tho Pennsyl
vania's excursion trains on the return
trip from Canton and horribly man
gled. Tjnim fctlll In Prison.
BOULOGNE-Sun-MEK, Oct. 5. A re
port cabled hero from New York that
P. J. P. Tynan had been released from
prison here, which was conveyed to
Now York in a privato telegram, is
denied by tho prison officials. They
stato that Tynan is still in pribon and
that tho local authorities have received
no orders to release him.
J Underwear For Men. j
f Silver Gray Ribbed White Merino.
f Heavy Jersey Ribbea Fleeced.
THF.EE KINDS The best values we
f could get to retail for 50 cents.
i Shirt 50 Gents.
H 1 !
Star .(Slothing House.
P. S. Don't fail to see our
$10.00 overcoats. Oan'tbobeat.
PwF rHpP w JP rW
Arrival and Departure of Trains.
. & o. s.w.
Depakt 6:oo a. m 10-40 a. m., :00 rm t:H
p. m., 7:00 p. m ll :25 p. m.
ARiuvE 8:05 a. m., 8:10 a. m 12:15, p. m., IiM
p. m , 0:40, p. m., 8:55 p. m.
T. a67c. Ex.
Leave 2.iop. m., 9:00, 4:00 a.m
Aimtvt: 4:4', 12:15 p in. 7:80 a. m
C. &. M.
Leave 6:25 a.m. lictp.n
AnnrVE , 11:15 a. m., 7:05 p. a
Z. & O.
Leavb :20a. m., 3:0p.
arrive 10:40 a.m., 5:55 p. a
O. R. It. R. (Eastern Time.)
South 0:81a.m.; 3:03, 7:83 p.m
NoHTn 12:3.!, s:50 a.m.; 7:27 p.m
How and Interesting Happening Wlthla
Our Bordors.
Of Uernard Sherman, a Hermit, at Ulnk-
ley, Ohio.
Cleveland, O., Oct 5. Tho little
town of Hinkloy, 21 miles from this
city, was tho sceno of a most gruesome
tragedy Saturday, the details of whicb
havo just been received from tho stage
driver who carries mail to and from
the village. Nearly twenty years ago
there appeared in ninkley o stranger
of whom nothing was known beyond
a name, which was Bernard Sherman,
and with him camo a big St. Bernard
dog, which was the Inseparable com
panion of tho unknown. Tho inquisitive
country folk wondered for a period
who this 6tranger could bo, but aftera
year or so that curiosity wore itself
out and tho man was left undisturbed
in tho solitude of a decrepit old hovel
which he had rented in tho lonesome
outskirts of'tho hamlet, his only com
panion being his dog. The living
place of the old man, for ho was gray
and broken in body, gradually became
surrounded with an air of mystery and
stories of strange doings of tho night
time and mad, incoherent ravings
wore whispered about among the sim
ple farmers until the place camo to bo
regarded with superstition and fear,
and was shunned after dark by the
timid. Tho mysterious dweller in this
hovel rarely visited the village and
then only for the necessaries of life,
which he seemed to have plenty of
money to pay for. One night in the
early part of last week several
belated fisher boys were si
lently passing the place with
no small degree of superstitious awe
when suddenly they were frightened
and terrified by prolonged and blood
curdling human ravings of tho wildest
description, coming apparently from
the tumbled down hut of the mysteri
ous 'ucluse, and which sent tho belated
listeners scurryinir homo in terror.
The old man was
never again seen
alive. Afraid of
the incredulous
had listened in
the scons of
the boys who
terror to the
dying raviugb of the mysterious her
met held their silence, but the deserted
appearance of tho old hut finally at
tracted attention and an investigatiou
was started. There was only one room
in the house and when tho door was
broken in tho old man was found ly
ing dead, chained to a post with a
locked chaiu, and the condition of the
body told of a death struggle most
horrible, and the doctors ascribed
death to hydrophobia. Just outside
tho hovel was found the dog,
tho lifo companion of tho recluse and.
the beast's death had been caused by
an ax wound in the head. An examin
ation proved thn t the dog had gone
mnd before being killed. The supposi
tion is that the brute went mad and
bit his master. The old man, realizing
that death was inevitable, had locked
himself in when he felt the madness
coming on, chained himself fast, locked
his fetters with a padlock and throw
tho key away. Buried under the floor
of tho hovel was found 813,000
in gold. There was nothing that could
shed light on the mystery of his life.
In ono pocket was found an ocean
steamer check from Liverpool dated
November 0, 1S74, and on the wall hung
an oil miniature of a lovely woman
and a child. Tho body was given a
decent burial.
aiinir; &tr.'o declared Ott.
Piutcv, 111., Oct. 5. The miners
strike nt the Little Jluddj' mine was
declared off Monday morning, and tho
mine was in operation Monday, the
first since August 10. The miners wero
granted an advance of four cents per
20-bushel box.
Drawers 50 Gents.
line of' Mens' '$10.00 suits and
ww wfPH' J" 9" W"P'P'''
. ,
5:..i.-, jv-j..-, Lis2fJP.T.1uXl. -v. .iv
- L,

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