OCR Interpretation

Springfield globe-republic. (Springfield, Ohio) 1884-1887, July 09, 1885, Image 4

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

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Aim MuincH,
(I. A. It. rmiimlllrc Meeting I.t Nlht
TnlkliiE Otir I'liinnre ArratiKtimrnlalo
MeeurH Tent.
TIik i:eciilivoOoinnilllenof (Icntnl Army
IM)' held n mil Ik r pjlrn session nt llie (1 A,
11. Imll lsst eronlnj. It whi rery Informsl
mill inoM of the limn ocriitdeil In ills
cuuinp; the liest methods of Mlsint; the nee
esnry funds. S'ulhitiR definite on this sub
ject was determined upon n it nil 11(4 Id the
hinds of tlia general Kinnneo Comniltite
which meets t tliu Major's ulllce next Fri
day nighl. Mr. I). V. Stroud, chairman ot
tl.h couimlltee, hits been called away so that
he will he tinahle to attend the meeting next
l'riilu) and has naked 11. V. Haynard to act
In lils lucv. On that evening some revision
willtiu .nnilo of the soliciting committees ap
pointed list Tuesday evening.
Last night Messrs. It. 1". Hayward, 0. S.
Kelly and J. Christie llolloway, were added
to the lommittee on Fire Works. Colonel
Stewart r ported that the l'tin Handle road
had agreed to inrry the tents from JeiTersoti
vllleat JJ1 per cur and return them tree ot
charge. Commander P. S. l'enfield last
eunlng telegraphed to Department Com
mander H. 11. Drown, ol Zanesvlllc, asking
him to Wlegrnph to Commander-in-Chief
Ilurdctte, nt Washington, and get him to use
his Influence to secure iin order from the
Secretary of War so that the required num
ber of tents could be obtained at the Govern-'.
ment supply despot at Jiflcrsonvllle.
Letters Irom I'osts and Grand Army men
nil over the Stute continue to pour In and
indicate that tl.e attendance will be enormous.
This morning A. O. Hullman, Secretary of
thi3 committee, received a letter from Todd
I'ost, at Youngstown pining that the I'ost
'had voted to come in a body and will proba
bly bring SO or 60 men.
In the Ilreetiou of the Guerntnent llulld
Iuk Iueiriietlonii HecelTecl by the Cuui
mlttre) I.ast Night.
John Klnnane. chairman of the newly ap
pointed commission to select a site tor the I
government building, last night received his
otlicial instructions from Secretary Manning,
accompanied b the necessary papers and
blanks. Kach member ot the commission
must ntlirm that he is in nowise interested in
the prorty selected. If a corner lot is se
eured it must bo 150 by 130 feet; If frontage
oil only one btrect can be secured the lot
mii't to JOO feet frunt by UO feet deep.
Sealed proposals tor the sale of the
property must be received by July i!5,
UfO. The commission will open these
bids nnd furuard them to Washington, rec
ommending the site they have seiecled as the
must suitable; but the Treasury Department
reserves the right to reject any or all the bids.
The proposals must be advertised for in two
papers of good circulation. The date fixed
for opening the bids is much earlier than was
effected, nnd means that the Department in
tends to rush tho work as rapidly as possible.
In speaking ot the matter this morning, a
prominent manufuclurer said. "There never
was a better time to make public improve
ments than just now, when there are hun
dreds of honest men who can find no work to
support their families. The Government
Ilmlding will be a Godsend to many a labor
ing man here, nnd I only wish that the City
ltuildings could bo begun at once also."
lltU.l uri'.lt VOH J..1I II V..I.E31 EST.
I tjir.ifirtt tif llie l.nw tiring luwn Mis
fortune on Hit llfitil iif.S. O, Clarke
Yesterday afternoon the Mayor bound S.
(i. Clarke over to court in the sum of $100 on
a charge of embezzlement, preferred by the
Hanika Iron Fence Company. It seems that
Chirks had received $bU from the cemetery
trusties of UUiichester in payment ot a con
tract which he had fulfilled on behalf of the
tenie company, and for which he was to git
1H wages. He paid out of it $2 1 to settle a
private bill, und, as the company was in
debted to him still for work on a
previous contract, ho refused to hand
out tho money, and deposited it
with Charlis Woods for safe keeping, as a
disinterested party. The Fence Company
served notice on Woods to pay over the
money, but he did not do it, fearing that
Clarke might come back on him tor it. The
I'euio Company then preferred the charge cf
embezzlement and it was argued list Friday,
but the decision was reserved until today.
This morning the suit of the Fence Company
ngainst Charles Woods to recover the money
($01) which lie3 in his sate. The decision
was reserved. It is hard luck that a
technicality of the law, which Clarke did not
understand should hold him up for embezzle
ment, for not even bis opponents imagine for
a moment that he kept Wk the money with
criminal intent. The Mayor explained his
decision by saylDg that defendant had no
right to extract the commission on one sale
out of the proceeds of another.
Ail Honor Well Iteatoweil,
The Hoard of Directors of Wittenberg col
lege at ill last meeting two weeks ago de
cided on account of financial embarrassment
to reduce the teaching force of the prepara
tory department to two teachers, Trols.
Voung and Hoskinson. This cut out Profs
Davidson and Shives. The former bad In
tended to resign, having been elected to a po
sition in our High School. Last week 1'rot,
Shives was elected superintendent of all the
schools of Heaver township, Greene county,
nut yesterday be was offered the chair of
Latin nnd Chemistry in the Akron High
hihool. lie has accepted the latter position.
Akron Is to be congratulated on her good for
tune, for l'rot. Shives was one of the most
successful teachers WitUnberg has ever had.
The following Is a transcript from the minutes
of the Hoard of Directors:
Wberea Tho Hoard of Directors of Wit
tenberg Ccllege has deemed it necessary to
reduce the ttaching force of the Preparatory
Department; therefore,
Uesolved, That Ibe Hoard in taking this
action required by the financial condition ot
the College, desires to express it appreciation
ot the efficiency with which l'rof. Shives has
ixTiormed his duties, and their confidence in
his attainments and ability.
II. K. Fennir, Secretary.
Sheriff Ilankin, of Washington O. II., is In
the lity euhpirnalng witnesses for Ihe trial
of Ihe Gray burglar, James, captured here a
ouple of wieks ago.
Hafiy ViirtilUxi Against f naumonla.
Almottotery faUl cue ol pueumoula result
Irom Hidden clianies o temperature anil uo
fuarded expoeure while tbeayateu Is much eaer
vted,aud the puwers of realatslice lrely de
iiltleclat the lliue the fatal ahtlt Din. 'Ihe only
( preveullon la to keep the health tborouiljr
tori I Bed by llut-rv's Fuaa Miit WiuxKKr,
whUh la a sure pfbtecllOQ from this dreaded lual
ady and la recuiuiueo4ed by the drat pbyalclaoa
aa theoaly article that Is abeolutely unadulterated
and free lrm Injurloui rcentin of joiiaon. At
all reputable dn'Ksl.U and grocers.
Full lllllclnl rroijrniiliiiri fur tli Third
Annual Meet if Ohlu lilt Isloli, l.enmie ot
American Wheelmen, In Tlila C'lljr, July
Jill and III.
Springfield has opened wide her galea to
political, religious, medical and other gather
ings of Stale magnitude and tmKrtancc, un
til such affairs have come to be regarded In
the lommunlty quite ns a matter of toirse,
ceasing to attract more than passing interest
or atlcntlou In generality of cases. Now
comes on in duo course, howocr, an event
which, from lis noielty and variety of at
tractions, in all of which the public
are privileged to take part, bids fair
to absorb attention of all the belter
classes, ladles as well as gentlemen,
In an unusual degree. Reference is had to
the annual Meet of Ohio Division, Ij. A. W.,
opening In this city Monday, July JO, for two
days. It is expected that several hundred
amateur blcjclers ol our own State, with
many from others, will be present, in all
probably five hundred wheelmen. Saturday
eening, the 18th Inst., a business meeting
of oflittrs and represcntaties ol tho Division
will beheld at the Arcade Hotel. The reg
ular business meeting of the Division will be
called to order at 10 a. m., Monday following
In the tlrand Opera House, Chiet Consul T.
J. Kirkpatrlck delivering the opening ad-
dress. At this meeting, committees
will be appointed, reports made, Divis-
Ion officers elected and such routine
matters attended to. All members of the di
vision are privileged to take part In the pro
ceedings and hae n vole. At three o'clock
Monday afternoon will oc:nr the competitive
club drill for prizes, introducing intricate
military and other moiemenls on w'heels,
each club presenting eight men and com
mander. Clubs at Cleveland, Columbus,
Akron, Maulllon and Canton have already
entered, and others are expected to do so.
At lour o'clock the first day's races proper
are to begin on the half-mile track. The pro
gramme for these rates is as lollows:
Ou Mile Hlcjcle, Xoviee.
tit l'rlie, l,uM Medal. Al 1'ilie, Cold Medal.
I 10 r. m.
1 lie Mile Blcjrle,
IstPrizo, (old Medal.
State ( liaiiiptonabip.
M l'rlie, old .Medal
Two Mile Bicycle. 7:il Claw,
lit l'rlie, (oM Medal. 2J Prize, (told Medal.
5 r. M.
11.11 Ml In Ulr.rlp Oln.
lit l'rlxu, Uold Me.ll
.... .- r '.. ri:..-.. ... ,-,
At :
nze, eioiu leosi.
, M.
Three Mile bicycle, liecerd.
lit Prize, Oold Medal .'J Prize, (mid Medal.
One Mile Tricycle, "-late rliaiii.ioiilili
lal Prize, Iwlil Medal M I'rlre, i,ul I Medal.
One Mile lilryile. Without llmij..
M Prize, l.'olj Medal. Id Prize, duld Medal.
Monday evening, at eight o'llock, visiting
wheelmen will lie tendered a complimentary
concert by the Ilig Six band, under direction
of the Champion City Hi. Club.
The great public event of the Meet will be
thegraud parade of 500 uniformed and skilled
wheelmen Tuesday at U. 30 a. m., at which
hour the parade will form at the Fair Grounds-
and move, headed by tb Big Six band mount
ed, over the following line of march, this
route being iubject to changes as may bo re
quired by the condition of the streets named:
Move north from Fair Grounds entranco to
I'leasaut strict, east on l'leasmt to Market,
south on Maiket to Liberty, east on Liberty
to Limestone, north on Ltmtstono to Kir.er,
east on Kizer to Clifton, east on Clifton to
Rast, north on Kast to High, west on High to
l'lum, north on I'fum to Main, east on Main
to Market, north on Market to Fernclili
avenue, thence west and nortn to the college
campus and dismiss.
The parade will be under the coTimand of
Chief Consul Kirkpatrick, ti-oj)icio, and will
be divided into sub-divisioi s according to
districts, each under command of one of
the nine representatives. The Champion
City Hi. boys will serve a neat
lunch at the college grounds and during it
will come the bill climbing contest, the rider
loming nearest to asiending, on his wheel,
the rising ground from the gate to the old
college building, receiving as a prize a gold
Keturning to the city fur dinner at 3
o'clock p. m at the Fair Grounds, will occur
the contest for desirable prizes for fancy or
"trick" riding, in which will appear the
champion amateur trick rider Mr. W. II.
Wetmore, of Cleveland, whose jrformances,
riding on one wheel, with rear wheel and
other parts of the machine removed, are
simply marvelous nnd incomprehensible.
Mr. Wetmore will give an exhibition of this
riding on the Hue of march during the
At 4 o'clock will begin the second day's
programme of races which is as follows:
One Mile Bicycle, 3-.-J) dais,
tut Prize, (.old Mtdal. il Prize, duld Medal.
One Mile Hlcycle, Stale Champlonalilp.
I'llie, Uold Medal. il Prize, Gold Medal.
4:20 I'. II.
Hall Mile Tricycle. 0n.
1st Prize, (JolJ Me.ial. JJ Prize, Gold Medal.
M r. m.
Five Mllo Ilicyclc I:
1st Prize, dold .Medal. 2d 1
l cord.
'rlzu, Uold Medal.
S v. M.
Half Mile lilcycle, U A. W. Chamiilonahlu.
lit Prize, L. A. YV. Modal.
Jd Prize, I. A. YV .Medal.
3d Prize, U A. W. Medal.
1:10 P. M.
Two Mile bicycle, hlale Charuplnntkln.
lat Prize, Cold Medal. 2d Prize, (.old Medal.
olio r. M.
One M lie lilcycle, Cou'olillon.
lit Prize, Cold Medal. !d Prize, t,M Meda'.
The following rules for llieso races have
been adopted and will be enforced:
Contestants are expected to dress in a pre
sentable manner, without baring legs or aims.
Kntry tickets will lie lurntthed each con
testant for himself and trainer, or starttr, for
admission to the grounds, track and dressing
rooms. They should lie considered as a re
ceipt tor entries, nud must be preserved, as
admission to the traik and dressing rooms
cannot be obtained without tliem.
All races will be started on schedule time,
and will not tie held for any one, as at least
five (f) minutes notice will bo given hfore
each race In the dressing rooms.
The Novice 11 eels opn only to wind
men who have never raced.
Class Races are on only to wheelmen wto
have never b sttei the lira.t, ai.d entries for
these rales should l acccmpinied by a state
ment of the U-st lime I bey have made.
State Championships are open only to Ohio
L, A. W. members.
The L. A. W. Championship is open to any
member of the I. A. W.
The balance of the races are ojen to all
The entrance fee will be f.U cents for each
event, and should In every esse accompany
Kntries positively clone on July 101b, to
Fimnk 8. Cook.
Springfield, Ohio.
An admisiion of 25 cents and 15 tents
extra to the grand stand will be charged to
the rstcei, which are in charge, as . Clerk of
the Course, of Mr. Alfred Kly, of Cleveland,
by whom Judges, teferees, etc., will bo np.
The meet will close with tho compli
mentary ball teudrred Usltlng wheelmen bj
citizens, to take place nt the Arcade Tuesday
evening, ns already mentioned. The use ol
the Nelson lluslness College rooms has been
secured for the dancing, the music lor which,
by general desire of patrons, will bo by
the lllg Six band and orchestra,
lly content of occupants of busi
ness rooms therein the Arcade
will be closed to the public at 10 p.
in. and will be used ns n promenade, a good
band of music, probably the Fourth Itegl
ment, of Dayton, occupying the south bal
cony, l.unch will I served Irom 11 p. m.
until 1 a. m. In the Arcade dining hall, where
a corps of harpists will be ou duly to furnish
From all sources Information received In
dicates an unusually Urge altendence at the
Meet. ltushville, lnd., Is coming across
country, to arrive i'unday, 75 strong. The
dandy Cincinnati club will also arrive Hun
day, 40 to 50 men, on their wheels, and Ken
ton, Delaware and Zinestlllu send delegations
in the sane manner.
At the meeting of the National League, in
Buffalo, last week It was decided to vest the
management of the League's aSairs, Includ
ing publication of the Official Bulletin, I'hlln
delphU. In the hands of an Kxecullve Com.
mlM. comprising the President, ice-I'resl.
Jtnt and one Chief Consul The Chief Can,
sul chosen was Mr. Thos. J. Kirkpatrlck, of
Ohio Division. About 1,200 wheelmen at
tended at Buffalo, 800 takiog part in the
parade. The National League now has n
memlertblp of about 0,300. A decision was
reached on the question of admission of pro
fessionals, the old rule, admitting amateurs
only, being adhered to.
msHAsr.n MKAT.
A Serimia Chnrxti That Should lie oniclalljr
Invetllgated A Clue to be Kiullnl In Ur
bana. The Urbana Daily Citizen of Wednesday
makes a decidedly startling revelation which,
if true, affects people in this cily and is of a
sufficiently serious ilinracler to demnnd Im
mediate Investigation by the health and
police authorities here. It is that the flesh
of cattle dying from disease has been brought
here nnd retailed out in the market to con
sumers as good meat, fit for food. The Citi
zen says that a gang has hen operating in
and around I'rbana for sometime, stealing
horses, lattle, hogs, cuiikms and so forth,
seeming to have a regular organization
which defied the vigilance ot the au
thorities. Recently, liowevir, two of Ihe
gang, John O'I'elt and Hilly Hegly, were ar
rested fur tattle stealing and are now in jail.
Seeing that the jig was probably up, several
are said to have vamoosed, while others are
sluking In their boots. New developments
are being made and n numU'r of additional
arrests arc likely to be made shortly. Hut
the statement w hich most intimately concerns
this community Is as lo.lows, as made by the
Citizen of last evening:
The worst case yet reported is the butcher
ing ot a diseased co- and taking the meat to
Springfield where it wn sold. The cow be
longed to a Mr. Uukefer, of Concord town
ship, and was purchased by Hegly and an
other man. The cow wheu purchased by
these two men was lying in the road, almost
dead with milk (cut, and had been doctored
tor the disiase nlthoui being cured. The gen
tleman who sjid them the cow supposed they
only wanted the hide, and never dreamed of
them selling the meat. Alter the cow was
butchered the meat was taken to Springfield
where it was sold to a butcher for fresh and
sound nuat, nnd by him in turn retailed to
his custotm rs.
Thus the gang have not only been stealing
by the wholesale, but they hate been selling
diseased meal to the Springfield butchers.
There is a heavy penalty connected with this
crime, and as the meat was sold in Spring
field, the authorities will have to look It up.
There has been occasional hints here of
something of this kind, but nothing so direct
befure this time. The attention ot too au
thorities is called to the matter, as an oppor
tunity here pnsents for same unusually niie
detective work, and all riputable dealers are
interested in having the matter thoroughly
sifted and the stateiient dcniid if it is not
An Accident That Might Have litten
At 5.15 last evening a great lommolion
was caused on Market Square by the fulling
of the scairolding in front of Sjiangenberger's
new building on Market street, just south ot
Washington. The masons wire engaged dur
ing the afternoon In putting on Ihe cornice of
brick and slone at the top of the tall build
ing, and It was noticed that the airy wooden
scafTold had been rocking aud shaking very
violently under the weight of the
heavy stone they were handling.
This motion bad caused the nails by
which the scalfold was loosely held tigether
to work partly out aud at the time mentioned
they all gave away at once, precipitating tl.e
braces, boards and bricks that were on them
to the ground In a perfect shower. Three
masorfe, Henry Wiley, colored, Charlie Cook
and George Morltz, were on the scaffold and
saved themselves by grasping tho supporting
posts and clinging to tbem for dear life,
afterward working down the posts and in nt
the windows. There were a great many
passengers in the street below, and
two ladies, Mrs. Dinkel and Miss
Camille Kitlrell were Immediately bt
neatb It when the bricks begin to shower
about their heads and the boards came crasfi
ing down. Tucy sprang from under and, by
pure good luck, cscad without it scratch,
though they were so frightened that they
had to rest in Keye's shoe shop, next door,
for almost an hour before they had recovered
strength (utlnienlly to continue to their
homes. The workmen on the roof Imagined
the whole Iront of the building was fulling
in and the manner in which they got down
by Ihe back way was anylhlug hut slow. Al
together It was probably as luiky an accident
as ever occurred.
A fourteen years old daughter ol Chas.
Allen, a highly respfded citizen of Hlsing
Sun, lnd., eloped from there Tuesday ntght
with a commercial traveler giving the name
of DeVan, who also claimed to be m the hol
iness ol making old hats new. The girl's
uncle and another mna started atler the run
aways aud at Aurora, lnd., ti ok her from a
stati-rcom ot the Cincinnati steamer in
which she bad (jient pait of the night with
DeVan, who had accomplished her ruin.
She was glad to return home aud claimed
DeVan was lo have married her when they
reached Cincinnati, The published account
of the affair states that De Van's real name is
Moran and that be has a wife and family la
Springfield, Ohio.
llrldie llullilere lll.la.
At noon today, at his office, City Clerk J.
S. Shewalter opened and read bids for the
abutments and superstructure of the new
bridge to be built over Buck creek on Spring
street. A dozen or more conti actors from To
ledo, Dayton, Canton and this city were pres
ent and several spectators. The bids wore as
On superstructure, Columbia Bridge Works,
Dayton, $33 per foot, or $D,8G! (or the whole
job, Including abutments.
Canton Bridge Co., Canton, Ohio, $2D.i'.0
ler loot.
Mt. Vernon Bridge Co., Mt. Vernon, Ohio,
J2U.r,0 per foot.
Smith Bridge Co., Toledo, Ohio, plan A.
$27.80 er foot, B. $24,80 per foot, C. J1C.05
per foot, D. $18.25 per foot, the
last two combination wood and
iron bridges; all others iron. Ihe super
structure is to be 1 !T feet long.
Stone work, amounting to 220 perch, laid
up Joseph Bolan $3.95 ier perch. D. F.
Minahan$5.21 per parch. A. Burnett $3.05
do. John Gorman $5 90 do. M. Kearna
$3.85 do.
The bids were referred to the committee on
city improvements and the city engineer to
figure out each bid and find the lowest' A
rejiort will probably lie made to Council at
ibe regular meeting next Tuesday evening.
The council of the Second Knglish Lu
theran church held a consultation last erin
Ing but without taking de bnite action In Her.
Mr. Wagntr's case further than to arrange for
a congregational meeting at the church to
morrows Friday) evening, at which contem
plated formal action will be taken in the mai
ler, Mr. Wagner was present aud conducted
the regular Wednesday evening prayer meet
ing, much as though nothing had happened.
There was a somewhat increased attendance
at the meeting, but not the remotest reference
by any of those who took part to the Kn.
(uirer scandal. It is not known whether
Mr. Wagner will occupy the pulpit Sunday,
that depending somewhat perhaps, on the re
sult of tomorrow evening's meeting.
Captain Bushnell, chairman, and Hon.
Chas. L. Kurtz, of Athens, a member of the
Republican Slate Executive Committee, were
in Cincinnati last night and had a conference
with Judge Foraker. Both made encouraging
reports of the Republican outlook for the
State at large. The Slate Executive Com
mittee is called to meet In Columbuj next
Tuesday, to make arrangements tor beginning
the active work ot the campaign.
A great base ball tournament is on the
tapis for some time about July 2 1, with nines
from Ihe Champion Malleable, Knife and Hir
and Hast street shops. A purse ot $50 has
been made up, which will go lo the victori
ous club. The first game will be played be
tween the Fast street and Malleable clubs,
and then the Knife and Bar boys will play
the winning club for the purse.
Ilea Line Notice.
Teachers and others who desire to attend
the meeting of the National Educational As
sociation at Saratoga, N. Y July 10th to
18th, can procure a ticket at Ihe ticket office
of the 0., O, O. & I. B'y for the low rate of
$15.25 for the round trip. Passengers pro
curing these tickets can also go via Chautau
ejua Lake without extra charge. These tiik
ets will be sold July Ctb to 13th, and will be
good returning until August 31, 1885. This
rate for the round trip is less than the regu
lar fare one way to Saratoga and those wish
ing to take a trip east should not neglect the
opportunity. Tickets on sale at the Bee Line
depot. O. II. Ksigiit,
Ticket Agent.
r o. 1 fresh ooea. Apply to U. L. Jiolruan ou
Urbana pike
rem NAI-K-Verv desirable residence on Maple
T avenue. Irge lot, with abundance of choice
fruit, OLooftbe uioat pleasant locations lu the
city. Addrena Mlaa M. M. Dunlap, M Maple
avenue, (jprlngucld, Ohio.
IjtOlt HAI.K-llarb r Shop, at auction, ou Tues
r (lir.Julr 1,1, at 10 o'clock, at 3l,H K. High at ,
opisjalte I-agonda House.
.loll KAI.K at Cedar lawn Farm, three No. I
r freali cues. Apply to It. L. Iluliuan, oo Urbana
L'llKllK.NT-Hlore room and dwelling,
r uned for bakery; aululde for any kin
ueaa, lniulre at ill Pearl at.
roll 11KNT OH HM.K-t'btap and on ca.y
r tcrina, JJ new houses, ' wagona, 1 new I, horse
portable malne, new aewlag machine and 1 new
vtyiaau KSaoline atovr. For Inforuiatlou, aud a
lllie Lariraln lu
any oi lue above, call at es
llfton at
F Kent low, Afro 5 or C rooms, will answer lor
family or sleeping rooms; Inquire of John H. Hair,
31 H. Mtue-stone al.
UrAMUi-ratlurn Maker; steady,
work, Inquire at once. K. W, Ho
Springfield, O,
WANTED Young men lo run on trains as
news agenU ou all roads out of city. Call at
IW South Market at. Union Ncwa Co.
til A.Nrhll-rlial Claaa Agent at fcprlugCeld. for
IT lb .Kloa l-lfo Insurance Compaoy, Call al
Lauotida House or addreaa W. ll. Maiian.li
of Agencies, Cincinnati, O.
OHT Hold cull button on Market street; oval
-uauu wiiu lue ieur J rngraveu upon ll.
finder will be rewar Jed upou leaving Ibe same
OoT-YValeh,ou Julr 4, a valuable la ly'a .old
I watch and chain at the aland blue rioe on
,l .lain or Columbia ale Kinder will please re
urn to this otntv and receive reward.
IOST-On High or Market ill- b tween Bonis A
J l.atreity'a autre and the NorthrraaVacball
bulldlnf, Ihe wrlllen sneelflcatlouslor healing Ihe
Norllism school bulfdlnf by steam Kluelcr
pleaae leave al Hums A l.stleriy'a store, or at l.m.
Krlder'aomie, I. II. Ktlley.
IOKT-l'lni Star aud Crescent bin, between vi
1 Liberty si. and 101 Holer st Finder leave at
lei bolur St. aod receive reward.
Wo have DETERMINED lo sell
our entire stock of LOW GUT
moans a special inducement
for you to buy now. These
yoods are in the best qualities
or all yrades except shoddy,
and will stand a rigid examination.
26 South Market Street.
f-vvj Ine Iniei for tho I'llj of Springfield, Ohio,
for llie) ear 1S.VS.
Hkitioi 1, 110 it ordained In the City Council
of the City of rirlui:mid, Ohio, that Ihcru In
hereby cliclared n le of taxea cm each dollar
of valuation of taxable property of the corpora
tlou uu the tumid duplicate lor the treneral
purposes of the corporation, and lor all other
purposes the nun ol lu 7 ratlin
Hn. 2. TboHiildtax i hereby declared to bo
iltmrltmleduiii'mi: the new nil icpiiitini'iitx
of the city (enrli or v, lilcli Hlmll oonMIUito In
nl.it of Itself r (nnd to no lincmii nud tlci'it
tintoil iih licreluiittei lU-nnniltinti clt In the fol
lowing pmiHirtlimx, to-wlt
Kur Ibe iteneriil piirpcMMof the cor-
txirallonn lH.MIIla
l'or Kaiiltury nnd Mitel cleaning,
Mreot Improvement mid npalrx 1.2 "
Kir Keepini! in n pairMcnin nrnuirr
tiro ctiKlnc, coriHirattun ccme
terloK, and fen the HUppurt ol the
Fire Department .. . O.s "
KnrKaaaiHlllKlilliiirtliociirpornllon 1.3 "
For payruenl ot (hu jiiarMuil nnil
ihiIIco . . 1 01 "
For keeping un nnd innlntaliiliiK a
freo Public l.lbiury rc.ul.lig mom
for tho corporation U.'l '
For innintnlnnnco nftbr liillruinry,
nnil support or tliomit-tloor r 0.1 "
For erection of btilldiiiKH rciulrccl by
the Tiro Depurlinciit, tio pur
clmMMif Iiomtii'Is Ini't mid nt!i r
Bppnratim for the I'll u l)cmrt
lueiit.Hnd Kupplios for lliu Tiro
Alarm leligrnpli .. 0 2 "
For pajiiicnt ol Inierost nnd prlncl
pal nf tlio Will r Work nllondn. 2 "
Tidal of icenernl levlcn .""J. Jlllla
Special lev lei cm Hewpr Districts
For payment of Interest on lloinls of
Ireen Mount Mewer DIMrlct.
t-oue: DlMtrlrt Nn S
Foriiaytiient of Interest on ItoncNeif
iaior rtirici svwer mnirin, or
Sower DMilcl No ,1 0.'i "
For p lyinent of Interpol on llonils of
Plum Htre"t Sewer Hltrlel, or
Sowc r liWilet .No. ri (i.l '
Total of Kpi'idul lolcs ... .17 Mllli
'Intalof ui'tieral mid special lev
lea IU7 MIIIk
Hii.3 Italian Ix-tlieiliityiif Ibot'llyl'lerlt
I in uic'il lately ou tli- pun-nuc oniiiHoiitllianco
to certify ibo ulxic lew tn the Count
Auditor ut Clink Ciuiiit), Ohio.
And thN ordinance all. ill taKu ell.cl from
and after It ii'iv.u..
PlifcMld Jul 7, Inn.
11. I'. I'ltl.M'i:,
President Pro. 'lelil.
Atteat: J. S. Sin v-w.rnt. City Clerk.
ClTV tLhHk'a OH'ICK,
H'KIKHIIHD, O , J lily 7, 1881,
Atn iniitlin; of thn Council of cnl.l Cily,
held on the 711, liiituquoiiiiii belli,; present,
the follow Ing re"iilutlou was uilopted :
lie solved, That In the opinion or two
thlrdMof tho ini'inbers eleeoil to tho Cily
Council of the Cily of .SprliiitlUltf, Ohio, It Is
neceHNary, Hud Hint it IiiUmiUk to iiitiko two
public iiiiproteinentx bv iiitiibllkliliig a crude,
ou Tn lor street from Hlco Mrcol to Pattern
street; unci b eb.inulni; the urivle of a ixir
tlou of Limestone net uorlli of CullegH ute
ri ae.
The tirade on Taylor t tr-jct to bona follow
viz.: HetunliiK nt ttrade at Ibo north llncol
nice street, thenre north 1 1JI feet lo the
south lino of Pattoti s reel, descant A feet
Thechiiiucof unu eton idiuc-dono street lo
bean follows; viz i l.e0inuiti at tho uor'li
line of College avenue thence north (.22 feet,
asceut5j.!eof ii fool per l"l feet; tho c urlia
and sidewalks on Limestone sine lei remain
aa they now lereni-il tin ( ll to itriule Die
street, nud relay the gutters.
Halcl xrudo on Te lor street nud clnitiuo of
grade eu Lline'stemo stieot lo be according lei
Ihe promts thereof ou tile In Ihe oincc ot tbu
City Kngtueer for tliu Inspection of all par
tie llltertsteeel.
The City Clerk la hereby ellrecleil to ciiuso
legal publication lo be iniule of IIiIh rcsolii
tlou. und thcH'lty Marsha! appointed to servo
legal notice tliericir,uccmJni.x lei luw unci Ibo
ordluunicN or tills (lly.
fly order of Council.
I. M. SiirwAITHt,
City Clerk.
notici: 'in ciis'iitiaoKs.
SKALKH projsisalH will be rece iveel at I be of
flee of tho I lly I'll ik of thu ell or spring
Held, Ohio, for the superstructure of an Iron
brldgciover Iluck creek, em Hprlng sine I, In
aald clt), bidders to furnish their outi plans;
also for furnlHhltig tho materia! unci con
atructlug ono abutment for said bridge, n'
cnrcllng to ttie p!iiiiHandircililesoutl!o in the
City Knglnecr'a iilllen, lu sulci city.
All pioposnlH must bo for fiinilsliltis the
material und completing the vcork according
let plans, profiles nnd spcclnciitlohs, must
state the prlcea for latior and material sepa
rately, and must lie sign el by lliu full name
of every j.crsou Interesteel lu sakl pioposal,
and iiiiisi ho signed liy so mo responsible ell.
luterealesl peiMiuasu giiarunUe thai a con
tract will lie entri I lino nnil lliu work com
pleted, provldicl tiebl bit Is ncicpteil.
All bids must be mi lllei with tnol'lty CIc rk
nn or before 12 o'clock, at noun, Thursday,
July llth.isxi. lobe tuhllcly opened and
read Immediately after Wo'e'li rk ou Halcl clay
In the prenncuof tbei Mayor, I II) Kugiucer,
Assistant fit v Kugliieer and I lly Clerk, or
any two of tin in, sn. I illesl Hi the City
Clerk, to be nriscn'.Hj lo lliu I lly Council at
the first regufar rn.(tln;r thereafter.
'Ibo tit) itserws iho right to reject any
and all proposals, fur an) leasou lliey may
deem aulllcleut.
lly order of Council,
J. H. hincw-U.TKit, ( Hy Clerk.
For the Toilet.
Aju'a Hair lunr i- Inili-pi n-.h'.c in a
eoniplitu tollit. It le an u,i i iblj per
fume el cliessn0', nnd ) . u.l is ll.o lUr soft
anil llislious. It MimtilaUs w.ak mni
tlilii li.ilr to riK ,.eel 'io',lli, uuJ lostuus
fuileil or j;i.ij Ii ill- lo its oi im,l eol.ii
nil. I liinut).
I li.ii' ii-nl A)n' lluir igur for n
liiimbi ruf ecus, nud it lias iilnaw giun
in -iil-f.iciion. H 1 1 nn mi lb Tit eh, s.
bi . 1 1. ii in - Iho hair ( i .uu in inn.' gi ii,
in iins lis i vinous rro Hi, nud hups ibo
si ilp vvlnl. .hi. 1 1 1 nn."
M IIV A .1 ( ls(iS,
Kile iii. M. .
"I li.ul linn i fin n, mli (in i an
Is fiiic euiiiiiniii iii tin ii, nf
Aycr's Hair Vigor.
Slnio niii' ll in li.nr bus bun rostoiul
lo its ori'lmil nd in. I ,r iniiili In.
(iiii-cil In i inn lb."
LT1II.L 'IIIU'ITI Ii, .Voi folk, Vis.
"ii l il Mats n - i vn .illlliliil lillh
.1 lllS IIH I" ill Slav si .i! . Wb'eli lllllMll III)
lull I i rill mil, ..i 1 1i it I I, i inn- iicailt'
b.ilil. Tin ni nf Aii r II in- C-ori uiiel
nn of Iin' liiiuioi,i iii i Kid thn filling out
of lull, nml i.-lorcel it lo IN mhliiil
lieallb, i.iiiIIHi i. '
.1. II. VH Si., t ariulltoil, JM.
Ayer's Hair Vigor,
I'lll I'VI.I ll 1IY
DR. J. C. AYEH to CO., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by nil Dnijjlsta.
F A kv
fjVOflle Iircvvuitl'ill d .iit r.f llitt iiinki
noted ami iiiriehiful isti ulii us id if s
Inow rtt.rr.il f)r lU cm (,( Nf i u llrlilllly,
t Mtthtototl. WfitLit-). amt Jlccuy Sent
in i-Uiii M4ln cnvclofst! Frtrr, .riiiu cjii f.ll iu
Addrm DR. WARD & CO.. Louisiana, Mo,
R. P.Willis & Son
I.IHIc'h Solnblr l'hri yle, flic limt iiiiii-iiiisiniotiH Dcuiloilcr anil IHnlnlcc
taut known. It ha Jitat been iirononuccil In lie three times morn tmnprfiil than
any oilier disinfectant in the market liy tlu ('(I.M.MI II i:t) (IX IIISINKKCTAMH
or the Ameriran 1'ulillc Health AhmmIuIIiiii icienlly In hcssIoii nt the John Hop
... a St. . .. . ... .... .1.. .... -. ... ..
hiiih- univenciiv, iiauiiiiorc, lor lesuiij,-
uUe, and $1 bottles.
No. Jill InHt.
01?li,Tf!1SftJ '" Laal MiIiiMiiiI - lieii:er'sl'li!r Store.
VjT J: 1UCIO r, Areaile, C oiiimiIii- .V . uud.
TVr RSHALLs cfc OO.,
WltHKS Corner Center nnil Cnliiinlilii.strei Is, Dilsriil's .Sen lliillillng.
Teli'iiliono Connection. Goods Callcil For iiutl Uvlivoreil Free.
Waukesha is a Charming Summer Resort
OX THE t HICAUU, MILWAUKEE nud ST. PA 1 1. ami C. A. X. W. IP VS.
The "W"oll-riilnovn "(.i,ucen ol" "Wa-terw,'
Ilelsus alone ainonB NATl'llAL HICTKriC TAIILK WTl I: II. niiini reus coiupe lllor. have, one
afier anotlier, fallen away until It lias no rival 'Ihe only si rlnijs In Weukeaha that leiiiains atone
leuieratiiie, auiiiiuer and winter i. e,, ssdefenes,
'1 lie , Memorandum of llie loeal Uoverlinienl lluanl. Kiiftl mil, Jeili 11, IKSH - "If any taint, however
small, ol Iniecllve material nets aeeess (o wells, or utlur suimuil dniikiiii; water, it huiarta toeuor-
iiious volumes of water tliu oowerol nruiiaifatliii; dl
Dr. Jolin ( l'etera, K.1 Madison ave., aas: "Wben the t.liold
ncretese eiiormouslv. and renroliiee tlie dl.eaiie In various u-im '
'1 lie lUnKera ol Health ltesorti ''Nn iiiniiuiit
etlecl. uf siluled watei In llie steunacb." New
The l.anc.1," June30andJiily7,ls-s'l,si)s: "Water Is the ureal carrier ol the line-cUve Rerun.
Tn re ccaler should be available at all season.; hut litis Is e sj t. tally eieccsK-iry 111 cm'iii weather."
liuiiiire Wells. Health rainmlsslouer llayiiiuiid, llnsikl)n, res,rts ",sii(1. Hu l n our Iniiieellau
of '."l nuini wells we have closed alsnil I'si. '1 he aler Is unlit for liilliivn c-uustiiu i.tioii. 'C-.ereaie
ll'l wells yet In eilslenre, about 'Jluf which are i;ood,lii liu; free from lniiurllles." Sew York Herald.
Keporlsof the I.xal lloveinineiil H.ar.l, Lnitlsu J - "nf 14Je.ide nilisof ti . hold fei era observed In
various localities, In li'i eases Ihe ej.ldeuilc bud no other dm nullilnt enuse Hi. in Ihe-use of water con-
New Vork Herald. "Pure water Isof more luiioilanin than imre milk."
i WArKEHIIA (ll.hNN Is everywnero known as Iho Krejt u.i.i, l.ltllrr ami W
dorsed by medical irofesstoii. Address T 11. UltVANr, Wall
isiiiuiK iiuiiiiriiirs
Alu a hull, 4 Inch, and 0 Inch dressed Htriiii, lory nice, iilreacly ont und Jut
wliBt you wunMo mukc II, V SCItCEXS OF.
DO NOT UK DECEIVED. Many ImiinslstH mil ro ulio do not Ii m ISll.l'y'M Iura
Null Whiskey In uleuck, attempt Iuiii1iii e.T e u i-t i 1, ske-yof tlieiroiiiibottllut;, which
beliiaof uu luferlurKriuli) and isdullvruUal, ib tin mule r j.l .fit
SeiidiHyoiiraddrtuiaudwBWllliiialllssikcouuinlii , ., i,i,i tnf-.i n.i.tluu ,S.ii,..,.(jii,ir( Itotllei
Hut to auy addresH lu UieUulUiliSUIni(l.ssti,f ,e 1. l- M niiii'ilu, ,, seelile-l) j..ir.ee Ixiiuiu
'"" i'rjreirrisl(imrwtl.iiif itiS-.tiU, orUt ilottleabent for $0,00
DUFFY MILT WHISKEY G0.f Baltimore. Md., U. S. A-
Lon. Kridor,
llcoin N. II, Arcade KulldliK, Hecond Hunr,
Jurluctleld obto.
rilllH uiideiBl(ueI bate llilsdajr Ivruiedais-part.
I uerslilp for Ibe ureellceuf lew under Ibe linu
naiueol Ikiwiuan A Huv man, Wprlujuilc,lll,lu.
K. (1.
June IS, ItU.
1. K.
iiiiiiiim reliil illsin
Main Hlraicl.
- elsn
I ijerii.s rets Into driiihtitu water, they
of j.n re- Mean air In Ibe Iiiiiks can neiitrillre llie bad
oik Herald.
-mi ioik iieraiii.
let Cure. In-
kesba, Wis.
Dyspepsia and
Nrinthy Dlscane8.
J'tisitlnlu llcllt-rrtl and A'nlurs
!i23a, ffnl nreaforliiil (fnlwtmra
l'or 1 1 i iriot xt Court 1'Ucf. now at
ti ruef, ttnw at
' Louisville.Ky
llet 'JlitrJan.l lourth. J
A rtwulirly rluKKte-J to J IvkkII nwllfioa ibitklab
fn.h eeir .Mfliif.il ae I. lat a ffmili.id .111 . b '
111 I rut
l-nry iiii lurma
Sporiuutorrlioa aud Impotanor9
ti) H mull uf itiK sbu lu jbutL, Mtual .rfar ) Dj
Ursrr-r, r 4U)r ritusjiM, auil , rul log , f tba fol
. Wilis le.U km luu(., bklitlUetl V uilsattml (tjlsjltt tlU
t .itj. Ly drmm.), UIuiu-m r M11. t'lrcUtt 1-tti.ory, rliy.
M .III j I'llili lesion JftLSj AttllUll UlKurUte lIOt.lrSJ.
(4st.ftiUiu of U t, Uu at il1 I'tyitr, k ,tu4rtit
Imrrusn iiui.rv(r tr unhttf, r-j itsttrnuabli i4 btum
?:XJmViU SYPHILIS uii,Md ..In.
sti-rrfA - """" (""; Gonorrhea
1 ll uu t. i h'tlei JisMt citeUHj eur4.
1 1 If svir l-ti,t lltit ft i ti j ,) ii U i) i livitt tlntlatl
It . Krit-la "!. ir eJiMSft.- ul IrtaUuf ibuvMBdi tsbu
IIr w,.lr. KTrfti i HI. J" ti yikUfti k tiutb uli firt .fui
f H W ,1 riuiis, t nj iarfl( mktu HU ItsCtHDCBIItllt
t Ut U.sih (ur irttunvut, nifdklur. UmuI Uif-lelf
ultjtl b hi.. t vr (irM ku;tstrt.
Gur Gunruntood in all Cat
I tiuwtits(. iwtosoaUy or If Irlltr lVf lhH4.
Iiut(i,s4 r.ftM.btlst ftu I (tasf rttafuUtWucs all-Mill OwssaJcbUsli,
Or I , Mill U H. 4JrsM4t ftHflUIf IV ftrfttol, fuf Iftrflf
Oti) nan Htsvulii L r4 by til. idJrM tbv.
un'.i'(('-iiiA, MsWr,Jft. Ktj4asua.iia4f.jri,

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