f Presents In the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUO JUICE OF THB FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It Is the most excellent remedy known to CLEVJSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated so THAT PUni.Dt.OOD, REFRESHING SLEfTP, HEALTH nnrj STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUrl ORUQGIST FOtl MANUFAOTUHEO OWLY DY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. tJOUISVILLE. KY NEW YORK. N. f. John R. Coyle. Attorncy-at-Law ?. AND Real Estate Agent, OFFICK BEDDALL'S BUILDING, Cor. Main and Centre Streets. SHENANDOAH, PA. PROPERTY FOR SALE: J A two and one-half story double frame awciung nousc, wiin i-tore-room ana res taurani. jLocatea on nast venire street. S A valuable proporty located on Boutli Jar- m street. 3 Beven dwelling houses at llie corner of Oil lien ana i.ioya Btreeis. uoou iu estmem Terms reasonable. Dr. Grosvenor's t Bell-cap-sic "ysEsS" PLASTER. Tlhonm&LI-im. nrnirftltrlA. nl on rinv nnd InmbiUFCE loured at onco. Genuine for fJIa by all Druffgista.C GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1873. . Baker & Co.'s from which tho excess of oil lias bcori removed, is Absolutely Pure audit la Soluble. No Chemicals nro used lu Us preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more' economical, costing less than one cent a cnj. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for porsons in health. Sold by Crocors ovorywhoro. W. BAKER & GO,, Dorchester, Mass. 'Tara-rcn ener ?p5.tiw.y cured I II bis. I UM I llkki V'-wetBDl ife inti4 tUl4 ( UjvJ. Cvt JJ.itti-I'.t )0i Willi i c. Ii -irins Fini'i nr,t lose SMUtitui iicrw'Wt. r.v the 1 Mail in Un 'ia- tit I'.t-i two IukI- i i . ; lumntunii are rm , . nl I FVfcF HOUR nl i t oionM.of roir-ftll nlWPt -iiit CHCC by"i'n n Bullous curr-.. I Is IIWI u furttiAlj, ill 1 II WL l-od ...! trill, MnJ ten cen- (n "vimps ia y.tr jMUage M-y8rn,f Breakfast Cocoa riROPSY ' SUFFERING WOFS" si unit. When trjublnd Kith tuo anno) Inn IrreKUlrttl, r.jiQ'i.mtly felloe lDk-u cold or MXMura. or frou Dan cttUitloniil V.,nlinpiii no Koulf w to tlilr mi, -liculj Ue DR. DuCKOIIJE'8 Celebrated, FEMALE REGULATING PILLS. Ihnraru KtrenRtni-' '": tolha onliru mlrt., ..aplyl I'uio.vigorniirt I. tlT-tic tort-eloull foncLioawof liotif .ndinlnd. Bunt. 1 I. m i? """'"i tV,11vaSffif Or. Harte'C'i''! c -..ST.tOUIS. Mfl YOUNG MAN, If you contemplate attending Coramer- (I clal Hchool. It will pay you to visit the 'noCHKHTKIt BUH1 NEH.4 UMVEUHITY before dtcldlng whore, though you may lire n thouMuui miles away. Itktands at the l ead ol the list of commer cial srnoolH In lis character as an educational success, and In the extent, eleganto and cost ot Its equipment. ThoroUBliCOMMliHCIALi, HHORTH AND AND 1'KAOTIOAL b,NOLIHH COUKKKiJ. Tha Twenty-kevenlh Annual Catalogue will be mailed to any address. WILLIAMS & ROGERS ""is! v.ler' ft Chi eh eater UnctHfc Diamond Ui-b& ENNYROYAL F31LS Brc, alwuyi rUiitil, ladic tik Urnalt for MUheUirt m wton.1 Uranl In 11J mui t, Jut UiDMllla boxOi, KtUAd With tluu tlbiMiU. TUq uo other RJh tlaPtgtrou tt.tSliiu. 1 tuuti for nutlauliui. tMtlaiooluui ol Iletur fiii Ttadte." inhutr. be tftun f JUUIl iimiiwuiwi. nttwiw tvpir Chi hotter CkumicM t.,t-.dlnH hquare ol4lr J H POMKKOY, ATTORNEY-AT-LlVf. OMo-Beilall'bIWuig comer Mjilnn4Cen'.-i - rip lift TAKEN BY SURPRISE A Big Battlo Will Soon Fought in Chili. 1)G INSURGENTS LAND AN ARMY. Balmaceda Sends a Largo Force to Moot tho Enemy, A Flcroe Flcht Immluont-On III 11" nulti Will Probably End the Wnr The Itnut nf Ilulinacedn's Forcos Will be Fallowed by thn Capture of Valparaiso. Tim U. s. B, llnltlmors la tlio llnrbor. Valfakaiso, Chill, via Galveston, Aug. 21. The Insurgent army effected n land iug early In tho morning in Qulntera Bay, only twonty miles north of this city. According to the lowest estimate It numbers 8,1100 men. It would bo nearer tho exact figures to say 10,000. i They were brought down from Cildorn on eight transports, tbroo tugs and four war ships. Tho point of landing Is about fifty miles from Santiago, whoro Balmacoda'a forces, to tho numbor of 10,000, havo boon stationed. The Balmaccdlsts have for somo tlmo anticipated a inovemont south on the part of their foes, but they believed thnt Coqulmbo would ba tho first place at tacked. It uow appears that tho hovering of the insurgent fleet la tho neighborhood of Coqulmbo Bay was only a schorae to deceive Balmaceda. Tho landing at Quintero Bay was therefore a complete surprlao to tho President, but as soon as ho learned tho news ho acted promptly. By his command n large force wab sunt north to meet tho enemy. Admiral Brown, from Mi flagship, tho San Francisco, saw tho landing of tho in surgents. They aro woll armed and en thusiastic The United States war ship Baltimore Is in this harbor. Tim T?an.nwn11n .nmniaiitlDtl liv pHlvn Falna, Is Just outside the harbor. It is expected that sho will be Joined at once by the other Insurgent war vessels from Qututero Bay. It looks as if, In conjunction with the advance of tho land forces upon this city, the fleet will open fire upon tho forts that defend this har bor. It looks as If the most important en gagement so far In tho history of tho present war is about to bo fought. Until the present time It has boon ne. rly altogether a battle of words. Now a fierce light is Imminent. M'GREEVY HAS FLED. Ouo of the Cannflluit lloodlors HccHpet AVhun About to bn Ai-ruted. Ottawa, Ont, Aug. 20. Sir John Thompson has expressed to a number of political friends his Intention, as Minis ter of Justice, to indict, In the name of the Queen, for public robbery and con spiracy, the whole of tho members of the McOreevy boodle gang, and tho public officials they bribed, providing he Is as sured by the local authorities that thero ts a reasonable prospect of finding hers a jury abovo the lnfluonce of the boodlers. It is considered that this prosecution will save the Government, and thnt thus tho threatened political crisis at Ottawa will be averted. Quebec, Aug. 21. Col. Smith, deputy sergeaut-at-arms of the House of Com mons, arrived hero, armed with a war rant for tho arrest of Hon. Thomas llo Groovy, but tho lattor had fled. It is said he has gone to Old Orchard Bench, Me. SHE SCARED A BURGLAR. Miss Winiains' Cool Nurvo Willi a Tblet Standbier Over llor. TTAMumvTnv. N. J.. Aurr. 21. A bur glar entorod the house of Mrs. E. A, ' Williams and daughter at 2 a. m. and , took from a bureau draw $18 in money. A bank check was untouched. The mother and daughter wore awakened by the burglar standing over them. Ho had partly pulled the bed clothes from the foot ot the bed, with tho apparent design ot biuding them. On seeing tho burglar Miss Williams cried out: "Get out, you thlefl Mother, hand mo my pis toll" The thief ran off. An hour later tho house of Mrs. Trow bridge was entered by an open window, but in this oaso there was a man iu tho house and tho thief mule his escape without securing any booty. S3S,000 l'Jrn In N York. New Yoiik, Aug. 21. Firo started laBt night in the grand stand ot tho athletic grounds of the Youug Men's Christian Association on River uronua and quickly spread to the lumber yard aud factory of L. II. Mace & Co., mauuf .tcturers of toys, which occupy one city block, extending from 100th to 151st street. This im mense plant was totally destroyed, en tailing a loss estimated at $250,000. Tha insurance is but small. Mr. FoAter'tf Secret ftllAilon, Mt. McQiusaon, Aug. 21. Hon. John W. Foster came to Alt. McGregor last night on a special train to bold a con sultation with the President. He sold that ho could not tell the nature of his business with the President. Mr. Foster telegraphod tho President making tha appointment. Private Secretary Hulford wont to Saratoga to moot him, and they came here on a special train, arriving at 0:10. Ille Failure, Cuicaoo, Aug. 21. The American Wheel Company, having works through out Pennsylvania, Indiana, Ohio, Michl rran. and other States, have failed. The issets are $1,100,000. Liabilities, obout $3,000,000. Judge Blodgott of tha Federal District Court has made Noble O. Butler receiver. Wantrd 830 to tut liar on. Pittbbuuo, Pa., Aug. HI, Susanna An dron took out a license yesterday for her marriage to John Dansho. Another man obtained a license to marry her a few days ago, but she changod her mind and offered htm $20 to release her. Ho wanted $50 and now sues her for larceny. Grund Naval Review at liar Harbor. Bar Haiiuoh, Mo., Aug. 21. Secretary of tho Navy Traoy ia reported to havo stated that there will ba a grand naval review bare next week. The white squadron Is expeoted to-d iy, and tha lower harbor has been clearid for their entry. riighest of all in Leavening Power. U. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889, ADSOiHTEUf FUME BASEBALL SCORES, Tlin I'M Ilea llsilly Demoted Nnw York. by tho AT riROOKLYPf. Brooklyn 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 Boston 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 0- s, s-U Batteries ttirrutliers and D.illey; NIohoH and lieuurtt. AT CLEVELAND. Cleveland 0 0 0 a 0 0 Chicago 0 0 (1 0 1 3 - 9 -11 Lolled on aooount of darkuos. lkUterles-Oiuberund Zimtuers Vlokcry an Suhrlver. AT PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia 1 0 0 U 1 0 0 0 0-1 New York fi 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 x 1. llatterles -Boper, Kling ami Cloments; Kuslo and Buckley. AT CINCINNATI. Cincinnati 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 0 0-1 1'lttsburg 0 0110000 0- Ilattorloi-Uhlnes and Harrington! Baldwin and Miller. The National 1-cauuo Ilooord. Per C7uni. rron. Lost. (Vt Chicago... 00 :!3 ,000 llOSton 50 30 ,5H0 Pflr ciujm. mii.int.j;t urouitiyn.-w u Cloveland.40 5a 403 Now York. 61! 38 .57S Ulneinnatuu uu .3011 .371 l'hlla'phltt.50 40 .5'Jl rittsbur.ao 01 Asuoelntlon Oiimes, AT BOSTON. Boston 1 0 0 0 0 0 Athletics 1 0 0 0 0 1 0- 5 0- f Batteries-Haddock and Murphy; Chamber lain and Mllllgan. AT BALTIMORE. Baltimore 0 0 0 0 0 0- 4 3- 8 Wnshlnuton 0 3 0 3 1 nnttcrlos-Bakely and Townsond; Cnrsey and McOulro. at ST. LOUIS. St. Louts 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 6 3-15 Columbus 1 0003001 46 Batteries-L'oston and Darling; Knott and Donahue. AT LOUISVILLE. Loulsvlllo 1 0000000 1-3 Milwaukee 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-0 Battorios Moaklm and Cahlll; Dwyer and Vaughn. The Aisoolatlou Record. ber Otift.. n-ivi. ijnrU CI Boston.... 70 31 .080 Bt,Louls..07 38 .0;1S Baltimore 33 43 .501 Athletlo..S3 47 .Di3 C?uh.. rpvm. LntL Tt Columbus. .48 B3 .400 Mllwauk'o.4G 57 .441 LOUVIU0...37 70 J11U Wast'ton..33 01 .33J eastern Anclatloli Gamos, AT BUFFALO. Buffalo 0 00020 3 8 0-7 Troy 4 3 10 10 3 0 0-11 Ilatterlos- Calllhan ani McKoough: Doran aud Wells. AT ALBANY. Albany 3 0 10 0 Syracuse 0 0 0 0 0 Battcries-Dovlln and IIoss; 2 0 0 0 0 1 x- 0 0- 1 nod Coulln Qulun. AT ROCIIESTEU. ttochostcr 3 0.00001 1 40 Lebnnon 0 0000000 0 t, Batterles-Neul aud Urquhart; Bayno and Kura. SOCIALISTS FRIGHTENED. DnlocHte. to llrui.nl. Afraid They Won't I10 Allowed to ltetui-11 to America. Brussels, Auj,. 21. Consideroble con sternation was caused hero to-day among some of the American delegates to tho Labor Congress most of whom are not Americaos, by a report that the Ameri can government Intended to taka ad vantage ot the abseuoa of such u large numer of socialism aud anarchists by denying admission to the United States to all of them who are not citizens, ou tbelr return, As most ot them had been demonstrat ing what an nu happy country the United States was it was not thought that the rumor would uffect them as much as it evldontly did. Foreigners who had been running down America In their spoecbes turned pale at the idea ot not being per mitted to go b.ick to America, and seemed suddenly to conceive au iutense affection for that country. British dologates seemed much nmusod at tho situation, and ono of them re marked that it might ba a good idea tor England to follow suit. Arrnnted for Grand Larceny. Swa Sino, N. Y Aug. 21. J. C. 'Mor rlson, who for tho past two years had chnrgoof thoBraluerd Marble and Granite Company at Sing Sing Prison, was ur. rested last evening at tho Instance ol Edward R. Bruinerd, ot Chicago, presl deut ot tha company, on the charge of grand larceny In the flrst degree. Mor. risou Is charged with embezzling at vnrl. ous times during thu past two years sums of money amounting to $2,000. He was arraigned before Judge Reynolds, but waived examination and was hold to await the action of the grand jury. llollermakera to Hum mil Eight Ilourl, New Yobk, Aug. 21. A notice has been reoelved by tho Boilermakers' Union here from the national secretary of the Boilermakers' Union, stating that every employer In tho United States had been notified that tha union would demand that eight hours should constitute a day's work on and after May 1, 1S03. A secret circular from the eraployors wni also read, oalllng upon them to organize for mutual protection. Dedication of n Benilnary, RocnEBTEii. N. Y., Aug. 21. St. Ber nard's Seminary, In process of construe' tlon on tho boulevard between the city and the lake, was dedicated during the afternoon by wsnop aict-uaiu. Arcn blabon Williams, of Boston, was present Tho seminary will open uexi year with six professors, four of whom ure in Europo preparing tor xna worit. Tlemooratlo Club Convention. IUnniBBunu, Pa., Aug. 21. It was do. elded by the exuoutlve co mntttea of the Democratic Hooloty of Clubs, at tbeli meeting here, that the Pittsburg conven vsntlon should be held bentomber ti1), and n committee to arrange prellmlaarte- was appointed. Wonttier Indications. Washington, Aug. 31. For Now Mnglanfli Increasing sotitliorly wind cloudiness and ralnj slightly warmer weather, cooler Satur. day. For Eastern Now York: Freeh, southerly winds; warmer, cloudiness and local rains; showers nnd ooolcr Saturday. For Now Jersey! Cloudiness and showers; Increasing southerly wlndt; no deolded ubango In temperature; slightly cooler weather Satur day. For Western New York and Western Tcnn sylimnla: Cloudiness and froqueut showers; flesh nmlbrfek southerly winds, thlftlng to cooler, westerly; ooolcr and showers Saturday ulght. SEW YOHK St.VUKUTS. New York, Aug. SO. Money on call cosy, loaning at 3 and 3 )er cent. BONDS. Closln? YoBtcrd ly. IUs, imi Beg 100 lUs, 1801 Roup 100 4 B 1007 Bog 117 4 6, 1B07 Coup 117)1 STOCK MAltKirr. Closing Yesterday, Cnnndlan Pacific B4 Central l'acillo SO)i Chicago, Bur. & Qulney no: Del., iJick. A; Western !!!.;..'.130t F.rio 31 Erloprof 61 Lake Slioro Ill1 Louis. & Nnah 71 Mtchlmn Central b8 Missouri l'ucltlc K Now Jersey Central 1 1314 Northwestern lonjj Oregon Navigation 08 PacilloMall 3a Howling 30J1 Huok Uluud TDK Ht. l'aul 07 Union Pacific 37 Western Union si T13' $9 fsH (ill?; 81 DRAIN MARKET. Wheat strong, showing slight advance No. B lied winter, 11 j; Beptoniuor, iu: 113. Corn Irregular. No. 2 mixed, 83; October, Septem bar, 74-j; octouer, Oats dull. No. 3 mixed, 3014. rnoDUcn Burrr.n 1 Creamery, State Perm., cxtras.23 o.n32 0. Creamery, western, flratfi Ill ca'io o. Creamery, western, peconds lOJoailS o. Btnto dairy, lu f. tubs, oxtros.... a.aiO o. Eoas- N. Y. State, now laid, per doz 17HJo.al8 a l'onn., new mid 17to.ulS o. Western i Northwestern, good to prlmo 10$ nlGlt'c. TOTATOEfl Jersey Rose, permit 1 35al 73 Sweet potutoe-, Vu., choicu 3 ,3u3 00 LlVK l'OULTI.V Spring chickens, choice, largo per Ib..l3!al5 billing cliioku 19, prlmo l a towla, Jin-ey.Stiuo a l';l.,lierlb 13 ul. TlHESSED POUI.TIIV Tut keys, mixed weights, por lb 13 al3 pp g chk'd, l'liilo., oau lbs to ialr. , 31 I'BACUFW- Jld. .V Del., yollow, choice, per bask., SOal O-i Md. A: Del., red fruit, choice, busk.... 70a 73 Jersey, prime, per basket 00a 73 Apples Md. & Del., choice, perorate 30a 40 Md. & Del., toiniuo'i, -leromto 20a 33 Nyaok or llollund l'lpphi, per d.-h.bt.l 3oal i0 VEGCTAUI.BS Cabbage, nor 100 3 30u3 00 Lucumber pickles, per 1,000 1 oOal 60 Egg plant, Jersey, ixt bbl 1 OOal 60 Lima beans. South Jeiaey. uer bag... I 25al SO ' Oulous, Md. ic Vu pota'o, perbhl...;3 OUu'i ai) I'renldulll Clark Will Not Itnslgu. New Haven, Conn., Aug. 21. Presi dent Charles P. Clark, of the New York, New Haven & Hartford R ill way, who has Juht icturned from Europe, donies that he has any intention ot resigning his position. Tf-11 Yvais mid Sixty Lash-.. St. Thomas, Out., Aug. 21. Dtnlel Wise, ot Buffalo, wan sentunoed hero to 1 ten years in the provincial penitentiary and sixty lushes for commuting nn uu uatural crime. All Favor Flower for Gnvarnur. Wateiitown, N, Y,, Aug. 21. Kvory Democratic caucus in this oity last night named delegates favorable to It P, Flower for Governor. Saved against tho lifo that is Consumption. fighting Only act promptly. Put it off, and nothing can savo you. I3ut, if taken in timo, Pr. Pierco's Golden Iiiedioal Discovery will oertainly euro. It must bo dono through tho blood nnd tho " Discovery" is tho most potent blood cleanser, Btrongth - restorer, and flesh-builder that's known to medical science. Tho scrofulous affection of the lungs that's called Consumption, and every form of Scrofula and blood-taints, all yield to it. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma, nnd all sevoro, lingering Coughs, it's an unequalud romedy. It's tho only ono that's guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, in overy ease, you havo your nionoy back. "Wo promiso to euro your Ca tarrh, porfeotly and permanently, no matter now liatl your caso or of how long standing or we'll pay you Snot)." That's what tho proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Korncdy say to every sufferer from Closing I To-day. ' to HK'jl tt 100XZ i 117M 118 i Closln? ! To-dar. 1 83)1 5 SO I 1 13UW M "3 I H 7031 01 113?? 1083 tlH tewwein leu Uatarrn. inu tney mean it. SIXTY LIVES LOST Awful Work of tho Hurricane at Martinique. NOT A VESSEL THERE ESCAPED. Tho Damago Done to Shipping and Prop erty is Stupendous. All rlantntloni About the l.lnnd De stroyed Houses mid llnriis Gruitied Out of UxUtonnu fievral Tersons Wont Mad from Fear Tlio Night Wu One of U trnmrt Terror Furthor DntHlls llxpoetetl rAiui. Aug. 21. Later offlclal ndvloes jukt received state that the calamity which bni visited Martinique Is tho most novero since the roar 1817. The disaster la said to bo equal to the famous cyclono which swept over the island of Autigua In 1871. So far as can ba learned thero have , been nearly 00 deaths as a result of tho hurrienno's visitation, but It will bo some tlmo boforo tho full oxtout of tho disaster Is known. At Port-de-Franco nlono thero havo I boon 12 deaths. At St. l'lorro live per- eons aro known to havo been killed; at Lemontoa 10, Francois 10, Klvloro I'iloto 8 and at La Triulto 10. At all the above placos largo numbers of persons were injured. Tho damago dona to shipping and property is stupendous. About two fifths of tho Island .was under cultiva tion and tho mountain slopos were cov ered with forosts; all tho torost and all tho cultivation In tho path of the htirrl cane appear to be swept away ami i number of Uvea lost in tho country dis tricts. Tho numerous sugar, colTeo, cotton and cocoa plantations which have felt the force of tho tornado scorn to have bcou utterly destroyed. Houses and barns, Rtook houses and Btables have been crushed out of oxlst- once, and a considerable period must elapse before tho Island recovers from its terriblo visitation. Thero was somo wornlng of tho ap- ' l . .1 . if, I I 1 .1 j MJlVtM pile KM CtlHlillft frolll J,0 tO $5U0. proach of tho terrible wind, and thusifflp; ui (ieuulue lliiml.orv,l, the many of tho sailors escaped with their ! SlSW,M lives. But ovon In this caso tho loss of rtj a llniiil-Si-irril Welt Mine, lrfo Is not known. Soma of the vossols appear to havo been carried bodily up tho beach by tho fearful wind and waves; othors foundered at their anchorage, and others still alongside their wharves. GHASTLY HANGING SCENE. Tho Victim' Head Wai I'rnctloully Torn from Ills Body LrvEnrooL, Aug. 21. A sickening and altogether frightful occurrence marked tha execution of John Conway, who was hanged hero for tho murder of the boy Nicholas Martin. As Berry, the hangman, was drawing tho black cap over Conway's head tho latter shouted: "Hold on. I want to sny something." Berry repliod: "You can't speak now," and was about to pro coed with tho execution when tho priest, who was In attendance upon tho crlminnl upon tbo scaffold, haBtily interposed, pushed tho hangman oaa side, and held Conway's baud while tbo condemned man, iu broken tones, asked forgivencsj for his sins. Only when the unfortunate wretch had done speaking and when the priest hnd replied to his plea for forgiveness did tho latter permit the hangman to proceed. Tho incident caused intense excitement among those present at tho hanging, but it was as nothing compared to tho horri ble scone which was to follow. In duo course of tlmo tho drop fell and Conway disappeared from view. Almost Immediately afterwards tho priest began to read the confession of the hanging man. In this cpnfesblon Conway said that ho was intoxicated when he murdered the boy, and that his reason for taking tho boy's life was that he had a morbid curiosity to observe the prooess ot dying. While the priest was rending Conway'a confession a streaming sound was heard from tho scafiolu, as If a quantity of wntl.r WR4 falling. A hurried investigation was mad a by the hangman and by the prison officials, and to their horror they found that tho sound was caused by blood which wax pouring upou tho floor from Conway's ueak. The fall, It appoarfl, had been so severe that the criminal's head hnd been prac tically torn from his botly, in fact, the head was only hold to tho body by tho muscles of the nock. Berry, of course, camo In for consider able abuse, tho terrible bungling being placed to his account alone. People believo that this horrlblo hang ing will lie freely used as an argument in favor of tbo abolition of hanging ns means of execution and tho substitution of electricity for tha ropo. Blr. tilndstone Explain. London, Aug. 21. Mr. Gladstone has written tor publicution a letter denyl tig that be ever knew ot Mr. Parn all's se cret whereabouts. Ho says ho never commuuloatad with hi 111 by letter except at bis offiolal address, the House ot Com mons. Ho was oompslletl lust Novem ber to write to Mr. Justin McCarthy, as the ouly means of l-eaohing Mr. Paruell before the caucus ifcet in room 15. Mniiuiiient 1. dloatlnn at Uattysbare. Gettysbciw, Pa., Aug. 21. The granite monument on Culp's Hill of tho 160th New York Infantry Raglmaut was dedi cated during tha day. Ool, A. B. Smith, of Pouubkeepvie, presided, and addresses ware made by Colon! Uontlne, Chaplains V.iasar and Allan aud Major Qorg Williams. The Camp Mwetlna ()o4 On. Ocean Gnovi, N. J., Aug. 81. Tha camp meotlug at this place oontlnuaa with unabated fervor. The meetings aro well attended. Ocean Grove Is full o( summer folks now, sod will ooutiuuu so until tho sua of the camp lueetlug son son. nlud Uudor Kouti's Cure. Pittsbubo, Aug. 91. Dr. O. L Gum mert of lliowusville, who took the Koch treatment in Berlin, baa died ot oon sumution. He was a member ot the State Board ot Health. lll.il llailgeil lit Midnight. ("Vi tsi 11.1, O., Au. 21 Blair, tha mur derer, a.roiulrd tSie -.cuffutd with Arm step a 1? 07 tuls murntui The drop fell ..1 I'.; i'ii Uis u-'oh. ivn, broken by the f ,11 an 1 'is was prmouucod dead at 12:20. ARB WE Right or IV rong? A Shoe Drosiinrj must restore the bril liancy of a worn shoe, and at the same time frtttrvt tie toftrtets of the leather. LADIES will the Dressing you arc using do both? Try it t 1'our a dessert spoonful of your Dressing into a saucer or butter plate, set it aside for a few days, and it will dry to a substance as hard and brittle as crushed glass. Con such a Dressing be good for leather? Wolffs AGME Backing will stand this test and dry as a thin, oily film which is as flexible as rubber. 25 Dollars worth of Hew Furniture for 25 Cents. HOW? By painting 25 square feet of Old Furniture with l.KB.M. 1 T-V- it WOLFF & RANDOLPH, CS7 North Front Street PHILADELPHIA. ABlt i.ir ngelilH for W. I,. IlollBlns Hlioes. II mil lor snip In niir place iimIi nnr denier tn m-nd for crimlou ue, secure the UKcnrs. and gel ihein for voti. UT TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. KT3 ClLHkRr' FOR i3 OmgtU'e. CENTLENIEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEV? It Is a B"atnlt'ssghoe, vtltlniotni'kiior wax thrf-ad, to hurt Ihefet-ti nmilo or tbo bent Una calr, stylish mul cany, and because trt! mal-ii mom thoes vf thl grade than unit nth r manufacturer, it etjuals uand fcowe ' ptmiM cimtilM from ALIO to $5.U0. 1110 unfit caic cnunls fcrench to &12 no. fKA Iliiliil-Sewed Welt Mini-, nno calf, -4.vaVB sti Hull, cumlm uiulr ami durable. Tho bfab shoe eor ollert'd At till, prine 1 snmo grnde as cua. tcim-mailo sltocn costing rrnlil SMHl ro8 1.' (X CRTS 50 I'oliro Mioet liinni-rs, ltallrnad Min fllw. and Li'tU'rt'Hrrli'rsi.U woartuem: nnocalf. miming".-, biihiiiu, in-,!!,., iii-iivy uirL'u suit's, tinien stoii I'drf.' ouo pair will wenrniear. SO 5l llni ciilfl no lioutr Khoo ovor ottered at a thin prion; one trial wilt couIuco tnoso who want a suo.' for comfort nnd nervico. mid 'i.(IO WnrUliiginiin'n shoes i-Ji-MB uro Tory stiviiiK mid iturulile H10.0 who have ghen them a trial m III wear 110 other make. iSnUc' S'J.IIO II nil SI. 7.1 Khnol hi s arn OUJ worn by the hojseverywhere: thcysell on their merits, an the lui te.islng sales show. ! flitfl iiQG 13. Of) Ilniiil-ix'vteil slioo, best RmCiU Ivo llomrntn, eryntyllRti; eiiuals French Imported slioi-scoiitliigrrom 8I.U1 to ftti.il. Lnilli-s' a.50, .-J.IKI mul ftl.7.1 -hoei for Misses aro tho hebt lino Uongola. htyllfh and durable. I'autloii. see that W. I.. Douglas' name and price are stamped on the In ittom or eaeh shoo. W. Iu IKJUUI.AS, Brockton, Mass. .TooopJa 3sll, ljtoi3.ctx.caLi.j!L DPja New llrm. Neiv Stock. 1 Green TrucR, Fine Gioceries, FRUITS, 6c, Delawurerno phsdand o'.her fresh HMi right from the toatsou 7 rldrys. Fietli Greens from the Koulli. Evan's Building;, E. Centre St. (J. & il'iffiu us' ciM flonill Everytlilug new and reh. Goods dell .'cred touuy past, in hiivu. St. C. KNK3HT & SON. W, S. SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Masteller's old stand,) Corner Coitl and Jaidni SlH. Mr. Hnvder will always keep in stork a fli.e line of boots und shoes. Custom Work and Repairing: done In the best style. He guarantees to sell cheaper than competitors on Main Mltet who nave oig rents 10 psy, hdu guuiauitesu genu ine bsrgalu on overy purchase. FIRE INSURANCE 1 treit ttd Elicit UUt Fmilj Cash CinKtlU Represented by DAVID FAUST? no B, Jardln Street BHKNANDOAH.PA BEAD QUARTERS FOR Pure Ice Cream ! BREAD AND CAKES, WHOLESALE and EETAIL, Orders promptly attended to. Pari icular at tention nam to lis us, t'lenics, Festivals, etc IF. 3IDITDE: A.T NORTH MAIN STREET, WHY iS THE W. L. DOUGLAS Ntr Corner of 1.14yd, IHENAMJ0AH, PENNft FLY NETS CHEAP AND STRONC, SOother styles 5-A Nets, p'lres to suit alt WJI. AYltESiStiONS, 1'HII. AUELPU1A. tfoJd by all ddulers. I