OCR Interpretation

The daily Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1878-1???, November 28, 1878, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87082573/1878-11-28/ed-1/seq-4/

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: , .'v
yornverMvearaSELI.EH'S LIVEU PII.LS havo
Iwen lha vlaii'larit remedy for Liver Complaint.
oilvi eh, Mtk ll'iiulm lie, 1'tln In Hhonldera or
Hack. DlrMueM, 1'oated luunuo, ruver ana Ajtne,
nod all dlaaei arlalng from a deranged atnlo of tho
I.-, nr Niiimn h. 'I'hnmnn Admna. of Ills Haudy.
K., aaya: ' Heller's I'lllf nave aaved huudretla of
dollars in nociora dhi ia un cuuu.rj. i.
Helkra t Co., Proprletum, I'iltnuarx, . Barclay
llroa., Aenti, Cairo.
Vor the cure at all dlaeaaea arlitlng from Impure
lilood. and for luvtporatluir and atrunatlieiilnit tno
vital orijana. Aroyuu weak, nervous, debilitated.
palaaniomsclatoiD Uava rot loat your apiwtltaf
nave too uauaea, pim " ,
LlnuVy'a Blood Hearrher will drive out the dlaeaa
and bring back the Bloom of Health. Plmpb-a,
Holla, Krvalpelaa, Tetter. Bait Hheum. .. are but
annace tuuicauuna oi
aeja Blood Searcher, by purifying the ayatem aoft
rna the akin and beautifies the completion, hold
by all drmrtrffta. $t.l per bottle. M. B. Heller,
Proprietor, Plltaburtf, Pi. Barclay Bro., Agtnw
Over 1,0)0.000 bottlei aold. It ia the mont pleaant
und popular remedy for Cougba, Coldi. Croup.
HnarJueaaand all throat and luug dlaeaaea. tint
bee n in u for half a century. Doctora recommend
and prescribe It. J. K. ouman, Long P. O . Ill;
av: "Heaved my two children from the grave.
A'L. Slmniou. of Baltimore, Md., aUo aav: "It
will euro the vrowt couch Immediately." A'k your
tlruKirlHt or general atorckceper for it and take no
other, Prlci.iSc..W., and $1.00 per bottle. Send
for circular. K. E. Hellers Co., Proprietor.
I'itUburg, Pa. Barclay Bro., AgenM, Cairo.
y R. SMITH, M. D.
Office and lleUence :
Dental Surgeon.
Omci-Xo, 1 Commercial Avenue, between
lghih and NiulhStrecU
FTICE Eighth Street, near Commercial Avenue.
OFTICE-Ohio Levee. bet Fonrth and Sixth atf
At tor ney s-at-La w.
OFFICE No. US Commercial Avenne.
Only Morning1 Daily in Southern Illinois.
We axe aulhorUed to announce the name of Al
riiD Cokikh a a candidate for City Treasurer at
l he gaming city election.
Stoical Ornrt, I
Caibo. 111., Nov, srr.
srr, itcs. i
Time. Bar. Tber. Hnm Wind. Vel. Weather.
s w
10 L'gt Rain
0 H'y Snow
1 Clearing
18 Fair
s p. m. tn.n
Maximum Temverature. 41-: Ulnlmum Teg
jitmif. 9: hainfall. 1.C9 Inch.
Total precipiuiiona In rlnce laat report.
W. U. RAY.
Serg't Signal Corpa. V. 8. A.
Sonii. to irnoMrr at comciiw. The Cairo
Polletin Co., will pay no billa contracted by any of
Ita employe, or any one connected with Tub Bcl
itmn, nnleaa the pome U made on wrtten order
It-Led by myaelf, andthe ordtr must be attached to
the bill when presented.
John H. Oberly.
Fon the best brands of old hand-made
Sour and Sweet Mash WhUkpys, go to
Stockflf.th & Bhoss.
Diiy Gikhw. IVtit and clivapest stock of
Dry Goods in Cuiro, ut the New York
We place before the people of Cairo, the
latest and most elegant styles of custom
made boots and slux-s. O. IIaytiiokx & Co.
Dr. Daniron, of Vienna, was in Cairo
Mrs. Aihthorpe will, hereafter, preside
ut the organ of the Presbyterian church.
Two or three cases of measles heve de
veloped themselves during tho past day or
Uisliop Seymour will visit Cairo on the
22d day of December, and not on the IMh,
as heretofore announced.
The lady members of tho A. M. E
church will spread a thanksgiving dinner
in their church to-day, and expect the
friends of tho church to bo present and par
take thereof.
There will bo a parlor entertainment
this evening, at the residence of 8. P,
"Wheeler, Esq. A cordial welcome will le
fxtended to all why may choose to attend
and participate.
Tho ventilation of tho Reform club
room is bad. Can't it, without any consid
trable expenditure of money or labor, be
The attempt of one of our "unfortun
ates," Tuesday night, to commit suicide,
resulted in failure. Prompt attention res.
cued her.
V) to yesterday afternoon, no clue
had been obtained of the thief who stole
the valise and clothing from tho oflico of
tho St. Charles hotel, the evening previous,
The Episcopal church edillee lias been
Tery skillfully decorated for tho day. The
Bervices will bo conducted bv tho rector
who is regarded its one of tho most talented
ministers ever stationed at Cairo.
With all tho temptation furnished by
cohl and snow there wns no drunkenness in
the city yesterday. At all events ihuVmIv
was held to account for l.ibulous excesses.
There were, in fact, no cases before the po--iurt,
of any kind.
If your good fortun5out-wolghs your
misfortunes, you haro occasion to gWo
thanks. If your misfortunes out-weigh
your good fortune, you havo causo to give
thanks, in tho fact; that the matter is. no
worse. Few there 'are among us who are
not burdened with cares, beset with difli
cullies, and halted by obstacles in their
.. ' i . . .. .
pathway Wlilcn they llnd most Uilttcuit to
surmount. But it is indeed on unforlunata
creature, who, living in & world where
there is so much to enjoy, and so much to
make tho heart glad cai find nothingTor
which he fools grateful, If there bo any
such in Cairo, let them be objects of our
commisscration and prayer, for they will
deserve them. But enough. We couldn't
indulge in a homily on Thanksgiving, if
wo would; and wouldn't if we could so
sacred do wc hold tho domain ot the
But the day is upon us. Give thanks.
Closo your stores and shops. Pile
up the fat things of lite wpoa
your tables, nnd by your presence and bear
ing make your homo happy. Go to church.
Pay attention to the ndmonitions of the
minister act the part of a respectable, ra
tional being, and on the morrow you will be
all tho better that you have observed
M. J. How ley has taken the real estate
business of, John Q. Harmon, Esq. Mr.
Ilarman will probably go to Mt. Vernon
nest week.
Miss Sarah Black, daughter of Mr. A.
Black, has returned from an extended tour
of tho eastern cities, and is now in tho city.
She had lecn absent several months.
The snow fall of yesterday was one of
tho heaviest that has visited this country for
many years. Had tho ground been frozen,
instead of wet and sloppy, the snow would
have reached a depth of seven or eight in
Our fire bells giro out so many fu'se
alarms that citizens give but a sluggish re
sponse, until convinced that the alarm is
warranted. There is altogether too much
of the crying " wolf! wolf! when there is
no wolf."
-We are comparatively happy. We
have found a river editor who dot s not com
mence all of his paragraphs with the article
(or adjective, if you would rather have it
that way) " the." That editor is devoting
lis time and talents to tho river columns of
The Bcllktix.
J. J. Stelzer, late of this city, finding
Hamburg's demand for watchmakers
abundantly supplied, pulled up stakes
there and migrated to Shawneetown, where
he now is. He will complete the circle
and get back home, in a few months more.
A wedding of some note is to come off
in Centralia on Dccemlcr 2nd. The con
tracting parties are Mr. Fred Allen, train
dispatcher at that station, and Miss Jennie
Roberts, of the same locality. Mr. Thomas
Morgan, ot Cairo, and Miss Eva Roberts,
sister of the bride, will be the supports.
Tli! criminal, law and chancery dock
ets for the next tenn of the circuit court are ,
small. Upon tho last named docket three j
or four suits for divorce are entered, notice
of the pendency of one of which suits ap
pears in another column. The parties to
the other cases are colored people. On the
criminal docket there is not a single case in
which the public take an interest.
At a late hour last night we learned
that the wife of Mr. Louis Petrie, living
near the box factory, was very seriously
burned. Mrs. P. was washing at the time
of the accident, having her back toward
the Are, when her dress caught from
the stove, and before the flumes could be ex
tinguished, she was very severely burned.
Owing to the lateness of the hour we were
unable to learn further particulars.
We can't charge it to the compositor.
There is no loop-hole through which to es
cape. We did it ourselves, and must and
do beg pardon. Without her knowledge
or consent we changed Miss Rogers, of the
Eleventh street primary school, into a Mits.
Rog"rs, and with a persistency quite exas
perating, used that unauthorized prefix
three several times. Why we did so, wc
have not tho remotest conception.
If dipt. W. P. Wright doesn't succeed
Col. MrKeaig in the Cairo post otllce, the
fict will not be ascribable to any want of
effort on tho part of tho captain's friends,
or any lack of endorsements as to his fitness
for the place, or a favorable expression of
sentiment on the part of the Cairo people.
The captain would make a very affablo and
obliging postmaster; ami no Republican in
Cairo has shown greater fidelity to party,
or walked within tho prescribed limits of
republicanism with greater exactness than
he has.
It sometimes happened, but not olten,
that the meeting of two or more youngsters,
yesterday, did not at onco provoko a snow
balling contest. For a period of two or
three hours scarcely a man, woman or child
passed the corner of Thirteenth and Wash
ington who did not get soundly thumped
with snow balls. A number of the attacked
parties resisted, a part of them endured the
attack like martyrs to tho pranks of child
hood, whilu others cut nnd run liko quarter
horses. Like ' sport," if it can lo called by
that name, formed part of tho day's pro
gramme in all parts ot the town.
Mrs. Towers, who resides on Thirteenth
street, mi t with un accident yesterday
morning that was both sinirular and serious.
While on her wny to market, tho heavy
wind prevailing at the time, caught her
umbrella with such forco as to precipitate
Ikt from the sidewalk. Her arm, at tho
wrist, was broken by tho fall, tho fracture
involving the wrist joint. Dr. V. It i'h
was called upon to attend to the caat',' set
the broken bones, nnd made the
sufferer as comfortablo ns possible. Tho
break is considered a bad one, and it will
bo several weeks before tho injured limb
can lo used again.
A lot of thoughtless lxys engaged ia
the cruel sport yesterday afternoon, of snow
balling tho harmless simpleton that bus
been seen upon our streets tot several
months past. Constable McAllister inter
fered, scattered the thoughtless young ruf
fians, and scared one of them out of a year's
growth, by taking him to tho gate of the
calalwose, avowing a purpose tho while, to
lock him up amonj the prisoners. Tho
youngsler lagged most piteously to be re
leased, and entered into covenants with Mr.
McAllister, which, if observed, will make a
vast improvement in his daily walks and
The near approach of the day f xod for
tho Cairo postmaster's term of service toeud,
is excising theseveial applicants for that po
sition to active effort. Tus Ucxj.eti.n lias
no say, in the matter, although doen'y in-
teusted in the conduct of the office. As
letwecn C'apt Wright, Al. Slon, Everett
Munn. Col. McKeaig, Mr. C. N. HiHiea
and other avowed applicaalsfur the office we
have no choice at least none of so decided a
character as to authorize public mention.
The selection of any one of the gentlemen
named would meet tho general approval of
our people, and that, after all, should le
the controlling consideration.
The editors of the Puducah News aid
Sun are at it. ''hammer and tons," concern
ing the ut'i1;ly of the work in progress on
the Grand Chain. The News insipid that
the work ia producing obstructions fastT
than it removes them; that steamlioat pi'ots
express great dissatisfaction with tho plan
adopted, anil think that congress sliou'd be
petitioned to stop the work. The Sun en
ters a plea of getieml denia1, nnd suppoits
it with vigor, if not w ith effect. Tiik Bit
LFTix has great confidence in the prac :cal
common sense of Capt. Hil'. who is pe -
forming the work. The Captain has devot
ed a life-time to the rive, and if the p'an nf
the improvement is his own, it will be ve.y
apt to work out all the ends aimed at.
The fire bells rang out a noisy alarm
about 10 o'clock yesterday; and the news
Itiug abroad that the Rev. Mr. Shores'
church was on fire, a large crowd besides
the firemen, hurried in that direction, hop
ing to be able to render assistance in saving
the structure from destruction. Not until
scores of persons had waded through long
stretches of muddy streets, did it become
known that there was nocause for the alarm.
The women and children in the church saw
several flakes of soot sift down from the loft
along the stovepipe, and without making
any examination whatever, concluded that
fire had broken out between the roof and
ceiiing. The conclusion was wholly unwar
ranted, as not a shingle or plank of the
building had been even scorched by the
As Justus Cunningham hw been prac
ticing at the bar but a short time, the suc
cess that has attended his efforts is actually
wonderful. We are disposed to regard
much of his success to his strong voice.
When warmed up he can be distinctly
heard from the court house to the post of
fice; and don't tell us that the '"thunder
of eloquence" has no effect I Wc know bet
ter; else, why would Messrs. Linegar, Mul
key, Allen and other lawyers of great ubil-
ity roar like the bull of Bashan. Mr. Cun
ningham bus n market! advantage over any
of the gentlemen mimed, in the strength of
his lungs; and if an occasional roar on their
part is u good '.bing, tell us why a continu
ous roar on the part of Mr. Cunningham is
not a better thing. The courts like it, it is
effective with juries, and Mr. C. will con
tinue to supply it.
The Chicago Tribune, speaking of the
Humpty-Dumpty troupe that will appear in
Cuiro, for one night only, next Monday
evening, says that vast crowds collected to
witness the performance and the universal
verdict was that it was the best show of the
kind ever seen in Chicago. Continuing, the
Bame paper says: "Denier has embellished
and spiced the ever popular "Ilumpty
Dumpty" with new tricks and transforma
tions. The first act is devoted to tho fairy
opening and transformation to pantomimic
characters; the second act to a variety inter
lude, and the third and last to the quips and
pranks of Clown and pantaloon. Grimaldi
acted Clown with his well-known ability
and agility; J. C. Franklin ably assisted
him as Pantaloon, Wm. Eunice made a
lively Harlequin, Ada Boshcll a charming
Columbine, and Victoria North a most
queenly Fairy. In tho second act the vari
ety specialties included Venus and Adonis
who have got to bo quite a big boy and
girl since last seen here, in tuoir very ad
mirable velocipede act, and Venus in her
balancings on tho slack-wire; Miss Victoria
North, who, attired in a very tasteful cos
tume of white satin, sang serio-comic songs
charmingly; Lester nnd Williams, who, in
white faces, gave somo laughable songs and
dunces; Grimaldi, who did his celebrated
stilt act; Clifton and Fox, who performed
excellent feats upon triple horizontal bars;
Miss Motilton, who swung clubs skillfully;
and Cliaa. Diamond, also in white face, who
with his capital harp-accompanied songs
and dances. A feature of tho entertain
ment is tho exclusion of all negro business.
Wau I War !-Whut lias tho war with
England nod Afghanistan got to do with
our selling . , I
10 lbs. white' N. O. sugar $1.00
13 lbs. light brown N. O. sugar. .... 1.00
8 lbs. vhoiro Rio coffee .'. 1 .00
(libs, good Rio coffee 1.00
2 lb cans tomatoes, best 10c
Yarmouth corn, best 1.1c
SO bars soup, good, 1 lb, each 100
Starch per pound ; So
and all other goods way down.
FinbTk.v a Spkcialtv. Wo have one
of the largest, best and freshest stocks of
groceries in town, and will sell as low, if
not lower than any house in Cairo. Give
us a call and don't forget tho place.
We also havo a stock of toys that w ill bo
sold at cost to close out.
Pettis& Bird, The Popular Grocers.
Cor. Eighth Street nd Washington Avenue.
Eggs were in active demand yesterday,
and it wa3 quite diverting to watch the re
sorts of our green-grocers to head each
other off in securing supplies. Tho price
ran up to 22 J cents per case ; the retail
price being 25 to 20 cents.
If to-morrow's Biixetin should pre
sent any unusual excellencies, the fact will
be chargeable to another fact the fact that
the editor paid but little attention to his
duty. The chief feature of tho paper will
be a thanksgiving story, which will appear
in The Bii.i.e.ti.n for the first time, to
morrow morning.
The corps of civil engineers appointed
under an act of congress, to examine the
Mississippi river and report a plan for the
improvement of the navigation of the same,
entered upon a discharge of their duties
some time ago, but will scarcely be able to
report to the coining session of congress.
The corps travels on Iward of the st ar.ier
Oetavis, our fellow-townsman, Barney
Crane, filling the position of pilot.
On Monday next, tho publication of
The IlnxETi.s Price Current will be re
sumed. The publication will be in good
shape, typographically; will give full and
reliable reports of the Cairo market, ami
will bo furnished at one and a half cents a
copy. In case fifty or more copies arc taken
by one man or firm, the name and place of
business of such person or firm w iil be
printed at the head of the copies embraced
in his or their purchase. Orders can be left
at The Bui.i.Erix counting room, or sent
by postal through the postofike.
The Reform Club ball was a pronounced
success in every particular. Despite the
pitchy darkness of the night, that enforced
our absence, the rooms were well filled, the
crowd embracing the leading ladies and
gentlemen of the city, nud quite all of the
young folks who usually give zest and eclat
to occasions of that character. The man
agement was unexceptionable, and during
the whole evening, there was not an occur
rence or a mishap that marred the festivities
fora single moment. It was, in short, the
most enjoyable re-union that has been held
in the city this season.
The following card which apN-ared in
the Cairo Sun Tuesday evening, is an ample
assuranc; that the Rev. Mr. George intended
to make no invidious distinction between
tho physicians of the city, und 'that he was
not, iu the remaiks ascribed to hi r.i, cor
rectly or fully reported. The card reads as
Editoii ok the St N: Your brief, and
necessarily inadequate report of the im
promptu remarks I made, by request of Dr.
Gordon, at the Arlington Saturday evening,
might be construed as implying a contrast
between the two physicians named and
others in Cairo. No such intimation was
made, and no such thought was in my
mind. I will go further, and say that it
would have been not only in bad taste, but
unjust to have limited to those two physi
cians the praise of professional fidelity.
Ill .apcctfully,
IIknj. Y, Gkohoe.
Petition of Edmund Shanncssy, for let
ters of administration upon the estate of
Ellen Shanncssy, deceased. Petition al
lowed, and letters granted, upon filing good
and sufficient bond.
Inventory, appraisement bill and report of
George S. Fisher, administrator, returned
into court. Inventory bill and report ap
proved, and administrator ordered to trans
fer personal property to tho widow and file
her receipt therefor. Administrator dis
charged upon filing said receipt.
In the matter of the claim of Elizabeth
Prouty vs. George FishcadminiBtratorof the
estate of Henry Dinkle, deceased. It ap
pearing that the claim of F. M. Stockflcth
has been paid, leave is given to withdraw
notes and account from the files.
In the mattcrof the estate of A. A. Arick,
deceased; report of II. II. Woodmansee,
administrator, submitted, and rule hereto
fore entered against administrator to file
new Imnd, discharged .
Court adjourned until next Monday morn
ing. "Win, it do no harm?" This is tho ques
tion often asked, and the answer is, "it can
not," for Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup is an inno
ceiit remedy, warranted to contain neither
Opium, Morphia, or anything inqurious.
Price 25 cents a bottle.
Foil tho finest imported Wines, go to
STOCKKM'.TII it 1'ltOhS.
Ladikh who havo been waiting for our
fine cloth top shoes, the latest styles, nnd
tho best quality in the country, can now bo
supplied. O. Haytiioiin & Co.
'I'll YVA ( : l xE'!IlVKUTISKME.T.
Workingmen, runners,
" ' '-.. . i 4 ..f, :i
And all who would llkn to dr- your r.-.tl w .11 and comrortal.ti, for a imnll amonut of inonur.'wa
t all yourattuuilon to our lar. aiock unU Una a.aort.iiut of our T
Boots and Khooa form .a lame trm In every man's flxprnae, and it ahould be a mattor of rnn.i
wlii.ro yon can piirehaai- to the ...,t dvanla.. W. Imv. ndoavnr.d to"leva th' ataudaS Ur '
. mad lioota and Sliora worn lior... hy ol,u?nlnK nuns Mc-pt of fu.illlJa al,at. ind t frri,
. ... r . u. ..... K" m. . nun ai price mtiirlufr from i to 31) per rent lower than conl.l l
ohl..luod ae here. UHviutf the only exelu.U ahoe hou. with full saaortu Jul , Tit.
. city, and uuyliiij our ko .Uh only from m.nufWtnr,.,... .... h-i- ...m.i "..V? u,,l
Wo Invite a comparlaou of our good, aud
We are alwaa plowed tohow our ooda. and request you to tnko t llttlo Hue to call and .
(lltTurent atylea. We are ecllloi!
Men's Winter Boot, Good Article, at tl 7r, i
Men's DrogmtH, Doable Soled, Full Stock
Men's Calf Tien, Nice Shins
Men's Calf Dom Pedro
Boy's Wear from 25 to i0 cent Per I'uir Less
onth'H Kip Boots
Chillis' Kip Boots
Ladies' .Morocco Sewed Shoes
Ladies' Morocco or Kid, Sowed, Side Luce
Ladies' Morocco or Kid, Sewed, Button
Misses' Shoes from 25 to 50 Cents Less
Children's Morocco or Kid Shoes, three to seven
Children's Morocco or Kid Shoes, seven to teu . . !
"cnr ..v."? :r ?n,:"?.rvri
i tViV, r 7. .A i- r
I loth lops and lreu.li Coucave Uwla.
A. 3 3 LACK, 14 O COMMKKCrAl, A.
(iEO. E. 0'HAliA, Proprietor,
N miii.'.K cl lih a full Mock of Vrvrli Dram.
.Mo Toilet Snap, reifuim ry, r.ruh., etc .,
ClUfi ut the liar.
teEapveinl Cure and Attention uiven to the
Mn. L'ditoh: It is a tender subject,
arid I feel sere you do not like to touch it;
but I niu-r, ns an old putrou and Hend of
The Bn,i.k.i:x, ank for room to say that
Dr. Marfan remained in Cairo constantly
iluritr; the prevalence of the epidemic;
repmd d ti every call made ujon him.
and treated the disease with marked sue
cess, lie not only remained in Cuiro him
elf, but is t'.c only physician iu Cairo, so
far as I know, who did not send his family
away. If there is any honor in all this,
fjvc the doctor credit for it.
Dh. Kill's Couh ryrup is par.icularly
recommended for children. Itcures Coughs,
Colds, Croup, S'ire Throat and Whooping
Cough. Is pleasant to the taste and acts
like a charm. Price 5 cents.
Kn oi.ovi:s ci.kaxf.ii. Mr. W. Marsh
w ill visit the houses of the people of Cairo,
during the present week soliciting orders
lor cleaning kid gloves.
Wasted to buy a good second hand
Heating Stove, large size. Apply at Xew
York Store.
A rri.i. line of those elegant cloth top
boots for ladies' and children's Wear, j list
opened. O. IIaytiiokx & Co.
Foil line imported Liquors, go to
Slot KKI.ETll & BllOSS.
Editor Cai no Bt ii.etin:
I noti :n the Cairo Evenhig Sun, of yes
terday, an extinct from a speech of Rev. B.
Y. George, made on the occasion of t!ic pre
sentation of a gold medal to Dr. J. J. Gor
don ot this city on Saturday evening last,
which says : ''Then; wen- two physicians j
who, hand in hand fearlessly visited the
sick and suffering, never refusing ut any
hour of the day or night to respond to any
and all calls for their services, until one
was stricken, and the other took the work
of lmth." Now does the Uev. gentleman
wish the public to understand that Cairo
can Ixiast of but two physicians who stixxl
nobly at their posts of duty, fearlessly vis
iting the sick and sulTering durinir our late
If so, he certainly has not taken the pains
to inform himself correctly on this subject.
But if he does not intend to convey tho idea
his words would imply, then ho has been
very unfortunate in his selection of words.
Any Btranger to tho facts would at onco in
fer that every other physician in our city
had cither fled at tho outbreak of tho
scourge amongst us, or positively refused to
respond to professional calls. There wcro
six or seven physicians besides the two
named, who remained in the city whilo the
yellow fever raged, and if any of them ever
refused to respond to calls for their service-,
I am happily ignorant of tho fact. But for
one of tho number I can vouch. Ono who
wont fearlessly and readily where
ever ho was called, und never re
fused, tinier any circumstances what
ever, to administer to tho sick and suf
fering, going at any hour of the day or
night, regardless of solf, without thought or
hopo of pecuniary reward, ami with tho
most untiring devotion, J many whoso
lives ho was instrumental In saving will at
test. I doubt not tltat other of our physici
ans huvo dono as nobly; but of this one
case I can speak freely, coming as it did
Merchants, 3echan
- -" '.!.. Run oru
- won. and outieW.
v im nunon ana ti de l.aee Miooa, w lu
at Low fricua. Ja.t out. aud atvlUh.
Mettldne and Cht
and a Full Line of all the popular I'att ut l amllv
compounding of pliyeUn' prewrlptliirm.
under my personal knowledge,' Now
I am perfectly willing that Drs.Gordoil
Waldo have all the honor they tlcKi!
hoK! that in confering honor upon
the living or lamented dead, we will
injustice, even in thought, to others iqi
ai deserving. A La
Ciiviu.es .1. Tkkms, representing!
Lous, is now in tow n, and will remain I
era! days.
Mr. Trebus informs us that he is aiti
izku and fu.i t i-kki-auku to furnish
mates aud receive orders for anythitJ
their line, which is principally as foil J
Wood KNciiAVijio, such as cuts of Build
Machinery, Trade Marks, etc., etc.
Seals for Notaries, Courts, Lodges,
porations, and other puroscs. Every!
scription of Klbbeii and Metal 1
Stamps, a'soSF.i.f IsKF.nsand Datei:
Steel Stamps fr stamping tools,
alphabets and figures of all t-izes, that
stamp steel and iron. Every steel stsul
BniMNo Bra.nw, Doon Plates, BaiI
Ciim'kk, etc.
Stencil Bhaxds tor Merchants, Mill
or other purpohes. Everything orderc
Mr. Trebus will be delivered by him in
son, thereby saving express charges for
ties ordering, and insuring satisfactio.
every way.
Any person in want of anything in
line will Jo well to give him a call, at
A COMPLETE tino of West Biol.,
shoes at ). Haythohs it C
A T-
Drug: Storei
Ohio Levee and
Washington Avenrf

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