OCR Interpretation

The daily Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1878-1???, May 09, 1879, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87082573/1879-05-09/ed-1/seq-4/

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mzzzzrxa svsrv-ssrar.'.-?.--.
-"'itaawnaaaMir toi.T,'i.rgryft,;qr
Is health, anrtlr vou are without it yon ran neither
bl-S. borrow, buy nor steal ll. but you can obtain Ml
hi" B.ln M'lle. Uvr I'llls. They one up the
sioma. h and keep the bowels In Hood order pro
duce a healthr action lu mo liver, promote discs
tioii and Impart vieor to the whole system.
' : BrlE. hKM.ERB A C O.. Tropin, Pittsburgh, I'a.
The mot successful crave robber of the day Is
DJt. L1NIH.KY. Hy minus of hi Wood Scare her
lie has robbed the urave of scores who were dylnc
of Scrofula, Consumption, Kheinattsm. .Mercurial
disease. Cancerous Formations. Tumors, r-rvipe-las,
Jaundice. Kever Slid Aitc. and Uciiorul I eli.
lty. The hloort is 010 inc. aim it. ' '
Searcher is the went life preserver, ii. II. I"1'1'"''
Hampden. Ohio, says: Cleveland phy. ! la
declared my wife dyiui: of consumption. Hy the
u-e ol Dr. I-lniWev-!. Illood Scan her she wan re
stored loheallh." J. K. Ilmoks. I'ainHV. lie. Ol In,
suvs: -Mvwiii was afflicted with scrofula of the
worn lorn'i. ami pronounced Indira do hy several
iibYlcians. Hi life was Hived by the use or Or.
Llndscys illood .Searcher." A Tumor orowlnc on
my head wax completely ciirr.l hy the line ol Dr.
Undlev's nimid Searcher. S. Sarver. I'J sburg
Moils', I'imples on the face. Salt llhemu, Old
Sore. and all Cutaneous KriiPtioiia disappear like
uiBu'ic when the Wood Searcher in used. Sue that
our name in on ihe bottom of the wrapper, tor
ale bv all PrugKlHt. ,
H. E. SLI.tLKs & CO.. T.fip rs. l'lttsburj!h. r.
OFFICE: Eighth and Washington Avenue.
RESIDENCE .Corner NluetecMh and Wash
liipon. '
-yrr II. MAREAN, M. n.,
Homeopathic rii.vsiciun aud Surgeon.
Office liiii Commercial avenue. Kesidence corner
yonrteenth St. and Washington avemio. t alro.
Office aiul Residence :
jyt. E. W. WHITLOCK,
Dental Surgeon.
office So. VV. Commercial Avenue, between
F.ivtitb and Ninth StreeU
jy. W. C. JOCELYX.
"FFK'E-Eielitta Street, near Commercial Avenue.
At torneys-at-jLaw
OFFICE -No. IIS Commercial Avenue.
Mutual Aid Society.
Oe. ucr of Seventh si . and Cnmn.crclnl Avenue.
ol-TlcK Hunts
' t'l s p. in.
8 to 1.' o'clock a.m., 1 to (i and
THOMAS LEWIS. Secre.arv.
Only irorninir Daily in Southern Illinois.
Sminai Orries,
Caiiio, 111., May K. ls;. f
Time. lir. Tlier. Hum. Wind. Vel. Weather.
a m
U'tiu p m
8 Fair
14 Clear
H Clear
Maximum Temperature. TO ; Minimum Tetu
pera;.re, M ; Hainfall, U.() Inch.
Serc't Signal CorUH, I'. S. A.
Tlif jailor, with three men, w;i9 abrouJ,
yesUTtlay, doing very acceptable service on
the streets.
Mr. Davis of the Cairo Sun knows Bux
ton! We congratulate him; but who con
gratulates Buxton?
Extra thick Gov't. Envelopes, printing
included, for f2.2.'fe3.50 per thousiuul. ut
The Bci.i,etin office next ten days.
Mr. Frank Warrvu is the individual
who put the tin roof on the East Cairo
round house. He completed the job yes
terday. Mr. J. W. Strom; has resigned his po
sition us liook-kecper at the Box Factory
and will leave for his northern home in a
few days.
The young lady who attempted sui
cid" Wednesday night, is on ber tVet again,
quite recovered. It is said to have been a
"close call" for her, however.
The most noted, perhaps the ablest,
temale lecturer in the United States is Mrs.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who lectures in
thiii city to-morrow evening.
Time in its rounds has added another
member to Alderman Patier's tamily. The
littJe stranger made its appearunce at a
very early hour yesterday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Roliertson have been in
tin: city ncveral duyn. It was our purpose
to note their return the morning after their
arrival, but the matter slipped our memory.
Thirty thousand envelopes white,
amber, canary, green, blue and mani'la, re
ceived yesterday at Tiik Bfl.l.ETiN job
iflice. prices $'J to 1:1.50, printing in
cluded. Carson Martin is installed as assistant
in Ti ichintin's new cigar store and billiard
fcttloun. Fred lms chosen wisely. A more
reliable or upright young man doesn't live
in Cairo.
Don't forget to remember the lecture
to-morrow nijjlit. Mrs. Elizabeth fkdv
HtHnton at the Atheneum. Seats can be
reserved for 5(le. The bousu will be
A serenading party was abroad
Wednesduy night, and complimented
he newly elected aldermen with sev
eral broadsides of sweet sounds. Com
mencing with Howlcy in the First
ward, the party passed to Linegar in the
Second, Smith in the Third, Patier and
Kynaston in the Fourth and IVttit in the
Fifth. Pat Mocklor and John Koehler
were broadsidod in like manner. AYhat
grudge the serenadcrs harbored against
Pat and John we didn't learn.
A colored boy dashed a stone through
Tabor Bro's. fine French plate window
glass Wednesday evening. The young
whelp was finally found out, and lec
tured. The polls on the 6th instant closed at
7 o'clock, and not at 0. This being true Ky
naston was officially pronounced an Alder
man from the Fifth ward whithin nu hour
after the tickets were counted.
Mr. Alba will proceed, with all due
dispatch, to the erection of a uew. brick
business house on the lot between the Ham
ilton store house and Mrs. Williamson's.
We are glad to note this evidence of Billy's
Mr. Joe Bross has sold and tranferred
his family grocery to Mr. Saunders. The
last named gentleman will, therefore, pre
side at the corner of Tenth nnd Washington,
hereafter, and serve the city as weigh mas
ter, and supply the public with choice gro
ceries. The residence of Dr. Warren, between
Charleston aud Bird's Point, caught fire,
yesterday afternoon, and was burned to the
ground. The stable and outhouses were
also Included in the conflagration nnd were
utterly destroyed. We received no partic
ulars. Aspirants for the jail nnd places on the
police force are besei ging the aldermen, and
especially the newly elected ones, every day.
One and all ot these applicants seem to take
their nomination as a matter of course, the
one grand pre-requisite with them, seems to
be to get the council "right."
Posters, Dodgers aud Small Bills, etc.,
from The Bulletin office are all printed
on Xo. .3 book paper, clear and white. We
use no cheap or low grade stock of any
kind. Even the Cairo Price Cunvnt is
printed on tine French Folio
Health Officer Wootea wishes the
people to know that if they will clfun all
the old rubbih. hoop iron, tin cans tc,
from their premises and pile it in 1 a con
venient place on the street, a cart will call
around to-day and to-morrow andj haul it
away free ol charge.
The DelM City boys had tlier engine
out testing her throwing capacity Wednes
day night. T he force on the IVeaks was
not strong enough, however, to icmonstnite
the fullcapacity of the machine. The engine
that takes the horns Lext M'jiday. must
throw water ISO feet. 1
To-morrow the city garbafe carts will
commence running, and we sippose that
they will make it a point to visit all the
thickly settled portions of the dty. Parties
having refuse, trash, offal or viiat not upon
their premises, can enlist the ail of th? carts
in its removal, by placing it in n box or
barrel on the edge of the stteet.
If the city hacks that carrj citizens' from
place to place for ten cents, vouM estab
lish regular routes, and pass-over them
two. three or a half dozen tines a day,
they would soon gather iu dolnrs for the
dimes that now come into tleir coffers'
We hope, for the convenience o'tlie public,
this suggestion will be acted upn.
Judge Baker left the city yesterday
morning, for a trip up the C. c V. R. R.
He is probably looking after thedetails of
the canvas. The judge is wel known
throughout the circuit, and is inmeusely
popular with Republicans and D'tnocrats
alike. He will undoubtedly run thead of
his ticket, aud if a Republican candidate
is elected, he will be the man,
The great pile of cinders that laid on
the court house yard until it formed an
eyesore, was carried into the court house
basement, spread upon the ground there
and packed down so as to form the buldng
for a cement fioor. Such a flour is an ef
fective bar to dampness, and a rat or mouse
couldn't be pursuaded to take up quarters
in it, if offered board free, and entire ex
emption from the visit of cats and terriers.
Henry Duncker, the newly appointed
night policeman, entered upon a discharge
of his duties, last night, relieving police
man W. F. Axley, who had served contin
uously for nearly tour years. Mr. Duncker
is an honest, conscientious man, and wi
not be swerved from what he conceives to
be his line of duty by either fear or favor
Mr. Axley (if he is the party who retires;
goes out of service with a clear record
with a reputation unsmirched by even a
suspicion of dishonesty.
A colored man named Burnett, a resi
dent of Mound City, was in Calm yester
day, in search of a woman who had etnpt
led his tamily s wardrobe and lit out. The
bad woman carried oft quite a variety of
wearing apparel, consisting ot dresses, wo
man's uudcrwarc, vests, coats, etc., worth in
the nggregate, eight or ten dollars! It
touches a negro woman iua vital spot to
invade her wardrobe, and Burnett doesn't
expect any peace of mind until u recovers
the stolen garments or replaces then with
new ones.
The members of the Delta City, Rough
and Ready and Arab tire companies will
think of little e'.se. now, until it is decided
which company can fling a drop of water
farthest. It having been, required of the
Deltas that they furnish the water, a num
ber of them sunk a "sink" near the west
corner of Eighteenth and Commercial,
This sink will Vie filled through ho,, con-
uected with the railroad tank. The con
testing companies would couuect tlieir hose
directly to the railroad tank, but it lias
been discovered thu the tank tap is not
large enough to supply water as fast as the
large engines can use it.
pjlcu are being driven from the end of
the East Cairo incline down the river, to
furnish proper support for a hmding barge.
Improvement seems to be the order of the
day on that side of the river.
The two hundred pound bullies that
drop into Cairo seem to have a contempt
for our police light-weights. But we have
never yet seen the man that the ''light
weights" didn't master, when they set about
the job.
The Anchor Line ot steamers have
tendered free passage home to all colored
people who, having seen the ICansiaii Area
ilia, are anxious to return to their homes in
the South again. Quite a large number of
the sickened and disgusted fellows have al
ready availed themselves of the offer, and
from this time forth the number going
South will exceed the number going Xorth.
Under our system for removing garbage
the rotten fruits and vegetables, etc.. of
every lamily in the city must be exposed
in a box or barrel on the edge of the side
walk. This being the case, of course every
passerby gets the benefit of the odors until
the offensive stuff is removed. As not
more than two carts will be running, it
will follow, of course, tlutt much of the
kitchen offal of the town will he under the
eyes and noses of people on the streets for
several hours at a time. Can't the matter
be arranged differently ?
A day or two ago a country looking
stranger accosted a gentleman connected
with one of our wholesale liquor bouses;
ami desired to be informed where he could
find the Cincinnati liquor store. "I met the
proprietor on the wharf-boat just now."con
tinned the stranger, "and let him have fif
teen dollars to pay fi eight on a lot of Cin
cinnati whisky, and he told me to just call
up at the store, and he'd hand me back my
money." "I am rather under the impres
sion," replied the gentleman addrcsed,
'that you will have to charge that fifteen
dollars to profit and loss." "The fool and
bis money are soon parted."
That "blessed old ass" of the Cairo Sun,
who knows Buxton, says that if The Bri.i.i:
tin doesn't tpiit saying that the Democratic
Judicial nominees are stronger than tle ir
party, not a single Republican will vote for
them! Xow if there is, in tin's whole Judi
cial circuit, a single Republican voter ca
pable ot such contemptible litth nos a to
go back on Ins convictions of rijjlit. be
cause somebody hints that he will, fol
low his convictions, that Republican voter
is out of place among decent, civilized peo
ple. But no such Republican can be found,
Even the Sun office can't fmnislf one.
Last night was the third night of tin
fair for the benefit of St. Joseph's Catholic
church. The attendance was large, many
dropping in after ten o'clock. The ladies
with the sale and chance t ibles up stairs
seemed to be driving n thriving business.
There was a very good display of orna
mental and fancy articles. The pyramid
cake contributed by the sisters of
St. Mary's hospital was a magnificent affair,
as was the elaborately ornamented pound
cake by Mr. Kratky. The supper table was
spread down stairs and was abundantly
supplied with luxuries as well as subsian-
tials. The affair was certainly a social
success. How it resulted financially, the
managers were not able, last night, to ac
curately determine.
John A. Foster, of Dog Tooth, came
in yesterday, with a wagon, bringing n Mr.
Hilliard, a young man about 25 years of
age, and a woman probably 55 years of age,
with him. The party stopped at Metcalf's
family grocery. Young Hilliard visited
the county clerk's office, hunted up Squire
Osborn, and returning with that dignitary
to the grocery, he pronounced "the thing all
fixed." The old lady stood no, the blush
ing youth took his place beside her, and in
about two minutes the pair was made one.
The bride is a grandmother, and probably
married Milliard that she might "train up
a husband iu the way he should go." and
thus get one to her own liking. At the
suggestion of the rather impatient bride
groom that they should "get out of that,"
the parties resumed their seats in the wagon
and jolted out of town "us happy as huppy
could be," under the circumstances.
While the trial between Matilda Phil
lips and Alice Lnntou was in progress be
fore Stmire Robinson, yesterday, a liisly,
rawboned stranger, half drunk, entered the
room, and in a loud voice demanded that
he be accorded the privilege of speaking to
the squire. He had been rubbed, he said,
and wanted to be attended to on the in
stant, On being told to wait until the
squire was disengaged, he swore he'd do
no such thing. He knew hi- riLdits ami
wouldn't wait a second. Oiliecr llogau
then told him that unless he kept quiet
he'd eject him from the room, a measure
that at once became necessary. Rut in less
than two minutes the noisy fellow bounced
in again, and becoming profune and abuse
ive, he was ordered to the lock up. On
gaining the sidewalk lu fought and
squirmed desperately, and throwing Id"'"
self prone on his back he made weapons ''
his number 11 hob-nailed shoes, that
promised to do fearful mischief wherever
he might plant them. The (Tiirf seeing
the scutlle, hurried to the scene, nnd wcintf
the deadly shoes shooting Lrnck aud forth
with the force of u entiinilt, gave the
troublesome stranger to understand that If
he kicked aaybody with "thciu shoes" Iip''1
give him a taste of the billy, tupping bun
lightly on the sconce at the same time, to
assure him that lie meant what he said. At
the end ot flyo minutes, however, they had
the obstreperous chap in Resch's wagon,
ami the Chief and officer Hogan taking a
scat on his body held him down until they
reached tho calaboose. He was then
housed, and will be held to answer. Tho
officers heard the story he had to tell about
the robbery, which will be believed when
While Alderman Pcttit and wife were
participating in the pastimes of tho Catho
lic festival, Wednesday night, some mis
chievous rascnl evidently unhitched Mr.
P's. horse, and getting into the carriage
drove the animal about the city awhile and
then turned him loose. About 12 o'clock
.Mr. P. concluded he'd go home, and finding
his horse ami buggy gone,, started officers
olnistcad and Wilson in search of them.
The two officers scoured the city, on horse
back, but to no purpose. Mr. Pcttit walked
home and found the horse, with part of the
harness gone, standing at the stable door.
Subsequently he found I. is buggy caught
against a tree, where the horse had proba
bly left it. The whip and carriage cushions
have not been found. As the halter with
which Mr. P. fastened his horse w as neither
cut nor broken the conclusion that he was
purposely, maliciously or mischievously un
fastened was unavoidable.
Those perverse colored men are bound
to spoil the Republican programme. As
per arrangement Republican editors
everywhere raised the . howl that
the poor Africans were pouring out of the
Smith to escape the shot gun of the white
leaguer and the bludgeon of the bull'dozcr;
that they were going to Kansas where
they'd receive fraternal greeting and breathe
the glorious air of freedom! and a great
deal more of the same sort. But, g-utle
shriekers, how's this.' The poor blacks
have tried the fo-dom of Kansas, ami are
now "pouring" back to their Southern
bonu s again ! Every boat is carrying back
a score or more, and yesterday, a single
boat, the James Howard, arrived from St.
Louis with 140 on board the worst dis
gusted .-ot of negroes we erer saw dis
gusted with Kansas ami disgusted with
themselves for yielding to the craze that
t.jok tie in awav from tlieir Southern homes.
-One Matilda Phi
was fined five dollurs
Rol.in-on. yesterday,
abuse upon the head
Aiice Laiiton. Tin
the parties was
portion of the crowd
Hips, a colored woman,
and cost by Squire
for heaping personal
of a neighbor Mimed
war of words between
diverting 4o thai
of listeners that had
:i relish for strong expressions. Both Alice
and Matilda are church members, an, tiny
berated each other soundly on their re
spective lack of piety. "You shall never
get to heaven." ejaculated Matilda. "Your
heart is blacker than your skin mid all the
waters of Jordan wouldn't wash it ( lean.
I'll be there, and you will never pass the
gates-yoii shunt!" And Alice's reply was
in kind, but a little more terse and explicit.
"Matilda," exclaimed Alice, putting all the
venom of her nature in her tone "hell is
chinked with such christians as you are,
and" but there was a call of order, and
the sentence was not finished. Then Ma
tilda swore out a warrant against Alice.
Alice had abused-Matilda, and the evidence
being to that effect, a tine of five dollars
and costs was imposed upon Alice. The
whole fuss originated from thecircumstance
that a ten cent chicken belonging to one of
the parties got into the door yard of the
other party.
The sunshine of many a happy home
has been turned into dark despot- by the
death of loved ones, caused by neglected
colds. Dr. Bull's Cough Svrup bus helped
and saved innumerable lives by its timely
At the ice cream festival.given by the W.
C. T. U., at 'the Temperance hall this
evening, a May Queen will be voted for, to
preside at the picnic, to be held at Glen
Fern on the IGth inst. The holy receiving
tho largest number of votes, will be crowned
Queen of May, at the Glen.
Tickets 5 cents, polls close promptly at
11 o'clock, p. m.
A prominent speaker has telegraphed the
Club, and he will positively be on hand to
address them on this evening.
P. W. Baiu lay.
('. W. Dl'NM.M.,
Caiiio Loixik K. of ,11. meet ever second
nnd fourth Tuesday month, at their
hall on Commercial avenue, between Sixth
ami Seventh streets,
AT TIIK I'l.A.VI klls noi sl..
S. L. Mosby, Win. Onixitt. Urayviile,
Ills'; O. B. BothelMlrownville, Ind.i'j. W.
Coleman. X. ().; Samuel Jackson, Vienna,
Ills.; J. Hubbard, Chicago, ills.; 6. W.
Tinkle. Paducnh. Ky.: R. T. Hynson, Alex
ander, Ln.: Jamr-H Lee, Jacksuir, Tenn.
John J. Stei.zeii has removed his stock
to Eighth street in the store lately va
cated, by II. Houpt. He has a large stock
of jewelry ol all kinds, watches, clocks.etc.
His silverplated ware Is unsurpassed and he
sells, down, down, way below anything ever
yet offered in this market. His watches
and clocks are also down to the smallest
margin. He is a first-elans jeweler and
works surprisingly rlienp. repairing lime,
pieces and jewelry, mid always gun ran ices
his work. Try him.
9. 1870.
Marx is selling a Splendid Keep Cool Coat
at $1.25.
Marx is selling an undershirt for 25 cents,
sold elsewhere for 50 cents.
Marx issclling Tdue Flannel Suits from
Jo $12.00.
Marx is selling the Latest Style of Straw
Hats from 81.00 to $3.25.
Marx is the only agent in this city for the
Comliination Cull' Shirts
Marx is selling a line White Duck Yet
at $1.00.
liKl'OItT, KTC.
Oi.kn Fkk.n. May 8, 1579.
Editor Bulletin:
Your correspondent together with Dr. C.
W. Dunning. .Mr. P. W. Baiclay, Col. Rob't
Lowery and Mr. ('has. Hammond, boarded
the ") o'clock train this a. in., on the Cairo
Sl Yinceunes road, our objective point being
(ilen Fern; our purpose being to "fix
things" for the excursion and picnic of the
Cairo Temperance Reform Club to be held
on Friday With inst. The day was cool and
pleasant ami our tide of two hours through
"forest, lield and hamlet'' was refreshing
and exhilarating. Upon arriving at our
da-tination and arranging our "camp," we
proceeded to lay off the grounds for music,
dancing, refreshment st.unl (K;.; after
which we proceeded on a tour of inspec
tion. Over hill and dale ami through for
ests grand, we threaded our way. and were
much impressed with the many and beauti
ful sights which presented thctii-elves. The
moss-covered rocks, grand and majestic,
the rippling, laughing, stn unlet: the never
failing spiingsof pure, cold water, the mag
nificent forests, the shady, quiet nook., on
the hill si' ir ; the delicate ferns and innum
erable speries of wild and beautiful flowers,
making it the most beautiful, pictur sque
and w ildly romantic spot iu America."
After an hour's ramble w e returned to camp
where we participated in a bountiful repast
furnished by our friend, Mr. Barclay.
1 must not forget to mention Uncle Ned
Farrin, our "super," who contributed in a
gn at measure toward our enjoyment and
pleasure. While we were absent from the
camp he cut down a pretty good sized
hickory tree from which he had made an
immense maul which he declared was a
gixl thing to have around the house,
"specially in dog days;" but for the life of
me 1 couldn't see where the "good" to the
dog would come in, if that maul should ac
cidently fall on him.
To that prince of good fellows, Mr. P. A.
Miller, the gentlemanly cashier of the road,
who had charge of our train, our party is
much indebted for his courtesies, treat
ment and many kindnesses.
And new, Mr.F.ditor, let me say to those
who would like t' enjoy a day of recrea
tion anil rest, attend the picnic of the Cairo
Temperance Reform Club, ut Glen Fern,
on Friday, the With inst.. and my word for
it they will not regret if, as we intend
having ft grand, good time of it. Yours,
etc, W.K.I I.
I have nine farm wagons of my own
make, yet on hand, and being out of that
business I will give cash buyers great bar
gains in order to ( lose out.
To citizens of Cairo I need say nothing
in commendation of my work; but to all I
would say, call and inspect the wagons.
They will speak for themselves. At the
old shop, between Fifth and Sixth on Com
mercial avenue. Caul Pktkhs.
Wk have files of Tun Duly Bu.lktin,
commencing May 1st, 18, and ending
April .tilth, 17!), which we will sell, bind
ing and all. complete, for :j,."il).
Fiiist class cut cards at the Bn.l.KTiN
otliee at St. Ixiuis wholesale prices. Print
ing $1.00 to 1..'0 per thousand.
Ti:n Ci-.nis Woiitii. If you want n neat
miooih shave for ten (cuts, or a fashionable
luiir cut for ':, cents, or anything else in
the tonsorbd line, remember the place to
go to is Henry Schick's, No. 113 Commer
cial uveliue.
II pound Old Barry Letter Heads.
,ri: " " V., Hem M
Linen Letter Heads.
2'.j " Linen Note Heads.
The ni.Kr quality of paper tit prices of
the cheapest grade.
V' j pound statements all colors.
10 pound Bills Lading.
I I and WI pound Bill Heads-all s-
Extra super while Envelopes at St. liOiils
wholesale prices. Printing 1.00 extra.
Ruling and Binding, bU kinJs fttTuE
Bi'I.lktin office.
E.NTKitruisE. Go to H. Meyers' for your
tobacco, he has received his stock of to
bacco in advance and w ill sell it from ' to
8 cents less a Kund.
Lohiu.ahp's Tin Tag smoking tobacco
in eighth, fourth, half and pound package,.
Also Lorillard's NVkle Nuggets and Dime
Nuggets, for sale at F. Korsineyer's at fac
tory prices.
Mr. Paul M. Frcidrich, know n to o ir
people as a successful educator, w ill open a
German-English School, m Turner's Ha!!,
on the first Monday in June.
All branches will be taught that are te
garded essential to a thorough practical I
An evening school, at Mr. F's residing'
on Ninth street, will be oielied on
evening of the same day. Private !e-ot. s
in German or any other study giv en, on lib
eral terms.
For particulars apply to Mr. Fividric!;. :.t
his residence.
It K. I K WlloI.KsAI.K AMI Rl.TAII. l.'l
large or small quantities. Wagons
.!..:,.. ..ll .1... . . ...
iuii unoj mull ii.iiiso. wie riiv. oeiivei r.
pure Lake Ice in such quantities a, c;,-
j turners may desire. Leave orders at my
i residence on Seventeenth near Commercn. ;
at Sargeants, on Eighth street, or address
me through the jxjst-otlice.
P. M. U'Ar.r.
I am prepared to furnish ice w holesale
or retail all through the season. Office,
Eighth street, between Commercial an 1
Washington avenues, next door to Bristol 's
grocery store. Jacob Ki kp..
Thcfuir and festival for the benefit of t:.e
German Catholic .school and church, will
be held at the Hibernian engine house, on
the Ctb, 7,th and tth of this month. The
members, particularly the ladies, have
worked hard to make this a grand success.
The best string band has been engaged to
play for the occasion. The supper table
will be filled with all the delicacies of the
season, and the refreshment table with
strawberries, ice cream, etc. The fancy
tables will be all in grand style. Come one,
come all, and get a delicious supper for 21
Mks. Ei.iZAnETit CadyStantox will lec
ture at the Atheneum on Saturday evening,
May 10th, for the benefit of the Library.
Subject, "Our Boys." Admission 25 cents.
Reserved seats !() cents. Tickets for sa't!
at Ilartman's store. Lecture commencing
at 8 o'clock, sharp.
Noiiody will skll, except lie has t he ad
vantage, for less than his neighbor. H.
Meyers has it. Call and sec him.
GnocF.uiKs, New and Fkksh. I have a
full line of fresh family groceries (if every 1
variety, just received, and for sale at closi
fi'Mires. All kinds of vegetables fresh from
o i3 '
the gardens. A large stock of canned
goods, fruits, etc., at Trigg's old stand,
Washington avenue. J. E. Scillki:.
Envelops printed at the Hvli ktin office,
$1.00 per M. Envelops furnished at St.
Iniis wholesale List prices for the m xtiJO
The miilerxlKiii'il. hiivltnl been unlimited Ailinin
Ixtnitorof the cMute of Jhiih-b Cliuiiin, late of ttrn
enmity of Alexiitnter. and xtute of llllnoln, ilcceawd,
hereby (Ives notice thut he will Appear hefuru th
county court of Alexander coituty, at the court
hoiiHo In I'alro, at Ihtt Juno lerin. on the Third
Monday In Jane nt, t which tlmu all nernunn
buvlnn claims BtfiilnHt cald estate are notlHed and
requested to attend for the purpose of huvlnR the
same adjusted. All persons ludehted to said es
tate) ore reuuosicu iw uiuku immeuiatu payment
to the undersigned.
Dated this 'rweuiynnn nayoi April, A. u. 1S79.
C1IAKLKSO. I'ATlEU, Administrator.
The underslOTicd, havlns been ntinolntcd Admin
Istratorof the estate of William M. Athtrton, late of
me county oi nicxanncr una statu ot Illinois, de
ceased, hereby Klves notice that lie will tttinenr he-
Tore the county court or Alexauder county; at tho
coiirt-lioiisn In Cairo, tit Ihe Julv term, on the
second Monday la July next, at which tlmn all
Sersous bavini claims nwlnst said ustnte are mill
ed and requested to attend for the purpose of hav
InK the same adjusted. Algernons Indebted to said
estate are requested to oiakv Immediate payment to
ur uuuvii,iiinu.
Dated this '.Mid day of April. A. D. 1STS,
JACUU KIUUlE, AumluUtrntor.

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