OCR Interpretation

The daily Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1878-1???, August 27, 1879, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87082573/1879-08-27/ed-1/seq-4/

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I. Ir
I) K
OrWlCK; Ktatti and Wa.alii.dim Avnuna.
RBSlDENC'Br-Corner Nineteenth, and WmU-
Houtoopathit' Physician and Surireon.
OflOotf l Commercial avenue. K.'i'UU'nce comer
Fourteenth St. ana WMliiniftun avenue, l airo.
Dental Surgeon.
i.tet No. IV, Commercial Avenue, between
Ki'Mh and Ninth Srreeu
D K N T 1ST.
iipyr-; S!i!itk str.et. uar Commercial A venae.
X.t.iry Public ami Conveyancer.
wl'KIi 'E: With the Widow' mid Oorpbau.' M'J.
tl Aid Societr
i FFU'E No. Ill Commercial Avenue
STEAM it. tA'iS.
Tie Ei.'ant Si U vvlifi l PnMetuiT Steamer
A J. 31 RD...
.... MaUT.
L.'ave Cairo everv HftiT;n'ri at 1 o'clock, for
Pidccali. Metropolis and' way l-indhnst. For
r.lht or pa-.'c apply to Sul, A. SILVER,
Os and after Monday, June Id, tin- boat ill make
he (uUowiiii: trip:.:
Foot Fourth l. MUsouri Lniiili!
Kentucky Ld's;.
" a. m
'i a. !,
II X. m.
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10 h. in.
4 p. m.
t j.
n vn ti AT'iii. ni h.
TlirRSOAV. ACfll'ST -.is i;u
A il.iy of ainunmciit and fun alive. Everybody
invited to comn. The celebrated LI "I'liX HI!
STKINU BAND, of Pulmki ciiimty. lias been en
aied tor inline'. Also Flying Dutch mvu and other
amutiemciit. Come everybody, and don't yon
jfjrjet it.
' Manager?.
JlSsaK iliNKI.K, N. It . TlllaTLHWoOU, J . 11 Mooue
& MoOliK,
Farmer's Tobacco Warehouse
No, lrffi mid liT Cominereml Avenue,
;aiko ii. i..
. HSfMbi-rul Adviihiemenls made on Cousian
mfin of Tcibanre. Hour, am! (Jraiu.
IW Ajiiitj forlieur, Scott l a. tlireshini; mil
filmed, portable mw mill and tbrenbina engine.
Aunt for Chainjiiou hurvuntitiu nai:hine, mowers
hu.1 rapor .
... il M2
1,2- N 3 .r-
fi 3 j-tf a Jagg
g JZLi ?
:cmei Wa.Ultiiiioii Avenue and Eilit Slre'.t
A full mid complete nupply ur the Im-kI of ull
K.jiii meai uinavn on ttutitl.
An ImmeuM! Htork of Kifit Tr'e hiiiI Ever
roen heeiliiien. Khruba. rruit I ree. and Sin
rruit. thai Hill !e i-old i lieaper and packed lietter
than ai any oiin r place on trie American comment
Mitr.'Oti l'ay, Win
Only Mornlnar Daily i n Son t Iioi-njil 1 1 iiols.
L REporrL
Cairo, III., Auut
1.1S.II. I
Ther. Uum Wind, Vil Weatlur,
a m :l.iw
t. i p.r.i
.1:4i " I'.'ii
tliiiitnnr.t Teni-
I erature, til !
Kalnfall. H OI iueh.
teru''l Sitfu"! 1'orn. I'. S. A.
'The stock yards were well filled witli
Texas cattlu yi'sterduy.
Grips wore ju'dillc'd tibtmt the Mreols,
yestfrday. tit six cents a pound. They form-i-rly
sold' at 8 to 10 cents.
Doctor Paul U. Si-hii liand Philander
W". Rare-lay were passengers on the out-yoini,'
Illinois Central train, yesterday afternoon.
Mr. Jacob vYalter returned Uonie from
a St. Louis and Cincinnati trip, Monday,
nursing a nost cxcrutiatinsly painful Ume
Mr. Mike Staplctm, who visited the
Hot Springs in search of a euro for his
rheumatism, writes home that ho is improv
ing rapidly.
Remember the Mystic hop Thursday
ni.:ht. The object is purely social, not
speculative, and promises to be one of the
pleasantest aiY.tirs of the season.
Quite a large number of Cairo people
are iniikinir anangeuients to attend the bar
becue at Hodges' Park to-morrow. A big
crowd and a good time are looked for.
Mr. John Schlock, superintendent of
the scales and water department of the Illi
nois Central, was in Cain), yesterday, cast
ing his eye over things subject to his super
vision. Twenty-one tents were received in
Cairo, the other day, and stored with Capt.
I. II. Myers, until such time as there may
le ua fr Hem. They were sent here I y
order of the National Sanitarians.
Mr. Dan. Ilartman left for St. Louis,
yesterday afternoon, to purchase the iron
front for his new building on the corner of
North and Commercial. The structure will
be of brick 50 by 95) feet. Mr. Mose Foss
secured the contract for -building it.
Rallies seem all the rage of late. Some
are the out-cropp:ngs of stem, pinching
necessity; others are purely speculative.
Of t!ic latter character is that engineered
by the boy who was abroad, yesterday, sell
ing ten-cent-chances in a Poland China
Mr. Walsh, Jr., vacated his father-in-law's
dwellins; house. yesterday a
fact that may be accented us an in
timation of the early return of ('apt.
James Johnson's family from the farm
beyond the classic Cache.
Wbut think the readers of a pear full
eight incites in girth a full pint cup fuliof
pear, and delicious as large? For one such,
all around, the editor's family has to thank
Mr. Samuel Waltcs. The fruit was grown
on a dwarf tree in the side yard to his resi
dence, and is the finest we ever saw.
Masters Crawley and "hit'akc-r are
about to be transformed from prize
pop-corn and pea-nuts venders, to full
fledged family grocers. They propose to
open out on Poplar and Twentieth. Should
they no, iney will be the youngest opera
tors in the grocery line in Cairo possibly
in the state of Illinois.
William II. Snow, Mr. Rench's step
son, who returned home five or .six weeks
ago, after an absence of seventeen years
ago, died at Ins step father's house on Sev
enth street, at 4 o'clock yosterpay after
noon. He had been working in the swamps
and low-lands of Kentucky and Missouri,
and died of a severe type of bilious fever.
A grim looking, strange darkey, carry
ing a whisky bottle in his pocket, and a grip
sack from which six inches of the barrel of
a horse pistol protruded, was quite anxious,
yesterday evening, to girt a chance to ride
wuii some ooiiy to jiooges l'arK. no was
not, in every respect, such a traveling com
panion as a stranger would choose, although
lie may be ns harmless as a baby.
A gentleman on the Central cars, Mon
day night, being questioned as to his vight
to enter the city, had mane matters nil
straight by showing he was from St. Louis.
to., but gave himself away, a minute later,
by voluntarily adding that he recently
reached St. Louis, directly from Corinth,
Mtssissipp. ' On receipt of this informa
tion he was taken into quarantine at the
guard line above the city.
Alderman Yocttm is having a serious
time with his wounded hand. An attempt
to save a linger that, was rather badly
crushed resulted in mortilkation, and the
finger had to be taken oil'. We were in
formed, yesterday, that he is liable to loso
his whole hand from the same cause. Wh
shall be sorry, indeed, to receive n confirma
tion of this conjecture. Mr. Y. is with Mr.
XioU Cantrell.
Mini Hun Foley, a deserving widow
woman is in such straightened circum
stances that she is but yielding to stern
necessity in disposing of her cow and calf.
Friends have kindly taken hold of the mat
ter, ami to secure something like the actual
value of the animals will sel! "chances,"
The investment of a dollar or so in the
chances will be money worthily Wstowed
Whotheryour throw in tho nfllola tho high
est or lowest. Mm. Foley has lived in
Cairo twenty years or more, and everybody
speaks of Iter as a deserving woman.
The Marine hospital contains only ten
patientsat this time. The last arrival was
that of a young man who had been working
on the lower river, who came by boat to a
point a short distance below No. 1, reached
Fort Jefferson, stayed there a short time,
and then came on by skiff to Cairo. The
means lie employed to get around quaran
tine, were not disclosed until he had been
in the hospital several days.
Archy Robinson having from 50 to 100
days imprisonment hanging over his head
skipped out several days ago, and it was
hoped the city was happily rid of Ids pres.
eiu'e. Rut the hope was dclu.-'tve. Monday
uight policeman Tyler came up on Archie,
mid took him in to finish out Ins term in the
calaboose. The city ought to provide con
stant employment for such fellows, or hire
out their time to the best bidder.
Lizzie Fowler and Catherine Lell'er, a
brace of brazen-faced tiymphs,
were arrested yesterday,
fot -ilaunting themselves" too conspicuous
ly on the public highways. Arrests of a
like character should be made every day,
until the more impudent of the gaudy cyp
rians are retired from the streets again.
Such presences have Income entirely too
numerous of late.
We are apprehensive that our physi
cians in both city and county are quite
careless in their observance of the birth and
death registry law. During the month of
July only sixteen births and six deaths for
the whole county, were reported. These
returns are so palpably out of accord with
the facts, that a respectable, pointed af
fidavit as to their correctness, could not be
procured, if needed, for less than three
A number of black boys decoyed a
little white boy into the box factory lumber
yard, yesterday, and tortured the little fel
low in a manner that was cruel, even fiend
ish. With pins fixed in the ends of sticks
they prodded the little lad until his con
tinued cries arrested the attention of a wo
man, living fully two hundred yards away,
who came to his relief. The boy's body w as
punctured in scores and perhaps hundreds
of places, and it is ti"t improbable that the
young savages would have seriousely in
jured the child had he been beyond the
reach of help.
Centralia has organized a building and
loan association, the like of which we have
often urged as one of the needs of Cairo.
The members met Monday night, and elect
ed nine directors. The capital stock is fixed
at $100,000, divided into 1000 shares. No
person will be allowed to subscribe lor more
than 50 shares. An assessment of $j a
montu upon each sliare will be made
until the full amount is paid in. The money
thus accumulated is loaned to members who
may desire to build. A reasonable rate of
interest is exacted, and the returns thus se
cured form he dividends of the stockhold
crs. That such associations are blessings to
honest mechanics or working men who
would provide homes for their families: and
also great promoters of the growth of the
towns in which they are organized, are
facts entirely too apparent to require urg
ing. The owner of one of the corn-fields on
the 'outskirts, is much annoyed by the
Reverend Jacob Rradley's mule. If ever
mortal man had occasion to 'spize a mule,
he has occasion to 'spize the Reverend
Jacob's. It gets into his corn-field. He
turns it out, and it gets in again. This
turning out mid getting in has been re
peated so often that it lias lost all its novel
ty. It is the only mule of the three hun
dred owned in the city that forages on his
growing corn. He has notified Jacob of
the mule's frequent tresspasses; but go into
his field when and as often as he may.
there he finds that persistent, long-earned
progery of a jack ass! Yet a little longer
and we shall expect to bear of the enforce
ment, about that field, of a "shot-gun quar
antine." The mere closing of the doors of our
saloons has hitherto been recognized as a
compliance with our ordinance prohibiting
the sale of liquor on Sunday. Although it
has been known to ovcry officer who has
served the city at any time during the p:i-t
ten years, that liquor was sold behind the
closed doors of every saloon hi the
city, no saloon Iceper has ever
been prosecuted. For this reason
fi City Attorney dismissed the two cases
that were to have been tried yesterday af
temovn. Within a day or two. however,
all sahxm keepers will be notified of the
purpose of the authorities to enforce a strict
compliance mUi the ordinance. After that
notice has been given the plea of "custom"
or "former usage" will avail nothing. Sa
loons must not only be closed on Sunday,
but saloon keepers who sell liquor on that
day will be subjected to the penalty they
incur. Let this be understood.
One ol our citizens who claims to have
a small pecuniary interest In tho financial
complications of Archbishop Puiccll,
received a letter irom Cincinnati, yesterday
ivlltidl ltMi,l,Mrma .1... .
v" n mi,- ui.iiiiin.iii oi a new mis
fortune to toe great load already laid upon
me veneraoie prelate s shoulders, A recent
e tort to raise money for the Archbishop's
reuei, Drought together something over $9,-
uou. i ne money was deposited in the bank
1 1 r Tt . r - .
oi u. ii. Lading a (.;u.)t,r C ,!:,.i!!,,,lt;i m
that tho bank had boon robbed of flO.000.
oa Thursday of last week, on tho pretext
the firm closed its doorsi and nunouueud
itself "busted." Resides tho $3,000, (to
which tho gentleman iu question, lor him
self and a number of friends in East St.
Louis had contributed $38) the Archbishop
had on deposit about $'.'0,000 worth of col
laterals. On these, however, he had !?or
rowed $12,000, so that his aggregated losses
by the failure will not exceed $15,000. The
old gentleman's experience of late years
furnishes an ample verification of the adage
that misfortunes never come singly.
From the txt to S5th of the present
month, the county clerk issued marriage
licenses to the following named persons:
George Dilton and Mary McLaughlin,
Stephen Ruccannano and Mrs. Christiana
Rice, James Moore and Mary Johnson, .Ins.
Uriehtm and Miss Fannie Cardolie, Jerry
Duke an I Miss Ida White, J. W. Strong
and Miss Laura Leary. K. W. I'atton ami
Misi America Older, James Smith and Mrs.
Sarah T. Edwards, and John Keener unci
Miss Mattie Ward. All the foregoing were
white. The following named parlies were
colored: .K-sse Reed and Chancy An
derson, Tlmmas Johnson and Rosa lilack,
and Henry Anderson and Katy Dodson.
Marriages among the blacks are astonish
ingly infrequent. A very large per cent,
of the marilageable coiored men ami
especially thos.' who follow the river, find
ing that they incur less responsibility by
forming temporary alliances with creatures
whom th'.y call "their women," fuel a de
gree of contempt for their fellows who en
tangle themselves in matrimonial meshes
that can't be thrown off at pleasure. It
would astonish everybody, except the police,
to learn the number of colored people w ho
have eutt red into such arrangements. The
information would not only astonish, but
Rciijamin .b 'i:i-.on i u colored man
who lives with his family in that delectable
neighborhood on Poplar between 7TtttttJi
and Sixtei nth streets. About mid
night Monday. In repaired to bis
virtuous ouch. and soon af
terwards engaged in an animated talk with
his better haif.for the preservation i f w hose
morals Lei deeply concerned. He admon
ished her that she loiist talk and mix less
with the family next door, as the tribe was
a "striped breed of vats." and would inevit
ably pollute her morals ar.d smirch her
reputation f r virtu-. As nothing but n
thin board partition divided Rcnjainin's
quarters from tho.e of his neighbor's, every
word .of his admonition to hi. wife
was heard by. t neighbor, whose
name is Ishatn Turner. Ishain
feeling lingered nt R -njamin.s
verbal as-iult upon the f iir fame of Lis
fainily.Yollered into Renjamin that if he
didn't quit "def'.mishing" his good name,
ho'd u-i'.U lu uitd t.n.t bio licit. 1 .r n. IJi n-
unin. in no wise averse to a little pastime
of that kind, drew on Lis pantaloons, ai. 1
taking his axe in hand, paid his neighbor a
visit. I he neighbor mistaking the charac
ter of Renjaiuin's iiu ta!, put on a feirx ion
aspect; but instead of searing, Renjamin
went for" Ishain, belabored him with the
andle ol the axe, until Ishain concluded
that the only alternative of a badly batter
ed up corporeal structure, was flight from
lis own domicile, and straightway he fled.
Yesterday he brought Renjamin before
Sooin ().ibnrn to nrisuer ilerbirinff liw
so;iiun conviction t:iat lietijamin
came in to give the com
munity a repetition of the Newman-Glass
tragedy. This imputation Renjamin in-
lignuntly resented even ridiculed it:
"What." lie exclaimed, "me go in thereto
issign i'e you. with nothin' even to defend
myself but an old axe? I've got a 'volver
and no man in Cairo's got a better one, and
I've got a raznh, but did I bring them
along? Had I wanted your life would I
left my 'volver at home? Rah! Git out
The superstition is prosperous! " At this
juncture the squire brought the parlies
down from speculation to facts, and Isham
being able to prove nothing against Ren
jamin except disorderly condui t, a tine of
five dollars and costs was jmposed, and the
defendant held for its payment. And so
terminated the tilt between P., iijatnin
Johnson and Isham Turner.
A laboring man who-..! employment
has been of a character that required his
presence, the greater part of the time, about
the Illinois Central depot, round house und
wharf-boat, feels quite well assured that
Annie Mehan, who, while disguised in
men's clothing, came to a violent death in
Yincennes, last week, was in Cairo during
nn interval of two or throe days, early in
the present nemth. She was apparrelled
as tt tramp, in dark ill-fitting clothing, but
her features and voice were so much out
of harmony with the role she was playing.
that her real sex was not only suspected by
the laborer in question, but by several oth
crs whose attention was directed
or attracted to her. Shi
slept two nights in succession iu or about
the round house, and as she was much given
to going barefooted and carrying her shoe
iu her bauds, our informant took notice
that the big toe of the right foot was miss
ing had been taken off close to the foot.
She left Cairo, when or how, we could m t
learn. Ou Tuesday or Wednesday of last
week, while the passenger train of the O. oc
M. road was slowly approaching the depot
at Vinceiines, a person in male attire, was
eeit to fall or jump from the rear phitlorm.
Bystanders hastened to the. spot, but found
the striing-r dead. An examination (,f r,,,
27. 1879.
body by the Coroner's jury disclosed the
person' sex, but failed to detect the slight
est bruise or contusion, that could to
charged to tho fall. Her neck wan not
broken, and but for a slight discoloration
of tho face and neck, the appearance of the
deceased was entirely natural. Although
the jury concluded that death
ensued inconsequence of the fall from the
car, it is quite probable that the woman was
a victim of heart disease. She was penni
less, and the only scrap of paper about lur
person was a strip torn from the margin of a
newspaper, containing the following words,
written with a pencil: "My name is Annie
Mehan. My home is in Louisville. If any
thing should happen me, the party finding
this will send me" and the balance wns
illegible. In speaking of the body the Yii -ccnnesSun
says: "The supposition that
she was an abandoned woman, was unwar
ranted. Her person was free from blem
ish, and her face, shapely and symmetrical,
gave no indications of dissipation. Her
form was beautifully moulded, but her
hands indicated that she had been perform
ing hard work, and her feet (the large toe
of the right foot missing) that shoes had not
always formed a part of her wearing appa
rel." What story this poor wanderer, who
had scarcely reached the meridan of life,
might have told, we may never
know. Her "tramp" has ended
as she s-ems to have anticipated; and if
any would seek her they must hunt among
the pauper graves of the '"Old Post," on
the banks of the raging Wabash,
si 'EC I a l i srs i n ksTnot I C KS.
I wii.i. ii.i,iv;;n to any part of the city a
good satisfactory one-horse load of Rox
Factory woo. I tor 50 cents, cash on delivery.
Leave order at Swododa's, .store corner
Eighteenth street. R. R. Ru v.
Tks Cents Woktii. It you want a neat
smooth shave for ten cents, or a fashionable
haircut f..r 25 cents, or anything else in
the toinoria! line remember the place to
go to is Henry Schick'.-. No. 1 12 Commer
cial avenue.
A.NTI-IiKU.CM Puil'l--At the burber
shop of .T. Geo. Stchiliou-c, Eigiith street,
near Alexander County Rank. Customers
will rind a clean, cool shop, ca-y chairs, all
tiie late papers, clean towels, keen raors,
.leeoiiiniodatiiig, skilled workmen, and sat
isfactory woik. Prices: Shaving. 10
Hair-cut. 25 c;-nt
:s. Give him a call.
Notice. to am. whom it may contep.s- :
The Cairo Bulletin will pay no bills con
tracted by any of its cniplou-s, or any one
connected with the R.ilhtin. unless the
same is made on a written order signed by
myseif, and the order must be attached to
the bill when presented, and no contracts
fr advertising or job w ork are valid unless
the same are endorsed by myself.
K. A. Rrn.Hi.TT.
A Seaiscii Wauiiaxt allows an otlicer to
go through your house from cellar to gar
ret, and Lindsey's Rlood Searcher is war
ranted to go through your system from top
to toes and drive out all blood diseases. Its
cures are wonderful and certified to by doc
tors, preachers and people. Scrofula, Mer
curial Diseases, Erysitehis. Tetter, Ulcers in
the Lungs or on the Skin, Roils, Pimples,
tic, we warrant it to cure. It is a purely
Ycgetable (''.impound and Powerful Tonic.
For sale by all Druggists. See that our
name is on the bottom of the wrapjMT.
R. E. Sr-.M.Eits iv Co., Prop'is, Pittsburgh,
Pa. Barclay Bros Agents.
Save vot it cuu.iiitEN. For expelling
worms from the system. Sellers' Yennifuge
has no equal in this or any other country.
One teaspoonful given to a child of Mr.
Bradbery's, expelled 2.'14 worms in four
hours after taking the medicine. Renj. Ly
tic, Union township, Pa. Also expelled 400
worms from my child two years old. Win.
Sarver, St. Louis, Mo. Sold by all drug
gists. Price 25 ots. R. E. Sellers & Co.,
proprietors, Pittsburgh, Pa. Send for cir
cular. Ran lay Bros., Agents
The tim'tii is mighty and will prevail.
Thousands who have used and been cured
are living witnesses to the truth of our
statement, that Sellers' Liver Pills will cure
the worst cases of liver complaint, billious
ness, headache' arising therefrom, costive
ties, constipation, dizziness and all disor
ders resulting from a diseased liver. For
sale by all drnggi.-ts. Price 25 cents. R.
E. Sellers fc Co,, Proprietors, Pittsburgh,
li. Barclay Bros., agents.
Don't Be Deceive!!. Many persons say
"I haven't got the Consumption" when
asked to cure their Cough with Shiloh's
Consumption Cure. Do they not know
that Coughs lead to Consumption and
a remedy that will cure Consump
tion will certainly and surely cure a
cough or any lung or throat trouble. We
know it will cure when all others fail and
our faith in it is so positive that we will re
fund the price paid if you receive no ben
efit. Is not tiiis a fair proposition. Price
lllcts. 50 cts. and $1.01) per bottle. For
lame Chest, Back or side, use Shiloh's
Porous Plaster, Price 25 cts. For sale by
Barclay Brothers.
Why will you suffer with the Dyspepsia
and liver complaint. Constipntion, and gen
oral debility when you can get at our stores
Shiloh's Sytem Yitalizer which we sell on
a positive guarantee to cure you. Price
lOcts. and 75 cts. For sale by Barclay
"Hackmetack" a popular and fragran
perfume. Sold by Barclay Brothers.
11 pound Old Barry Letter Heads,
5J " " Note Heads.
5 " Linen Letter Heads.
3 4 Linen Note Heads.
The uebt quality of paper at prices of
the cheapest grade.
5J pound statements all colors.
1Q pound Bills Lading.
14 and 10 pound Bill Heads all sizes.
Extra super white Envelopes at St. Louis
wholesale prices. 'Printing $1,00 extra.
Ruling and ' Binding, all kinds atTiiK
Bulletin office.
Taken in the act Sister Jones called
on Elder Smith it few evenings since. Be
ing a next door neighbor, sho entered his
study unannounced, and was greatly
shocked at seeing him take a drink from
a suspicious looking bottle. He noticed
her look of inquiry and said: "This, Sis
ter Jones, is Tabler's Portaline, or Ycge
table Liver Powder, the only remedy I
have ever found for the many troubles ar
ising from a disordered liver. I can rec
ommend it." Price 50 cents. For sab' by
Barclay Bros.
Do Wk, Believe in Witch ('iiaet': "I
take the position that we do not, in its
broad sense, sui.I n gentleman of years and
experience, and yet we find many of tho
present d.iy carrying a Buckeye in their
pocket through a kind of superstition, when
they might be relieve.) by a few applica
tions of Table's Buckeye Pile Ointment."
This ointment is made from the Buckeye,
and is recommended for nothing e-" but
piles. , Try it. It will cure you. Price 50
cents n bottle. For sale bv Barclay Bros.
Safety fiiom yellow kevep.. We the
undersigned engineers on the Georgia
Central Rail road, iu grateful obligation
for the benefits We received from the Use n f
Simmons Liver Regulator during the
fellow Fever epidemic in Savanah. Ga . in
the Summer and Fall of desire t
make the following statement: That
during the aforesaid epidemic we used tho
medicine known us Simmons Liver Regu
lator, prepared by J. U, Zeilin & Co.; and,
though exposed to the worst miasmatic
inlluerices of the Yellow Fever, by going in
and coming out of Savanah at' different
hours of the ni'lit, and also in spending
entire nights in the city during the
prevalence of this most Tata! epidemic, with
Imt the single i xceptior of one of us. who
was taken sick (but s;cedi:y recoveae I),
we continued in our u-rjl go-.! health a
circumstance w e can iiec iunt for in no other
way but by the effect, under Providence,
of the habitual and continued Use of
Simmons Liver Regulator while we weie
exposed to this Yellow fever malaria.
Respectfully Yours". C. It. Patterson. J as.
L. Mallette. John R. Collins, Melton F.
If Yoi- want to be well :n spite of juir
self u-e Kidney-Worb Ci.res Kidney" dis
eases like a charm.
i f
(nt ri In-, riinn: IMi..tti uitLn
$!.'' (ii r month. Km h additional Hue
sitna.hiri- ant.-d In v.
'I'ii the lliiii-rniaii Eire Company No t: Ant,':!
clecimiiwiil In.- h.-m Septi-mhrr sill. l-T
ANHY M" 1.1,1 AN. Si-, y.
Fun Sai.b- Si-par.-itely or together, s el of sti '''
liariies. h new, Imivy eii'lilon arid a btu'ji wl.ij
Apply at II ilieliu liiiid-rc. Jok E li: iikk
IIKAInAl:l'Ei:s Kuli FINK Altlll E.''Y (.oOIts
ISowk. rrou-a. TirL'"t. s.'nH.tirj'j tilotv- etr.. at
f. W. HENKKKsu.VS. tunine-rcial avcL c.
tierTttelflU utrett
To i!ory brlrk limine, fijjlit room, on Ninth
Bireel. oppomte Hr. Il.iuuiu Apply to A. Man.
1.1 Ohio Levee.
I'ropoul will lv received until September l-i
next, for rlenriti'.' road, running from the me.rh. r
ly eiiil of the approach to lieu iron brldi'e, aero--I
ache river, up and aloni; and near .ild utrcjm t i
the ( aim.-uul ,)oni horo road, according to n-ir. ,
on Hie la county clerk omce.auda- indicated I v
Make numbered and driven every Ml feet a'.o:
riid line. To In- well cleaned t) feet wide, hi: Of
feet In center ofwliiib everyuluir must be ch .red
below the nirfji : of the yreiind, nud any I. on.
canned thereby filled up m lhat no ol iericr.. n
will lie cumed to vehicle. Hid may be m ute for
all or any portion of naid clrarlni! bv the acre or
rd. THOS. Y. IIALf.IM.-W.
Chairman County Hoard Alexander CciuM).
Cairo. Auiru-t 3th. is;
"I)liol'OSALN FOR i;ni.H'N; NEW liRlln-K
I'ropo-nl. to be nl.-il n l-h Coinitv Clerk, v. 1.1 be
received hy the Crnnty Hoard of Alexander Count v
Illmoi ntitil o'clock a. m.. Mondav. Septem'-. r
1st. next, for fnrniahiiit: all material" ami ia'.or
neccK-ary to build a new brbbe iiv, r Lake ( rei k.
on Cairo and Joneaboro road, iu ame location m
present briilL'e.
SpecilW aticni" may lie obtained nt office of ti i , c S r
signed, corner Washington avenue und Kitfhtecii'.li
ftreet. Ill thi city, or from Samuel Rrlley ( otu
iin.-iiiLer. at Elco, in tlii county
I hnlrnian County Roan',.
Cairo, Hi., Aiii.'. la. lsta
;ro kirks.
! T.WAKliExWV' CO.
UKUli W. Second St.
Foreign mmI Domeitic dried and canned Fruit ai d
Vegetables, ( iinned, dried and cult Flsll. Pick
le. Sauce, Oil und Condiment. Soup
atnir. Ilakint: I'owrtcr. (,'roiiad and '
whole Spice. Toilet und Laundry
Soup Seed. .Ict'.tc, Preserve
Fumy Crocerlca mid (iro
cers' Sundries.
Stock unparalleled in the West.
Vulcan Ikon AVokks
John T. Rennie,
HAVIN'O establlalicd In work nt the above men
tinned place Is heller prepared than ever Tor
mannfaetiirlnu Steam Kntrlne and Mill Machinery.
llavluu b Steam Hummer und nmplu Tool. th
mautifnctiiro of all kinds of Machinery, Rullroiid,
Steamboat and Ilrldtfo Forulujf made a tneclulty.
Kapeclal iHtcmtinti i;vuu to ropulwof ii "hie and
lira Castlne of nil kind made to ordei
ripo Fitting lu all Its braorhci.

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