OCR Interpretation

The daily Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1878-1???, April 08, 1880, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87082573/1880-04-08/ed-1/seq-4/

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CMUfi A D V FftTl S K M E NTS.
ALL ADVKRI'IPKHnNTH In till column, of
It Hum earli (irli-Mwill he palillnhvil for aft
tentf on inTiton;8 lliuon. . cuuli; I wefU, Ml:
nBtb, l.M); 8 mtititli without climip. $! M per
tBODtk. KWB l KlMlttllkl IIBl. lininiU. Hlliluiiu
wauled free.
Parnlfhcd mum with board fur irrntlrman and
wife or two luclK. buquireal ttii omcc
. Notl' U hereby given that an election will lie
held on Saturday, April 10th. at the Aral) em-mo
home, tor the purpona or electing one cuioi
trut forTownnhip 17 bou'.d, nanjje i nvm nr
.naer county. J0IlNMUNSl)EN.
.,lUUAd..t f, .iiiulinil rnnmi. nn fli'rnlirl
loor, with or without hoard. Inquire comer of
WMhlDRton Aveuue and Twenttetn street, oppoen
court houop.
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon.
Offlre 140 Ui. amerclat avenue, llealdeuce corner
Fourteenth St. and Washington avenue, Cairo
Dental Surgeon.
Office No. l:lfi Commercial Avenue, between
ElRhtb aud Nimb Streeu
OFFICE Klplita Street, near Commercial Avenue,
Notary Public ami Conveyancer.
OFFICE: Wi'.h the Widows' aud Oorpnana' Mil
nal Aid Society.
Refrigerator Cars,
Wholesale Dealer'
in Ice.
Oar Loads a Speoialtv.
() I'1 k i c K :
Cor. Twelfth Street and Levee,
Dealers iu
Washington Avenue, Cor,
Eighth Street,
Cairo, Illinois.
CAPITAL. 5100.000
W. P. IIALI.IOAY, I're-ident.
11. L. 11A1.1.IDAY. Vlre-i'n-ptldeiil.
Tikis. W. 1IALLIDAY, Cashier.
I. TiT TAYMIK. W. P. l M.M1A V.
11. H.L'ANURF..
Exeliaiiffe, Coin and United States Bonds
Dop.iMKrereived anil a uem-rnl hunklliK ImihIi,,
Manularturerof and Dealer In Aim
t$rAM. KlS'llaor JDH WORK MINI To lllKnwJI
no. r,
eft H
H "
a r
Only Morninff Daily in Southern Illinois.
Hiokai Orrici, I
Cairo, 111.. April H, 1HH0 (
Time. liar. Tber. Hum. Wind. Vel Weather,
6 a m an.tw
7 " ao.lt)
10 " .'10.16
lip m., :.is
20 Cloudy
!4 Cloudy
lb Fair
tfl Fair
Marluium Tempuraturn. Sjo ; Mlulmiliu Teai
perntiiri'. M; Katut'all 0 rtl Inch.
Itlver :M feet 10 incite. Rise i iti-he.
W. H. RAY,
Sera't Slenal Corns. U. t. A.
The "Active" cooking stove, tlie best
ever brought to this market,
it, nt Davidson's.
Call nud see
agents for Bryon Brown & C'o.'s custom
shoes. Every pair warranted. Rest shoes
in the world.
Jacob Kline desires the public to know
that he has perfected his machinery for the
manufacture of stone in blocks, and is now
ready to receive orders for sidewalk slabs.
foundation stone, building corners, window
Bills, caps, etc. Orders will receive prompt
attention, and be tilled without delay.
Cauio, Ills., March 25. 190.
Public notice is hereby given to deposi
tors and all others that, on and after May
1st, 1880, the rate of interest allowed and
paid by the Enterprise Savings Bank will
be four (4 ) per cent, per annum on all de
posits, under the rules aud regulations of
said bank, until further notice.
By order of the Board of Directors.
Thos, W. Halliday,
Secretary and Treasurer.
cheapest place in the city to buy your dry
j;oods. Call and obtain price. Don't be
deceived, but walk a few blocks and save
your dimes.
Atjeut for lleilman's best plow made,
warranted, nud money refunded if not the
best. Nkw Yokk Stoue.
(roods jobbed at St. Louis prices by C. O.
Patier, & Co. Our Magnolia coll'ee,
we guarantee better than any other in the
market. Try it.
the following machinery, all in first-class
order: One boiler nearly new, 40 .inches
diameter, 24 feet long, v ith smoke stack ;
one engine 10 inch bore, 24 inch stroke,
witli heater, force and lifting pump; one
Daniel's planer; one 12 inch planer; four rip
saws and frames complete; one cut oil' saw;
three shaping machines; one routing ma
chine for bed posts and rails; one self-feed
slat tenanting machine, one boring ma
chine; one power mortising machine; two
turning lathes; three Emi-ry wheels.mounted
on shafts and frames; sixty feet of 2 inch
lino shafting with pulleys. For price en
quire at Furniture Factory,
William Eichhokk.
It you want a perfect, natural and life
like picture of yourself or friend, in India
ink and water colors, albumen ink or oil
on canvass, give Lighifoot & Shelton, who
represent the celebrated Auburn Company,
your order. If not satisfied, H' charges.
Agents wanted. Special terms on applica
tion. Call at Mrs. Stite', Seventh street.
Tiik "Active" cooking stove, the l'st
ever brought to this market. Call ami set
it, at Davidson's.
Mr. Chas. Slioennieyer, proprietor of the
GenuMiiia hou-e, situated at the junction
ol poplar and Tenth streets and Wash
intgon avenue, is prepared to
accommodate a few more day
bourdei.H at reasonable rates. The
table is first class, containing always the
best the season ntfords, and the general ac
commodations nll'orded are not surpassed
by any private boarding house in tin city.
Willi. K filth is a great disease breeder, let
it accumulate where it may. it becomes espe
cially dangerous when diffused through
our drinking water. Citizens appreciating
tin-fact should not fail, on the subsidence
of the sipe-water to at once call upon .1. S.
Hawkins to look after their cisterns. Such
work is a specialty with him, and he per
1'ornn it cheaply. iUtekly and thoroughly.
General repairing u carnages and hti,'
gies. Go to John Major, Tenth street, Cairo,
Foil S.u.L - For cash, a new two hun
dred dollar Mendelssohn piar.o, for .f 125,
mid tlit! freight from factory. Apply nt
this office.
F, M. Ward will enter the field again
this season, with his ice, wagons, and will
be prepared, ie formerly, to furnish pure
hike Ice, iu any part of the city, every day,
in any (jiiantity desired. The fact that he
will give tint business his personal super
visi .n, furnishes n guarantee that his pat
rons will be promptly, faith IV ly and satis
faclciily set ted.
10 pounds choice white sugar. ....... $1 00
10J pounds extra C. sugar 1 00
11 pouuds best N. O. sugar 1 00
12 pounds prime N.O. sugar 1 00
5 pounds best Rio coffee , 1 00
0 pounds prime Rio coffee .......... 1 00
7 pounds fair Rio coffee 1 00
3 pouuds pie peaches, per can 12J
2 pounds full peaches, per cau 15
a pounds full peaches, per can 20
2 pouuds tomatoes, per can 10
3 pounds tomatoes, per can 15
Best hams 10
Choice potatoes, per bu 50
Best soda crackers. 4 lbs. for 25
Best soda per lb 4,l
Matches. 200 box. 3 boxes for 10
Starch, per pkg i4
Best Kirk's O. Soap, 4 bars 25
1 lb. bar soap 05
Magnolia best roasted coffee, 2 lb.
packages for 45
P. & W. flour, best in the city, guar
anteed 8 50
Corn Flour, per lb , 2
Blacking, 3 boxes for 10
Huston best butter per pound . . . 32
Fairbank lard 3 pounds for 25
Parties wishing to buy goods cheap will con
sult their interest by calling on New York
Store oldest house iu Southern Illinois and
largest stock of goods, full line of seed po
tatoes, onion setts, garden and field seeds.
Buy your goods, now. They are sold at the
lowest prices. New Yokk Stouk.
Additional local news on third page.
Go to the Delta Fire Co.'s ball to
See notice in "wanted column" of
boarding for man and wife or two ladies.
Will Pink is still confined to his room.
but his manv friends are glad to know he is
on the mend and will soon be out again.
Cole Boren. one of our oldest and most
popular steamUmt pilots, was in Cairo,
yesterday, mingling, etc.. with his hosts of
Henry Lotlin has dritted into a conge
nial calling. He is now proprietor of u
news stand, near the corner of Sivth and
The Delta Fire company's semi-annual
ball, this evening, wins the countenance
and should command the presence of all
the good people of the upper part of the
If several items iu to-day's paper ap
pear sinewhat belated the fact may be
ascribed to another fact, which is that we
were compelled to hold over a column of
matter prepared for yvsterday'a paper.
It is still thought that General Grant
will puss through Cairo on his way east, if
only to lay in a supply of the "Faultless"
h'yc cent cig:ir, gold wholesale and retail,
by F. Korsmeyer.
The regular semi-annual hall of the
Delta City tire company will ! held in
their hall to-night. Supper will be served
in the engine room. Tickets of admission
to the hail room costs one dollar. Supper
is extra.
W. It. Brown, of Metropolis, a con
scientious Republican, a clever gentleman
who is named us one of the few Republi
cans who could creditably represent this
district in congress, was in Cairo, yester
day, a guest at the Planters'.
The adoption of the new "privy vault"
ordinance will, in time, meet the universal
endoivemetiL of the freeholders of Cairo.
Its strict enforcement will achieve mpre in
the line of domestic and general sauiation
than any other ra-oimlile measure that can
be desired.
It hit been suggested that the "Mcn
d"No:i quartette" give a sacred concert at
Turner hail next Sunday night, placing the
price of admission at a low figure. This
is a good suggestion as thereby all classes
w ill have an opportunity to hear these line
singers and listen to the music of their
ktiperb piano.
Take a ticket and attend the ball to
night at the Delta City Fire company's
hall. The cost is only one dollar. The
hest band to l obtained iu the city, will
furnish the m.isie. A splendid supper will
be served in the engine room for w hich a
small additional charge will lie made of
those who desire to partake.
The appearance of Milton Nobles, in
the great American melodrama entitled
''The Phoenix." will call out a full house of
our most respectable and appreciative peo
pie. Mr. Nobles is not only an author of
confessed ability, but an actor tlmt stands
iu the very lore-front ot American artists.
He will be supported by his own company.
General J. C. Smith, who seeks and
will probably win the Republican nomina
tion for tin! office of governor, ai rived in
the city yesterday, and diagnosed Republi
can sentiment quite skillfully. Hu is a
most affable gentleman, and won largely
upon the respect of our citizens, irrespec
tiveof their political iuelinings and affini
ties. The quarterly statement of the Alex
ander County Bank, published elsewhere,
gives indication of the careful and econom
ical management of the institution, as well
as a growing confidence on the part of our
people iu its standing as a niotiied institu
tion. In its new building it lias acquired
title to the best business property, off the
lcv..'e, in the city of Cuirj.
, The lines "Farewell Tobacco" form a
very pert parody on tho old rebel song of
"Farewell forever to the Star Spangled
Banner.", If the lines shall, as the author
of them hopes, induce a single youngman
to spit out his cud, aud abandon the vile
habit of tobacco chawing, the effort ot the
author and space of the printer will not be
considered fruitless.
Capt. Jim Johnson, in the city yester
day, expected to return at once to Texas,
his principul field ol operations, of late.
The captain has been captivated by the
"big-souluess" of the Texans; ami his sue
:ess there seems to indicate the establish
ment, as between himself and that people,
i sort of mutual confidence ami admiration
The retail business of the city is dull.
Tie' causes, however, are obvious. It is
tlat season between the winter and spring
trudethat is usually characterized by dull,
less; for several weeks the contiguous
ountry around us has Wen submerged, and,
ust at this time, the farmers are all busy
plowing and planting. The lapse of a
counle of weeks will bring increased ac
tivity to all departments ot trade.
Adolph Swoboda is a candidate for
alderman in the Fourth ward. He is a
man of good, practical sense; a successful
and very active business man. a property
holder, ami a citizen who will follow his
convictions of right, fearlessly and determ
inedly. Hosts of friends will rally to his
support, and, should he be elected, he will
serve the city faithfully and with an ey
single solely to what he uuv conceive to lie
its best interests.
Owing to the dampness of the weather,
the high water and other causes, the sales
of tobacco at the Planters' tobacco ware
house have uot l.een large, for a week or
more. A large business for the balance 'if
the season, however, is reasonably antici
pated. Recent sales, (which are, we ob
serve, reported in all the the leading tobac
co papers of the country) indicate the fol
lowing as the ruling prices: Lugs, 3.00(a)
3,75: common leaf, 4.0o (Tl 5.00; medium
leaf, 5.00 ,G.75; good leaf, 7.00 8.50.
George Woods, the "lightning plas
terer." as he is pleased to call himself, was
brought before Squire Robinson yesterday,
under a charge of vagrancy, The charge
was sustained, and the "lightning plas
terer" was properly disposed of, by being
allowed the space of ten hours in which to
leave the city. He dropped in on us from
Memphis, hut finding a code ot morals there
in harmony with his own, it is his pur
pose to return to that city.
It is surprising, but true, that we have
not, in the whole city, a licensed auc
tioneer. Whether this is so because the
licenses are too expensive, or whether the
business cannot be made sufficiently lucra
tive to justify the attention of a person
qualified to meet the public demand, we
are not prepared to say. Tom Winter and
Sol Silver are leviathans on the auctioneer's
block; but, for soma reason, both of them
have drifted out of the business.
As many as thirty or forty idle labor
ers skirted cither side of the sidewalks at
the intersection of Sixth and Eighth and
"Levee streets, yesterday not so much a
terror to lady passers-by in their appear
ance as in the matter and manner of their
conversation. There were blackguards
among them, who put no restraint upon
their nasty tongues, and wh as a conse
quence, brought tin; crimson to the f.tc-i of
every respectable female who came within
eir shot of them.
Grant Wilson, a colored sha'fer of a
dozen years or more, was brought before
Squire Robinson, yesterday, to answer for
an assault upon another colored shaver,
with a pocket knife. Grant merely cut at
his opponent, being aggravated thereto by
great provocation; and both tin; combat
tants having scarcely passed the point of
personal legal accountability, the penalty
was regulated accordingly. Young Wil
win, in default of payment of the tine in
flicted, was calaboosed fur the period of
eight days.
The little towns of Southeast Missouri
have their scenes ol violence as well as the
villages farther south. In the vicinity of
Bertram!, a few miles distant from Charles
ton, John Douglass fired the contents of his
shot gun, iast Monday, inio the body of
William l.ettsiuger. The latter had ac
cused Douglass of stealing two plugs of
his tobacco, and as there, seemed to lie a
respectable foundation for the charge,
Douglass became deeply angered, and hav
ing his shot gun at hand, promptly essayed
the destruction of Lettsinger's life. Ten ol
the twenty shots that struck L, passed into
the cavity of the body. The wounds ate
regarded mortal. Douglass is in jail.
George Woods, the unsiippivssible
"lightning plasterer," was brought before
Squire Rcbinsou again, yesterday this
time on a charge of drunkenness, It will
be remembered that this fellow, under a
charge ot vagrancy, was given the right to
choose between leaving tho city within the
space of ten hours, or of going to the
"cooler" for an equal or greater number of
days. He avowed his willingness to leave
town-to return to Memphis, "where the
authorities are not so d-d particular;" but
instead of leaving, he remained in Cairo
aid got drunk. As a punishment for his
bibulous excesses he was sent to the cala
boose for a period of four days. Because
of his neglect to leave the city, it Is proba
ble tint the term of his imprisonment will
ba prolonged two or three weeks.
"Uncle Tom's Cabin," under the man"
agement of Messrs. Rial & Diaper, drew
an immense crowd at the Atheucum last
night. The house was crowded to its ut
most capacity. Tho performance through
out was excellent, and held tho close atten
tion of the audience from beginning to end.
Mr. Arthur Gregory as "Uncle Tom," W.
II. Morgan as "Phineas Fletcher," Miss
Sallie Partington as "Topsy," and little
Minnie Knox as "Eva," were often heartily
applauded, and deserved the highest
praise as unaffected actors. The singing
was also excellent. The general opinion
prevails that tho troupe is one of the best
that has ever appeared before a Cairo au
dience. The consideration of E. F. Davis'
schedule, filed in the county court in the
suit instituted against him by Jewctt &,
Adams, was brought to a close yesterday
evening. The property scheduled by Mr.
D. amounted to $1,425.20. Of this sum
$100 was set apart by the court as exempt
from execution. In part payment of the
last named sum Mr. I), retained the $250
in cash, which formed one of the items.
Mr. M.J. Howley was then appointed re
ceiver, anil the balance of the property,
valued at $1,025.20, was transferred to his
control for the benefit of Mr. D's creditors.
The decision in this case has the effect,
we believe, of annuling the verdict of fraud
rendered by the jury, last week, and will
serve as a bar to like prosecutions by other
creditors. After a hard fight, prolonged
confinement and much tribulation Mr.
Davis is again a free man to go "whither
he listeth."
Our friend, J. 11. Mukahey, of Com
mercial Point, in this county, is still
"swinging mound the circle." He writes
us from Harrisburg, Pa., uuder date of
April 4th, as follows: "We arrived iu this
city about an hour ago, from Baltimore,
Md., where we took our first look at the
ocean that "likeness of heaven, that agent
of power" that claims men as its victims
and shipwrecks as its dower. We have
visited all parts of Georgia, South Carolina
and North Carolina, meeting relatives eve
ry where. We took our time and stopped
over at all places of special natural or
historical interest. We visited the "White
House" and national c.ipitol. and I was so
well pleased with the latter that 1 felt
much inclined to go home and ask my
friends to elect me tr coiigtess. We shall
start for Cleveland, Ohio, where we shall
strike more relations, to-morrow, and shall
remain there a w eek or more. Beyond that
point our route is not yet fully settled
upon." Mulcahey's relatives are in point I
of numbers, like the forces that environed
the famous "six hundred" relatives be
hind him, relatives in front of him and
relatives all ar-mnd him. As a "much
related man" he bea's the world.
Mr. Jewctt Wilcox is about to retire
from the management of the Gardner
House, Chicago, 111. a fact which our peo
ple, within a hundred miles of the month
of the Ohio, will learn with feelings of
sincere regret, unless, inirfed, he re-estab-lishos
himself in the same business at some
point where they can patronize biui. The
following reference to Mr. Wilcox's retire
ment is from a recent number of the Chicago
Hotel World: "Mr. Jewctt Wilcox, who
has managed the Gardner House so satis
factorily for the past year, has tendered his
resignation and will retire from the posi
tion on the first of May. Capt. Wilcox,
during his four years' connection with our
Chicago hotels, has made a reputation sec
ond to none, and his services are in demand
in several directions to take the manage
ment of hotels. He is determined to con
nect himself with some good hotel us sole
or part proprietor. We sincerely trust that
Mr. Wilcox's valuable services will be re
tained in ('liicir.'o, und hope to be able to
chronicle the fact that he has become pro
prietor of some hotel in this city: aud in
saying this we simply echo the sentiments
of his thousands of friends in all parts of
the country.
The presence of Mrs. Gov. Beveridgc
and Mrs. Dr. Wardner, in Centralia. last
week, was the signal for a rousing iccep
tiou liy the ladies and gentlemen ot the
place, in the interest ot the lllinoisn Idus
trial School for Girls. Tufts, the editor of
the Centralia Democrat. changed hats with
Rexford, ami not being recognized, gained
admission into the room. In his last pa
per, therefore, we find an account of the
meeting, as also the following preamble
und resolution offered by the mayor of Cen
tralia. and unanimously adopted by the au
dience: Whereas. We. the citizens of Centralia,
are honored this evening with the presence
of Mrs. Governor Iteveridge, one of the
most distinguished ladies ol the state and
nation, and Mrs. L. R. Wrrdncr, who, while
pursuing their mission of love and charity,
condescend to visit the good people of
Centralia, for the purpose of cultivating
among us a proper spirit in behalf of the
Illinois industrial school for girls, of which
those eminent ladies are the originators
Resolved. That tho labor of love, c.hur
ity and devotion as exhibited by Mrs. Gov
ernor lievcridge und Mrs. Wardner, and
their honored co laborers, In the manage
ment of this valuable institution, is not only
worthy of the highest appreciation, by the
benevolent of all classes nnd creeds, but
also deserves thi material encouragement
of the good people of this city, and hence
wo, tho participants ol this reception and
social enjoyment, solemnly pledge our sup
port and' assistance for the future mainten
ance of this institution, so indicative of the
progress of the civilization of our times, and
of the Christian smpatliy of our people, for
the poor, the down trodden and unfortunate.
The concert to be given by Miss Ilar
rell'n class in music, at tho residence of
Mr. and Mrs. Wood Rittenliouso, will come
off to-morrow (Friday) evening, instead of
Saturday evening, as heretofore announced.
The concert will commence promptly at
half-past seven o'clock. Tho following
programme will be presented :
Oberon Trio Misses Walbndge, Orr and
Robin Adair Miss Mary Baker
Electric Schottische, Duet Ollie Reeve and
Milly Harrell.
Awakening of the Lion Miss Mamie Rit-
Vocal Solo Mrs. II. H. Milhuru
Air by Diabelli Maude Conaut
Hope March Trio Misses Armstrong,
Lancaster and Martin.
Maritana Duet Miss Nelly and ,.Ioha
Fisher. . ,
Last Smile Miss Edith Martin
Vocal Solo Mrs. II. E. Spauldiug
Bi lie Ilelene Margie Baker
Come Back to Erin -Piano Miss Amelii
Smith Violin Charles Frank.
Vocal Duet Misves Martin and Ritten
house. Welcome to Spring -Trio Misses Loilin,
Rittenhouse und Harrell.
We stated, a few days ago, on author
ity which we regarded as indefensible, that
a gold watch and chaiu'were found on the
body of Mr. Dyer. Walt, of the Argus.says
it was not a gold watch; but a silver watch,
with a "leather chain." Without rebuking
the envious spirit, in Walt, that would deny
even a dead man, the glory of wearing a
gold watch, we proceed with the proofs,
constantly accumulating on our hands, that
the watch was a gold oue. Mr, Hammer
smith writes us from Elgin, as follows:
"I manufactured watch 5.0(11, found on th"
bodj- of Mr. Dyer, and know it to be gold,
sixt'-eu carats tine." Three ministers of
the gospel called on us, yes
terday, aud testified. iu concert,
that the watch and chain were of a fine
quality of gold, and worth at least, $100.
Dr. Casey and Cait. Hambleton bear very
positive testimony to the same fact, an I
Capt. Johnson, although abiiseut from the
city, desires his atlinnative evidence on the
same point, to Ix Ukeu for what it is
worth. But above and beyond all this, we
met Capt. Potter, the publisher and pro
prietor of the Argus, tuily yesterday even
ing, and he protested, with greater vein -uience
than the occasion called for, that
both watch and chain were of the purest
metal ever delved from the mines ot
California. Its- reproducing all this irre
fragable proof, we may 1w magni
fying a small matter: but we1 do it in
vindication of the maxim that "truth
ctnshod to the earth shall rise again."
Hence, with more fervor than the matter
deserves, we now u-crt that truth is etect
again, and maintains a mathematical per
pendicular. BABY CARRIAGES
Just received, and now u exhibition at the
new crockery store of Daniel Hartma:i,
corner Commercial avenue and Ninth
street, a large assortment of new and e!e
rant styles of ba'ov carriages.
- or 'in -
MONDAY, AIMill. ."it ta, 1 -- ).
lir.siii itf i s
Loans and discounts $ 50.45
Due from other banks 14.4:i-'l t5
Cash on hand 21.105 71
U. S. and other bonds lino oo
Outfit anil furniture 5,000 no
Real estate, including banking
house 8.017 55
Expenses and taxes paid .'M 12
Total $110.50 ;:
Capital stock paid iu $ 25.201) 00
Surplus fund -Wo 50
Deposits 7s,114 3"
Earnings since .Ian. 1st 1,3!) 7 01
Total..'. $UU.50X s::
We, Peter Nell", vice-president and Henry
Wells, casher, do solemnly swear that tho
above statement is true to the best of our
knowledge and belief.
Pktf.k Ni:kf, Vice-Pros.
II F.N n Y Wkli.s. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
0t It day of April, 1880.
Ai.fi:i:i l oMi.Mis.
Notary Public
Saturday Eveiiinir, April 10.
Engagement for One Night Only
Of thu lOiuliieiitly Siicn-csfnl Cuineillan and Cliar
cler Actor,
Supported liy his powerful
Cornody Combination,
Appearing III Hot original tlnimutle Kpeciallliea
with wlili'li III numi' lino bi'cetiiK liicoperiimy
llnked-w liell will lie preenteil On- impillar Ani'Tl
cnii .Mi'loili'dinn, l.y MILTON N' UILKN onlltIt
the piKEimv
Carroll (iruven.
.11 III lllllllhllll.
As Plnyotl by him over 1,000 times.
Itemirveil Ni'itt.$t.0l')! Admission to alilu oeetloiia,
T. oi'IiIh; (lullerv eaifcpt I'nmt tiiw, nn runts. Ku
scrvuil ncuu for'nulvtat llarluiau'i New Store.
I 1 1- . - -v "AT K 1 .-

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