OCR Interpretation

The daily Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1878-1???, November 25, 1882, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87082573/1882-11-25/ed-1/seq-2/

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fillip Kl Wt f.
. , . -- it AM ROUND Tn If Si .
:iM fci'.'.VMU
:.-'ii -
Wl S1000. Given
If alum or any Injurious subs-Uincesenn be found.
In And rews Pearl Baking l'owdor. Is pos
tlvelyPURE. Hoi:isres.dorted, and testimonial
received itum such cltemistnass. Dima Hays, line
ton: M. Dclnfontalne, of Chicago; and uustavui
Bodo, Milwaukee. Never so'nl m bulk.
f Michigan At. 257, iisy & 2'M E. Water
I- V ,
9?m mmmk.
lit i ,l Hji"
Kivtv Cors:t Is :mnn'"l('i
factory to Its wearer in -..i
rt tho moiioy will tin v lewlci l-V
' the person from whiixi lv v. n fc..in. '. .
Tli"nlvr-orit pTnmr.cM bv Mir l-i):- : 1 ''' o.-wnti
not Injurious t tiie- wm, ami tni..n'.-' :
tho "iwit winfonahli) wirt v ru-: Mt:' r , mr
"iadlV PRICP.S,bT Mali, r-ae IV'.'
llMUUrrowrvlnit. !.(. tx 'f.A.Vn nr.. it.r,r
Abdoinlnitl (extra heary! ?.''. .VimIhc, i.ft
Hcollh l'rocrvliT 'lino -. II i " 'oik'i"
Hblrl-,iiip',f''m' "
Fnr ante Itr liBrtm l.""'l " MTUjliirr.
CHICAGO CiUlSll'V ft I.. liliuj.o, III.
fa a preparation of l'roioxido of Iron, Peruvian
Bark anU the I'hooplmtf s, asRocluliJ with l!je
Vepetatilit vroiimtles. lindorRcd bv the Mertlrai
Proti's-ilon, ntid ri"cinnmenib.'d by Hit m fnr 1T
pi t, Jcnrnl lellllty. 1 pinnlr !!
rain, H'nnHif Vitality, roii I'roi
trullnn, ConTaimrriire from Ferera
and Chronic 'bill nml r !. ItMrvo
every purjioso where a losic la ct :csary.
Banafaeturcl by Tho Dr. Barter iletee Co., SL loaii,
The following 1 onp of I ho very many tc3tlnio
Dlalt we ara receiving dully:
emUmm Some thrte rnon'hs bko 1 bcrt.n tht
DM of Dr. Hartkh's Irox ToMt. npon llic ad
llcf of many fi'lendt who knew Its vlrtuet. 1 wr.
luffertog from jreneral debility to tuch au extent
that my labor waa exceed tngl y bn rdontome to tua.
A Tai'utlon of a DirnUi ill J not filve mr tuiicb n
lief, h'jt on the contrary, wai followed hy ln
crfHfird prostration and tlnklry chills. At th!
tlcie I bwn the use of youi Jhon Tonic, from
wbl'-hl realtzei almost Immediate and wonderful
return". Theolctoriprvy returned and I found tbat
my natural fore? was riot permanently abated. I
hive ued three bottleiof thoTOMc. blnceimlnn
It 1 have done twlre the labor thnt I ever did In the
aamr Ume dutlr.i my nines, and with double tin
ease. With the tranquil M-rreatid vlrororbody,
ha come also a clearne&a of thouaht uever before
enloyed. If theTOMC ha not done the work,!
kuow not wbat. I give li the credit.
Troy, 0., Jan. 8, Paator Chrlittan Cbarflh,
Sale Drugfilf and Gone.'! D!9,i Every whn
Tin. limn back erdiaordored urine Indl-
oate that you tre a vlottn P TJIEN DO NOT,
EESTTATEi nae Kidney-Wert ct once, (drua
luroosiraendlt)andlt wiUBpiwir.y over
laoTOd tha disoaao and roatoro boalthy action.
I ririlor For oomplainu pocuuar
LdUl wUi to vour acx. such aa pain
and woaltnei, Kidney-VTort la uniurjMtoaed,
I it will act rrompt.y ana safely.
EitherSeT.. Inoontineneo.rotc'.ition of urtaa,
bricUilUBtorrorydenoaiW.anddu'.l dntstng
paina, nllBrJdj-7Jrildtoits curative powor.
m J tbd acquaint lilmvi-lf with th manT tilal
m m B fL I facia ihtr.aat tur'h rardlcg; thw vartoua
VkA n Vurn'RD4 ''auvc.of rvou. uitd Phvftl
ItlnlV lul lltbllltr, ttrauul mi uibr
SJiHHMaa diaordtta vtuJuctil by Ibili.crcilvoa or Kt.
Altllli c,ai. It aiiibodlta tba .arne aijwrlenoa of
VkiIIII II lD ""'Dam phTiicau who haa tDaia lotao
prfvUkU diuMi a lilt atur- Iliuiiiaixt with Ml.
W I otti pi,. lba MKDICAL WhfcKLY aaaa,
I n ' l.vtfj iEo will protli hjrita paruial." I'd
If fc U LI 111 th ""nl "titiua la auauittd a copy
UJiiiii will ba arui tia on at)lcailoa to Ilia
MAUMU iiLJUDY 10., WS Fulton M.,.Veir i'ork.
A favor' t tircwrintlnn of tin nf tha
mot oott-d uud aiircemlul i-i'i ln In th" V. S.
inv retired tut thiMMnvof Vert ok Itrhttify,
Jf """"looj, lafMMnii'l Itfrnti. .- nt
Uipla.iim:.... iivelu(M.reaa. i.'riihijiia. an a.llw
Addreai DR. WARD i, CO , leuiaiana. M
A J a 01 cmr ilia
w al aniui of
lont ,'k tiii" in curlnii 'l... ax' n ln l I ,,,,!, Lfn arnt
itaa,-nvrvuua ixui.it. In. i.nt,,-,i, tirtiHi.lt,
H'ralinru, l.unurrliu-a. h uliiiiui. i, i M .-r. wrli.l
Attitluna apfflnliji li-'lil on M'li-i,ililr prlnoit...
laud .all mirt mrf rfiu.-'li.',, i aii n, wru. Inr t.l.t ot tyiNa
tlnna is ba amaartil i.jr ili-i.r lf.inm ir-aimiui In ami,
(rrrHHia.aarHnii from Hilur. .h.nlil wn lUIr .l.lfr.v
ai4 Irara m..ii.i. I., ii .ir i.,i,i.,. I I. Lul a IraM.
AdartM, lilt HI I I, III . Nit, KL, l. Ionia, I
EialAJJUMIhD it V kit I Ml It It Ifilll
wnw, .i. tiap.aj.,n.. .,n.,.p,n ,m,. ,Mn u
ia.. MIH'lnilj ;H i, i..a a.,, , . JoniVfl
aa a.a.wj ,im.iih.i..i..
a spa
h; WSs TJ?P :
" --
ill 1
DY WXUliUM meistkk
Secnii'l Lu'Utomiut rhillip PUcc, U. 8.
A., if jt'U pluH8o, wan my nnk aod nnuie
t tbu tiuio of tlio events l)ur in chronicloJ.
PtivitUil), I huto f.iriiirtlitiub e Imvo so
much rt'ii tupu in tliu army. When I till
ynu I bulimy M the U. S. U-irps of Kuin
ccrs, I have lnno my p trt m the uiattor of
I limi tlm luck, by some culled ability
but I hiu no stickler in sunh matters tu
cury off tbe limmr!) at Weal P -int ami tmk
the rank un-nt oiuul on tho pt, tieiui? tti
(inly 8.'Cnl lieutenant tippniiiteil. I whs
iBiyiiU'l tn th ilt'partment of one of tliu
Uievrt M j ir Oeri'TKls in the Engineer
Corps, and rould h ivti uiven him ' throi
and a Hut'r" w itn he Slid: "Well, I think
Finite, yi'iar plattn will bo down on th Mif
sisHippi a oiu with First Lii-uti-nant Gr mt "
The old ft'llnw chuckled t his own allejfetl
wit Hint I also from entirely different mo
tives. Uy this order I became second in com
m ind ot a luryc party of indiviiluals, some
torty in nuiniier. Only fight nf the party
were engineers or "utticers." As fnr the
rest, Uit y were, h Usual in such casej,
dublied boatsiuen," 'otismen," "deck
iian ls," "rous'aliotiU" anytiiiiii; in fncr to
dMinyuisii iheni as the "common herd."
l'oor leliowsl They may have had souls,
or even manhood, but our reat govern
ment only rei'Oifniz d it on election times.
They had all the laborious toil to perform
at the miinitkeiit stipend of thirty dollars
piTmonih and their board, while I slipped
ten dolhirs per day into my poclief, tor (!-.
ilia lt sbtlinn two hours w ork out of twenty
four. Theie were but two army ofliccrs, Grant
and myself, the renuiuiug engineers be
loutii to the civil corps. The latter
made uiups of the land and water and we
took observations on a great scale as a cor
rective. It was the official duty of the
army corps to "cumb" the civil and of the
civil corps to "cuss" each other according
to rank and to especially belabor tiie
"lousiabouts." Promptly at noon each day
Lieu euaut Gram would take his ciar from
his mouth and officially say to me in his
iliguiheii way: "GiVu Vm h 1, Place.
yive 'em h 1," and often tbat compriaed
my entire duty for a week.
Our puiiy came together at L-airo, the
jiineiii.n of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers.
Such a parly 1 I Site befoto me those "roils
Ub 'ut," most of thcni profane fellow?,
ready to grusp an axe, oar, stadia-board, or
chain, or drink a cla-s ot whiskey accord
ui? to the dicaies or measures of his
mightiness the "officer."
Some were decent fellows. Several were
nut of college earning a little toward the
completion of their course. These l itter
were selected us "chainsmon" and paid
hiulior wuyo. i!;:u the "rou-iUbouta."
Such iu'oiiel was the party that assem
bled on board the "Ahkassaw" in the
winter of 186 77, a lare roomy barge,
titted up into compartments for the army
corps, the civil corps and the "herd." Our
api,rimeuts, of course, were the best and
amnmed a larue cabin where we sat in
state e tch evening ami inspected the work
of the civil corps. After a half hour of this
a few sympathetic buttles of extra dry
ehimpagne, choice imported cigon and
gmnes occupied our atteution.
The chief leveler, Justin Temple, was the
most independent lellow of our party, and
so tar as his work wjs concerned, deserved
higuer r&uii than he omul ever attaiu as a
civilian. However, he rank with the duel
ol the civil coips and had joiueu the pu ty
oy special ordei id the in j t gijiieral. lie
wis ti'.il one to receive a slice a the cussiu
PeiS 'tMliy he was tt great stalwart tel.ow
wiih broad shouuiers, blonde hair aud
moustache uud dt ep blue eyes. He dressed
toauiceityou all oCda&uou and was the
subject of die ladies atieutiou every where.
He wont into the tieids in the same way.
A lien coming io his held of operation by
bjat, Le nevur entered it uutil the foreman
had seen lo it that no dy sjii cks or dirt re
mained in the cu.it.-r. It it rained bestirred
not out. It the distance Kas far he de
in an 'ted the use of the steam launch. When
the sun wus hot lie requiied a man to shade
him with an umbrella cutinu illy. 1 he
waiter kept his leather Hlnuing like a mir
ror an J ther-tewurd looked afu r broadcloth
and linen similarly. 8nch was tha giant
toe ni'ijor general had planted in our midst
in no as he pleased; slid touc'.i, molest or
lUterbre with him who dare.
When a voung fellow is just out of West
Point, no Wi nder lie haHs the only man in
ihil paity he cnnnot boss. 1 will not sa
that 1 luted the leveler, but I oi l make up
my mind to "lo , for lino."
It ! ever had iinv d 's'ro to j;ivo him
h 1, 1 gave up that little in hut short U
aflf, lnnriling the "Ai ka saw." The nia
joi g'iiii' tl came dosvu the IliM week tofoi
iiilliate it pintl of opff itiniii. The arm)
and civil corp-e met in s'a'e art Uud the
cttliiu table, t'ie general presiding. '1 he
iriny corpse sat on either sidit ot him, the
levv er neM to tii 'ttti i nons'ttf of the first
iieu'ei.a u. '1 he latter determined to test
be lore the (jeneral whether Temple wasone
of Ins pait) it not, so to Hp"iik.
"I I'linit, potior I,'' sai l ho, ..thtt I will
Btait ihu leveling operations about here,1
iioin ing nil an old chart to tl o spot indi
L telcr Temple leaned buck a bit, took a
wli .If of his cii ir and remarked ; "lla.e
no I 'lu'itude fur the levrliiv.' operntioits,
Sir Li' uteuant, they wont harm you if y m
leioe iheni alone."
Lieutenant Grant anmein rath, glaied at
the i-peuker and looked interrogatively at
the geiit ral.
Tin; baiter was awiiiing tlu conflict and
simply sahl : "The leveling op ratioos are
ex. iiimv. y Temple's, Liieuteiitiit. He will
r pof. to mo,"
Tint civil corps t'l'inbled with terror titl
ing tlrs pioceeding. Temple slllokad
calmly. Th" g neral resunieil his instruct
'ioim. The Icn'enant cooled i ff, Hiid 1
a el i I haled ihu roobter worse than ever.
Among the herd was a young collegian
nnine 1 llet toii. lie attracted no Htt"iitinn
a first, and was assigni d to the leveler an
eliaiiisnian. In a week's lime everyone was
'Hiking abo'd Honton and In1 became the
obji ct i f prejii lice among tho h"rd. He
hud conn' ex'raoidiuiiiy i haractensl c. lie
neither smoked, chewed, drink, swore,
played cards, and W"rsn than all to tin
'em rl mind whs a Methodist and lived
lip 'o his rel ginn moat ri'ihleolislv.
We wet-jetting aiound the cabin table
out) night all helnu preneot hot Temple. At
ten o'clock wo were separated into card
groups, smoking. The door suddenly
opened aud in stalked tha leveler, livid
with rage.
"I demand Bir," siid he addressing the
first lieutenant, the immediate discharge of
that roustabout Benton."
"What has happ nod," said tho lieuten
ant evidently enj ying tho wrath of ttu lev
eler. " Wotl sir, you are doubtless awaro that I
am the luviied yUcst of the II. in. James
Foster, president ol a leading uatioualbauk
at Chicago, who is stopping here for toe
winter lor his health. 1 had uoi been in
his house leu miuuies this evening before
Biion seut lu bis caid. He wss ushered in
to the pailor. When ho saw me he had tho
impuiieuco to bow to Ins superior sir.
Did he retire when he ntod my presence?
Nut he sir. HeuionopoliZ-d tir,t the b nk-
t r and then his duuhter, d u him sir,
as if there ws no such thing in existence
as this survey and he a scrub ship. I d -maul
his immediate discharge.''
"Send in lienioii," saia tiie lieutenant to
tho stew.rd who answered his call.
beiiton came in. We all noticed him
now, and in spite of oUi delight at th) di.
ci'inlitute of be leveler, viewed hi in sternly
ssa very impudent fello indeod. In form
ho was inucii like General Gmnt in earliei
years, oi ine liuin ouild, wnh black hair
and must c ie. Htid bte 1 gray eyes. He
walked into the cabin conipUceutly, erect
and stately as uny ollici d might have done.
In dress and appearance there was no de
nying the yeiitii.'nian. The ch trge atrainst
him was presented and ho met it ind ffer
ently so lar as we were concern d, but
sterniy eyed bis nccu-er, measuring him
from head to foot. He took fmin his pock
et a bunch of letters, selected one and
handed it to the first lieutenant who read:
"Dkah BknTON', Please feel yoursef Ht
home at my bouse while stationed here, and
be suio and call to-niht.
Yours Binterely,
James Foster."
"This is all very good Ueuton," said tho
lituteuant in a triendiy way, but you must
remember that imeriercucc with officers is
not tolerated here."
"During official hours sir, I have no de
sire io interfere. But plaiuly, the army
regulations of the United istatvs have no
plice here, aud during olf li .urs of duty,
huo 1 remain with this party, I tlesiro a
yeutli nun's privileges, nothing more."
"Pietiy good for a deckhand," sneered
the leveler.
Djntou turned ou him. "Sir, better a
geuileuian deck-hand than a snob official."'
We alL.laii.ihed in spite of ourselves us
our ideas of what a deck-hand might be un
der some conditions had changed materially
since reading the letter penned by the
wealthiest banker of Chicago. As tor the
leveler he boiled over like a kettle of soap.
"D a you, he shouted, you shall have
no place in tuy party with your insolence at
During all this scene the chief of the civ
il coips, who was really responsible tor the
employment and di-ch trtje of tho men, had
remained silent. He knew something ol
Ueuton 'b uistoiy. Ho now uroje, threw
hack tus head, pocketed his hands, yawned
tremendously, aud said :
"That wih do Benton, report to mo to
morrow as my chains-man. I shall be per
mitted to advance your pay a little. In
fact I will baclt you against Teirple in tho
race for the girl aud bet on the man that
We uil laughed. Benton retired looking
gratelul ior ins relief aud Temple went in u
null' to his room.- Tne chief explained that
Benton knew perlectly every instrument
and could make as good a plot as any en
giueer. He wuu d let Benton dn his work
a.nl superintend the erection of observing
stations. "What's inure," said he, "Benton
shall have hi. -a uiohia and isuudajs and a
much ol the yetuleuiau busiuess as he
piO'iso-i d lUime n ho uou't." That settled
it. Th'utiiiet was tie popular man in the
patty, oig hv.aited, accurate in his work,
exacting as to insiiuciions, and his rt'coin
m :tnl was nuilicieut lor Bjutou.
i ho next utoimng the Chief aud I strolled
out on tne lin ward deck, lilts "herd" were
scrubbing ship aud tuo cutters floating near.
Be.HOo was llulU at work atUOUj, tile rest at
me Uasty business, the Victim of a hud
Headed foreman's spile.
"Bculun," caded the chiet angrily, "get
up out of dial. Foreman! Mr. B.ntoii .s
no lunger uudor your orders, tie will re
ceive iiis d.rectious Irom me personally
Agaiu lintou looked his gratitu lo and
retired to his bunk and airuuged hiuisell
ueneutiy, wu.ld ih-j men cursed the luck of
lueir nuiubei and ibe.r own hard lot.
Allans went on propcroU-dy alter this,
but siratige i umois re .el) us. Temple had
gotitt io mo bankir and told tho meanest
Kind of a stoiyabiuiBenlou;bisBciu ibing
ehip, eating and bUuKlug with the hero,
etc., loreniny to na-uiion bis promoi.on.
One day, wlu.e ail wuio a Way ou duty,
except iho coiei ol iho civil crps, Tempij
iook the ooilii r and his uauglner on board
mid sitoweu tueiii where poor Benton slept
aud Hie sciui'b iiihes. The bauiu-r wan
dered nil iy iiiniseii an I met thocuiet, ho
look the tiist opp iiunity to let a little light
on the suiject i h.o chief funlier tx
plaino nbat H n'oii woU d go on tho olll
dm bat in too spring if Iki desired, and lino
die making in h,m of a lino engineer. 1'he
oa.iltcr saunter.-, i 'in. k just as the steam
launch lot me ' en tlecK. As 1 stepped
over the rail my eye cau.ht a gdmpso of
iho most lovely vunnsti I ever fuw (periutps
I ou,ht to except one iu Wus d igton 1
know oi,) I glanced at Benton sitting in the
launch beneath tne campy, with his duy's
recoid in hand, tie, too, was viewing the
scene, as palo as iho paper I write uti, vet
By Uiorue! the bunker walked up to
Ins daualitor, look her almost rudely by the
aim and thus addnsH'-d Temple:
"I am indebted to you, sir, for getting
more light 1 1 a tin you perhaps would doslro
on the matter m hand and will wish joil
good alieriiooii."
It was a clean cut. Justus the bunker
was leaving the "Arkaiwiw" ho Caught
siuht of Benton. Mim Foster saw him too,
and blushed and hotted In her prettiest
manner. Ueuton did look handsome,
dressed in a neat giay suit which woll be
came him. lb arose as the banker Came
toi-wurd, raised his hat as only n gentleman
can, but wis stdl pile, as if this exiitntni
lion ol Ins pr ii)i r had resulted in his II
nat dis omtiture.The blood rushed to his face
Inst only aa tin) hanker said pleasantly,
"We shall expect you at dinner this even
ing, Mr. Benton."
"Pa com"," echoed Mis Flofsie, '
' Ueuton w"it a"'1 ,0,,,t ''''' ,l10 l;,ivy
of tho wholu corp.
My recollection of Miss Foster at that
timu is auuiethiug in the line ot a blessed
vision ot beauty, blio was about the me
dium height, perfectly formed and statoiy
in demo aior. Her beauty wus almost
plienouioual. Her complexion was as clear
as crystal apriugs, glowing with health, and
having withai acertain cast of countenance
which leuiinded one of the Creole. Her
ej es were largo and hszul in color and
her hair Boineihing charmingly bt twecn
thobioudo aud the brunette. Her head had
a graceful pom, rattier squarely built uud
was set ou a plump pair of shoulders and
bust aud perfect us Raphael Could have
lie wo iroui maiblo. No wonder men paid
her homage and took long pilgrimages, as
it were, to bow at her shrine. Her father
met Bunion at church where he happeued
m to hear Bishop dunpson, iht most emi
neut expoueut m Metiiodism, aud recoytnz
ing a uoi tiiemer in Bentou, and learuiug
t:.t lie was a dcsoi udantot the great sena
ior ol the same oh me, eute-nded Ins hos
pitality at once. Fun her, Bcuton came
viiili cl'edeUilals f I olll au ex governor ol
llnuois svidch suilicieutly established him
as ageutieinau. The banker, recognizing
his talents, legal d-d not his circumstances
in Inc. His d iUjner, to whom ho presen
ted his guest, w is unirieen, Benton twen
ty two and leiupie twenty-nine. After the
last lucineui uieulioned, my heart warmed
toward B'-utou, and I uotermined to inter
pose tuy official capacity in his behalf. I
had mspectid his work done tor the chief
and fi'Uiid it a mo lei, and Benton himself
a supeiior man. As Temple had midoup
with the bauker aud Was pushi g his suit,
1 concluded to toes a bombshell iuto bis
camp. The corps w-re seated around the
cabiu one uight, and Benton was present
to report for ihe chiet.
"Tins completes your field work,11 I re
marked inteiiogatively of the chief.
Just so," was the good-natured reply as he
thought of more idletiets ahead.
"P'-'thsps j on can dispense with Benton
"Ycs, if he isn't to fare worse."
"Then bo is hercw.tli appointed secretary
to the aiuiy corps vtith a salary of $150 per
mouth uutd lurtuer notice, aud will take
up quarters with us," 1 said officially.
"Hy the eagle ol Cartel II. IIarrison,"said
the cnief, jumping up boj isdiy aud giaepiug
tne triglucuoi Bjnt iu's hand, "I siy amen,
and no touilitmn."
Lieu euaut Graut ordered champaone,
i-X'tadry. iheseward passed it around
Bentou only declining. The leveler looked
on iu ilisumy. Bentou never recovered
Irom Ins gratitude and wc became confi
dential IriendB.
Atewdn)8 later he relatod to me a lit
tle iifiair that happened at the bauker's,
blushing with j y wniie he spoke. He had
been alone with Miss Flossie. She was
playihg soitly flchuniann's "Traeumere"
and be was leaning over the insiument en
wrapped iu au exquisite rendition of this,
to my mind, grandest uiusicial produc
tion. When tho last note died away he took
both little hands iu his, and kissing them
softly, said that "angels in heaven were not
more worthy of homage ttian fingers im
bued with such inspiration."
She arose without withdrawing her
hands. "Mr. Bentou," she said, "mine
may be inspired for sught I know, but
how much moie so are these which have
learned to d'gnify toil."
Benton needed uo more encouragement
than that, and the flood of his love un
looted. She answered "Miss Flossie" by
" Tom" tln-n and permitted him to take
possession of her unresistingly, and they
know each o'her.
They sit in silent, blissful embrace when
hohveler slips in, uud smiles as he de
psrts in a towering rage muttering, sonic
tinng about "a relict of the common
Tliustbcyi.it wlirn the banker appears
ill and gives them his blessing.
ButI wander. The survey finished its
topographical wmk at ibis important gen
graphical position, juit a hiyh water set
in. Beti'OQ returned to his college and
was oraditited that spring, after having
w in gr-at respects ( r his ability. One
year Inter lie tnairied, and went to the ele
uatit homo of the banker on Dearborn ave
nue, Chicago, thereafter 1 1 manage his es
tate and ultimately to acquire them. Mr.
and Mrs. Firs -L'euton int Place have a
bcHU'ifnl home tn-ar by. I have used ray
political influence to get stationed in Chic
itu'o. and will cotitintp to stay th-re in spite
of Bob Lincon, the Honorable, the secre
tary of war. Whenlittl ) Phil, steps into
General Plierman's boots, I shall be pro
mo'cd several grades. Our li'tle chil
dren now play toL'cther, snd tho leveler,
we underst nfl, married the daughter of
mmn mher banker down in the g'a'c, who
went into bankruptcy (tho bauker) soon
Aftkk all the aruumf-nts about cheHpnPsp
snd quality it appears that Dr. Bull's
('oiiyh Syrup is tlm best remedy for the
cure of roughs and r.u'd-i ever off-red to
the public The prim is only 2T rents n
bottle an'' every drnggiht in tho land sells
and recommends it.
Marrying Under Difficultico.
Klfiborait! picpuriitioiis for a niarringu
oereniony had been niudu in Providence
the other night, The minister was pres
ent to tie tho niibtii'il knot, tho guest
had arrived, ami the bride, with palpi
tutltij; heart, awaited the urrivnl of tho
man who was to be her partner for life.
Tlm marriage wus to have taken pbice
at 7 o'clock and the groom wont nwny
ti short timo beforo, stating that lie
wished to don another suit of clothns.
Tlio time for the ceremony arrived, but.
the groom did not appoui. Tho bride
grew anxious; tho guestn gazed upon
the good things and wondered at Iho
delay. Finally scouta wrro sent out.
The Central station wiih visited in tho
belief that, In the excess of his hitiipl
nest, tho would-bo husband had iinlub
i;d too freely of tho oil of ioy, but the
lrimrdinim of the peace hud tint been
him. After considerable t mo spent in
bfiircli ho wits found and brought to tlm
limine. Matlurs begun to look bright
find linmedinto prepnrution.s wore m.nlo
to complete the luiirringo. But it was
' not to lie, for tlio groom discovered thai
he hud forgotten his ninrri.'igo llfinifo.
Again be blurted on the run to procure
this piissiiorl to his future happiness,
with which ho returned niter nomo de
lay, uud at linlf-jnist 10 o'clock tlm knot
was tii'd, and everything wont in mer
rily ua a man 'ingM boll.
m m '
Sonic body says that women, would
tuner do to run railronda, an th trains
would always be bshiud."
Proof Everyvvliore.
If any invalid or sick person lins tho
least doubt of the power and efficacy of Hop
Bitters to cure them, they can find cases ex
actly like their own, in their own neigh
borhood, with pioof positive that they can
be easily and permanently cured at a tri
fling costor ask your druggists or phy
GitEbwwicH, Feb. II, 1880.
Hop Bitters Co. Sins was given up by
the doctors to die of serolula consumption.
Two bottles of your Bitters cured me.
Mothers ! Mothers ! ! Mothers ! ! !
Are you disturbed at eight and broken
of yous rest by a sick child suffering" and
crying with the excruciating pain of cutting
teeth? If so, go at once and get a bottle of
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. It will
relieve the poor little sufferer immediately
depend Upon it; thero is no mistake
about it. There is not a mother on earth
who lias ever used it, who will uot tell you
at once that it will regulate the bowels,
aud pivo rest to the mother, and relief and
health to lh child, operating like magic.
It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and
pleasant to the taste and is tho prescrip
tion of one of the oldest and best It-male
physicians and nurses in the United States.
Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle.
Mexsman's Peptonized Beep Toxin, tne
ouly prepartion ot heel coutaiuiug its entire
nutritious properties. It contains blood
making, force gem-rating and life sustain
ing properties; invaluable for Indigestion'
Dyspep.-ii, nervous prostration, and all
forms of general debility; also, in all en
feebled conditions, whether the result of
exhaustion, nervi us prostration, overwork,"
or acute diaoi.se, particulary if resultinr
from pulmonary complaints. Caswell,
Hazard, & Co., Proprietor?., New York.
Sold by Di uggists. (3)
The purity and elegant perfume of
Parkors Hair Balsam explaiu the popular
ity of this reliable restoiative.
Tho best and cluapest car starter is
soldbv B irdcn, So deck it Co., St. Louis,
Mo. With it one man can move loaded
Worthy of 1'iaise.
As a rule we do not recommend Patent
Medicines, but when we know of one that
really is a public benefactor, and does
positively cure, then we consider it our
duty to impart tint information to all.
Electric Bitters are truly a most valuable
medicine, and will surely cure Biliousness,
Fever and A true, Stomach, Liver aud Kid
ney Complaints, even when ail other rem
edies fail. We know u hereof we epeak,
and can freely recommend them to all.
Exch. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by Harry
W. Scbuh. (6)
Given wuy.
We cannot help uoticing the liberal offer
made to all iuvalia s and sufferers by Dr.
Kings's New Discovery for Consumption.
You are requested to' call at Harry W.
Schuh's drug store, and get a trial bottle
free of cost, if you are suffering with Con
sumption, Severe Coughs, Colds, A-thtna,
Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice,
Hoarseness, or any affection of tho throat
or lunge. It will pos lively cure you. (Oi
"A lady had the fl tsh eatou oft her arm
bv scrotula. Could see the s:tiews woiking.
'Lindsey's Blood Searcher' cun.d her." J.
Raliton, Elderton, Pa.
Ely's Cream Balm reduces inflammation.
Sores in the nasal pMhs.g s ar healed in a
few days. Catanhal headache is dissipa
ted. Senses of mn l!, taste and hearing
are restored. Price 50 cents. Apply into
nostrels with littie finuiT.
New Jersey Premium Wine.
Physicians state that the P'.rt ine that
took the premium at the Centennial, pro
duced and i ffeied for sale by Mr. Alfred
Speer, of New Jirsey, is a wine that can
be safely used for medicinal purposes, be
ing puie and free from medic it io u, and is
more reliable than other Port Wines. It is
especially leconinn-nded for weakly fe
males and the aged. Thn deep color is
due to the iron from the brown stone sh de
mck on which the grapes "row, which is
rich iu iron. For s ilo by.Paul H. Schuh.
Ladies of all ages who MiflVr from loss
of appetite; from imperfect digestion, low
spirits and nervous debility may have lite
and health renewed snd indefinitely ex
tended by the use of Mis. Lydia E. Pink-ha-.n's
remedies for all complaints incident
to the female coiistitutien. We have no'
only a living fa th in Mrs. Pinkham, but
we are assured that her medicines are at
once most agtee'iMi: and illicacioiis.
Keep ymr family well supplied with
"Sellers' Cough Syrup," use it in time, you
will avert bronchial and pulmonary affec
tion. 25 cents.
Get Hunter's Sifter. Hunter Si""ter Co.
Kitchen Specialties Cincinnati & N. Y.
Circulars free. (5)
John Steber, 7i'U 2Ud St.., Chicago, III.,
Bays: "Browu's Iron Bitters, cured me of
Seo a woman In another column, near
Speer's Vineyards, picking grapes from
which Spetr's Port Grape wine is made,
that is so highly esteemed by the medical
profession, for tho use of invalids' weakly
persona and tho aged. Sold by Druggists.
Allen s Brain Food positively cures nerv
ousness, nervous debility, and all weakness
of generative oruaris. $t. 0 for f5. All
druggists. Send for circular to Allen's
Pharmacy, IJ 15 First Ave., N. Y. Sold in
Cairo by Barclay Bros
Dr. Kline's Ghkat Nrcnvrc BiChTonicn is
the marvel of the age for ad nerve diseases.
All fits stopped free. Send to UM1 Arch
street. Phihdclnia. Pa.
One Dollar! Olio Dollar!
(llnvelind. O' 1 miiora v ai'i subscription A
le (Unit Dmniir.riitlejoiir at and valuable Family
Nowpnpur Heinle 1)01 LA II tor thn heat paper
In the went fur the iirlcr. I'laio Ib alnr PutillsuIiiK
Cn,,01,vnlanrl1 Ohio, naniplti ropy tree.
Chills and Fever.
Hlinmona fiver Rogu
Islor toon breaka tha
cliilla hu'I earrliiit the I
fever tint ol tln ayateni.
Il cures when all other
reun-diee fall.
tSck Headache.
V r the relief ki d cure
of this dietreanliiK dli-
en llMf. Himmmia f.lw.
IT KCL'lllHlur. '
The Regulator will posltlwly cure this W.-rlblo '
dlneuao, we assert i-niphaticully -vhal wo know to
be true. ,
Iioiild not be rneanlud ae a trilling ailment. Na
ture doiiiundf the tituioet ri-yiilurllv of the boAeln. '
Therefore ts!st nature liv tukiiiu Hinimotni Liver
Keulator. It la harmless, udld and iBectual,
Oneortwotablvspumiftiie will relieve all tho!
trmihlee Incident to a blllmis state, Ktich as Nausea !
Diezlnesa, JJrowainvss, Ulstrtsr alter eatinif. a blP ;
ter bad tante In the tnuutli.
MALA I i I A.. ;
I'Draoni may avoid all attieks by occaelnnally I
taklnn a dose of Slinuimia Liver KcKUlator to keep '
the liver iu healthy action.
gonerallyarUiuK frjm a rilaordert-d tomacb, cat
lie correctod bvtakuiK bluiraoiie Uver HeKUlator.
Simmnna Liver lleKtilat rroon eradliates this dis
siise Irom tne aau-ui, leaving tbe akm cleur and'
true Irom til Impurities.
Children mlTnfliiK with ;o!lc soon experience re-:
lief when hltunious Lh-i:r Kcfpi.atur adtnlulster
ed. Adulte also dttlvo un-at btneili from this
medicine. It is not uubiearitnt: it la harmteai 1
Buu eu)ciiv, rurciy vtp lauia
BLAU D J01 i K 1 UN E YS
Vest of the dlsuasutol the h'adderorittlnatefroai
those of tne kldll'va. Ht-atotu I he ai-tiiin tit the
livor fully and both the knJiieye and bladder will "
nc ri-etorou.
fyTako only the Keaulni-, which always has on
tiie wrapper the red 2 tia lc inaik and sli;hauire ot
Koranic by all drij'Wta.
Msunfnctare.-uud rto.i'm- in
fl'.ll Str-'c. hetweeti l ont'l Ave and Litee.
CVlliO, ILI.INOI-;.(.
Safe" He.nntod. All Kind ol Koja Madfl.
1 for Solftlers, Widiivr... I'M
en's aud Cliiiftrui. Ant
disea-e, wound o- lejiiri
entttlts. Mll'.lor.! apnropr'.ated. Woi klug lorn
dotib-ed. Uotcs made iianpy. Prompt work
Apply now. r $U. l.'rsertnrs eMit ' il to si
dues ami dli-ch run nn ter r.ew laws, Oreal sjc
ceea In Irrrrase caef. Bountv and hack pav pro
cured. 'I he -l orld and So dli r." iwee .1; paper!
Samidoeopv free Simdstarrp for fall lns'ruc loui
b.auks and bounty table. J t'PrVTC
fi-r Invout r A dress! 1 Iji 1 k
N. W. Ki t 7.itKR vLi) t ()., Pens on, Patetit A
Land Att'y-Wah:niion, I). C. ll-Si-d- -w-ln;
II W ijll.,!.! W
H 'i Kant AhcKtara
IHint't-. Osi. i i-c I vim NiRvf Arrrc
nosa.rn8,rntr.rav,ttc I :. K A I I.IUI.E ifiaksa
m itlr-Lit. N't nO'T litttd iy't ur. 1 rfallfi- k
a $1 trial Mitt, frsetn Fit lai-t,tfi.T f.ariiit . tt raaa
I charf aa 10 b-.a, wtivn reti. fMoa Datnr..r o ana
iMprnni tMrr u of aminaa u. 1 a M.lNh.Jt.ll Area
I St .Phila-1a .r- gnlirngvl h W rai
United States Mutual Accident
Aix n" t A T ON, 10:1 fi i' 1 1 ! 1 W A , N . Y.
1 N S U li B S
$..00 V. cUleut Insurance.
H- V'. a Indi-innlty.
M.unh. rsJifp f- e, $1 An
nasi usi oo'it $1 1. Write
f i- ci'i- ilar and app lea
tt i hla .k t.uropeau per-
f 1) PSK '' ( if Ho.-t.. P.-u Jt Co V Pres'nt.
J It PI roil t, r. l .ry.
Send for a pi tore of Mas. i.ASornr: sUed free.
poEoTKK. Ulst jer open JS-p'omSer 13'h
"''New BulidlsiC". Huiierlor a ' umino'laiiotia,
Afpoititnieuts C'liipl'te. Koifllsii, C'oll'itiHia,
Chemical, Civil Kmme -r'rir co re. f)ei;reea
Cnnh-rrel. Al't'Wt'iW P. lla'lirl-iv. Kq., t'ttfon
Cairo, J.l.,ortot;uL. TIIKo 11V A IT. l'r.t.
Spker's Pout Gkape Wine !
four years ou).
from the Julro of tlio Oporto drape, raised In
Mile count y. Ha liivitltiiibio tonic and strength
enlut properties are iiiisirpassed bv anv other
NatlvnWlno. IMuf ibe pure Juice of I'e 'drape,
produced under Mr. Hpei r's ow n pnrsotml niporvl
nou, In purity una Koutl'in hess, ure ipiarnnlucd.
Thi vouiifst child mav purtakt of Its (f-nernua
qualities, and thn weiiU" t Invnlltl use tt lo inlvan
tuKit It Is iartlriilarivh(Miib inl to Jio auotl nml
di-bllltiitcd, snd sinti-d lo the i annus ailments that
a Iter I the weaker set. It (all) twery respect
if i .t i iv r.
Tl.u I1. .T.SIIKl
i nr. iu UK, itci.iKii uri.
J. ,). SIlCITV.
SIIKUItlf ls whin of Biuier'nr t liar.
actor ran HI nrtakusoftUif rlcliqual tics ofthu i ape
irom wli eh II, la niHile Fur Purity. ittrui.n, l-'l.
vo And Medlelniil Properties, ti w-lll bo loioid tin.
Sneer's P. .1. Brandy.
This IiH AND V stands nnrlva'cd In this Country
biilnir far superior for meilli'liial puinimei. t s a
ptiretllsillliitloii Iro (he ur.ino. hihI eon'ulns vn.
iin'ile liiedlelnal prnpnrtlt'". It has a ilellrats flu
vor. slm iHrtotlmi oflbs .trips, trntn which It Is
dlttllluil, snd is In ureal fnvir aniiniir llrt-t-l asn
families. See that the hik'i tnrii of AI.KIIKI)
HI'KKlt, Vasnlc, II. J is over tlio r.nrk nf each
isoid Hy paul saitnn,
5 G5 O KXj

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