OCR Interpretation

The daily Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1878-1???, December 01, 1882, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87082573/1882-12-01/ed-1/seq-3/

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Trmi ot Hubsor i ptlon.
Dalli od year by carrier ...... lt 0)
u percent, discount u paid In advance).)
0l,onyer 17 mU ... 10 0C
Dwir.oM montt ...M I 00
Weekly, one year ...,....., 00
weely.f) months. .... 1 00
tVClabsof flTtor more for Waaklv Rnlletln at
one time, per year, $1 AO
All Communication, ihoald be addreaaed to
Publisher and Proprietor.
The Market.
Thursday Eyenino, Nov. 30, 1883.
The thy Una been bright and pleasant
and the afternoon found not a sign of re
maining of the heavy fall of snow, heavy
for this latitude, that covered the ground
yesterday morning.
Business men generally observed the
holi'ly and the wharf presented a Sunday
aspect since 9 o'clock this morning.
Business continues without change but
dealers are hopeful that there will be an
Improvement after the 1st of the month.
FLOUR The Bitmttion is unchanged.
Good grides are in fair supply with good
movement and easy. Low grades are (till
HAY The demand and receipts are
both light. Prices rule firm.
CORN None selling in car-load lots.
Receipts are generslty from the country
adjaceut to Cairo. Quotations are 5052c
in bulk, according to condition and grade.
OATS -Choice is firm and in good de
mand. Receipts are fair and stocks mode
rate. MEAL Quiet and unchanged.
BRAN Prices are quotably lower with
fair demand.
BUTTER Choice roll finds ready sale
and mirket firm. Receipts of country has
been more liberal.
EGGS Scarco and firm. Not enough
comes in to supply the local trade.
CUICKENS-Small young are a drug
in the market. The demand is for choice
dressed, but choice live finds a fair de
mand. TURKEYS The demand has been ac
tive at quotations, but prices will prob
ably go lower after today.
APPLES Fany stock is s shade higher
and the demand is active.
POTATOES We note a steady demand
at an advance, and light receipts.
Sales and Quotations.
WOTK. Tn prlre, tor, anan are for eel,, from
drt hande In round lota. An advance Is
charred for broken lotsin nillnKorder,.
no choice...... ,
. varioua grade,
jiO hhla fne
UCW bbl, XXX . -
8O0 bbl, choice
IJJbhla Patent
4 55
, I 6033 5 '
.4 5
s s
.4 55
S car gilt edge
'i cat, choice .......
3 car, good prime
1 cart mixed
14 00
IS 5)
10 0)
Vtied tnbnlk
White In balk -
S car Id hulk .
8c' In bulk ..
4 can In balk..
No. 2 Red, perba ...
No. t Meulterenean.
400 bblal'itv la lots WW W
2 cara aarka
1 car sacks
Bun Snnthem Illinois roll
SKI pound ellt ede northern packed.
t O pound Southern Illinois roll
600 pounds Northern roll
Rnfl down 'J
600 doaen 5
3 coops lire choice.
COO pound, dressed
9 00 to 10 no
- K
B coop mixed.
8 coona young
. 2 75113 00
i asaa 5"
10 coops choLe young
2 504 75
SOObbls fancy BcnDavli 8 54M 50
900 bbl fancy Wine Baps 2 25&2 50
ion hhla Wine Sana 2 0
SOObhl fancy Rome Beauty 00ft:) 88
Black packed fruit 60c to Jl.ooicss
Choice red 1 W
Choice yellow .. ou
Potatoes per Mil .... 1 651 75
600 buth Northern Peach Blows 00
600 buab Southern 111. Teach Blows 50
Per bbl m 13 Wt&U 00
Per barrel 1 5" it' e0
Unwashed 2241
IMnren. - IS
Half do
Bucket , i
Plain haius. .,..,. , none
H. O. Hani IT
riAa atriaa - .........IS
Btmuldere H
Bt. Johui
Ohio Hirer
, 00
. I 05
2'i bualiel burlap,
dusbui "
Peaches, baWea and u,aarUr.,,.
Apple,, brlnht
4 -as
u noice navr
Oholca medium .,,
3 !
I 00
Choice, factory
V ft.
Calf, f.reen
Dry Kllnt choice
Dry Unit
'reen Halt
Plum (ireen
4beri Hun,., dry .
hwn P. Its. ireen
Damaged Hides...,
louimon Lux.
.$ 7!WM Of
.. t....M..
0 tea
4 a u
4 7f
,01. af..
Medium Leaf....
'ic 4Uaf
7 attio, 9
Ors.n Hay Flour Fori
fewt. fjewt. flbhl. b
Me' pbla,.. . .... U IS ii V
or:aan n, n4 ss ro
Helena, Ark .. W 27 43 60
VIckaburK :2i 274 4 f
W,t 2. ho n
Being entirely vegetable, no particular
care is required while uicg Dr. Pierce's
Plcastnt Purgative Pellets." They oper
ate without disturbance to the constitution,
diet, or occupation. Fur sick headache,
constipation, impure blood, dizziness, sour
eructations from the stomach, bad taste in
mouth, bilious attacks, pain in region of
kidney, internal fever, bloated feeling
about stomichrrunh of blood to head, take
Dr. Pierce's "Pellets." Bv druggists.
Council Chamber,
Cairo, 111., Nov. 27th, 1882
Special Meeting
Present His honor Mayor Thisticwood
and Aldermen Blake, Llallidaj-, Hinkle
lushes, Kimbroujfh, and McLIale 6.
Absent Patier, Pettit, Swoboda and
The mayor stated to object of the meet
ing to be for opening bids for improve-
iog Eight street and for general business.
The Mayor informed council that no
bids were received snd that the coun
cil would consider any other business that
may be before it for consideration.
Alderman Swoboda appears in bis seat.
The Ordinance committee reported, by
order of the city council Nov. 14th the
following ordinance which was read at
length first time and laid over under the
Ad ordinance granting authority to Edwin W
uamaiy aooaatui ana aaaigo, to vaiauiieu,
conatru t and maintain Electric Work In the
city of Cairo.
Be It ordained br the City Council of the city of
t-e-tlon 1. That Edwin W. Ualllday of the city
ofColro llllioK h aaa cia e and iti gti, are
hereby authorized to enlabl ah. eonatruci and
mat' tain Electric w rka in thec ty uf Cain, fur
ilumiDilug and bentiug pur. oaea an 3 for laml-h-Ing
moil e powsr and ah other purpose for wh ch
hlrctrxily or ilaijnetie Puw.-r may t ade aa 1-
a'.le or uaerul. And to ere t, run, lay down and
maintain poha, lamp poato, wlrea. i.lpea, conduo
t ira aid all otuer necea-ary appllaucea or attach-
mtnts. uuju. In. through r under any of tne i
atrueta, avenue-, al eya o public groanda la the
aai'l city of Cairo, anil lor (he purpose of erecting
aid la upa, pou and poles, lml"g down a.U
pipea aua cunaurucung laiacouuuciore, appliance,
aud atlachmenu ani repairing the aame aald fc-d-
win v. dallldiy, nia aee ciatea anu aaeigna may
enter upon aur tret, aveuue, eiley r puduc
gronaaa wimin earn ci'y ana ia-e ui mo pae
mtntaoraid waUaon such (feet, avenuea, aliey
or public uroDcd- and makeancn exca?a ion
therein a may be necereary for the purpoaea aroie-
a d. Provided that a I aacb poet, appuancee at
ttchmenta etc., aioretald, nalt be ao located a to
occasion no material lnconveulrnce to the pn'-lll
uaeaadnnuer dire lion of the itreel committea
aud proridrd further tbat uch pavem nta or aide;
walks ahall be taken up sain excavation ma e un
der the dirt c Ion of the committee on (treota and
In such manner aa to glvu tne least inconvenience
to the inhaoitanta or tne aau city, ana mat aam
psyementi, atdewaik and escavatlona than he re
placed In a good a condition, aa before with al
reaaonable piomptnea and d.a-atcn, byand at the
ezpene of the laid Edwin W. Ualllday, hi aau
clatejand a-aign.
Alderman McIIale moved to roceivo
report of committee. Motion carried.
Alderman Patier appeared in bis seat.
Clerk read petition of Sarah E. Uannon
asking permission to erect a frame house
18 by y-1 feet on lot 3 block 11 Railroad
Alderman Blake moved to grant prayer
of petitioner and that ordinance committee
be instructed to report an ordinance grant
ing permission aBked for. Motion carried.
Alderman BUke moved to take from tho
table report of finance committee on peti
tion of II. Walker for reduction of theatre
license. Motion. carried
Alderman Blake moved to adopt report
of finance committee and tbat license as re
commen3ed be fixed at f 35.00 per annum
Motion unanimously adopted.
State and city liquor bonds of tho fol
lowing named persons were road for approval.
L. P. Parfer, John Gates, L. C. Herbert,
John J. Bird, A.Steagala,.N. Monce, Z. II.
On motion of Alderman Mcllalo ap
proved. Alderman Blake moved that in as much
as no bids were received, tor improving
8th street, the committee on streets bo di
j"ted to have work dono by day work at
Motion carried by the following vote.
AyesBlake Ualllday, Hinkle, Hughes,
Eiinbrough, McHale Patier and Swoboda
Nays none.
Blske meeting
D. J. Foley, City Clerk.
If bilious, or suffering from impurity of
blood, or weak lungs and fear consumption
(scrofulous disease of the luns), take Dr.
Pierce's ''Golden Medical Discovery" and
it will cure you. Dy druggists.
Near Bighteclneas.
Where acquired near sihtedness ex
ists it may have begun to nuiko iu ap
pearance in early life, )erhnw almost
as soon ns tho child wassut lit lii-sbookd.
Unless it appears before thuugoof hi
teen it is not likely to appear at all. But
a great many who think their cyiw per
fect and, indeed, really have perfect
eyes in coniiari.m with those more
grievously nil) it-ted are really more oi
less myopic. Not only is the vision of a
majority of men and women defective
in one respect or another, but it ha
been established bevond reasonable
doubt that in all highly civilized com
munities myopia is developed in al
least sixty, and perhaps seventy, pel
cent, of the pupils who reach the high
est grades or go through tho last years
of school attendance. The disease, il
clearly appears, is progressive. The
eye gradually elongates, or is otherwise
altered in structure or form, reaching iu
most instances a constant point of mis
sbapemetit, when the near sighted nest
becomes fixed, but in sumo cases con
tinuing to get out of order through all
the years of book-study, until the twen
tieth or twenty-fifth year, oreven almosi
until the close of life. Iu most neai
highted persons the ncuteness as well at
tho extent of vision is impaired, and in
the worst cases of progressive short night
the retina suffers eerlous tl iniag'-, or ab
solute blindness supervenes. l'ropei
glua.Mis iiiay enable short sight'-d per
fons to see comfortably, but they are al
ways vot"d by their wean . r a nuivirier,
and they do not restore disc.vued eye?
to health, or prevent them, uinli-r eer
tain circur.i.staHees from becoming ni"it
and more unsuund.
Thought Himself a Woman.
John Taiboy Binns, one of the most
noted characters thai, ever enfered the
Philadelphia almshouse, died in that
Institution Wednesday, aged fi'J years.
Believing himself to bo a woman and
affecting woman's ways, be was dubbed
in the institution with the title of ".Sal
lie" Binns. He was admitted February
16, 1853, and was at that time 41 years
of age. When a young man he joined
an amateur theatrical club, and the
hight of his ambition was to play fe
male characters. He became quito a
monomaniac on this subject, and his in
fatuation Rt last took upon itself a mild
form of insanity, and forthe greater part
of his life he was thus afflicted. At all
times and upon all occasions he believ
ed himself to be a dashing beauty, at
whose feot scores , of ardent suitors
knelt, and upon whom society smiled
with favor. Clad in feminine attire
whenever a ball or concert was given
for the patients, he was the center of
attraction. At all times he affected an
effeminate voice in conversation, and
acted in every respect like one of the
female sex. "The air of a woman never
deserted him, and everybody who visit
ed the houao called "on "Sallie" and
purchased specimens of his handiwork.
is a bad thing, but Dr. Pierce's "Favorite
PrescriDtiun ' deserves its name. It 13 a
certain cure for those paint ul maladies and
wesknesies which embitter the lives of so
many women, ut druggists.
A Cough. Cold or Sore Throat
should bo stopped, neglect trequentl re
suits :n an Incurable Lung disease or on
sumption. Brown's Bronchial Troches do
not disorder the stomaeh like coueli syr.ips
and balsams, but act directly on the intliim
ed parts, allaying irritation, give relief in
Asthma. Bronchitis, totiehs, Catarrh, auu
the Throt Troubles which Singers and
Public Speakers are subject to. For thirty
years Brown's Bronchial Troches have been
recommended by physicians, and always
give perfect satisfaction. Having been
tested by wide and constant use for nearly
an entire generation, they nave attained
well-merited rank among tho tew Btaple
remedies of the age. Sold at 2o cents t
box everywhere.
Hans Hetmnnson, 163 Indiana st., Chica
ro, says: "1 nave usea urown s iron Diners
. v tit a T t . .
for neuralgia, and it has enecten a periect
The most obstiaate cases ot Catarrh autl
Hay Fever are cured by the use of Llys
Crenm Halm, the only agreeable remedy.
Price 50 cents. Apply into nostuls with
little finger.
FOR Dyspepsia, Imliuesiion, Depression
of Spirits snd General Debility, in their
various forms; also as a preventive iyainst
Fever and Aizue, an I other Intermittent
Frvers, the "Fotro-Phispruted Elixir of
CalisnyH," made by Cuswell, Ilnzird & Cc,
New York, and sohl by all Drutfjrists, is the
best tonic; and fur patients recovering from
Fever or other niekness, it ha-t no cuul. (1)
My Daiiffht r
and myself, great sufferers from Catarrh,
have been cured by blys Ureain iwiiu
My sense of smell restored and health
greatly improved. C. M. Stanley, dealer
in booth and shoes, Itliica, N. Y.
American Institute on Puredraoe Wine.
The President aud a Coimnitiee frmn the
Farmer's Club, of the American Institute,
have visited Sneer's Vineyards and Wine
Cellars, and they report that the Port Onipo
Wine of Alfred Spcer, of ISew Jersey, is llio
uiimt ruliablu wine to be obtained. It is
now being usod by Physicians who are the
most choico in the selection of w ines for
couvHlesceut patients. Tho principal hos
pitals in New York havrt adopted this wine.
It ia for sale ty I'aui acmin. . imo
Personal! To Men Only!
Tho Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich,
will send Dr. Dye's. Celebrated Electro
Voltaic Belts and Electric Applicants o-i
trial for thirty days to men (younff or old)
who are afflicted with Nervous Debility,
Lost Vitality and Manhood, and kindred
troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete
restoration of health and manly viiror, Ad
dress as above, N. B No risk is incur
red, as thirty days' trial is allowed.
On motion of Alderman
Mm iwmfM
And our maoy other Klpctro-Oti'vanir and Mogntlo
Appliance and lrmnu are InrAluable, aori nur
cure tor NnrTont Uhtiity PrHlyni, K('llty, Kheum.
tloi, Overvrorkmj iirnin. labHURtiun r Lom of Viul
hnry, Wfhk Unrk, Kl-ln.y l'ltift, Luot.', J.lvsr and
Htoitirtrh Coni,Liiai. nnd Hie ftdnptfd to KiTHEH
PEL, Th ai'iyiUncM Am tha nry latMt Imp roved
and eotnelr diT-r nt from b!t ind oil ottiprmai thnj
poMtlvelr dnoerntd fontlattoim rurrenti wltboui ncldi.
causing no tornt nor irritation of tha p kin can ttm
worn at worn ha well nn rost, aftd a a only notU'aRbIa to
Uift winr(ir Tha onAr U r,mlAll ao a to maal tha
dltTarent atayMH of hII difHHe wharf K'.ectrlo tod
Mbfcjaaiio t rent tuant 1b of brjtilt Tboa for
Cure Impotency, Seminal Weakness. Lost Manhood, &o
Thpv Cur wl tin
I olio fills. In r IlhiBirotad
Pamphlet n
111 Ml"'l rtm'HU'l (iD IHKlIlt at firaall
DootaM', or abcuiMly w. tii, w, f run.
Ilowwa Klactro-MuKnc'lr tnwlcf l i rr ulr br mull.
312 H. eth 8t.. St. Loula, Mo
HEW 11 IW.
Blood, and will completely changd tha blood In the en
tire ytm in thren months. Anjrperwn who will lki)
1 pill each nivht from 1 to 18weelii(my be rc-tord
to Hound health, if nuch a thinar bMpooihlA. hulil er
nrywhere, orw-pt br mall tor 0 lettr dlnmpi. 1. M.
Johnson it Co., Benton, Mn., fonnfrlv lliinunr, Mk
c3 c5 "iir iii
617 St. Charles Stroot, ST. LOUIS, M0.
A rRnlnr Cf mil note of twn tlifdlrnl
Colli nr. hni liwn lma-r mcatied In the trent-
nipiit uf C'lironir
i iironm, .rrvoun, r-icin nun
Hlooil Olstiii-va tliiin my nili-r iilive Irian ill
ft. I.oule. aa cltv tnu-i'i i-how mid afl old rt-l-
rtfnlH know, I onMilUtlnti ut ntllrp or In mat
tree and Invited. A ftirtirilv talk or hie opinion
cost ii.itlatitvr. Wln-ii II IsliK-miveuli'iit tovlslt
tlio i-lty .r Iri'iitiiji-nt. ineillrliifs ciin learnt
by mat 1 er i-xpn t vm-wln-ie. t'tn alilH rat"i
(fnint"'il ; w hirr iKiiiM t xlsts It Istriiiikly
elated. Cull or Write.
Nervous Prostration, Debility, Mental and
Physical Weaknrss, Momirial and other
affections of Throot, Sltiu and Bones, Blood
Impurities and Blood Poisoning, Skin Affoc
tions, Old Sores and Dicers, Impediments to
Marriage, Rheumatism, Pil8. Speoial
attention to cr-3es fiom over-worked brain.
SURGICAL CASE3 receive special attention.
Diseases arising from Imprudences, ExooBse,
Indulgences or Expoaures
It Ik elf-ev.enl that a .liyvi an lnyliif
riattleiilar allenllciii In n elu-s til cne nllalnn
Kreat aklll. and )ivpelaii In reirnlnr prai lleH
all ovt-r the eonn-i-v knnv.liiK this, iiriiieiiny
l efllllllllelld ral'll Ilia- nldesl l.llil'e III Alll' Tll'll
where every kimwii ailianec Is renrleil to.
atid the provi-il bh.h1 iniin'ilt of all
Kel mid cmnit l ien die ui-H. A whole hniup la
tmed forollU'e .iiriii s. mi'l nil are treated with
aklll In a r"M"CU''il iniiniiir; and. knnivliiK
w hat to do, no t,jcii rlliii Mlniie iimiiI. On set-omit
of the kipii! ii li in ti r nilylnu. Hie
rhnrirca are keid low. ofleli !ow r tliah i '
demanded lv nlhn If ton aeenre 111" al'l
and net II upeedv and mi ln-t hi" euro, Hint l
the liiinirlaiit mallei. rain llel. :nl panes,
Kill to any adiliuaa fret'.
putes, I MARRIAGE GUIDE. I pages,
Kleu'unt plutli and will IiIimIIiii!. healed ft.rM
ceiin lt poM';e nr i iinein y (ivi r IMly won
rterfnl "'ii ik-lure, line In life , Hiilcleon Hie
('ollowlnxnililei U. W ho ma iiniii y. w linjint:
whvV IViiperawetomiM'n. Who marry lirjt.
Slaiihooil, Wimiatiliiil. I'livsleal ileenv. ho
jIiiiiiIiI inan'y. Mow life and iiipplii)" limy he
jnrreaeil, Thmn liiiufled or rniileinlplatliill
Marrvlni: ahmihl H 'l It. II oiiuhl tnhe ; read
,,y all adult pi'i on. then k"Ht umler lin k and
key. ropiilnr i illllon. 'i'iie mitlne, luit pap-r
rover and V) pum-a, 'ii ita li) mall, in uiuui
r noataKO.
i.ia.firr.in .
ftothliiM in inn mtrlil i iiiiuI i. it i"i ui
aura ol H'tmiaia, rim pivt, (lot i a, Tun-r, out ".
Bora l.yna, Uncut Ul plaiiairi, Caiarta l. i-oi
A)prllle, lunula loiuiliinta ami nn nnmi
illiiaiwa, Il naiar faiU. ail itrumliu "1
auunlty alnra kaawtt toll It, R. k. trllr
to.. I'rop'., Hlll.hurali, mi aai noma.
11 g 2
r'T r. -r
i A.
IS62 8hNT TRLR la any addreaa, 160 lllu.;.
ifXVJ,' ",'u,'l;li, BRA88.itBMAN
ilLVES, and REED iualru lunula, tognlhar
With full inatmrtiiina tr-m f.wmlH. n.,T. Al
rlniim aad clalflrtlon of luatrameula -WHAT
aud HOW to purchanej terma for
frolil or allv.-r rilutm w...i.l. - umii-i
ru,w, n u, mmsi popu ar til 11 II c. AdilreK
mm8&wt kiss
A Nuw and t-orapictc 11 tul. fcontin on le-ve
fiututil uinl Hall rood rttreeta,
Cairo, Illinois.
'l b I'aaH-nti-r I)' tmt ol t!) Chitttiio, M Lotiia
vr .i Urh-iLH: lliicoli- t uiilral; vti,aHh, M.
Louir- uiid F-acltlc; U.jii Mountain and ,S. in hern.
Mu!) I.- ui'ij Uliiu; t air and St. I.oiiia Kaua' f
are i.ii Ji.i-t hi Hint i in- atreei; rule tnu Mcainn -u:
l.an.'i t i- Mil one a .'laru 1 i r ( ;i n ,
'1 hi-Huiii ia In tii -il py Hliam, haa fleam
l,ti'it lrv. Ihdnii.iic Klerator. tile, tr.r l.'-ll Hella
Viiiiiinnui Kin:-.1. Uii'itii.. lliitliB. aheuliiiuly puru .iir
pi-rlm i ''rfi-rni;e and tnnipV-le aiipoi'itiimti m .
Mipi-rn inn ii'i,iii,,a , j 1 1. 1 ! c i aiivai-; aaa uu uii
-"XC-. ' vile
lj. '. I'AltKKII .S: CUI,iseefl
Electric Appliancei are tent on 30 Oayt' T rial.
"YtfHO n aunVrtiif frmn Naavm-a Pehilitt.
y Lust VITai in. I a- k oir Nv.hvk Foki a tu
V1110H. W tAii.-r, VVKt.ti.hS' p.. HPd nil thine diweftaea
of a PEiiaoMAL 'tTi'UB n'i tlnrf frmn AavaKS and
OTitaa Caiukk. Spe. ilv r.'in f i I r,nnil.'te reato
raUonet lISALTH.vinonowid M.t muv u ni u wtkeb.
The ifrandeat dlaovi-rt ir th" Nineteenth fi nlnry.
Sfiud at urv.-e far llliihtniteal'amihlet free, M.ipm
C!iu l;i o(
the, Mutual I
1 ne -uiii-nt I
Cuiti-. "lT'r t'ui fiire-t ii!LHncif in:ikinr( n 'Miliar liv tnl.!y
iri'tlti-!r"m imei iiiut h. -f ff In i Kiir liiuru.l.nHnK in
hiu h lnemi-er iret- the Itmi'IU ot euinl ne-d miiilul .if tin
(.'leii, 10 to Hti jrer o'ni. l)iii'iei!'liiijij monthly. K
IMirisur oi'ri'i.-i a. el em h niri l-i, bhtoe - i.10oaeh,
rr-li-eni U.e, tionrt-f --al le, liii:i ii inl.lo. A r-lielile eor
ri' i-iii'lrnt traiitt-l in i-venr ! 11. PpiMat ind-n enienta.
Kvi''an.iiory Cmilar ent frK1. A'l'ln'- li. li. KXMUUi
vCo I" !i lTUl.il (telle St., cntOAtiO. lix.
iNJECi'IUN. H n portlttvo cure fne nil JllsehorirtiB.
q 1111 , . f. ai..iuM,lurnna mtit'il Bi iiBiiliota ot the
C ; ' bottle. For anle hv all dni-
J, ... ut. or remt liv Kxtn eiu on re
( IU': b. JOHN D. PAH & HONS
JTr1','l 177 tlyrmnoraSt C'CtffNATl
OHIO, l'leiij nentiou this Dai'er. '
When y"U took the Amerleiin AprW
culiiiro.1 you thmiKht 11 juai ilni.id.
It la now mora vnhniuln to you than
ever, boirg specially adapted lor tha
Wrnt. bend ataiep f' r tpecimen copy
and aen how wonderfully thenaper haa
tnipmven, 5 7 y-nra PL.OU a vr-ir,
Lnrl 'h eriicmian ed'tnH. finANCli
JUiUCO., Till lirundwuj. Ncty Yuik
1 iinvii a piiNlilvu reinuilr for thf. abova dlieHae; by lua
l tlinuiauda of ram-a of th worat kind and of Ion if
li.indliiK linm lioan cured. Indeed, an atroni la mj faliS
.n haeilVitey, that t trill aan.ITtVK BOTTLEt FHfiE, to
tether wliti a VaI.I A BLR THKATlfiKon thla dianua.to
uif aullortr. Olvo txprma and r. O. aditraia.
I'll. I. A. aLUCtU, Ul 1'oarlbt., Now York,
am-.-auM.jjraaJiaiii ai i.i hi
u u
O Pool'sSignal Service Barometer
BMCaB7.-L-Sfcya,Ba.. 0t aT01t7f CJI. AW l TIIMItMOAII TI'H 4'(IAIBINEU
hi T . .
perloet a . laiaeuon .o .rf
ut two itiilUra.
Poora Itar
tha weather,
PiHil'a llnromater haa
'f)i" "
y Don'tbiiyalljjf
Tgnn, or ANY
f Instrument, lr
neon Our NEW
logue. .ft END
Cftngot BETTER
ug on, or ordor-
J, L. MTIBS, 307 N.
km ;p
lj :jj
vr & IMP-
W9 give makor b gaar- JfrmtiefefS.
oua own WAB2ANTM'f
ThoaadealrluK to make tnonav
puaumll audiutMllumiiiTeauiiaQt
In Bruin, provlaiona ami a took
apttoulatlona, caudoaobyoparai
In on mr plan. From May lat.
IhhI. toxliejireaeiitdu, oninvaat
inenUof lOtoifl ,00(, oaab proflta
nave buou realizod and paid to Ui
yentoraamountiiig toaveral tirntu
the oriulnal UivtatiUHnt. Pruti'e
paid flrat of evory mcmtli, atlll leav
inn the orliflnal Uiveatinent male
leu tiHinev or payable on demand,
tsxuhinatory olrouUra and alate
iiienta of fund W aunt Irea. We
want reanonelhle anenta, who will
rejiort on cropa and Introduce tho
lllnii I .ll.uri.1 A..i.i...lUAl..d
CI CMUIMrt D. urnniaaa rn-i..i.
ri.kr.i.u,tu ir.inr.iftrrii iairJbaaia
Mn.trIHnrfc, flileayo, nil
THE BEST Family Mag
laziiie. TWO DOLLARS.
fiolrj hy all Newsdealer and Pnattra-tera. Send
I wamy ( eiita or a ii erinien Copv to W. .IrN-DKM'-i.tsi-.
I'nbllalier,' 17 aat Four
teenth hlreot. New York.
t'W Th New Vniiime (1H) commences with
November -eud KlU'Y Ur.N'18 fo three
moutha : It -v lainafy vo l that yon can anhacrl'-e
Two Uoilara for a -ea'i and i. I ten tlnua Iti valo
Y01'f MFN Hyon want to learn TeleRra
jui.aui iiiijii phy in a few moiiiha, auu Oi
certain of a aituution, uddiona Yalvuilua Urothera
JatlHKVllle, 1-.
A DV -.liTlsK't'-I atndfuro r Select I.i of Lo
cm1 i wsjiup r (it ti. I' Ii null it Co., 10
8prncnM.rit-i.Xuw I oik.
t A T.rmllfiirT.n.lAn minm
tlcf'.i Irlun lnlil..lie an
f m - . - .
ajltieelii rVorl
lur the Cure or
yiycmAmJournalof Medicine.
br. Aii. M anila (latn nf I.onilin), who nakaa e a;'-
eliiiiy uf E:u!-'i'.'V, h.i wltho'it rtubt tn'ntod hti I rnni
luorociini'H tliiin tinyetlit-r Jlvluif hhyalrlan. H la ni''-.B
liaaalniply hi't-ii iit"iil"!iiiK; vo tm'vo In'itrd t'f nioai of
evor so Ti-nta' ni.nelipg .uleablty ciuimI hy him. Hit
tiaa niibliii'.i'd 1 Hitk en tlila ilw-a.e. whirl, m nfito
tvlih it Ihthi. IkiIiIh of lila wnieli'rful curii tree M any
r-rur who ntiw -'ii'l thilr mpreaaanit P. O. Ail-Jii'.a U
OAiviaa any uin wi.hlnif a rnrd tu o.llra.a
Dr. AD. MtStliOLK, ho. J ha St., Saw Tmk,
I te'lyoit cir. 'b it llieyari' oue of the neatest
coiubl utl 'tid ever piooiuitd, iitid luy vipcriance of
that a r. tifthi g bat ;ceti Itlo. ciionjjU tu entitle
my Jtiripiiu'iit to aorae reapect."
Ob, I d.in't k'low, rc.poiii!til the ftr-'t apeaker'e
frb d. lih a Httlt' yuwn, nt tl.onuli he dlrlti'l take
nuch Intor at In the anhjecf, '-1 hnvd never hten
ahlo to B' i' tniie'n tl'llVriiu't) in tt oc things. They
ora all p et'y nearly the aair.e eUe, at)tl mstle of
abimi the same bihII.'.
The talk, of which the foreirolng 's a fraifuieot,
took pi me ,n tinllatiii, i i-i-o il, iivt luii ao, In
Iliu mini; n tile u of Dr. M I'. Klowero, ojo of tha
li'iiilliw phyaic iunn of the elite, who followed up
the. vein in ,t hi' h he had hit rinlnctnl II auhrtan
tlally lotlp-ae worda:
"Nonai'DKt'.that la the rigmarole of a boy, or
rather of a man wlioeitb -rdoean't know ordonan't
caro " hat tie am a. 1 b iae tliiea, aa yoa rail
them, are Jiint an d'tVeretit aa thu moon la from
iirocn chwHit. Now, liuinp nla, lotiuna and olnt
metilH am very irooil In moat cuana for tb relief
of pain or tiilUmiUtou. but. In the flrat place they
ariMiiiuleoii. Thev aidl iliu baoda and the linen,
bdaidc ittii iiir alwnya oin of reavh when they ar
moot wxnted "
"Will, tny il. ,tv rtci.M-r." algltril the traveler from
the Noi'h. -liiti would you have! Thla la a
wretched or:d anyhow, and hnthili!.' ia ever at
baud win ii ina wHiite i. Von ran't nijren any
tul r. k "
' Yua I can," bri ku In ili ducior, thumping the
table with- his flat, "I can autfjj at CENSUS'S
C'ArciN'K TO Ol S PLASTER. I have tried It
on my pmlciita, and I huvo tried It on myeelf for
an nfark ot Piineiiionln. and lo ail caeca relief baa
followed in from threo tu lorty-elitjit bonra. Tho
old pluatcrg are etue toachea-tbe Capclue la a
telegraphic d apatcn. r'ur Inatauce, iu caeea of
Neuralgia, Mu-cular Uheumatl-m, Lauibag , re
tarded no 1 1011 of the Kliluoi a, ai d"
"I gn it up dortor, and Ic caae of need I'll buy
Benson's," said tl,e traveler pkaaiilly.
In thecen vr of the g uiitue laocrr the worJCAP
Seabury & Johnson, Cheini-ti, New York.
Aii Ouly Daughter Cured of
Whon tleHtli wa honrlv expocted. all remedies
bav hk fi l.ed, aud Dr II .lame w ai expennmi.t
UU wilii t e limey 1 erbi of ralcntla. ho arculvnt
alh made a p epurnt 011 wb-rh i iimd bin n y child
i Cooaiiitip ',0 . 11 a ,'hl d la n win th C' Untry
anil enjo) li lt he b at i f he dm. He has u.oved te
ib wo Id lb it I'uiiaiiinpiiiin can ' e I'liaittvoly aud
purmne tly cred Tim dint r uow kIviw his
Hocipe fn e onlv akl it two ihree cent a ampa to
pay expeuaea 'i h a b rb aim cures til. h' eweata.
uaustta at f stomach, ami wl I tue.k upa freab
col 1 In two ty-t ur hu.ira. Addm s Craddo-.k
Co., l():-,i ltuco a rutit, Pniladelphla, namluK this
Pffjrv "ill tMur'Ji
i& m via &
Wltiti TEXiIj youi
It will doteet and unheal enrreeily uny cliaimBitilliiiweiithertStoShnura
tmdvitnoa. It will tell whatikind-nf H:.ir,u ia iipriine!iinx, n.l trem what
dirnetinu-hivnliiiiblH lo lint iHiitni-a. I' imm-r" eiin plan theirw. rk
ai'.oonliun to ila prodietiona. hit vex .'ill I iint-ai ilia i'iihI in a miiiiloieaaou.
Una an ai'i'iirate iheriiioinnier att i -h ' I. win t: alntmia werth theprii eol th
ciinihintlino. Thiaiire.n WKA I'lli'.lf IMUl'ATdlf i melnr-ed b)'tbi
mal. Bininetit l'liyaiiiana. I'MHwnprPT IU TUF 11001 11 I
and Soiantitio munof thn-day to ho I no hZO I I I I Ht WUflLU I
I'll I'horiuninet.ir and Harnuietor rn lint, in uieelr Hnialied walnut Irmuo.
.,. . . I . .J . .... I.'..... I. K l.u.(,..t.tl .u W.,11 M ..huI 1,1 .1
wun aiiTer piao-u trnuiuiiitia, oiu. , niaaniK i' nrn...i. "v..
tinmimt. Wb will aeud you i amplHcn",i).'iivt'J.'r.v.ti'yonrplai-e. nan"il
orilur, nn ruoeipt of Cll.n,-alt f r 9 I Aenl mnkinrf Irnm .riUi)!W
.1-.1.. i.K .1 .....I.,,; ... ittfit Mint- Orilar atiiiiert. II mi-Hm ML
Hl(. I IT. .tint thathinu t" ill to tnnii ra, mun lianta, etc. IntuluuliU U
overybody II. S 1'oaUKn Mnnpu t ik n If III Kond order, but uinii-y pre.
iHrrml Aai-nla witnled everywhere. Hand for (lin-ulnr and teriua.
Addr!,'.f0"lUrT "V
U.awtt vHtab:inhiiitHl 11 tli" kiml m l.e ii.ii'.d)()Ht-tlo. Onweuo Co..
N. V. Werefor to the Mayer, Pnatmanier, flountv Oletk, lualaml Soooud
National Hitnka.nr any hiisinnaa lnnia in Oawetto,N. Y.
if rite iiimr v fii), I'umity mul siait jiiiiiii.nnif remit ou V(0ney
orrfer .ilia ft .Vein Yui k or ivoinltreJ t''tr ut mir n;k.
'l b la will Ut' n Iteiiullliil iiml Very I m ini I'reaent.
f find 1'iail'a Uammatur wmla aa null aan.ie tint eoaia f . toil caa Miy
on it every time, CapfcCMAa. It Uikikiih, Ship "1 wilWu," San l-raimlai-o.
Haronieter reoetvad in oud order, ami niiiat, any that (lie Inalruntrntiivae
i 1 "i," ' 1 V;, L ' .V,
alruidy amed me many timea ita oust, iu furetulliDg
ii ia a wunaeriui ourivau j ;io ".i" n'-ei
V I lj..... e.iH.ln. w
without our Trade Mark, and aiguulure ol J. A, I'noL ou the back ot inatru-
Kvnry Itutnimant wormnird PtrM and litlinble. Rif.eUI SiueheaTuna
8 1-4 wida. If not aatialled on re,ifnia tha iiiatiuiiient, return It at oniia anil
via will rsfunit ymir money. I'lnaaa aUt whore you our adfortuwinenk
iinteo forB years, iti uad
meanisg JliS'f what it 1171.
- i- a
rinno, Or-
1 GOODS ud
Fourik by
lng from us.
b avo
,Y ou
Tilth Stmt. ST. ICTO.

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