OCR Interpretation

The daily Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1878-1???, June 01, 1883, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87082573/1883-06-01/ed-1/seq-1/

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'; "v:".- ....... : ;-
trAt oAor Bakina Pawn so laraslt
ndulterated with Alum and -finer hurtful
has been kept unchanged in all Hi original
purity and strength. The best evidence of
iti safety and effectiveness is the fact of
its U uvinrj received the tiighiat testimonl
als from the most eminent chemists in tha
United States, who have analyzed it, trot
its introduction' to the present time. Mo
other powders shorn so good results by the
true testthe TEST OF THE OVEN.
Chicago, 111., and St. Louis, Mo.,
laaaractarsnaf Lasalla T.ut S-a,, Dr. PrkVi RtUI
ftatartaa lUlftcl., u4 Dr. prto'i t,ak rarflaaa.
For I)-iiMpila,
C o a 1 1 ve nes s,
'irk llaclache,
( lironlc Dlar-rlio-n.
Impurity of thr
lilood, t'evrr ind
Attn, Malaria,
anil ul! IH(w
iitusfd by Ie-
rangeincnt of Liver, IlowcU and Kidneys.
Had llrrath: I'ain in tlie Side, vm -timet the
rnin is fc It uiidtr the Sh .ulikr-liUdc , mwuken f'T
Khcumatistn ; Kciiral I'js of appetite; H-iwcls
guitrjlly cwitivc, i .mctmiri ahrin'ing with lai;
the head is trotiMe 1 with pun, is dull a id heavy,
with oitwidrraijle loss of wni'iry, acconnanied
with a painful fnuti'-n of lravin;;iiiit'nr something
hicli ouht In have h.?cn dme; a slitflit, dry couH
and flushol face it iniiu'time an aiirnUnt, often
mistaken fur conMimjiti'jn; the patient explains
of weariness ami debility ; itervnuft, e.isi'jr itart!ed;
fret coUi or turnup, tMnxt.inet a prickly sensation
of the tkin emsts; j ;rts aic U aiid ucfpt.ndent,
and, although tatisfieti t)at cacrcise would be bene
tV-ial, yet one can hardly summ-in up fortitude to
try it in tact, dulru.u every remedy. Several
of the above symptoms attend Oie disease, but cates
have occurred when but few of them exited, yet
examination after death ha- ih.jwn ths Liver to
have been cxtciuivtly d ranged
It aliottltl Im) used I))' all persons, old sad
young, whenever any of the ulx.se
symptom appear.
Fersons Traveling or Mrlng In rn
healthy localities, liy using a d"te o;i atiorv
ally to keep the lavcr in healihy action, ill avoid
all Malaria, Itllious attacks, I 'iiimess, Nau
sea, l)rowiincM, I )ep resist mi of Spirits, etc. It
will invigorate like a g.a of wine, but la no ln
toilcatlng beverage.
If You have eaten anything hard ot
digestion, cr feel h' asy after meait, or aleep.
leal at night, Uke a dote and yiu w ill be relieved
Time anil Doctor.' Rill villi be saved
by always kei'iliiK the JtejjiilHior
lu the Kniiael
For, whatever the aliment may It, a ih ir'Mighly
aafe purKatlve, ftlti r:itl ve an I Ionic can
never be out of place. The reme.ly it hnrnile'
lid due not Interfere with buiuo or
And hat all the iwi-r and elTini y of ( alomel or
Quinine, without auy of the injuru-'n after erlcctt.
A fitivernor'a Te.tlinotiy.
Fimm'-nt I.iver k ' K'jl.itnr h.ti Uen in ute in my
family fir me time, and I am s.imficd II it a
valuable additi'ii to the mediuJ v irnte.
J (jiLL Shuk i tK, (".o.ein"r of Ala.
Hon. Alexander II. Stephen, of (ia.,
: Have derived vine L.'in.ut In in the ue ol
Simmon l.iver KiuUmr, an J wish to give it a
further trial.
"The only Thlr? that never full" to
Itelleve." I h.ive Ufd rnuy irniedirt for Uyt-
r-pia, Liver Affection and lcbiiity, but never
ave found anything to benefit n.e to the extent
bimmont l ivir kculator hat. I arm from Mm
nctou to (i?iT;ia fir it, .irul w ubl vend further fui
tilth a medicine, and would nlvw all lio are lim.
ilarly affected to give it a tri. I at it teemt the only
thing that never faiit to relict e
IV M Jakni'T, Minneapolis, Minn.
Ilr. T. XV. MiiHiitt ituyst From actual ex
perience in the u-e of Simmons l.iver kfculalor in
Biy practice I have leen and am tulitricd to use
and presence it at a puigutivc nudiciiK.
t)"Talte only th (li-tiillne, which alwayl
bat on the Wrapper the red 7. Traile-Mark
andSlgiuttureof J. II. ZKILIN & CO.
1). DAY LEY,
OFFICK-Wlth II. II. CMidoc, City National
Ball IIIIUuinR.
PhVfioian unJ Surgeon.
HDoclal uttniilliin pkld to th lloniiuir, ithlr truHt
Dieiit of uri?lcal dlauaaot, and ducaiion of wonioo
rid rhlldrun.
( )lce: Od Utb "trout, oppoKlta tlio Pout Otlli e,
Cairo, ill.
128 Comniprcial Ave, Cairo, III.
adinliilnturvd dully.
A lady lu atluuilauco.
OFKICK Klglith Htreat. nuar Cnme arclal ATatiOn
Ontal Surgeon.
Ornua No. U6 Uotnmuretal Avunna, bvtweaa
KPPt.i anfl Nlt.tn ntraota
The Largest Variety Stock
Cr,Mlite.uihittr.tl Pvllfii 111
Commercial Avtuaar lttllUj lilt
fcl 'I! T,-" 'If.
Not Less Than Twenty Persons
A Panio Without Cause Produces the
Accident-The Scene of
Suffering and
HmxikLYN, May 31. The coronen ware
up to .lie r elbow n in woik thin moriituir.
Tlio nu tn her Ullrd and badly hiitt In
iverli.eii.1ay afternoon', panic en Ibe great
upenloii brlilK is as yet unknown, it in
rie.iicveu mat a score were kiltea outright.
The polii-v ami others Hero busy until Ik to
at night recovering lol Jewalry anil dress,
with whii'h the oul-hlidge wan strewn
after tha police had cleared rwv the
people. ''ke place at which the pimlc
occurred ii that po nil where, the New
York approach Joins the ethics, at the
I'earl titteet Mtichoruirc Here the narrow
foot-bridge j. , oulyliftcen feet wide is
aiiuut nneeii Icct aliote tlie tramways, ana
at this point Unre is a flight of steps carry
ing it still higher.
nobody knows. The excitement emn
roenccd at the New York end, where the
roadway is nrrow, steep and dilH
cult. Some say that a bund of pick-pockets
plying their trade caused thesciire.
Others hv that a fainting woman was the
cause, lu a moment the two tlironu's
whluh were pouring from the New York
and Brooklyn sldts became Intensely ex
cited, und the panic began. Down
the stairway on the New York side
men, women ant' children tumbled in
a coufused liuan utid weie
crushed to death. Attempts were made
by bridge watchmen and others to stay the
ruMi. but all was futile. Part of the Iron
railing was laknn tlwwti and the crowd let
out on either slue to the railroad trucks,
but at these exlti several accidents also
occurred. The pauiu lasted a few mom
ents, but in that time it Is thought that t
least twentr-tlve persons were Killed and
fifty seriously Injured.
rtenrv Guy t'arleton, who was lu the
crush, laid: :"The lines Jostled each other
as they pased, that from New York mov
ing in broad column and that from Brook
lyn by single file. At a point about one
hundred yards from the New York
by a gitt of wind. A It silled over the
roidwav the crowd stopped to laugh aud
cheer. The pubiuge was instantly blockud.
l'e.i.i' poiin u J i out liutli sides toward the
scene of accident. A woman laiuteu.
llereicort, a brawny laborer, struck right
and left to compel those about hlra to give
way. The pack became denier. A po
liceman leaped to the railing and ordered
the crowd to the New York side. Ohe
dleutlr the mass pushed with one accord In
that direution. me hundred yards further
down men urged the mass toward Brook
lyn. 1 he mistake wss instantly followed
by shrieks and oaths from those crushed
where the pressure was concentrated. In
moment the psck was complete, and ruim,
women and children fought desperately to
gain the railing. A girl threw her arms
about tne nam or a man in front or ner.
With an oath he turned and struck her
twice In the fa e. An old man with one
arm free belabored the heads of all he
could re-ieh with his citne. A young moth
er hi hi b r Imbn above her head Tiefe'ln
for some ftiotig man to take It ana it.
A drunk m woman bucked against the rul
ing and scratched and hit and yelled like it
cat in a trap. Suddenly came an over
whelming pressure from the Brooklyn side
and the strutglinc mass was slowly ' forced
toward the staircase to an accompaniment
ofihrteksand veils, to which everyone
oontrilttted. The first tjortlno of the
crowd managed to descend m safety. Then
a woniun faluted and 'ell. Several men
atooped to pick her up. Othen behind
tuem pustieti over ttiem, nnu in a lew sec
onds the lat stairs were covered with four
deep of men, women and children, with
the crowd irumpiing above. Men
ou the railings and ou the
drive way now directed their
effort! toward stopping the movement to
ward the stair-case, and shortly lucoeede J.
Others dragged out those who
A number of laborers ran up the drive from
the tower and tore away a portion of the
iron railing wliioh guarded the stair-cam,
and tuen every uinu wttn tree nana
worked with a will to extricate the In
jured. The first to be lifted out was a boy
perhaps ten yean or age. nil race nau
beon trampled to a pulp, and to far
m I could Judge be wns dead. A young
womau almost nude watt laid on tne qrive
tod died almost instantly. A man about
tblrty-flve was not. lie was dead already.
Several children, moaning and gasping,
were banded out. A young woman with a
broken rib protruding' through her breast.
was curnea actesi tne track, ine seemed
to be lifeless. Altogether there were eigh
teen or twentv removed through the broken
railing, over half of whom were dying, or
alreaav dead."
The coroner will itibpirna the bridge
trustees, Superintendent Martin ami all
othen who can give any Information in ref
ferenoe to tho accident yesterday. He In
tends the investigation to be thorough.
Superintendent Martin It aa been Investi
gating the cam ot the disaster, and the
best authenticated Information he ran
gather leads him to believe the panic wits
caused by plcpocketi. No action has yet
been, taken by the bridge trustees.
Tne superiniviKU'iii ucKiiowioagei that
the spuce allotted to foot passengers is at
present insufliclent, but thinks when the
irnlni begin to run and time lessens ami
osity It will be found to be ample.
The bodies of the dead carried lo the
Chambers meet hospital mn removed tu
the homei of their friends, and ptepura,.
tloo for their burial huve begun. All tho
injured in tne t. rummers street Hospital are
Improving. A number of iiujuliics were
made there for missing persons, but no In
formation couuernlng them could be given,
ai all tho dead and Injured have been iden
The unlvorsal comment this morning re
specting the bridge horror Is that the sain
accident Is liable to happen at any time no
matter what the police restrlotbns muy be,
unless the steps are abolished or ut leat di
vided for tho two streams ef pedt -t rintia.
The superintendent of the bridge, Martin,
make the following frank statement:
The foot-path Ii certainly no infe. Place
! or luch crowds as pass over the bridge,
t was not Intended lo accommodate an
such travel as we are having. A to the
steps It has been decided to nut a railing
up ana aown ine untune to aiviue tne peo
pie going out way from thnie going the
tber. The railing would have to be car
ried up lorue wav hevond the top of the
taps, of course. We ihould carry It prob
ably a hundred feet long. This Is one al
teration we bad already determined upon,
and it is to be made at once. Then we are
golug to place side railings on the
steps ft little futthar bt:k.
Soma space Is now lost lv
tbem. Then further back between the
cablet wt can widen the passage by plac
ing the rtlllugs farther tpart and against
the cables, tad thlt Ii to be done."
"Could net tha steps be-dispensed
wlthi"'. was tsked.
"Well, we could build what is called a
rAlmp, an Inclined plane front the top of
the steps to a point further down the
bridge, hut there would be some dunger in
making Ibe grade any steeper, especially lu
wet or Icy weather. "
To the superintendent's statement liny
be added that the fact is now obvious tout
during those heurs of the day when trans-'
it is most lively, aud nn holidays and Hun
days, there will si wars be great danger of
a licavy crush, unless means of relieving it1
be devised. Not even the Bridge Cable
trsck for care, now nearly completed, will
prevent the crush at these times.
'I he fclsvr Itoule Trial.
Washington, May 31. Merrick con
tinued In- address III the star I'otllo case,
aud culled the attention of the Jury to the
lias sustained by tho uoveriuiient by
Brady's system of Increase and expendi
tuies. There was, he said, the MiiicihI
1'ark I'cocne route beginning with a con'
tract price of $2,1)42 and increasing to $."'2.
01 per unuuin. l'Ilow they giewf
At morn, u bud; at noon, under tho
favoring dows of expedition and the
fraudulent kiss of Its sou, Brady, a full
blown rose."
Tim route from the White Kiver to Haw
11ns wilt an Instance of tlin small siiiouil of
attention that Biailr paid to petitions that
be now held up as a shield aguinst the
lance of Justice. There was not a petition,
a letter, or a scrape ol a pn that a-U.-il fm'
a fait schedule, ordered by Brady unless it
were on a contractor's affidavit. If a Jury
found that the contractors had made these
atthlavlu by perjury for the bene tit of one
another, then the uon.piracy is made out.
One crime was proved. Instemt
of tasting waters afar down where
tbev flowed between greedbsrks he
bad taken them to the very fountain and
showed the poison lu that fountain. If it
whs not there, then the government sur
rendered its case. If it waa there, then,
in the name of the people of the I'nlted
States, bit demanded that retribution be
visited upon the men who poisoned the
fountain. These defendants were bold,
unscrupulous men, who bad attempted to
browbeat the court, the Jury end the coun
sel from the beginning of the first trial
dow n to this time.
A Combination that Threatens the Peace
of Europe.
Nvt York, May ill. The Herald's spe
cial from Tails says: Three salient facts
are now exciting the hopes or fears of.'every
thinking man In Europe. First the triple
alliance tiow constitutes a sort of supreme
tribunal of Europe, which is capable of
enforcing Its will or caprice upon any or
all other European powers, and without
the consent of which no European question
can be decided. Seuoud 'Hiat lu tbe
event of war the armies of Germany, Aus
tria and Italy would constitute so niunr
parts of one gigantic and
jierfectlv elaborated machine.
Third Thatjust as Prussia wielded togeth
er tbe North German Confederation in lvW
and the German Empire in lfsTl, so Is the
German Chancellor now wielding together
a still greater military and political unit,
equal in extent to the Empire of Charle
magne, and Intended eventually to embrace
the whole of Central Europe, Italy and the
countries contiguous to the Danube and the
Figaro, under the head, "LiMiiarck's
Secret," calls on France to arouse herself,
and says th county has never been in
Li eater p rtl. It adds that the Chancellor's
plans have been set In all their nakedness
before Frestdeut Orevy and tbe Ministry In
a way which In likely to cause an Immedi
ate cbanire in Government policy. "We
can no loueer conceal tbe fact that the tri
ple alliance is not only an accomplished fact
but that it Is a weapon directed against us.
Mgnor Mairlni, two months ago, in the
t alals l najjibers. said that opportunities
not far dl-Unt might enable Italy t use
tier strength in the service or a great cause.
We remember that, aud we watch the
strictly professional Journey which Count
Von Moltke, despite liis eighty-three
years and bis Infirmities, bus Just accom
plished over the C'orolcho road and
through the weakest points of the Italian
frontier. It is not for simnlv distress that
the old German strategist, braving heat
aud fatigue, came to ti dy, from Genoa to
Bardlgbrra. all the mountain passes a a
general, making nimseir larniliar with
future field. A pleasure trip appurentl
led v on Moltke over the St. Uothard and
other passes opening in the rear of Belfort
on tne t rencn frontier, ibe Italian itov-
ernnient meets Bismarck's programme bv
a reorganization of tbe De I'retls cabinet
in face of the fact thvt be bad a sure
ats) lee slative majority. Behind all this
there must be some powerful, if unknown.
hand and Bismarck is also using be Fretis
to secure tne reconciliation with the Pope
which be cannot himself seem to ask. and
is doing all he can to diminish the strength
of France bv urging on its wsrs In Senegal
on the Congo, in Madugnacar, in Tunis and
In Cochin China, thus weakening the conn
try at home. Into all tbe blunders and
irups has the country fallen, It is a vivisec
tion, and Austila, Italy and Germany will,
in the end, each get their share of our ter
Free Trade Cooventlou.
Dktroit, May 31. The National Free
'l'.-.wl i 'n..t.n.n.i. ......l.l,l 1 .UI -1... . .
i I woe viMiiuicuir atciiiuirii in in in miy to
tlav , consisting of a number of prominent
...r. .I-.- .
uuvocuifs ut i no priiiciiMcs oi tree iruue
the obleel being an Interchange of view
ss to the best method to be pursued
tor me propagation ot tneir aininctive
nriiu'inles. The nttpiidunrA n-aa rw. i.t-.ra
The conference was called to order at noon
hv Win. d. Rrnu'nlp. it thla fltv rr...
.....-" v. v., .tem
porary organization was affected by the
fuoiceuiu. ciciiiiig .uoiiuu. ui .eorasaa
us cliuirman, and James A. McDonald, o
MichlkMti and C. E. Kussell, of Iowa, a
The following committees were named:
On organization: L. W. Goode, Iowa;
George K. Pcabody. New York; W. T.
Brownlec, Detroit; Edmund Taylor, Mis
souri, and S. G. K. Prime, Illinois. The
onler ot business: Thomas G. .Shearman.
Brooklyn; Wm, P. Wells, Detroit; .1.
l'lillpot, Dei Moines, Iowa; A. A. Healev,
New York; M. C. Frederic.ksoh.
Wisconsin. A recess was then taken un
til two p. m., when Mayor Thomp
son formally welcomed the Conference to
the c'ty iinil took occasion to cxpres
very decided views a to the necessity ami
propiiety of reciprocity treaties wlth'i.sna
da and Mexico.
Hotilton's Nnlt Well.
Wakaw, N. Y.. M.iv .11. Frank Moul
Ion, "Mutual Friend" in the Needier
trial, has upend n new salt well on hi
etMte tit Pearl creek, ami at the depth of
110 feet has struck what experts tlncin to
be one of the richest salt deposits In the
Nra, Mellvllle,
rtilt.AtiRf.rilU. May .11. The wife of
Engineer Mellvllle of An tic fame, has
opened a fashionable dress-making estab
lishment In North Sixth street, having tired
of depending on her friends since tho sep
asatlon from Mr, Mellvllle, He Is also liv
ing here.
Port Chrstrii, ". Y., Mav 81. Yes
terday afternoon a well-dressod stranger,
apparently about thirty, committed suicide
by cutting his throat with a razor. He hid
with lilin a parcel addressed to lilcbard K.
Jenkins, Noo82 Eighth avenue.
No Degree Ur Boa Bailor.
Boston, May SI. Tho Board of Over
seers of Harvard Colleve. bv a vote of 11 tn
11.1, to-dy refused to confer the degree oi
IX. 1). a Uov. BuUr.
A Riot in St. Petersburg Dissatisfatction
With tne Manifest Irish
Conspirators Other
LONDON. Mar ai. -Tbe following la tha
resolution relative to the dbp iltlun of the
surplus Alabxmtt sward which Kennard in
tends to move in the Commons: That, in
view of the public utterances of eailneiit
American slu'esmen with reference to tbe
destlnatii of tbe undistributed moneys
resulting from the Geneva award.
the House Is of opinion tbut the ex
rhange of views between the English add
I'lilled States Governments on the
subject would be conducive to the develop
ment oi friendly rclaliuns between the two
London. May 31. The weekly state
ment of the Bank of England shows an
increase of bulliou of ;UiT.mhi, Tbe pro
portion of reserve to liabilities is Itt'a per
London, Mav Si. The Duke of Albany
recently received an urgent renuest from
Canada to consent to the successor of the
Msniuls of Lome. Tbe Duk after study
ing the affairs of Canada wrote to Glad
stone on the subject. The Prime
Minister replied that the Duke was too
vouiik? for such an important position, anil
also be lacks experience in governmental
work'. I he pnvsictans of tbe Duke of
Albany were of the opinion that his
health would permit of his acceptance of
the post.
London. May :. In tbe Central Crim
inal court the recorder, charging the irranil
Jury, referred to the dvnatntte conspira
tors, l.r. t.aiiagner, nernaru Muuiigner,
Whitehead, ( tirtln. Ansburgb and Wil
son, and sum inaictinenis again..i mem
would charge tue six prisoners wttn treas
on, felour. He stated that Lynch, alias
Norman, who turned informer, had been
f ertnitted to give evidence for the Oueen.
Ie would describe tbe plans of tbe Fenian
conspiracy which existed in America. If
the grand Jurv believed the prisoners
were connected with that conspiracy
they would retttra a true bill against
them. Lynch 't evidence, he said,
would be most fully corrobor
ated bv other witnesses. The charge had
been postponed for lome days while the
Crown were deciding as to the exact nature
of the Indictment. A second indictment.
ho said, woti d be Drefcrred auainst six of
the prisoners, incltidlmr Lynch, for having
in their possession tiitro-glvccriue with
intent to commit muraer. i.yncn womu
also be permitted to give Queen's evidence
In this case. Tbe grand Jury returned
true bills in all the cases within an hour
after receiving the recorder's charge.
Pt. PKrr.HHrn;, May 31. The mani
festo tsued by the Czar on the day of his
coronal inn has created an unfavorable im
pression here. A riot occurred In tbe
evening of the 2Sth among the crowds
assembled in tbe streets. Tb" mob
asulted a director of police who was en
deavoring to restore order. Detachment
nf Cossacks were called out and dispersed
the rimers, a hundred of whom were
arrested. The riot aid not arise from
political causes.
Vakaw, Mav ill. General Albeit
inskv, Governor-General of Warsaw, is
London. May 81. The outbreak again!
the Jews which occurred at Kostaff nn the
jjd, on account of the murder of a Kinshiri
by a Jewish ptlblloin. was iicled tbe
aine nlirht, after 130 botie. belonging to
Jews hud been deetroved. Fifteen of the
rioters were killed by the troops,
Paws. May HI. The weekly statemen'
nf the bank of France shows a decrease oj
3,0. OK' francs gold, and in increase n'
10",ftoO francs silver.
Pakis, May 31. It Is stated that Captain
KcrKiradec.'the Freuch Envoy to Anuam.
has been Instructed to hold the King of
Annum responsible for tha recent hostilities
near Hnnof and to demand satisfaction
from hiin, including the payment of a heavy
Pakis, M.iv3i. It is stated thatWad
dlngton has been instructed to address the
Marquis of Tfeng, who represents China
at St. Petersburg, Paris and London, and
who Is now at Moscow as the representa
tive of jhe t'hinose Government, in regard
to the Intentions of China in the Tonculn
Berlin, May 31. Despite the assur
ances of tbe Freuch that there Is nn danger
of a war between Fiance and China, the
lonmerce of Germany with China Is al
reailvjnuch disturbed by the Tonquin dls
puto'." It is hoped in Berlin If France de
clare, a blockade of the China Dorts, Great
Britain and America will refuse to rec
ognizeit. A French blockade cunnot be
effective, aud Germany will certainly sup
port England and America in opposing it.
The German Government, Is considering
the question of sending more vesiels to the
Chinese coast.
Tl KHF.r.
Constantixofi.k, May 81. Alphonao
Taft. I nited States Minister to Austria
and Hungary, and Eugene Schuyler. I'nlt
tij Sutes Minister to Greece, Servla avl
Itoinnanla, were presented to the Sultan
yesterday by Gen. Wallace, I'nlted States
Mlniiter to Turkey.
Calcutta, May ill. Fighting between
the forces of the Ameer of Afghanistan ami
the Sblnwarrls has been renewed. The
losses have been heavv on both sides.
Ilafiloads of dead bodies have been brought
down the Cabul river.
Mill to aee.
CntPAOo, May Ml, Fernm Interview
with the managers nf the leading Iron mill
in and about this citr, it appears Inevitable
that all of the mills will close down to
morrow, owing to a failure of the mill
owners to accede to the Pittsburg scale.
Tha controversy will not in hiiv wav affect
the steel mills, which will continue their
operations, Tbe managers of mills Join In
asserting that the advantage rests with
them, as the market Is Inactive and prices
only moderate, while employe! were only
recently engaged In a long strike from the
effects of whlth they have not yel recov
ered. A Iteulal.
Chicago, May ;i!.-Prest. Prussing, of
Ihe master mason's association, stoutly de
nies the Iniputailon made by the members
of Brlcklayoa'i 1'nlnn that ho tempered
with the atrreemiMit signed bv the Commit
tee of Arbitration, nnd which, It was sup
posed, would end tho strike. He asserts
that the bricklayers are In a rage
simply because tbev bavt been defeated In
everything tbey set nut to accomplish.
The end of the ttrlke can not now be fore
seen. Evftna Install)!.
WAtnmoTON, Mav 81. Walter Evans,
the New Commissioner of Internal Reve
nue, was Installed In office this morning.
Gen. Itaum, the retiring Commissioner,
introduced the managers of the several dl
visions to ibelt sew elilel ,
T I last War.
Chicago, May 81. A WUuok, A. T.,
tstsolal says: From Sua Carles advices It Is
learned that Loeo't wife, son-in-l.w.
daughter, grandchildren and fourteen we.
men, with six bucks, have surrendered t
the military authorities near San Carlos.
They are direct from Mexico and report all
the bostiles ready and anxious to surren
der. So a speedy ending of the Indian war
la Mexico and the return of Crook to Ari
zona II anticipated. These Indians are
among the number nf Chirlcahuas who left
tbe reservation a year ago lust April.
Hfatemenl by Mrs. Phil. Thoiiipan.
Cincinnati, May 31. A s.utement by
Mrs. Phil. B. Thompson, the llrst she has
liisdit for imblicallon of the matters caus
ing Hie killing of Walter Davis by her bus
band, appeared lure this mornitu'. She
denies pointedly that she was drunk at the
St. Clair 1 1 ui c I ami calls God to witness
Davis was Innocent nf any wrong toward
her. When she went Into bis room that
night she says they eiiulii not waken Miss
Buckner, and therefor slut went Into Da
vis' room. Her try was told ut Mrs, Da
vis' house and In her presence,
Krnm Dtlll HUalnaT.
St. Louis, Mav m.-Judge John M.
Krtnn said, this morning, that he had not
yet tbe slightest notion where his son,
Judge Krum, Is, and he was almost driven
to the conclusion that Chester bad gone
crazy, and had taken his nwu life. The
Judge, in common wir.h the rest of the
family, is well nigh distracted, aud rinds
relief only lu work ol ulucn, lortiiintely,
he has plenty, being obliged to represent
his son In the many ces In which he wss
P I'm 1 1 ii res.
Nkw Yokr, May 31. The schedules In
the matter of assignment for the henerit of
creditors by the firm of Blossom. Havn A
Co. . naval stores, was filed to-dav. Lia
bilities $.-ni.73.'i. nominal assets $104,218,
actual ssets t4o.HW.
Mo.M KKAL. May 31. James A. Young
k Co., boot and hoe manufacturers, have
failed. Liabilities $40,000.
Cincinnati, May 31. The annual meet
ingofthe American Surgical Association
began to-dav In the hall of the Cincinnati
( ollege. The programme for to-day in
cludes papers bv Dr. Samuel D. Gross, of
Philadelphia, C. B. B. Naneiede, of Phil
adelphia, B. A .' Watson, of Jersey Cltv,
John II. Parckard of Philadelphia, and
Basil Morris, of Washington, D. C.
A Fatal Accident.
Boston, May 31. This morning freight
train No. 12, on the Grand Trunk Railway,
went down through an Iron bridge at
Stratford Hollow, Vermont, occasioned bv
a broken rail. The engineer and fireman
were killed.
final Cnfureaee.
Pittsbuho, May 81. The final con
ference of the iron manufacturers and
Amalgamated Association uommittse his
been called for toil afternoon, when It Ii
believed a settlement will bo effected and a
-ik carted.
The Poave'a rircalar.
Chicaro, May 31. A number of Cath
olle clergymen think the best method nf
manifesting tehlr Indignation at the Pope's
Irish circular Is to take part in meetings
all over the city In behalf of the Parnell
Washington, May 81. James F.etoher,
of Iowa, was appointed I'nV.el States
Consul to Genoa, vice John 7. ilazleton,
who wit appointed Consul to Hamilton,
.Vfnrrierod Hta Wye.
Boston, MaySI. Bartholomew Nealo '
tl years old, Wednesday night murders''
his wife, and then attempted tuiuide. H
It now In the hospital.
MAY 81, 18W.
Mn Ntochu
CAT I I. K V' i vc fcVaiO: higher einorU
Wrrttt); good to choice shipping $ft 70
H00; common to fair $5 OOrtM 60.
HOGS Falilv active and steady; light
id tX(t: 11): mixed packing $5 50f7M;
heavy packing and ihlpping $71Uft7 85.
CATTLE-Oood to heavy shipping Keen
$5 7.Vaft (0; light to fair shipping steers
W 2W Ho; common to medium native
H ,V,") 2ft; fair to good Colorado 4ft
ft ftO; Southwest $4 7orioOO; corn-fed
Toxuns $4 HOCrtS 7S; light to good stockers
Wd 40; f..lrtogood feeders $4 ftOfiM 00;
common lo choice native eows snd heifers
$3 OOftA 1.1; scalawags or any kind $3 Ouft
3 50.
HOGS Lower, but strong and active nt
tbe decline. Light to good yorl ers $(5 86
ord 80; rough to good mixed packing
VI MV37 00; good to extra butchers 97 On
r97 2i: skips and culls WM.
SHEEP Sheared; Common to me
dium $2 'IVdii 60; fair to good $3 M)
ret ftO; prime $4 flora 00; Texai com
mon to prime P M)t4 f0.
Orals, Cte.
WHEAT Lower, closing $1 12 June;
$1 l.V, July; $110 August: H1TV
September; $1 18 October; $1 1 V year.
COIIN-Hlgber at ftnr June; 67
July; oSf August; Si year.
o'.YTx-lllgher at H June ; 3B.rsi
July; 33.'' August; 31 K yeur.
WHEAT Lower, closing at $1 lftK
June; $1 20S Julv; $1 21 August; $1 22 '
September; $1 26 October; 1 lilt,
year, t orn higher. 61 i June; 63 'a July;
65 sj August; 6i September; 47. year.
Oats firm; 404' June; 40 July; 81
WHEAT Julv $1 24'.; August
l 20'.; SeptethberJlll 28; October
$1 2KW1 30',.
'Ol!N Julv IK); August 07 Hi ; September
OAis-.Tnlv MV; Augiiit 63; Sep
temheHO'i. t'oiiulry Produce), Ktfl.
sr. i.tn'is.
BUTTE II Choice to fancy creamery at
Iflftt'.'O: seconds at best dairy rates. Dairy
at I4f17 for choice ami faiicv, occasion
ally 18 was obtained for guilt-edge In a
small wav; fair to good 12614; common.
$(dW, Scar-by packed has been accumils
l.'itlng for some time, and the market In at
present largely overstocked, and there
seems to be no sale for It at ail; quote com
mon 4foW, fair at 7rf", and tht best at 9(8)
EGfiS-Steadv and fair tt 13c,
LIVE POl'Lf KY-ulet and dull.Old
Hens 3 oor,-;t tV); mixed at $1 Wtitl 76
(according to the nuinbtr of cocks in a
coop); cocks, $2 60. Spring Supply near
ly all small and scrubby. Small dead dull
at 76cot$I; medium $1 60f2 00; fair to
good $1 7fto3r2; choice, or the best on tale,
LEAD Firm, firm with good demand
for special brands of hard, Rales, 18 oars
bard (chemical) yesterday mil to-day at
112. HerlneJ la held at $4 16, but It not
wanted at this price.
Mark Lane Wheat not much doing! corn
dull. Mixed American corn to arrive de
clined 8d. Spot wheat quiet t No. 2 spring
9t2d: W'eitern winter 8a Id. Western
corn dull and easier at 6a Id. Demand
from United Kingdom aid OntlBeaV
nUwr4u.ll for wbeal toesero.
Is not signing a pledge
or taking a solemn oath that
cannot be kept, because of
the non-removal of the cause
liquor. The way to make
a man temperate is to kill
the desire for those dreadful
artificial stimulants that car
ry so many bright intellects
to premature graves, and
desolation, strife and un
happiness into so man
Itisafactt Brown's IroM
Bitters, a true non-alcoholic
tonic, made in Baltimore,
Md.,by the Brown Chemical
Company, who are old drug-
f (Ms and in every particu
ar reliable, will, by remov
ing the craving appetite of
the drunkard, and by curing
the nervousness, weakness,
and general ill health result
ing from intemperance, do
more to promote temperance,
in the strictest sense thin
any other means now known. ;
It is a well authenticated
f.ict that many medicines,
especially ' bitters,' are noth
ing but cheap whiskey vilely
concocted for use in local
option countries. Such isj
not the case with Brown's
IronIhtteks. Itisamedi
cinc, a cure for weakness
and decay in the nervous,
muscular, and digestive or
gans of the body, produc
ing good, rich blood, health
and strength. Try one bot
tle. Price jSi.oo.
Hi ,
"3 . 3
2 5
'J, a
r -
a e- i
m Ss
tq g-
(S. .
X1 .
Vf t airo, Illinois.
71 Oil 10 LEVEE.
CAPITA! , 100,00 0!
A (it'iicTiil Uankiiiijr Business
TItOH W. II A 1.1.1 HA V
C. chirr.
of Cairo,
Commission Merchants,
psai.iks ta
Fl.Ollt, iHA IN AND HA.
Egyptian Flouring Mills
HifcTbHRt Cash Price Paid for Wheat.
Refrioemator Oarb,
Wholesale IJoaler in Ico.
Oar Ivoads iv Specialty.
Cor.Trvelftli Street and Leice,

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