OCR Interpretation

The daily Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1878-1???, April 24, 1884, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87082573/1884-04-24/ed-1/seq-3/

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An Important Couforonco Wherat
It Was Dooidod to Ro
llovo Oordon.
Tour Waiter Girls Cremated at a Tiro iu
the Old Bailey -Proposal
The Loyal Mac's Send the Turbulent O's
to Jail for Being Too IlanJy
With Dynamite.
C.uito, April 23. Nubar l'ashu, l'riinu
Minister, ami (it;ntral Sir KveJyu
Wood had a lony coiid-renee this morn
at the conclusion of which it was an
nounced that It was dediled to recom
mend the Immediate dispatch to litrber
of mixed liritish and Kayptiau forces.
SubsiMniently (.onerul Wood stated that a
larne number of the better class of Ksyp
tiaus in the army had expressed a desire
to no to the relief of the imprisoned gar
risons at lierber and Khartoum. In
selecting the force, only Egyptians known
to be loyal to tiie Khedive and who have
seen activu service will be drafted.
London-, April L'li. Sir IM ward Walkln,
M. 1'., offer-. i'l.OnO toward the rescue of
(ieiiural (iordon. He asks the Loudon
papers to npi-n a fund for this purpose,
"wli.'ii," he says, "two hundred thousand
pounds would bo collected iu a lew
hkk iv Titr..oi.i ii.ii.i;y.
I.OM.ON, April a.".. liell Tinerii, in tin;
"old Haley," and two adjoining build
ings we're destroyed by tire this morning.
I'our waiter L'irls perislii'd in the llanjes.
'Hie Tavern was very old and was princi
pally patronized by witnesses attending
l'ltoros w. ac'i Ki'i i d.
London, April I'.'t. Ijfl Granville,
Foreign Secretary, li.is reciived notitl
cation from the Austrian Auibas-ador
to f.e effect that Austria accepts Kiiu'
land's proposal for a confer. pee of the
jiovu-rs to reu'ate the ilnaneial uf
lairs of K;:ypt.
The Vi Mill ...' continues to de
Dounce the Ministry for their abandon
ment of (iurdoli. It sa.vs: "AltiiOULjIi
Herber Is the key to Khartoum, the Min
istry cannot resolve that Herber must be
saved. The sycophants are luring the
Ministry to their doom."
LiiMpiin April At the city and su
burban handicap race to-day Lord lirad
ford's (juick Time was tirst; Mintou'-;
liay, second, and J. II. Crook-ton's Kojal
ilag, third. Twentv-one horses ran.
(;i.AS(iow, April L'.l. I'eter o'Shea
charged in connection with the nine (iias-
jfow dynamiters sentenced some time
since for causing the explosion of the
Trati'ston (rasomi'ter and blowing up the
rheil of tin? Caledonia Lailroad station,
was to-day found fiuiily and sentenced to
eighteen months Imprisonment The
Chief Con.-table received a letter this
morning in which the w riter Informed
him that his life had been forfeited for
the activity he had displayed iu the con
viction of the dynamiters, and stating
that the avenirer were on his track.
Maihii, April L'lL C.enerals Farrerand
Hidalgo, who were arrested on March -!7,
churiicd with being Implicated in the al
leged military conspiracy against the Gov
ernment, have been pronounced innocent
by the tribunal trying them. A large num
ber of ollicers were arrested for institu
ting an iinjiiiry as to whether a conspir
acy really existed in the army. The ac
quittals are generally satisfactory, espec
ially among the Kepublieans, who, since
the alleged discovery of the conspiracy,
have claimed that it was an invention of
the Government for a pretext for the ar
rest and disgrace of army ollicers sus
pected of having the slightest antipathy
towards royalty. lloth ollicers were
Ditii.in, April L'S. The police regard
the ominous notices purporting to ema
nate from the Invincible, which were
found In various parts of the city yester
day, as a hoax. The purpose of this,
they believe, was to stimulate the contri
butions of money from America, whiclt of
late have seriously fallen off.
Cracow, April The person who
threw the bomb at the JCourt-house yes
terday, while the police officials were in
consultation, Is named lioleslaus Malan
klewlez, is a native of Warsaw and only
(seventeen years of age. A loaded revolver
was found upon his person.
Shot Through the Jugrular Vein.
CiiicAO", III., April 23. The ..-ioWs
Anoka, Minn., special says: "Willie Gray,
thirteen years old, son of J. 1). Gray, a
shoe merchant, was killed last night, w hile
engaged in a charivari, by a shot through
the jugular vein from a small revolver
held close to his neck by a companion.
It was probably accidental, as no trouble
had arisen. The revolver was llred to
increase the noise being made. The par
ties Implicated have not yet been appre
hended." The Louisiana Eleotion.
Nkw Orleans, La., April 2!!. The
election returns arc coining in slowly.
Up to noon returns had been received
from only forty precincts, showing a good
majority for the regular State and city
Caused by the Explosion of a Lamp.
Littlk linen, Aim , April 23. The
residence of Mrs. McGhec, together with
Its entire contents, burned at Tine Bluff
this morning, caused by the explosion of
a coal-oll lamp. Loss, 81,000; insured
for $700.
Secret Murriiijre.
1'kkin, 11 1.., April 2.!. Chas. D. K versa
of this city, and Auua lllrtendauch, of
Clinton, 111., were secretly married In the
residence of Kev. Mr. Culloin last night.
The bride's parents objected strongly.
Nkw Voiik, April 23. The assignment
of .lohu II. Uean, of the llrm of Dean &
Chamberlain, real estate lawyers, Is an
nounced. The llrm w as a large concern,
ami stood behind the builders at the
bank. Liabilities about 1,0(10,000.
Short-Horn Cattle Sale.
Marshall, M., April 23. To-day and
to-morrow the public sa e of short-horn
cattle, the property of leading breeders
of SaliiicgL'ounty, takes place at the Fair
Grounds lit this city; Ml head will bu
sold, Colonel J. W. Judy, auctioneer.
Horse-Thief Captured.
S i i:i:i. ii.i.i:, Mo., April 23. Late Sat
urday evening a nephew of William Huff
man, a Small lad, was returning from
Osage to his tnioli.'.-, whi n a mau over
took him, compelled him to dismount, and
taking the animal rode away iu the direc
tion of liav'sville. Information reaching
Iliilfiiiau's soon after, a brother of the
boy staried in pursuit with a gun and
captured tin: thief near havisville, where
he had stopped lor the nivjht.
Woolen IliU Eumed.
Wn .i.hmwih', Cow. April 23. The
Washington Mills of South Coventry
burned last
Loss, 200,000. Oc
cupied by Gibboa Carson for tiie man
ufaeturing of tlimi'd press goods. The
cause was l;eaUd bearings. The building
was owned by Iliiri.ee A. Kimball of
l'ro M. nee, and insured for )j7'I,oom in
mutual companies. dibboa i Carson
were insured for ;., 'km. Tivo hundred
hands are out of work.
Followed His Patients.
II wxii'.AL, Mo., Aprl! 23.-Dr. L M.
.Stockton, a well-known dent's:, com
mitted .suicide here last night by Imaging
himself in a barn in the rear of hi- resi
dence. Three weeks :,g he made an at
tempt on his life by taking morphine, but
was diseovi red in time to pp-Velit death.
io cau.se is asigned for hi- deed, lb:
was a member "1 the Hamuli I. peg , A.
O. l.'.W.; aNo of the KnigMs ol Ho. .or.
He leavi two giowa ilauglners.
WILL l!i: At (it'l l 1 LI).
Testimony in the Frank Jaru8 Trial
Kot.w Complete.
Hi visn.i i;t Ai.., April 2:1. The
Frank J unes i:ij was not taken tip
yesterday on account of the sickness
of General Walker, conns. I for the de
fen -e. J. W. Davis, for the prosecu
tion, teti!led that on the 11th of
March he saw three strange men at
Mussel shoiiis. Witness described
the h'Tses as other witnesses
had, bi.t could, not say that James
wu one of tiie men. Mrs. L. A.
Jones testified tii..t three men stayed all
night at In r house just before tiie rob
bery. She didn't see their horses, and
don't reeogni.e Juiuo-. us one of the men.
Miss Fulton was at Mrs. Jones' house.
She saw tile s'r aug rs. Could not iden
ti;v any one. W. J. Lmbry icstitled a'joiit
tlii- same as the last two. o. 1'. Lane
knew if hii.tr new. The evidence has
clos(d. The impression is that James
w 1.1 be admitted.
;jakki:t i:i:rou'rs.
Drain and Provisions.
ST. Lol IS.
Cotton Steaily; mid'llmtr, llS3l'-e.
Ki.oi K siea.ly; X.W to choice, fi.yi4.75:
pa'elit-, t..;.'.(r4 i.i.
W io:T-Steinlv; No. 2 lied, f l.lo jl.lu'i;
No :i Iteil. l (it.
( mix-Lower: No. L' mixed, 4T'i iJjc; No.2
li't- in ie t. .Vi!'i."i7'sc.
i rs-lniil: .No. , :n:.Tf:,e,
It vk Steady: No... :ai ' o.
T' in o o-l- ti n! ; mus ciiininon to elioioe,
?".T.VnlUUU: leaf; c .111111011 nit leaf, f-Wi
In mi; nieiliuin to L'ooil f CjlT .Vi.
II v I'nnrie f lu.i'-rttl l.K' tor tn-iine; ll.'IJ
12.O0 lor i liinee: mi-l ? loc-il.i fer common to
prune; tinnitfiy 1 1-4.17 tor mime to laney.
llrm k steady : elioiee to fancy ereuiie ry,
''.( ;aie;Mniry, ehi'nee 10 I alley, ".Viii-ic; and 'S,u
lor sele'eliuiis; low LTade- iioinmili.
Koos Kaier, at 12' -e.
l'i 11 vi'ok.s 1 1 1 ) 1 1 . Kast. rn Iturliank In b t
rei,ue-t. and sustained in priee utjt'."-'5' Vie;
Ko e a id l eeili -3ilu:l at X. (..t'e ,e. Nortliern
stoi k very liard to Si ll at 2.it i.'c, and Hottiini
stock lit l'i
I'oiiK Hull; standard mess, ?17.W; hard
side, Hi ;-' ,.
L no Steady; prim,' steam, nominal ut
IU.-os-.nnir. ''('i'",c; shorts, S'j'c'.'.iv e;
clear riliS, !' ' "e.
Wool. 'l ull wa-lied (dioiie. "2"''!;e: mo
ilium. :n''',:i c: iinwaslnd medium, 2-iiJle; low
mid coarse yrudes, I 0.
II I m s (,'unt : dry Hint, lsi2e; damaired,
l.V.c; tiulisur-a s.'ln', ' lie; dry salted. i:ic;
dry salted, I'lim ied. lie: kii uiiif enlt'. s.tited,
!; ,e; ea mnieifc 7 'ic; bill Is am I stairs, 1 c; tireen,
UlieiilTil, s '.,; ilumiiueil, li:4c.
Siikki' I'ta.T.- steady; vreen, Tilf.tiiio j dry
do, 4U '7Ue., us to amoiinl uinl uim'ity of wool;
(frci'ii s'lein liiiirs, "e; dry do, Riiije; lamb
skins, ('ti'ie.
W'iik vt V'iimef: April, s7i$c; May, st4
8Se; Juno. '.Hi .e; July. l',e:
t'ouN sirotier: April, "i2K,e; May, Mo;
June, M' : "."4 e: July, ,Vi ve; August, "7'-e.
i.vTs Si 1 ouv'er; April, 32c; May, X''ae;
Juni', ll'-'e; July, tl'.'e.
1'ohk Lower; May, tPI.73; Jime, JUi.tW;
Julv. 17.uo.
Laud Steady; May, js.:ju; June, ?S.40; July,
Shout Kihs May, s.27!j; June, JS.ij;
July, s.42 1.
WnKT-H!Bher; No. 2 lied. May, fl.OI'J:
Cons lllclier; April, (il'ic; Miiy,niff;fil';c.
( 1 .vi'S Steady ; No. mixed, May, ilj'ij
!Nc; June. a7..:i7 JHe.
pnovisiif.NS I'Di k Hull; spot mess, f I1I..V)
Lard yuiet ; stea:n, May, s.to; June, S.7U.
Live Stock Markets.
t illCACO.
Hons Keeelpls, lii.iHii): iictlvo and flrmerj
lijrht, t.7.'iir".i'i; r uili packimr, 5.:iii(-,",.Ci,",;
heavy piickini: und sliipplnv, J.'i.TO fi; . 10.
( aiti.k Iteceipis, 6.ri; stromr; Ule hitdierj
exports, ''wi'M'i.7n; mw to olmieu, $.l.a,'nj
U.i'i: eominiin to fair. $,VS.V5.sm.
Siikkp lieceipts, 4,000; sioady; common 10
plioiee, ?;l.'Ai)..)U.
Catti.k Dull; lair to good steers, $.'..r0O
Siif.kp I'ltsettleil ; fair to frond Western,
sheep. 4.7V'M..ihi; elmlee to laney, tti.Z.&H.:);
tfiiod Western hunk-. Jii.u'.V't i -'.
Hons Dull; (rood 40 choice Vorkenv
f.Vv)'-'i.5: K"i inedlunj weights, $ij.U0itl.l5;
pigS, j.0l'ii'l .).
Catti.k lleci Ipts, a, ;no; tnodera'ely ao
tivo and lowar. Hh'p.iiiifr Mows, 1,1'J'l to
1.IIKI His. averui:i., f.. .i . il; Imteliers, mm to I,
WU lbs. H'-eriige, ?.'i.i"('".'.T); eows, 4.ll ifiM.in.
Hoos Iteieipis, 2,.VI; 8U" anil weak;
hotivy grii''e'i.WiV.io: meiliutn 5.4KsVS; light
Sinsei' unlet nul unchanged.
;vtii "scoops" 'i :.m m.u
And Cieal'-i 11 Sensation Aniong llio
( 'oliiiiibus ( ori espoiidi lils.
Neusi.ap. r coi'ie-iioiideiiis in und
nlin'it Coliimbiis wen- thrown into 11
fivrzi d s'ato of I'oiisicnuiiioii last
nigiil by the iiniu.iineeinent that
"Calli" had Mirrcpii;iotisly cntere I the
city tiinl was rigging up a system of
telegraph w ires to lei loose a r rent sen
sation -t 11 or fifteen columns of solid
nonpareil upon a terrified and appre
hensive world.
A gent'eniaii (amo in from ILich,vood
and said that a long-haired man with
a green gingham tunbivlla, who had
been hanging around that villago for a
week, terrifying the women an 1 chil
dren, had packed his gripsack und
come to Columbus with a tierce look of
di'terminat'on in his eye.
Who could this bo lint the veritable
and voracious "(lath?''
A meeting of the correspondents was
immediately called to tako action upon
the remarkable vi-ilatioii. Jim Hoyle,
of the Comtiicrri d-Unzctk, presided,
and stated the obj -ct of the meeting.
"1 have got onto tins mission of tliis
ins Uiate monster '(Jath,' " said Mr.
lioyle, "and he has a big 'scoop' onus.
S j far as I am nolo to see we might as
we.l resign at once, for our various old
men wiil hardly ever forgive us for let
ling it gel away."
'What can it be?" nuised Ila'cy, of
the Cleveland I'timy J'u t. "lias ho
got any fresh facts about Columbus
discovering America?"
On, no; it's a good deal fresher
than that," said Charley lioncbruko, of
the Springtield UMh: and Cincinnati
I'jlhlhMi.U." "It must be the bottom
facts about the crusade-, including an
inten iew with It chard C. Do Leon
old Dick was a jrreat talker, you
"I know what it is," put in Joe
Smith, of the S'nU;l)itrna it is an ac
count of Sti'oiigi'ow capturing Ireland.
Gatli' always had a faculty of getting
hold of things of that kind fresh, and
crisp, and new-y."
"Sly opinion is," remarked Jack
Win-h'p, of the Columbus Hubs, "th at
i' is about tiie Norman compieit and
IIoi so, ami th so old roosters who used
to drit.k a barrel of alo and cut a whole
hog in the way of celebrating the orig
inal and unreconstructed Fourth of Ju
ly." "I would like to satisfy myself that
ei:her of these explanations is the cor
rect one," said Mr. Meeker, of the To
ie lo ;.,', "but lie always gets into a
fi'. sii Milii ct. lie is going to give tlio
life and labors of .St. l'atrick in Ire
land." " '(iatli' and I are on pretty good
terms," put in Jack Connelly, of tho
(' eveland L'i'!:r, "and I have reason
;o believe that be lias eot hold of the
particulars of Cse-ar's invasion of
"Ho has gall enough to tackle any
sensation." interpose. I Mr. Doane, tf
the Cleveland II "l it, "and ho in
tends to head us o'.l by giving a lull ac
count of the rack"t between K imilus
and K'-nius, and a b:i!d-he:t'li des
cription of the wolf that brought up
these celebrated U iiuan wiie p-."
"Don't bo m's'.ed bv your fears nnd
hope.."' sll.rg S 'd F.-eii Sibil. .f tllC
N'.-w York Tt)iu., "he's ,,1 the . tlldal
report of the oa'.'le ol lio; V:..ey of
Aj 'ion, : !. I the s 'i fi't of the situ and
moon tiding .::!! under ien. Josh
ua's special order No. 1."
"I can tell y u w.hat it is," piped
li-hic, of the Ki.qn ir: "it's a contla
gr ition the burning f Troy, II len,
bl: Z -, I'liS-es, Aj IN, Tl'oi.us, Crcs
s; and no en 1 of th'iig."
"I'll bet anvthing its about Joseph
an ! M s. Foi phar," said Doe Sa: ll'cr,
of t.h C. C, at a ventiii-''.
"It seems strange" this front Sam
ITckinger, of the Knqninr "that
not:'! of 011 can get onto the real
thing. It's about the Hood Capt.
N ui.h's 1 "I.I not the little one-horse
tlood that they h: l down at C ncinnati.
The re.ul.'.r tir.-t original ll-od has
never yet been written up as f illy as
tilth' can do it if lie sets to work at
"I regret," sa'd Ch :.:! e I'oyle in
conclusion, "that you : r a'l , Vide of
the mark. The fact is, 1 ur di-tin-guished
enemy, '(ia'.h,' has g..t entirely
to the rejvr, and, as paradoxical as it
may so.ind, has headed us oil' entirely.
By some means or other he has got
hold of the particulars of the early res
idence of Adam and Kvo in the (iarden
of K len. You can nil see w hat a
'scoop' l,i has in his exclus'vc nosess.
ion. No man is better fitted to write it
up. No man has more of the old Adam
in his nature lie is a man that doesn't
care Adam about the feelings of his
readers wlmn he has a proline subject
in hand. We might as well surrender.
The most of us can got back to the
Tower of Babel, but the line is drawn
tliis side of the Garden of F.den."
I can only say in addition that
"Gath" can work the matter up hero
as thoroughly as he could in Asia, and
1 have no doubt but that he has a per
sonal knowledge of the most of the
facts. I have his own statement to the
e fleet that he has been the schoolmate
of nil the Presidents, Senators. Con
gressmen, Governors, and Supremo
Judges for the last twenty-live years,
and, as he is a relative of Adam, he has
no doubt in Ids po-sessjoti ; efeat many
interesting scraps i f faindy history for
which the public are pining. Cin iii
na'.i K'.Wf-J'iurnnh
A Suitable Mi L name.
"I n't -Collar Button" rather an odd
nickname to give your boy?" asked a
gentleman of u friend, who had just
addressed his son by that title.
"Weil, I don't know," replied the fa
ther, laughingly. "It may sound a
little curious, but it suits tho bov first
Why do you thiuk the nickname
'Collar'Button' suits tho boy?"
"Because," was the reply, "w hen ho
he slips out in the evening I am nev.;r
able to liml him."
The. plow in general t;s ) in Mexico
nowadays is the same as tin- Egyptians
us od o.b'.'d years ago. It eonsis s of a
cooked stiik with an iron point nailed
to it 1 r tied to it w;t'i a p. ceo of raw
hide, a small handle for the plowman
to steer w th, and n pole to hitch a
yoke of oxen to. Tnis ho called plow
will scratch a furrow .n the soil lhreo
inches deep.
A Fair Offer.
The Volt-tie Belt Co., of Marshall, Mich.,
offer to send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic
Belt mid Electric Appliances on trial, for
thitty days, to men, old and yonn, alilict
ed with nervous debility, lust vitality, and
many other diseases.
See advertisement in. this paper. 1
From Dentil's Door.
M. M. Devereiuix, of Ionia, Mich., was a
sight to buhold. He. says: "Iliad uo ac
tion of the Kidneys und" suffered terribly.
My legs were rs big as my body and my
body us big as h barrel!. The doctors gave
ine up. Finally I tried Kidney-Wuit. In
four or five days n change came, in eight or
ten days I was on my li.i t, and now I am
completely cured. It was certainly a mi
racle." AH druggists keep Kidney-Wort
which is put up both iu liquid and dry
The People's Beincdy lor bilioUMiess,
constipation, piles, .sick hcadachejaundice,
tfcc, is Allen's Bilious Physic, a pure vege
table lifpiid remedy ; large bottle, 23 cents.
At all druggists. (g)
A Great Discovery.
Mr. Win. Thomas, of Newton. Ia,, says:
"My w ife has bci n serioiibly idlected with
a cough for twenty-live years, und this
spring more severely than ever before. She
had used many remedies without relief, and
being urged to tiy Dr. King's New Dis
covery, did so, with tnost gnitifyiug results.
The first bottle relieved her very much, and
the second bottle Iris absolutely cured her.
She has not h id so good healthy for thirty
Trial bot'les free at Barclays Bros' drug
store. Large si.f $1X0. Ij
( lllMp lilJllleS
A Inn" the lice of the St. Loiis. Iron
Mountain und Southern Railway, Tixas and
Pacific Railway and International and
Great Northern Rairroad, are thousands of
acres ot the choicest tanning and grazing
Infills in the woild. raii"ini' in nric-j from
$2.00 to stlOO and 1.00 per acre, in a
healthy country, with climite un.-urpaasttl
for sslubi ity and r infurt. Send your ad
dress to tt.e undersigned lor a copy ot sta
tistics of crops raised in Arkansas and Texas,
in 182, ami makeup your mind to go and
see for yours-lf when you learn that the crop
for JSsjd is o0 per cent larger than that of
1 8H2. To those purchasing land owned by
the Company, and paving one-fourth, one-
halt, or all ca-l-i, a proportionate reoatu is
allowed T t money paid for tickets or freight
over the Companies lines.
II. C. Tows-KM), Gen'l Pass. Agt.
St. Louis, Mo.
V II OO I I " CM1.7 fill.
It i- .1 li;inii';- f 0 U- .cynip.veiy .1 . tel. 01-1 to
the e.'t-'. Ii'-Ii' vi-.- at i.iio 'iui'l ls a '"-ilivu nm1.
an-curi'l by 1 liis 1 xci'll' tit n nn-'ly.
frirv'.i'Ait. 111 t 11 I'ir'jU'lJft fWipiipituy txtry M.'o,
AU. P!-F.-F.s r,F THE Bl.oon. STOMAHT.
I.:.r. I-Hil l Ki'lll'-v-: f..r nil ili-:'.-.'- "I!i.'ill
fi- ill m.tuiO!.. M t ' 1 11'.. "I -i- A in mi l. M. K
l(. .-,-1 n il-. S. rv.-ii-n. si. I' li'iili- Winli i I.iv. r
r..!n;-iHif!t. e-! ' :'-:! .la'ii! li'--', i.li--il-li'-- und
" Kl ilM'.V Olsl ls.'s. !i,s IlMllj. ill'' I- 111'-.. Uli.'lV SUO-.
'J ills ii.-.n ini' ij... li t 1 .,1,1,'iili IUO- llillivlitl. Is nil-
("hlti'ly vi-i'. -ful l.-. rit'iri- l!n- 1 . 1 . . . f t" 11 h'-altliy
O'll'litl'ill. ri -t'llla'ii'L' i Xi i's.s. s Itli'l slijilyih iK-
tii.-i-ni ii', anil ri-vciit.s iii.seasi..
Jsirtcti'jiu! in hn tiiH juatjtf turon.i-ljiy et ery bAlle.
Fcr Salo bv
Special Acts, in this citv.
85 S, Clark St., Opp. Court House, CHICAGO.
A Ti-irilari-niiliintn. ftT-TliMMilixit Si.eolii1li.f
in tlni I'niii"! stut'-i, wliinu i.i ki: i.onh i.i khikm i:,
porft'ct iiii'iliinl aii'l purti nHiilii-iim iiiMirij hl'KKl'V
dnil I'KHM KSKNT CL "IO S uf all l'nillt". . hr'Ulie ii,
Ni'rv'ius Oi.-eisp Aituotinrm rf tlin JSIihmI, Sikln,
Klilm-y. Jlliolilt-i-, l!i-ii(lon-. I lfer, .Mil
Son', w-elllntr ut' t he ..land-. Hn.-i- M mull,
'J'hroat, Huno l"alni, pi-ritinncully cmt'd ana
erniiicuu-il lrum iho nysiuiu fur hie.
tJCQlffHIO MUi, Imimtfnrii.St'mhiil
1 9 kill UUtf .(iSse.s.Si j-iei l)ny,Mrtal
and rhiiicul If'raknrs, J-'ni'oi; Mnittirii,
Kink 1'iJ'S, Uliinlfd Dvi'cUipmrut, Imjxili
mi nts to Mtrriittjc, etc., from vxri nscs or 101;
miWi $in cillhj, si"e; ami pvlrntvlij C'ltrnl.
JYoini!f. Mlilille- Virvil nml lil im n, Bint (ill
uuo lu-eil iiieilicul fkill unil ci'rii'mat,ciiMMilt
L)r. Ilato ut eiu'e. 1 1 1- opinion cusi nnthinif. nnd may
favo luturo niiM-ry nml hliamu. W h.-n ini-'invcnii'iit
to visit tiio city lor tri'.-itini'iit, miilirini'scan tin unit
evon wIiLTO liy mail or i'jiiv8 irro IVom .iIini'i.
vallon. B J-It Mfi lf-cvnliiut that n h vncian lm
Civ.-- im ho ROiniion t.i n olasi of iti-i'n-i'i nt
tiiiiiK iri'i'iit Wlll.nnil physiciiinn tlin.iu'h'iiit tlio
country, kmin in o h n, I r.-i ine n 1 1 v reeom toe ml ilitlioult
casL'H tD tlio Olilekt Sei lall(, by whom every
kniiun (unil ri-tiitMlv it u.-iol. J-Dr. Ilato'a
Air ami I'xiii-i-iu'o matin liin opinion of su.
pre ine Iniixirtanie. .v- l'ho- who cntl nco no
oiw hut tin- Ooetor. ( 'on sul i at ion freo unit nuiti" illy
contlili'iitlal. l'asis whicli lmvi f.-elod in ohtainin'i?
relief elsowllore. oipoemllv Boln-iti'.l. Ki'tnali' lh--rnsi.9
treati'il. Call or write, llouri. fr on 1 t o -1 1
6 to t Smiitavs. lo t,) '), titiuH 10 llntm
n.Nf l'ur.i-:. Aililri-csttHabovd.
AVhnsn (telillll y, oxHi.hiIimI
power, tiiiinaliiio ilei-ay
unit 1',. ilurii to p. rlurm lile'a
.lutlea pronrrly art) timseil ly
pxi-i'ses. error- uf youth, cie.,
will liml a pi rfi'i t ami In-iimt
ri'Morai ion m ruliimt lu alili
.mil iirirnii-i mituhiMiil m
1 , .-.eiini'r Moinii. n iinimtiiitf nor
NC s-ij'v ''s.-ss i'lsiinnientb. 'I liiHreatmontof
y fi'rviiiiii He itlllty ami
, l'li.v-lualDi'raviHUiuliirmly
merpurfiil becanso liaml mi perli'i-t ilinimiisin,
new nml ill reel nu-lhnil ami nlo1nt.i Imr.
.iiialiiHH-i. l-'iill iniorinniiiin and Treatmu freo,
A'l'li-i' 'iinxultinK 1'liynk-ian of
MARST0N REMEDYC0.,4CW.14thSI., K'ewYork.
THK HI'MAN hOhV V , U i l Vll.
fTTl'.l. M t'lli;KI. ' Knv, imm iini-ri-ni
ftih i f i 'mu.mii nm hi'."', r" "'r''1t J1,","1
n.nrii'H wowill suy I It at. 1 is. h'i t' i tinny ot'Kiini
Imil' .itenii On t hn mtn'ni'rv. th- tulvi-rt i -. r-- in "
'!Hrs L'lV lllk.' all JMItti'illiI" t V H.l.tli --i!t
Tkii; Mt i'iri.
V.m Dr. KEAN,
Ubliiliit.1 iM.Ji.lnilll trwntiiiff all I'rl
Nirtum, CliruulC tntl HHtrUl dlf
Mvi,ftiM)rmiilnrh(i, ImiHilanryiMXiml
lnrp- it)r ,, Fem-ilii JlHanM, etc. l'm
Riittit(in irt'ruoiulljr, nr Iriler frv
Or. Kfitn In tlia nnlv tthfilrltil Iu th
Pit Mint warrant Piir nr tin lift. All
rv f k w-i
MM 6
v '. L.
KeailtT, your name prlntej on circular, uliow
rarile, wnml Mlfin, ulv ,Iii eatnli'lnli you ptnimiient
ylii aulliiiK utir HAKKTV I. AMI' HI HNKlt; U t
loiirfiitoiled; tlUall Unipa; Ku-a lariiu lii;lit;liaa
nickul cdiib ri'ilncii.r; liw.-r puta It out; no lilow
Initor cxiilonliina nr tiirnini; down wli k; putt It-m-ll'iiiit
il itpm-t; ciui nil it without reninvinu' iiurn
it or eliimniyi no wearing out ei rewnnr lullarH'
It limta ten yeura. Mela ut HiL-ht; exrlunivj ti-rrt-rilory
glvon; mini pie, poKtimid, :l c. Inr 1 1 1 n h
ti'uli'il circuiura, le-tliiinliiii!. u-onN' rouort m
li-rina, etc., aililri HH II11-: I'lliI.MX Mr'd.CO..
.Mudiiinlc St., Newark, N. J. I'Iimihj utuiitinu
tills paper.
'I'k liitroiliici) i nr c. eint MI.Ks,
SATINS anil VKI.VET.S He send
poHtpaiil .111 heantilul pluccf, lirlu'lit
colnrn. all tilll'iTi-liI, ainlriirli fun
laininif ; muaru Iiii Ihs for l.ii.
l'iir Ti1) t:ti. lea-h nr wtiiir.tiMi -o
aquarea, or So ciuiill niuuren fur lii cih. Uu mil
jj ki worth furjl so. urili-r for your frlcmla ami
Ket a l.(.o lot lor su ct. Euiliroiili ry Silk, puck
ai,'u uf .0 color, '.H eta
IMH(HTi:itS' SI,K CO.,
ll."i Lotireis St., !uf ton, Mang.
A DVEIJTISEKS! aemlforonr S ert Lint of Local
- Newnpapera. (i. f. Kowell A. Co.. Iu Sprucu
Street., New York.
IMF -J "" ilim'' Klver V'a., in a north.
I1 f JlJlM urn H'ltlnmeiit. Iliitftruted cir
ciilar true. J. V. MANcllA,
Caremont, A iruintu.
Doubly Viilnalile.
Tl.e mont econnnite iTanil ellectlvt' extert ill retn
idvl Jletison's (.'api iiiu I'orotia l'hi.-ter. l'rlcu'Jrx:
nnt itwuB.imU t.f crtH h of tbo wnrt km-l -imt 'f f-nr
r-(;inilM) huvrt l)t'i'n 4'iir.nt. Iini. o utrontr i my
latt ti ui 1 1 H fitni'di y, t ij.it 1 will B-ml I ( t I1U I 1 U S
KKI K, totft'tttrr Willi ;i V ALU A It Lit TKKAT1KK n
tins ilisuH-e, to any HMlf-rT. i mv- pstri-un amt I'. h
-ldread. lit, l. A-fcjLuCL'M.l';U,eani5t.,JiuW Vuric
Over o.OO aiiliJeciH nml r.,i,W illui-traiions,
niiineroiiB maps -jo volume.-', Inrju octavo, Jr,.oo;
rheiip tdilion. il.'i.oo. spec nun p.'iL'i'f free, Mi
ih.i Volume" Choice Hook deavrriptivi' cutal'iKUi)
Iree. linom lor t-xiiiiiiutifoti ln'inro pi, nn'tit on
evidence of good faitli. N T fold o ' cle.ili re
Price's too low .
JOHN II. ALDEN. Piihllfliur, 1.- VcKey St., New
York. l'.O. liov l-ill.
2',Gth Edition. Trice onlv Si
Exhausted Vitality. Sorrow, and rhviral Uo-
liiUty. rramatiiris Decllnu in Man, "Krrom ol
l ou'.h, and untold mmeries roi'iiltini' lrom liidiS'
crotion or exccv A book for every man. yoiinit.
iniudle-ntti.-d and old. itcontain li'i prefu riplioie'
for all Biiile and chronic diaoii!iei, each one ol
wlilcli In imaiualite. So IdhikI by the Author,
wlioee experience for ii yeurais ntirh as proliahlv
never liefero fell to the lot of iiiiy Iiliy-iclan. .'loll
pii'en, hound in heautittil French inualin, emlioi
fed covera, I'll irllt, timrantoi d to he u rinor uiirk
in evi.ry coiife inechanic'il. literary unil nrofes-
aior.iii than any other work mild In tills country
inr .-.:io. or t lie inotiey win Do reliindeit In every
iii-uiiiio. i n1 u oi:iy -fi.oo y in ui, poai i ant
lilii'iralivp film Iu H centH. Send now. (iold
meiiiii awarded t lie antlior In- the Nailoi al .Medical
Ai'i'iiiMBtinii, to the i fiicern nf which ho r fern.
'I'liia hook Photild he rend lr thu yotino; lor In-Ht-iictlou,
and liy the alllictcd forreliet. It will
bonelit all. London Lancet.
There is no member ol aorloty to whom tblfi
bunk will not be UHeTul, tthetlior youth, iarent
ttuard'au, in-tnicti'r or i-lorii ninn. An,oiiiint.
Aildres" tho l'lMiboily Meilical Institute, or l)r
W. 11. I'arker, No. I Iluliiticri Street. li mton,
Mm"'., wiio may he consulted on all dlni'incH re
il'iiritur skill and experience. Ch'onic and olmtl
unto ilUea-eii i hat liiive baflletl T T I A 1 thu
akiflol all o'Uer phyi-iclaiin a llliiV 1 pn
ciaity. Such treated sue- 'PI 1 roi l i
cenftilly without an Innt- 1111 tjljljV
anceol failure. Mention this paper.
Wk p& fapasi fE raj
617 St. Charles St., ST. LOUIS, M0.
A reenliip Ornilunro of two ninllcil
rolletji'i, bus lii'i'ii loiiuei-oiuMCoil 111 the treot
mont of I lieonii', Nhivhih, SWiu nml
Hloo.l lliioasi"i than imv other physician In
ft. Loula, as elty p-ipi'm ahow ami all old reM
(li'iiU know, I oM.siiltallon at oilii'ii or bv malt,
free and Invited. A friendly talk orhl-opinion
costs noihlnir. Wlion It Is Inconvenient tovi-lt
the city for ti-eatiiient, nn-illeiueK can lie sent
by mall or oMpi-i'ss overv where. Curable cise-l
Hii.iraiitei'il : where doubt exists it 1 frankly
elali-d. Call or W rite,
Xeryom I'nutrntlnn, Pr-Mllty, Mental ami
Vlirslciil Wfakne, Mercurial anil ot her
artcctlonsof Throat, Kkln anil Hone, Itlood
Impurities anil Hlonil Poisoning, Skin Affec
tlom, Old Horn anil I'lcon, Inipeilliiicntt to
Marriage, ltlicuniall.nl, Pllci. Sperlal at
tention t fp from ovfr-worked liraln.
Sl'HtilCAL CASKS rofelvB apeclal attcntton.
DiaraiM arising from Iiiiirudencos, Fxt'eispv,
Iiululi,'ences or L'xpo.iurei,
It is solf.eviili iit that a tilmli'ian pavliijf
pa.tli-iilar iitteutl'ili to a i.'lassol' caies atlalm
(.rent fklll, ami physicians In regular prarlleu
alt over I lie conn I i-y knowing this, t'l'e.iiieiitty
recoinnieiid cases to the olde-t oilloe In Amorl
e.i, wh. i-e every known aipllance Is reiortoif
to, and the iiroveil K"oi feiiieilie-i of all
aires and I'linnlrles are used, A hole bouse l-i
iibeil for oilice purposes, and all are treated with
skill In a respectful manner; ami, knowing
what todo, no expi'i-ltiients are niaile. 'u ac
count of tho (treat number upplviiig, thu
charges are kept low. often lower than Is de
manded bv others. If von seeure the skill and
get a speed;' and perl'ic't life on re, thai Is the
Important matter. I'anipllll't, ilil pages, fjut
to any addi e-a free.
Klegant cloth and gilt bin. ling. Sealed for M
pcntsdii postage or oui reticv. Over illly "
ilerl'ul pen pleturei. true tollfe. articles on thu
following sulijects: Who may marry V whouot:
whv'r rropei'iigetomarrv. V ho marry ilrst.
Maiihiwd, Wouiaiili I. Physical de.av. Who
ahoul'l inarrv. How life and happlne- iiiav lie
Increased. Tlin.e married or i;.int. niplat lug
marnlng should read II. Itoughl M l' read
bv all adult pri-ons, then kept under lock and
kl'V, ropuluro.lltlon, uines al'yi', but paper
rover and iw page, So ceuts ly uiall, lu money
or postage,
Caiiio, I I., April illst, 1881. f
Simled proposals will he received ut tlusilftao
up to Iho meeting of the City Council May Ut li,
IMS I, for furnishing lumber, removing garbage and
ptiDil-ninii council proceedings, notices, ontp
nances, itc., as nqulreit by tho ordlcam-es of the
city. Council reserved the right to reloct any and
all bids, For full particulars apply to
Si-Lit D.J. FOLKY, City Clerk.
SIkmI est iintl Quickest Route
-T O
St. Louis and Ckicago.
Tho Onlv Line litinmna;
V Kroni Cairo,
Making Dikkct Conneotion
Tiuins Lbati Caiko:
M.MOu m. Mail,
Arriving In St. Loula 9 00 a.m.: Chicago, 8:30 p.m.
I'liiii.ei iint; at odin and Kfllnghara for Cincin
nati, Loiui-villo, Indiunapolia and polutl Eitlt.
. m. Fast St. I.ouis and
W.-Htorii JOxpresa.
Arrtvlni; In Pt I.ouis 0:13 p. m.,and conocctlOii
for ull polnta West.
3:41 p. m. Fust Kxprcea.
For St. I.ouia and C'hlcauo, arriving at St. Loula
10:13 p. m., and Chicago ;M a. m.
M:-4.'j p. in Cincinnati Kxpresa.
Arriving at Cincinnati T :((0 a. m. ; Louiavllle 6:5J
a. m. i Indiaimpolln 4:nS a. m. PaanHtiguri bf
tliii- triun reach tho ab.ivo points 1 li to 30
Hot' l(S in advance of any otlier rotito.
if-Tlie :l::"i a. m. enure hai PULLMAN
SOKKl'I.N.J CAU from Cairo to Cincinnati, with-
out ehungen, and tlir'Uill sleepers to St. Louil
au'i v. uica''o.
li"ncr Tirv-. I.nf
I'il.SSl'll-t'rS T "'' nuv Kthrul-K-l to Hait.
r-s - ,i.. iiiiuid -.iiouiii. all UOIBJ
'aimed by Sunday intervening. The Saturday after-
j. ion , i mo ,i nm v.oiru arrives iu new i or monaay
Burning ai in:.:-). iuiriy-n nourain advance ol
nv other route,
l:i:'"l'or throuch tickets and further information
i'l'ly ut Illinois Central ltailroaikl)epot,Calro.
J. U. JON ES, Ticket Agent.
A. II. HANrfON. Gun. Pans. Agont. Chicago
Trains depa t. Trains leave.
Mail '.'yjla.m
tMail i;i r, a. m.
KxpresH :t : t." p. m.
st Loiiu I x ltijss ti. in.
M il I: -l'i a.m
liXpri'sS to::';) il 111.
Accotu a lj p.m.
thpress 11. -4.') a.m.
St Louis Ex 8: 13 p. m.
N. O. Ex ..11:10 a. m.
tT. O. Kx... II :10a.m.
1 tN.O. Kx 4:30p.m.
ST. L.
& c. r. it. (Xiirrow-gaue).
.....8:a m. Express 1:15a.m.
..M::J,0a in. Kx. Mall. ..4:10 p.m.
,.1:1.10.111, Accom p.m.
BT. L. & I. M. It. 11.
..10::p.m. tExpresa 2;:)0 p.m.
L'xpr. -s
l-x. .V Mail..
tExpn I.. ..
W., HT. L.
& p. n. u.
I Mtall & Ex. ..9. 30p.m.
Mall A Bx.
...1 :MU.m.
..4:1.1 p.m.
,...7 :!') a.m.
' Accom ....
Accom 10::to a.m.
freight 6:45 p.m.
..':".") a. m. Mall...
.9:10 p.m.
Daily except Sunday, t Dally.
Arr at Dep're
P. O.
!i a. m.
.Uriua m
.4.30 p.m.
.r. p. m.
,3:3n p.m.
.in p. m.
.T p. m.
.5 p. m.
I.C. R. li (throuehlock mail).
" (way mall)
" (Southern Dlv
Iron Mountain It. U
Wabash K. It
Texas It St. I.ouis K. It
Louis A Cairo R. R
Ohio Klver
3 p. m.
9 p. m.
Op. m.
9 p. m
u p. m.
ti a. di.
9:.10 am
4 p. in.
1 p. m
Miss Liver arrives Wed., Sat. & Mon.
departs Wed., Fri. A Sun
r . gen del. op n from
I'.O. box del. oi'tn from
Sundays got:, del. open from..
Sundays hex del. open from..
7::iam to 7:30 pra
...ri a. m. to p. m.
..8a. m. to 10 a. m.
. . a. m. to 10:30 am
he published from
ifT-.NU i k.-Changes will
nine in time m city papers. Change your cards ao
cordiu-ly. WM. yj. MLTRl'IiY, P. M
Mutual life & Accident
Oi'sanizod Direnibcr, 1D8S, Uudor tie
Law of UIU3.
Successor to Widows and Orphans Mutual Aid So
ciety, oroain.iil July 4th, 1H77, nuder
the laws of 187.!.
....Vice Trtaidont
..Medical Adviser
WM. 8Ti:.Ti'-'N
W. DtjNMM! ,
Wm. Stratum, Stratum A Bird, ero-.ers, Cairo, 111.,
J. A. (loiilstiue, otlloldstlne A Rosenwater, whole
sale and retail dry good;C. W. Dunning, M. D.;
Pres. 11,1, Med. Kx., for Pensions; Albert Lewis,
commission merchant; J. If. Robinson, county
Judge aii'l notary public; Win. K. Pitcher, com.
broker and Insurance aironl; K. II. Halrd, cltr
street supervisor; M. Phdllps, carpi titer and bullet
er; Thomas Lewis, attorney and secretary; E. V.
l':erce, attorney it-hnv, Duijuuiii 111. ; K. C Paca
cashier of Centennial Hans, Ashley, 111. ; Albert
Havden, cashier of George Connelly .fc Co., Spring
llel'd, I I ; li. M iliinn. attoruey-at-law, liia Kan
dolph street, Chleugoi Hou. Koht. A. Uatcher, at-loriii'v-at-laiv.
Charleston. Mo.; FI. Leighton,
cashier First National Hank, Stuart. Iowa.
f DR.
w iot a m mm w i mm. m
WHO are suffering from Siayors Psbiutt,
Lost ViTm.irr, Lc of Niata Foaei io
Viuoa, WiaTiNU Watisiisscs. mnlll Uiodlw-wj
of a Pkhsonal Natoki ivsulllnir from Asi'ta sna
Htnaa ai'M 81-w.ljr wllef and comiilew raato
rstlonof 1I4LTH.V inoaand MAHHoopOiAaiSTa-Ufc
The irroniieiil dieoery of tli NiiiftMntli Ontuiy.
aeud at oaoo for llluntratwl Punpaiot (rva, Addr-M

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