OCR Interpretation

The daily Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1878-1???, June 27, 1884, Image 1

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1881, NO. 170.
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiviiiiiiiiiim r
Aitjlopuokob is a novel word to most
people who iak tho EutfiinU language. Tb
Greuks used it cetiturius iuo, meauiji by It
AraLOPUouoa in the first and only
medicine which has carried off the
pme aa the perfect remedy for Iiheu
matUra and Neuralgia,
Like two relentless tyrants they have for
tree held Uic'ir culTorinir Wctlnis In an iron
KTip. IIicbo poor sullerem have been aa slaves
In the power of their oppressors,
ATHLornoRoa has entered the arena, en
raged in conflict wiUi the monsters, and wuu the
victory. A the eororcUtors in tbe Grecian
frames of old could win only by the moat aevere truu
of ability and endurance, so Atulopboboi has won
tho prize, not alone by tfirintr temporary relief, but
by bringing an enduring euro, aa well, to those b;.i
Lava suffered Uie oicrucuUntf atonic of Ilneum.
tiauiand Keurateia.
AinLOpnonoa ia a noveltv, not only
in name, but in its elements. It ii un
like any preparation yet introduced.
ATHLoruoRos acts on the Hood, muscles
and Jolcu, roinoniiK Uie poiaon and acid from
the blood, camet theui out of the system.
AniLornoitoe Ls put up with consummate
flill, and contain notbinif that can possibly
barm the moat delicate constitution.
Now, do you want to suffer on and on J
or do you want to be well T
"Athlophoros" WILL Cure You
If you cannot get Atiiloi'IIohos of your drug
trl.st, we will Bend It expre-) paid, on receipt of
regular price one dollar per bottle. We prefer
that you buy It from your druggM, but if ho
hasn't It, do not be persuaded to try something
else, but order at once from ua aa directed.
. n m
Bniokers of Il!a kwell's O nulrift
Bull Durham Him king Tobaoro will
reotive l'rfuiinim an follows on
bnns and venditioni here siociSett
2d " S2,000
3d " SI.OOO
K2 other Fremlnm as here shown.
The T premiums will be awarded
PfA-mtxT 22. 14 lt premium
Iff, to tho r n f rom whom we re
ceive the lawt uumbcrof our empty
tobacco Utut print to Die IS 2d will
be ir.ven f ,r th next Unrest cumber
and thus. In the order of the number
of riii'ty barfs received from each,
to the twenty five suor(ful con
stants. Fach r,w ninct bear onr
orvinal Bull Durham label. P 8.
Itereniie stamp and Caution Notice,
liaa rutin be done up aeenrely In a
!. with name and adJrws of
fc-nder. and numtvrof bain contain.
1. plainly markfl on the ontnide,
and limit he sent, rharffp repaid, to
lilitrkwpH'e Durhnm Tobacco
t n., IifBHAM. S C Erery reuuin
I a. tw ba h'tureof null.
i. our iieit aunouncement.
Grand Celebration!
Impo'ing (ticet tf F re Compaulu and other
Societies, and alpo beautiful parade Floats rep
resenting tbe mer chants of the city.
Horse, mule, bicycle aud other races, also a va
riety of other means of amusement, uch as
Flying Dutchman,
Teii-Piii Alley,
J reused i'ole, Etc.,
11 Grand Display of Fireworks !
Dancing at Night!
EfT'All railroads and steamboats will give great
ly reduced rates.
For particulars a t- premiums, etc., address
ltheror tlie lollowing committee;
Illinois Central 11. II
Train will leave Cairo 2:1:. A. M.. and nrrlvlna
In Chicago ::) P. M. of the aarao duy. Fare to
Chicago and retnrn,
The summer rnnntnc meeting of the Chicago
nrlvlns I'ark wi 1 be held June SOtb to Mh In
clusive, presenting nnnsaal attractions to those
interested. Kvury one Should take this opponu
nit In visit Chlcairo.
y-Tlo,kets are irood to return on any llirongh
trstn leaving Chicago up to and Including tbe
evening train or Monday, iuiy7tn.
B.T. JEKFKRY.Gen. 8npt.
J. P. MERRY, Uun. Western Pata Agt.
A. Ii. HANSON, Oen. l'ass Agt.
What Madame Daley and the Hack
Driver Havo to Say
About It.
The Dowuward Course Deliberately Choser
b; a Giddy Girl Who Thought to
Have a Jolly Time.
Characteristic Telegram From a Brothei
Showing the Kind of Stock She
Sprang From.
Lot isviiJ.K, Ky., June 23. llegarillug
the episode of Miss Sewell, of Washing
ton, D. C, the young lady who ran away
from Eminence (Ky.) College last Satur
day, and whs takeu from Madame Daley's
house ou Monday, the hackuian who
drove her from tbe depot to Madame
Daley's tella the following: "I drove
down to the Short Line Depot Saturday
night, aud as tbe accommodation train
came In and stopped, a stylish young lady
dressed In a traveling costume came to
ward my hack. I asked her if she wanted
a hack. She said yes. As she ente red
the earrlrge she asked to le driven to the
Unit House, and I took her there. She
iritcd for tho clerk. lie came to the
door of the carriage and she asked him
tf be would look for a name in the city
directory. She gave him a name to look
for, and tho number was given her. I
drove her to the house, where I alighted
and asked If the party who e name she
bad given me lived there. A lady said
Yes," and aa I started back to
the carriage to tell her, the
young lady I waa driving a-skod
mo to drive las, around tne corner, which
I did. She then told me to take her to
Lafayette street and stop at the best
aporting hoa.se. I never had occasion to
tako my back ou tbe Chute, but I knew
where it was. I did not know who ran
tbe house where I stopped, but 1 knew
tbe nature of the boue. when I let her
out lu front of the door, site rushed up
tbe stairs and said she wanted to see the
landlady. She was admitted, and after
wultiuga long while I went up and asked
the gill if she wanted to leave. She said
no, aud after paying me my fare, I then
drove away."
Madam Daley was seen by a reporter.
She said: "On Saturday night a hack
drove up in front of my house and a ilne-ly-dressed
young lady stepped out of the
carriage and raug the bell. I went to the
door, and the girl came into the house
and a-sked if I was the landlady. I said
yes.' I led her into the parlor. She
wanted to know my terms. I told her,
and asked where she had boarded before.
She told me she had just ran away from
kiiiinenco College and wantod to lead a
porting life. When she told roe that, I
told her she could not stay, as I wonld
not be responsible for a young girl like
ht r. So many girls go to the bad, and
I have an innocent daughter ot my
own. I told her, however, he
could stay until she heard from
ber mother. The girl said she thought
that ail sporting women wore tine dresses,
made of silk and satin. I soon got that
1'k-a out of her silly bead, and I got her
to give me the name of her parents, which
I wrote down. She talked vulgarly and
seemed determined to become a sportiug
woman. She looked at my girls and
asked If all my boarders were graduates.
I said to her the less education they have
the better, poor things, for when
woman has been accustomed to
luxury she bad better stay chaste.
One of tbe Inmates stated that the girl
was crazy, "she askea me," said the
inmate In question, "if our life was not
a happy one, and if we did not have a
iolly time. Then she said that she had
iad one romance In her life, and she was
now entering upon her second one. She
said that her life was like a fairy story
that she had read, a beautiful thing
called 'Little Uoldle.' When Madame
Daley told her she could not become a
regular Inmate, she said that was funny,
as lots of landladies would be glad to
have her."
A reporter called at the House of Kef-
nge yesterday but could not see Miss
Sewell, and only lcarircd that she was
looking bad, and denied most strenuously
the hackman's story. Her parents have
not been heard from and Prof. Outlier, of
the college is away and can not be reached
by telegraph.
Yesterday morning dispatches were
sent to all parties interested In the
young lady. About two o clock in the
afternoon the following was received
from her brother.
Di-kanuo, Col., June 25. W. S. Gilt
nor: Let her go. She is of age. I can't
control her.
Signed. T. C. Sewell.
Sleeting of tbe Republican National
Committee In Mew York Yesterday.
Nkw York, June 20. Tho corridors of
the Fifth Avenue Hotel swarmed with
Republican politicians to-day. Nearly
all of the members of the National and
State Committees arrived, aud the meet
lugs of both committees are announced
to be held at noon.
Stephen B. Elklus, X-Scuator Chaffee,
John Ii. Lynch (of Mississippi), Tempo
rary Chairman of the Chicago Convcntiou,
Fowcll Clayton (of Arkansas), ex-Senator
Fessenden (of Pennsylvania), Garrett II.
Uobart (of New Jersey), and Colonel
George W. Hooker (of Vermont) were
conspicuous in the gathering. Early in
the day Stephen 11. Elkins aud a few
other gentlemen, members ot tho Na
tional Committee, whose names were not
divulged, had a private consultation, at
which It. was understood an attempt was
made to complete a slate before
calling the coTnuttttee together. It was
well understood that there was no op
position to D. F. Jones, a wealthy manu
facturer o'f Pittsburgh, who had already
been agreed ou as chairman of the com
mittee. It was Dot so easy, however, to
agree upon a secretary. Colonel Hooker
wauted the posltlou and announced that
ho would mako a vigorous light for tho
place. Kx-Senator Vesseuden was Colonel
Hooker's chief opponent, and laid he
would stick to tho last. Garrett
II. Hobart, ot New Jersey,
is also mentioned for the place
The National Committee met at 12:30
p. in., a halt hour after time set for the
meeting. The roll waa called and showed
each State represented by a committee
niau or proxy with the exception of Geor
gia, Minnesota, Texas and Utah, and
Wyoming, Montana aud Washington Ter
lltoxJeB, fhq only hq1nea done wan
the appointment of a committee of three
on organization, consisting of J. Man
chester llaynes, of Maine, Garrett II.
llobart, of New Jersey, and Frank
Morey, of Louisiana.
The committee then took a rcccs. for
half an hour.
It ls understood that the reason the
committee did not go right through the
work and llnish was on account of being
unable to decide between Colonel Hooker
and ex-Senator Fessenden for Secretary.
The majority of tho committee favored
Hooker personally, but hesitated about
m iking tho issue until it Is tlrst definitely
settled which of the two is preferred by
Ou reassembling there was a short
desultory talk and some brief addresses
respecting the general prospects ot the
party throughout the country.
At 1 :2j p. in. the committee was again
calk'd to order and Mr. Haynes reported
as Chairman, 15. Y. Jones, of Pittsburgh;
Secretary, Samuel Fissetiden, oi
Connecticut; and the following Kx
ecutive Commit ee: J. 11. Chaffee,
of Colorado; J. C. New, of Indlaua;
J. M. Mason, of West Virginia; J. M.
Haynes, of Maine; W. W. Crapo, of Mas
sachusetts; K. Sanderson, of Wisconsin;
S. Ii. Kikins, ot New Mexico; G. A. Ho
bart, of New Jersey; George W. Hooker,
of Vermont; John D. Lawson,
of New York; li. W. Humphrey,
of North Carolina; Frank S. IJlair,
of VR ginia; Powell Clayton, of Arkansas;
Frauk Morey, of Louisiana; A. L. Conger,
of Ohio; John P. Sanborn, of Michigan;
Church Howe, oi Nebraska; Cyrus in
land, Jr., of Kansas; .Mm K.
Lynch, of Mississippi; J. S.
Clarkson, of Iowa; 1). J. Laytou, of Del
aware, and h. 11. Kolliiis, ot New lnmp
hire; also, tho following Financial
Committee: Ii. F. Jones, Horace Days,
John D. Lawson, David T. Settler. V.
W. Crapo, K. H. Holiins, James A. Gary
and (Jeorge W. Hooker.
Jiecess until ii p. in.
It Will Ee Observed by tho Kailroa;ls Ot
That State.
Chicago, June 20. The general freight
ageuts of the railroads in Iowa have
Issued a general order announcing their
purpose to observe the Iowa law
respecting the sale of intoxicat
ing li'juors, which enters Into effect
July 5. All agents are prohib
lted from receiving any intoxicating
liquors for transportation from any point
either within or without the State to auj
point within its limits, uuless there ii
delivered to such agent a certificate
signed by tho Auditor of the county la
which the point of destination is located,
showing that the consignee ha3 authority
by order of the Board of Supervision to
sell liquors in such county.
Successfully Worked by John Wing1, a
Lf.avf.xwohth, Kas., Juue 26. John
Wing, a Chinaman in a blue suit, and
ruinus his pigtail, appeared here a few
Uays ago with a bogus 2O,000 check,
upon the strength of which he borrowed
several hundred dollars from resi
dent Chinamen, and disappeared
lait night. He is supposed to
have gone to St. Louis. Wing works
the tea-sto e racket, and had made prep
arations here to do a very large business
He presented hist draft to lusley's Bank,
but it was refused because of its sus-
licious character. It is an indorsed draft
o Johu Wing, ou the First National at
Chicago, payable to tho order of tho
tashitr of the Valley Bank at Clarendon,
aud Indorsed by that bank and made pay-
ible to the cashier of the l irst National.
Hewitt Denies.
Washinotux, D. C, Juno 2b Abraiu
8. Hewitt denies that he is opposed to
Cleveland aud says he Is for him, aud
thinks he will have a majority of the New
York delegates at Chicago.
Carlisle Disclaimer.
Wasiiixhton, D. C, June 25. A
Pittsburgh paper published wh;it pur
ported to be an Interview with Speaker
Carlisle. In it Carlisle attacks Iiamlall
savagely. Speaker Carlisle has not been
out of the city, and has not said one of
the things credited to him in the publica
tion. Appropriations lor Fortifications.
Washington, D. C., June 20. The
House Committee on Appropriations to
day coinpltcd the consideration of the
fortification bill, and will report it to the
House at tho first opportunity. As
agreed upon by a majority of the com
mittee the bill appropriates $;S,070,000.
Hancock aud Kllis (Democrats) aud
Kiefcr, Connor, Byan, Calkius, Horr
and Washburu (Itepublicans) supported
the bill, while Handall, Forney, llolman,
Townshend, Hutching, Follett and Burns
(Democrats), will report a substitute
substantially the bid of last year, and ap
propriating gCjO.OuO. This is tho last
one of the general appropriation bills.
St. Louis Ore and Steel Company,
St. Louis, Mo., Juno 2(1. This morn
ing's Call has the following:
"It was rumored yesterday that the St.
Louis Ore and Steel Company had made
an assignment. The fact that the com
pany's works had been shut down tor the
past five months gave credence to tho
rumor, and Oliver L. Garrison, Secretary
of the company, was interviewed on tho
subject. Ho denied tho truth of the re
port most emphatically. Last uight a
reporter called at the residence of Mr.
U. A. Hitchcock, President of the com
pany, but repeated efforts failed to elicit
an interview, it ls but fair to state that
Mr. Garrison denounced the story ns a
falsehood that had originated somewhere.
in the EtikJ.
What Man Will Do for Money.
Portland, CntB., June 21. Louis
Keckbey under arrest at Ashland for at-1
tempting a life insurance swindle, con
fessed his crime yesterday to Sheriff
Hale, of Washington Couuty. Ho says
ho robbed a grave-yard, secured some
bones, placed them In the dwelling and
then tired It.
Hanged and Ulddlod.
Coi.VMHtrH, Mihs., June KG. NearCale
jonla, Aleck Leach, colored, was hanged
by lyuchors and his body rtddlod with
uliots. Leach had made disparaging
remarks abowl reral wntwcthfllo WUlto
adlna... . .
Cold-Bloodod Murdor of a Youngor
Brother by a Couple of
More Babes.
A Mother's Favor in the Distribution of
Cake Lead a to the Euactnient of
tha Dreadful Fratricide.
The Little Victim's Brains Beaten Out
With Stones and His Body Cast
Into the River.
FKTKi'.snini;, Va., Juue 2G. Informa
tion Is just received of the horriblo mur
der of a child only three years of age, at
Tarheel, N. C. Threo children, uged
three, tlve and seven, were left by tho
mother, Mrs. Fennel, for a few minutes.
She gave each a piece of cake, happen
ing to give the smallest child the largest.
Durlug the mother's absence the two
eldest became enraged at the younger
for not dividing, and dragged tlie little
fellow to the river batik aud pounded his
brains out with stones atid thcu threw
the body into the river. At Urst they de
nied ail knowledge of whore the baby
was, but afterward confessed. The body
was recovered. Mrs. Fennel Is nearly
crazy with grief.
Floating Dead in tha Kivar and Poisor.
iae tho Water.
Pittsui mill, Pi:xv., June 20. One
of the m -ist remarkable sights to be wit
nessed In Western Pennsylvania ls nt
present attracting tho atteutiou of dwell
ers alonu the Youghiogheny. Tho river
between MeKee.-porl and Bradford is
filled with dead iLih of all kinds and sl.es.
This is one ol the stietches heavi y
stocked at Government expense a few
years since, and attained prominence as
the resort of aualers. Captain Markale,
a resident of West Newton, aid tl.'s
nioruina: "Th-.-ro Is an almost Incredi
ble number of dead tish iloating p;is'.
It was lirst uotice-d .Monday evening lat,
and has contained ever since." lie be
lieves that live tans have gone down the
liver in the pat twenty-four hours. The
cause is attributed to a heavy ilow of
suiphur water from the numerous coal
mines recently opened alou;; the banks of
the river. In addition to the destruction
of the tish the city of McKeesport draws
its water supply from the Youghiogheny
Kivcr, and while the impurities are not at
all plea-aut to comteinplate, much alarm
exists in regard to large quantities of tie
caying animal matter Impregnating the
Poisoned by lee Cream.
Pn rsiii RGii, Pa., June 26. A report
reached the city late last night of a seri
ous poisoning case at Coal Cliff, a small
station on the Baltimore &OhIo liallroad,
near Connellsville, Pit. A number of per
sons uttending a pic-nic yesterday had
eaten freely of ice cream. Towards
eveuing ele en of them becajne violently
ill and a number of others were more or
less affected. The victims are: Win.
Conion, wife aud child: Mrs. Wilson aud
three children; Joseph Conion, Kobert
Cook, Thomas Williams and an unknown
colored niau. Mrs. Williams' little
daughter aud the colored man have siuce
died. The others are In a critical condi
tion. It is thought the poisoning was
caused by adulterated vanilla flavoring
u-;ed lu the ice cream.
She Wishes to Share the Woes of the
Man She Lovea.
Nashville Tens., June 2C Annie
Mason, the thirteen-year-old school girl,
who was abducted a short time since and
carried to Georgia by F.dw. Norman, will
be married to Norman in jail to-morrow.
Norman was Indicted for abductlou, but
will probably be released by Jude Alien
as soou as he marries the girl. The case
posscscs many romantic features. Annie
says she wants to marry Kddie, so she
can carry hiin clean clothes and tobacco
when he Is sent to tho Penitentiary. She
roads tlie Bible carefully, and wants to be
married In jail, so that the Judge will
have to release Kddie on the grouud that
man aud wife are one aud must uot be
separated; otherwise Annie proposed to
get the State authorities to let her go to
the Penitentiary with Eddie to sew, cook
and wash for him until his time is up.
Curtis' Say.
. Nuw Yoi:k, Juue 2G. Mr. George Wni
Curtis, in a private letter to an inquiring
geutlemau, says: "My opposition to tho
election of Mr. Blaine does not spring
chlelly from the platform or his relation
to It, whatever I may thlukof parts of the
platform or of his probable action as Pres
ident. Tho writer of the letter to Mr.
Fisher, dated June 2i and July.', 18ui,
and the two letters of October, 4, lSO'.ij
none of which had been made public
when the article lu ILirper'a Wrxkly de
fending Mr. Blaino was published, can
not be accepted by me uutll those letters
are satisfactorily explained, as a tlttiug
representative of Republican principles
or methods, however warmly ho may ap
prove tho plattonu or profess tho deslrd
to purify the political methods."
Onward Roll of the 'Mighty Tldo
Everythinfr Submerged.
New Youk, June 20. Private advices
from Pcna Blauca, south of Fort Davis,
Tex., say that the great water from above
on tho Bio Grande has come down, and
Is now Illliug tho Grand Canons of Sati
Carlos, San Vice n to and the liio Grande
to a depth of more than 800 feet and
spreading with great devastation on tin)
.Mexican side at San Carlos, just bo
low Elmatedoro, Chihuabua, the great
point next to tho Comanche Crossing oi
'tho river, completely washing oat th
peach orchards, and the Vineyards, and
backing up into , the Concga De Los
Attares, "Attar Creek." Just above tht
old Presldo ot Sanvlncntc, covering all
thefpleudld grazing plains along it and
weeping off the stock. On tbe American
side, in Prcsldo aud Tocos counties, all;
ths mountain tanks, and natural riser
rail's are full to overflowing such a won
dcous plnvlal dispensation has not tiM
rtioH'n in fifty fnrs. Thft gra Ift IftflPK
and luxuriant dear to the highest raugea,
presenting a state ot verdancy never be.
fore witnessed In that country ia this
generation. The stockmen there declaro
that their cattle are literally wallowing
lu grama and inesqulto grasses.
Aa Defined by the Democracy of Iadl
Ixdiaxatolis, Im., Juue 20. The
tariff plank In the platform adopted by
the Indiana State Democratic Conven
tion is as follows : "We iuslst that federal
taxes be reduced to the lowest point con
sistent with ellicieucy in the public ser
vice, aud demand a revision uud refurm
( the present unjust tariff. The Cou
jtitution of the United States, which is tho
jnly source of taxing power, confers
upon Congress tho right to establl.-h a
tariff for revenue, and ui a jast exercise
of that power we favor such ao adjust
ment ot its provisions, withlu the rev
uuue standard, as will relieve as far as
possible the necessaries of life from the
burden of taxation and derive the princi
pal amount of revenue for the (sup
port of the Government, economically
hdministered, from luxuries; and such
tariff should be udminlstured without
favoritism, so as to prevent monopolies,
uud thus, In effect promote labor and the
Interest of the laboring people of the
1'nlted States. We Insist that surplus
reveuue shall be faithfully applied to the
payment of the public debt. When these
revenue reforms shall have been ac
complished, the people may hope lor
economical aud honest expenditures.
A Movement ou Foot to Compel Mr.
Tilden to Serve.
New Your, Juue 2'!. A moveiueut is
on foot to hold a mass meeting to urge
the nomination of Samuel J. Tlldeu for
President. Tho originator of the move
ment ls Mr. J. Edward Ireland. He said
yesterday that a permanent orginlzatlon
would be made on Saturday and that the
meeting would be held next week. Mr,
Ireland said that a gentleman who had
uade a tour of the State h id found that
the democracy insisted on Mr. Tildeu's
nomination, regardless of his personal
wishes and Mr. Ireland has askud Gen
eral Hancock to preside at the meeting,
and invited Senator Bayard, Senator
Vest, ex-Senator McDonald, of Indiana,
Governor t'nv .iuiid, Governor Hoadly,
General John M. Palmer, Congressman
William Baton, of Connecticut and
Wliiiam M. Springer, John Kelly and
M;:;.or l.d.-oa to speak.
i as:: iiai.i. iti:i:vi i u;s.
ocr ; o O r.mes Playo.l on Tuesday,
Juno 25.
Clerelaud, 0. Clevelands, II; Phila
dolphias, 1.
St. Paul, Minn. St. Pauls, 3; Still
waters, 0.
r.vausville, Iud. Washingtons, 5;
l'.vansville, 1.
Detroit, Mich. Providences, 3; De
truits, 0.
Kast Saginaw, Mich. Saginaw, o;
Mtiskeuons, 4.
Bay City, Mich. Bay City s, 10; Terre
fiautes, I.
Grand Iiaplds, Mich. Fort Waynes, l;
Grand Iiaplds, 3.
Bain prevented games at Chicago, Buf
falo aud Milwaukee.
They Move the Arm to Dosporate Deeds
-Three Men Killed.
Bkowxsvii.i.e, Tex., June 20. Yester
day, at Klpeua ranch, on the Uio Grande
border, near this place, a party of Mexi
cans who had indulged liberally in drink
became involved iu a desperate aud
bloody quarrel over some Mexican
women. Amado llernaudea drew a stil
letto and plunged it into the heart of
Louis Jourez, killing him Instantly. He
then attacked the others, mortally wound
ing two, one of them a brother of Her
nandez. The murderer made a desperate
effort to escape across the Bio Grande
Kiver into Mexico, but was hotly pursued,
arrested and brought here aud lodged lu
jail. The crime has caused an itttetise
excitement among both Americans and
Mexicans, and there ls a strong feeling
prevailing to storm the jail and take Her
nandez out and summarily execute him.
What Are They Up To F
New Yoitu, Juue 20. A morning paper
asserts that General Ben Butler aud John
Kelly met yesterday and h id u talk in
Boger A. Pryor's ollico. All the parties
I questioned separately, deny any meeting
til. ,!.: I .: 1 .1 I I .
WHU political siiiiueuuce. it is gener
ally believed, however, that the meeting
took place.
Flower's Claim.
New Youk, Juno 20. Tho WWf pub
lishes an analysis of the New York dele
gation to the Democratic Convention at
Chicago, which it asserts was made up
and sent to papers by Mr. Flower yester
day. It figures thirty-four for-Fiower,
tweuty-tlve for Cleveland, eight doubtful,
out elected against Cleveland men, and
five unpledged to Cleveland.
Found Daadand Mutilated.
Maissiiall, Mo., June 0. Thomas
Clark, a native of Knginud, aged about
thlrty-Qve years, was found dead ou a
farm threo miles north ot the city yester
day afternoon. His uose anil lips were
eaten off by hogs, and his whole laee hor
ribly mangled. It Is supposed that deatu
resulted from falling off of his mule.
No Violence Yet.
Tawas City, Mich., Juno 20. The
latest advices from Oscoda report that no
actual violence has yet beou committed.
The men are getting concessions from
some of tho mill owners In the way of
cash on regular pay days Instead of store
orders. Lioutenant-Colouel Donnelly,
in command of the troops,, tired of watt
ing for orders from the Governor, has
seQt some of tho troops homo and will
follow with the rest.
Plymptou 6ay.
Tofeka, Kas., Juue 2. Iu an Inter
view with Colowl W. A. rlyuipton,
chairman of tin Democratic State Cen
tral Committee ot Massachusetts, ho says
that he ls making a tour ot the West to
obtain the genoral sentiment relative to
Butler's candidacy for the Presidency. In
his opinion Cleveland U not the man to
ha nominated, lie says i "With Untler
fba Democrat and Gjreeriiwkeri can
preljelaot him. Next to Butiar JUQ;
OMia is my onoioy. laurmaa or
d'y wooVije hotter than Cleveltyed.
Relieves and cures
Sciatica, Lumbago,
Soreneit, Cuts, Bruiiai,
: ti! ! i""! i l "" "S
Iiril.YV, SCALDS),
Anil all other hoillly aches
And pallid,
Sold by all DruinrUM and
Uialt rs. Directions In U
iiiimi:!f!!!!!!!!iinii!i f
mil jsili&iUi i :ii"'ij!
The Charles A. Vogeler Co.
'ta-it n u A. ViKitU.Il a CO )
ilultliuore, Mil., V.S(.A.
Frorn theso sources arise, three -fourth 3 Of
tho discuses of the human nice. Tlioso
symptoms lndicuto their existence : toss nl
Appetite, ltoiveU costive. Kick Head
ache, tulliiesa niter eating, aversion to
etarUonor boily or mind, Uinttntlon
of food, Irritability of temper, Low
plrlt, A feeling ot liming neglected
some duly, Dizziness, Fluttering at tha
Ilenrt, lint before, the eyes, highly col
ored I rlne, t OBSTIPATION, nnd do.
niandthouso of ft remedy that acta dlroctly
on tho Liver. AsaLlvermoillelno Tt'TT'S
i-ii.is imvono c.'iunl. Their action on thij
Kidneys and skin is also prompt ; removing
all impurities through theso thron " scav
engers of tho system," producing appe
tite, sound digestion, regular ptnols, a clear
sldu and a vigorous hodv. Tl'TT'S PII.I.S
cause no naiwea or griping nor Interfero
uii oaiiy wont ami mo u perfect
nc Fnri.s mug a ivew wan.
"I havo had Dyspepsia, with Constina-i
(ion, two years, and have tried ten iliUerent
kinds of pills, irfid Tt'TT'S are tuo tlrst
that havo dono mo tiny good. They havo
cleaned mo nut nicely. Jly appetite la
splendid, food digits readily, nnd I now
have ualural pre-iaires. 1 feel like a new
man." w . j. tu WARDS, l'almyra, O. t
BuMevcrrwIicrc.SSc. OtU. e, I I Murray St.,N.Y.
Gn.tr Hah? on Whiskers chanced Iii.
utaiitly toaULofcsr Black by a singlo ap
plication of tills Dve. hold by Druggists,
or sent by express on receiptor $1. .
Otllee, II Murray Street, New Vork
Washingam. Bleaching
In Hard or Sofi, Hot or Cold Water.
)N(.I V, and wives universal siitisluetlou. HQ
lauuly, rich or peer, fetiuuM be without tt.
fold bv all Grocers. IIEWARK of imitations
well drahjnet to mislead. I'KA lil-IN K is tha
ONLY SAl'I'l lulu suviliK compound, aud ttl'
tears the above symbol, uud uaiiio ot
EIck ncnrlocho and relieve all tho tronhlos inc!
diait t a bilious etuto of the system, such as Diz
ziness, Kau'en, Drowsiness, Distress after eating.
Tain in the Side, Ac. While their most remark
able waves has been shown In curing
rrcadflcho.yot Cartpr'eLlttloLlvetPlllsarafrin&lly
vnlualilo in CoiiBlipntion, curing and proveiitinjj
this annoying complaint, whilo 'they also correct
all disorders of the etomaeh, Btlmnlatii tho llvor
and regulate the bowel s. fiven II they only cured
Afho Ihry trnnld bealmnst pricelrsi to thoM wha
uil'i r from tli is distressing complaint; but forta
tnl eiy their poodness does not end here, and those
v ho ouco try t hem will find these little pills valu
able in so man v way that they will not be wilhij(j
to do YiitLuut them, lait after all sick head,
Is the bltrio cf po many live that here Is where wa
mako cur treat Least. Oar pilla cure It whilo
Others do not. .
Carter's Little Liver Till are very mll and
vry easy to take. Onoor two pills makea dose.
Tin y an) pi riot ly vcea tnbio and do not gripe oc
juirjo, but by tin ir peiitlo action pleaso all who
iiie'tlicm. In vialsntiiJcents; llvo forfl. SuU
by Uiub-jista every whuo, or sunt by mail.
Delivered at CAIRO, IU.,
Ft. bottom. Ft. stave. Capacity eit. Trice.
G x 8 M50 S21.00
6 x 9 1630 28.00
7x8 2000 32.00
7 x I) 2250 36.00
7 x 10 2500 40.00
These tanks aro made of CLEAK CYPKESS, 4
Ire-he. Ililek. secure) lioouvd and ar WATiSK
TIGHT. They are
Hhlimpil wholennd are well Virnawul.
to prevent their being racked or broken In hkDd
IhiK. Katimate Airaishud for
T.titka of any Bisw. -V ''.-'
A. 1UOG8 Ac iniOSn v
2iT Delord Ht., Nuw Orleatif, li.
8 CK

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