OCR Interpretation

The daily Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1878-1???, August 03, 1884, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87082573/1884-08-03/ed-1/seq-1/

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The Rev. J. E. Hcarles, of New York, is
nu of the uioht widely-known and highly
esteemed of Methodist ministers.
Mr. Hfar. nay : " I am Imi.wwdl that it la a fluty
I imn t.j thorn ulllicti'd ith Ulu-iiiimtiniii nr .N.-iiriJ.
tevi, to wiy that a r ii-'ly lia l n tlixi on'n-.l that
neli-eil a iuarv-kt .iim Kiirci. My non wan T-atly
aHluteil with Uheiiiiiatiun. and minVnil mi wviTely
that, at tiliM'ri, Iih whh l l i uT. il to hn mori hitui hi.
i-u-4 into hla ann to put P Hit. Wlnlii In tlimeon.
(litum tin iliM-mi-nil a reiwly which etlmfc-il Ilium
uiate relief, anil a iH-nnuneiilriiri!. (In hui xlU'Vlur
ni."hil it to many others with the najnH result. I li.n,,
duo (iiniixhcil It to a nuiiilur of moim auffcninr
with UhiMimatii-m, and th rcnnlt Ium Ixi-n lnmit;u.iuti
relief, ami a nn.iij. iit cure. Amoiiu- othetn, I pave it
to Kev. Win. 1' Corhit, .atiir of thuOeorifii St. Yl. I.
Church. .Sew ll.'iven.l .'onii.,w ho wuHHuflVriziK tfrcut'y
with tliU WrllilH ilutettitn. 1 will irive you Lin o ii
wonln an written to my mo, wMtiiiir him to uWi.li
tlm fact for the Uialil of others BUlIuriLif with t!m
What Mr. ( orbit sam
" New Haven, July n, vl
"Mr. Hearten: Dear Htr:-I wiU to nay forth- l-n.
fit of all who am auil.-ninf vutu liiflanm.atory Kli.u
li.itiKln, that our me.llcllii. IM llifuliilili). I mill.iv.l
for two inontln th luont i-i'-rin utinir Uirtum ; loet
a'i uiil of flei.li, ami wan not out of my Ihhim- f,,r
a month : I heard of your P-me-ly, and wan almost
liintantly relieved by it If tliere U a i- i nicf..r ill.
ean of any kind, yoiirBinoKio ramiy in or lufluiu
luatory Uheumatii-m in it- Ai-verot form
" Your ino-t n-i-ctfully, Wm. 1 Couiiit,
" i'MtorUeorKe.-it. il. li Church, iow Haven, Ouuii."
Such is ATiii.oi'iiijitus a thorough and
eH'nient cure for tho w.imt eaoes of Khe'i
xnatism and Neuralgia.
If you cannot iri-t Athloihoiiiw nf your dniin.-it,
will "end it ei:rm aid, on wift -l r-tfulur
.rii m. dollar i-er bottle We reler Uiat you buy
il from your dnwikt, but if he lianii't It, do not 1)
:rualed to try nomutliiiiif tb-e, hut unkr at uum
from UK u iLrv:tt-t
IIIIHMIlnmiHfifl iiHinimimm i
Goldstinc &
y n r
130 & 138 Com'l Ave.
have a full and complete llnu nf
Liiii'i; (kmmK Dusters, No' ions, Ktc.
A heavy Mock of Uody Uru.ee ,Taper
tr:e anil inra.D
A f ill Murk of Oil Clo'tif , r.1 iizs aud p.'kcs.
All Clootla at Hottom I'rioos!
The llaltimore & Ohio
Efficient Telegraphic Service
Ol'l'irK n.n Ohio I.iv-'c, beow 4th St., in
Texit & Si. I.iui K. It. office
(Success! r to Chu-!. T. Newkiul an l
II. T. (HTlUtlil. )
Plumbers Steam and Gas Filter
Coiuiiu'trial Ave, lift, fenth uiul Ele
venth Sts.,
Drive Well Force iind l.ifl I'onipi rurnlsh' d mid
put up. Ai;ciit for llut Celebrated
the beft puuip I'V. r Invented. New (inn Fixture
(un-.ihed to order. O rt Mxturea repaired and
bronzed .
fJoMiing prompt!)' intended to. 31'i-tl
II. RX17H.
CbllEItT i. MITU
Grand Central Store.
Patrick T. McAlpine,
Ia-uiKt id
3 Oj
1 w
a O i
5 pq
Mmlo to Orilor.
8tUSt., bet. Olilo I.eveo it Coiniuerctitl Ave
CAIRO. - -
Riairliig neatly done at short notice.
Tim. Latest Vftiidy Stock
in tiim errv.
Oor.Ninsteonthttreott f1nui') 111
Cooinn)rclnlAonn vaiiu. ill
Ilia Object, in Exhibiting TWO Chi
ucso Lepers Through ..tho
His Uugracious Eyception in New York,
and His Bitter Anathemas Thereat
-Not Allowed to Speak.
What He Proposes to Do With His
Strange Exhibits A Present
to Congress.
Ni w YoiiK, Auuast "When I shake
the dust of this accursed town off. my
shoes," said Dr. C. C. O'Donuell jester
day, "I never want to come back. I have
traveled here nil the way (l'oin San Fran
cisco, ami have never been refused per
mission to speak until 1 arrived here."
Dr. U'Dotilied is t-aid to have his two
hpecimeiis iu a IreL'ht car. Wo Lin's
Cujjers have rotted off, and his left leg is
swelled to the size of a Hour
barrel Their heads are twice tho
natural size. He proposed to
exhibit them in Uuion Square and thfre
were fully !,')' people present but the
comuiissicmers relumed a permit. Disap
pointed, the dectur passed uloni; through
Se venteenth street to liroadway ami wa-,
fallowed by an iiuutun.su crowd. He was
closfly watched by policemen. Lvery
tim he paused and af.euipteil an expla
nation the puiii: charged on the crowd.
Just east of Fourth Avenue the doctor
found opportunity to say, ''1 shall not
speak to-day I am olu' to try to a
p rmit from the Mayor to speak to-uior-row.
'l'lien tho policemen aain charged
and the doctor took refuse in a tailor's
shup, when the crowd dispersed. At four
o'clock Dr. O'Donuell had an interview
with Mayor Kdsou, who refused him per
mission to speak, ksutiug that he had
not the (lower to jMant it. l,l told him,"
said the .doctor, "that if I was he, I
Wxuid resign." "Wherever there are
C'hiuamen" he coutiuued, "there is lep
rosy." The doctor and a reporter walked
through Mott stieet, the doctor looked
into every face. Uppo-ito Lx-Deputy
Sheriff Tom I. ill's grocery, the doctor
stopped and bent h.s ua.u ou a group
of Chlnuiueti. Do you see tho
Kivat joints of that Chiuatnau,
Ins a'.teuuat.-d limbs, and reddish spots
ou his face, see if lie scratches. If he
scratches he N a leper. The physician
and the reporter stood watching the
Chinaman. At the end of two minutes
he ber-ati to scratch his arm. "He is a
h per,'' said the doctor. "I will it:
8j'.'j to any charitable fund if he is not.
See how he rises and moves arouuJ.
J.epers are always uneasy. 1 presume
lorty lepers could be found hiding In
New York. We have been here only live
minutes, and have discovered one ou the
"What aro you izolui; to do with your
two lepers, doctor?"
"I am Koitia to take them to Washing
ton, to the Senate Chamber, and leave
them thure California's tift to the Na
tion. C'onirre-s permits them to come,
and I aui"goiD to ixive them to Con
gress." "In case you are not permitted to show
them, will you consider your mission a
"iJy no means. I have brought it to
your doors, and pointed it out lu your
streets. I have attracted attention to this
awful plague, which an alien population
have brought. 1 want to sec selllsh cap
italists prevented from importing them.
My niissiou Is not a failure."
A Bad Outlook for Do Lesseps' Latest
Sv. FitAXCisoi, Cai.., August 2. The
Uhrvnklc prints an interview with Theo.
II. Urowney, of this city, an engineer just
returned after two years' stay ou tho
1'auama isthmus, where he was employed
lu excavatiiirj between Colon and Kio
(iraude. lie had been over every foot of
the proposed canal route, and, according
to his detailed statement, the Panama
Canal, under the present manager, is not
likely to be completed, as the expense
will exceed the estimate at least eiejht
tunes. Downey says the money expended
wrongfully, stupidly, fraudulently, anil
wasted in patronage, is something
apalling. Contractors have fared badly.
Cf the eleven original foreign contractors
notoueremalus, and of the four American
contractors two have failed. Costly mis
takes have been made, routes being
changed as often as obstacles werefouud.
The only semblance so far to a caual is a
ditch two miles long at Colon. Keccutly
a party of German engineers went over
the route of the proposed canal. Their
opinion was that the canal would uever
be Uiiished. Hear Admiral Shufcldt cor
roborates tho account given by Growuey.
Serious Situation in an Arkansas Coal
Little ltocK, Ai:k., August 2. News
of a revolt and mutiny among the con
victs at tho Coal Hill coal mines is re
ceived. Tho mutineers number twenty,
and tho leaders arc of the most desperate
class, and consist of the tralu-robbers,
Cox and Moore, under sentence of seven
ty years, and Ked Miller, Iirady, Evaus
and lien Taylor, murderers, uudcr life
sentences. They have taken possession
of all tho mines underground and re
fuses to conio out, and defy the
authorities to enter. Having systemati
cally smuggled rations into the mines,
they are Intrenched and capable of con
ducting a long siege. Although destitute
of lire arms the mining utensils answer
their dosperato purpose. A posso of
armed guards from the Penitentiary In
charge of the Captain of tho day watch,
have gone to the scene of tho revolt.
A Troublesome Settlement.
New Yohk, August 2. Tho Clearing
house Association has been in hot water
ever since tho failure of tho MarluoEank.
At that time it compelled tho First Na
tional to accept three worthless checks
and left it to the banks to mako good to
tbo First National their proportion of tho
loss. President fiakcr of tho First Na
tional mado a format demand on tho banks
on May (J to make good their proportions
of the '.'15,000. Some havo responded
favorably. Tkc first to dccllno absolute
ly to pay is tho St. Kknolas Hank. Yes
terday tho 1'imt Nallowt begun suit
to recover MltilM, the prenoKOon
which the 'tit. , Nicholas Is Tjonud
to pv. Tho facti on which
the claim Is based are those presented In
the MU-A- of Ki reiver Johnson of tho Ma
rino JUtuk. This letter raised a storm
among tho members of the Clearing
.Mouse. They deny that the Clearing
House violated Its cou-titution. They
assert when tho settlement was made
tho Clearing House had no knowledge
that tho Marine Hank was Insolvent. Tho
olllclals of the First National say the
Clearing House knew that the bank was
insolvent. The suit has caused excite
ment among the members of the asso
ciation. A consultation will bo held to
day lu regard to tlie matter.
A Priest's Strange Death.
F.I)W.M'.isvii.i.i:, Ii.i.., August I!ev.
Father James P. Smith, pastor of St.
Mary's Catholic C hurch at this place, wus
la-t seen alive on Wednesday niht, when
he stood by his church gate smoking,
as was his custom. Yesterday
afternoon his body was discovered
In a well on the premises. It bad
been supposed, when he failed
ti say mass on Thursday morning, that
he had been called away to attend some
sick person durltig the previous tight,
ami as priests are ire(U"iitiy suiumoueu
to go into tho country his absence
cau)d no alarm. When he failed to
return yesterday, however, great auxiety
was felt. His room was entered and his
coat and watch were found. This discov
ery caused great excitement and led to
a search which resulted a stated. It is
believed that his death wa- duo to an ac
cident. It was his habit to lower and
raise the bucket by the rope Instead of
using the windlass, which worked bard,
lie must have lost his balance and fallen
in. The greatest sorrow prevails here,
as he was very popular with Prolestauts
as well as Catholics. Father Smith was
a native of County Caven, Ireland, and
wus only tliirty-six yeurs old. The church
is draped iu niourniir.'. Tho fuueral will
take p ace on Monday.
N ATION A I. I KI.I)(. It A !1 1 COM PAN Y
The Kama to be G.ven to tho Western
Union's Fo; midiible Itival.
Sr. Fori-, Mm, Ati'.'u-t 'J. Manager
A. 11. Wise a-sumed formal charge of the
tripartite telegraphic consolidation iu St.
Louis yesterday, at the same time that
the business oihces of the three lines here
were combined, and the treasurers' and
ailJitols' ulllces of the li. inkers' &
Mi rch mtV and Postal com
panies were removed to New York.
Mr. Wise had just bei'im examination of
a ina-s of accounts this morning when a
reporter approached him. "The Western
I'uioii has now tho mo.-t formidable rival
it Iris ever confronted," said he; "the
best equipped and the most determined.
The consolidation is building its own lines
and Is taking railroad wires from the
Western I." nun with which tlc railroad
corporations are gem rally dissuti.-ilod.
Maekev's cable will make us stronger.
When Superintendent Le Loup arrives
we will sett c matters pertaining to the
location of tho olllce hero, and also
changes in our working force. The
name of the consolidated lines will prob
ably be tho National Telegraph Com
pany." They Love the Old Commander Yet.
Nkw Ymiik, August 2. The reunion of
Army Chapluius, Federal anil Confeder
ate, together with nu mbers of the Sani
tary and Christian Commissions, com
menced at Ocean Grove Thursday. The
veterans, three hundred strong, inarched
to the auditorium, where six thousand
persons greeted them. Major-General
John C. Patterson, who was Chairman,
made an address in behalf of the G. A. K.
Comrade A. J. Palmer, of tho Forty
tiuhth New York llegiment, who was lu
I.ibby prison nine months gave an accouut
of his company being captured and taken
to I.ibby. He paid triDute to tho Gen
erals of the army. When the name of
Grant was reached he said : "No Wall street
sharks, though they may h.ive deceived
him, can ever weaken our love and ven
eration for our General U. S. Grant." His
remarks were greeted with cheer upon
cheer, the audience rising and waving
their handkerchief and hats. The uaine
of Logan was also received with enthusi
asm, "a dispatch was read from General
Grant, stating that he would be present
if possible. General Logan was ex
pected. THE DAILY lU Ll.LiTN.
Tho Suggestion that Cleveland will
Withdraw Scouted At.
Albany, N. Y., August 2. Among
Governor Cleveland's callers this morn
ing were' Hon. Frauds Kernan and Hx
Assisstant Treasurer Upton. Both gen
tlemen had extended interviews with the
Governor and congratulated him ou his
political prospects. Cleveland men
laugh at the suggestion of his withdraw
ing iu favor of Tilden. They say the idea
is too ridiculous to be discussed.
"Has the Governor any intention of
withdrawing from the ticket?" CoUmel
Lainont was asked this morning.
"I have not heard him say so," replied
the Colonel, laughing. "1 guess he Is
satislled with things as they are." The
letter of acceptance is assuming tangible
form. Goveruor Cleveland spent an hour
or two ou it last night. Tho great object
Is to cover all tho Issues of the day hi a
brief but conspicuous manner, aud all
the arts of judicious condensation will
be used to compress it into two columns.
A Death-Bod Confession.
UaEiini, N. C, August 2. Mrs, Frau
ds Sfegal, aged seventy years, died in
Gossa Creek Township, near Monroe, N
C.,afov days ago. On her death-bed
she confessed having murdered her hus
band by pouring melted led in his ear
thirty years ago. Her husband while ou
a drunken spree died very suddenly, but
no foul play was ever suspected. Xono
of the old residents had heard of any sus
picious circumstances in connection with
the affair. Mrs. Stegall never remarried,
but lived rather a solitary life. She made
the confession to a clergyman.
Stoamor Burned.
PocGiiivEEi'siE, N. Y., August 2.Tho
steamer F.agle, of tho Newburgli &
Albany Line, bound up this morning,
caught II ro south of Milton, and was
burned to the water's edge. It Is not yet
ascertained whether any lives were lost.
Tho passengers were all landed at Mil
ton. Some of tho freight was Baved.
The lines were then cat and she was
shoved out into tho stream. Tho pro
pellor Lcfavro towed tho burning wreck
to tho cast shore and beached it. Loss
about $10,0001 insurance ample
Villard Bet urns.
New Yoiu;, AuguBt 2. -Mr. Henry Vll
lard returned from Eurono "by tbo
'TntrriC' wlilrh -irrlyl List yrotiln'i.
The Wonderful Performance of Mr
Case's Fleet-Footed Phe
nomenon. Other Remarkable Heats Against Time
Trotted at Narragansett Park-H.
B. Winship's Victory.
Poiusuuriii, N. II., August 2. Yes
terday was the grandest day ever seen
at tho Narragausctt Trottlug Park, aud
its equal may uever bo seen agaui Nar
ragausctt Park has onco nioro come to
tho front, and uow leads tho world for
speed. It seemed when tho day broke
that "old Sol" was not a irloud
of the owners of trottbiy
horses, but a few hours later
(possibly because Mr. Case wired the
clerk of the weather) he sent some of his
warmest beams upon tho town ol
Cranston, and tho track fairly seemed to
drink lu speed from the rays. 15y ten
o'clock It wasau assured fact that the
track would be iu perfect condltiou, aud
when at two o'clock tho crowd begAi to
pour through the gate, Mr. Griliiu threw
up both hands and said ho had done his
best and the track was perfect.
This was seconded by Hither, Murphy,
Golden, Crawford, aud lu fact all tho ex
perts, aud it was a hundred dollars to a
lead uickel that if the horses were In even
fair condition they would show figures
that, to use a wild expression, would bo
paralyzing. Soon after noon Providence
began tj wake up and there
was an exodus as it were. Long lines of
carriages extended alotig the streets lead
ing to Narragausctt Park, aud in a short
time the city was almost deserted. The
crowd was the greatest that has been
seen at the Park since American Girl, on
July 1M, bC.', lu the palmy
days of the Spraguo dynasty, showed
the fastest mile then seen at the track
2:1'.' against Lucy, Lady Thorn aud
Goldsmith Maid.
Long before the time for starting the
races every seat in tho grand stand was
tilled, and Jive hundred carriages lined
the fences on either sido of tho track.
The judges of the afternoon were John
Shepherd, of i'ostou; Frank Stearns, ol
Swansea, and 11. G. Windsor, of Provi
dence. Tho events were as follows: 2,500 to
Jay-F.ye-see to beat his record 2:10 3-4,
and l,0u0 additional to beat Maud S.'s
tiino of 2:10 1-4; l,5u0 to Phallas to
beat his record ol 2:1;) u-t and 300 ad
ditional to beat 2:1;;; 61,000 to H. 15.
WinsV, find runnlug mate to break
Fr..i:,'t auu mate's record of 2:03 1-2, and
. additional if 2:07 is beaten; 1,000
to Maxev Cobb to beat Phallas' record
The betting was: Ou Jay-Eye-See
82 j that he would not beat 2:11, against
$11 that he would make 2:10; on in
ship, 620 that he would not beat 2:03.
against 910 that he would show 2:07 or
better: on Phallas, that ne would
not go lu 2:1:1, against $20 that 2:11
would be made.
There were plenty of takers on both
sides, but as will bo seen tho short
enders won handsomely
Shortly alter three o'clock Ed. Either
drove Jay-Eyo-Sec on the track, and tho
applause ran along the grand stand like
artillery. He was followed by Johnny
Murphy behind Maxey Cobb, Mr. Isidore
Cohnfeld's fast aud handsome bay stal
lion aud agaiuthe applause broke out.
Alter thu warming-up heats, iu which
no very fast time was made, came tho
wonder of the afternoon, the little llyer,
the fastest piece of horso llesh that lives,
Jay-Hye-See, champion of the trotting
turf, came out to beat the
time of Maud S, Ho moved easily by
the grand stand, just getting ready to
go. Ho looked like a black hash.
Hithers handled hlin in beautiful style,
whl.e just after him came Murphy with
Mr. Case's sorrel runuer hitched to a
The word was given, :.nd the little
horse went away like a rocket. Murphy
came thundering sonic ten lengths in the
rear. Around the turn tho wind caught
him, but he shot to tho quarter-polo
iu 3o 1-2, and then, as
he turned Into tho back stretch,
ho went along like a little black demon,
while Murphy handled the runner with
consumate skill, aud at the water tank
just begau to craw l up to the little black
at the half, which liithers had made with
his horse going easy iu 1:00.
Murphy let go of the runner, aud ho
lapped tho black's wheel, Pothers began
to seud Jay-L'ye'-Sec and ho rounded
tho upper turn and mado , the
three-fourths In 1 :'M and then
and not until then did ho call on
him to do his best. As he struck Into
the home stretch there was a breathless
sileucc lu the vast crowd and
miner's voice calling on his horso
could bo plainly heard. It was a
beautiful sight, ouo never to bo forgot
ten. Tho black was coming like a whirl
wind, and yet his action was as perfect
as If he was only moving at a thrcc-inin-utc
gait. Murphy was urgiug tho run
ner, aud tho faster he hew along, tho
faster tho little piece of black lightning
came. Ho was a length and a half from
the w ire wheu liithers lifted him and a
thousand voices shouted: "Ho has done
it!" The little fellow broke and dashed
by the line on the break In 2:10, tho
A lloral collar was given hlni, J. I.
Case kissed his wife, and every body
II. 11. Wlnship ami runnlug mate thou
came out on the track, and as both trotter
and runner were in lino feather, they
started off nicely at tho word, and went to
tho one-quarter in a 2:01 clip, to tho half
in 1 :01 1-2, tho three-quarters In 1 :35 t-2,
and homo in rattling stylo in 2:00 tho
fastest tulle eter trotted. II. I. Wln
ship, tho owner, felt happy enough to
stand on his head.
Phallas weut two heats to beat his
Chicago tiino of 2:13 3-4, but only
equaled it, not bciug lu tho best con
dition. Maxey Cobb, who was billed to boat
Phallus' 2:13 3-4, fulled to do It, but
trotted a handsome ratio in 2:15 3-4,
beating his own record by 4 1-4 seconds.
Saratoga Boom.
Sakatoo.v, N. Y., August 2. Weather
clear and warm) track good and good at
tendance. First Itace For pur so of .9400, dis
tance throe-qusxtoni fa mftor Wqn vj
rim Renwlckj Joh IIory,iirjcoQdv,Tty
dyon, third. Time, 1:Wt-3,v l!titaii&,'
.Second ltuee Sequel stakes for three
year-olds, disUnco a mile aud live far
longs: Won by Modesty; Hlast, second;
Waleher, third. Time, 2:3H. Mutuals
paid 87.73.
Third Kacc Handicap sweepstakes
;)? a.'1 ages; distance, ouo mile; llob
-)k, llrst; Manimoulst, secoud; Uarou
Fnverot, third. Time, 1:41 3-t. Mutuals
paid 73.30.
Fourth Kacc Match race between
Wallllower and Eulogy; distance one
mile. Won by Eulogy. Time, 1:40.
Mutuals paid $7.73.
Brighton Beach Races.
New Yoke, August 2. Tho races at
l'righton Ueach yi storday wero well at
tended. First Kacc All ages, three quarter
mile: Kothschild, llrst, Talleyrand,
second; lilizzard, third. Time, 1:23.
Second liace All ages, tVreo quarter
mile: lieuicnibcr, llrst; Will Davis,
sucond; lillly O'Neill, third. Time,
1:21 1-2.
Third Kacc All ages, selling allow
ances, ouo mile: Inconstant, llrst; Ko
gret, second; King Tom, third. Time,
1 :31.
Fourth Kace Handicap for all ages,
one inilo and a furlong: Blue Peter,
llrst, Ghost, second; Farewell third.
Time, 2:04 1-4.
Fifth Kace All ages, seven furlongs:
Moutauk, llrst; Woodtlower, second;
King Fan, third. Time, 1 :34.
Sixth Kace Handicap hurdlo race, one
mile and a quarter, over five hurdles:
Voltaire, llrst: Cliarley Kader, second;
Pawuee, third. Time, 2:2'J 1-4.
Chicago Races.
Chicago, III., August 2. First Kaco
Three-quarters of a mile: Hilly Gll-
inore, llrst; Dudley (lakes second; Luto
Fogle, third. Time, 1:13 1-2.
Secoud Kace Ouo aud one-quarter
miles: Athlone, llrst; Mart Korhatu,
second; Lou Mallov, third. Time,
2:13 1-1.
Third Kacc Ouo mile : Kishbcr, tlrst ;
Dick Brown, second; Heartless, third.
Time, 1 :53 3-4.
Fourth Kace Five-eighths of a mile:
Koverta, tirst; Pepper 'Em, second;
Titus, third. Time, 1 :07.
Fifth Kace One aud one-eighth miles:
This resulted in a dead heat between
lloz Sedam and Virgil Hearne. Tho race
was run off, and lioz Sudani won. Time,
2:02 1-2; 2 :02 3-1.
Sixth Kace Five-eighths of a mile:
Bird, tlrst; Eva K., second; Miss Good
rich, third. Time, 1 :C5.
Score of Games Played on Friday,
August 1.
New York. Providences, 7; Now
Yorks, 3. '
Chicago, 111. Chicago, (1; Detroit, 2.
Brooklyn, N. Y. Baltimore's, 3; Brook
lyn, 1.
Washington, D. C. Washington, 3;
Metropolitans, 4. ...Nationals, b; Key
stones, 3.
Pittsburgh, Pa. Alteghenys, 4; Ath
letics, 3.
Louisville, Ky. Loulsvillcs, 3; St.
Louis, 2. Fourteen innings.
Indianapolis, lud. Columbus 7; In
dianapolis, 0.
Baltimoro, Md. Baltimore Unions, 3:
Bostou Uulous, 1.
St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis L'nions, 4;
Kansas Citys, 1.
The Qreely Party.
T'oiiisMoi iii, N. II. , August 2. The
Thetis, Bear and Alert, comprising tho
Greely relief expedition, will leave Ports
mouth for New York ou Tuesday night.
The Bear wid be ordered to proceed to
Governor's Island, where the corpses of
the victims preserved.ln the vessels' tanks
will bo turned over to General Hancock
this afternoon.
Tho commanders of tho Greely fleet as
sembled iu the Navy Yard with tho sur
vivors of tho Greely party, where the
responsibility for the care of tho sur
vivors was turned over to the army de
partment, represented by General Ha.eu.
The eight survivors will rest quietly to
day and to-morrow. The head Surgeon
of the United States Army will cxauiiuo
them on board tho Tallapoosa this after
noon. The body of Sergeant Wlnlluld S.
Jewell, of Lisbon, N. II., ono of thu lost
men, was taken homo to-day by his broth
er, who had just arrived.
Cold-Blooded Butchery.
Sixset, Tex., August 2. Thursday
night A. I). Holly and V. T. Kurds were
sitting In front of Holly's house enjoying
the night air. About eleven o'clock, T. H.
Lee, a desperado, rode up and without a
word fired two shots Irom a pistol, both
hittiug Holly, killing him instantly. Leo
succeeded in making his escape to the
Indian Territory. The murder was sim
ply a pieco of savage butchery, as there
was no cause for it.
Too Formidable for Arrest.
Laxcasteu, Pa., August 2. Abo Buz
zard, leader of tho Welsh Mountain
gang, left his mountain haunts a few
days ago, and, accompanied by another
outlaw named Wltieholt, went to the
houso of a Mr. Laffcrty, where they de
manded and received supper. They next
went to the Mt. Zlon festival in Miller's
woods, where Buzzard was recognl.ed.
But as ho was armed with two revolvers
and repeating rille, nobody had tho
hardihood to arrest him. Tho Lancaster
authorities have given up all effort to
capture him.
Blood at a Wedding.
Mavsvili.ic, Ky., August 2. A run
away wedding party this morning ended
iu a probable murder. Tilllo Wallace
aud Stephen Massie, of Harrison County,
accompanied by John Galviii, of Nichols,
were arrested at Aberdeen. The latter
got drunk and rode through tho strocts
flourishing a plstel. Ho shot Tobias
Hawkins In tho stomach. Ho will die,
There is much excitement und talk of
Fate of Captain Lewis.
PniumcLi'itu, Pa., August 2. Tho
fato of Captain Lewis of tho schooner
Julia Bukor, now lu port at Key West,
Fla., Is In doubt. Tho ownors of tho
vessel, Messrs. Warder & Merritt, say
thero is bo doubt but Captain Lewis has
been murdered by tha crow.
Lava Fields on Iflre.
Salt Lake, UTah, August 2. Tho lava
fields on North Snako River, toward.
r3rvaalunor ars on Cpb, and thmwwds of
kCTO,hvoKn. Vanod, over. YtniLro
ithwsttitfwtwrcho nrtavgo ol
fo'.imU B.iv.'rtiM i un nlnoluti'ly rmre
nw a i-mi t..i ilowu on a hut -love until hrab-it.thca
ri.inov,. t v.irau.l tin.. II. a i.lii nn,t will Uul t r
luirej iu jutvvt Uio prusuncii of ttiuiuunia.
its iiui.nim.NfcNfi in NEVER hi:h m Ks-noMtu.
In a mihlon lnmirM for fi r)iui tT of a ceiitury tt hai
Dr, Price's Special Flawing Extracts,
The lining ttt, moil ilrlfrloui anil natural fUtorLnown. uul
Dr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gims
rorugm, li. niinv nr. ml. The llest Dry Hup
Vi.it In thu Worlil.
No. r,)iConiniercial Ave.,
Sole Ag-cnt foi tho Celebrated
Manufacturer and Dealer lu
Tin, Copper and Stieet lion Work.
Uuilikrs' Hardware and Ciirrn'ntrrn' Too), Tnhle
and I'orkei Cutlery, Imst lu tliu tmukn. Hotter
tlrua. I'latud KiiIvch. l-orkt aim hpootm, Urmilto
Iron Wuru. Hi-niii Kiirtlauwarc, Wliiti! Mouutttiu
rVuseri", Water Cmilurx, Hitfriucuturi), ClotUea
Wringer, Crown l-'liuern. St.-ji Ladder, Oardi'U
liniiK-mmit, linliluH MurOil Stoves- liest la thu
world, I.iimiiH of everv description. E'.ala OU,
Carpet Siweciie.-J, K. alhvr luiers. UroimiH, Wlu
dow Screen '!rc Cloth, lull i-upiily ol t'ili;D
Tno above it ruck bottom price..
Corner k'th and Commercial Avenue, Cairo, 111.
Teloiiliotie No. I-'.
Manufacturer und Dealer In'
8th Street, between Com'l Ave. ami I.evee.
Safe Kejalred. All Kleii ol Kyys Midi'.
Mrs. Emily Bowers,
Sir. AMANDA Ct.AnK.SON. Agent.
Next Alexiiiultr Co. lt:tnlc, HUit.
Cairo, 111.
ttiood Stock and Price HeacoimMe Jj f
Commission Mercluint.
Egyptian Flouring M ills
Hiirbost Cash Pri"f Vtf i t-r Wbi at.
Tin) Regular Cairo radueah Daily
leave P tdiicah forf'ilro dully (Sunday excei't
vd) at 8 a. in., and Mouud City at 1 p. m. Heturc
uiK, luavea Cairo ai 4 p.m. ; Minimi euv ai a p.m.
The Weekly Bulletin.
fTClubs of TEN for $2.80. ricmi nittie
and tuoui.-y. ,

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