OCR Interpretation

The daily Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1878-1???, November 13, 1884, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87082573/1884-11-13/ed-1/seq-4/

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No. 101 Commercial & Oth,
Are still the leaders in well made boots
and shoes at low prices. We have in
stock some of the best makes of shoes,
besides many solid bargains. Have just
received a full line of Children's 'and
Misses' Spring Heel Shoes in oil grain,
oil goat and prime kid.
Men's Good Calf Boots, - - $2.50
Men's lkls and Button London Toe, i00
Men's Buckle Shoes, good ones. - 1.50
Misses' School Shoes, well made, - 1.25
Children's Button Shoes, to 10i - 1.00
fctTDon't forcot our 82.50 Kid and
for Ladies. They tire tlie Hos-t.
Cairo, Ills.
WANTED I.ndlos nnd Hunt cm n In city or
coan y t tnke light work nt tholr nwa ho nci,
$3 to t4 t day mily niiido; work et-nt by mail j no
csnvsMfn. We bave iroiid dcinniU for on - work
sud lurnlxh t v I'miilnvin-nl
Address, wllli
namp.CROWN MFi. COMl'ASY, ;M Vint- St.,
Vint- Mt
Cinciunatl, Ohio.
sANTJD-Uood white unrso girl 1; to 14 veiiri
" old to take euro of ctnlit J yeari old. Apply
at L. D. Bayloy'f reoldtiiicc, ou Washington av
enue, below Fourth ttiu.'t, at
IjOR 8AI.E -One largo cunuon dove. Apply at
Tbe Bull-.ttn Ulrica.
LiOH SALE nnyd.irk J:imp.nt mrn-v. lift urlco
f $.'5, uew.geod job, for gl.'i). Inquire nf li A.
BV)K SALK.IIaydock l'titu-ton, now. Iit prlco
f for f lS..-Iiiimri' of K. A. ISurnutt, Unlle
In Office.
VOli SLE. Twocottairca on 2Mb street near
- I'oplar, and onecutajfo 0:1 l'oplar abuvo '.Tith
troet, at a harstaln.
tl M.J. HOWLElf, U -ml Estate Agent.
Li H RKNT-rt-sl.loncepr.pe-rty orCol. Ja. 8.
L Kaa-den on Fidoontl mruci. Iinnsi coutnlni
ten roomt, hts all ne.'dod cotiv nincua and id In
Kuod coodltion Kim'ally.
ALJ.dOWi.liY, Ileal EtUto Aent.
UURSISUKD HOOMS-T.) riint.cornorr.fWai.li
iiiKto.. Aveand E.evulilli St. Mr. K HU KLL-
"Dad's Giil" ht optrn house tn-niglit.
Bad timber Illinois I5Uck Jack.
-Let ui have pctco if it takes nil win
-Vox pipu.'i, v n dci.- Ta'il'wris it this
Claim cvcrj!hin. That's Ui" hind of
a in an Blaine is.
Tbe current in the Ohio rivur is sc tree
ly perceptible at this placf.
Remember ti-nlfjhr, L'zzie My L'l
ni'jr, at tho opera house.
Tho altitude of the republican goose
is n t altoL'tln-r satisfactory to the 0. 0. P.
Six hundred thousand dollars in nold
from Europe reached New York on lion
day. Hon. W. K. Murphy, of Pinckneyville,
III., wa registered at The Ihllidny yes
terday, Socrates said no evil could befall a
good man. Socrates was evidently mis
ttken. It is expected that 000 drummers will
attend the annual meeting in Louisville,
on Saturday, Nov. 13.
Eighty rounds of amunition reported
to have been stolon from the armory hall
of the Ilalliday Guards.
Diver and Armor of dipt. Hiram
Hill's can be secured by applying to Major
Ed. Ilalliday on wharf boat No. 2. tf
The storo of Herman Blom, corner
of Washington and Seventh street is being
re-covered with a new roof.
"For forms of government let fools con
test." For ordinary life it is enough to
know that Dr. Bull's Couh Syrup cures
coughs and colds.
Wasted Immediately at this office a
man to solicit advertisements for a book on
commission. Lots of money can be made
by tho right man.
E. A. Burnett returned yesterday
and is at this writing out looking for a
wagon to haul up tho deer, turkey and oth
game which he captured.
Police court. There were to cases
up beforo Judge Robinson II. Keep for
vatsranry and C. Hill for being drunk.
Each was fined f 1 and cobts.
Anthracite coal to arrive for sale by
Cairo City Coal Co. Parties can save 50
cents per ton by placing orders in time to
be delivered direct from curs. th-cu
The horrors t.r life In Boston may bo
approximately estimated when It is known
that thore are lu that city at this moment
24,000 females bo are learning imutc,
Dougherty and Wilson, stave manu
facturers at Mound City; 111., who recently
met with a big blaie, are now rebuilding
their factory. The musical staves will bo
made by the same old whistle that they
formerly used tho notes of which resembled
ill SVPI
Oil Goat Shoes
the noise that conies through the front
door of a manageno about feed time.
-diss. P. Miller, editor of tho New
York Times telegraphs tho Chicago Mail
that Cleveland's mj uity is 1234 and not
the remotest chance of being overcome.
Nuf ced.
Just received at New Yoik store two
cars New York Statu Apples and Potatoes",
finest in the market, at lowest prices. Tel
ephony us for price. New York Store. 10
Thos. Boyd, of Mound City wns at Thu
Ilalliday yesterday. Mr. B .yd is a mem
ber of the board of county conmiitiouers
of Pulaski county, and the only democrat
on the board.
Wm. Butler Duncan, of Xcv York,
president of the M. & O. railroad, tele
graphs to Capt. W. P. Ililli.liy: ''No
change ''n counties heard from and no
doubt of Cleveland's election as prctid.'iit."
It is said that Oen. Grant having for
gotten to register lost his vote. Consider
ing the number of American citizens who
had never forgotten to register for Gen.
Grant, the hero's memory must he greatly
While wc rea l and Ik ar of factories
closing, or working on half time a!l over
the eastern and mid. He htates, outs arj run
ning right along full time. Plenty of
work ami fair pay is what will build up
any place. Next.
A Proof It -ader out for a walk was
met by a Typographical Error; but the
Proof Header did not speak, nor did he
cveu bow in recognition. "lla, II,"
chuckled the Typographical Error, ' I knew
ho wouldn't see me I"
Tiio Charleston Courier of lhe6;h is
to hand beautifully lllUbtrated with a num
ber of elegant cuts typical of the editor's
oppreciation of the election of Cleveland
and Hendricks to the highest office within
the gift of a free people.
The clam is gradually p;orai,"itiiig it
self all aloDg the California coast. It is
only ten yenrs since tho bivalve became
common on the shores of San Francisco
bay, and now it is found as far down tho
coast as Santa Barbara.
Now is tho season for duck, and tho
hunters are bringing in largo quintitics
from tho bikes over in Kentucky and Mis
souri. They are cheap and good. They
have always been a favorite dih, as wo
read in Hunan history that 'Didnet dux."
"For t .vo loads of good st vti wood wi
will send this paper to any address for
twelve mouths. This proposition is gener
al." We clip the shove from the Marion
County Press. Hither indefinite, but it
would be a bargain anyway for the wood.
Wm. May, an industrious fanner living
across the river in Missouri, on big lake,
bus sent thu Charleston Courier some sweet
potatoes weighing over six pound, and
eighteen inches in circumference, Mississ
ippi county is hard to beat when the tries
her hand on potatoes, 'possums und water
melons. John W. Laflin proved altogether un
able to cope with John L. Sullivan Monday
night. From the commencement of their
mill it was clear tint Iiflin was afraid of
the champion's blow, and ho confined
himseir to efT.tts to hug himself out or tho
reach of pain, round Sully's neck.
-We hope tlmt the political rxcitcnwut
will not prevent theatre go. is from witness,
ing "Dad's Oil 1" to-night at thu opera
house, in which tho vivacious little actress
Lizzie May Ulmer assumes the leading
rob. Miss Ulmer caniu to us a year ago
a perfect s'.ranger and left Hiich an impres
sion as will draw a good house to-night.
Judge Dougla, of tho criminal court
of Memphis, has gnntcd an injunction that
restrains tho defendant from either writing
or talking about his claim to thu ownership
of certain property. If tho news of this
''new departure" in equity jurisprudence
reaches England, old Lord Elden will wako
up ami try to get out of his grave to find
out what tho world is coming to.
Tho llarrol lst)f.rg Democrat says:
"Now is the timo for a farmer to devise
ways ar.d means for the comfortable living
of his domestic animals dnring the Vmier.
Tho biting December winds bring as much
discomfort and pain to thu shivering horses
and sheep upon tho hillside ts to poorly
' I i-S
r.'v'V " I -":?SHf
protected human beings. Muto hutl'.rers
they are, but wasted forms and attenuated
I'tnbs as inevitably follow want and expos
ure with them as with us. Jhiinuniiy and
f.'lf interest prompt us to provide the most
coiofnrtablo quaiters potsililu for our ani
mals during tho winter."
Tivonion, who have been working for
the government on tho Mississippi levee,
v"t into a row at lleibrri's K.dowi i.biutl)
..'lock last night. One of them, ufn-r be
i;':,' knocked down, went out ami then re
mui g Willi it knife cut bis nss.il int, l iv
ing him u very ugly cut across the l ice
m Vioiiig one or two mteries. The wound
w is sewed up by Dr. Parker, and i not
likely to prove clangorous.
Tint the uiaii'igersof Mr. BUim 's cm
v.ibs Imve been laying pinna to rupture the
vote of New York by fur or foul m.-ans,
there is no longer a question. But tiny
will n it sii 'ceed. Thu hour when Mich
men as S eve Eifcins and his helper could
io iii!(Mimie mo yo'u oi a statu at wiil ims
forou-r passu,! in this country. The p 'ople
are on top and will not still r themselves to
be ilcfiauded out of an honest and fail ly-
won victory.
Tho Henderson (Ky.) Semi-Weekly
Importer says: "N ) rooster, but the great
American eagle himself, graces our c .l
limns as the herald of the triumphs of .le
nu cracy. We don't care about having u iy
crowing, hut we want the news lme tar
and wido over the bro.ul land which, in
the expressive language of Hen h r.-o:i.
great orator, Brown, last Monday nht,
has been "redeemed, rcgenct ate I mi l dis
Wi! hear that Larry Ulti, in dep. ml. nt
candidate for ru-election to the office of cir
cuit court clerk in Pulaski county, ha he it
en his opponent, Brown, who was the I'r
ular republican nominee. It was a hig
tight considering tho largo republican maj
ority and com-ihting largely of negio v-tns.
Larry must hive been not only an excellent
officer, but a gentleman of popular in .li
ners to have succeeded in overcoming a
majority of C')0 in sj small a total vote.
- Yesterday Capt. Mark Cole virtually
finished his government contract at ('.rand
Chain, tho last l) ko being completed with
tho excep'ion of about filty yards of und-
ing and paving. It is a handsome piece of
work, level and paved with rock, like a
boulevard. The upper dyke, finished y. s-
torday, is 22 feet wide and half a mile long,
extending out into the river from the Illi
nois shore. At the preseut stage it is out
of tho waer about four feet. Tho lower
dyke is the same width and ueaily a mile
long. Captain Col.; has been engaged on
the work the past four years Ht such times
as tho stage of water would permit the men
to woik.
The unkindest cut of all, thu Chicago
Tribune is responsible for the following:
'If Cleveland has carried Now York Couk
ling alone has thrown enough votes to him
in Oneida county to mike up more th in
his majority. This is Conkling's return to
the republican party for all tho honors it
has heapel upon him, and this is the way
he proves his stalwart republicanism. His
malicious treachery will cause many people
again to Lelievo that ho inspired Guiteau to
fire thu fatal ball into thu body of Gar
field." The followers of Mr. Conkling, and
stalwart republican everywhere, will ap
preciate tho above.
Mr. Bluine, after his nomination by the
republican convention at Chicago, wrote a
very long letter of acceptance in which he
freely indulged in conciliating language
towards the southern dales and people, and
in his subsequent canvas an I speech's he
pursued tho s'linn cour-e until after the
state election in West Vainia, tho state
going democratic by a moderate majority
only it was yet quite pufllcient to irritate
and induce him to bring foith the sangui
nary garment and give it a big shake. This
was a sad niitak! on his part, but it Bei ved
to show w hat sort of a man l e h. Tho peo
ple have shown that they do not appreciate
his eff.rts to stir up bad blood to revive old
animosities by appealing to thu wor.il ele
ments in human nature. It is in safe man
or statesmanlike to seek to open old wounds
instead of ouiing oil upon them and thus
closing them forever. In s .mu of his re
cent Utterances bu Ins exhibited the fiatno
narrow sectionalism, but Mr. Blaine has
mistaken the temper of the people a shown
by the cll'eut of his speeches in Indiana:
"Wherever Mr. Blaine spoke in Indiana tho
democrats made heavy gains. He waved
thu bloody shirt at Fort Wayne, thu demo
cratic gain was 1,500; nt Indianapolis it
was 1,000; ut South ),.i( 7q. Ilt Xerre
Haute, 800; at Evansville, COO; at Logans
port, U00, and at Lafayettu thu democratic
gain was 300. Thus it will bo seen that
Mr. BUino's magnetism didn't Amount to
much and that the bloody nhiit had lost its
power." Wohopu he is not yet too old to
profit by experience.
We have heard quite a variety of opin
ions and remarks made with reference to
Jay Gould, Wm. Vatiderbilt and other
wualthy and prominent republicans tele
graphing thetr congratulations to the pres
ident elect Orover Cleveland. It strikes
us as being right and worthy of commenda
tion. These men by so doing show their
own cotifl lcticu In th-i Intelligent conserva
tive business capacity of Mr. Cleveland,
and that that they have no fears of the
administration being conducted other than
in such a way os to foster and develop our
country and her material Interest. It also
l. ,U. 4 .......!.!.. ..r . i. . ! e
oinjtta mm uuimuu oi a aiiiau array oi oi-
flee holder an 1 political a Ivenfurer, thu
intelligent and sultantial men of the coun
try th' recato thu excitement and turmoil
created by rn'uur."ooiiab!o pretense of nnV-lnhe-mid
Ir iuds in the eh ctio'i returns ot
New . rk. The rion-cffir.it holding con
serva'ivj men ot iln country only wish t
do what is just riuht mid lawful, and to mi
proach every m itt. r of national important:
in a coot and itispimM.inat.) manner. The
returns n- c llected by a half .. ,, n differ
en! papem as well a the national commit
tees show prima fade Ch-vi-l mil's cleeth
ami it wns natural and u-tial for thu di
u.ocrary to announce mat tact at thu time
and in the way it was done. Put Chair
man Jones of tho republic in eominittt
in Fending out his proclamation declnrii
Blaine to I..; elected tuts up fraud in a gen
eral way and fails to point it rut. Win
approached he mi s it i a so. -ret that must
not be disclosed until the proper time, or
words to that effect. So that Ihe who!
thing on tin- part of III line, Junes C.
savors very strongly of rascality.
Abiisinif . t. Jtilni.
The d. diluents had their Butler, and the
repuhlicani their St. John. But there is a
dill'erenee. Abundant evidence has been
adduced to prove that Butler was in the
(.ay of Ibaiue, receiving $."5,000 p.-rw.ek
for -e;ving ill.; base ends of a stool 'wiu mi
to draw democratic volei from ( levelnt.d
Nothing has jet been olfered to show that
St. John served Cleveland in 'his capacity
but there is ample, rolnit proof in the per
son a I character of Gov. Cievcl ind that no
sin h bargain was made or was po-silile,
But St. John is being denotum-d hy the
Blaine"organs a thu choicest bit of Bene
dict Arnold, the Jud is I.-cariot of Hepub
licanUill. Now these intemperate zealot
ifi tho pain of their fresh smart und bruise.-,
in the fury ol their I htll.'d hopes, are s ly
ing things of e h'cll they will be n.-h allied
if they ever return to a co;,d tioii of s-city.
There is obviously no ground .m
which a reputa'.le ni-.n mid
a r sj.ectnblj orgai.i. ition m iv
!.e a-je.il. -1 for making a political )L.ht
in this country if they m kc a b-iim fide
eoiife.-t on a definite platform of principle
and are not secret'y in the semen of moth
er aity which they pretend to oppoS". No
decent man would dare affirm that the pro
hibition party was not both earnest, honest
and zealous, and it gois without s-ajing
that if St. John bad declined thu honor of
leadership another and peril .p more effi
cient m:i:i would Invo been s- lected.
The Meanest Men.
The al irmist f re just now the most con
t. tnptible people in the community. With
the business of the country brought to the
verge of bankruptcy bv republican misrule;
considering that there have been more elis
astrous failures during tho past yeir than
in similar period, except during a pure;
with agaicu'.turul products below the cost
of production; thousands of men out of
employment and their wives and children
begging bread, th- se pessimists talk uf the
ru:n to business of an administration four
months in thu future. Were Cleveland's
inauguration to eb.y, they might with a
shallow pretense claim that business would
bo endangered if it could bu shown that a
purely executive cflicer had tiny influence
in shaping legislation. Cleveland will
make no laws, lie will nvirely approve or
veto those passed by a congress, democratic
in one branch and republican in the other.
Meu w ho raise this cry should receive the
most hearty condemnation. Their cry is
malicious, spi eful, revengeful. Every nun
in business win seek to create alarm by
pretending to cancel orders for goo-Is or
claiming to bu willing to rl se nut at .r)0
per c.-nt. on account of deinoer.ati: ascend
ancy fhouhl bu Hp-cited by all democrats
and S Misiblu republican", and trade taken
from such i nemicof c mimerclal pro-pcrby
and given to men wh ihavu sense or hones
ty enough to pur -iiu the tenor of their way.
knowing that no man or parly can interfere
with thu h .veieigii laws of tni le A man
who Iris no other rea ui for canceling an
order for good than that the demorratin
party will control the government, should
at once secure a cell at the Jacksonville
In-line asylum, or apply t Minium for a
position of chief crank.
Those who want to sell out Ht BO cents
on tho dollar will find plenty of buyers, if
their goods are les than a century old. If
votes could bu influenced by such venomous
stup'dity, at least a motive, though .nsc,
could bu seen; but when thu votes are all
cast and tho only thing to bu done is thu
addition and mi notinc iniit of the result,
this disposition to alarm those who are igno
rant Is so infamous as to bring down the
severest malediction of all good citl.cnv
B!oomington Bulletin.
The Great Exposition.
On the 18th day of December next, very
little more than a month from this date, is
the time fixed by tho commi-hioncrs for
opening tho world's exposition at New Or
leans. General Dinn, president of our sis
ter Mexican republic, as well as hundreds
of other dlatinguished men, will bo present
and take part in thu opening of tho exhibi
bilion. It Is now eight year s'nee tho grand
centennial wotld's exposition at Philadel
phia, which so far i clipsed all previous ex
positions that many supposed it would not
13, 1884.
Wit urn uli.. I..,, ii... i . .
navin-iiluM ' "71 ' rrT ",,Ht
c . i.o. '"Wr"1 '"'"urteiurer. lu ll. Kast
......... i " mi u u
Our (;iot liim: is Xor like oiIut i 2iii- ;v "" -': ny of
ftr.llnu ira!-' tW urv i ,
53M)on'( to ce
p l a.
1-iT Musicii.l
101 Commercial Ave.,
- . i I I III I; I W I F I II' rtHMl in .(.f i .lu
to M ".cos i. u- l nir-l.ui.,,,,.,1 mi ey Hie . ; : , ' V',"Y ,v u",,"" from
h .'.w,. u mi. I in, i h. oar ,.. h . ( j j ,1 lrl , in, ,i,rV.- - M,Irler to miy ydn i-vcr
snv ..'our. , t tor. oo, I, vf-. On, i r i; . .''i. ar ! m .hi"k"" .U.r f,icvt Umet
Jajiannod licrlin and Agate Ware,
)ii(l Crtjjes, Until Tubs, Water Coolers & Ice Crcum Freezers.
Afft'iit lor Adams 1 AVcstluko Oil. (Gasoline ami Gas ktovc, Detroit
Safe Co., Hamilton Steel I'lows, Cliillod flows, Walkinar Cultivators,
Corn Sliellers, Planters, Ktc, l'.tc.
n 97 Or
iXUh. Li l
'i j.n.KPiroxj': no. jo.
lie kiuhIIciI vvitlun n life time: to come.
From tlio riioiir:iL;eini tit yifi-n ly ur own
t'ove'innu-nt mul pernio nn.l frnm foreign
e,'nverniiii iits vn.l pi-oplc, nnd t It u (,'rnrjil
tie'ilt; upon v 1 1 ' r 1 1 Mm r' iniiiissii.iier.s loive
iinne.l hmiI ctHtru.-.t''.! tho luiihlini;! hti 1
tho e.t.-nsivet!es-i nl every prepiir-ition lor
the i-xpositi.it), it ran KMtccly t 0 iloiihteil
tint it will pr.ive the cr-'iilett aiel nio-t iit
tt ietive worlil's t-Mio.'iitii'ii that htis ever
ti hel l in this "r finy other county, (.ml
in y Il-ver h i i xcellr.l.
'I'h'' Unite ! Htit' s nn.l tlio republic i.f
eX:C' L ive lillt H.-reiitly ritlfieil a reripro-
ity treitty uti ler which tho ni'iny iiicclisn-
i c 1 Hti.l Htrifii 1 1 urnl products of eiich will
he ii'lniittu I 1'iee of duty io'o tho oilier.
There is tin qu.-stii.ii of h In rye a n i increas
ing tritihi 1'i.iwintf up hetween tho two
countiieH. 1 ho Lnitud tute will t'tku
Her, mint'iiiU fruits Mini other pmeluctinnn
of Mexico ntnl in turn she will take ours.
Wo will Hell them iiricliiriery of ull si.rts
Htid thu prnihct of fkillinl liilmr of every
When the rxjioHition opens tho tido of
trsvid will he turnel town-da the! Q leni
,'ity of the h utli, Munh of it will pnes
thrniiLrJi our own city. SInny will stop
either in ynin' or roniiiijr to tuk.i a lord's
ye vii w of Cuiro. If fnv.mibly inipifsss-
I wilh tho siipi rior inlvnntnes of tho
pUcu us ilistrilmliiiy center, us wo holievc
tli'-y will hr, we shsll ulso reHp sotno of the
benefits rrmiltine; fnnn tho gront world's
exposition Ht New Orleans.
Tho expo ition nt I'Lilndolphm in 1370
opened in thcKptiriLj mid closed in October,
but tho New Orlesns world's exposition be-
fjins in I) 'c.oiiibnr mid continueg through
the winter thu best snd most plessmit
season of thu ycir in tlmt city,nnd thu one
ulwsys preferre d by nottherti in.po fur vIb
itiniftlinmutli. With the double nttrnct
ion of buliny nml pleiisunt westher lidded
to tint of tin opportunity to see the pro
ductionsof thu world, tho finnncittl ng well
as thu cotninrrchil BUt'cccs of tho etilerpris-
in-,' cil'zeris of Now Orlcnns, who Iihvo t'lk
entho lend in di v.-loppifj this profit enter
prise, will wo bulievo will be fully real-iccd.
' ""l" fii.tinna vor In s.
milium rill not n .
i hi' si..i m. li, mi nil. r I lii.i yal.li,; Hn-, nf. (iooil
at siicl. .,w
I-, no ii, ui. nullum u-.ir c-iu,ii!lil'M tu
.....I 41. . J I ... . " "I HI'' II' fc
our Stock. ,"rrr ;;,,,":,"M '"Uriw. rm, ,tyiva
A. .:. BUDEH,
KsTAIUJSli;i) 8f.;i.
ldav -:- P
rosu vnt.fi l
I '
Di.imoiKN, .Solid Silver,
rr u ;d-av A 11
Iiisti,uniciit.s. St. Louis Prices Duplicated.
A Eisrhlh Slnet,
OO, CAIKO. 111.
Ono Nliht Only.-
EiiHi'i m.-nt ol'tbu Universal K-oritc,
lizzie May Ulmer!
un.) llr-t pr.'irilun at this theiit'o of tho Now
EiilOiiihI DuiiitKiic t'on.-il). iirunia, writlon
i'xp'i-hly f,ir Mist Vlmer l.jr Mr. K. J.
Sh .in., i-iititlcd
A I'lay of the Times!
Fallot' Strong Situations!
Pure in Sentiment!
J; icli in Humor!
and Crisp in Dialog-tie !
bj Mr, Julin J. Nrulmmt
r-A.lmtHl.)n 5-i nud 75c !
ft-rvi-.t i iitH nt liiiiler'n.
Rsllcry 3'c. He
rI lio Laitiihing lOvcnt!
New Orleans Minstrels
Kutiro Now Features!
Positively Kclipue all Past Efforts t
Grand SpertiieularMi itary Drill!
Ulitdiator t'ambat Clod
iratnmotli .onir and nance!
Pantomime in B'ack!
Tliu funnloKt of all Aftorplccuii, entitled
tffA(lmlsslnri, B0 nml 75 cnnt. Ohllerjf, 85
cuiu. jscats sucurud st UuiUr'i.
I V t J V..' Ill

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