A. 3'SiEWSJniWe3 04 - f Page Four DAILY ARIZONA SILVER BELT Tuesday, March 5" 1V ' ' f, i ARTICLES Or INCORPORATION OP TIIK BRITT COPPER MINING COMPANY Know All Men by Tlicso Proscnts: That wo, J. C. IJrltt and A. T. Hnm nious, of Olobe, Arironn, both citizens of the United States of America, huvo this day voluntarily associated ourselves together forie ,purposo of forming a corporation underHhe laws of the Terri tory of Arixonainn'd wo hereby certify, acknowledge and adopt tho following Articles of Incorporation: AUTIGIiK I. The name of this company shall bo and is tho Britt Copper Mining Com pany. AUTICLK IT. Tho principal place of business of this corporation shall bo in tho City of (Uobc, Gila County, Arizona Territory, and it shall have branch oflicos nt snoli other places as its Board of Dheetois may from time to timo select. AUTlCIii: III. Tho general nature of business trans acted by this corporation is as follows: (a). To purchase or othorwiso acquire, own, hold, sell, bond, rent, lease, mino and work mines and mineral lands and the products thereof. (b). To purchase or otherwise ac quire, own, hold, soil, bond, rent, lease and sublet water, wajer rights, machin ery, supplies, materials and other arti cles necessary or convenient for use in connection with nud in tho carrying on of tho business herein mentioned or any part thereof. (c). To purehaso or otherwise ac quire, own, hold, sell, bond, ront, lease, sublet, maintain, manage or construct pipe lines, tracks, reservoirs, roads, tramwnys, flumes, canals, ditches, em bankments, telephone or telegraph lines, railroads and other works, smelting and refining plants, property or appliances that may be incidont or auxiliary to the main business of this corporation, as set forth in subdivision (a) herein above, or that may bo deemed neces sary, expedient, useful or convenient to said niaiu business by the Hoard of Di rectors of this corporation. (d). To sell, convey, bond, leaso, mortgago or otherwise disoso of any and all of its property of every char acter whatsoever. AUTICLK IV. The amount of tho capital stock of this corporation shall bo One Million Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand ($1,250,000.) Dollars, divided into One Hundred Twenty-five Thousand (125. 000) shares of tho par value of Ten ($10.00) Dollars each. Tho said stock may be issued for money, sorvicos or proporty and at such times as tho Board of Directors shall direct, and tho con ditions of the issuance and payment therofor shall be prescribed by the Board of Directors. Tho stock of said corporation shall be non-assessable. ARTICLE V. The time of tho commencement of this corporation shall bo tho date of the filing, in the office of the Secretary of tho Territory of Arizona, a certified copy of these Articles of Incorporation and the termination shall be twenty five years thereafter. ARTICLE VI. The affairs of this cororation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors consisting of not less than five (5) per sons, who shall be shareholders. A ma jority of said Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and the first directors shall be J. C. Britt, A. T. Hammons, A. G. Smith, Geo. R. Hill and J. B. Newman, who .shall hold office until ten o'clock A. M. of the first Monday of March, 1908, and until their successors are elected and qualified. Thereafter the directors, annually, at a stockholders' meeting to be held at the office of the Company in Globe, Arizona, on the first Monday in March, at ten o'clock A. M., in each year, shall be elected and qualified for tho term of office commencing on tho first Monday in March of each year. The Board of Directors shall have power at any time to fill vacancies therein. AUTICLK VIL Tho officers of this corporation shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and such minor" officers as the Board of Directors may, from time to time, deem it wise and epedient to have. The President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elect ed annually by tho Board of Directors from their owm number at tho first meeting of tho Board following the an nual election of the said Directors. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may, in the discretion of tho Board of Di rectors, be "held by one person. AUTICLK VIII. The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which this corporation is at any time to subject itself, shall in no case exceed! Five Hundred Thousand ($500,000.) DRlJars. "ARTICLE IX. The Board of Directors shall adopt By-Laws for this corporation, which may be altered, repealed or amended by said Board. ARTICLE X. The private property of the stock holders of this corporation shall be ex empt from any and all liability for the corporate debts of this corporation. I.V WITNESS WHEREOF, Wo havo hereunto set our hands and seals this llth day of February, A. D. 1907. JOHN C. BRITT (Seal)1 A. T. HAMMONS (Seal) TERRITORY OF ARIZONA, County of Gila. ss. Before me, Alice M. Birdsall, a No tary Public in and for tho County of Gila, Territory of Arizona, on this day personally appeared J. C. Britt and A. T. Hammons, known to mo to bo tho persons whose names are subscribed to the forogoing instrument, and who ac knowledged to me that they oxecuted the same for tho purposes and consid erations therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office this llth day of February, A. D. 1907. ALICE M. BIRDSALL, (Seal) Notary Public. My commission expires February 9, 1910. 125 MINERAL APPLICATION No. 233. United States Land Office, Phoenix, Arizona, February 19, 1907. Notice 'is hereby given thnt E. A. Wayne, of Globe, Arizona, as attorney in fact for tho Globe-Boston Coppor Mining Com pany, has mndo application for patent to tho Silver Star and Eastorn Star lode mining clnima, Survoy No. 2324, situ ated in tho Globo Mining District, Gila County, in .Sec. 13, Tp. 1 N., R. 15 E., G. & S. R. B. & M., described ns fol lows: Silvor Star Beginning nt Cor. No. 1, whouco tho N. E. Cor. of Sec. 13, Tp. 1 N., R. 15 E., G. & S. R. B. & M., bears N. 78 deg. 42 min. E. 2000.4 feet; thonco S. 40 dog. 4 min. W. 141G.3 foot to Cor. No. 2; thonco N. 51 deg. 20 min. W. 000 feet to Cor. No. 3; thence N. 40 deg. 4 min. E. 1410.3 foot fo Cor. No. 4; thonco S. 51 dog. 20 min. K. tiOO feet to Cor. No. 1, tho place of beginning. Conflict with tho Pinal lode claim, Survey No. 819, containing .130 acre, is excluded. Eastorn Stnr Begin ning at Cor. No. 1, whonco tho N. E. Cor. of Sec. 13, Tp. 1 N., R. 15 E., G. & S. R. B. & M., bears N. G4 dog. 30 min. E. 1751.7 feet; thonco S. 39 dog. 3(5 min. W. 1410.1 feet to Cor. No. 2; thence N. 51 deg. 20 min. W. 573.3 feet to Cor. No. 3; thonco N. 40 deg. 4 min. K. 1410.3 feet to Cor. No. 4; thonco S. 51 deg. 20 min. K. 501.9 foot to Cor. No. 1, tho place of beginning. Conflict with tho Pinal Ibdo claim, survey No. 819, containing .238 acre, is excluded. Loca tion notices are recorded in Records of Mines, County Recorder's office, Gila County, as follows: Silvor Star, Book 3, pago 550, amended, Book 3, page 557, amended, Book 8, pnge 301; East ern Star, original, Book 3, pago 550, amended, Book 8, pago 3G. Adjoining and conflicting claims, as shown by the plat of survey, are unknown claim and tho Hechtman and Gill on tho northeast, Gnirott on tho southeast, Satisfaction, Pinal and Bamoy on the southwest, ami an unknown claim on tho northwest. MILTON R. MOORE, Register. First publication February 23, 1907. 175 MINERAL APPLICATION No. 234. United States Land Office, Phoonix, February 20, 1907. Notice is hereby given that E. A. Wayne, of Globe, Ari zona, as attorney in fact for Globo Hoston Copper Mining Company, has mndo application for patent to the Hello, American Boy, I. X. L., Cotton wood and Populist lodo mining claims, Survoy No. 2311, situated in the Globe Mining District, Gila County, Arizona, in Sections 13, 14, 23 and 24, Tp. 1 N., R. 15 K., G. & S. R. B. & M., and de scribed as follows: BELLE Beginning at Cor. No. 1, whenco the W. ' Cor. of Sec. 13, Tp. 1 N., R. 15 E., G. & S. R. B. & M., bears N. 29 dog. 31 min. W. 10S7.3 feet; thence N. 52 deg. 58 min. E. 1200.1 feet to Cor. No. 2; thence S. 51 deg. 31 min. K. GOO feet to Cor. No. 3; thence S. 53 deg. 3 min. W. 1260.2 feot to Cor. No. 4; thence N. 51 deg. 31 min, W. 597.5 feet to Cor. No. 1, the place of beginning. Conflict with the Aztec lodo claim, Survey No. 820, con taining .108 acre, excluded. AMER ICAN BOY Beginning at Cor. No. 1, whence the S. W. Cor. of Sec. 13, Tp. 1 N., R. 15 K., G. & S. R. B. & M., bears S. 30 deg. 38 min. W. 1484 feet; thence N. 53 deg. 3 min. E. 1429.5 feet to Cor. No. 2; thence S. 51 deg. 41 min. E. 599 feet to Cor. No. 3; thence S. 53 deg. 3 min. W. U29.5 feet to Cor. No. 4;' thence X. 51 deg. 41 min. W. 599 feot to Cor. No. 1, the place of begin ning. Conflict with Triangle lode claim, Survey N. 1(55(5, containing .339 acre, excluded. I. X. L. Beginning at Cor. No. 1, whenco the X. W. Cor. of Sec. 21, Tp. 1 X., R. 15 K., G. A S. R. B. & M., bears N. SS deg. 21 min. W. 297.(5 feet; thence N. IS deg. 33 min. W. GOO feet to Cor. No. 2; thence N. 41 deg. 30 min. E. 1403.3 feet to Cor. No. 3; thence S. 48 deg. 33 min. E. 591.2 feet to Cor. No. 4; thence S. 41 deg. 9 min. W. 14153.3 feet to Cor. No. 1, the place of beginning. COTTONWOOD Beginning at Cor. No. 1, whence the N. W. Cor. of Sec. 24, Tp. 1 N., R. 15 E., G. & S. I.'. B. & M., bears N. 83 deg. 21 min. W. 297.0 feot; thence S. 50 deg. 19 min. W. 1411 feet to Cor. No. 2; thence N. 48 deg. 33 min. W. GOO feot to Cor. No. 3; thence N. 50 deg. 19 min. E. 1441 feet to Cor. No. 4;' thence S. 48 deg. 33 min. E. GOO feet to Cor. No. 1, the place of beginning. POPULIST Beginning at Cor. No. 1, whence the S. E. Cor. of Sec. 14, Tp. I N., R. 15 E., G. & S. R. B. & M., bears S. 21 deg. 24 min. E. 417.4 feet; thejice S. 50 deg. 19 min. W. 1441 feet Mo Cor. No. 2; thence N. GO deg. 0 min. W. G97.1 feet to Cor. No. 3; thence N. 51 deg. 38 min. E. 1500 feet to Cor. No. 4; thenco S. 0(5 deg. 0 min. K. 571.7 feet to Cor. No. 1, the placo of beginning. Lo cation notices are recorded in Records of Mines, except as otherwise stated, County Recorder's office, Gila County, ns follows: Belle original, Book 3, pago 448, amended, book 8, page 3G7; American Boy Book 3, page 501, amended, Book 8, page 3G4; I. X. L. original, Book 7, Records of Globe Min ine District, nacre 149. amended. Book 8, pago 300; Cottouwood original, Book 3, pago 501, amended, Book a, page 355, amended, Book 8, page 306; Populist original, Book 4, page 372, amoiuled, book 8, page 307. Adjoining and con flicting claims are Cranccr, Aztec and Stallo' & Moody on the northwest; Pi nal, Satisfaction, Amber and Triangle on the northeast; Triangle, Tip Top, Os ceola, Darius and .Copper King on the southeast; and Canon on the southwest. MILTON R. MOORK, Register. First publication March 1, 1907. 181 AMENDMENTS TO ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION BK IT KNOWN, That lit the annual meeting of the stockholders of the In spiration Mining Company, hold at Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona Territory, on tho 23rd day of January, 1907, 2,217,210 shares of stock being represented and voting ut such meotiug, tho following resolution was unanimous ly adopted, a majority of the stock of the corporation, to wit,JJ,2 17,210 shares of stock voting affirmatively on tho said resolution, to wit: BK IT RESOLVED, That the Articles of Incorporation of the Inspiration Min ing Company bo amended in the follow ing particulars: That, in Paragraph First of tho Arti cles of Incorporation tho word "Phoo nix" shall bo stricken out and the word "Globo" inserted in its placo, so that the paragraph as amended shall read as follows: FIRST: The names of tho incorpora tors aro Edward Wildor, W. A. Neis wnnger, C. O. Knowlos, S. S. Ott, all of lopeka, Kansas, and tho name of the incorporation shnll bo tho INSPIRA TION MINING COMPANY. Tho prin cipal placn of business of tho corpora tion in Arizona shall bo at Globo, and the corporation may havo such other offices, principal or branch, oithor with in or without tho Torritory of Arizona as may bo established by tho Board of Difecors, at which offices nicotings of tho Board of Directors may bo held. That the following addition bo made to Section nine (9) of Paragraph Sec ond of tho said Articles of Incorpora tion: "to buy and sell and deal in mining claims and mining property; and, at any timo, by a voto of the majority of tho stock of tho corporation, to sell all or any part of the mining claims find min ing proporty acquired by tho coipora tion." ho that when amended said section shall read as follows: (9) To curry on a general real estate business, to acquire, buy, bell and own real estate and to lay tho same out in town sites, additions, blocks and lots, and to use, sell or rent tho same; to buy and sell and deal in min ing claims and mining proporty; und, at any time, by a voto of tho majority of tho stock of tho corporation, to sell all or any part of the mining claims mid mining property acquired by tho cor pointiou, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That tho President and Secretary of the Cor poration be authorized and directed to certify and acknowledge a copy of said resolution, and cause the same to bo recorded, filed and published in tho manner and form required by law, as the Amendments of tho Articles of In corporation of said Company, as adopt ed by the stockholders of said meeting as aforesaid. This is to cortify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution amending tho Articles of In corporation of the Inspiration Mining Company ns adopted by a majority vote of the said stockholders at tho annual meeting of the stockholders of tho said company, hold at Phoenix, Arizona, on the 23rd day of January, 1907, and that the undersigued E. A. Hosier is Presi dent and E. T. Wildor is Secretary of .the said corporation, and we do hereby certify as aforesaid. E. A. HOSIER, Prest. E. T. WILDER, Secty. STATE OF MISSOURI1, County of Jackson. ss. Before mc, Georgio Willinms, a No tary Public in and for the County of Jackson, State of Missouri, on this day personally appeared E. A. Hosier, known to mo to bo tho person whose name is subscribed to tho foregoing in strument and acknowledged to mo that ho executed the samo for tho purpose and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand aud seal of of fico this 12th day of February, A. D. 1907. GEORGIE WILLIAMS, Notary Public. (Seal: Georgic Williams, Notary Pub lic, Jacksou County, Mo.) My commission expires March 17th, 1910. STATE OF MISSOURI, County of Jackson. ss. Before mc, Georgio Williams, a No tary Public in and for the County of Jackson, Stato of Missouri, on this day personally appeared E. T. Wilder, known to me to bo tho person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing in strument, and acknowledged to mc that ho executed tho samo for tho purpose and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of of fice this 12th day of February, A. D. 1907. GEORGIE WILLIAMS, Notary Public. (Seal: Georgic Williams, Notary Pub lic, Jackson County, Mo.) My commission expires March 17th, 1910. J2 to Cor. No. 2; thonco N. 51 dog. 51 min. E. 1202.5 foot to Cor. No. 3; thonco S. 30 dog. 22 min. K. 100 feot to Cor. No. 4; thenco S. 47 deg. 8 mill. W. 1281.G feot to Cor. No. 1, tho placo of beginning. Conflict with Aztec claim, Survoy No. 820, containing 2.298 acres, is excluded. Location notices uro rec orded in Records of Mines, County Roc order's office, Gila County, as follows: Stallo & Moody, original, Book 2, pago' 197, amonded, Book 5, pngo 322, amend ed, Book 8, page 309; Red Cloud, orig inal, Book 5, pago 87, amended, Book 5, pago 323, amended, Book 8, pago 357; dancer, original, Book 5, page 050, amended, Book 8, pngo 3G9. Adjoining and conflicting claims, us shown by tho plat of survey aro Ruth, Giant Cactus and Biyan on tho northwest; Pinal aud Satisfaction on tho northeast; Satisfac tion, Bell, Aztec and Populist on the houtheast; and tinsurvoyed claims on tho southwest. MILTON U. MOORE, Register. First publication February 23, 1007. 175 MINERAL APPLICATION No, 232. United Stntes Laud Offico, Phoonix, Arizona, February 19, 1907. Notice is hereby given that E. A. Wayne, of Globe, Arizona, as attornoy in fact for tho Globe-Boston Copper Mining Com pany, has niado application for patent to the Rooster lodo mining claim, Sur vey No. 2302, situated in the Globo Min ing District, Gila County, in Sec. 13, Tp. 1 N., R. 15 E., G. & S. R. B. & M., described as follows: Beginning at Cor. No. 1, whenco the N. E. Cor. of Sec. 13, Tp. 1 N., U. 15 K., G. & S. R. B. & M., bears N. 23 deg. 40 min. E. 010.7 foot; thence S. 51 deg. 41 min. E. 570.2 feet to Cor. No. 2; thence S. 57 deg. 15 min. W. 1315.9 feet to Cor. No. 3; thence S. 5S deg. 10 min. W. 181.3 feet to Cor. No. 4; thence N. 51 deg. 41 min. W. 590.2 feet to Cor. No. 5; thenco N. 58 dog. lS min. E. 498.1 feot to Cor. No. 0; thence N. 57 dog. 58 min. E. 1005.7 feet to Cor. No. 1, the place of begin ning. Conflict with tho Search Mo un surveyed lodo mining claim containing .370 ncro, is excluded. Location notices nro recorded in Records of Mines. County Recorder's offico, Gila Counay, as follows: Original, Book 3, page 592, amended, Book 8, pngo 3G2. Adjoining and conflicting claims, as shown by tho plat of survey, are Gorrett and Gill on the northwest; Big Johnnie, Search Mo and an unknown claim on the north east; Search Me, Bowery Girl nnd Bed Rock on tho southeast; Winchell on the southwest. MILTON R. MOORE, Reg ister. First publication February 23, 1907. 175 Read the Silver .Belt Always up to date. IN THE PROBATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF GILA, TERRITORY OF ARIZONA. In the matter of the estate of Francis Jordan, deceased; notice of nmIo of real estate at Globe, Arizona. Notice is heroby given tint in pursu ance of an order of the Probate Court in and for tho County of Gilu, Territory of Arizona, mado on tho (Ith day of July, 1900, in the mntter of the estate of Francis Jordan, dccease.l, the under signed, tho administrator, will sell nt private salo to tho highest bidder, for en-ili, subject to confirmation by said Probate Court, on Saturday the 2nd day of February, 1907, nt 10 o'clock a. in., nt the office of the Justice of tho Peaco in tho City of Globe, in the said County of Gila, Territory of ..rizonn, the following described real property, to wit: West part of lot 32 in block 82 In I Globo townsitc, County of Gila, Terri- toiy of Arizona. Terms of sale: Ten per cent in ad vance; balance on confirmation of sale. W. F. RAWLINGS, Administrator of tho Estate of Franci" i Jordan, Deceased. Dated January 12, 1007. Read tho Silver Belt Always up to dale. OLD DOMINION COMMERCIAL COMPANY Our Spring Dress Goods and M Hinery are NOW ON DISPLAY OLD DOMINION COMMERCIAL COMPANY F RE E With SUBSCRIPTION We have a limited number of Webster's Condensed Diction aries, New Century Ideal Edi tion, which we secured at a low rate and will give one Free to each subscriber to the DAILY ARIZON SILVER BELT who pays one year in advance $7.50 buys the paper for one year and the book goes FREE. FLEXIBLE LEATHER BIND More than 1500 pictures are utilized in this work. Two pages illustrate the flags of all nations. The list price of the book is $2.50. This is FREE. DAILY ARIZOR SILVER BEL Brown & Scarian s DOOOOCOCOOOCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COLONIST RATES I IN THE PROBATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF GILA, TERRITORY OF ARIZONA. In the Matter of the Estate of A. C. Dellinger, Deceased. Notice of Hear ing. Notice is hereby given that Jano G. Dellinger has filed in this court her pe tition praying for Letters of Adminis tration of the estate of A. C. Dellinger, deceased, and that tho same will be heard on Saturday, the 9th day of March, A. D. 1007, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of. said day, at the court room of said court, in said County of Gila, Territory of Arizona, and all persons interested in said estate are no tified then and there to appear and show cause, if any they have, why the said letters should not issue to her as prayed for. Dated February 23th, 1007. 120 P. C. ROBERTSON, Clerk. MINERAL APPLICATION No. 231. United States Land Ofllco, Phoonix, Arizoua, Fobruary 10, 1907. Notice is heroby given that E. A. Wnyno, as, at tornoy in fact for the Globe-Boston Copper Mining Company, has made ap plication for patent to tho Stallo & Moody, Red Cloud nnd Crnncor lode mining claims, Sur.voy No. 2299, situ ated in tho Globo Mining District, Gila County, in Sections 13 and 11, Tp. 1 N., It. lo E., G. & S. R. B, & M., described as follows: Stallo & Moody Beginning at Cor. No. 1, whonce tho W. Yi Cor. of Sec. 13, Tp. 1 N., R. 15 E., G. & S. R. B. & M., bears N. 1 deg. 22 min. W. 586 feot; thonco N. 67 deg. 48 min. E. 280.3 feet to Cor. No. 2; thence N. 51 deg. 27 min. E. 1019.1 feet to Cor. No. 3; thonco S. 54 deg. 18 min. E. 580.3 feet to Cot. No, 4; thence S, 52 deg. 38 min. W. JI275.5 feet to Cor. No. 5; thonco N. lil deg. 48 min. W. 032.2 feet to Cor. Ncy 1, the place of beginning. Conflict with Aztoc claim, Survoy No. 820, containing ,025 aero, and conflict with Pinal 'Jaim, Survey No. 819, con taining .034 acre, arc excluded. Red Cloud Beginning at Cor. No. 1, whonco the W. Vi Cor. of Sec. 13, Tp. 1 N., R. 15 E., G. &S. R. B. M., bears N. 17 deg. 50 nam E. 493 feot; thonco S. 54 deg. 48 ir,'iu. E. 020.20 feet .to Cor. No. 2; theice S. 51 deg. 51 min. W. J300 feet .o Cor. No. 3; thonco N. 51 deg. 48 min. W. 020.20 feet to Cor. No. 4; theuco N. 51 deg. 51 min. E. 1500 feetto Cor. No. 1, the placo of be ginning. Crancer Beginning at Cor. No. 1,;' whonce the S. E. Cor. of Sec. 14, Tp. l',N., R. 15 ,E., G. & S. R. B. & M., Ij'earsiS. '47 deg.25 min. E. 910.0 feet; thenceAN. 30 degl 22 min. W. 200.5 feet 8 On sale to Arizona and New Mexico stations g from following Eastern points, beginning March 8 1st and ending April 30th, 1907. O From A4S-A WA ... ................. .p.f.lSU NEW YORK 50.00 WASHINGTON 48.25 PITTSBURG 42T00 CHICAGO 33J0O O ST. LOUIS .', 31.05 rrv,r noTmwt! ' n.' KANSAS CITY jil25,00 OMAHA 1 25.00 HOUSTON :'... 25.00 Jfc O Reduced Rates From Many Other Eastern Points Successors to I. 0. LOWTHIAN Fuel, Feed and Groceries P. O. Box 696 Telephone 751 Store Opp. De a GLOBE LUMBEP COMPil Wholesale and yi l.l. I M III Refoil Dealers Mining Timbers a Speciall A. TROJANQVICH Proprietor 0 o o . m i ! - o Uur new, elegant, daily, double tram service , from New Orleans will appeal to every require- o ment of your friends who contemplate a trip west. For furiher particulars call on or address your o nearest local agent, or E. G. HUMPHREY, Dist. Pass. Agent, Santa Rita Hotel Bldg. Tucson, Arizona JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHALLEY LUMBER C Successor to E. P. Kellner Lumber Co. Lumber of Every Descripti Doors, Windows, Lath, Shingles, Roofing, Etc. Alway Ready to Serve You Wm. Whalley, Proj ARIZONA STEAM LAUNDRY H. C. Hopkins U. S. MINERAL SURVEYOR Room 12, Globe Building CALENDARS For 1 908--Now taking orders at this office If you want the best results advertising can get for you try the DAILY SILVER BELT and be convinced. tyff - $ TV