OCR Interpretation

Daily Arizona silver belt. (Globe, Gila County, Ariz.) 1906-1929, June 04, 1907, Image 2

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87082863/1907-06-04/ed-1/seq-2/

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.Tuesday, June 4, 1907
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Page Two
p.mi.i.mi -.h mornlne except Monday. UL.L.L.UI Ilk. Willi I 1 1
Admitted to the mails as second class
J03. H. HAMTT.T,, Proprietor
Member of tho Associated Press
Daily, by mail, ono year.
Dally, by carrier, ono month.
Weekly, ono year .
Weekly, six months
Cash in advanco
Subscribers' Notlco
Subscribers pleaso notify this offlco
in caso of non-dellvory of the daily,
Monday oxceptod.
Advertising rate's made known on ap
Globo is to have n monster Fourth of
July celebration and it is" up to every
ono in tho city to get busy and lend
all tho assistance possible to tho com
mittees which havo been named to ar
rango for tho celebration. This is not
confined to business men alone, but to
all, merchants, professional men, miners,
clorks and other private- citizens. Tho
committees will at al ltimos bo pleased
to receive suggestions as to tho celebra
tion. Tho principal idea is to mako
it a huge success tho biggest and beat
celebration of tho birth of tho nation
ever held in this part of tho country.
It will bo a enso of boost from now
until tho Fourth and evoryouo should
do his part.
There is a movement on foot through
out tho territory, toward securing "bet
tor freight rates, that is becoming gon-
oral. Tho progress of Arizona has boon
considerably retarded by tho excessive
rates charged by tho railroads, who,
whilo they havo dono much to build up
tho territory, nro doing much toward
hampering its industries at this time
Tho railroads havo been fortunato in
Arizona in tho way of radical legisla
tion, but it will bo impossible for them
to prevent extreme action of tho next
legislature unless thoy extend to tho
people a part of tho consideration which
has been forced on them in other states.
The press in tho southorn part of tho
territory is becoming very insistent in
a demand for better rates and in a re
cent issue tho Douglas fnternational
Amcrican says:
During tho present month tho only
two manufacturing establishments in
Douglas tho Copper City browory and
tho Arizona Gypsum Plaster company
havo asked for a concession in tho
matter of freight rates which would
enable them to extend their trade ter
ritory. "Wo arc informed that they were
given but ittle encouragement and that
tho rates aro to remain practically at
what they havo been, which prohibit
them from soliciting patronage further
away from home.
In the enso of tho Arizona Gypsum
Plaster company, Mayor Adamson mado
n trip to San Francisco, where his pro
duct is in great demand. Ho found
that similar material was being shipped
to that city from tho stato of Iowa,
a distance of thrco thousand miles, for
$7 a ton. From Douglas to San Fran
cisco the distanco is only about ono
thousand miles and tho best rate offered
hero is $7, which is prohibitive so far
as shipments to San Francisco arc con
cerned. This incident but illustrates tho con
dition of ovory industry nnd enterprise
in tho territory of Arizona, and shows
tho hardships put upon our pcoplo by
tho railroads which aro in a position
to stimulate all manner of business in
this territory to their own profit.
Arizona can never hope to become
commercially important so long as pres
ent freight rates aro maintained by tho
railroads running through it. With 1
Paso on ono sido and Los Angeles on
tho other, both enjoying freight rates
from tho cast less than half what is
charged to Arizona points on many arti
cles, no man or company hero can com
pete for business with these cities.
A territorial association is boing or
ganized in Phoenix for tho purpose of
making a thorough investigation of
Arizona freight rates and to invoko
tho nssistanc of tho intcrstato com
merce commission in bringing relief.
To co-opcrato with this association,
Douglas should havo a local organiza
tion and our merchants should take tho
matter up without delay.
Peter Winkelman was down at tho
county sent this week on business, says
tho Florcnco Blade Ho has given tho
London & Arizona Exploration company
an option on his splendid ranch, situ
nted just this sido of Winkolman sta
tion on tho P. & E. Tho company is
now building a fino wagon road from
this ranch up to tho O'Carroll mines,
which now belong to tho company
aforesaid. A siding will bo put in at
tho ranch for tho accommodation of tho
company, and, oventually, a tramway
will bo constructed from this siding to
tho mines, distant about four miles.
Tho 7,000-ton smelting plant, to, bo
erected by this company in tho near fu
ture, will bo located at tho aforesaid
- .i -
Mark Bmitli and Tarty "Will Anglo for
Trout on Oak Crook Dclogato Re
cently Roturnod from Washington
Talks of Statehood Situation.
" To nnglo for trout nnd bass in Oak
creek, Delegate Mark Smith arrived in
tho city this morning with M. J. Kro
phy, mnnnger of tho Copper Queon
storo in Uisbco. Thoy will spond two
weeks on Oak creok, whoro tho Ashing
is tho host in tho southwest, says tho
Arizona Democrat.
Since his return from Washington,
D. C. Delegato Smith lias been in tho
southorn part of tho territory nnd in
Sonora to look after mining interests.
Ho reports more mining bomg dono in
Sonora at tho present timo than ovor
' Statehood is hardly a fit subject for
discussion," said Mr. Smith this after
noon, "but I will say that tho people
of this torritory should always bo on
their guard and ready to meet nny at
tempt that may bo mado to forco us-l
into jointure.
"Various reports aro in circulation
regarding the plnns of tho Republican
administration with regard to tho dis
position of tho territories. Ono of theso
reports is that thoy will ronow the
fight at tho next session, nnd seek to
forco us in.
"T do not credit tho statement that
Senator Foraker has decided to dis
continue his fight in our behalf, and
allow tho supporters of jointure in tho
senato to carry out tho plans ho blocked
so completely.
"Regarding national politics, thoro is
not much that I can say. Thoro is
much uncertainty regarding tho nomi
nees of tho two great parties. Tho
Republicans aro -broken into f notions,
and it may result in tho election of a
Democratic candidate to succeed Presi
dent Roosovelt.
"I havo found Arizona enjoying a
greater prosperity this year than ovor
before. I was in iiisbeo and the trou
ble thoro seems to bo about ovor. Tuc
son and Douglas aro busy cities and
tho country surrounding them appears
in a prosperous condition.
"I expect to remain in Arizona until
tho next session of congress, but will
bo in Washington early to feel tho sit
uation nnd learn, if possible, tho plans
of those who nro to bo constantly fear
ed when tho outonomy of Arizona is in
"Speaker Cannon will doubtless bo
just as determined as ever to join Ari
zona and Now Mexico, nnd if there
should bo any weakening in our forces
it might result disastrously to this tor
ritory. It behooves us to bo constantly
on our guard."
Delegato Smith did not care to dis
cuss tho Ananias club, to which Presi
dent Roosovelt has elected so many
prominent members during tho past
few months. Ho did not believe tho
ethics of tho ocension would justify
him in expressing his opinion.
Delegato Smith appears in tho best
of health, and so expressed himself
today when greeted by numerous of his
friends, who shook his hand and re
peated tho territory '8 thanks for what
ho has dono to keep Arizona from un
der tho yoko of New Mexico politi
cians. For two weeks Delegate Smith, Mr.
Brophy nnd others who . mako up tho
party, will camp on Oak creek, where
thoy will spend their timo in fishing and
Chnrlio Smith passed through Kansas
City today.
Democracy in 1908 Must Bo Neither too
Radical nor too Conservative
Answering your telegraphic inquiry,
I would say that neither tho south nor
any section should, in my opinion, have
a candidato for any placo on tho presi
dential ticket on account of its local
ity. Tho country is ono, nnd tho Dem
ocracy yet is one.
Tho chief requisites of candidacy are
ability, acceptability, and availability.
That fact should determine tho choice.
Expediency should bo tho handmaid of
principle, and ennnot bo overlooked in
tho present situation of tho Democratic
party. Ideas and principles should pro
vail and guide, and expediency should
serve them.
As to tho gentlemen suggested in
your inquiry as candidates, Culberson is
an excellent man of ability and good
judgment. If tho country wants him
tho fact that ho is from Texas, a great
and progressive state, should not stand
in tho way; but noithor should ho bo
nominated becauso ho is from tho south
or from Texas. Tho same may bo said
of Judgo Whito of Louisiana, though
his isolation upon tho supremo bench
has for tho most part removed him
from political contemplation.
Take tho right man from anywhorc
New England, tho west, tho north, tho
I say theso things with tho moro frco
dom becauso I havo novcr been and am
not a candidate. I havo absolutely
nothing to do with any actual or al
leged plan to put my nanio forwnrd, and
know nothing of any such plan savo
what I hear from tho press. I havo
folt it duo to candor and upon solici
tation to express my opinion on certain
issues. I did so, not only from settled
conviction, but for tho reason that the
crisis demands plain speech, and if
such radical issues aro pressed forward
thoy will surely lead to Democratic dis
organization, and it might bo to dis
persal. It is only my clear conception nnd
woll-balanced judgmont that tho Demo
cratic party can put itself in shapo for
victory. If wo becomo too radical, wo
will loso instantly thoso great factors
of business which havo all along sup
ported tho Democratic lino. On tho
other hand, if wo becomo too conserv
ative wo will chill and oliminato tho
intelligent nnd progressive men of all
classos and sections who aro in dead
earnest for whocsome reforms with ro-
spect to trusts, transportation and tar
iffs. Hence, if wo do not balnnco our
selves, with tho foot firm on fundamen
tal principles, nnd move forwnrd with
tho massive trend of men, resoluto and
sincoro to maintain popular rights, with
duo regard to nil interests nnd nil sec
tions, wo will suroly movo to our ruin.
Firo eators nnd speculative philosophers
cannot lend us in unison.
Wo must follow tho example nnd
counsel of Washington with respect to
our conduct nnd, liko him, "rniso a
standard to which tho wiso and prudent
can ropnir." Ho was tho most suc
cessful man of his ago, if not of nil
nges, nnd did moro pormanont good
for his country thnn any of tho moro
impetuous nnd moro brillinnt statesmen
of his timo. Tho country has cons
tantly grown toward him, and if wo
can employ his wisdom and prudonco
of conduct in tho application of thos
fixed principles of Jefferson which tho
country had mnny times nccopted, wo
will renhzo our best hopes ami desorvo
tho public approbation. Sonator Dan
iol in tho Now York World.
Rolling Stock for Freight and Passon
ger Departments and Construction
Equipment Recoivcd Hundred Bal
last Car3 for tho CHla Valloy Lino.
A consignment of much needed now
equipniont for tho Randolph lines has
been received and is boing apportioned
among tho various roads, says tho Tuc
son Citizen.
It consists of freight, passongor and
construction equipment, and comprises
orders which wero plnccd from twelve
to eighteen months ago. Prnctically all
of tho present rolling stock on tho
Mexican lines has boon cither trans
ferred from tho main systom or leased
from other roads, but tho plan is to
furnish now rolling stock comploto so
soon as ordors can bo filled from tho
In tho lot recoivcd lately thoro were
three first-class coaches, thrco baggago
cars and two combination baggage and
oxprcss enrs. Part of theso will go to
tho Maricopa-Phoenix and part to tho
Sonora lines. Ono hundred Rogers bnl
last cars will bo assigned for a time
to tho G. V. G. & N., to bo transferred
later to tho C. Y. R. & P. A number of
ballast cars of tho Hart convertible
typo nro en route, but at prcsont tied
up on tho E. P. & N. E. Thoro aro also
two now steam shovels for uso on Mex
ican construction work..
Work on tho Sonora and Sinnloa ox
tensions is progressing rapidly. Tho
recont importation of laborers from
China and Siberia have relieved tho
labor situation to a considerable extent.
There has been no rnco trouble between
tho two nationalities workmen. Both
came from tho same section Manchu
ria. Tho trouble on board ship with
tho last consignment aroso from the
fact that a difference was mado in the
food allowance of the Chinese and Rus
sians, tho latter boing accorded 'one
meal a day less than the former.
Ono of tho strangest deaths which
has taken placo at Benson sinco it was
founded was that of a Mexican named
Mohler, who was shot through tho heart
whilo a Mexican dance wns in session.
According to tho story told by three
Mexicans who were arrested by the
police on suspicion, Mohler was twirl
ing a six-shooter around his finger whon
ho accidentally shot himself through
tho heart.
At the timo of the accident tho danco
was in full swing, and a considerable
amount of poor wino had been con
sumed. Suddenly tho shot rnng out,
nnd tho officers boing notified, went to
tho scene. Thoy placed tho Mexicans
undor arrest and questioned them close
ly in regard to tho matter. All of the
prisoners were steadfast in tho asser
tion that tho dead man had accidentally
killed himself.
Tho story docs not seem plausible
to tho authorities and a thorough in
vestigation is now in progress.
m 9
Tho jury in tho caso of Earl Sparks,
charged with tho murder of Louis An
dre, nftcr boing out for less than half
an hour, brought in a verdict of not
guilty at Prcscott Tuesday. Sparks was
dofonded by Attorney LoRoy Andorson.
Andro was killed by Sparks December
31, about 10:30 p. m. pn tho street in
front of tho Palaco hotel. Sparks was
a gambler by profession beforo the new
law wont into effect.
United States Land Office, Phoenix,
Arizona, May 28, 1907. Notico is here
by given that Tom Doyle, of Globo,
Arizona, for himself and his co-owner,
Barney Rico, has mado application for
patent to tho Mule Shoo lodo mining
claim, survey No. 2331, situated in tho
Globo Mining District, Gila County,
Arizona ,in Sec. 21, Tp. 1 N., E. 15 E.,
G. & S. JJ. B. & M., described as fol
lows: Beginning at Cor. No. 1, whence
tho . Cor. of Sec. 24, Tp. 1 N., E.
15 E., O. & S. .E. B. & M., bears S. 7
deg. 59 min. E. 870.3 feet; thenco 8. 70
dog. 27 min. W. 1495 feet to Cor. No.
2; thonco N. 11 deg. 40 min. W. 509.45
feet to Cor. No. 3; thenco Jf. 09 deg. G
min. E. 1500.5 feet to Cor. No. 4; thonco
S. 11 deg. 40 min. E. 006 feot to Cor.
No. 1, tho placo of beginning. Location
notices aro recorded in Eccords of
Minos, County Recorder's office, said
Gila County, as follows: Original, Book
3, pago 351; amonded, Book 12, pago
200. Adjoining and conflicting claims
aro Copper Eoad and Evon Up on tho
north; Fraction on tho east; Tiger on
tho southeast; II. S. Fraction on the
south; and Castlo Hill and Copper Eoad
on tho west. MILTON E. MOOEE,
Register. L
First publicationmay 31, 1907.
Make Your Wants Know Here. You Will Get Satisfactory Results.
Advertisements undor this head 10 cents per line tho (lrst Insertion nnd Scents per lino eooh
subsequent insortlon. By tho month. $l.(v per lino. No ad InserUd for less than 10 cents. All
ads undor this head must be paid for in advanco. Discount to regular advertisers.
WANTED Competent waiters at the
Dominion hotel.
WANTED Chambormaid
Dominion hotel.
at onto at
WANTED Business womon to travel
represent a wholesale firm. Apply
room 28, Dominion hotel, Mrs. M. (J.
Hall. 210
JAP BOY WANTS situation in mining
camp or boarding house. Address
Jap, this ollico. 202
WANTED Dining room girl at Mur
phy's boarding house in North Globe.
wife as cqoks in boarding house or
mining camp; can handlo twenty-five
to htirty boarders... Address J. A. B.,
this office. 205
FOR RENT Housekeeping and furn
ished rooms. Call immediately this
office. 210
FOR RENT Four-room house, stable,
chioken house, good yard, good well
of water; on tho Ballground, south of
bchnolhoiiHC. Inquiro of Owen Mc
Kovitt, box 281, or at McKcvitt house
north of bridge. tf
FOR RENT Three-room house. Apply
at big whito house with screened
porch near Dreamland.
FOE. RENT Room in tho Postofflce
building. Apply at Silvor Belt office.
Bathing in Dead Sea
"No sooner has one plunged into tho
water than ono is whipped off one 'a feet
und goes bobbing helplessly about liko
a wretched cork," says tho Rev. Has-
kett Smith of bathing in tho Dcnd Sea.
"In tho effort to regain one's footing
and to got back to tho shore, one's
feet nnd shins aro barked by tho jag
ged stones and pebbles, and when at
longth ono docs omcrgo from its trcach
crous bosom, with tho lower limbs all
blooding and torn, one becomes aware
of a horriblo tingling nnd burning sen
sation in oyes, cars, nostrils, mouth and
almost ovory pore of tho skin, from
brino and bitumen which have pene
trated everywhere.
"Unless great care is taken the
bather in tho Dead sea is liable to an
eruption, which breaks out all' over tho
body, and which is commonly known as
the 'Dead sea rash.' The best antidote
to this is to hurry across as quickly as
possiblo to the River Jordan aud take
a second plunge therein. Tho soft aud
muddy waters of tho sacred but dirty
stream will effectually fremovo tho salt
that has incrustcd tho body." Detroit
Free Press.
Comparo our ico cream with the so
called ico cream that is peddled on tho
streets. It is easy to distinguish tho
difference. Our cream is pure. Andor
son 's Confectionery.
We frame pictures. Naquin k Co.
Eing up 372 for a painter. Van Wag
encn will call on you and give you a
first-class job.
Swellcst goods In town. Ladies' suits,
cloaks, silk dresses and gowns, waists,
skirts, hosiery, millinery, now goods,
switches, fancy goods, otc. Tho People's
Store, Dolph Baatz, Prop., Globe, Ariz.
Wc frame pictures. Naqain & Co.
Storago room phono 001.
Charlio Smith passed through Kansas
City today.
O. K. Livery Stables
General Livery and Feed Stables
Gaited Saddle Horses....Phone 481
Phone 481 W. P. KELSEY, Mgr. Globe, Arizona
IBLgfor - y ftryynF? flplffwWllHMP C n tv aWstBMsBBBsiIM
MlrffcC J?Kl!''l!'1Vy Ht r iii iiiilWtfByff-Tlv"Blfi3Bp',y VlUwr jj, flEBMsBBBBBHBBBBBBBBK if...
uliuivf'V Tvt -,&L,h.r t TMingflr I ti' y ffMrMiinrHBdBBMWff) iftil u.iwnlt ri t- "nr BBBBflBBBBBBBBBaBBBBuik JuBna
DOMINION HOTEL-Finest liostfery in the Southwest -80 Rosas-AH
Modern Conveniences and the Best of Service
FOR RENT Two rooms furnUhed for
light housekeeping. Second house
south of Hill street bridge, cast side.
FOR RENT Desirablo furnished rooms,
coolest in town. Mrs. L. G. Coombs,
'Ballground. tf
FOR RENT Five-room furnished house
on tho Ballground. Apply of Mrs.
Denis Murphy. tf
FOR RENT Two rooms in tho Po3t
ofllco building. Apply at tho Silver
Belt office. tf
FOR SALE OR RENT House of four
rooms on old Bajlgrtund. L. Walli
man, South Globo dairy, tf
FOR SALE Carload 2x48 and 2x0s
pine lumber. Jnquiro at tho G. V. G.
& N. railway depot. 203
FOR SALE House of five rooms, easy
torms; $900. Apply T. L. Soebold,
Whito House 210
FOR SALE OR RENT Restaurant fur
nished. Apply A. Gone Webb, Rooso
velt. tf
FOR SALE A Remington typewriter
in fiist-class condition. Address P.
O. box 230, Globo, Ariz. tf
FOR SALE Three-room house. Apply
Juli Maurel, box 221, or Clement
house. tf
FOR SALE Fine porcelain lined re
frigerator, Singer sewing mnchino
and baby carriage. Tnquiro at Dun
can's, across creek from depot. 200
Vegetables Prevent Cancer
Dr. Robert Bell, formerly prominent
among Scottish physicians, who is now
practicing in London, maintains that
cancer is not caused by any micro
organism, but results from faulty diet
and improper sanitation of tho body.
Lecturing beforo tho Psycho-Therapeutic
society, ho said that self-indulgence
was one of the chief factors in the pro
duction of cancer.
What wc aro pleased to call civiliza
tion, he sadi, had a great deal to an
swer for, and certainly cancer was at
tributable to flagrant errors in diet, for
which civilization was directly respon
sible. Ono of tho primary causes was
tho ingestion of too much red butch
er's meat. Pcoplo who disliked milk
wero very liable to cancer.
Plenty of vegetables were among the
necessities of a cancer resisting diet. In
his long experience he had only met one
cancer patient who wns a vegetarian,
and sho was ili from other causes.
Smoking, although an excitant of can
cer in tho system, could not produce it.
He did not hesitate to assert 'ihat
cancer was preventable and ho was san
guino enough to predict that before ten
years passed it would bo as raro as it
is now prevalent. London cable to tho
New York Sun.
Storago room phono G01.
Van Wagencn, next door to tho post
office, docs a general painting and pa
per hanging business. All work guaran
teed. When you aro sick go to the Indian
Hot Springs for a while. 209
Satisfaction our motto. We have
the best equipped paint storo in tho
city. Van Wngcnen, next door to the
postoffirc. Givo us a call.
Sowing machines for rent at J. P.
McNeil's Furnituro storo, opposite tho
Miners' union hall, Globe, Ariz. 149tf
m 9m tt
Storage room phono G01.
Deputy U. S. Mineral Surveyor
Just Received
A large carload of Stoves and Ranges;
the World's best
Monarch Malleable Range v
Moore's Merit Steel Range
Stewart's Steel Range
Excelsior Steel Range
Cast wood and coal Cook Stoves. Gasoline
Stoves and Ovens
A large car of Alaska Refrigerators and
Ice Chests, white enameled and plain, all
sizes and prices.
' A large assortment of Art Squares and Rugs
Cheap and High Prices
Old Dominion Commercial Co.
We have received and have now on display
a large line of
consisting of
SHADES 4 . u
We have received anew line of Millinery.
Buy Your Bread, Pies, Cakes,
Etc. of Us
A 1 MI
Ainu win convince you tnat ours is ine Dest
bread in town. We have a complete line of CAKE
DECORATIONS for special occasions and can
make a cake that will "take the cake." '
Buy.tScoble, Sobev&Co.
Finest rooms in the city.
Everything new, rates
reasonable and special
inducements offered to
getting accommodations
by the month.
Pioneer Dairy
Anderson Sc Blake
Freeh Cream and Butter
milk in any quantity and
always on hand
Opposite Miner's Union Hall
.1 11.01
Of the quality you want, in the
quantity you require, is our of
fer in Meats ana Poultry.
Another offer we propose
careful handling, cutting and
Still another, lowest selling
price the market will warrant
With such a combination,
roved Ljl years of square
ealing, ought we not to n3ve
your trade?
Pioneer Meat Co.
Watch Repairing and Hand Engr
For carpets and linoleums laying
general bouse cleaning.
Call up Fhene 691.
Bead the Silver Belt Always t?
- vEbUbKHs
! .,.5 i A-ig&ft
J 3fc A;W Ji4s
4 Ai

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