OCR Interpretation

Tensas gazette. [volume] (St. Joseph, La.) 1886-current, March 30, 1894, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87090131/1894-03-30/ed-1/seq-1/

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$ 9
dU(H TULLIS, EDITon. .\lYT .IOS'EPHIl. L,.\.. FRID.11.\I, I.RCH 30 1s9!( Aw Zl'- J I1'). Lo ..
BRY GOO .I, xO1'IO ' S. )OF AI :M 31. F:.
It wiltle Its to he* Iiit** .".1 ."t 11."1". ina1 te. "m'e rat~'1. q e.s..'t.' ,,,ec.l eiubri
Natches, *
New Fall ant Winter Dry G'oti3 is Raiii'
A e'aqual 'tin'. is illl)l.:it to sa1 th' * ri/nrt v I
Of otu r t).¶i nvnr rI' I *tI r* in 1 itto I.s,. "",I v1 " 4 "iit
fromt oar seeItrol' I , I'e151t4 p.Ltis1m. a c l )ti Itt a n~t of
thcir libe'ral patronage.
Our Mall Olrdpr n-partm'rt rreeIveS
lab b at attentioan. and we gsaarientee
satisfaetion In every particular.
Sm ruiatfle4 ,"rutst~niMaoe' I rec .
40 1 Main Street, Natsho emiss.
x.3 UL LM T & CO., ,
D~ealers in I
Fine and Medium Clothing, and
All the tlatAtt novelties as lbEIll a. tl.'"v (C)Il otut.
W ill not be under sold by a nyi 4111. Ca!l a n d e ut , I nd 5taro
o01viued tha(t we aLre ICUadCr' d '
Fashion and Low Prioes Suits Md133 0 Order.
103.and 188 1 Commcr.e 8..:43 -:1tt M 3 1
PLANET .UNI)/It (1.LT'IY ) , Ii
4I4NY R, IpIVIWI WA, . F : kQUt.1. ' 15 C TOsV P'L I VTt. S
Harrows, Swcwp', ýerac ers "5
and all iiuapr~r^ý.v1 r~rietru nlai
lintlente st>4. IHainets, Traces '
Co iiar, Bridles, hack l I-aalcli ',
4 'nrrv C(,lnhsb, Briar He,,kr, 1
Wr~FCt~et. Haiti.N Ic) liti ileii,
Nails, Wagon Material amid
Swill Wire.
The ::ii'. e- .'A C.. tt "S i.1.
'ectioll, f r w1'itait we "I4I.ji+i rI
tit.. of !'t!$Ilel slit l nttlt":. all I1
preciated ordirs of our i "n
1*TTatohez, " - -iss j1'
W 101ESLIE. .
eAhIl. WLOUS, MEAL. P3 4iViglff (S,
ST!CRSRUR G...... ...... ·· ý,ý;Ei
lsvunn' For GhothesIIb+ '(,
S 12, S1. and SI ~, C~u~te an Ov~r :- (
brna glei* uarcl· kamemw...t tlci Cliji ciw I S e4 I * tlcs.St Ce. Ktcil~r I ew m
*f Wrtghlae, tears. I. I1,e·ae Skr bre'v le slll, I lee Stall(·,, e..matt · ci,
.11. B._sTEYEkNS. &: ('4., (I hIVE~lD).?
122~ & 124 CainaI St. YJEWOT( IUAI~NY ~ ti;'.l
* F~JRD 16AER~S.·
lr9 Gray88 e re ~ot, n~u ':~~.~
UIkac Apa1 f.rw NeW Qrleaaa of *he Plolioauj~ IFruF~
Claus U'lno Zaqra~as Coapaimi a. .
Lonvgoj, and t Ina,.oa~ir~e, !m.*'uri'vi Pie·~, F-rr, irilii:
* .Peroalnts, of Xewark, De~a wre,
%an6atteu Uieb Iru~r'tql~ C'~e(onatrrrIIq, of X~au, .) tir
tibrraJ £Ia* Wvg tt. r
relIntle 131 I b 1.:3li;trilt latsin
I 1lthe i,'la.
tLailra-c I an.*I. 1 c. **ra .,.ci .e a
terlt dil t orf lhlers. iilnigtitlloa Soh
' ilsa" alallce within the mi.*r.ae1l .lg
I clc'.a - eicthtlle*, 4riigi;. * i- Itil e. Iho
Sl wingirsu Ihls ic5lc esl.ar t. l hasriou ca
I".e :i; " 11 5iel ear"". . a 1 1.. ic 1 s la igicd '"
1 it le ".r file-t ' ela -ice-as ii 1+i1 *% ils.;
il r1. acc * l a-h s lanusa-sen ca iclatsieelt
1 i r ac ica c ul ra-r Ia-smeg I -Ia, ari. 5.4
1 t1 11 otie 1ttr iton t ee1 * ..n141l t a1.1 '4.11o at
I o .t-a g ag i.t lit . Itrli t% I t l - raitllO. I
ang ,ic .ti, E I Sieas I a. 1 l. cr. cl'r . A an
It' o ilancaie te t,, oiilin a6.a'4 I a6 it I,,
I.call Iftot Ir.n thalut cali Iwl t a1tsia.
ciela. tiil i. hits avea'O r lc to-e.-i rail.
|1"" . sill .ilsai| is,.-alo .le.t lI.4r..
D I. lls. Iir* aeeo soo I'i.h l c i je ai.'
hI ait-asie -Ian lall a.l el t Ih ae le It
"raa Fai.ar's. 1'..8.11 a*caisag a
aaiisa slio t aI i r ll a * L a I l I4e11
141a11e. Itn i t 1 *al t e ag g- its e -i..J..*..
It ."..a. IIe teral oft the ed ***,4. " i.
.i.iNN lli asi.. ael l iih liug .ca-sl isi.t Ii
rrerillvc I Ni lanc Ir,.-ai loil Ithoit 1Ill
ulitei-i- wi h lla sha tla i .a1. 4.c i.oasi s ail -
4 . i . .sI ililt a iie c lt hi.ll .. i-laI
:,l t a tloor*s to the e baesillaltl iuiao
.l Ni Slcti-l ,h uii g No* o wi ai,,"i n fh
Se: alair elr Tells r I l" Ile. map
portie Mr. Wi.: .
WeI.siingilolen , toa a. - lIa %% o
as c.ia " ihc S l- h Iha-ci l.a .-Ai ic."iM cle l cIl
II. style :hr AKI rAsag\.. rii .c, :.kill
I o l iiari i gi .iima asji cl . Ia.ts K. I)
4'' -Irll agaIlct ht easlclirnig ' ll coc l..
11e cc a". at l.etlsh @-I. INSah Necaihi. *:1
I' eas .as a Cl la t 11141 i kas cI w s a s l I
1 or. 1l els r.-J* el t **li geiveM. . a
giani pla.tasns r c Ie -c'a ic 3 i l sn I ii
11 . W hiteilo Ni i18i1 1ailt .e a'O .r.
as .. Na Us.1 ai "c11tea1. ; Iced, l10 I ot.
i) hicagII' +Nll IaNloil ti.e . li il*c I *aica
ic i 14 ac i icIa I -lla' 4 f.4 % I."ga . c. -
I -. al ri c Nlih'.,, o ii ca -au h I
c-c' ,a-sl' Slil lcnciI Ir l a -rtics " 1 , . 1
.ei ls .it, i lalltcilcr . ,ac i 1. i..i" l
" a ,ll l .-1- 1 N,5r 111 61 1,4l0o lI l l ll.
.,. . IIt lo e .s.lir . o 1i "lI. . I., Iats 1-I
**i I rt. 6 1 0I . I1 A in "f Il :*. 1.* li.,
*..1 U.- genal* 11i l-e8t1c-c1 1 sh1-S1 Wi oil
'.c IIe b lleri lct ht." al 1% ailci janI ..a1
i to. . i n * -. Jaiigtol -11e. Us* 1.h lce- a
• r I ,I l (,l rl'. I It".t i,*., I ,iM " j @., II
..*. II'".I-I " lie I -cke i a ..s i ."
1..o i.et cll -l cc . 1r.1 iL I Cl.c 1..I*
.e -c te *lilll* h .1cc i l llc* l it at* _i .*
i+.h *. f ficcur alt -irai*e li.t t h e io I
cc' I aghila.ct .o1 seiM. lie. aiti saa -.
. .ie* c . i Y*k ,h il
INF.:rlJiFl L rhhi. . -
"til. I them eriP , i el i" s" l*'" e
arc ii , p i ,,cg tea t.ri a si...h.. */
II' a-. glcate cls-scc III .5 1. II',e a ic.e ...I
I -* Fi ; ai iha dlpi'tae.cl . isu .h Ilia
I a at racicW.clk a. W. Vta.. I
a-a--ly htalcI arseN ma ia Neal cIa. I
O' -a l caal 8o iccevacIrac l.. aa ,rcoa .. caal ia
*i' siec cud accipaicg 'hIa alcaccaiiocii" e'
- hiiaiataria- 1 1r l ce.a.c Icii. 'cc
• " c c. cIltig. - .us Itahos (c-et ilca r Na-a ic
lad Ta ca-s Nh.. . h,..
c"a arrcaca*li £baoh I- o . csu siOtoIch isec - b"
i• r o "il-la-et l io.lia- ecac*locqtecgc-aat c"
,ad llre **ite l b dsfeiud ,ie, l,.,
.-t. he lhl'i i ol ;l4 Oll
(A ` "ill~l .1 IIIIlcr " ga"(r I11.)i"lru(1f
wleegeek thceir 11.1es1+ 1'6. 1111,4 1.'ciel
'celegeete fle.. pa P I.;" ~'mleseetlifile. %IIe..
K111- I 1sl. )33 ew's sq resea W li il I is I,...
of e44 I4 leee.1'r'ee 5 lIe.5l let.- % -fell
ii Ii p"eresees l.' c'l .eerq at 'c 1u I leia
e. I te"
+ I11 W-111'.1 Ice well II to.1ss1000..44'.
>< acls Ilsel.sll"ets. lee .el l , 16 4 eal I1..1
* 'a*. a cs 1. .' c1l ernil 1 e."."' le1 a. ".tsel
j51.e'...t 1*J cicut o lat . Ieirace e11el1 'Ie
S..eIs(e. 1TI.' t'.e .1s.11 t5.$ fel uI I
tle'aI)r Shu1t I I1e' 111 tie.1 it.9d.I In. "
0"Il .egtescr. e' "5"r le"Iec. ill life.
4"4.41"le ""f lifse Uemeee.l 8ilt01" sebsiki
I l.a.i er is psllir e. useeltc,,?lel. ans II.
,c.ue t1 Ices'' ".res.e.l .1N.i ll'se15e'lse1 t
leneel .I* l ·Pic . " eea' t. I It I htlh
4l"rresl .1010-19.1 1el Ilcir Yem". recece-sI
. %1119411 1 I0" ra:.t ..'Ir.l ·r~l
Ti,.' . r we ls It see f- less t. atilt t1' "
it ',1 ''.' +1 '"rt'1r lie' 1411 e Il'Ai j
I.I..1:1 aleesmal A.1 sa&. srss'e'I Isec eehy.e.
5 a " le"e15 leero t 11 .1 1e"sut I a e'al l.' aes
5e"a+.r Iracce 0"h e.11 '11 .*ss.m5 e'sg
p.i5. 1cll1 lgea Itah* SW' .11: a 1 5e".a.
ee.teeseeJ eec'.. r'., seeý ecc.ecci Tr
.ss ~ce seg.' te;lge' saJ/lecee l( e Iae
Iswc r iii ".Ierre'.* 1.41s I.ce. 3a lit 4 *.e
j11. cane i'" 1M7 1 .atel till, h. Ieebe-lt%4.1.
re--m'esals.. Oee AeltlI 1.x~91. the.
sacceruri loll tso 31 .ls'4gr.'.se. 51.1 fellee
the t. 18`7. iI(t Ins'1 9 litfil
. I. u.r 'lee' rlc' el""i+ lear f -etC eetcl ·
Aj.ris is tewssucse'lcelay uwsee eel,,
I.11' its I t ' i s 4.4~ *l.'e1is.'1lf 3 Poep.~
lae. Ih 1.sseet.si 51*1 art»".. t, ee:.'. see "se
oIto s c sf '.lt'c I Ii .1 e5sN 11 .e' .. .
* Is.. lea at eelse 1 e..1 '1%e. M
W.s ae..10i 0914et c L. I5lee. ii;.'{ 1"I
saqt j.1g1.47 lee. i'. :.1 'IS h,''al
tee/ e'. .e. ,.raT" ' .x"I *l·ri t'.1""l1
ie. scl"tIher i 4"l1 .e. elI.. Ies..L 'r.
rest re.l.cee'sl i II.º L .'i.i le
Isecelee leej lee·*1 I~'.--t.s NtIsle'lAk
~~~~))~- 4,I· ~lr·c~, ·ntr * .~
f@ '6CF4liN Vi lL "%,
Nis r.4lllsi luia! I) at roCd-rll
*o U l ll "p.'.d 'ou* Tus 0a
:join "esl.rrl.ce. l\\' ! .e' l.('cnru c 5"
gaM's.%%.scIse 1.. L 'ulleseli its seesel
I *"Ies' " 11 . - a*t. l1e. 5e l eari -" s.
ee0l B- 1' h.Oilses- loel ee.1 e1l 4I-.19.
.11104 11.".11 Il li. eli). A14c1cl.4 eell
eel " c et.1le t ere 11 5e.* .I.\ + e.1"
ujes .sry lkes. :cle 42eea .eeqa
4066scs 11 T5sf 51: a- a
ý~rrpý1'lt' et~ii 'eta f8- ', ercetp
t 1 'ilr,/nN. Dowc.. Haan U..-I),I(k
- t"".1" I1 eW 1nai.el h/ 1l3-r. hII"tea. get
'111tin 11,,a l1 bvr,-s S..tr 1l.Kualry
I1. isit .a tlow is*iSgt..rat1il uis she
.11 Im.4t"" arms, ,,%s *sa"1%l ISlav paes- le
11 "418- ehfias.Uuuasiwahutl S4ldrra l
"l.s.atr-.I at Asauauu1.- oies. .'apsaealy
a t as..seas 1e 4;oi BuM). Toes (i.sereaac'as
5I B,**r I8- t h e. Iw lair to as
k "C WSeIw9UNrflls, FE59k s ttiIt Aral)
..1. sIIa thaly, sasi.g.r o ealcrem Nssetasw.as,
5 " "8-) 11 at ti I r*)*Ir t Y .'4.,$4 Cot.
11 "1411.", ckk8-1. N1411 x1.111.11 an
.1.8- S II h Ill?.lw "1. (Is.. Maio ..1
sThallo acel . 1,, t1 41.18- I 60 aagallt mmer,
l '..ie.slr.-irt h«1118- "11l111/a d&-re.le
tmst-ail 1 .lswcacm 10911.V s rsaae. .IapIsall
" 4 % ,,1... n ".8-e .I ItN(u " .11W 1.51 I
.11% tu *".l" 1 4 1 e tIe.1 h h hug S1 ,b8- l 1ies.
""f t, 8 aaae isa tcie. a .41611 e.r a time
naskamag lice. Iamns ae rlmh .ambc~ ili-a.
eh W·Ill ..k istit ulto,.". tlo
(·olcýl((. Ito Ite 1.."1..68- c( f ra· t
I.;yl).·rr r·% 40461 418-1,"1 p INi* "9sltc 01
J1 41i9%a 1.1s1 rl +1um." ~1t"ls 1el nN
1 en... 1 losaca i".4.e. N.eas: "Pest Iis.-h
11 112Ma "1... t0111 sasa..-t f I t I*Ilaai Iii
Ire s6s.*a-' *4S 1118.*-~ Iat. sat il1l. St4N.st
fiatoma. sa et l Sha-"51. s111,fle mae teat
*ss 4".,al maj% *elsicaaa-.l* as' 016sater igo:t Is
d i l aa i " g 1 n ! N : 1 1 , h a *s k i n g t i s i t n o w or s . 1 's l a i ha * . " ta f
l'ul(IIII -Alto -t aIal w.6 ?h4: sleam Ie-..
55i 4 1as .1 aa. %4 01 sth ast "a-le~t 04.1 atiiin*% II
'mal ic. 8-..a."1 a .-s.'. .1 1."1t"w .tlr
"'nr anarciwl- htrald. lma s 13. -
e.058,1 1. As. 1. a-a sr"1. s-toi raa e. toe
rasat El% Isa It 0i. '8- 1aa I . sa j 'ae a, 4
3 1.11.1."1 h411 )r. 4111 a- .4 ama ! . srlI-..
" sI ala aseal.. a tt _ . i T
/('.i'a s- t.1.-i is . .: 11we
meaas, eat the. [Jseiaell b1agens atiag *
t'e.~ltt, O fIIf "'w:'r' 1-a ter the " L
.lard LaveUIIk c~~c r~tr
e.*-ta aereil-· re a Ith :5. aI ass jY
.spla %..msv. l~t.71.1""5 .-sia's- . eci.
",s8"rsitk lthe hes- as--r"s." " iseage. 61 M
1I'r.'. t8s esa1".. 8-(nsd atosllar r"
O()rr 8-04.111" 11.s l r at"" " 1-k. 611"
"4stt4 h.8- asia ahalrt ,-al . s air . I rIt
'1I-sss acim"ag ~ th. hitiss 1 '. 1",'""11.
.15a11.1% t11r hwls-s WltLa tsia W.118 -l..
Is.5111'.%. rwi/* i8 8tasIa- cI) iss..mis ,.a5..
41161 saaul g rII'e sl.s macat s i-j.smi a.
Se.MnsMi lasae~atsms 18-1a 1O.5 11.1.1 I Sortem
Irsae(.r-twes faat Isa-S at~~lcc V.--stsaa
I- "ains ".t ile sri-at 11 -Salten l18 as
ia/mae-mse * 11.T sNnt pa sS. M s a ALis as.
1 11161 1r.8-5.. 3060.1111, .111.8- f 51.1"
.104 .1aoInt .I.. lks 1.i"-r masts.- .
H~~~Slc She. sIasIHJa* salc·L ta'aaI is
ss-aurs-. hie. isitiamr..i~ eae ru:-aaks-r
aslaais- s~lias-)~ ,sultle. laicas ekie...
eL, .iaa C is" ea Is.5.s'a'Ii a
iLe.ishese~aesse geeemsiY replth+" h
heares thuut lbek r ties w.a li ...r
b .11M.1 s e=.n , n~ js(Le 1h ,rr a04r Ir, r riot
r..~,:epc)pe,e::: em) flee titer'. a...W1
t"" .1 .% Wees ..'4e1wm.eq.fS ilua;9ge..6e+."eeI
Sast its.. sees SY.0.m W.Sklsgeutea. Mr.
Jllaewta'Lr d hail lwes Ia messe of
t She umeauisger fr lat *ny seas. anod
risesie a1"1. for 1.ev". Saimd LseIu
Itree.ge.r.. oils In a 110,4116910 off ,.nedz
In~ he. keeweiaI.ege.4 lirev' 061411664114e
!"a at k . " e.eules e1l le.' 8"N""" sisal 1evj
1 flee IieIlieWe. % "sea h.. s meli'kdl me
.,Il rhC ..lku man .4 Ike- .osmquiel..e.
lensS.-titesee-S .I...elul. e.Mh serb l.ea
to Iew,? .eltee Crr k... *esler 8atetC
c.' ee"l'lr.s, 6..1 fIor Isl a4 h( er
t u.etnberasbip will he sirs) eilt.
e. A. aise.
L ie srdt.hl fIrm Seew, Smlva
ley ske. a illraet,. whihe ,re. tty
I *iieteil"t New Ortega., *lis @ this
*eSR *sl lt 13441 Occ the 4f astthag
T- .'aaeere4r eel eeuewtlas
1'..nq.,e" is -tail in ben Salvader,
maul wells hel are i sIlage iesmab
'".. Aese*eI.ssam must K. A. Sense, lb.
rt .if.4 e Trr.etegrr of Lessletmem.
Dole he., .wha In fool gr aemg slON Isd
lisle 0.s ado a ... recfend ts, Vasa
qeens. and ."s- eshnd I1m is leery way
eleecng eke Utheilag. Wbre th
war "sVamle to as e # 8mm es Bee-m .
Visqgass amdl left la n mlvgd r.
Fro. la'sseeeeera se lhqv "work s
have bees eh lr mel ee. " .r.
Blarse it was )eaerspl hbpsdmriag
Ihr admiecbeeaei.. .of ptcf4dapg
Vitauea s hli Itapelal , nedlitj.s
wats rrl e p pre emiasg. ,e jell .I
I .c...a1 e. u10%re.".. 0#jv.ej li etsg Intlee
ele14suseea. Must seemal s le o . ersntt rallf .eg eml'taý Th
he. ISCLEW-m Mr. Bcs kp be #Qle.p
£.1eeee~see end 1 k. g SFobs kW 4.1.
At off? 1 rlý t d L~I
'lc .e .rsd war he!S Ree Bemills
itssi Vt aeae he eid that b
te.aukeiM Ihes ele ltlere~. ,1r bin te
leectr Hlae4ur*ai seas Ivy o 7. 0842
hr w""nl"1 *cNn hi I II s CNllek.ti le
eI a .1.1 foel tee4 .I.Se, 1'.'. it. tine 1*11e11.
I . ."' i.t".... I too* S. .l ull S. fel t
.9 t . .. ,"" ..". .'eeo e..n. -.1.d
" **e.rc Ire Cl S tI s CeL..e)eauva' ·she
1101 !r 1e1.11h Seln Sch ti e.reae wail.
Ile, .«","...1e.e tou "jse !~n, ýlrn~lc e h~en
n.e .. he aN- meceellUr selSl ; Is u..o:
.Ta roa,}, a.S it s- ssiel rthe ey mes
Clcrrr are or enl%..q I) htla e4 now,
* -- -~---
CMINK f' 'ls". I. hi. alISWch.c. u
"...) 1".11..1 Joshe al4ea.c n reS lh
cia S.. 4 e..iNpi1h sm". o.' . 'n. i
Viete eill I lie' c.Troos ". el S. last 5.19'ý
(4.'eelar._ 'Ir. EIIaeI+als'at ae1sumi
dpescIl to the Tlhwemammsslet.
B..;... leew~cie, Veerek 15 ;-'f
(ieeee.,,a,,r cittlung h*eeerni~isee hi.i
eeale*a cit .le rfer~,na~i:?41aeErr Ued
%e~uatl: e·*aeIe del, IS;.' e~nlC ni('ses
eee.Sr jee 5. eIeep .e hl~ci. ~le.'Lteeib
F Ce.i..,,. JI)tiarteb Ir. V Wesct, ?.i.
c~Ileeea~ e*C r.. itn P. it..eei laM~
lZ), e,(ge: *.%. fJ . Ueecilg Dm6~'3
eeeg.I h. egel ees we're aiih c~2 ' fo m
m..n~leemS Sei) TChei~e;it~lt ~M~e~
.e'.ueslcege. U MI* UI~aFE klt~
f·i. ~t. hersaedw :~l+
Jo..i) estee 55 G C ee
1~, if.. 'e.,
-. i -·+;S

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