OCR Interpretation

Tensas gazette. [volume] (St. Joseph, La.) 1886-current, March 10, 1916, Image 5

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87090131/1916-03-10/ed-1/seq-5/

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- y ,
I Want You to Take This Car Now
Ride ii it--a-:: ti , . -' v Sud )y-re'l!y C.joy the m' '" Cre days right now for
auto ri. '.. t' theis 1916 'axwell-tle biggest auto
value on ti :rk t-- -
A Small Down Payment-Balance Easy
The 191u ,:cl i ,: i, :very detail-electric starter and light--demountable rims
one :an , - , " ie-i e-pa-scnger L,.1y-cvcrything that the high priced car has
S-and ou can buy it and Pay as You Ride.
With "elaude." BRIGHAM & LANCASTER,
Phone 4 Agemts for OIp.. gy DEyl
" 9100 Watemprhf, La.
Cat Your Store Bill
Down One Half
Tens of thousands of farmers as well as
town and city folks cut down their store
hbills one-half last year and saved monoy
in spe of generally short crops and rte
duced wages.
Absolutely millions of dollars were
saved and countless families lived bett-er
than ever before in the face of the cotton
crisis and general business depression.
How were these burdensome store bills
cut dowr By the real money-saving
power of good home gardens, rightly
planted and kept planted and tended
through the season.
Hastings 1916 Seed Catalogue tells how
to eat store bills down; tells about gar
den and farm seeds of kinds and a qual
ity that cannot be bought from your mer
chant or druggist. It's full of garden and
farm Information. It's free if you asic
for it. Write for it now. IL G. HASTINGS
CO., Ad a, Ga.-(Advt.)
5 or 6 doses 666 will break
ry case of Chills & Fever, Colds
LaGrippe: it acts on the liver
better than Calomel and does not
gripe or sicken. Price 25c.
s3amblihebd is tosi
t indmd pi
Wa.m V. oew F. Otway Dmes
II Vti s Wsr1t IrlAswt L "
Practise in New Orleans and
adjaoent parishen-City. State
and Fedral Courts.
PHONE No. 902
-1 *ffuar m Sr*vies to the Teanae
.anse and w e* gled t* aswer caleo
Sma t or W er ..
ams For Rent In Natcdz
Iy Mrs. S. A. Wistte.
Three wel and completely furnished
rooms for light house-keeplng orcom
eortable accommodatiois for perma
ment or translent guests.
710 Stte street, Natchez, Miss.
Will cure your Rheumatism
Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps,
Colic, Sprains. Bruises, Cuts and
Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects 1
Etc. Antiseptie Au.dym., used in
ternally aid externally. Price 25 c.
In times of trouble and misfortune, it
seems that the best that is in every one
comes to the surface, and that all the
I as good in one is expended in the public
ore welfare, each man and each woman doing
iy his or her duty to the fullest extent, as
re. they see it.
We have just passed through, or are
er passing through, a period of trouble and
te public anxiety, and we feel that in justice
to ourselves and the community, we'
Sshould return thanks to some of those
who labored so untiringly and inceeeently
119 in their efforts to protect us from the
n4 flood waters or to do their part to help us
tly after the overflow came.
Icd Too much cannot be said in praise of the
magnificent, efficient, and intelligent serv
ow ices of our Levee Commissioners, and
ir- Messrs. Schoenberger and Barton, Gov
al- ernment Engineers, for their labors dur
r- ing the high water period. Thesegentle
ml men were "on the job" both day and ,
s.j night, ever ready to respond to the call
GS to duty and doing their duty cheerfully
and well.
To these gentlemen we owe a debt,
which we can never pay, but we assure
V them that they have won for themselves
Lk a warm place in the confidence, respect,
isand esteem of our Deople. *
DT The manager and operators of the local
t (umberland Telephone exchange gave as
good service as could have been asked or
,leaired day or night. Our telephone calls,
and at times they were sent in with light
ning like rapidity, were answered prompt
ly and chea'rfully, and our community
appreciates the invaluable services
rendered. We congratulate the Telephone
Company and the public on having such -
an etficient force in charge of our local
- exchange.
With train service suspended, our mails
were nece".arily irregular, and the Post
Mistress and her valued assistant, re
alizing thi,. and that the people were
anxious to receive their delayed mails,
opened the, mail every night, although
some timer it was quite late when the boat
arrived. We, the people, fully appreciate
such acconmmodating service and sincere
ly thank thesae ladies for having so ineon
1 venienc+d themselves to accommodate tus
We are again called upon to thank the
men of St. Joseph, both white and
colored. for having so willingly volunteered
to guard the levee for a space of four
miles both above and below town.
These volunteers were on duty day and
night, freely giving their services to the
public, and we can assure them that at
night our sleep was more calm and
peaceful knowing that the levee was
caretully patrolledl and guarded.
Owing to the recent water and conse
quent inconvenient methods of travel,
and especially from lack of business, the
regular March term of District Court is
I ordered pretermitted. It is also ordered
- that the jury commission will not be
. called to draw a jury for the regular
April term, there being practically no
criminal bnuiness on docket necessitat
ing jury trial; all criminal business comn
ing up for the April term being triable
by the Judge.
We congratulate Mr. Tom Parker, who
I won for clerk of court, and Mr. Mansfield
Crowe, who won for assessor, in the run
I of held in West Carroll Tuesday, 29th.
5 They are two tine young men and their
many friends are delighted over their
election. Mr. Calson won over Mr.
' Yerger for asesor in Madieso parish.
: ;a t Oall BIanur.smoeraL.
Located on the plaak road, ln tie Steer IbuddItg, I lave In
fN variety of staple goods. My shelves are fied witL a aec
cessary for a good dinner, lacluding trndts and ats, eelery, etc.
nm i iNs, mIu w C mU LunTE, mO M CEsmM mN
113-118117 Mrlery St. Pheme N.
Good News
For The Man
Who WE
Wear Only a Stetson.
- THE -
Drop ms a card tMling a the cdor yo want and the size of the
hat that yea wear and we win send i out to you
by return - poet.
"Good Clothes since 18781"
Every step the feminine sex takes
along the lines of progress, as they
are pleased to define it according
to the suffragette's ides, is fraught
with hardship for man. The fol
lowing story, once published in the
New Orleans Daily States, Is repro.
duced by ms with the earnest-yea
prayerful-bhope that it will serve
as a warning against the misfortunes
that must follow in the path of the
Twentieth Century woman, imbued
with misleading ideas, and in her
mistaken belief, wandering away
from the sacred precincts of home
which nature intended as her sphere
of usefulness, and after the false
gods of modern day delusion. Here
is the States' story:
The States is in receipt of the following
pathetic communication which in ex
plaining itself will sweep the chords of
human sympathy in not a few masculine
breasts in this community:
Mr. Editur:
Dear Sir:-I writes to say that I thinks
there air too menny mhther's clahu in
in this here town what air not good for
the pieceof the home. My wife she be
long to sum of them and from the way
she acks and talks she air gettin' ready
to jine sum more. She is the vice pree
erdant of a mutbur's club, an active
membur of sum kind of league what is
reformin' the publick, and also member
of an orginysashun to make war sain
tnbuckalusus and uther things which I
have not yet hear about.
Before we had these muthur's clubs I
ust to git my meals regler which air not
now the case, and I knows of sum of my
nahors what have the samine complain to
make and air feel;n' just like me in re
speck to the matter. The trubhe with
the muthur's club is that they hole their
meetins when they ort to be satin' dinner
like other fokes which is a heavy tribe
lashun for a man to bare what comes
home hungry and has a wife what is a
memhur of a club. Mr. editor I writes
to know if there is airy way to cure the
evul what is growing on the cumunerty
so that we can git our meals rngler and
not have to wate until the clubs git tru
talkin' on the benerflta of spreadin' the
lite of edercushun in the homes of the
pore, for it kin be spread so as not to
intrfere with the dinner hour and the
cumfurt of the domestick circul.
It is a regret that there air no woman's
club organised her to stimerlate eeck
shun fer the vertues of the freside and
the duties of the household and the news
papers ort to pint out this fact, fer these
air the means by which the evul kin be
kilt and many hard workin' men git
their meals rgler.
We sympathise with Family Man, but
there is little hope of his securing the re
lief he desires. These be progressive
times and the modern omaan progresses
with them, hence the "Motherm' Club"
is a natural evolution of the advanced
thought and condition of the time. These
and kindred organizations are firmly
convinced that they have a great mission
to perform, and once a band of noble
women get this idea into their heads
their mental wires become crased and all
connection between them and such
household obligations as regular measis is
cut of instantly.
We would like very much to be able to
furnish Family Man with some grains of
hope and comfort, but under the circom
stances it is impossible. He will be all
the better for realizing that there are
others in his sad company and resolving
to take his medicine with the best grace
possible. It seems to as the only recourse
he has, all things carefully weighed and
considered, is to puirchase a small oil
Sstove and to fry his own ham. He may
be miserable, but there is no reason why
be should not be independent.
Mr. Louis Backner went to Natclez
last Friday for Mrs. Boekner and the
baby, who returned with him Runday
night. The little lady will bear the name
Mary Fore for her maternal grandmother.
Mrs. Bckner w as lso aecompanied by
her sisters, Misses Lilly and June Mo
Mr. G. R. Blanche and farmily have
moved to Madison perish, where they
will be located near Quebec on the V.,
8. & P. road. We are uorry to lose them
from Tenes but hope they will be hap
pily situated in their new home and com
Smend them to the good people of our
sister parish.
The reeemion of the flood waters is
causing many of our people to turn their
attention to spring pardens, and toward
this end Memrs. Baker & Son have jmt
received a full stock of onion sets, garden
seeds and seed potatoes, slo hardware
implements necesary for gardening,
seh as hoes, rakes, spadesm, ete.
With the rapid recession of the overflow
waters the train crews are busily engaged
in repairing the track and rme. bed and
this week the train got down a far as
Newellton. It is expected that we will
have train service to St. Joseph from the
North by next week and possibly through
to Natchez. The damage to the road-bed
is not found to be as bed as was fteared,
while the stretch between Waterprool and
Ferriday was less seriously damaged. We
underrtsad a work train is now coming H
up to GoldMmsn and Locust Ridge trom
Ferrida and expects to reach St. Joseph
about Monday.
The management of the St. Joseph ei
Electric Theatre has requested us to san- tI
nounce that they will resome operation
about Marh h Ist, when a high-elms at
traction will be pt on the boards, ad -
another special festme will be shown a
Friday night, 24th inst., admission to
either of these performances will he 25e.
A mattrinee will be given on Saturday
evening, admission See being ten and
ffteen cents. The resuamptino of the pie
tures will be grstly welcome and we
hope the opening a ttendance will be
la and the enterprise given every ea
eourgement during the semeding rsm-.
mer months, when lood raeeollestios will -
all be forgotten. to
Owinlg to the rapid fadl of the river the 2
Coadill is unable longer to come into the
lake in front of towra and aend at the
levee as she did when the water ws hgh. a
and which wsaso pleasmnt and eovement
to our towa. Mad a ad uaege awr e
now fored to go eress the Inke bats
to the weemis at the 'pperhg u
enry semish
Sl ttle ownes in parishes having a eom
y7 sderable portion of its acreage under
g water as a conequmence of the recent
t overfow should take advantage of this
condition and ri4 pastures of the
x lever or catte tck.
SPastures that have been inundated for
a few weeks; wil be entirely clean of this
a infection, all eggsand seed ticks will have
e been destroyed, conseqbntly if all cattle
from these localities are properly disin
fected, thus destroying all the ticks on
e the animals before they are allowed to
d return to the range, these particular
,r pastures will be free from ticks indefinite
, ly, provided in the future no ticky cattle,
horses or mules are allowed access to them
without first being (lipped. The best
e method of destroying the ticks is by
e means of arsenical dip and wheredipping
e vats are any way accessable these should
be used. The animals should be dipped
twice within a period of from 3 to 7 days
spart, after which it will he absolutely
safe to return them to the clean range.
This should be done immediately after
the second dipping unless the cattle are
obliged to swim a stream, when it advis
able to defer moving for about 12 hours
o after final dipping.
Planters having but few cattle and no
available dipping vat may use soap
emulsion which consists of one pound of
soap, (either laundry or soft)disseolved in
e a gallon of water by heating, allowed to
a cool and add one quart of coal oil to each
gallon of the preparation. This is an
I effectual germicide and may be used for
lice or ticks on all farm animals. It
Sshould be used thoroughly, using a cloth.
The above is suggested as a cheap, easy
and effectual method of ridding pastures
- of ticks, without the necessity of a season
r dipping. When a considerable portion of
rs parish is overflowed, influence should
be brought to bear upon the Police Jury
I that they adopt regulations protecting the
, It frequently happens that the overflow
r covers territory, that is, under ordinary
I conditions, the hardest to clean by dip
ping methods, as it is often composed of
* many hundreds of acres of open range.
Cattle are more or less wild as a conse
quence, and it is with difficulty that all
cattle can be collected every'dipping day,
which proceedure is of course necessary
under ordinary conditions to destroy all
ticks in a pasture.
The overflow occurring at such an early
date, there would he but slight tick de
velopment and it should prove exception
ally easy with the co-operation of the
planters in these overflow sections to
clean and keep clean their pastures.
Any further information furnished up
on application.
AoaTrr BUaZAU or AxIMAL DIxcrMaY.
Tallulah. Louisiana.
-Aidress -
Locust Ridge, La.
Pbrom 79-1, - St. Joseph, La.
"MTM-[ -E L'T'N ."
I takeo ths methed o mtylhg
the pubic that my pletatlon,
"MYRTLE GROVE," ib the Sixth
Ward o Tasm paruh, La., is
posted agahtt HUNTING AND
Ma pubc tatemeat with the
hoape that it may yhave sem eect
at least, la protect)l my righbts
and pperty agaliat abuse, whch
private request to geuleme. of
tMs secteo hars mot boe able to
acooeapl, due perhapse to the
abseoee at a strour ams protec
ti ol a oue widow's portiomn. I
pssotil my property la the Tee
Gaete agaisat violatior, I wish to
prtest -s·lt the MSh sded
etivwry that I have besm com
paled to endure becume of my
deaeim womaimaed, aed sew
thus Ipbicly state that I m pre
pered with ed apprt to prse-.
cate my trespeasor to Lel aom.
victlm withoat regard to permoea.
(Sigmed) MRS. A. E. BASS,
Myrtle rove Plan.,
Feb'y. 14t, 1916,
Public Notice is herehy given that I
will conduct an examination for WHITE
TEACHERSI on APRII. 3rd, 4th and 6th,
in the Sehool Board Offen in the ~ort
House, and for CO)LOREI) TEACHERS
on APRIL nlth, 7th and 1th, in tlhe col
ored School House.
The same rule that governed the past
examination will govern this examips
All applieants will please report
promptly on the first day of each ex
amiatlon at NINE O'CLOCK in the
momrning with pen, ink and good legali
cap or ersmination paper.
Yours very tnruly,
THOt. M. WADE, Sopt.
osmy ow Lawuwuc. 4
-_ IT KrOWn AND aM3M33wr3D thas
at h lth dayoer a. l.iore
w. tLaw, sad l thlemess o the 5 wit
mases aemrnotr amed sa d m· merd,
Pw. arsidr o the Tow. of 3 ad
safe. I.
Wthe. to
isst p arse an ' `
h atssl as
and by sead s ae
naifd corporation shaM
rese uand rY ths_ .MIlt
miterl ats t0e ses5e ale to
name real sad Parse I !
every kid and awls
masoney sat sad
of relt ead personl to
farms sad piantatiuas, srad
enteo Pn.U e ay. hl s
agricultralt prodeta. ad t saint
thereon: siso to appoint
rectors and oi m m m a,
nience now reqtre. "sad toa e
hr-laws. ruleased rg 9ra
nimsaaemest sad e ae 417:i
maw be a es.ean e: also Wttina AA
else all other onwera d Usad
corporations of oa . Ismort.
maw he anthorised to oearses .lid
aunder the Iawa sad ooaastl Sld t we
of Louisiana.
The PLAVR choeae for the domlelle
corroration fs the Town atof Neltt
Paris'. of Tenase and in aM id t oifLoul ,y '
A wrcICT IIr.
The PTTRPORNS for whtleh this corporaCid
is "rranired are as follow. to-wit:
To ornodce. own. maletales sad eeraa t I
nlantatlon or oiantatiols in the ParthlN
Tmensa and State of Louiasian, so to .
end and for this numose to hull!. sad y
taln nch aonnrtenanoes sad lsetr le
mar he nernasry for or inodestal so the
business of farming or operating s papltastei
or olstations.
To narihase, own. mealtaieb d oners e.
and to alienate. amorteage Or rledee. all As1h
work stork. attle. hoga. aselealtural ImIle
mrnts or toolnts or other aporteances shoes
aryr to the h~usess of auing on a stook
farm or a hricnitnral plantatld in. .
To bry and sell and deer t rrman, ay.
seeds. cotton and other srriereltsral pro
ducts, and to oerate In onnerotlos with the
operatlions of said lantations a metantile
business, and in onnaetion therewith to  ew
and aell and carry in stook such thisem sad
articles as are usually deat) In. In plastaties
To obhtain or receive by pDrobase, grant.
rift or eorhangre. both -al and personal
pronerty for the obi ets. sernoses. ielh.ts
and boausiness of this cornoratoe, anud se
same to sell. pnrt with, alieaste or onever.
To borrow moner or to nreuhase or leas
pornerty on Its own credit for the nnrosoe 0 ()
operating the business berelt bprovided *w.
aanda evidease of snob Indebatedess Jae
such loans or for the purchase or lease i4
such property. to snsue it mm.onrrate bend
or promissory note, bearing lterest at suah
rate as its Board of Directors heresiatr.
provided for mar elect. paable oat e .
times and places as may be agreed ap.
uch bonds or notes to e signed M
President and nosteraslened by the tegu
tarreTreasrer, and for the seurity of I
bonds or notes and the nterest the es to
mortasem and oledge its PorPerty. Its ag '
tal stock. Its corporate tranhitae, sad g
t all of real or personal property.
All citations shall be served anon the Pres-. a
Ident, or n his abseece eDon the Vo e-a
dent, or the Seeretary.Treaerer of Onl iu'
porationd o sonr as saw s h
may he determined sa esigna
tr shares of the par ralse of n i t
Dollars each. This chater shallh
operative and this eorpoetl e shall mn i I -
its bousiness at soon as e belt haHI its
tal stock has been sabseribed a td as
The time o ad massee at pmylut for to
said corporation saa be detarise th r
Board of Directora, but no sokus SsaM .
iasued by the corporateo uless It ha~
noo*e h oper oz.*nd e.l.* lr
In case o fal re o ashe part oay b- .
scriber to pay the whole or say porticn of
subseription at the tims or Ita Ctme oneer
by the Board of Directors, the shasa
stook subscribed for by him sad p
theretofore made torieN may at'ierI
be forfeited to the opepraion by the /ltil
of Directors by tae marries of writt.n sedse
on the delqat e hsucier. an faters l.
p'v the atlace die thereon.
o stockholder of sold corporaon shall
ever be liable or held responsible for its see
unprid ala . t shares o stoc ewas
by him, or mooa1lo ii ttfto t i.he t gaok
nullo or epa th Ea tath to eis ray
liability beyond Ibe of stock s
th~dou. o by . • m d•, t. 
talhe Mlrne power of t cerpo aeI --e
D~iirectors shal eomls of sad be
sad constitte as folwas Ales P.
Newlellton. Imoslas, who ownl ble
right sad pledge hares of e
stock of said corporation; Arthur eels.,
weNellton. Lonisaa. who owas is his en
rIf ead lapt ed el shaet to ltf e al
radý oprt, ,linols. ubo L. ws s
righbt andunalesdd iUsharL e esltuf
of sid aorporatfonu
The Directors heresia sed shell
Sae until the Irat Moady Ln e
Jans . ltl, d aluIy thereafter «n
port.o sha e held, and Sere
th*e * e i ng ym
Sleated as m e et o a e r
the stcrhe slhahe va ae
in a nersap apir elS inb
tolid. sten days' nlice riwItSC
erac is 1th ees es,,
utoe ado eetd the e I e
s standin stock of Sme re re
nbo sry to o oe. titut aga
election, mad each
tItltoi to ne ithe r m
Into ofie. The DretaS e
their membertbe as
tionand ·aetr a h
mta elect fro a
from otaers wa m
And the sam: I D" . a I
mie( alo opollseet
Wh T emr eer. if s
bot poittie. t
era M anager, sa dthdpw
be so pinte need as
other oiers d o
aeoseatr*. It shall Dawn She
same at pare asse
mates ofheeto osms
Te omplt Ae eets i a
ing Act

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