OCR Interpretation

The San Antonio light. (San Antonio, Tex.) 1883-1886, June 11, 1883, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87090966/1883-06-11/ed-1/seq-1/

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As I make a specialty of
and Bmokors' Articles, I oiler in
ducemcnta lo dealers and smokers.
Mr Villains Illackstnlth 5-cont cigar
sold by all first-dims dealers.
x SIM HAltT, Main Plaza.
Established January, 1878.
Tho only exclusive Toiiacconist in
San-Antonio, Texas. Cigars, Tolmo
co and Smokers' Articles wholesale
and rotnll.
The San Antonio Light!
Vol. I.-No. 60.
San Antonio, Texas; Monday, June ir, 1883.
Ten Cents a Week;
Caution to Consumers of Coal Oil.
Jfiythis company from this date will not hivildlo IllStirJUlCO Oil and l'liro
lino .for the following reasons: tiiHttnuico Oil Tank Co., who claim to own
these Trade Mark brands, have not during several years past had any regular source of Oil
supplies, but have received IiiHttrnncp Oil and Purolllio from sources where they
could buy cheapest without rctfartl to quality. Insurance OH is simply
any quality of Water White oil. Consumers havo no tfUiirstllteo of its Fire
Test or purity. Furolino is simpiy any quality of 74 Gasoline. As Gasoline
varies great'y In purity, consumers should only buy under the proper name of 74 0 GllH
olilio, and then be sure the goods are guaranteed by responsible parties. The luality ol
EllSUrailCO OH and Plll'OlillO which has been furnished by Insurance Oil Tank
Co., has almost entirely stopped the demand, but we wish to warn Intended purchasers we
Will not ho rcspoilfllhlo for these brands. Very Respectfully,
1 nMDrn 1 iiiMDrn 1 1
CDTiiuui ; LumuLii ; ;
Yards nt International nnd (liuat Northern ltallroud Depot, nnd flalvcston, Hurrlsburg and
Sun Antonio railroad truck,
The best grades always on hand. Also, Doors, Sash, Blinds,
Mouldings, Shingles, Fencing, Barbed Wire, Fence Posts,
Newels, Stair Rails and Ballusters. Our lumber is of the finest
quality and unexcelled. We would invite the public to ex
amine before purchasing elsewhere. FJd Steves & Sons.
Wholesale Grocers,
rfTThU Ilcer Is made from tho host Ingredients, and warranted froo from any ohnoxlou
substance whatsoever.
Jm 3B3C
Patent Pole Tip i
1 Siti t Your Fail?
' It is durable. Novcr wears out. It is ornamental. It costs no moro than a good
loathcr trimming You cannot ifot your lines over tho end of tlio pole. If your traces
break your homes vull tlio vehlolo by the Neck Voko. It takes two feet oir the ond of
tho pole and brings tlio Nek Voko closo to tho collar, thereby making the draft iiiuoh
llghtor on tho team. It nevor gets out of ordor, bolng of very slinplo construction.
Tho POLE Til' AND CI.AM1' complete lilted to vehicle, f2 SO. Call on
Ko, 12 Soledad Street, . $8g$SH3&&
Kusl Commerce Street.
33J dte OO.
Neck Yoke Clamp
a good .change.
An Ordlnnnoe for Giving the Cllynglneer
h omieu aainrj nun fixing
Alt Such Fees to be In the Future
1'ald Into tho City
Tho following ordinance, relatlvo to changes
In tho City Engineer's department, which tlio
Lioht lias long advocated, has been adopted :
An ordinance to rolnodcl tho City Engin
eer's department, and" to arrange 11 system of
tecs which shall hereafter govorn the same, re
pealing any part of any ordlnanco In conllict
therewith, lie It ordained by the City Council
of tho city of San Antonio.
Skitiion I. Tbo City Engineer shall hereafter
receive a Kalnry or $2000 por annum, pimtblo
monthly, and un allowunco of or month
ror forage, thnt Is, transportation In tho vehi
cle, nnd two horses and harness to bo fur
pished by the sulci Engineer, freo or cost to
(1 y.
section h. He shnll be allowed n roil inn 11
nnd iicliuliitnun whose united monthly sulury
shall bo iN).
SECTION 3. The, fnlldwliiir ahull .,. flu. ..hi In
or Icch to bd charged by tho Englnecnror work
done by him, mid suld fees nro to bo turned
oyer to tho City Collector as hereinafter pro-
For survey or ordinary houso or city lot,
SOxfiO. Sii CO.
For survey of each additional lot in saino
body, SI.
For giving stroot or alley lino In front of any
i.misu tut, mini jji (Jiniii, tin, provided mat
ir any lot elmll buvo threo fronts, tho sumo
Bliall bo given for W CO.
b or giving the grado und curb lino In front of
any house lot arturnnco established, $:! CO; pro
vided, that ir any lot shall have threo fronts
tho grade and curb shall bo given for 3 CO.
For survey of at) ordinary city block of four
iiures or lens, I w.
For survey or a block of moro than four nnd
less thun 12 acres, $12 CO.
I'ol' survey Of Olltlots I Jrirnr tlinii 21 nm-.i tin.
foo to bo llxcd by agreement of party requiring
the work and tlio Engineer, to lie approved by
ForSUr UV Of disputed hnillMliirfna im r.. n
bo fixed by ngrcMucnt of thoimrtv nr imrtlou
miuiraicu nuu uiu r.agincer, wun approvul 01
for survey or cemetery lot, 51 CO.
All SllrVcvlnir or nmrftlliArllirr unrlr numlro.l
by thy Individuals or corporations, including
maps, estimates, grades, linos, calculations, etc.,
dillcreut from tho fnreirolnir. ahull lm iml,i for
ut prlco Axed by agreement or tlio party or
'i r i-iigiuuer, buojcci 10 upprovui ot
section 4. The City Englneor Is hereby au
thorized und reoulrcd to collect thnfnoa tlvml
and agreed upon under foregoing schedule
in ii.niiuee, mm oniy ino payment or some
in wiriuieu biiuii oo uimung, as an engagement
Oil tllU Engineer, und hIiiiII tnkll nrnnnr tirnn
denou of other, not purely public work. A fee
book shall bo kept by tho City Engineer whoro
all payments are to 1 0 duly ontered, and all
moneys collected by him to bu turned over at
onu 01 every wook to 1110 collcctor.und recolpt
tukon from said Collector, nnd monthly report
cuy curpurmion.
Section c. The Ataktnnt nitv K,i!rin.r .i,.,n
receive a salary ofSISIInmnnlh. nui.tmiii m
Section 0. This ordinance sliull tako effect
rrom and arier Its pussuko. Any ordinaucu, or
ordlnunces eonlllctlnir with this are hereby re
He Writes his Will, Takes Lauiiunilm nnd
Dies In n Few Hours.
Thomas Wan originally came rrom Kansas,
and opened a storo.knowu as the Kansas store.
on Houston street. Subsequently ho moved
lower down tho s,treot In tho Iron-clad storo
neur tho Maverick hotel, and occupied part or
it. Ho wus noticed to bo somowbat eccentric
in his manner, und had either tho iippcurunco
or ono whoso mind wus shattered by troublo or
wlioiwas not tlinrouirhly corupus mentis. All
w"i. uira vcr, very wen uiui lust week, when
WUII Hard 1 tt lu attCIlt nil In hla luialnnca V.u.
terday morulnir tho ocoupanls or tho burbcr
""j' j"iiiiK " iu 1 u uiu ueucuseo in 1119 more,
nnd noticed tinit ho wan brontliimr iu.viK- 1,1, 1
orthisnonotlcowufftuken. In tho uftornoou
tho burlier heard him urounlnif, und on looklmf
wiuiiuu e)iiiuunif mo iwo store,
ho noticed that Wun wus lyiiijr down with his
race drawn up nnd his hands clinched. Wo
saw at onco that something serious had oc
curred, und immediately caused his boy to
climb tho partition und open tho door which
jviwiuuiii-ii uu uiu nisiae. iirs. i,owry una
.'.'."... . . l"Yu "a""", mid soon ascoriaineu
that Wan bud taken one ounce or laudanum.
Tho man was then In a coiuptoso state and wus
sinking rapidly. All known medical remedies
were applied, but tbo poison hud done Us
work, und the man soon died.
On the table was a neatly written letter to
hlscbiter-ln-law. Miss Itlcliiirdson, who resides
un Third strcot, with whom ho boarded, This
open letter showed that tho deooased hud
suicided. In it ho left, his property to his sou,
madoaboiiucsttosomo friends und said his
atrali-s would bo arranged by a ircntlemun ho
named who resldod In Austin. Ho also told
whoro his valuable papers would bo round nnil
lort a sealed lottcrnddreswd to n friend in Now
Dr.Lowry informed the I.miit commissioner
that tho death was a clear caso of suicide, und
this being go bo hud Issued u burial permit.
The docoiiBod was a Widower.
W. Y. Hracken Dies From Morphine, hat It
Is not Shown How Administered.
Last night about 11 o'clock a rumor was
spread in tho city that W. Y. Bracken, a brake
man on tho International railroad, had sul.
oldod. Ilruokou resided noar tlio International
dopot, and on inquiry there it was found' that
bo was dead, hut how his death was caused was
not qultctclcar. From Mr. J. K. 1'alntor, tho
train master for this division, tho Limit com
missioner learned that tho deceased was a man
who was much respocted, und was on tho list
for promotion. Ho and his wife roturncd
torn l'liiestlneoii Saturday, wbero they had
beon to bury bis wife's lather. On his way
down ho wusaskod if he was going to 6ottlo In
Palestine and bo unswered gully, "No, ho whs
too well fixed in San Antonio.'' Ills dlsposl
tloiiwas us cheerful us it could bo under tbo
circumstances. On Sunday nbout T p. m. bo
reported for orders und wus instructed to bo
oa duty .to-day (Monday). Ho was then quite
cheerful and In good spirits. Ho lived vory
happ ly with his wlfo und Mr. I'alnter had
heard them speak endearingly nf each other,
llrackni wiiautuiiitai veursor ago, and has a
son about 10 yean old. Tho dootors round
iporpulno m tim (Jcvoused's luto.tlnes, but how
nnd by whut means tho poison was adminis
tered Is not at present proved.
Jtntlco Adam Impanelled a Jury, und viewed
tho body. Mr. 1'nlnter I lien ivn nvldnnrn In
aocordnnco with his statement to tlio I.kiiit
and tho Jury hdjourned to meet again this
afternoon. Tho body or tho deceased has 111
tlio meantlmo bcon taken to 1'iilcstliie rnr In
terment. THKUilll.nilKN'SDAY.
A Very Iutbreitluc Service at the Trinity
SI K. Church Yesterday.
The children's obiervittlon or the education
al dny of tho Trinity M. E. church was duly
celebrated yestorday, and tho ceremony was
br a peculiarly Interesting character. Tho
church was handsomely decorated, and the
platform pleasantly nrrnnged, tho rail being
lowered for display ot the (lowers and conve
nience; of tho cslobrutors. Cages containing
birds were hung around tlio church, and one
beautiful blr' whs suspended rrom the ceiling.
The Sundiiy scholars each carried bouip.iots,
iiiiuui muuii yvuict very eieguill.
The programme, which was divided Into am-.
eral purts, wus opened with the anthem the
"l.ord Itelgncth," nnd tho exercises were us
1. Call to worship.
'i. Tho evils or ignorance, und the bencllts of
a. Wisdom and knowledgo should bo sought
In ttmvnr nnd atmlv. ;
I. The church helps tho promotion of know-
Uniiot this heading It was stated' that the
M E. church has ai. 'OI Sunday schools, and,
.,u..-.u.iy,viim,iyii uni'iiu IIIL'UI, U BeilllllUriCS.
neademieal and fpiniiln aeliiwila. 4:1 f,Miif,.u .mH
eight theological scboola, having a total of
austudonts.Mhat the children's day wus In
stituted by the M. E. church In lr.', and the
proceeds er thoso days weio devoted to tho
education or tho worthy and needy, who uro
prviiiiring mr iuu ininiHiry nnu oilier church
ltcsult nnd nromlsoa of the ehlldrpn'a rinv.
nnd thochlldren'a fund.
Within the past nlno years, moro .than WW
students of both sexes have been assisted. Of
thesoIS huvo becomo mlsslonalrles, 153 minis-
lers, ouiers are icucnors, nil uro prorcsslonei
men, whilst many aro still in the schools.
8. Tho'ouertory, the children sang. "All Hall!
Sweet Day of lowers." and mnrohed across the
piaiuinn, unposmng tlio nouiuets ut tlio foot
of puro whlto cross erected in tho rrnnt or the
pulpit. Theso bnu'iuct8 Were uttorwnrdsscnt to
Next camo tho collection, und n good sum
WUS raised fortho chlldien'n rilnmtlnmil fim.l
Illshop Matthew Simpson Is President of tho
iiiiiu, huh in-ro ir 110 uouoitno suDscriptlons
arc properly implied.
7. Exercises by tho Itifnut class. Thoso wero
urettv. Mis Marv llnvta roeltei! tho ol...
sang, "tender little livings are we," und then
niiun, mum iuu iTiiuiuBoiiuoi so my ami sweft
ly sang, "Lead me precious Savior."
8. I'urtimr sanir. "Thn Fliirnl Mldalim Uvmn
tho exorcise lusted nbout ono hour, nnd was
plcuslng to thoso who witnessed it. It was in
deed nn amnio repayment ror tlio toll and la-
uuriii 1110 sunouy scnooi workers.
Such Sfirvlcca urn tilnfianiir. imt wn Dn
they all calculated to do good among tho
j uui g, mm m impress 1110 Hgeu WIIU the sol
enmity of tho divine service.
Two Freight Trnlns Collide - A Colored
Hoy li .Mutilated and Ulna.
Lust night nbout 0:10 tlio freight train known
as II rut section Sill, ilmnm liv ..,,,,1,,.. -r.
urrived nt the International depot nnd niado
the usual Btop, nt tho north end of the yurd, to
ennuio mo ong'no to -go to tbo round-house.
Tho switch onglno was then ut work putting a
i.niniu ultJ eilUCU BIICU, II1US HIIOW-
Ing the freight train to lemulu longer thun
usual 011 tho main track. Second section train
ol, engine CO), Conductor Hullctt, Euglnoer
(lurdou, cuuio on, mid collided with the other
tender to un angle of s In eontuct with the
stir, but u colored hoy named Itobert Johnson,
aged about lu years, had both his legs cut olf
tin with n stockmuti, who wus bringing sonio
..lunuaiunilJllHUIIIII, UUl UUIIUUIlOrigU
whatever uiioii tho engine.
Juitlco Adam empunelled a Jury this morn
lug to investigate tho cuubu of Johnson'
th. After viowing the b"dy und beuring
t of tho testimony, the Jury adjourned until
i evening. Tlio ooroiu-r guvo t ho necessary
.ui 11. o iviiiiiiui ut uiu uuuy iu
Austin in acenrdunce with tho Instruotlons, of
liouieuleo Desceudf Into the "Well ut Col
onel Hord's uml Iilea.
On Saturday inforuiatinn wm v,i.u-,i in
this city that Zucea Domlnlco, who was on-
gugeuin masting rock for a well at Colonel
iiorusruncu on tlio llundora roud, was us
'.i ' ,!' ".."'! " minowciiata
ilopth of 'M foot. Ho htidgono to clour uwny
iiuuiiviiiiuii Mum, nucii uu cneu out, "uome
.u.v,..1.v., ,m ujni,, 1Uj iiuuinio up.
oonscious before ho could socuro hlmsolf to
.- x ...u.vitaii uiuu woni uowu to tie
tho rone to Doinetilcn und wns ulmost siilfo
cutod In his attempt. When brought to tho
surfttoo llumeiilco was dead. Tho deceusod
was nn intelligent workman ot romarktibly
lluu physique. Ho had been omployed upon
tho celebrated St. GothurU tuunol und on tho
Mr. .Immer Kutertulus liu Frimwia.
On Saturday night Mr. Zhnmer entertained
Ills friends at tho San Pedro xnrlnira li,,i,.
was kept up to a lute hour, und 110 doubt
woum nuvo ueon kept up lutor ha.il It uot been
for the threatening look; of the weather, which
very cnjojuble, on account of tho free spuco
Mr. H. Fowler playcd'a part of Home. Swoot
Hoine fort ho ladles' walti, and MeisriVj7uISSf
and Sim Hurt wiilstlod n part or tbo song
which was loudly appluuded. 'I ho refresh
ments wore furnished by Mr. .humor, nnd tbo
j uiu ami i euro iirciiestrni socle t.
art, Mr. niid Mrs. Dave Human, Ms'0or"
PMICarrlo iiuumbr'llui'T'Frlesf
Mr, .burner's oourteousneas to all his friends
towards promoting tbo injoyublllty or tho
rnir nn?' I , l' V, ' "l "Ul"0 h CXtrtt
. ...... J....... iiimi t;uiiiu iu UU CnU-
tJW 9UL lm --Albart 0. Ives, late i
tho New York Times, ssllo I In the City
iioino, to-uay. to taw part In tho conductor
tie now American j dally i pa por (tho Ulspatoh)
Chamberlain, until recently, prlvato oroury
of J units Uorlo llennutt, ",wr
upon tho Texas Western Narrow fluuge rall-
Lu.nim.v, Juno O.-SIx hundred erulsrants.
ded by tho (Jovernmcnt, left Oalway for
nierlca yesterday.
1'iliia ..lm,ol .11 1. ,. .
from Shanghai' nnnouiichig that Trlcou, th'o
i f " viuiiii, remains inero
Wasiiinoton. Juno Ii.-Tho I'-esldent hanaii-
illeetoror Cus'tonis at ilruwnsvlllc,' Texas!
eo Iluynes suspended.
f!lTV 111' MKIim. .Tllnn n TI. l.llv .....1 i-
Ingtho I'resldcnt to settle tho national dobt
inonse majority. Tho same rosult Is expected
CiiicAoo, Juno 0.-Francis M. Scovllle, slstor
f Charles UtiitCHu, who was divorced from
tiled petition In Circuit court' yestorday io
havo her name changed to Fjuncls Maria
l'llll.ini l IMII l Inn.. (1 Tlin r-.. -r r
divorce obiulned by Major NIckerBon, on tho
ground that It was obtained by fraud; ills-
costs upon tho iTbeiiant.'"' """u w monl
PiiiuiiEU,iiiA,.Iune.-Twonty-tliroc hun-
Supply company, COO shares or the Universal
upd I ut I0,joo, wCru mysteriously Btolon last
night rrom tho olllco or tho first named com
pany I)Ai.t,A8. J uue 0.- Henry Plorco eloped to.day
rlth tho M-year-old daughter or John Iloyd,
-. iuuuiiiiiboii. iuu young nuiyg
fB,,A,e.ri ,"woro1 ou. a, warrant churglng Plorco
with kidnapping his daughter, and tinned with
this impcr Constable Simpson went in pursuit
or tlio couple.
dlrcotod tho suspension or Charles C. Walcott,
. , '"''"" "ovenuo, covenin 1J s-
trict oitoblo. anil unpointed .Mr. 11. Tueray. Of
Columbus, ()., to (III the vneuncy. It Is under
s'ood that tho abovo action was taken upon tho
suggestion ot Mr. Kclfcr.
Tlio work wus performed by tho Musonlo fra
ternity. Tho KplghUof Pythias, Independent
Order or Odd Fellows, Hrenham Grays, llro do-
iiiiirchrd through tho principal streets, headed
I oiit Woiitii, Juno D.-lt. . ltosoll was
fminit ilnml In lu.il uf lm 1.-1 nrt... i..-i . '
chambermaid. Just before 10 o'clock this inorn-
tcriionn from Sun Antonio, under the Inlluenco
midnight. Ho took a dose ot mnrphluo early
Ho was subject to heart discuse. und it wus tlio
verdict of the coroner's Jury that his denth
was probably duo to that cause. .Ho was but
.W years old ut tho time ot lilsdcuth, and ootoro
irn'mi1'''!? f,0.rtll"u' uu'ouutitig to upwurd of
drinking however, and went .down. Ho leaves
u wiiu iiiiu one cunu in una city.
an ordinandi;
To Dell no nnd Punish Guiiilng.
Ho It ordained by tho City Council or tho City
or Sun Antonio: '
KPPTIflll I If mi. l.l.,..
ato limits or tho City or San Antonio sliull keep
or exhibit, for the purpose or gumliig, uny
ever, or uny table or bank usoil for gaming
Interested ln koopl'ngor exhibiting imy such
normoiotliun' tax), und in addition. thereto
niiiybocontlncdlnthocltyjallnot moro than
(10 days.
i-ixtion 2. Lest any lulsapprohonslon should
uriho us to whether curtain guinea aro Included
u.,u .mo uiuuiiiiih; hi uiu oregoing seotions.
fc,.f1 lc-tlrt-U Ihuc the rollowlug game nro
within tho lnciiutmr nnd construction or snld
sect Ions, viz: "Faro," "monto," "vlngt ct
un," "rouge ct nolr," "roulette' "A. H.O.."
chuck-u-liick," "keno," nnd "rondo ;" but tlio
enumeration u( these games shall not excludo
any other properly within tbu moaning or tho
preceding section.
Section 3. Iii all iitudavlts mudo for
tbu class or offenses nsiuod In tho two
procodlng Beotlon, It 1 sulllclent to strtto that
tho persoji uccused kept a tnble or bunk for
gunilng, or exhibited n tuble or bank lor gam
ing without giving the name or description
theroor, or without stating that the tablo or
bunk, or gaming device, was without uuy
name, or that the nunio was unknown.
.J'iSr11' ' rr,'SC0!,n!""8 u,1lcr sections 1
and 3 It shall ho sulllclent to prove that uny
gniiio therein mentioned was played, dealt or
oxhlbltod. without proving that money or
other artlclos ot value woru won or lost thore-
Seition 5. Tho words "played mid "dealt,"
havo tho meaning attached tot hem In common
language. Tlio word "exhibited" is Intended
to slgnlty the act of displaying tho buuk or
game, for tho purprwe or obtaining bettors.
Suction !, ir any person shall bet ut uny
gaming table, or bunk us nro mentioned In tho
jtri'OOdlng sections, ho shall, bo lined uot 1cb&
than Sajnor more than SSn.'
section 7. It any person shall permit any
giimo prohibited by the provisions or tills Or
dimincu to bo played in ids houso, or a houso
riMili.r 1,1. ,l 1 1 'l iu S i or ,l "ouso
nor moTe thiin Jioo:"' """"
Svction 8. K any person shall rent to
another u room or houso ror thopurpoBoor
being used us u place ror playing, dealing oc ex
hibiting uny of tho gamos prohibited Uv thn
provisions or this ordinance, ho shall be lined
not less than U, nor more thun $100.
t t?Us ?! U ?''!'" ''I ,h0 .,!"t' of 'ho Marshal,
Assistant Marshal and police of tho city to
strictly enrorco this ordluuuco and to urrc&t
uny und all porsons offending ogulnst tho samo
und to take thorn beloro the itecorder for trial
they may, if nccesary, forcibly enter any and
nil houses or pronils.es used or resorted to tor
gaming and arrest und tjiko boforo tho Itecor
der nny Jrsoii or porsmm they may llndoo
omrngwl. Tho 1 ecorder H he'rpby empoworeri.
and It Is mado his duty, upon statomcnt bolnir
mado to him, that any of the provisions of this
ordlnanco are being violated 'to subpeeno. iierw
sons uiiil oo-epel tholr wttimdunco in witnesses
t . testify ns to violations of any or thp provi
sions of th ordinance; and, upon tltoovidence
of such wltnesjos, to Issue win rants for the ir-
Wonslmreor. V" t0 'mV0 vlo,tca tho pro
no') V IS 'ftLV0 8llmiIonod and oxamlnod shall
nitlollablo i to prosecution for nny vlolutlo i
for any otrenso iMiumurated in thlsoriUnniico il
convlctlQu maybe bud upon tbo un8 ppor ed
eVH,.m;,?nia,lcouil,ll0O ot Pnrtioliwnt.
riEci ion 10. AP ordinances or lurts or ordl.
JOT?' "'PoelaHy ;ha..tor SI or tho ltovlsed
S n'ntH'.l'!!i,!le'.8 rl,l "OwnMIng," bo. und thrl
samo are, hereby ropoalod.
Passed May 15, ltwi.
hi-fhoMlV0'" 0'l,'neo was notappvovod
fi?DtllS MVr nor-was tho samo roturnul wit i
n,iyfotl?",.t'?thu Clty Council at tte rneetl
Inir fpaiowlng tho passage th roof, and theru
i tTll!u3ln,, U ,Y.Wt hh "turoV"
WHOA HiI'iCiawiok, Wyacrkv

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