OCR Interpretation

The San Saba weekly news. (San Saba, Tex.) 18??-1???, February 12, 1892, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87091222/1892-02-12/ed-1/seq-1/

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3 GO TO <
lie San Saba Mews
Editobs Eas CiiAin
Wc > would havo put our photo
immediately afteTr Christmas
j > ul was afraid it might create
omo suspicion
Chile is all right
Bo moderate in youropinions of
fine another
Brownwood will hold its annual
Kair this fall
Tho Garza revolution was a
flash in tho pan
Congress has not done much yet
except squabble over unimportant
Foster will lose his rep if ho
dont make a good guess pretty
Unity is strength and strength
is what a town needs when pulling
for o railroad
Wo fail to see auy ditferenco in
onr freight rate now and before we
had the commission
Sumo of our papers are discuss
ing the probabilities of Hogg and
Culberson for next Gov
Llano has token initciatory steps
to organize a fire company and se
cure and engine and hose
Wanted a few thrifty well root
ed sprouts of Vim and energy to
plant on arbor day Feb 22nd
Sau Saba marble fields aro ly
5w 3 = T > W
Kentucky siseras to indorse H
Waterson for presidential nomi
nee There iei no use of that No
doubt Waterson would get a fine
support but this is no time to bo
experimenting The time for real
action is at haiid And mark you
it is Roing to tako united and earn
est effort to win
Nature is wonderfully just some
havo all tho money othore all the
brains anil others all tho energy
In getting up any kind of enter
prise it just naturally takes money
brains and enorgy to move things
Therefore is unity nnd harmony
necessary Tho man who has
neither money brains nor energy
is out of luck
Wo have some facts worthy of
special mention Our parents nev
er suffer any uneasiness for fear
their children may be crushed by
the locomotivo wheels our youths
will never bo led astray by tho as
sociation in our town park and
young sports can never bet on
horse races at our county fair that
is without a mighty change Great
is San Saba
The New York Herald favors
Henry Waterson for president
some other papers are in favor of
Carslile others are kicking up a
racket about Hill Let the winds
carry the straws where they may
The News favors Cleveland be
cause he is the ablest democrat
among tho presidential possibili
ties And although Clevelands
sun seems slowly setting still we
breathe in hopeful whispers Cleve
irr uil bat Jffill some day bai a fayfr Mf tt J njv
opened op and turne
More than one railroad has its
eyi s on Llano and when they be
giu to move we will be in the ring
Ni > that quietude is restored
and San Antonio < fc Aransas Pass
strike is off we look cut for some
Hold yourself ready for the rail
mad bonus The Fort Worth and
Bio Grande is getting ready to
move out
In some portions of our state the
citizens are not troubled with lay
ing up something for a rainy day
as it seldoms rains
How is this We dont want
Cleveland because of Tammany
and New York We do want Hill
because of Tammany and New
United States and England have
been a long time trying to s2ttle
the fishery question Wonder why
the President did not send one of
his war messages to congress
It is now reported that Gov
Hogg has annonnced for reelec
tion He seems to believe that the
early bird catches the worm But
whats the matter the other early
A very wise man has said that a
railroad does not make a city nor
does a fine surrounding country
But twenty five able men who will
unite nnd pull together can do
more to build a city than both a
tailroad und a fine country
The Worlds fair is still devel
oping and Texas is moving along
with hor part If the extra session
would make a liberal appropriation
Toxns might be handsomely repre
Some counties can beat Sau Saba
1 otrtte
cotton some wheat others
others cane But where is
tBIbpunty that can at us raising
staple crops San Saba is
tuepaoum general utility county
In the absence of tho locomotivo
engine tho Llano News does the
blowing and the puffing for Llano
and the sound waves havo undula
ted and vibrated until they have
disturbed the auditory nerves
throughout the state and away on
beyond and all eyes aro turned to
Llano and all ears are open to
hear and the news of great Llano
has gone out afar and the echo
Some are making a grand racket
about the Alliances boijg a polit
ical parly or at least a party
working for political recognition
New here the News is not alliance
but democratic nnd on the very
priciplo that we claim the right to
be democratic iu politics on that
very same principle do wo grant
the alliance tho right to be al
liance in politics if they so choose
How cau any other paper consist
ently do otherwise
D B Hills supporters aro be
coming enthusiastic and numer
ous in fact too numerous for our
pleasure Grover seems to be
fading away and so with Harrison
But Cleveland will be on hand on
the home stretch The main
stength hoivever lies not so much
in the man as the actions and ma
neuvers of tho party Unless unit
ed efforts and consistent work pre
vails will not be of much conse
quence whether oa not Hill Cleve
land or anybody else is the demo
cratic nominee
The season for arranging the pre
leminarie3 preparatory to holding
Summer normal schools is now at
hand All the necessary informa
tion can be had by calling upon the
County judge The Summer
Normal for this District was held
last year at Llano It might be
advisable for tho teachers of San
Saba county to make an effort to
hold tho Normal at San Saba
AVe have a good building and food
accommodations One of the
steps necessary t get tho nor
mal appointment is to send to the
State Superintendent a petition
signed by 20 teachers Does San
Saba county want the Summer
If yon would behold a beatiful
land coino to San Saba Our rich
valleys aro alive with busy farmers
and soon the fine crops will be
seen waving iu the summer breeze
The rich foliage of our larire trees
ti J gives to the air an exhilarating
lnej i i °
to be
eouls a 1
freshness and imparts life and
X vig
tf 8l
of i i
scarcity raftfev this portion
to tho animal nnd vegetable
r ii ii i or
lU < rtrld i t i
jtir Wutflier it is caused
yjfiar0rth tanVBsormous pen kingdoms The air we breathe is
BieuiS Sijr bounty Gwza revoluinot parched by heat from tho dry
stiou arttgg administration wo I sands and open prairies but tho
weuwiMjtusi > fortile soil and rich
scare > lCJ valleyB keep tho air cool pure and
If ucltuN Araica f alrc j hig uly breathable If you desiro
The BestSali i Hip world for Cutsl > x o oi
life to San Saba
BriiisflfcSwt ri ait uieom Fererj to enjoy come
S riT K iiCii 1 it nu Chilblains j county where vou can drink the
Corns and ay n bmptiom aod ixw
Si best of water nnd inhale tho
tnely cum r mi pay required it puro
i Bqwwtril b perfect Mtufaction purest oxygen such as naturo in
rorialciijj Sjjddirs Co Aug 12 gd its best condition affords
Garza is still at large
Feb 22 is Arbor day for Texas
Congress has buckled
woik in earnest
Kentucky lias enjoyed the sen
sational fruits of another feud
Tennessee has had auother
mysterions murder case
Cleveland was received with
groat ovations in Lougijna
Iajttory c r < iiowW > 5 luff = J
It is probable tbrdGov Hogg
will bo a candidate for reelection
It is now suggested that Garza
be trailed down by blood hounds
The Cuero Bulletin declares for
Mills for U S Senator from Tex
The employes of the Fort Worth
packing company went on a strike
last week
The freecoiungo members of
congress say that a free silver bill
must pass and at aa early date
Some of the Alliances havo de
clared for Culberson although ho
is opposed to the SubTreasury
Gov Hcgg appointed Feb 4
Geo T Iugraham of Nacodoches
Judge of the Second judicial dis
J G Blaine has openly announ
ced that his name would notgo be
fore tho Eopnblican convention
for presidential nomination
Owing to tho striko in tho Fort
Worth packery and the steps taken
by the managers The federation
of laior have resolved to buy no
more pork from the packery
San Antonio has quite a sensa
tion over the suicide of Otto Han
ser It is claimed that he was as
fife8 Kj i ° itoUBfiiiff
sian Aihilest Tho Express will
work up all the facts in tho case
Tho Fort Worth and Bio Grand
has an idea of moving the machine
shops to Brownwood This has a
significant meaning Westward
well lot it come on wo will be
ready for it when over it is ready
to move out
David B Hill of New York has
taken actions with reference to tho
the democratic conventions of that
state which do not meet flie ap
proval of tho leading democratic
enfluences of New York just give
him rope andho will hang him
self yet
No quarter of Texa3hasyet spo
ken out and out nnd said Gov
Hogg must succeed himself as
governor of Texas next November
Texas will have a man next year
that can see good in men beyond
the limits of his own firoside
Yokum Eeview
The Hotel Eoyal in New York
burned to the ground on tho 7th
inst There wcro about 200 peo
ple sleeping in the building At
tho time of tho burning only
about 100 havo been found unin
jured of the others several hae
been found dead and others se
verely injured
Tho Russian famine is still ra
ging and millions arosuu eriug for
want of food Grief and desola
tion are wide spread There is as
yet no end to tho famine Tho suf
fering nnd distress tvill increase
and there are fears that an epidem
ic such as usually follow famines
will soon brenkout unless the fam
ine terminates
The Fort Worth Gazette con
tains a statement by one Bob
Campbell a convict of tho peniten
tiary nt Busk Texns telling of the
terriblo treatment cruel severe
and inhuman treatment of the con
victs by the penitentiary officors
If the statement be true an inves
tigation of the penitentiary man
agement would be in order
Consumption Cured
An old ph > ici if n tiring from prac
tie vhaving bad 1 > I f < t m in hands by
an Eat ln l i n h ri > l v M > loi tmla nl a
dimple eg < I lib nn < > lli tpidi
and pem nn t utc f < Viiiiiijm < n
Ilruncbitis Catarrh A4uma ntl nil throat
and lungalftrtiona also a positive and
radical cure t r uer oils debility nd all
lervons couplaintx after having tested
itswoiidcrtul 1 m iti i potter 111 thousand
ofcjMs bush U In < 1mH to make ii
tni i 11 to his utb 11 iiln > tts Actuated
by this nioit iiul i diiiili to relieve hn
inan su Oiling I will si ml trw of charge
Ioallttlil ui a ii sin it tln reiipe in
Germnnri n b nr Iu lisli wltli full di
rections for preparing and using Scut by
mail by iddiessmg with stamp naming
this pJpir V A Noj Powers
Ulock UochesterS Y
Elton S a
Tho United States Supremo
court has decided that the act of
the Fiftyfirst congress prohibit
the Louisiana lottery from using
the United States mail for lottery
purposes is constitutional In
view of this the lottery managers
have withdrawn their petition ask
ing for a renewal of their charter
and an exteution of time There
fore that will about settle tho lot
tery question in Louisiana
guaranteed Care
Woauthorize our advertised druggist to
sell Dr Kinds Now Discovery for Con
sumption coughs and colds upon this con
ditiou If you are atllicted with a cough
cold or auy lung thloat or chest trouble
and will use this remedy as directed giv
ing it a fair trial ard experience uo bene
fit yon may return the bottle and have
your nionev refuuded We could not make
this offer did wo not know that Dr Kings
New Discoery could be relied on It nev
er dis ppnints Trial bottle free at Tom
M Grayb drug store Large size GO cents
A smile always canies its influ
euse and hflps to lessen the bur
dens of life arid smiles aie very
Since Blaine withdrew thus
stands the Bepublican party
What Dr M AVoolley is lloiug for the
Suffers From the Use ol Opium
and Whiskey
The works of a good man live after him
Ho enjoys the blessings ami distinctions
they entitle him to in this world and
build for bim ahome io eternity It is tho
mission cf every living soul to do somo
good to benefit humanity in somo way
Notwithstanding this fact bow few look
npon life in this manner
A few now aqd then here and there re
alize this Treat responsibility ami devote
their lives to the salvation of their fellow
men One of the most conspicious exam
ples of this character in Atlanta is Dr B
M Wooley Ho is a man noted for his
Christian integrity and fair dealingbeing
an old and highly esteemed citizen of At
lanta and having built up a reputation
among his homo folks as a specialist in the
core of the opium and whiskey habits that
is of tho highest character Although bo
has bad years of experience iu tho treat
ment ef these dreadful diseases be is yet
an ardent student aud studies tho science
of his profession with as much diligence
as if ho w ere only just entering the profes
Dr Wolley unlike a great many speci
alists treats what is called the opium and
whiskey habits as a diicate afiirmiug that
they aro strictly diseases and nino times
out often the suffers aro not directly re
sponsible for their condition Thesucccss
he has had in this Hue has been something
phenomenal He has cured patients iu
every state and territory in the Union and
has treated cases in London France Ger
many Canada and Mexico
Opium aud whiskey arc two of tho most
powerful and when improperly used the
most lifedestroying medicines in theworld
aud to know how to extract or eradicate
the effects of thesedrugs from tho human
body is an art to which Dr Woolley can
justly lay claim As evideuce bo simply
refers tobis bundredsof patients w bo have
been thuroughly aud soundly cured Be
ing a man of scholarly attainments he has
prepared a work on opium and whiskey
anit their effects upon tbehumin constitu
tion In his work he has testimonials ot
people whom he has successinlly treated
and permanently cured This book will
be mailed free of charge to your address if
you will only send Dr Woolley a letter
asking fur it If you are not afflicted with
the opium or whiskey disen > e probably
you kunw uf a mend or have a relativo
who is Ii vim will kindly send their
nain s in mf > 1 1 tin in ofDr Wolleysabil
It In Will 1 l
am iiitiritii 10
Dr B M Wo
pii isiue 111 sending them
in v 1111v desire AddreM
i i tuta Ga Atlanta
Senator Oti = uf Kansas has in
troduced 11 bill providing for a
large issu i if paper nnniy by the
government to bi loaned to tho
several states atone per cent lobe
loaned out by oach state at not
more than li percent Tho amount
if necessary is to bo 2000000000
Devoted to the Interests and Upyhilliiig of San Saba County
Teed Farm ProdiicIlJVirm Machinorj
Cigars Tobaccos Cancflp and a General
Lino of Groceries
Our aim ia to keep a full lino of firat clasrgroceflcsTVell at a
cash handle country produce when it cau bo done nituouYjoig
share of pnblio paronage believing that wo can civo sativflutlou
legitimate profit for
Wo solicit a liberal
Last week tho Stork mens asso
ciation met in Austin to effect per
manent organization
A largo number of prominent
stock men from various parts of
the state were picsent Tho stock
men represent about S150000000
and iu order to better their condi
tion and for mutual improvement
thoy mot and formed an associa
tion They recommended that
scrub stock of all kinds be gradu
ally gotten rid of nnd a better
grade of stock introduced Gov
Hogg made an appropriate address
on tho question of Live stock He
evidently knows something about
tho stock business These organi
zations aro always beneficial and
each county might be greatly
helped by tho stockmen forming
themselves into an association
TheNews has repeatedly called for
a Farmors Institute in this county
as most of our farmers aro stock
men nnd most of our stock men
aro farmers a farmers institute
would answer for all purposes
Theso things always pay a good
profit on the time lost in attending
them Oar county needs tho or
TnTTnEntenpiojtmaster of Idaville
Ind writes Electric Bitters has dono
cioro for mo than all other medicines com
bined for that bad feeling arising from
Kidney and Liver trouble John Leslie
farmer and stockman of samo place says
Fin 1 Electric Bitters to lie the best Kul
my and Liver iiiiiliiiue made me feel
tike a now man J V Gardner hard
ware merchant same towD sa i s Electric
is just the thing for a man who is all run
down and dont caro whether ho lives or
dies he found now strength gooil appetite
and felt just like he had a new lease on
life Only 50 e a bottle at Tom MGrays
Drug Store J
The Courier Journal has some
suspicion about tho Presidents
message If tho message was got
ten up for the purpose of hoodwink
ing the Journal will call the pres
ident to time
A newspaper can say nice and
pleasant things about a man nnd
his whole famih for two long
years and then incur their lifetime
enmity in one short week by a
seeming slight Yes its tho fact
and you can hurrah foi a candi
date back his friends cuss his
enemies aud make a darn fool of
yourself all tho way through with
out a thank in tho end to find
when you aro a candidate that ho
is out o politics But there is
one man who dont forget you aud
thats the man you opposed Ex
ATr Editor we have a fine coun
ty capable of producing almost
anything The resources of the
county aro sufficient to support a
good factory With somo little ef
foi ts the part of the citizens
our county could easily bo made to
rank with the foremost counties
o Texas Vi hy dont you boom
up the county some and try to get
up some kind of local enterprise
Tho L you say What olso
have wo dono but boom the county
and then lose sleep by something
gnawing at our heart We are al
most convinced that wo might as
well a tempt to plough up tho ad
amantine seas of hades with a rat
harnessed to a shinglo as to try to
wake up somo of our citizens
A Gold Watch and 204
That iswhit every Agent receives who
gets up a club on ourjl per week plan
Our 11karat goldtilled cises are war
ranted for SO 3 ears Fine Ilgin or Wal
tbaut movement Stem wind and set
Ladys or Gents size Lquil to any 30
watch To heciite agents where wo have
none we sell one of tho Hunting Case
Watches for tho Club pneo 23 aud send
CO D 03 express vvith privilege of ex
animation before pa > mg for same
Our agent at Uurb inN C writes
Our lctte eis have confessed they
dont know bow
6 = 1
Sanderson Brothers
Dealers Is
Paints Oils Varnishes Toilet Articles Etc
° I tIlc Pnrest nnl Freshest Drugs Kept iu mock Special attention
to tlio Jobbing Trade
Phjsieians Prescriptions Carefully Compoumletl at All lhmr Day or Xight
II Select
c Keep a Assortment of Fine Jetcelnj utMotlerale Prices
gents for Ifcuvkcs Celebrated Spectacles j
The Citrros
ftASTEB has
jou can furnish such 1 adapting It to use In
work for the money sectionswhereothcr
m COt
One good reliable agent w anted for each pllat
place Write for particulars
Kew York 1 S AIHiH9 3s
most cooplcto rianter m de
> breaiage will last for veiirs roitrden all < va
Headquarters for Ranch Supplies
Wo endeavor to keep the be6t and to sell at a hgiumate profit Flour and other
bcay groceries are hamlled in car load lots We also keep 1 neit assortuientcif Queens
ware and glasswate
Dry Goods Clothing Notions
Boots Shoes Hats Gents Furnishings Ere
CFAgcnt for M
Shoo Company
EPTho BEST GOODS at tho LOWEST Tos ble Trices Give me 1 shareofjonr
patronage and satisfaction is assured
James Dollleniyre Proprietor
Headquarters for Commercial Travelers and Stock
men and a comfortable place for all
Here yon will find good meals comfortable beds One cigars and polite attention
To b SsrI LtI3ng
Of 70237 Cl3aracter
At Ekais OfSce
Constructed culin of eU cxivpt handles
NochalntowcaroutandgIcrtrnsh POSITIVE FORCE FEED ri until from
DEST Tj Cottou to Com Inaftwmmutra it ii lLelKntestFir < nett > vst finlshtdand
mostpracticairfcmurJii th norletnm > FULLY GUARANTEED fcyour
v idoenot handle
duller for it ainiuLi 1 fiotu r Vnji sil
iL luil jaruciuara u iKUlur nt tree to any address
We also manufacture Canton Cbppor Flovrs Volun
teer ai fl Victor Cultrvitors Disc narrows Tri
cycle Sulhy and Ganff Plows and
1 mdlj Btujrres Carriages
Carts Pnm is Wind Hills
Superior Grain Drills Scientific
Grin iiir r 3Cill3 HAITI COOPER
iWAGUl V Ji r raaatl
The San Saba News
San Saba Texas
SUBSCRIPTION S150 por year
Hardware Qtiecnswarc
Tinware Glassware and
and Crockery
Mitchel Molino and
Standard Wagons
Bngg es Hacks Surrays
Phrtotons and Road
McCorinick Reapers Mow
crs and Hinder Twine
ffHrlrlDn WiEor
Corner Eock Building Op
posite Dofilemyre Hotel
Gulf Colorado
Santa Fe Ey
The Popular Route
The Direct Ronte
The Santa Fe Route
Between all Points in
And Kansas City St Louis Chicago
Kantas Colorado California
and all points in tho
North East West
Elegant Pullman Palaco BufTet Sleeping
Curs aro run through every day in tho
year from
To Kansas city via Purcell St Louts
viaFrisco Line Connecting St Louis
and Kansas City Union Depots
with Fast Service to
Through tickets Baggage chccksSIeeping
Car Berths and all travel information
Furnished on application to any
Santa 10 Agent
H O Tiioiirsox G P T A Galves
ton Texas
BF UAFFOltn Agent Lometa Texas
1IH > >
Stickers hive
i Guaranteed
Absolutely Water
beside the fish Bnni
Tridouu on every Coil
oftWooler Vf
WatCh OutI Collar
p Se d to

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