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Cayton's weekly. [volume] (Seattle, Wash.) 1916-1921, May 24, 1919, Image 1

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Published every Saturday at Seattle, Washington,
U. S. A.
In the Interest of equal rights and equal justice to
all men and for "all men up."
A publication of general information, but in
the main voicing the sentiments of the Colored
Subscription $2 per year in advance. Special
rates made to clubs and societies.
HORACE ROSCOB CATTON. .Editor and Publisher
Entred as second class matter, August 18, 1916, at
the post office at Seattle, Wash., under the Act of
March 3rd, 1916.
Office 303 22nd Aye. South
How much there is in the idea of spirit
ualism is more by far than the one who
does not believe there is anything at all in
it, can faintly express it. It, however, is
quite safe to say that almost from the
original birth and death of man, spiritual
ism, in some form or manner, has possessed
the minds of the living, due, it is herewith
surmised, largely to the fact that the living
so sorely regrets to have one near and dear
silenced in death, and their bodies return
to the elements of mother earth. A great
majority of the poeple have always believed
that in every human body there is an inner
men, which seeks some other abode after
the deatn of the body. Where that abode
was or is, has been, is and will ever be
the problem of solution. If that abode is
in some haven of rest, where the Creator
is the center of attraction, and the earth
departed souls live there on flowery beds
of ease, then it would seem that the departed
would have no desire to return to or even
visit with their dearest ones on earth. If,
on the other hand, the earth-departed souls
are consigned to a place of perpetual pun
ishment, then there would be no means of
escape therefrom or all so incarcerated
would escape and the alleged place of
punishment be deserted.
Therefore, viewing spiritualism in the
light of either the affirmative or the nega
tive, as sated above, he whole spiritual
istic fabric is a delusion and a snare and
those who claim they can communicate with
the dead are either deceivers or mentally
Spiritualism ahs always flourished
after destructive wars, in which multiplied
thousands of human beings lost their lives,
and their spirits would visit their loved ones
at home. Whether they actually did or
whether the wish was father to the thought
is another unsolved phase of the spiritual
istic propaganda. Caesar's ghost, so says
mythology, visited the arch-enemies of the
Caesar living, while they were bivouacing
in their tents at night planning a decisive
battle and said, "I will meet you at
Phillipi," Whether true or not Caesar's
enemies were defeated at the battle fought
at Phillipi and if his ghost was there it
had its revenge for the cowardly assassina
tion of the living Caesar.
Throughout England at present spiritual
ism seems to be possessing the minds of a
great majority of her citizenry in all walks
of life. In the late world war the English
lost a great many men, which means many
home mourners, all of whom are anxious
to, if possible, communicate with their dead
and so it is an easy matter for the spirit
ualistic propaganda to spread from center
to circumference in the English domain.
and especially so if it be enocuraged by the
leading citizens thereof.
Millions, billions, trillions and numbers
beyond computation of human beings have
lived and died since man first inhabited
this world, and if their spirits are always
about us as argues the spiritualist, then
almost every conceivable square inch of
space about us is pregnated with spirits,
and it would be utterly impossible to com
municate with one without doing so in the
presence of hundreds of others. If every
body has a living soul which after death
returns to the Creator, even that abode by
this time must be badly overcrowded, and
the same is applicable to the alleged place
of everlasting torture, but to God all things
are possible, and He, therefore, will make
ample preparations for all who live and
As said above, where the spirits of those
who die go after leaving the body is and
ever will be an unsolved problem, but cer
tain it is there is no sufficient evidence to
justify the belief that they hover about the
living and if they do, they are far from
being at rest.
"The house will come to order, it now
being 8.30, and we will have a word of
prayer from Rev. Consistency. Now, ladies
and gentlemen, this meeting is for the pur
pose of formulating plans for the better
ment of the colored citizens, not only here,
but throughout the United States. We
have among us men and women of varied
experience and the ideas of each are
wanted at this time. We will first hear
from Mr. Corn Tassel, who is thoroughly
conversant on agricultural economics. You
have heard the report, what is your
pleasure? The same has been uannimously
adopted. We will now have the report of
Mr. Rich Fellow, who has had much experi
ence in financing ,as to the advisibility of
opening a banking institution. The motion
to adopt the report is unanmiusly carried.
It has been moved and duly seconded that
Mr. Business Man present the conclusions
of this meeting to the mass meeting, which
has been called for November 15th, that the
same may be taken under consideration by
"our people." If there be no further
business before the house a motion to
adjourn is in order. It now being 9.30, the
meeting stands adjourend, subject to the
call of the chairman." Well, who would
have thought a few puffs at a pipe, which
seemed to have a little or nothing in it,
would have caused such a peculiar dream.
The above must have been a dream, because
we do not conduct meetings so smoothly
as this.
There is grave danger in the position that
some of our race leaders are taking in
charging that the white race as a whole is
an enemy to the Negro race, and therefore
such race leaders are seeking to array race
against race and to meet prejudice with
prejudice, hatred with hatred, and bitter
ness with bitterness.—The position is
wrong. In the first place, it is wrong as a
matter of policy. We will get nowhere in
our effort to secure justice and equity if
we array ourselves as a race against a race
that has superior numbers, intelligence and
wealth and social and political advantage.
It would be far better to seek to show the
white people themselves and the world the
fairness of our appeal.
We do not underestimate that element of
the white race that is disposed not to give
us an even handed justice. This element
is considerable in number, persistent in its
attitude and determined so far as possible
to see to it that the Negro is hindered at
every point and is reduced or kept into
practical peonage. But another fact is
equally apparent. There is a large and
growing element of white people. South as
well as North, that is anxious for the Negro
to have a square deal.
There are individuals in this group who,
because of this attitude, are going up
against social embarrassment and, in some
instances economical boycott and political
discord. They are fighting with might and
main to maintain a good conscience and a
sense of self-respect and therefore to
accord to all men, including the Negro, a
square deal. It is an easy matter for our
race orators, agitators, debators and writers
to charge the entire white race as being
opposed to the best interests of he Negro.
While it is easy to do this, it is exceedingly
hazardous and unfair. We must not forget
the individual white men and women and
large and influential groups South and
North who are doing their level best to
improve our condition and make life all the
more tolerable. We must not forget the
millions of dollars spent and the lives given
for our uplift.
In our effort to secure justice we must
not be unjust. In our effort to break down
prejudice, we must not endorse prejudice
by being prejudiced ourselves. People who
know the bitterness of mistreatment, injus
tice and prejudice must first of all be
those who know how to treat others right
and treat them fairly and to measure their
deeds correctly. We will lose friends
rather than gain them if we fail to do this.
—From the "Southwestern Christian Advo
cate," New Orleans, La.
After having religiously voted against all
woman suffrage bills that came before con
gress as long as the Democrats held the
majority in Congress, those self-same
Democrats fell all over themselves to vote
for the woman suffrage bill thai passed
the House last Wednesday. Trust a Demo
crat to do the right thing at the wrong
In our opinion, President Wilson is going
to have a monkey and a parrot time to pass
the buck up to the Republicans in his
"wet" campaign.
When you go to a public meeting and yon
not object to everything that is proposed
and rise to a point of order every time
someone gets up to speak, then who the devil
will know you are there.
"Wilson certainly made Rome howl,"
says the Indianapolis Star, and, believe me,
Rome certainly made Wilson run to
Cayton's Weekly appreciates the fifty
new subscribers that have come its way
the past week. It never rains but it pours.
British India has lost nearly 5,000,000
persons dying from the Spanish influenza.
VOL. 111. NO. 51

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