«» THE SEATTLE STAR I I wblu »rD. ruiiinn »%«r> m.iii.».i. r»r«i>i Maaa) I. 11. till, It. t. rIUaK. Kixtoi. I i.i.i«•- M.Ni.m • 'n» r»»l f*t t"|t i >li mil. |*t »e>k, ft I««1H> • milt |«r nouta •l»llin»l »y ratii* v. li»« nt 1" Talephon* P>lhi«> i»o •>».«. Ms 110 l * • Iklr.l A.M.«. laund alUMpMivretalOeatUa.Muklai. i*in a. Mv^Hld^lM* lll»f Strictly ludfpendritt la Politic*. I >•! II l< » 111 mi; HUN. Th* queMtun «a rrtntientlv aakrd by p*r*nna wbo .li* not •*• th* Arat lour of the Mar rAiiialnlna Ma fUt lam of ptin>'lp>« a* to what the polltlra of IMa paptr may be. !U!*f. ly lh»n. the anawer la that th* Star baa not at prvoent, mr will It ha>r In tb* future, any political blaa. It will nnt !» tb* i>i-aan of any |»l» purf>>«» >«« ai«.n« th* peupl* th* n»«a in a truthful, atralchtforward faahion. Such I* th* tru* mtaalon of •II American nr»«i^n-»r«. lull noel of th*m hay* atray*d far from th* mark and are no* fa4teiU>Mt at th* corn crib* of political partle*. They tell tb* truthjMily aa far aa "policy" dl.tato* anl a)a* (r*at dUlcunrc In ■■p|ir»a»ln«l i»«i urfa»-r«l>.» In th* parti** from whK-b they draw a f/oodly portl*aj of thair *u*t»nanr«. A* a mult. tb«a* Paper* ' »-» not n*>w« dw*»miiMl'T< la th* tru* **na* of ftie word.< ■ They ar* rMaard la ■tal»m*nt. «a>t tb«r»for*. unrvllabl*. Th* publiabtr* of th* Star b*ll*v* j that a MrtcUy a«ru«an r>»-» •!■* p*r haa a field In tht« or any other I wn«-lli«»nl e*m*nan4ty wb*r* peopl* wan! l-> know th* truth an.l th» who!* truth - about - *v*rythlas. There ar* km . peopl* vbo ar* •>» bt«**d and pr*)udlcvil by political rancor that tk»y will not. If they ran | h*lp It. read any-ihlne- of a political ' natur* «|>p««rtnc In print. except It I* th* production of •'nv* wrlt*r of their own parttmlar way of tkiinklna They patronia* only hidebound par tisan or«»ne. lumwin« that no d*a (•mm h*r*«ir« will b*> printed. Thrlr > bortxoa I* Mm« 'an>l \h*y r»fu*» absolutely to.kanw anrthlrr about th* broad *w**p of rn«l»f« pulttlcal tboua-bt. a* *x*mpila*d by tb* an tac^niatu- b*4icfa and i«»ltrt»« of ail of tb* contentlin*; part Tti*«* people." fortunately for th* Star, ar* comparatively few In num. ber The larv* majority of Ameri can ritla*fia ar* aaxion* to vet •' Urn truth V all matter* and to form i tl»»ir own' JBd«m*nt» «a on*>ta»»'l Ime*. Tb*y look with a pardonable *twpi<-tin upon th* *tat»m»nta «p --p*arin( In partisan or«»n». aad ar* always on lt>* lookout for a Journal that ha* , th* ■ «oura«* to ''" th* truth, and th* who!* of II T.i thl* lanr* and ;. rrow!n» <•!•»« th* •tar look* for Ita rapport. Fly r n>'.at»nt adherence to the simple prtn6t'b« iM«(r*l out at thl* point. Th* — i-r*tary of war ha* vir tually pr«rr.:«*»l "hit tb* troop* (ball b* broua^bt to the Round Indead of Ban rTanctscOk If no serious ImpixU* j menta ar* discovered In th* way of poor <-*mpir.a' rf>un la and th* like. The ramping faelittie* ar* excellent, supplies are pleatlful and the aunv j tner climate salubrious and d<-llcht ful. Th* Inarlral aequenc* of th* secretary"* promts* Is th->t be will order th* troops to"b* brourht direct to Beattl*.' ' Tti* statement* tele graphed from Han r"r»n'i«"i to th* effeot that th' military authorities at the Presidio barv* batn ordered to plac* th* camptnc Bround* ther* In readtne** for fh^ reception of return- Ing volunteer* en route bom* from th* Philippines, does not necessarily concern any of tht regimenta betang toiic to th* northern tier of states. Ran Francisco la the natural point of debarkation _ for th* regiment* en rout* to Kanifta and Nebraska, Inas miKtt aa rhoae state* lies directly In th* eastward, but 8«-»ttls I* th* Kate way thr'»urh which all troops travel- : ln«r to \V»»«hJr.rlr.n, Montana. Idaho and the Dakolas »MI And the moat convenient «nl desirable rout* home. ' STn«l»rn conditions of warfare ar* quit* fllaatrnllar from th* condition* ttrhlcb axkitrd a century airo In Manila th* spectacle In presented to. i d»y of an In»iinr*nt <«mrnl*alon' holding amicable aesalorui with the American peace commlaston and din- i running a liberal form of government for th*. Philippines, while a. few miles I away th* American and Insurgent *.rmJe* ar* »nmired In a fierce strug- j gle with the ata ■! fntalltief. Ru K.plrti Hi. .ll.i-11. »!,•!• Witt |.|.ih nlilv b* taken. Inasmuch «• the pru fewtnr resolutely refuara to admit in it he If nut of alignment with the ' rhun"ii.>iil <]uta. lion* «n«vtiii* Old Ti»i->iii.-iil hi* tory, *tc. iiffrrt h» on* at th« "liUli.-r i-ritii-« ' of th* Hrlggs' »■■!••■: who created •mli a rumpui In fluutrn ■torn a few imp ago, ami II la not Impossible that ho will secure th* notoriety that ettmo to Or. Hrlirg* IhrnuKh a hn. ay trial Ther*> «miM *c«*m to '"• tin pre tense for ronlrov*r»y on one point, ami that la aa to th* propriety <>( any man remaining In » religion* communion, to th* principle*- «f which !»«• la oj>po*«d. Th* ir»|.i r thin* far MKliffcrt 10 do I* to lofty*. th- Presbyterian NM altogether ■< hi* beMefa ar* tnromnatabl* with IVesbyterUn standard*, and then at lark th* church with a itw lane* If MiMMM •■< ' •■■>■!» II la not j In (»xl taat*. how*v*r, to dint 1., | th* clerical otllr* In any <4iurrh whil* attarktng It* doctrine*, directly or Indirectly. NO DIVIDED DUTIES Deputy Collector* Must Have No Outside Work. WA9HINOTO.V, D C. May ll— Th* romml*aU>n*r of Internal r»v enue today ;•»';. .1 an order directing that th* deputy .'.11.-I m of Inter- I nal rtimu» »!>all Klv* their undi vided Mm* and attention to to* gov. •riwnerU. Th* action • baawl ni—u reporta that deputies hay* b«n en gaged in «>tt»»r buaine**e* and have p*rform*d wn'lfii not required by th* collector* of Internal r*v*nu*. r.immt««l»n«T IVUaoa lab** th* view thai th* 1.-|ut;r» if they « i«h la »nr»«»> In i>ut«sir work, should re algn th*lr government petition*. MORE FREEDOM FOR FILIPINOS Th« Schema Is Presented at an Opportune Time. MAVTt.A. May 14 -iv«r« Cbannla •!..n»-r flchurman mi I today that ih* •cbenie of government auih>>ria*d by PresMent M. Kim-y had b»»n pr**> •nt~l to th* Flrtpiana at an oppor tun* lime. T*.-- i>hfnif." h* 4'Mfil. "»h>ul 1 satisfy In* legitimate aspira tion* of th* Filipino* for partk-f;*. Una In th-ir own r>v*rnm»nt it > menu *v*a thouch th» latur -I rl«r«« lh«ta to b* lnd»p»i«d*nt an4 •r>vrrrl«n " Dial May Attend CItICAOO, May XX— M a m**tln* of th» FwlaraJ cominKt** on for*lm (Ufttt at th* t'nl'in l<-»«u» club y**ttrJay, Cot. \V. II Itobvrt*. ••*« » avnt to Mexico, ryporOil that h» bad no doubt that a,»>r Dlai will b« IB Chlracn durieir th* titrctaxa of Ortotwr ♦ Th» r»miti!t(», of »hn-h T. Ii »ry«ji. it ebairman, con •vUivl plan* for formally invMin«i tb* pr*itd*nt of Mostrn. and a *ut> eommrM**, ron«l*ttn« of Mr. llrr«n, and t'oottnaatvr C U. O»rl-.n. w*r* .|ln>rlrd tn |ir»|»r» th* Invitation. Th* rommlttr* will atan invlt* th* rov*rn<>r «-r>»r»l of i'»mli l>r. It. Cameroa will riMi man and •*■ tend til* lovltati..n MYSTERIOUS MURDER Phelps County, Mo., Man Kil led While Hunting. TUBUUIIHA, M-. May It—lllrti. .- I rnrt*r, of l*n*!p« county, waa ' my*t«rW>ualy mwr*r«l at a lonely ■ •pot In th* wood* n»r Mary* Horn*, Mtll»r rottnty. < ll* »a» out turkey hurrtlMt with | a eompanlnn rmrn.^l Marl Cappa. They had *«parart»r ran 17* y»ni« b*for* h* f#ll and Cap)*. hMnnn« th* *hnt, and hi* erle*. bMMcnrd to bi* Md*. I' COMBINE OF ; JUG LINES CIItCAOO, May 23 -Tiir. ar* In a ' truvt. Th* ««u'y amokv-bflrhrr* i that rhurn up rtv»r water and *mlt ear-apllttlna; «hi«ll.a will anon be ' taking- Ml In dM naim> nt an up to-date combination of N»w Jirary m.inur»'-tur»-. llarked by th* mil lion* of th* lUx-krf. ll.m anih.ri <•< all th* Important t"wln( i<.mi>»nl»« on the treat tnkra. Among th* prop* ■' ■to be m»nr»d ar* th» Dunham T->» ln« and Wreck. , in* company and Harry Urn*.' Inde pendent Tuff line of Chlmso and the rnnaummatlnn of the pinna will mark the retirement from marine affair* of «'«[ t. J. H Dunham, who baa been ■i dominant flxure In river in! har bor affair* In the we*t for over 40 year*. W. A, '"..IM<-r pr.-«ld<-nt of the V< • ■a] Owner*' Towlnir rompnny, of Cleveland, hi" hren ths prime mov er of Hi" lallfir-hlnir of the IUX mm bine. He ha* arrtired option* on ev ery line of I StM*qe< "• ■■• "I the prln. rlpal porta on the lake*. The oeOana will expire June 1. Nothing; definite ha* yi-l '" ■ " derided upon, .lilh'-r na to rapilal, : :t If or "Hl* Ml of tho n»w rnmpnny, th'iiiirh the amount Involv ed In th* pan hax of the rompon»nt ptanta la in tweam of 11,000,000 ■ ,i«h Thf tui line i:.r« will i". •■!•. '■ •!».( mull for thrlr hnl>llna:*. ri<'kanil>, Brown * On Oil Clavaktud Iron round< ii, .in i Hm kafallaii «re crclitf'l with financial ipenaoraMp i.f th* deaL SILVER IS TO BE RELEGATED _ WAHIIt.Nrvro.V. EX Oh May Ji j It Hi becoming «|'i»r.'ni «•• pOUtMWa ti>r.' that free, allver wtll not >■•• ■« prominent plank 11l the noxt Dtntt* cratla platform. Th* party will mv r.-i»ik.- iin- doctrine, but will malm It • an'oii'liirr 'Mur giving pr<«n- Ini-ni-K l*m, I- ■iTillnit to flit uiii-"iiii.-i ' I' I* poll .1 out th.it It would !••• nti miu| for rh* I viii.« rji« i.i c i bttara Hi" rnuntry at th* n«>l |>m-»i■!• mi "I rlr.lli.ti « lilt ft*., .iiv.T ,i» 111. m.i.n IWM, Rhould th.-lr r.m ll.l.tii- I" --.In let cm MUCH M plat form hi would he hi-ii-li■»» to iniliii'ii.■>• frr* ailvt>r 1.-h!ilui • n. for the rea*«n that th» •«•!!.« If for thr n«»t clx >'»i» l« «it ».'i<-limiiiiil>' In favor of Hi.- «-I I ' • UmUnl. Bhoulil situation In the Miillp. l-in.-« .i».| j-«.ri'i 111.-.i warrant, ■nil-1 Imtx-rUliam will b* th. '.iii try. wrth fre* »llvtr «nltlun tn the ii-uni» i» running main i< X' • p ti> • i ■liver mm and lV(>ut:»'• In llnr. II | i» «ii.| that a tunlrsl on *u>h mi !•• I •>it- would be plraamir lo Ihe I>emi>>J . i.ittr tr.i tcr*. fur tbe i. ■ i« >ra. alont Improve* during the n*xt yrar to th* extent of adding airengih in th* expansion policy of th« • imu.u mi! oppoattlon to the « ii ■t » ill b* mni t for sr*t pntrtlon on the Uamncratk* (HWN ami antl-es* l>«MM'>n and free pil\«t wtll be rele «it* mrond and third plare*. At; any rat*. It I* ilvrtami by many that all (Urn* [K»4n! 10 the abandonment • t fro* •ilvr m th* rardtnal ptinrlple of Democracy. Noit Cart Callldas With Car C*l»lA.^Ar<>U». 'Iml.. May M- An rlectrte car, running I] mile* an hour, collided «itn a ►•■■*• o«»"n K<'ina to a Ore It>J«.v. •ii.l two men may dl* aa th* rvtult at the ■<■• I dent. Krank oweoa, the driver uf the hf" <••«.... and Jim" t-Vniicr an. the (MmnMn «f the Mr, were i>i |Ho«k>« who «■»• rUlnir baatiW th* driver on the hoe* wairon. ••■ al*o badly Injured. HELD THE MAIL TRAIN Kansas Farmer in the Hands of Undo Samuel. milT »COTT. Kan. Mar »—J IVir»< • ••••Hhjr furttwr. •>•» »• ■ rr»r«-l «r»l i'i4cnl In J*il her* to* ■l«r by I'nttad Ht«tm «fil>-rr». • 'i>r« . «-l with ob«ir»«ur •nh .* ).<•* froltht train to pur out It* maintain*! hi* l»«ntnn on ft* main track. ao* track «">■' d*lar*y. aaya "I ■!•• not think th* |W.a«a.»W r*n>*t truat la practloasle. On* *■*• trt*l aom* I y-«r» >■-> ami fallr4. TtMr* ara too many of us.",' Whipped In the Street. I'AliAO'.l I fi. Ark . May 2i-Dr. M. I. Mode**. a prominent |>h)»i. . >■ w«a pubttely whipped at Cardwell. M>. today by Mr* John King, the wlf* of a a»lixmk»»p« r Mm Kind waa with her huabamt when eh» mat the ptijilrtan. Kiiht a-rabbed Ik llnd«*a and held him while th- wotnao piled the laah Tb« phyatctan ta arcuaed by Mra. Kinir of *i>e«klna; m an tiwwnpU. mentary manner of her alater. Mra. Miller. with whom Dr. llmloa j boarded. STATIONS FOR SAVING LIFE WASHINGTON. D C. May Jl.— Information ha* been received here from Mexico and Japan la th. effect (bit both Boverntnenti prnpna* to —: il.!i»h llf«««vlna > and alirnal •>•« --tema al-ina* their roaita an I employ I'mtun ni«M »i«rMil«. Druggitts to Combine. NEW T'.ltK Mar «.-The l*te»t ronaolldatlon nf bu«tne«« Interests to be announced la that nt the whnle «i!» iMIWMM The prnnv»trr« rail It an anial«am»n«n Th. v emphati cally der4ar» th*< It I* n-rf it tru»t. Ninety-one Jobber* In the li i.r tmde eaat of th* Rooky tnountalna and nnrth .if and In.Hi. Memphla and 1:1- fini>n-l, whnae Invexted lntere«ti are ratlmateO at 117.m0.0nn, m,i an nual Mir« acxrevAte l«n.000.Au0. have been irsvlt»^l to )(*n. The amntriim atom e«p*«st tT»t before the flmt of June M per r*nt. of the trad* will have been brought wlt_n the "re m- I lit lon. Reunion of Rough Rldors ALIirQUBnQIJB, N. M., May 21 —The city of Albuquerque ha* re* llnquKhed Ha effort to aecure the re. union of llooawelt'a Hough Htder* In New Mexico Juiw 14. -■'■ .'« «nd 27. Thia action waa taken in favor of L Mi' 2J-Cnl umbua llrunia*', (a, iraa burled at Itoaevllle yeaterday. Hi had lived within half a mil* of l(.*..vllt<- all hla life, but hail not he*n ln*Me th« corporate Bn*a of Itneevllle for 20 year*. In IK) lirtjiiiiic* whn had a aerlea of aMerratlnna with Rom rilli people, waa arre*te . " !— h W X > ,■o»■ < M ' I —: — Z z^: zz: m L__ DC 3y"2. . « • 0 . > —7— —T— §_« !__ z < o ' ' i . ; d ■ It»■£ ■ ' id L » 2 " "111 I—l L. h—i r~j ZHMII2 ON QUEEN ANNE HILL -=- —— > — I'r.nt's Orchard of over 6 acres of large beirlng fruit trees has just been put on the market by Holman & ** " Robinson. " —~^ For a Home or Spculation • "' !! T A. It will pay you to see these lots. Beautifully located. a " C fine view of Lake, City and Sound. Extra choice for • : £ desirable home. En- IS _ Take the Cedar Street Car ; ; 5) Every Lot Cleared, ready to build upon. At least ten full bearing fruit trees on each lot. s , 17 . Tomorrow Will Be Too Late -— t '.. Easy Terms to those who wish to build. " | I _«»!!_«-— j I Price #260 per Lot. No Reserve highland drive: a representative to show the property will be on ___—_—————». _____ ■ the grounds. I For terms see any of the following Real Estate I |'f/,Li>rt- I Till- MOORE INVESTMENT CO. SEATTLE LAND COMPANY, 11 i Columbia Street 1 12 Columbia Street PEABODY & BROTIIERTON, BROOKS A: HAW LEY, il l Washington Building 405-406 Washington Building I. 31. JORDAN, BETTINGER & VAN HOUTEN, Rooms f^ Colonial Block Sullivan Block " . ' ' , ■ ■> . ' ■ VIRTUE-WARNER LAND COMPANY, |O| New York Block THE BIG DITCH IN MONTANA IIF-IJTVA. Wont.. May ».—The arid land itrant nunmlMiKn "t Mon> ( lam, in addition to work already '•rii««l forward In different parta of ] the atate, (a prtparlns for the Imme- • diate c»natru<-t|nn of a lar«p < anal «> «t-m In Carbon ■■ni*)', in the val ley of nark. • >*. rk rtvrr, an la de. •troua of 1 irmliu a ri lony upon the land* In >- lit i-.-l from It T»ila vall«-y la In the extreme southern portion »>€ the Mate. It* lopnfrraphU ral at.'l cllm»tle«l rt»n«llllona are In many reain- •rrlfat'-U with hired labor." AMUSEMENTS. •A tlachelor'a Honeymoon." which or*n»d at the Bcnttle lh..«t.r last j night for three i •' ■"Him • • la a j v«ry funny an-1 cleverly written fine The many aorlpn of highly anualna" eomplloatlons .unl *ltua tlona prenent ■ rare novelty. Wnlter Walker ana Mies Bta< »> who appear In the lead, "i. exceptionally well | ca»t, awl th« aii|>|«>rllna; • ..iiifinv la atrons In every ihi T'lilKhl ami td. ■ a • Clay Clement will itlvp "A Woulh .• ii i tooth man" ■' thn H^ntllc thi-n --i.-r Thur. ' evening, to tip followed by "A New I > .'i .1 In" Krldny even- HI. Mr. <' » in. ii ne«la bo Intro rlu.-tlmi to a Hi-.iitli> mi.11.-in i. and i no doubt but tliJLl hi* *l »»lon>e at both i«-rf..rmanc*a. • • • A moat extraordinary nii»i»m»nt .> (hat which will »— at the Seattle ihr.irr for three nlchl* beginning Hurnlay Trtgbt. M»n««»r Howe haa axrured Melbourne Mcl»i»«-ll an.l Illaarh* Wal.h who will appear In "U» Tow*" and -redore." • • • The AlKe Oerftßd* will make two Irlpa to Victoria tarrying 'irur»|oi> !■!• for the «jiirrn'» etlebratlon. The first trip will be run lonlcht. l«-aTln« Ih- i "Hy dock at mldnl«hl ami arrtv- Inir at VKlorh» tomorrow niornina* Kh» will then leave her* Thursday mornin* «t i** o'clock. rMtirnlr.it that night by leavlnir Victoria at 10 I' m. ';\ 2 END OF THE FERRIS WHEEL ___________ CHICAGO. 111., Mar »•—Ferrla wheel, the irMnt "merry-ifo-round"' th it haa been one of «*hl«".nro'» won ■l. m ever ainc*. th« World'a Fair, will •!•• li« next turn In HI. I»uta or New York. Th.- bin revolver h*a whirled through C!hlca«-t» air for the I"" era. ■on. as neeottatlona for Ma tranafer tn one of the c4t|e« named ire now In prorrm nf i-»n<-lu»l<>n. Hi l..Miln de. «lrm It ai< an attraction for the I-ou Ifrinna piiri-h«»>" centrnnlnl In I*o3. hut a New York imiuapmi-nl firm ha« filed ii rnunler propoalt l«n for ■- re moval to » location In the vicinity of Mnnhattun l»lnr>.| Maniirr I. V Wee. of FVrr* Park ml 1 la* nlitht that the wheel"* .1. • llnntlmi m not vrt ilMrrmlrn-1. but It* Chicago career «M «lm»n at an •mil. ■•■j;>_- ■"■'■'• ~. A Marvelous Escape. CHATTANOOOA. Term.. May 23. — Wntter Froat. * younir »Ml« b<,y. foil 100 feet fn»m a. mcky bluff Into the i mm river thla afternoon Ami »■■ not drowned.' He « i« >"ir» |y «,i,,i.|i..| in.l vni i. -in..l by a t»>atmnn MM by. Fi'.it. with Mm. • .mi in:-.tin. « ■■<» |.li\hi« .in the I.luff, whrn ho got I ■"• ii.-ii the H«p, Iran hie fnallnit mil fill IINI. A number of rv«l In UN H»v rn which wan i tci*li*.l bj Col llryan'* Nebraska h-klmi.hl. hi.l he iirwu-nt^l the blnl to Dr. W. 11. 11 iil.-r. of ii • cMy. The iilKht before i >• i the • it: I.- win either Kt"i ■n or ih. :l |,.,| from lid miii. Ml Dr. Itllll.l home. 1....ii lima 1... I irth «nil Ilk*. Mcttrli'tlvu t|«.lallil«. i'livu* l'lkt 15 PLANING MILLS SHUT DOWN MKMMK.. Ind . Mar MMI La bor r"«nnml«taon»ni hmll an I Me -I'nninfk hare been hert for the past day or two endeavoring to •ettl* the difficulty between the planlnic mill 1 owners and th* bulldera, the result of which trouble had dosed every plan lr« mill In ths rity. Their mtaslon rtre* no Indication of success as yet. The carpenter*, airarnst whom lies th* chief srlevanr* of the planing mill men, have suffered no Inconven i ience. Mnc* lb-*. mostly frame*, from them alone. The carpenters heretofore purrhaaed frame* at the lumber yard*. a:H occasionally have made j them. To arr*«V to the request of ■ th* mill owner* VMM be to ill" criminate aolnst union contractor*, union lumbermen and union pianino; mill* In other title*. CAFFORD IS CONVICTED -.- He Killed F. B. Lloyd a News paper Writer. OnEK.VVILIJi Ala.. May H.— I After belnir out s*nc« 7 .10 o'clock 1.-mt ■ nlrht, the Jury In the ca»e of John A. (lafTord returned a verdict at 1:30 p. in. today, flndmir the defendant guil ty of murder In the flr»t decree, and filing punishment at life In the peni i tentiary. <>affard killed F. 11. l.L.vil. a member of the legislature from Batter county, and a well-known , newspaper writer, In August, 1 miT II- alleged that Uoyd Nil been Good Patterns.... FOR SUMMER WEAR IN MEN'S BUSINESS SUITS Don't Show Dust or 8011. Won't Fade, Never Look Worn, Excellent Wearers. I «SH£& $10, $12.50, aid $13.50 Beat and Biggoat Clothier* In the State J. REDELSHEIMEB & CO. 800*802 First Aye., Cur. Columbia. criminally Intimate with hi* »l !o« 1 • i»;t. At >.«ff.irl • first trial be was sentenced to bane, but the su- PM court nv. r««-.| the derision. All were prominent The trial ha.l been on since tan Thurw 1 <>•. In her testimony. Mm. Millrr. ».»irr of Gaf fnrd, admitted that improper rela tions existed Mm ■ her and Lloyd. Coffin Trust Dead. lUCHMo.Vt). Ind.. May »-a r» prrsentallv* of the loeaJ casket com pany Monday rava out the Informa tion (hat all attempts to form a cof fin trust were a failure. The opttona riven on the local plant urn with drawn. WHIPPED BY CITIZENS Scorchers Struck an Aged Woman and Are Drubbed. 1 CJII&AOO. M,v «L—Throe soorch ••f» *»r» In Imminent danger of los ing their live* at the handa of an In dignant crowd at the Oik and Or* li-.iiin streets lam evening. ""<• o{ the trio had rotlMetl with an axeil woman. Mrs. J. t«man. cauamir In- Jurli-n that may reault In her death. FV>r more than ten minute* the I wheelmen went klrked and beaten unmercifully. A man In a bumty fin ally p'liinl one of them. The other two took advamare of the diversion rnii'i'l by the newcomer's Interpo •ltloa, Jumped on Ihelr wheel* and rode <%«■«>■. Later the three wheel- J men were arreated. One of them, liimnti- llennett, n Intitlfl he had hit Mm. Wlsman. Hi' elalmed th.it ho I was unable to nvold the collision. At His Mother's Feet. S< iITII MCALKSTKH, IT, May —At Wllliuri■•!> today. John l'-n --eefe, section foreman for the Choc taw railway, dropped dead a* he was about to embrnce his mother. Heart dlnroM? was the cause.