OCR Interpretation

The Seattle star. [volume] (Seattle, Wash.) 1899-1947, August 26, 1899, Image 1

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87093407/1899-08-26/ed-1/seq-1/

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VOL. I. MA'lll.i:. N\ ASIII N<. ION, s\TI IIIIAV liM.MMJ, AKiISI 'J«», 18M. <». I"»T.
SAVANNAH. On, Au«. M—At I o'clock thin mornln* a d*
tArhni-iit of th* Firm <l..'t«i« Infantry anil "'i- of tha M.|ni..«ii
(Ir«K,..m cavalry »rrlv«l In (hi» city from DMt**, brln«ln« 15 r«p
nin.l nrgrnrs rharsol with imiii" li'Mil'n In th* rrrvnt l>l-n»ly run-
Riot. The ir>>'i» AT- «!I|l olinit ImiI«-m. and m"lf rmnpanlra
hay» brrn orvirnnl l.» ih. MM Th* plan now In for a niwrd
■ rrmi .>f all nriro men tn I woitwn i-oncrrnnt In ill. rwrm dla
turhancra, M th- fxttrmlnatlnn. Th* n*«rc«* have gradually
nut■»■■•! t«*nhrr, an.l If lh« tr.«'i>* cttar** thrm.th* alauchtrr will
b# trrrifli- without ttoubl. Th- »iiu»tl..ii I* r«-iar>!i-l •■ iiiKinr-
■> iiu-al.
Labori Makes Things Hot for the Ac
cusers of Dreyfus.
Accuses Freystaeiter of Lying on the Stand
Spectators Again Hiss the Ex
cited General.
IVrilUon th* handwriting «xp»tt who t«-ittn yesterday to demonstrate
mathematically that I>tt>'>j« »r..ie th* bordereau, conilnued hi* testi
mony at th» > >ur;m*rtial tnday. As on >.«t.rd.<y. hr **» surround) <i
with • max of document*, which Uttered two tables; but th» pli* was
considerably r*du>-—I by th* witness «lvm< MUM '■' Ih* d)»m«natra
lion* i.i **.-*, or th* )ud«.-a and other member* of Ik* court. Including
Ib* lawyrr* f,, r th* dofenae.
Labor! and l"uiif bent -««»riy over in* fa* siralle of th- border
eau, a* tb*jr Infri'l l> «*i photographic experts In show that ih«- iw«»
Itv» Of Hm i hi.t.>«t »rh» of tb« l...rl'rriu» »». r*l..u. hcl to suit llrrtll
lon* theory that Drcyfu* waa Ik* autHor of in* document.
IWrtilh.i • testimony nrntly drew to a, close, Ih* witness affirming
that h* had i-r».»r.i (bat Preyfu* wrol* th* U'i'l*r»u with di>gut*e-l
hantwritlna° !>«mani» hereupon a»k*d tb* wiui***. "Did you . ■11.J..1.
, Catvrhasi ■ hAf) I *ri:!')* t<> Ik* k»»r4*fa*»ai »i».| a Uim.t .11. n»- th* £■>»»
»U»t*T**—*T>«.'but ln''« v*ry Irregular way," repM^d IWrtlllon. Then
Uabort put tkla question: "Why." -• a*k*4. "do you say Ik* aord«r*«u
la la DmyftM* handwriting, but dia*-uia*-d. when In M you aaMil It «>•
written by Drcyfu* la a natural hanl"
IWrtlllon; "My change of opinion I* Ih* remit of mature thought ami
lavrstlgation." W*
Dreyfus h«r« Interrupted by saying Ibat tb* writing In til* bordereau
*t( so unlik" hi* own. that h» r*U*d on Ih* ■!>« uni'til Itself to prove
M* Inri'-ni-*. Now. when th* wstntsma flrai testimony ha I baas wholly
.li».-rr.l!tr<»- he MM around and aim *aya It I* aia (Dreyfus') handwrit-
In* but disguised.
Bertlllon » >• r«-.|»«.v«--l of hi« official duties la th* Anthropometne >!<■
panm*nt six »■>k* ax 1 bocaua* of h!* rrfrr in aarriblliat th* bord*r«au
to Drvjrfu*. Afttr prot«*tinir that *• could *ay mu.-ti mow In <pp»rt of
kla (•r»»»ni poallton. •'■ fi ■" finally rnnwnlrd M quit.
Capt. Va.'lrr><>. aaaUlant la H»rlillon. mm» MM put on ID* (land, and
*upport*d hi* tadlrrmny.
Wb*a MM tattrr ronrlud*d. I)r*yfu* ajrain ap«kr. aaylna* that whll*
IVrtui-m ■ d«mon*tratl«fM MaM ■MM', lh»y *«r* abantuirly ulu't.a,
karaMia* th* deduction* w*r* al|.*«lh«-r nuuV frntn MM pr*ml**a.
Intcrmt In Ih* trial whtrh ■•! lana*ut*b»4 durin* IVrtlllon'* t»»tl
inony, *ti.)l»nl> re*lv«], and th* i ' "•linn t«nk an »»rtiln« lam wh*n
Capt. FY*yata*tttr, a in.mi«T of th* Brat cnurtmartial, took Ib* atand.
On Thursday laal. whrn <"..| Maur*!. prr«ldent of to* first rnurtmar
tlal nmnh-l tratlfytnir. Uahnrl <l*»lrrd to confront him with Kr*y*ta*tUr,
but th* Utter »*» not then present. 1 Maural had Mid that the court
martial decided to ny» i after ■•■•■ in* on* of th« dorumenla of th* am.
rtt do»»t»r. The Bra* • ' court would not permit Maurfl or Merrier M
earn* thl* in ml. Krey*U*lt«r tt*tin*d hi conviction that Drryfua
waa f ullty had been baaed on tb* **ld«nc* of expert! an.l Paly dv CUm.
llDwvver. be aatd that the final conviction of th* Judged waa formed af
ter examining certain **cr*t documents handed '•> Ih* JuU<-« eiclunlve.
If. These, were a bloitraphlcai note M Drryfu*. charclns him with
tr*a*onabie conduft throo«fiout hl» career, »l*« the dorument crmtaln
ln« the phrase: "Thla animal of •t» "J ■ letter e»tabllahln* the au
thenticity '■' :hl« irrnnil document, and a v*r*lon of Ih* l'iniinr-1 tale
gram cnntalnlns the • r.l. • < >ur *ml**arr warned; l>tryfii» arr.«'-.1 ■
Thar* Mia a »en*atl(»n In -•<■«»'« when Freystaetter died Ih* tax docu
ment. Oen. Murder i^«iin~l l*»t Thursday that th* fanluardl .1. •
patrh waa not eaaWMMWaVtal to dM martial, and M. Tali..l.nun
bail pronounced the version of II a for«<-ry.
Uaurel and Mercler jumped up and demanded to b» confronted with
the MtaWal . '
Matirvl wa* tb* nr.i to take the aland. ll* **M that h* meant In hi*
testimony on Thurndny that he r«r*v.iially a»w only on* secret document.
ll* wouM not d«-ny th* existence of other*.
Preystaetter, replylnc ln«l*ted that four document* had '»n men
tioned, not only a* pre*ente-l to th* court, but wtr« romm*nt«xl on by
the Judge*.
Maurel protented a«»ln«t these statementa amid murmura from the.
audience, unlit, finally loninir Mi temper, he *houted, "1 have m.ihlna- to
•ay! Nothlna-!" The explosion was greeted by a burst of laughter
from the audience.
I^ahorl a»ked for an explanation from Mercler. who walked up la Ih*
Brand fluohed and Indignant. The general directed hi* rjuestlons at MM
to Fr> >•!,!•
In Ihe flr«t docum-nt you riled, .1., you have referenc* to th« Roliln
•helir 1 h« »«ked excitedly —
"Te*." replied Fieyataetter, "Ther* was something about a ahelt In
Merrier, raining hla hand, shrieked: "I tag Ih* witness with uttirlrtf
a flagrant lie."
Kin- a second lime Mtfefaf wa« subjected 'o a hostile, demonstration
from the audience. HIMM ami < rl<rM of "Hhann!" wer* heard from all
M-rcler irtmlrti al, .nt angrily and exclaimed, 'There could hay*
be.n no r*is*MKf to » llol.ln ihall In the document, because the treason
concerning the Il'ihirt shell was not discovered until a >*" later."
■I did not ..V It »a« surely the Ituliln shall," r«torled 1 r.v.la.lt*r.
coolly; "I dn nut rememtHT what It waa called."
FreystaMter .tl<l not lose hi* temper i-ven when Mercler gave him
the 1i... His bmm military llgur* and calm demeanor mads an ex
cellent impression.
I^tjorl had 0r... more ahot at hl« chief antagonist 1 flay, Merrier,
continuing to tentify explained, and said that ■•" Thur. 1 ly Dv Clam
h...i submitted a nm«ii 1.. Mnurel In •"> envrlopn which h« now
learn'-d had l»»-«n rf.rn|illi><l by Hamlherr.
»T«," saM Übort, s*rca*tlcally. ■ Hun.ll,. .I- dead. Henry M dead,
and Int (.'lam In v itch !>■ ■! "
Col. Jouairl here Int-rrupted Ihe advocate, Btopjilng Ihe argument.
M. Jimavnl. Htiother hanrtwrltln* exfrt, next took id. aland nn.l he
ran lllu»tr»*lng on a blackboard what he. called Ui rldltmlou* pro|K»l
--. .,;/; deduttlona «f Ucrtlllon. Juuavui had not flnl.hed when
Ml* .-•«) 1 v.lj'tun»->l.
v HlVi; i-nN Auk. ■•; -
II HIIK li-lIIIU-.| 111-If tulhurl
i.iiu. » today, thai v titiiiiiy
tin mm .i. i huiklnit to*
want iln- li.d. |.. ii.l. Ip i- uf
• 'nun. Kirn I. '11l I.' ho Ink
rn by I'ronMent Mi KlTil.y,
wrhkh will b« iiuilr I'Ul'll. 11l
Itir «!nl |ii- at a (Hi f\- llM.ll
| I-'i lil Ul.tt I.ill |l> IK' ißHtll'll till
UM Inland of riiba.
Th» prealilPfit will liifurni
th» |h-.i|,|,. „t I'uii.i ihii ih«
laklllH it th« lain I* i.. !■<■
Illtrl l>rr|i''l an Ihi lli»l »l>-(i
t-.W.tt'l Ill'l, {>■ II 1- IS. .- \\ hi II
that la rnniplrtfd, Im'iil rl«c«
tliina Will fnlliiw in Hi prov
ln<i-a, and at*l Hill gOM the
a«tat>lli>hmciit of !•>• ■• I iiov
rriillirll! M.
U 111' M >">'k aalMf .
.1 -i. p a ill ba Hi' mih
i Hmnh l.illy 1., whirh arrived
I front AU»ka a f. • 1d» *&•. will
■ : on > make annlhrr trip ••■■uti with
a ■•«.'. of (rnrral miners' ag| i .i. >
Jnhii I' Mlllrt, a !• ttikt <>i < ba*
I k**a <llk ta
M • I h ha* tllr<l •
• • •
l-il-.t •■ nit'ii •! >n- r (irout hi*
had a '•■* I' • H4ttini| ■' »m t '• i Up
at the frff •iiu l'>>riM-nt burratl.
T. • '•■ la » movement on fmtf to
■ ••f»h!,« li << CanaJMn-American club
In !*• nit*
I .-. I „. •» I
I ray
• Hht „l >hr ft
Big Gambling Trust Formed in Seattle.
FVw peopie In "ran are amir, that a bl* rambling tru*t hat l»*n farmed here, tb* ob)e«Uaf which
are to kwp dangrrou* competitor* out of th* MM, control certain politicians, and. of MMM« to run Ih*
"Joints" on a ical* thai will ensure an ImimnM annual pnifli 1.. dMM d:re<tly nmi nnr.|.
Th* leading m.n In the "lru»i" are John Conaldln* and "Jo*" Harvey, of Han Pranrlarn. The lat
ter visited •*.«tiw- last winter, looked over il*» O#M. and e«ll "ti'a a «-~l <J>ln«." After th* gambling
bouse* were closed, several mnnth* ««■>. llarrvy serurx! ronlroi of tlie While tfnua*. and appointed two
r. if MMMrraa here—'William Ikiriwr and l>«v. Ar«yl». who ar* now on Ib* spot. Conaldlne shnrlly
afterwarda got cnntrolof th* Standard, and 11 *aa decided to form then on* of th* strongest (aniWlim
combine* on ih. ft, in. coast.
In MMM '■■•" with Ihla trad. It la Interesting la know how gambling •a* permitted so MMMMkMaV
to r»aum- whar* it had left off i... wnlha ago. A »man who la on th. tnsld* Is authority for th*
tlllalHl that Cnnsldln* m-lurrd a numnrr of tximn*** men to go to Majaaw Jlunw^ ami a<lt<aaw (Ja* *••
o|*nlnx«f th- hv'i*-*. *~m* M Ihi nir fall«f» ».rr. It ,a statsJ. also •.k. • to *a*rl their mn.t.r...
"In tkta direction. " ' - *"*"-«|B»? -;•
At N. pneaent Urn- It w.iuj.l h- prvroatur* to r.-f»r to tb* network at wire* that wer* |.ull*4 to g«t
gambling on a "aound bu>!*°* again.
NVr.llr.a to a.,. «hr» th* Itv autborltle* reasKi 1.. Interfer* with th* gamblers, they opened up
without delay. The tru*l. planned by ConsMln* and Harvey, waa thai formed.
Th# ■■■• mad* meat emphatically by a cniii-man wlui I* In a good position lo know, that
a certain percentage, of th« raralngs ■! tb* Standard and th* Whit, Iloua* will b* divided amongst
r,n tin politician*, to be dxvnted a* campaign fund*.
C"l»my'» gambling i"n'»m I*. Ii I* understood, not In the trust. It Is not considered dangwrou*- but
should any other competitor* enter the MM, they ill b* . rushed in a abort time,
Th* gsmra at the thrro gambling baajaaa .till aa on merrily night and day. fnder th» pre*enl con
dltk.n of Ihloc*. Ihey will undoubtedly continue to go on. Consldln* aaya that th* trust MMM I- beat
en. The support of » laic fraternal organisation ha». It M rumored, bern promised all »ho at.- In a
position to aid -.» trual. •
The premium lists kf the Hoattl*
*X(Mi«ttlon are completed, lle|K>rfa
nt i*'in Frank 11. Armstrong and A,
J. 11. llosuim have been submitted
and adopted by the trustees. Over
12.000 will b« expended In premiums.
Including a generous Hat of nj|4
m*dala. The premium* 11 tie ».fT. <r-i
aril l>rlng prinleil and circular 11*1*
will h* "•-in throughout tho a'at*.
Coplea will also b* *übml:t<>d to th*
p«per* of tli- stnte for publication.
More premium* ar* bring nffvml
than by any exposition hitherto held
In (Ma *<»<*
rvlhini in 11. at»a a moat aur
aaMful npnall on thia f.iii an I ih.
ngt ifcv two ■ .-ik* will
iin'l'iuh'f.i.v I"1 very for?*. f*upt.
Armstrong reports the sale of spar*
•urprlalngly actlw, and th*fa re
mains n. doubt that all itpnr* will
have hern sold it least two «>■ k»
In advance of the o|x-nlng night. Th*
work nf r< miKlillng I*'- Armory «wl
th«» conalriK-tlon of the two »in«*
will !■•• completed In Moth** w«ek.
TVii.ilMi, fi . Aug. !«..—The 1 • 1v 1 -
trip arrims the cintln«nl ha* kam
postponed for some days, if 1.1 a tri
umphant start yeeti'rilny afternoon.
Th* rear axle broke when soms dis
tance west of thl* rlty, and the ma
chine wk« brought In for repairs on
a truck.
T'*liv an attachment waa Isam-d |
agnlnvt till in 1 ■ Mr- M the I-M».ml
Mali- rnmpnny, of Hlamford, C inn .
for fAn worth of furnishings. Mr.
Kiivlfi >.iv« bo I* not i" '«>nilly re
snrinslhlc, m the ni n-hhn' Is Ihe pro
perty of the Akron Tire company.
■r»#> rnse will be henrd In mm city
court! next Monday.
The r^pnlrs to the niuchlne will not
b* r»>in|.!i-ii .1 until that time.
Asylum for Mlks Horlockar
I \«'i<«' '■• vi 1.1 1 111.. Aug. !«.-
Mia* Viol* ROrlockar, <h.im.i| « nh
polMonlng the wlfr of her employer,
nt llimtlnKX. Ni-b.. In ■aid to l>» a
|i.'it|.-nt in Oakliiwn ».i ii i lam, a
private ISBafK ~ ■' "'■ '" ■' ■ here, t nrulled
tin Ml** Allen. ,
Oaer Swm From Fires.
OODRNmttmO, N. V . Aug. It.—
I,ni«f riiiinlxm of il.-er BTt swlm
minK the HI. l.iiwmiio rlvi-r to m
r«iw> the for>-it flrea. The *t«Hmer
i:rnt.lr.' St.iti-. whlnh arrived today,
|..i»»>-1 close to a herd crusalng 111 •
I'AIUH, Am I<! —Ii in ruiTKirrd tml.i)r that (Itirrln. th> antl-
Hrmltii" leader, whn hai ■■> lunic <tnfl«<l arrrat by th* paliM •"■
--tit iritira. haa committed aulclilx In th» lnu« whlrti he linn tiar
rlrmlr.l In th.- Itu* ''linbi II >■ ■'•<» lh*>U|{hi ilk. ly tii.it Mb
• aaiM-Utni In thr bOttM hay* alan ktltr-t Oi*-ttiHt \\ t At (Inylirnak
a btack lli« tii obavrvnd nalln.l to ••it' of th* mm" > frnril utn
•t<>»ii. It l« known that Oucrln Hintoiiti' «••! KMM <laya i#i Hint
the blark (laic v«uiiml bo hunt* Mil whrn hi* «v ■',>•»•! Am n»nn of
Kir liraii K-'l hive bTii in todity. Hi* iinl'li in may hay* a «nu!
rr »i»-nlll. urn r
Th* run of fit. V I ii< . mi At I'aul Irt—<l thrm iltn<-» tiwlay in
a*aln rntranr* to th* houw>, but f.iil.-i II . iuiik tin- In II fuii..u»
ly. aful . li. .| mi'" in* wlnduwa, but f• • • Iv«-<] no r*"«|HitlM*
If iinii" nf th* tm.i.Tir.i ahow tl. in»ii\i-« by i tow night
th*- |««ll«» will i>r<»t*4li!} mint up • "Ut«Kr to Invad* th* l>ulMln(.
I'.mil'iNiblt rrlilfUm li Ininc h<*ar<l In bualnraa clrclr* in thin city
o\rr Ih* fact chat (ha i-ununntr<' havloc < liarc- of th« mine ■ «r»->l
llon. ha* arranged to h*\ tho Vlrtorla band to ('lay in prrftmnre la
« •«!.. r> Mraltl* bun Davrral |.i.i mii.riil merchant* of Ih* city have
born to ••■ill*- i• of 111* romtnltm In aak tbrm to armploy home talent,
but m*t with rrfuaal on th* (round that "\V'a«n*r la Ma refractory and
dictatorial, ami wanta |„ run (Mi.*, to auit hlnw.-lf."
■ "■•• ..f tli. rmniniiin-iiirn .11-1 t h»i "K**ryb<«>y haa IMM4 \Va«n.r.
«ii)h-.~. an I m» mint «*i an nut«l>l<- attrartlun."
To thl» til* ..i>). . tun rv»i-.n.lr-1 that Wacncr .-"ill furnish new rnuxle
M (nod •■ any that ••»uM I— ha.l, and i-.|!r w*r« not lir*d of !i. artn«
him. It «m iu»i,ri|i-.| thai If an oulsld* r» . it*i|>m waa to I-
•■r..u«ht ti-rr. it ih<>ul 1 b» oothlnic !•••• than Hnuu > band.
llavln* mad* M hr«-i»«>- will) tIM vtponltton ■ ■nimttn-<v th»- oppon.
mm of i-.- Victoria h«n>l achrm* ar» >!•■» outspoken 111 •)<•< I irlnic that
lh» arrang-mwnt aa mad* cannot »* Umlly r irrif~i out. Inaamurh •■ th«
feli-rat .l«tut-» prohibit th* Importation of contract labor. Tl.. > rnor»
uvrr call atltntlon i.. th» fart Ihil a>v«ral yean *«.> at ■ ( »ni|.i-tinv.
in. .(in* of bands In Vi.■|..rl«. W««n.-r . .«,ri..t off the ni»« prt«», whll*
Ih* \lctort« band only urt-J th* third j.rti«.
Marine men who ply to and from the port of Bealtte, are In angry
R)flo<! ••-In. tar |h«)r claim that • vertoui menare to navigation la In
enure* of erection at JefTenun head. 14 mil. • fit.m here, am] In the direct
line taken l>y ati-amer*. Th. MMM ihrr rtfae to ■« a pit* of f»«h frapa,
am! II la place*] In •urn a poalllon oft the head that veaaela will In future
have In m«k.. a quarter of a mil* right and* turn In order to avoid ii
i'hi..|^-.k lirr— . the wholesale flan dealer*. mm tlm* ajro derided that
a n»h trap would prove profitable )u»l •••■•tt* Jrfrrraon h>-acl The
work of drlvlnir the pllea mi tMMM .-! only iwrntly. mil It haa b*rn
nnrmukry to a|>llif. aa th* water I* vrrjr deep at thi« imlnt. When 'nil.
ll^-.h.-r. of the Kovrrnment •tmim-r Oen. M Wila..n waa ncirlntr th»
h< n.l yratrnlar on hit wax to Ihla port, i,i- waa lurprlaed in ■•■ what he
at nr«t ih..iulit waa a ft'*tln( raft of [•11-« directly In hla coura*. 11.
n. .11..1 Mm •!•••« and learned from the workmen th.it they were putting
In a nah trap. No location nollrea were up, and no llihta were d!«
--playe.1. Warning them to ceaa* work. Ofl Ilerrher proceeded to Be
attl«. ttpoa hla arrival here h« waa met by a numhor of marine men,
Inrludln* C«pt. <'lltiKi.r. of the Holy, ■!(.■ and fi|.t Munrn of the IV.
greta. all of whom atronjtly |.rt.i«t«l airaln*t the ritabltahmrnt of the
trap In Ha |>ra*ent in.ii.
Today th» Oca M Taylnr went to Olympla to lirltif hark Capt. Tay
lor, chief of th.- engineering deportment. (in the return trip th. D»h trap
will be liiii|»<r|.-<i. mill If it In found an aaarrted, that II la a mrnare to
navigation. ttafja will he taken to have II removed.
< hi |..~ k Hroa. will not ahandnn th« work wlthnut • •truggle." »al<l
a marina man la the Htm today. "If the trap la not removed though,
•nine big vr... I will rra*h Into II one of th. ».• dark nlghta, and » .liaa»
-trr will reault. It la directly In ourrmirae, and Ba«*>M he removed with
..in In In foggy »ralh»r particularly It Kill provt a daniceroua at
marte to navigation.
| -
The Hawthorne Athletic club t..
liv announce* a go between Mike
I ■ „,n.|. of Itrooklyn, and \V. 11,
Jone*. of I'hllßdelphl.i, to i« run..!
off S.|l.rnl"r 12. II will ka for 11
limited iiiiinl.ir of round*. « 11,
Jones wa* one of the principals In
Ihe clever exhibition before the club
at the Jefferson theater recently.
Mike Uxh.ii'd I* equally aa clever a*
Jnne*. and ha* fought many a good
battle. Thl* promise* to be tho mott
liitprmtlng exhibition ever given In
Heat Us.
Illahnp WMlry J. Oalne*. af th*
African Moth.Nllfit K|ilM'opnl church,
I.>tin.-.1 laat nlKlit In the Firm M. H.
church on > "ii<l 111..11* of the race
qupstlnn. The iiudl.tur wa* a Inrge
one. Tomorrow morning he will
[,!.. 1. Ii ,it Hi. African M. X, church,
II ml In th* evenlnK 111 the First M. 1..
lll»h"|. Oklaai MM I'"' work In hi*
Jurisdiction on I 111- couat la not aa
good ** li<- would Ilk. . iho'ifli some
prlcres* Is being n>ade. He. nttrlb
uti' thl* lo the, roving disposition of
1 In- colored rac*. ,
WAKIIINOTON, !>. C M Auk. Id —
Th« comptroller of the treasury i1»
--rided that the trmpiiry riepjirtmrnt
could not comply with the t • i|iii nt if
Mr IV.k. »'tiniiiii«*limcr general ta
■M I'ariii ■ iiicmliinn. that th« d«
parlmi-nt ahnll tlrfray the M|MM
of c-xhlblUna: Hi" tr««a»UTy '"' '••!"'■ .
publlratlnnx, ninm-y, rnlim, imtlalii
ami atanip" •>' ti •■ i xiM»f»tl lon.
Th.- c«mml»nt«ncr Xt M. 1:1! Ih.MlKht
II would I" n lai • uliltill If Ih. li. ,>
ury .l.|Hi, liii.nl ■• • 111 ■ t |-i Ml ram■■»,
otc, biiJ pay 111.- i <|M'nHi'N of 111. ex
hint .nil of tin- riiiitinwiit funil or
111 l|i|.|O|.| iilllull f»r the I'll!-' Ml of
prlntltiK and «-nKr»vlnn. The i.miii,
troller (Wide* that thin . uuo< b*
.1 ri. . li..,i\iim< Ilia utatutra pnivf<l<>
that noli, of this 111,,11, Ktlil! I"
iik.,| for Illy I'UU'""' other than that
for »ii., ii It ii< approprtHted.
Monitor Ranges
The U'st of time, the test of use in every form that a rari^e
i. utilized for h:t . uVrnon.strated the superiority '4 Monitor
I.iii; 1-.".. No other rsngi equals the Monitor In construction
or efficiency. ll . merits sell this range. We arc agents for
Houit Hardware anil Hounr I iirnlthlnq* 1215-1217 SECOND AYE
Glass, Wallpaper, Etc.
Third and Pike. STAR paint CO,
ten !l?i!»!u Piper: 500 twin Feet if Piss f:r 34:. 213-21!) OccHtM At (
i; BRUNNER & CO. !
' ' ... suuu m . ||
ii Groceries, Wines and Liquors i
; ; 502 Plka Street, cer»er fifth. 'Phone Green 794. j;
! ! Old California Sweet Wines a Specialty. Port, Sherry, X
; ; Angelica and Muscatel, by the bottle. 35c up; by 100, $1 ♦
11 up. Family trade solicited. Telephone orders promptly filled. •
i *•♦>»♦>»«»•»>♦««*>*>>»>»»>»»«0>>0♦>«♦»»«0«<«0 0«»
I - —.1-1 ■ — ..- -— 1.1 --I I-I — ■ I ■ I 11. I '■■ ■ -■-
5 1 * Elgin, Howard. WaTtliam and Hampden Watches
4KaX*\ Jn X.114 l.«;-« 'M.i t ii^iul Bl»« Cun mMMMtOHIH MNI
7 O « rift Avuiiuw. JEWELEW
Painless Dontist.
"^ l!w Twtk. H U alMUliminll* Wir«r nillott '•' '•
W uU nitin(% fLBBa* A In fw' |Ufiul« with til work- -*Lf
fy-tou H«war« to anyone inning aaytklag kit f Irit-cUji _ mi
_. Material la Ik* ak««e work.
•^ (Bra U-li '! II.!!«. lv. liv( T«ln'H»n« »!•«» «» *^^
Mti ■Bf*'''>J N\ '** "•"•• m'un ■■•»»« ol mm lv Id. boif.lt Haw:
Jttjn ■I «_ /<$ \ aiiiiiHbi. In ikm Up. >■" Ui FtUef o! tl< lln ».■!»
/Tl*^ M-M^BbT*l i«> •fHlranil loll» 'IKIUM 111 JMI IIC4WI UIU l«.
« *-»^» ryvSSUj ?* ' ' wlvuikiUf*b«Ti
- U*ol*'-' 11, nil tit > K-i»l.r- ii^ttrUa. >» Flnt An
] ! lar. Wli.~ •■•■! ■!••> )••<• • "-[—'-.' — - *—■ X
! Tho Migliavacca Wine Co.
!', Of rsj«,.a California, «
1 C «»lnra4 Ik* tiitnl nil m.l«i «l u>« I «rj LxpariUoa I. IM} lar Zlnl»d<h ♦
" I *»!.*• in. lo'if M«t«tiM •!.".'» bar cm. O
i ».l*ltf«r. fu>i,« M«lU'. 7 Kll.llll 111 I 1 f«IK«IJ»T. . ■ .. O
ss==3=^^s v A Shower of Comfort
/y\/AJ jtJW'h \ ln *<ml weather you can take any
/y^S^ frtllT/f 3 \V "m<! >ou '••' diapoaed »h«i jrour
A m m s^ iII !*'jl JA '•a''"o"'l' •• fitted up In modern sty I*.
IH—m/f~ *'fe\i-t'l I <"i Vl' 1 I 1 *llf> » S'l ahower !iii|i»r»tu».
((I 1-' It,VU V •{• '^ilii**»/l |«T..lßin lined tub and Kixxl cloiiet.
I(I . * ,jfc-jf .jji \<^7' \\?&'\ Do aw.y with your antiquated niii
J- —<—" —-3t ■,'f\^ .ttß*j "lb and wash bowl, and let v" '""
"•_• • I r tl' ;U\l \ Hs*t*/ 'oa In '""Proved aanltary plumbing
yj4/n^—^TyjlV \ 1 ißlf *"«hr of the tlmea.
;;^ RAIITMAN rLumDiftli CO.
*^V "^ c'r* Thlril Avii and Bprli|l SL
Saturday, August 26. Only
Five Pounds Granulated Sugar '. ...3c
One Pack*** Cocoonut \ c
One Tin Pepper, pure i \*>
One Can H.iUiii^ Powder, pure 2^
One Pound Corona Java Coffee ■ •'•—4° c
Halt Pound 6OC Tea ....... ........|OC
All for $1.00
On* Ordar to a Cu»tom»r Only.
The Commercial Importing Co.
IPOS Second Avc.-: 'I'hone Huff 642-; 222 l»ikc St.
Ain't II a "Beaut?"
we mUhl aak of any man who «lr»t !JK-/ J¥)t(H* '• ""' MmmST)
lii'lmlr-x the »nowy »hliin'»» and j _J|7fr-^V7V *7 t ji'^4^''
beautiful Mntiih that we put up«>n Ills j H.£ 'mKh',- L'/l I Jjf Vi
ilrrwi or bualiieas shirt front, or on M ik^*=^?''!^S
hla col Urn and cufTa. iji il^ / \?i- ! '^^^(HS^iy
Oar rail I nut* |trl«-r« ■■ t>nndle« il«" B\ /»J M " V "E'J U JUfcSfcStejlw
u,.,..l ..t lh«^« |ir imi M.in.. ion MLJUf I M tv iI! jrrflr^Vj^! i^ 1 \
.l.lrl v. IIS .-.11 .r. 1¥',.l •>•'«•. f «»•.<•. Ml V I I Vj « s,'ixf I^B^W
|»Vy.r..lUr^ »<. .ult.. 1.. I bono ru..vi m\l \ ■ VVi"! tl -t^u'\A "''*'
Qneen City Steam Laundry JySLJ^ J$ \
u»-i» rum (unit. »!»>» I'i'fi »< fit* r* ■•
Moran Brothers Company
Our pUrtl Inrtu4*i »*»* l *n( wnnd oonMrvtinn ami r*v«m «1| hrmnchrs or th«
l.iain*** Mining »nil ■'! •••h«*r »■!■•■<*• >( m.. Kl»*n built and r«palr«^t.
Aa«nt« t*>r "WvnKiMi<«" I>untp4n« m«. ii '- Ih* ">lo»h»r" and "Roberta M w«
t*r tub* Ml*n mm ih» I'ntti-1 Hum »t»i«iik' I'arktna r.-npi^r
ri^^^^^W««iiik«ti>i a fifi*itViiV a ViiV#iV«r^ r
1 -^100=-1
111 choice: lots |l
|:5 in £:
jig Walla Walla Addition j|
— —.— , m -
{ Denny-Blaine Land Co. |
:5 Dexter Ilorton Hank Huilding. ;^

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