OCR Interpretation

The Seattle star. [volume] (Seattle, Wash.) 1899-1947, December 01, 1899, Image 4

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87093407/1899-12-01/ed-1/seq-4/

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Criticisms of the Secretary of the Navy
Are Said to Be Groundless.
\\ .BaUNQTOM D. C, !>«■, I —Much ado la being mad* by partla
ana of Admiral S. hlrv ov*r the aaillna- .... i.-1 — glvni him to «>n.l'- <"•
mmi* a> .'.•itiiti.tndi t in .Inn of the H,.uili Atlantlo aqiMdroa Th*
trouble !» .-avi»...i i.> th* Inalnirtlntinf th« ttrparimrnt t» await furthrr
ordrr* befnr* |..-i milling vraM-la of th* a^uadnM* to vlplt any African
port. The «raH roa.t of Africa la Included In the rruialnc lla»rl*l of Ih*
rUtuth Atlantic ».|ua.li.n. and 11 MM Ixten the •oat.'in under ordinary
condition* to leave the noveOMUta of th* v*m«l» of Hi. p.|ua,ln.n Ul«cr*
tlonary with th* .- oiling omr*r.
That la th* m-m-ral rul* that nbtalna In th* »*rvlre. Thru again,
th* admiral in directed to proceed by the ahorteet practicable route t<»
Mi.. Janeiro and other |H.lnl» on the South AtlantU-. and thta action of
th' department la alao a i-aun for r»*enlmrnl "Ii the part of Admiral
8chl«-y'a ovrr-iral.iua frlrnda. Th* 'ruinate and protract*.! conlrov.
*r*y that ha* hern rarrled on by the admlrrra of Hampaon and Kchlry
r**pectiv*ly la mainly i .'ap..n*lt>li- for the ariwltlvene** at th* friend* of
th* latter over th* Instruction* of the inn ■• m contained la th« »all
ing ord*r». and It la assumed that In making th* Inatructlona the »-.ir
tart drllbvratety d. »ari^.| from th* cuatom of th* eervlc* to «hibll anl
moalty to Admiral 'iley
- miffl. I. Nt rm»n fof th.*<- eiitlrtawn "f thi> .le|«irimenl.
It M true that tti.- aaillafl r.|^r» »rr taOaMeMMl. hul M IN Ihr .» ••
Ing r..nd!tl.>na Kal Ing .<r.lera an I general iiipi tu. tl.ma la ih' . ..ni
man.hug aflefwf .'f it. . ■ir .n .'n * f.'irign •!«' m Mltal M
•i"1 t>> 111' r'.iiilremrnl* "f th' puhllr Int'ir'ta •> |h. »* a:' a(T'. '
*«] by l-rvtallllik - In Ih* •; I 'iillalna ji-'iii'l<
fn.lir limit conditions Admiral * I*9 might ha*' been permit-
Mai In cho«M> th* rout* to reach his station, and. following: precedent, th*
admiral might have decided i.. Mil by way of th* Mediterranean •■ -
and the Orient to the MPtUI Atlantic coast. That wituld have been a
pleasant voyage, which would hit- covered four month* of time if th*
admiral, left to hi* discretion, should mako tr» usual call* and receive
th* usual naval courtralea.
It would alao hnv* taken him la th* African mill, wher* for good
public reaaona the department dove not >'• --ire thai he shall go at thla
tlm*. l*le*ta are not always aent out f»r th* pleasure and convenience of
naval <<*lrrr« There arc time*) when special consideration mual t»* given
to public Intere.i,. and when ordinary ruatoms and traditional court
*•!•• must b* departed from. i
The Instructions fur the movements of the vaiHli oflh* IVuilh Allan
tic squadron, were mad* out without regard to VtmiMl fVMrv, and
would h«v* b**n the same ha ai.other Nag «ft]c«r >-■*■ assigned to th*
command. IVfir* holsttng hla flag on the OhMMMI Admiral Hchley hai
a personal ronfrr*nc* with the naval autborttl**. and dmihtleae received
vvrbal tnetru<*tto*ia and *ipllclt explanations which make hi* f >rmat In.
(fractions not only perfectly Intvlllgible. hut entirely MptMaaMMkTi la
him. I
Roberts Case Continues to
Vex Republicans in Congress
WA«HTN«IT<>V D. C. lire I—Congressman I Upturn, of ♦
lowa, at th* r*qu*at of »*v*ral members, has called a Republican ♦
caucus for tomorrow, to formulate a line of action In regard to ♦
th* ems* .■{ Roberts of Utah. ♦
This action Is taken for the BfeTfeMai at outlining a rours* ♦
which will, as far aa posslbl*. rctlev* Speaker llenderaon of em- ♦
b«rr»«ament The member* ar« aaMMJ l>iug«->l wiih p*tniiin* aaa • ♦
»ng that Huljerta be n<t tataaMl ' ♦
The Kepublli an lead're ar* many l»g»l obatarlea tn the way at •
ffua'ng It peat a mrmt>»r prr»-n! r.g |- '-niia • i-ut #
ItMM rffurt wilt t» 1 . thr'-w up-in th* DaaaaatMa whatever |» 1 ♦
lar onus may b* in.-urr» I t.v It l«-rt» BMaMMMM. Thla la Ih* ♦
rraf purpoav of the Hr;.iM.,«n MrSMM
A Third *»•«•• MM Who $*••«
Hi* 014 Coupon
At th« Third Av»nu» theater !•■■
9»igM * man |.rr«*nr» I t«» coupon*
to lb« u*h«-r. and asked: "Wh'-T art
my semtsT"
Th» usher started toward the ••■•!•
tn<Hr»irJ by ih- stubs, followed by
ih» man and woman who actompan
led him. wa*n suddenly "- »:"i'r- '
•sort aad •aid. "These art nut (or
"Nat for u>nlchtT"
"No; you've mad* a mlitaka.
Tli'rf are old coupon*. The dale n
October 1"
"WeR, tint la very range. 1 got
them at Uie bos ofn>» "
"I'm sorry, but you'll have to we
th« m»n«irrr. I'll bring- him In you "
Bx the tiro* Manager Ituacll cam«
th* man »■*• Indignant.
"Look h»re." h« Mid. "t boucht
two tickna (or tonlfhl. and now I
Bnd thai th*y art nil ii. »>-i» iwij
bar*. Ortoba* J."
"I'm sorry. I dnn'l **a how auch a
mlitak* could happen "
"All I know Is that I bought two
tlckrta (or tonight, and now th* u»h>
•r Ulla ma th* cotipnna ar* no r'»>d.
I paid my money and I expect two
food seats."
"We have sold every seat In th»
"You'll have to make some provi
sion for me.'
Th*r* wa» a hurryinir to and fro,
and a 'onaulla.ll'in of ushers and fin
ally th» man and woman »■»» ilvrn
two nut seats crowded In n»-ar nn»
Of the boxni. Mr ltii«».-!l went with
th»m to see that they war* >-«r"l
for. «nd then raid: "I'll Investigate
thin matter. These roupottf you re*
reived were (or 'The Heart of Chi
ra«o' and not fnr th* "Flllplnn
Vaudeville Company."
Th* man 1.~.k» I ut> In a startled
way and iiald "Hold on. there! The
hist time I wore these clothra I w.ia
here to »•.• "The Heart of Chicago."
I wonder —" •.
Ha felt In his i-.. k-t» and smiled
"Here they are," he mm, «■ h*
drew two coupon* from hi« trouaera
porket. i mini have put ih<rn In
there just before I took off my coal.
Then, when I wnnt»<l them again I
felt In my vest pocket and got hold
of th.... „|,| onea."
' I didn't think — " began Mr. H>i»
pall I
"TXin't say any more!" h«itit—i the
mftn. |t*a on me."
Th. «n unher found his seats for
' •
NRW TOIIK. Dec. 1 -The Jury In
the r.i« of |t»a« C»hn aralnat her
father. lunar -ihn. whom aha nued
for l:.'..00O on therhJirge 'if iii.«iiui' for
having *r,i||,.i her when she wan
2S yearaold. lo<lay return"! ■ verillrt
'" favor of lh<- defeniliint.
—————— _
aui «ihk»t nt/LLarriN,
—"A Btrangrr In New York "
(Tonight)—Filipino Vaudeville m
OLYMPIC HAVaudeville and
n.<.vln» pictures.
Mob Accused in Old Couple
of Chicken Stealing.
AKltov. 0.. Dec. I.—John J Crtl*.
an old aoldier. and bis wife ha»*
he-en driven from their home at Kaat
Liberty by their neighbors and fore
rd to seek shelter with strangers In
Ihla city.
The neighbor* accused •"rile and
his aged wife of stealing chlckene;
they gathered In a mob ant atoned
th* Crtl* nous*, breaking a I th*
window*, and threatened to kill lite
aged coupl* If they returned la th*
village, which la in the southern part
of this county.
County Ketectlv* Kurl>a--n ha* In
vestlgated th» charge* of theft and
•ay* they are unfounded. Crll* hag
applied to the 'Irand Army fnr pro
tection, and members of th* H'l- k"V*
post say It will be furnished If every
old soldier In the state has to he
railed upon la aaals*. '
The veterans are very Indlgmnt
that the civil authorltlea have offer
»d no protection I" r*rlle and hui wife
and th* matter will b* taken up at a
meeting of Hu<"k*ye post. Meantime
the coup.* are he ng I ar'l for in thla
yivvrv^yi^rys^vvvy*vyy^*'**y <
: ; The New Phaeton. §
"How provoking;!"
He.i llrown looked out from he.
hind th» handsome lure curtains at
a stylish pbaa-ton. drawn by a pair
Of beautiful pnnlrs, just pairing,
and thrn turned Impatiently toward
a group of girla at th* oppoalt* win
\ If anyone else but Dr. I^eater had
purchased auch an elegant new pha
eton we might have been exeu*"d for
rniertalnlng hope* <>f rnjoymg an
airingl In It, hut that confirmed old
h<-lor would rather take hla
crandnt'itiier out any day than one
of usi. And I have Juat made up my
mind la have the first rid* In that
"Ka»ler a*ld than done'" observed
Mil' y l.iri'ta Oray. "You know you
Are apeaklng nf an Impossibility now.
We will make you a present "t your
wrtMlng drew* If you succeed."
"And If I fall I will give yon en' Ii
a pair of white kids to wear to my
wedding." l!.!I »n«*.r>-d giil:y. and
lawyer Prowa)*a pnrlor* t»».r« aoon .
vn<fit. I by th' merry party that !
had hern apen'ilng th* aftfrno«»n
with hi- only daughter.
"How rnuld I have hern ao foot
lah?" th.'iight ImpuUlve Hell, •• aim
ato^ni in the dnor, king dnwrn th'
qilltt atrret. "Hr rarra nothing for
me now, .in! will think mr more
'hll'Hah than ever when he hear* of
Hut she ih.night how hr had pain
»d thejt afternoon without even
glanHnir tin at the window wher*
ah* had at...). hoping at leapt to
hnve received a bow. And then he
mixed hia hat a moment after to oIJ
Mm. I at.
Khr <»« null* angry now aa «he
I thought of hi* Indifference, nnd aa
th» new* phneton rame alov/ly down
the street again Phe went quickly
down th* marbl* alrps, aiui I>r. l.m.
trr, gazing mon> earneally rhan he
knew ii! the dark blue drraa .11, I
brown curia flutUrinie In the wind.
dr*w up b*for* the door.
"Doctor," ah* unlit. looking- ill' In
th* «r«\■■ handsome liter, '.ur you
going ov*r the river lolllghtT"
Th* K<-iilli-iii,ui bowed ami looked
calmly d<»wn mi lhi> aw ret f.-i.< Ih.tl
flueluil »ii hrliililty ■» ell- |.| nITi I
hrr i . <| i- pi
"There la • iii.lv at In. I.' Will*!
that 1 want to come over tnnlKhl.
Will you (top and bring hrr wuli
"Certainly! Ik * "ii i cold any
belter You mum »"•!• out of th*
night air, or I Kill not answer for
th* . ..ii». .(iirni r« "
Hi II turd to look itflirrpf <-ttt. but
th* hrown rye* flll*d ttllli Irat* and
l»»r cheeks huinri holly, an »h'
thought h* would hay* aak'-t Iht
•am* question of all lh* .il.l women
in Hir town, Hh* cloa»«1 ih« dimr
with a Illti* more form than » <•
imrmry, and. donnlnir h«r clonk
and large hood, hi* «onn walking
hrlakly in it* direction of tin- tin
. I' c. «hf i a ah* hA'i r'qu.plrl l>r.
better to call for hrr frim.l
Ii m quit* dark wh*n in* doctor
arrived and gavr th. bell an Impa
tient pull, and after what mmfil an
•«• a ml.l.lie anvil lady ai,.«. It.
la Mi» drown* friend h*r*T"
he aaked. taking th* hand thai waa
quickly extended.
The lady ■ far* tiu>ir-l. but she
artawered quietly In Id* affirmative.
A' alight ngtir* soon apueared,
muffled In cloak and Ii —-I and. In
a hnara* vole*, bad* that gentleman
gn>«t *v*ning.
HetlCl l>.«wr t In return and look
ed in Mil dawn «i |h* little fig
Are you Ml** Hrown'* friend?"
hr aakrd mil knowing what rl»<- to
•a jr.
'Tee, th* b«-e« friend ah« ev«r
had ' ram* hoaiMly from under th*
"Tou win I" hay* a I aid ' said
llnrar*. •till standing In th* .1 n.r.
playing with hip whip, while hla ryes
r.-*ted on a l.'itg brown mil thai
had e*rap*d from beneath th* hi.l ■•
•v* hood. "I would advla* you to
laa careful and keep out of lha night
air aa much a* posslbt* "
"K**f> out ■'< th* night air. In
deed "
Iw-iia Up cur!*d scornfully aa *h*
received th* «'lvl<» gt%*n in th
stranger, a* It hat b**n gi\en to »• r
a fern hour* hefnr*
It U*at*r iMifirl htr down th*
*!«!• and B«ll. with a iriumpiam
ami!*, «■< >M>lrl Into tb* carriage.
Hut th* (mil* died away, and ah*
could hay* crl*d with anger and
mortification a* *h* found h*r*»lf In
an old buggy thai Ilorar* had ua*d
until Uielr. and hi* father had u**d
b*for* htm.
Aa lh*y rod* alone Ih* doctor's
thought* were, wandering from hla
quid companion la ih» brown-1 tin I
girl who bad look*<! up •■• »hyly
when ah* **k*.| a favor that afl*r
ll* had quit* forgotten the- lady at
hi* aid*. when a *mall hand was
placed Ml hia arm and a MM vole*
"Dr. Letter. I am *o carry thai I
hate .!« »!»■• 1 you."
ll* only tockud down on th* bright
young far* Ml soft brown *)'«. but
did not answer.
Won i >'>v f"rgi*» m' ah* *•!•].
. -« tlnsly. "Th* rlrla tvu<- ■ I
wouM not MM > rtd* In th* phaeton
•>' admired »-< much, and I waa Ml
•Illy, and promla*d them whit* a •■•
i! I did net »ur. eel ■
T*«r* were filling th* »oft .v"
and It t»*t*r took the trembling
hand In a firm rl»rp. and aald, rain
"Bell. If I rail for >•«! tnm«rrnw
aft*rm>on win you rid* with m* In
th* n«w phaeton aa th» iihuti
promised wlf*r'
The an*w*r mini bate t>"n aat!a>
factory, fnr the n'»t flay the ponlr»
•l<v>d h*for* t^wyrr Mr v< >. ■ donr,
and Bella lady frl*n<!a ar* thinking
a*rtm»ly of | rriarli.s th* »nM'rn
dreM atie had won.

HAN ntAN--[«m, r»e^ i.-iiin»»a
and th* urn* of alcoholic allmulanti '
lon th* a It Ire of phyalrlana ar* th*
arknowl*dg*d MUMH that hay* ;••!
up In U» prrli. (mublra thai are
Hosing ar ml Chaplain D 11.
Khl'l la of ih<- I'nlifd f*tatr« army.
The brtarht* of »ll'iii"Tie and com.
paint* entered hat» he»n aumri«ntly
aggravated In the <>r» <*a«* and puh
atantla<*d In th* other to warrant
|.r--"l,nga In MMfl martial, but up
;to a tat* hour thla aft»rniH>n
j th* paper* had tint yet r*arh*d th
nfflc* of th« adjutant general. *l
thiiiga General Hhafier h.« almlt
t*d ■-aI they are In prnrewi of |ir»
pa ration.
The ilm» and pl»r« will not he an
nnimfe<l until the artlrlra have Seen
drawn up and given nut In regular
firm from the military hoadqimr
t»ra. It la rer'aln ho»'ver. that the
trial will he conduel*d within the
, Jurtavllriinn of th* military dlatrlrt
of California
Wh*n a p*r*nn get* to I.".king over
th' lilt of th* boy* around the . '1..,
weight rlaa«. btr* la MM that muat
•>• given a world <.f rr<- !it, and hla
n*m* la Arthur Walkrr. While he
probably h«*n't th* rrputaiinn of
•averal that rnuld he mention*.!. he
' a» done a* mii'-h flrhtlnir in ih' laat
few yeitra, and aa »"--1 nichiing. aa
any on*. If any par— in ih.- hurl
nrm ha* met a harder rlan* ..f mm
than Walker, no mention 'if the furl
hna h'en mail* on th* page* of th..
| rei-ent ring hlpt"ry
Arthur haa not heen tioomrd an<l
hooatrd the way other boxer* have;
«in» who ar* not •• arilllng an.l
who have not th* real flichtlng ahll-
Ity, llrr* are Home of thr men i...
haa t>.»-<1 Frank Pnrcall, Jim Mr
'■••v. i'harl*y Johnetnn, Kid Mrf'ny,
Charley Turner. Tommy Trarry and
a ore of other* He cave away
weight to Kid pfleOsy, and boxed
him IS faat rounda to a 'Ira*
Walker will MM II rounda with
Yoiiiht Prtrr Jarkaon at Orrmnnln
hnll n'«l Mondny night. Illlly
Wright and Utnni Arnold will bo*
.iKhi rounda In lha pinnie rlii«. The
Korlal flub hue MM nlrrady hrtwrrn
two and thrrr hundred arata fnr thla
A Policeman Murdered.
lIIi'KHVI 0., Dai 1.-K»rly
tlile momlnir, while |.',n"* Hath, the
; night i-.'lt' '-ma n, w«» making hla
! round* h' wna ftttarkrd by thrrr un-
I known lii'r. ami «o mvi r. hrntrn
that hr '!" I two hotira After. The
i iiiunl'i«ia made th*lr eacapo,
Till* sr.ATTT.F STAIt.
University Park Property at
Portland May Be Bought.
rOHTI.ANO, <>r., !»<•<•. 1.-lt l» <•*■
It. in. l\ pi ilil. ih.it within th«
jln-nt frw „. . k> 111. eOtl*V« bulldlntl
ami ar.iiinil" hi t>Dlvarall) park « HI
In- In imaaraalon or hi. I'ath'illc
. Inn. h 1 ti. Hunilnlrun Kiithira,
who 11..W 1.1\.* .1 «■ li ■•'■ it 111 An*
► ■■i, h-ivr undrr conatdtration the
I'.ll. tl I-. ..fill. property for a ■ 111.
jollp . 1111 ,-■ If Hi. airiiliKi in' nt» ■.m
1..- mil. Hi. will artel trviiiil iimr*
'liulldltiga .Hi niik" "ii old nan •
oi-ho.il on th» grouii.in. Tb'lr |irr»r|]|
h.'.'i la ronaldrrrd 100 fir dlalai t
[from Portland lo ba .nail .1.1.. for an
' r.in.,hi..mo tnatltuttnn ..ii lha arala
Iln-) 1.-»i. to rdalillah. mill 1 li.-V
'hay* lung » 'iiki t to find ' »lt« »■» -• •
' p.. 1 iimi.l Now it la ■■• ii- 1 ■ .1 thtlr
[ambltloa v about t.. 1., fulfill) 'I
| if Hi. Damtnlemn Kathrra do not
'tak* 111. |.l.| ■1 t 111.- Hint tor will be
I laid 1..f..n- il,. Null-" Dam* unlvrr
aiiy aaaorlallon of Kori Waynr. Ind.,
oho ar* dralnui* nf niirrliiK the el
ii.-ail..iiml Hold In Hi.- Wrat. In th«
rvrllt of tholr |..il. tin". of il" prop.
»rly th*y Mould undoubtedly Inifil
a lam* amount of nionry in ad,III Inn
■ I buitdlnca and niako tho kli.hl MM
of in.- l.n»;.«i and 111..at tonipl"'* '"
th* N.HtllMi'Hl
Th* . in.r i...» alan ling on th«
alt* la • nrnd M DilUico liutldlnn. an I
coat In th* ii. ul.i. ■! !...■ I of »i;s.nuo
It in built i.» ih<- Mrth'»ll»t«. ami
«■■ th* h.nni> of Hi.- Part land unl
v*rally, whlih. aft. many vlriaal
nil.-* la now nrnii> r»t«hlliihi-d In
th* .1.1 Munmai.lr bo*pllal Aft- r
th* M. it,.l.ip :. 1: th* t'nlvrr*lly
park building lh.ro waa a rumor
thai 11 (M «."lii« Int.. TIM han.la of
tro llapllda, but Hi- ■!■ »l If im< wa*
r\n on foot, no*. r wrnl thi .null
".""■ ■ ■
Th* »*»ttl* ThttUr.
"A *Hran«.r In S. » Tork" op»na
a irturn if. 111. t.t at tin- Uratti*
th*at*r Ihm *%onln« Th* play li«:
--initi> bark uwlna ('• th* grnrral de
' mand for hlgh-rlaaa >a»uaaia«l an.l
the fact thai many of i!i.-«<- «> .!-•
alrr.l to «•• »li> n II «•» laat hor*.
wtr* mm- I a«ay from lb« .1 -■"
Th* "Htracgor" I. tai4 In b» th»
mo»l popular i-f lloyt'a pUya. and
th* b*tlcf v w*ll *ii«i.iiii..| by 11l
forr;.(|.|i l.trr II COBUIM a hot
ter plot than 11. •■ nf lloyt'a r..ino
!.« all.l th* liiii • ar* •» lllt'-"t
ih-) (Imply play «h*mai.|v*g
Ther* w|,| I.- 1 mallno* tomorrow.
•4 r»dur»<l prlroa OftSe, Mr, and Tie,
a* writ a* a parformaaoi In ihe *v
mini Th» adtanr* •*:.- Indlialea
*• 1. 1 run a run a* tb« pla.y <i>j.»
o.| hero la»t ».tk.
• •; •
High Cl<i> atlaHral.i.
l,.v»r» of Mth .!»•• mln»lr*Uy
will havr a ran- >.|.|> rtnn t> to rn
)<•» It > . it •. .>. 1 I.ulna Hun.
day ikiiihi llararh * IU-»or« rum*
lo ih* j*«.*i!i" ihr«l.r for a four
nKhla' ni»»»«ni. 1,1 Ti o >|.aur
r«i.•*»"!)!» a atrona <l(«r*Katlon of
v*.ud»vllt* and mimiiri >i*ot. an.)
ahould do a big bu*ln*a*.
« • •
Th* Third *••■••.
i*niy thre* oprxirtunHl<-a r*ma'n
for IVatll* |-*"'f ' in wltnriu th* |.or
formanrea nf th*- l-ll!i .i..> Vaud**vlll*
company at 111 Thirl Atrnuo the
• t*r. "ITi" ahnw la on La* ofd*r < f
arrobatlc, and fnrcptKn «•>»■.• nf th*
CIMT—I work *T*f ••-.-!. In lh!a rliy.
All who tew wttiio»»«.<l tho t«rf.>rm
•r• » .iri-iaro ii a «f -■ I on* A inat
lno» will !•#• (lv*n tomorrow aflrr
n'«>n. and th* frtJf.ii. n! ■ «. » lo
rn.iri.jw nljrht,
•• * .
■ •ft Will Shin*.
I Th* Itas* will uhlno at th*> Thirl
Avonuo ihoatrr all mil «.■■ V Thrt
nrnl iwinks* »in '■■■ Hun'lay nth'
Tho (loam nf tho ):*>• wan **-<.n to
ft- -1 *I V 4i.t iki. la*t a,. .i* in <nl
t-««-k*d h ■■'.• ■ trr#-(»-l lht< far.-*
romody itUrvtf^tlon at rvrry prr
formanr*. TM» In lh» funny play
whrrr on* FhaTßCt*r *ji>* "Ttirre i«
a, man who t.Mika IK. Mr. H
Th* Late Vice - President's
Own Account.
Nrw v ■!:)• Po<-. I — 'it na: In
the *had* nf ■ •'!« «tm In* in th*
yrrflt in I i.f hla alimmt-r holm fit
Ume llraii'h. In July Inat. Vl<o
Ir. "i !• mi llnlwrt routed Hi" atory
of bla ...in ti-l •• > .)•-..1 *uh»o.|uont
01. ■ 1...n to th* vlr* prrildrnry.
"Mmt i.'h.iv. of Ptnntylvanla, flr>l
hiibk" *'■ I nip -i* a < ■»ii.h-l.tt•• f.-r th*
vlre prmldom-y," Mr. llobarl Im>»
a in. "away ha. In Ih* i-.uly apritlf
nf l«*l. I «■■ rldlna on ihi IVmuiyl
lll.U limited from S.» York. .11
rnut* lo i ':int .ii to *••- M.» rM. Kin
l»y, whom I kii«-w voiy wHI. Whon
lh« train onlorrd r^tktUdalpbla Ijuny
• .inn- aboard and took a ■■ -it nur
"I told him of mv rlontinrill.in. an.)
aft«-r an rxrhflnK*' nf plpmirtnii ..■* h«»
lonko.l up ninl'i. Ills an.) mid: "Ho.
hart. why don t you romo out f.ir
:\lr* prrf»l'l"nt • Vim at protly wi-ll
known in hi. Baal evrrybiniy Ilki-a
you, and .HI would «**■«• •trrnitth 1.1
tho tlrkol. Now, lii i.i »-.ii «ii it
I'll do. If you -him in- •■ )tiiin>r- f I
.ran a»«ut.- you of lit- -■• M utronxlh
jnf th* I'rnnnylvarilA «!. ■> i;.iii>n In
:th* r.ifivriitl.m. Kurth* inn<»rr i I ba*
llovk ira inn K«lrm N*W V..ik to you.
"I thankod him for hi* kln.ln"»i«."
.-.Hi- I ill. .I Mr llolmrt," an I h-11-l I
woiil.l 1.1 him know my i"--.t:.in if-
It rmy talk «nii M.KHiI.-y. i.hj.iv
lot off ton ln'iv down th" mad I
rnnllnllrd to Canton, xnv, M. Klnl.y
an-l cajim »way, -i. i. • Ina i !■• malic
iii. rnr... I notiflad «jii«y linm.-li
at.lv I li. ii I atai to >:■ t my ft<l
lowa Into lino. W»ll, '" "'>"' t< n ■
l.itiK t'.ry. -I in. M) I ronn.li'ntly
rounti'il on Pennsylvania* vnli*,
hul, tv in.ik.- certain, I did Del *t..|i
nut,i man Ih.in i noua:h »olaa i"
n •,. i. in it. in. wrri- pliilKfil. 'I'll, noxt
ii. . i mi hiiwci-n ..ii. . . i ii.l mynlf
occurred In si I>nitn on Iho 171 of
I. ii;. | -'.. , n* I r»m*mber It. I
Mjn 111 in mv room iii ill'- H>niihrrn
hod i whon Quaj rump to »<>«. mi .
" 'lliilniit.' .1 Qua *, "you - in. in
li. i mv |.i.ntii". mini., on n railway
train rarly thin yr-iir?'
"1 i.. ..ii It vividly.
M'W*II llobart, my ft li ni, I'm
ion v I .n't ba abta to k'.op It;
th«-r»» mi- certain . mi Idl i atlnpa
hi'ii Cntnp<l rtio to pVact the vnlo
•laewlwrti 1
"Thal'a all rlfht, Quay. Uo ahead
I hi: ■ .ill i i, :.l. ijn.i J iii- i I
ami flu what you plraa* wtlh your
•DIM 1 »ant 10 p«y i<> yu, how.
rvrr, i>*fnrp you \r»v* Ihla rimm
I hat I don I in "'I four vnl*» I am
li-.iiMimti .| without thrm.
"W*ll, air/ i onllnu< i lluhari,
l.iiililniitflv, ">l<> >"" know thai fi.ii
i.1.1 quay I 1.-..' ..fT Ii» [Nli II" oral
nlinnat *|i<-whloa», dumbfound) i
■maitd, Hi- hint bMB • ' li.'liiiiik « Mil
i 'Lit I ta Romln it* Mnitnri him In <*h,
ili.m- prntiilit*.*! Howar* of point-
ClMII." Mr, ll..l.»rl i wit lud<l wits
Nina Veara Without ■ Bath
Otal MiAl.i;. I. 1., Dai I -In the
•uprcin* ruurt in llronklyn ImLiv
Mia. ■ •<ii;i- ll"inryi.i brought mi ■<••
lion again*! her huahand [Of »< i.iu.i
--t '.ii MM ■)!•«•■» that hor hu«l»an-l
li.i'l nut taken a hathnlnrr I).. | wor«
him lift, nin>- >-ir» ago. Thla, lur
l.i«><r ancur-d waa «ibundanl
(round for a aaparaltoa Hi ilnilnl
hla arlfa'a allocation Ml »»« il
lowrd COUDMI f> ■ • ami alimony.
Wagon Teams Reach Kettle
Fall* From Republic.
KKTTI.n I"\!.!.H. Waah.. I"" I.—
i Momlay Ml th* "rat 'lay thai U am*.
iha ■ hrrn *bl« to roni* '.\ rr f run
j ItrpublM* with wasuna on Hi.- n*w
!■>/» I Thro* fr*ifht toama marl* th
'ill but nwlng- t.. th* uii|.t«-. . <l«-nt»"t
ralna lh*r* *rrr many »,fl |>la< < *
• nr.niii!i.|r 1 I' »h■! .'1 that IMM
aril I ii.ii crnaa th* new (rail'• 1.. any
•tint until an>.« flioa. an thry will
laoea bwiiinf Impaonabl* Ilk* th*
•ith<-r road* in I tit* oootlon.
: "«ln« to Hi" ronllnuou* wot
|W«aUl*r Hi. >i|' "••• of imiMinr th*
i"-«'l li*a |io#n about *»n*lhlr.| more
than II would hay* brrn. Mr. "parka
i.,,i «-• m rnmt'lvt* tha work thl*
«--k an withdraw Ml fun •-• fron
th" t id and throw It op*n to urtural
No* public »ay •t(ti<wi •>' twine
built in th* li'puhlir road, on* on
th. other »l ]<■ of the annum' by 1..
H Halt anil th* olh»r out »>mf ilia
tanr* frnm K»ttl* Fall* by Mr Will.
•••it, lo •rnmmo-I»t* th* »taa;e bud
ni4i. Tr»i" will be no trouhl* for
* paaaenjrora to *#rur* a:tirt«l iroinmn
dallont. but thry cannot makr th*m
■until th> nmtlUT t.ttlrg
iMtf aiti"iint« of freight and *%•
l-tr«« ir. now paaainr throuch h*r«
dallf. varwUlly oil. whlrh la bring
mav*d M rapidly *■ poatlbl* on park
hot*r». in r<-ll»vr th<- thr. ai.nrl
inkr'»« in lupublle.
: CATI? •
• • a a k. y .lliliiil J
{ •
\ — HIGH GRADE — j
1 Watches, !
I Diamonds I
: tm :
! Jewelry !
: At Your Own Price :
• »Hi - •
S ....AT TUl.'.i •
: 817 Second Ava [
Now prala* for th» paat ml th*
!■!• «on! wr alna*.
And. trumfu!. await, what th* future
may hrlna;
! I ■• doubt and r»plnln* b* banlah«d
1 Ami th* r*at nf nur llvaa b» a.
Thankurlvlnc/ I>ay.
....BerAl'U AT T11K...
San Diego Fruit Co
Ml l'ikc Street
Is still left the Best and
Largest stock of
I mil and Ants
In Seattle.
: Less Than Cost j
« *
« litirinhrt I we rrmnvr *
* to the LEADER, 710 Second *
* Aye., .111.1 will give our »
, patrons the benefit of what •
* it would cost to move our •
* nodi by selling them at *
* less than cost. »
I ■^•^. •
¥ Mrs. E. H. Johnson. Mgr. »
* 1000 6icond Av.oor. Madlion *
« *
INBURI with ill" Cnliunlilnn Ait I
.lout a lat lon Hr»rvi> Kund,
f.it,i»>i. liirori'inati'il undat th.
Lan ■ .1' tin Hlki<. (if \Vu«liiii«l..n Am
Unit ami Mirk lirnrfttn. Ak""« nmiti .1
K. W. ANDREWS, I'rrKi.lnit.
V. h. M II I I 1;. ■• t.tnry.
I limn, ufUor, 'Mi rirlllnt iii.»
r You'll love to be out In the rim if protected with
; one of our
: Water Repelling

' _____—.
Tailor-made Garments, at well-posted buyers'
wonderment-creating Low Prices
I Iji(lli>»' Bir»ll»nt Quality rVru«> Urn's I «'• . W*!ehl RnirlKh Serf*
MM KIN I HI blu* «I><l l.lii'k. MArKINTOHIIKH. |.|«-lt> |ilal4 lit*
perfect niim«. IJ«) v«lu<-. »jn-ti»l Inc. velvet collar. w*«*r r*p*lllt>c;
priot II »» «-a<h. M ■■■ valur, ■ 14 M *«.(,.
t Lailf*i»' F"ln»» Knffitsh Hm^s* £!."."•♦- > _^ .__ — .!;-..r*"« „ . ..
..,- MM btorfe v.l»«« cottar. ■ - iv, . ..ilnr. .-autiful ptoM linn*
r»i» t.lur „r bl« k velvet collar a v'lvi>t r"llar- '*»ul|ful Pl*l'l lln"1«
; SkSrsSS-Iss =M: [» h:.r"j.,"'jr. be
i I 1..«. ii. »• Xli»» Illu* '.r llrown ""h
ICh.vloll MACKINTO6II-8. full M , n -, K , lr , Qu .i,, r.ntUlh
. „w»ep military cap*, »•!»•( collar. n»»vlotl MACKINTOBHWI. box
t _aiMUom»ljr nnl»h»U; Mso vain uur rnßt „y l, , llk v ., vel eo| Uri b««ut|.
i, price IKw wh. fui plaid nnM, patrntmi. ventilated,
i ; Lr-dlf- 1 Kinr Kwtlmh llrown Mlx^.l drPMyi ,tyll»h wat*r.r*P«llln« ertr.
■ WoolTwMd MA'-KINToMHIX. full it;|UM v _, u€ our KM „0 09
||«wa*p military cap", lit nil VMVat ,„, |,
i i "liar, man lallo rr>\. 1100 valur, unly
HO Met Hum' Kin* Navy h>rr» MACK-
Ml— qi" Pin* r<rown rhn-k MACK INTi ■.-111.- n»w atyle wld* »w»»p
• INT' >Mli:>\ d'Hiblv cap*, velvet '"I- military rap*, velvet MUM «n1 bn%
I lar, nl< •■ i<l»i.| lininar. drei-y: l< 00 plrat nnlab. grand wearlßa; and »tyl
i value, only l:« pai h. i»n. 14. 74 value, only It.U each.
i IT'irT bound wkaii, and I'IUCKH AT ea»y-to.pay
I -^-^——^—•
206, 2QB, 210 PiU» St
ll__«_._% Send *° Cents to NOMB 11-__-l«_-
Nnmß MAP C° {I^ Washir^t<.n|||£lCl|Q
IIUIIIU Building. Seattle. Wash.. "100110
' for Map of Cape Nome, Cape York and Bonanza
; Mining Districts.
• - v • • •
Popular Cafe for Gentlemen
Occidental Aye. and Washington St.
• ipij+QijMt.itMjwjLMJ-X'xxrT** wuwtfj.u».vujwumiu<uiim»<vn—ma
_ . _
Makes Heat
Saves Money
Select Your Piano
Ilrfore the ChrUtmaa \\.\n> buy
in ii> fairly tx«ut' Ckooatajaj
now |lvn you a lariir a»*«irt
ment to aataal from. We *»-ii
piano* on rajiy trrm*. ami cheap
rr than any other aturr In in*
< I)'
Sherman. Clay & Go.
HllMMilmM * * ■•<itl*
; Beautify Hv havin« >'" ur «:
! Ynnr Pictures HrameJ ! !
, I UUI i
I I Home".'.". by° s —— : |
' i Pacific Plclare Fraait Co. ■ '
'I II # Thlni Arrnu* ' |
] ♦aM»»M«M*I»Mt»*MI .
fU.-on.l hanl l'i»iin« and or
mn< In ri.li«i\(i- for new
ohm. Writ* at • all.
[ u»i!3«u«: Ramater Music Co.
• ♦ ... »M> ... ♦
! ♦ Skin Diseases ♦
. ♦ ♦
. ♦ 49-50-51 Boston Block *
, ♦ ♦
', ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦
_9^ r - p-, « # *^K»# **^ * mm mJ* •»• »j
qa'Q^'^B^^^^^a^^a^^^B^av *ap^ ■• ■ -■■* *^* h^ar^a^ a* ••
I 15 special |
; ijj lor the Holidays g
> V Bettla Imported l >frfiim».«'"ake 8
t V i mpni ti i ii <"<•'■ i Boap, ""I B
► S r«ck«f« Imported s.i. in i g
• ij I'owdera. all for J?
-| 25c I
,'\\ Barrinflrton's Drnn Store |
• S Cor. Second anil Pike
J|! Tin.i... run S3. g
».«. »tm-Tel. Whit* 331—p. ■. itik
Seattle Heat and Plumbing Co.
Contractors aid Jtbacrl.
Btrara tad Hot Water Heating, VenU-
Uiirm and I'lnmbiny.
<-•-'■••'-• i H.p.lr Work
tea sa;:.» rtni ttiiiut r»: or liua l
Ruler Mats
For Stairs, for Doors, etc.
In our middle show window
We have them In all al»»».
for all i-uri*»f«, and to Mil
by the yard.
Uiru* aquar* or oblong- Mati
far hotels or puhMc buildings
«■■ atwaya have In atoek. \\>
furnish dwellings, hotrln. res
tauranti or public bu.ldtnfi
Roldcis & Wil.cn Furniture Co.
110911-13 Stcoad Aye.
tlllB llmiiß(i lti
;: P. DBtnmtiu Cm i Snedtltr ;
i> 'Phon» Main 380 i
' ] OBm, cur Ocdaeaol Am. !
, , mnA JMk«m street
♦« t<M»M«MMH
mi: \vasiibi
Arc UaaM In which th* ten. la tin
i detract, th« workmamhlp of tha
hiiih^at nrdrr, and th* in.iirrl.il unrj
o| the ftn*»t quality. Wa rwll all of
' th.-si- relrbrated mtkti, and at priori
I which plain a '.1,1 rultar within th*
reach of «in in... Step In and maka
your aclertlon.
Winter & Harper
lliirkc HulMlnK.
Second Avc. and Marion St.
S.-4ttl.<- Waih.
5 Spot. Cash 8
i Gold Oust 8
•! • hi. »••«< Maa, ••. vulm,
\ lit < hrrrr ■*■ r..L BmlMtai &
rreuti rasscuer m Baam
Tlou bii u-* (&t uj rua iron
I • *

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