v "liIHESTEB $<_§ BEMITIFUL LlilE§-|||i MEAT OPENIMG SALE MEW TOWNBITE AT JUNCTION OF THREE UIILROADB __-„. to advertise Rochester, the new lownstte st the Junction of three rallrusils. re are going to aril ft limited number of besutlful level, cleared lots, cliat. In to business section, 'hat are worth $50 each '■.'.lll NOW. for null $25. tin en»y terms, without Interest. Free AIISTRACT and WARRANTY DEED with each purchase. These lot* lie Just ** I"'**'l *-• * ***** and are all cleared and read] to put luto gar.l. ROCHESTER nil' COMING CITY. Rochester Is situated In 'he heart of a rich valley and 1* surrounded by thousands ot acres of Improved farming and fruit land. Rochester ts etc.* to vast quantities of valuable timber, also large it. posits of ihe very ftnest coal to be found In th. West. The development of these great natural rcsourcea, which Is now rapidly going en, will make Rochester a city of at least 60,000 people and the metropolis of Southwestern Washington. A mod ern lIa.OCO graded school, stores, hotels, churches, etc.. have already been built. New aettlers are pouring Into th* town and are busy building their new homes. RCVIIE9TER A FACTORY CITY. "?* The owners of Rochester wnslte appreciate tbe fact that tt re * Quires a good pay roll to make a good town and thereiore re __;,, to mske Rochester tbe .TEST MANUFACTURING TOWN IN THE WEST. Work Is now under way on the big fur niture and door factory that will employ a hundred men when completed, and numerous other large manufacturing plants are POSITIVELY ASSURED, aa we are giving away FREE FAC TOR. SITES at Rochester. Over 2.000 men *'" now steadily employed at good wages In the near vicinity of Rochester. FREE IMPROVEMENTS AT ROCHESTER. Pure, sparkling spring water will be piped FREE to every lot at - Rochester and all improvement* such as street grading, etc-, will be completed absolutely FREE of cost to purchasers. A beautiful natural park I* no* being improved and will be donated to the property owners of the townslte. . WE GUARANTEE OUR ADVERTISING. ... I Don't be afraid thai because we are giving you the grrat,-*t value tor your money yon ever heard of. that thl* proposition Is not as represented. We guarantee this property to be the greatcftt bargain that has ever been ottered to tb* investing public Don't pay us a single cent until you have seen the property and found It to be even better than we said It was. The train leave* tor Rochester every morning and you can look over the townsitft and return the same day If you wish to. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY IN NEXT THIRTY DAYS. The price „f all lot. that are now on sale at Rochester for 125 each will be advanced to $50 each on February 1, and there will be no more lots on the market at this SPECIAL'OPENING PRICE AFTER THAT TIME Ruy now while you can buy at ground-floor prices and while you are fare to fan with OPPOR -■ TI'NITY. Remember that lota which sold for $25 each in Se attle once are worth $250,000 now. -COME IN or write for our FREE ILLUSTRATED ROOKLET. . Reference*, any bank In Seattle or our hundreds of satisfied customer* who are all making money. Office open evening* until 8 o'clock. lElieil Mil WEST MEHT mm mi Sl4 VV 315-314 -31tj MEHLHORN BUILDING. -■' W ft, PERKINS-' OWNERS OF. DUNCAN THE SEATTLE STAR ~YtfftiYitrYc-«^^ slue vestr •»»---union ... — I. *a tb. , addrea* label *. *»• » P**r|..i,i«.l leache.ra. E*.t toll or Maple , 111. , | iaTli kodak enlargement, it rent.. Jacobs' Pholo. .e.ond floor F.-l, Hldg. Marrlrnonlal iiure.u, ill Pike, room 41 lit, not I.* lonely; find your soulm.le W li Uallor* (rows h.lr end ..urea tf.ndruff. 11l Colas.*'' *t. LOST and" found" SAvlng. J.sea book No. 14,11)1 Finder return lo vy«.hln.t<>n Tru.i and Paving. FUNERAL OIR.CTORB rCTTEIIWOrsTH * SON. l-r a(...,*.5i j Otrecrore and Lies.** r.-t,»lm«r, I ill i li*-•_f. o."__* <'^•_lh*ML,-'_ Bfl•,' *k*B-e tit ! li-.e-.n.,. vv , ■ «..„ Ckv-t r.aarsT" IMrec?.,." . ..ii J a*, asd r ...rai-r Beak pbaaea It SPECIAL NOTICE* NOTICE Or STOCK II Oil, En*- MKET INO Th* annua! m**:,ns; of lb* etorfebolder* c. the I. alea Saving* * Trust t'ompaoy o( Seattle, a corporation, will be h» • »■ the office ef Ibe rotnpaar. oa the nortbweet corner e( Serowaj by. and Cherry rt. Kirs county. Wa.hlngton, oa Wedaeeday, tha l«iii day *( January, nil, at Ih. hour a( i , kaaft I* lb* afternoon. - (er the purpose e( electing dtrerior. (or *me companr a,' (or the transaction of any other ba.iaee* thai might ptepertg b* brought betora the meeting S li SOLNKH. ra.hlar. Seattle, Washington, • December lttb Itl t . SAMI't:!. WATSON CHiJhCH OF riTITK r I -iiiiTi vi-i«M meal. — <•< ...d Hoor Steven* Academy, Fourth, 1«i...» I'tk* end Ptae et... Sundfty, January I. Itll; I » . I.- a grn«r*t eonfwrvnte, 1 i m . lecture by (>. Carlo* MrAlllster, subject. "I'eraonallty and Individuality o( a 'I'd •; 1:11. (ormatton ol tact, healing .nd quaatlon etrelra; 1:11 t, "' . Judge A J Spaarkert will be c. *. trolled hy Ihe spirit ol pope Lata X. and deliver a* Inspiration*! lecture en titled. "The Rise, and Fall ot Chrte 'tanliy, aad Why Tney F.U." !>•' or. and after each'tenure, euio* and dseta i-v Ida Mi.hi.ci. 11. Carlo* MrAUleter and 1....1 , E, (*ote. Admission (re* Raerybody weiK.me. llr ing your (rlend.. ___. Ind-pendent New Thr/tighl Society meal. St.vena' Kail, on Fourth, between PIS* end Pin* .I*. Sunday, January I. 1111 at II a. i>, . euhjeel. "Dr.ilny." every one Interacted In New Thougkt te re que.ied lo be preeent. Music and sin*, a _tn g. ; —This sd worth It rents on dollar lor furniture, lit on lot, one .1 to pur* < i,..i; cash value*, com* and see. till J.a.fern ay North lltt. Open after t evening* Owner. r.*..*.rt.*.i A Wilson, carpont.r. and general Jobber*. Weftthrr .tripping and gla.lnc a .perlalty. Main lilt and Ind. 11IL ' ■ "Nolle* Is VerebVlllvelJ I hit I will tier*, after pay no dabt. contract..! hy my wife on accouM of avaparatlon ___.** ift'n' 11. 11. kuliec* rigar factor}, haa re moved to ltt Third ay HE Lp"wanV|_"d— r r M ALE*"" Wa" "**,'• Several ,<,.■•,< women arllk « without eapert.nee, .» I.l.phone op«r store Apply 111, llth •** of fill Third *,v The Critic Telephone * T*l*gr*pb Company. V»'.nt«,il — i,'t.mpetenl Scandinavian housekeeper, about It; good home and -•.►••". give full (..Hi- .i!n 1 a AdiVre.a ktsrJ-l _r Warned, rhr.cl.te dipper; only es perlenred help nerd apply.: Kornlg candy _cr,. Il.l_ F*ir*i «v. SITUATION WANTED—FEMALE. laid] wlih dviighier 10 rle.lre. home work. Star, .r-ias WANTED— MIdieELI.ANeOUS Wanted —Four- rive or als-room col lage, not mora n ..,. 40 mlniilea* ride frnrn bu.ln*.. renter, not more than 11,000 r.sh, .nd W...1H prefer a .mailer payment down (Jive p.ntmlar* *. lo .lac .nd location so I can go and «** It evening, or Sunday.. Addte.a I in, Hlar, Wonted—Mmall r.n.-ii, imprirvrii or !• biiiv Improved, suliabl* (or chicken .r«neh, -fJ.t 100 far from transportation; .tti.ll ;.!.>ll.i-i. 1 down and balance on ra.y lerm*. Add...a J-117, alar. W. n I ."cft-Thre* or^ four" imfuTn iahed room., cheap rent. Star, J-111, HELP WANTED—MALE. WANTKf>—AN AITIVW. Wlpr*. Ul Hill MIIJ'MIV TH Ml TH4M vvntiu Wi I'll UNI. IIIi- THbI ttlisT SKIiitlTY HAl.r'.tt. ktstN ANl> fl.it»lCltS in I Hi: I'NlTril' STATUS. IN PLACINU wtiMK tlllllt un nn; i-niii'i.ii. ATHIN HlMilMi eU'rlillTlKet. . i.vivilr.' .|. .Ny AIIVA N0 N H WI.KKI.Y. tiri-tiIITI'NITY full AN 1.M.1 >. i un.i . MIN Ttl MAKK. It* nr will, i ..i.l .'ii Till! KXl'KltT*a AltVli'M ANH VVIlttK AH HHtKI'TI'll, rill 111 (-'... Itl list i i.i M...-. ill Mi Tlk|r! IHVC.V TO Vl-.11.ni-. nil ii.vi i i.s ii Ytitf Atlrt is ' TKItKetTKtl IN MM.IN.. Ylltit- SKt.r miMM IHHili, iii.m'.h SIIINKY, ANII AT i in; urn; i IMI nn ..ilir A UK.II tIItAHII I IS IS. I 11. s v l:- mas, i 11..-.!: MAIN .41 oil IM> lltt ANII ASK roll Mil. Mil. 'ii*. ft itg ii~^»*. (tit tCir uk ii»T We have luai tipanvil . n«w i..»n,-i. ef our it.it>*, s. i.. i .t lit liiii.l **„ Third ay. asd Columbia el .I.*.*, I*| hair cm. |te. Clean linen*. too* **i vi.* Weak (reel il.li ge 1. ter ins lerlala ....i« , NATION a. I. HAlllH.lt COLLaMB. Two s, 111...1.. 11l Third Ay.. tl vt.aaliin.i-a SI Wa leach Hie l.aii.i n..1. rompteta i'..uiaa 1)1 ■',! Wag., paid while learning •■ __________________ VV itlilr.l v., eaperlenra.l ttuthlll* eal.a tiiaii It* r*pre.ent ue la nreaon, Wa.lu.i. tea, 1,1*1... and Monl.n. Only ...... » lis 188 e.t.bli.he.l tratte i..-e,i i.. apply. To •all cur |...|.uiar yi I. .a m.c „( .... i. a anil young men a riot hint rail. lent.. 1,11.1 Afn . ___a_4l S__ft________4 , rajrsga. Anils-I. nan ea.l.t t* to 111 w'eekl, I* Ihelr Income, all wtater, (rowing mu.h. roome la rallara, .hetle, ttoae., ate. in. m.rksl. t'l.e Booklet. Ilnaiii Harlan *' i."«» Tot k ■ l.tt* men want.,l to eat hoi i..*.t i...-r ..... I. he. lusement .'llll.srU. 1.5.1. IUHI-I. III! 11.1t.l St- let-ran I'lke .nr! I'm... ti»* _l~!."illl.V sn.l •apenea* lo Ita.al *-..! .!!.'.11.,1ie earn plea for SI. ma..,*;.. --■ Uteri alea.lv WO,k ft. H< heifer, .... "ter, __-___. t'klesao. | _________ Thl. *1 I. .... .1 lor one '. ..I. , .eel i".l •*«.!• i. I. Hss*menl •( (.trle.lsl 1.a.l ItiHim. III! It.iot ay. Head tl I* Ih* mao iiwlar. _^__ ■ Yob are san.eii (or .ovwrttment i-0.l- Hon. lit** tne-in Writ* (or 11*1 e( p*. .it!...* ap*a Wr.aklta la.iltut*. ls.ii 4Jtt.ll. Hot heater, f»' V. lit V* .-..-*.I,Y* anil *a|".o*a* le Iruai, worthy ie..i.i* 1,. trwt*l .nd distribute asanplee (or t-:s whel**al« i......c i' li *:.,•« V;__ J»«. •J_*jt___"*' l!_* *"• -__-________- ilea Mt.jr ».,. Mood p*, rvprllit a. .1r.a,., ... . .i bora* I. *.*'* time fertkulu. ! urn:. V, II Haw**. 1'.,.i 41, I'll le* .a. _^ SA Ee*-*TBe*>ea ll.el «einml..t..n offer on earth, New, all retailete; eamplea r.«i •*ork*t_ "lyoni*!.!*,-' |e_*»ea t_tir low*.__ AOtTxTSt I Ist, (Vur "iiabiiitait* ter Slol M..in...*- eelle Ilk* wild Or*-, .a r*|.u*i ,*.|«iie,l, e.clttelv* 1a.i1..,, *n--!«ra..n tl.n.e ,-* , *n,t.re ,c |i,.l aieae 111 ftia'rit rtt.ew.is, lIT Tr*. tt*. ****** I*l. Tradera Bids, 141 w Talrd. .___-____-_________.. Sweoad-Saad rloiitia. anill aai **;* lit' ei>« at. Mela lltlj lad. I. 1411 __ eiiAw»*uiTs rCxm i-6. ft tin rl'ie'r i_>»ißtanißg rlewe _fly_a 11*1. Sla.ana Si. W.lkad T**__** : r*i. le.eu.aa 111,* eveamie Trial Liv I always n__* kauris aa* V-la* at SITUATION. WANTSO—MAL. r,-.*.:_. n aft aa.-tltw*. I._f . II«hl»mt hnuae r«[. tart left* | (ir »l r it* tea re'ttfr...* aa I a fa tlthbll-ty art 4 ir»i»t.»..-riMftftßß, th- fv-ug. hl» ar-ft_*i4in'*«l wltt. !h** fitr. »tn. S..»a.| a_| prvtstpAi, ttttl 4»a;r»a .-J.a-e* at.i. nr m«4* •i**ia MMit Ad-lr*..*-, Jj,t Ttt* « '-af^ Mouse.*-. I e*e>e-arNeaeNr^e^rsr%eNe^-^a^aev*wevNeNea^srxewa_a. noc*r* I VI I ll>. * I it: I > I t at—l-roAra ....'.,• liai *t W. 11l s»—i-r.-m ....... Norma* el. 11l ti i „--... roll.a*. Itrd .* K. 11l f) ■>.• in collate I water a.. •II *. ■ * -r.-.rn roll.**. Hr.c.1,., a*. lit** —t-roora roil***. l-lote* ... 111. a* . a „.....n rati.**. Had •» ft. It: I* a >.-- meeiem kooe*. Taaifcart |.i a■ * * - ' . 114 .a - 1 r - .« mratera '-,■■„*. Beaeßtk W IS***— ...-i awaateta kouea, ,1-1 * W I 11* **—t- row*, -„'.-'«. n h-..,a*. |ttla a*. I'l nsi.ill;o Itl **— t-room Mol.ra house. Oik W ll* *•_•!. rva-re. „..,.le.|| b*U**. Nl*t* W, Itl t*---4>room naoalera how**. III*. .*. «».- a. fir Hat* vv» be,* Urn* at a*, pair* and say i.-a*i .n F. M.JORDAN A CO. 11l Amaruas *a>. Sle, '*""__E__li.L '•' r*"«r* riwl, Weei""*eV»*ili*. «*iia«*. lit* 111* * W„ .i-i walar. Ibr*« I.' -•■*• (rets California ar 100-ule* cc.l I -.. lit Far month real; c* would cell *a«y Mats ttl ____________ "If it SayS mt Rest —ifnwee. 14,14. *i>it «b). lor store, atop or tlviri* room*, t'rlva lltt. 41*1 Scam ay N W. ri**>rwa*s"m*al*ra rotistr. oa cat line. two blerk. t-.-oi ,!.,.'.>,..r aad hl*b erbool. J| X : \ 4*l Var Btaitii. fll. CO* rott*.*. rt* ll* Rcttevow ay N Apply to tvo-dboaiaa ft CUll rwraltnr* Slot*, ttt I ... at {____________» HOUSt. _—-^-.eiraa^eavvwuuuvaao-.--^ rtve-rtaiea meater. furnteked hoae*. It.j ai*-, ee.ar „*>>*. modern 'urnl*.* I bouse*. l;t__J4*ply^l!lt_llroo*trtt »r. PUftMSr.t.D ROOMS PHONE L 3211. WILLIAM ILK \RI). PROP./ IWNQIB HOTEL sivoi.r. noun tt« pitw NtrttiT ano vr iini'srx-KriMi siHTica 11 it a wr.rK ur. rnr.K Bath, out- SI HI ROOM*. (KeOO VIKW. 3332 H FIRST AY.. SEATTLE. ".a". .... rio**ia. 4t4 Mr,mi* at. 1 hot and told wale, bis. (ram ....a. i* every i»ra. Ire. .» 11l madam (ur- bathe and pb •»•* slab.d tall eut.ld.l rale. Com I: It la roome. everilklr., li par week. Wei* saw. ateara hast, IB* diet****. TUB ANNBX— I*4 El.hth a*. Bear h'mi'Ui ** j new clea*. (urnlahed. • te.m.be, ted bed" «... (for men l Hat** Ilia p*r at*ok_jy__B*r_aigk____ fflympTo. Aisrtinei,., — HouMkiwplnt room. ll.tl and up. .Ingle roam* II tl and up: beat and cheap**! "■ *•' '" apart neente fa city; scar public mark*!, Ittt }S_______*l___ ni _ in For Itent—Furnlahed hour. o( .1, room* i „'■. ».r.n, dl.irlrt, rent 111. II X l*vllm«r. I*l Pioneer llldg Itoom* It i.,..,iti. end up, etrlr'tlr taal »rn. no I.ii. 1... real air, walking dla i.nc* tit llih ay. S "^Housekeeping and" .le«plng room., lit. ,-»l>. lit We.ll«k*. -SawrtSa llotel. itl Veeler w.y. h»i. cold t«*l*T. .team heat, bath. $Z It week .p I'ie.s.nt room, llghii .nd i..th. 11 It B*r_weell_ tltl Nlnlh snd Westlake HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Two lar.e, clean, t n,...... i room, for hcueakrepln*. cheap to *ood l*n*nl* * *',l)- walking dieian.*. ~Tlir.« uiodern 7urt.!«ti*.l *_r*a**ft**ewas (***»« 111 10th. Maple 111 Single and auiraei walking digtaiest! g... balh. light; II It ... till '.•", a. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. •IRA VIKH APAHTMCNTS. „, j F.A.IIa.e, .trlclly mod.m, eempletuty f.iri,..!i-l 1, I. 4.1.-..in .a 11..; ape 1.l eamtnar ralee, walking dletanca L tit: lß_d_l_l74 The Helvl.iere Aparlmenl.. healed, lata nlst.e.l. (In* ii. » ll], tit and 111. 11l H-L,-'_—_9_*;_JL.-' sBBaaeBaWBBBSBHB BOARD AID ROOM. Wanted ~-C.,upl« lo , ..,,,, and bo.rd or Iwo rhlldren I'Htl Hreen ll't FOR RENT — MiBCri.LANI.OUB. For La-**— Iti.om I, ilrsnd Pacific dock, ground Horn*, on (l.ltwsy a V il.l'l.lNu t,A.-.|t CO., I 1111 Third Ay M.tn I'.r All kinds o( stor. rlalnr.a, count.r.^ •h.tvltig, ait, mude at 51 11*11 si. phone I nd;_ I ltt; FLATS. - ' r..r llenl —Fnurrnom rial, cle.ltlr light. 111. Inqulr. til 17th * BUSINESS CHANCES. it.-at „,,um outfit, Including i.rg* range, refrigerator, plan... tllahes, SIM.I Itew.re, iii-. v., ii,. ,how rs.es, cri.lrs, lab)*., ......... r. atiiiii,, . n Woodhou.. A PI.II Furnllure Hun.-, t!« rilte_»t._ linr. I. a good I'lmni-e for a rootnln. h.»ii**. ilie.p; buy from owner: 11 "...r. c. rheap rem, .....l .11 full. Add..-a .1-123, Star. AND ACRgAQR. We ti.v* II .ttt., all cleared, on.-quar ter mil* of water fronl, afit. far* from . He..' I'rlie ta „1.11, 1-.in. , ..),. bßl an.* c.ay, 7 per cenl. Thle la n snsp. HOIXIRON & NELSON, 111 Hulllv.n Ilia THIC STAR—SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1910. (•ARMS AND ACRBAOR—(Cantda ■' "^<^at^7ilTlTa^~^~ ,^,*T 20 acres excellent lans, 1100, Tb 1 a I* i.i.i I* per rent n( what ether l.nd I. being ...lit for Is Ih. ' ».,."■ ewciion. .. A. 11. NEWELL, 110 Hl'ltlNll ST. \v 111 tent or le.ee *iti..l , patina tretijjy X.1.l fruit nn li. Sear *V*II1», 1 n-1,. 1., 01. a. 10* (rull ti..-*; (imhl blillllln**. i,i.,.tv w.ier, Snap (or good marl _tVe.ver, Itll Al.ak. Hid. _____ ""THRE"E MILES OUT. Klv* ..-tr* 1.1.1 *. .nt. of iliv Un,lie, (In* 1 1.....ti..11 I'rl.a 11 ...... .It,t iiie>.|. A. II NEWELL. 111 Sl'rtlNO UT, VV* h.v* 4* net*, un H.a.,l* .an.it, lliteee Uu.rlete mil* „,.... dock Slid hotel; tin.! lire ......1, well on H; seven acres were cleared mm, i....a ...it l.tt; lit. I.all, l-iilai.... .->-! HODGSON A NELSON, 111 Siltllvan in*. ■ ■' """"FOR" EXCHANGE, t'en tin: niii: r in. th beiweea Be. 4* til*, and Taeoma. Tina.- Harden Tract* 11* well, inoel «( them tieve ion.nil. water, Hue boat eeivlee into ally, want Improved properly, * *. A. 11. NENVRI-U 11* ftl'll INH «T. \V. «l*.i V«ve""eeverei*7nur-*rre Ira.is of w.ier (roni, heaulKul view, II.It. per lr.it; |l.t . ..I. 1.aU...e 1 per < * 1.1 HODGSON ft NELSON, Itl trulllt.n Hlk ~OIeALI_A: rir* arree eaeellenl land. running water, only lit* (eel (torn Ihe Sound, I'.n* I SIS 1 raay larma A. I" NEWELL. - lit sent mi sr, ■ Five «... aa awad sen, near fteatile, (er lilt. ll* down, |t .„.,.,.l,lr. ll.itrert * |r—*er. ttt tetarv bid*. —- n^R"T^ciiANGi*r~~ Improved property, will r*BI (c* 111 par i.i...ni.. de* 1..,.,, in._imbr.nt.'*. W.i .rre*g* or tossed, oil l.nd. SEE M. D. PRICE, It. SI'IIINH ST .' M.ln III* i; s. wo**-■' SiX" "-' "*"■**'+/* ,'^mK^sifjgjs^'*''Mx'k -**.y —j. ■■■ ■ "*'-^£. ,^.__»i-i**.2 CIIY HtA k UttAtt. You . at. t eapaart a worusa **lih a • mail baby te slay .1 it,* *i*n»n .... d*, aaillne (or i-u ea yeu will bate ta step Into Mr. H A. 1....n. a |.i«.e seal la ei*t*on'e ai.. r . lie will aaow row Ike bungalow, lour rooms, plaatered. (irvptaoe, ever vll'lns 1,1. c , 1. *c la b**< tt arbo.ll *t. I r.r Ta diet-.** „f n tiulekl, w* will lake ll.tte. aad ta .ood party who wilt (*tr promptly w* will .fve lerme like real Take raantlerey war la Uaiawood ttt *l ton ■ ■ -:■ ■ C.rh.oas— le«l In Chlra.o, clo»* In. prio* lint; will a.chan.e lor ally frop •fty er , li,|. or avli.niiil.llr What baa. »e*r *■ r. LAVARNB. 11l Saner* St . ■'-*' ■—■'■*- Tjci-rir\.'AßiiiNGf cw&WiVcr n.e let a. lb* ran*,!. S-etweea rreeitoßt •b* ii. Ila id, I.all. J'rtr* ll.ltft, A. M NEWELL. , us *;'iii*»i ii ST. ■ Two ..'..ele.n t. „... SB* l-reorm end oa* T-r.-em. rented (or til pat raoalk ••ai.* la.***; || ... ..'.... I- par nt'-oth 1 tear rant. AH Improaemießie la so. paid eaeept .... **r .tree ea* Meek irons ... . *t,*el. Tail* la Ll.*** below value tm.i learla* ally Iwel aall •'bene Reerea 111 _________ MAGNOLIA ULUFP. I. tine lota. It.ttl ea, t>. M.I. and .t.fclly. (la* stew: Urn ooih *( real I.salon, ltl.» lit* par I*4 A. D. NEWELL. lit ar-ttlNci trr ' * rts irpATE i Modern, double eoaeirweted. ee»eß'»*v-ew has**, rem.ni basemenl. belh, «i*etrte 11.1,1. ar, 1 ... I*l ft.lt* (eet, fruit ire • end i.0... Term. Saw ewser, till VV«Hle,r'.-ed «* ' CLosE 11,. ' T.» lot* dowbi* ror«*r. *n :'<►...* I', bloat* (lean .... Iv* aloe*, (rom i.tlrowd. ll,ttt Tkie a* lee* Iba* *" "'-A R. NEWEUe, *. I _-.-_-__ ' uJf£*l!f2L er- ," It. *ows, lit paVe_•>.. a ..,,.„.■' i-.t ici ,l»« •II a.a«*.n.er.la t. *Bd Bald (dr. 1,1,* II It* 11.... Halter, tit. Vawa. ft J......re ' Foo,.,rat*m modern b'.-,**. |w. bnerT* rroaa .a lie. II It*: ... York I,**. _■ _______-___™_„ s.m.i.i CaaViya*. tftt *„*_*, SksfltsTa**, da.:, I* ally B*****ly f»rt~» .*.] umut ItaVla l.lai , ...» prajorrty wli* Sl**. __ lt*!e,t*r t.U*f paeporir, t*Br_*4*_*a-n] il' 1 .P«,'*, *» a*,__VVtk H ', i i .., , "*'rietir SaaawewwaTitt* ...ft. Criteilr Hem* Btws_*sft€N*, lit r-.,t,.',e lint. r«**aa!iyii3e-.':' -c*-, ■■.-■-^•eT,- u -fi^«»'*-r- ,--* "-__ s..:__._sia i^CH*TTtktOt^t^| tmctn a i|-»*«**i . era. i*ac, HI KMrtJ_r_* tM.ftftid.- Ilk and Was l.»n aa fataHur*, nar*ee."e"t* vtlii-* Una Wa***). raaaa 111 New Y«k tt\is _ |^^I46M^.T c a_>___________" Wa -a . .-. yea aa an *.c*piloa*tlr j a oatl 1.-.. ...•«.} or d***n claim la owe el tha beet (rait aectiaa* •( Ea.tera Washington This I* aa .*.u,p****d opportunity let tavakla* a bom* aad t. . on-, lßd*p*nd*ni in th* beat ar • aberd ar 1 talertetfied farming diatrtct la th* iniia.li. t7.1l ta sea orchard thai a.4 *«t itarilrular* TH* I EIiKIN. LAND ITOMPART. iilL Tiitnp ay »-*Lt »*£, WEST SEATTLE REAL ESTATE. "-^r^a-u^i^tr^^ CX' I.CSIVI'.T II Dean! Hid* ttt »*_>»>d_ai_ Mala till: lad. 13(1 REAL ESTATE LOANS. MOftTHWErr TftUST a **ra aa posit CO. rtr.l ** end Csl.mbl* a. ICalrnan Iralldlagt. I.vii.. ... stt*a* far lea.,* (ram 11, tit I* 11.1*4 ** is*, proved S**tile realda.ee property la aetabll.hed dla'.rlci* CIT? aNO COUNT* LOAN* Oa Improved are.l >**c.l prep.rtr al I »*4 I aer c-iic .ny *mount •:..-, 111 I* (ttt. (or a long sr eherl time. .1 •**, pay i.e.,-.. no delay. Slurieeanl * Co. It: Ito*t*e Block. t....ii end Colombia. j FOR SALE—WOOti AND COAL laaiu*^^ai*itTo^^i!dßim!. Wlllwood M. lilt, lad. 141 i'ale.l dual pan wltn fleet load" 'coat. W»inwrlthl_* Mel^od Phone* _ ""rireai" W..ie7n~e*uel C*>— Ce*l. 14 74. mill waad. I) tt teed M 1(11 lad 411. r. m, i ■„- - -i-.i_:-_^-___.;-_'.^c.-.a,..„._ae.,. ..e w,~„._ l^^^J-JVgngJJjC^^ ' holci-i^^ 11..., 1..- medium eiaed h0,.... guar ant .ed 111J_W c alar. ST. Main llfl "TT*,* al all Hmea It to tl hoi**. f<-» hlr*. •■•■> (or Bale. vv ata ... Ilroa, 1711 rir.t_a», ft. Wanled—-t.tgl.l or ten ...... (com l.tt* pun.id. up. 1101 rirel S. N ft Jolllffe 111 bur. Ireah jersey row. relf 4 week. old: give, large (low o( richest milk. a**** 111. cor, of Aur-.ra ar. and llnd at. rr -n „':. ■ r- t, ■ ■w.rrj.izjszus.iii.-zssa FOR SAL.—FURNITURE II -...■<•■ .!.! furnttur* tar • %'■■'• cle«p. • ■'"i-" h isn.c. (t'""l aa n** : mtt#| lit* a 'i.l - .. .i l '• 1. «oth •(., |.4i f Li-- k of Irf-at ill I*n r*r Por o.l* — riva-room furnished (I*l. 1114 ft. Hrn.dw.y; .lea range and he.|. Ing ■!..,. 11l ot Mr. C. II S.oll, ail', ft. llro.dw.y. _^_ Por aala, lurnliure ol I room, coua plele cheap. Aleo high grail* Kimball piano and It rhlckena. ll.ue* rent _h*« p Phone York IL - - ■ VI. H ih* "furniture ..Te now In prt.gr... et v Itiou.. a Plait V-urnltur. '!,",*■- IJL!'-r'"',_„' __ iligh«*i ra.ni.eia Tor lurnliure aad houeeh.ld goode. Main lilt: U Itll I""" chslre. .'.'..'.i.i . 'hi «... t.t„re •ad Office Kurnlluie Co. lilt '. at a v FOR SALE — MISCELLANEOUS. I'llll'H or ll.'tiOHH-I'ANICI, noons tiKnrcEn l-Ki.M ii ft" TO lltt (II .1... In .lock. i Th* new low price I. f..r Ihe ..me A No. 1 quality which hn. been our int..l „.-..-ifi,l iii.in... builder. No one but o. 11. wini nn. Co. iloea .ell or can .ell «urh high *•.,■!'■ doors al such "hard lime" price*, (or no one el** ti.akes litem snd sells Ihein In sui h l.rge iiueulltlee. direct to i-i.ntrst tor. .nd owner. C.ll .nd see Ihe.e dour., .end a friend In look nl (hem, or eoi.d v. a "Iry.oul order." Ms i til prove the ii'i.inii 1% sell .mi 1....1 v. ship snywhere, A»k for falsing No. "t on Hn.lt, Hour, .nd .ti.tin. M;it.-ii,ii O. H. WII.I.IAMH CO., IS4I Flr.l Ay. H., M.ln 1647~50.1He-—lnd. !'!"____ hi'KCIAI, litil.ltlAT "pillCK* On .tl .ewlng in.chine, (nr neat 10 d.ys .1 flolfs, 7(0 I'lke .1. Main tilt. lien's lit hitie eerga ..tii.tii. .nils, 114.60, .Ingle or .I'.iiiii. In.a.led. Tracln, rmimJlOl.^ioS^^'hlrd^^^'r.d^a^lldg. ~ mipttiie. lor an,* pi. t-7 th.aires 1101 l ii. li. i.. and.a, ale O. V. Traggsrdh. iii' _F_rat__tv_ ; ; IK. aoci.n.l hand rooking .love, one ga. r.nge, (or gal, cheap, M.iln till. N.w piano, (or r.n.i rent .ppll.d'eß pun hue* Meyer-Toner, 114 Union at iVvIANTeD TO BUT- rtlßNlfiillf ji(*nil Italia, surilnn • ttteragt it* I Iv" i""' furniture, er will a«ll II ..a I trommiaalna. Main fllti I, I*l. Vald** rum*. l'.H. I at. st tilL Ind" lilt , ts&aa - AI i g T|U -j*"'*-"^"_'g'J!:"-' ft-f-aeaeNeava_---^vea---ea^a^-^_eaea^sea-a_-^svs^- v pt. .1 Walker, in,, ,i..i.in ut ev*tylliiti«t Oftlee lli|_|f|r«t_sv *___ |M one (, Ilt<_ ,*, \*'. H01t... htld, .ii.iinnaar ami appral.™ ' tr. ■- your aei.i.a Main fa>>, I. tall IIAT|C.~"|N " Tills '" lis; I'A HTM KMT -Mm I ctl.-.r-t I'liii i.im; r:.in.ii t-HNTHAI.-r, ir 0111 l )..|.HI roll HAS NOT i on YOU. A liltlNlJ ttb'.tlAOH TO MAIN 1411 OK 11. 1. 11l U Jiij-J!iil_?*,_Jl !'"■_. __________ I v-i^i--V'>esese->ftCyiJL\l-Ji^*A I llaoih • vVhlillnaey . H.nfoirl a I.an.el i (**■. Il»ll»r lllo.'k Phone ".ln_liH__ '■ . . II . I I . la evvei^AevlAAjvA-tArvvvSaeayvs-AAe. ( ltt.pate 1.... I* I.■■*... ...ii ..e snd bun talow plana «lvls* alae, ci. . lie, V. W, cml.cc,, Ali-hlteet 4 U ICllel 111.1. Tin C'ANAIUAN HANK or i-oil Ml-III'i: Head ..rriea. Toronto . a. a.la lit. branch.. In .'a.ij.la ex 1 A gene,.l banking bu.lnaas I :.*.-....1 allowed o. eavln*. end lime deiioelte .WATTI.It llllANell. 11. V, 11.11. Miia. g _ % ___ I ..•ill* in... Print _j» , 111 Hinrkler Itlk. _"-. -- iX/Ne---s-^w-*evvv/ SPINNING'S £ STOCK V SACRIFICING J . SALE ll|f#. NOW 001N0 ON.l||£i 1310 SECOND AYE. Alt *l»«a *( rspair* Bod *ll**»ll*o* X Set, hi en tt Hall *t. I.d ___**___; rrg_Yr '^T^C^' |-|.-n*. Ooee. Anne •«: Ind A II" _ it.Mft, ri'*'ft»a|l"t|llMtuAlTl-* MT OWN MoNBr TO "HY Moiir.iA.ir-* ASH contracts Anraksa* It. Waehlßtleß, * W. X Oraeaway. n*«»*r and nroker. Ittl AtaerUaa pan* did*. Seetll*. $3,66 i * A sacrifice In a beauilful tlroom residence, fronting on th* new Queen Anne Beeievard of neat design. It ha* furnace, laun dry, electric future, and a fin* 4.5130 lot to alley In rear. All street Improvements In and pal.! for. This Is In -«•'" of '"" best sections of West Que**. Anne, where property Is steadily ad vancing. Convenient to two .at line* Good reason for ..critic tag. Term.. 02,4.0. ~ A beautiful Vrtxitn modern cottage, lot l-iltr. street lm provsments In. This is SB North 11*1 St.. near Meridian and raen Lake car*. Can sell this on small payment down, balaaee monthly. 01,850 A good, well built »room cottage, with 4"t114 lot. Good rt.w of I-aka Union; street Improvements Id. on* block to East lake and four blocks to W.lllnsfi.rd cars Only $200 cash re quired. At this price It certainly la a barsaln. ,Vft ntftk* Real F.ttat* Loan*. Write Fir* Insurant**- taTV' Beat American Companies and Collect Rents. ' mi. l scmeier '11 315 BOSTON HUH Phone*—Main .1. Ind. A I.M. JMUARY BJkRC-lINS Everybody want*, stxmer or later, a place on the water front, where they 'an either make a beta* or go for an outing for at Iftftftt a portion of tot > oar. Her* are t.t»- or two .peel*! iippottunHleS! tLMOOO-- For 3-4 acre* with over 10-foot tag--; shore lands * Included; on west shore Mercer Island. Fine soil, $15.00— Per acre, for water front on Hood canal; accessible; greatest locution .>* Sound for camp or hunting or sum -**■- mer linn*. ll.WOet. 100 hems In M**..n county. <-'... tn water; fin* soil; a speculation or Investment well worth your InYestlga tlon ".."": • 1.7&0.00 — acres at Brownsville, near water; an Ideal location tor chickens or small fruit. Many lot*. .toO and upward Nice houses at low prices. Terms practically to suit you. -bins reasonable goes, SPECIAL NOTICE—On any property listed above, or any other "f our own prop. purchased direct of os during JAN UARY, WE II.!. GIVE A DISCOUNT FOR CASH OF 15 PER CENT OFF PRICES NAMED. mm INVESTMENT COMPANY 730 FOURTH AYE. PHONES-MAIN MM. IND. 3530. WOULD YOU START RIGHT? ■ If yau we-ud »>»-t th* Sea l»a. ll.tit «lth lb* .lew of 15... .. lour warldly «*r». Ikaa BUT HEAL KSTATB In tie rlgbl plarea tt rtgbl prlrca W< b*H*v* thai any ..f the (eilaalng will make you m.ne, 111*. I Ill.lt*. Ta- lot., wil, Hill. ** ft. w, .lone lltsllt «a . a. corner «f Wartea ol Quean Ann* hill, only 111* **«k; ,-j Pis... ' rl.ht on 'he eeenl. high tertr.a. lit e-,.1, end 11. m..81t iv »i : .. _ ._.-_,, ■- „,. _aM 7 pa, cant. l«i. twice aa (ar out and ■***■ •-■ Impro-.ment. '" *-"'• paid, ........ h*ld Msl.tr Only 11.ltd cash. Thl* la on* o( ii" ••■•*•' 5..H,|.•^ *'„n,", °f m>"M '"" '" 1 •*• Two view tela, each «..!*« or. llrd A rAtlvi "a, «>»* abort blorh • fretit Phlnney •». „ -___, -„,„,-.„_ „-., n. i ... car ll»*. both lor ll.lt*, ****».m*nta »■ *-*«• adfolnliig Port Orchi-.d, pali. county »*»i of Kit*.. county. 1* mile* It.t** weal ..| Seattle, only It lolrui.ee- walk Three tele at If ..111 Wert .1, , r ~ m „„„ landing, _„__, half rleared. with ,"A.Sh".r.:-;r.?..',.hTN,T •» •♦■•■•-■*- •*.*« ***•**.%•»»..... („« terme A. thl. t. My lr..k II will bettors* ta*nuf*etur- (leld*. good ?-ronm plaetered house lag property. .i*bl». i ..ii, i house., HO bearing It.lot. fruit tree., nearly all v.rlrtlr. of .m.ll A nearly new, modern T-room kouea fruit., windmill, tank, hot and old on I*l ar N. Capitol hill dt.lrlrl: w.i.r In h»ua*. w.ier piped to .i.hl* lo.g tlma on ll.ltt. All Improvement, and in lmuiirr raid, on main roumy IB and paid. road and II F. 1' Eatra gi.0.1 1...... 11.011 two good row*, pig. poultry, separator, teat 17 nn Jarknon tl., (aclng aoulh, spring wsgnn, hariiea. and (arm Imple- I'.ia.ta llrd and In. are. All Im- m*nt. go with Hi* place. Conelderln* prnvemenia In and paid. Term. the (art thai II I. neat door tn ihe ,i Port Oichatd and ltremrit..ti market*. It.tot, --*, "' and In a'.1n...l houtly service wllh th* Fur a lovefy t-room houee on llth a... ... al Seattle market, ihle excellent ■i.itl. of John tl. la. I. iliraii .1 I**, .1. lei,l,a TOH WIU. DO WELL TO CLIP OCT THIS Alt AND SAVE IT. I. J .rill.Mil.i- tot Arrad. Hid*. ".rattle. I'l., nea. Main ITIIJ tnd 4111. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. L si won & OH FARM LANDS, FRUIT WHS, ABIE TRACTS, SUBURBAN TRACTS AMD CITY - PROPERTY If YOU WANT 111 HELL, SICE IS. IF YOU wo. LOOKING FOR BARGAINS, CONSULT OUR LIBT. A, 8. HIIOWN « CO., 14 Downs lllock. t Mi.iori__-_i|__M_^^ , a. -„, kline, ir.ti arcade 11l "'. t)H"~tv'll.i;iAM«r'rhii'bralßS. e«»h*. *l* tin t.m.iit .v. ii«in, itl* .„,,. .. ' ' "' ' '" ' ' ' '__-e_e_-_a_-^S/ e»eN.^veve>XAl^AeV^\Aes---*-~-~~'a''-' • , Mil* li'Ml'i UIIAST-'I'HIa •****__" lll'llfli. Mtl'lHM "He* v.lu.bl* Sfa . tie. on ill «ll»lr. of Ufa. »•"?_",.,'„ locale.! at her iwlvala home, lllvt I'lna ...Bear "lath »»- *••" a"" -""i*-""-1 In, lay i harms Mln* |oe*l»r ..__.__ '—ft.la.ai" ** M.""'3,".hn'.onT". l»H»»y»«t *»<- I i-«rd le.dlnr ">»_jM*!,Jln J?•',"_*!:_— — I ~pa7rT.Te~r**.tln«, ll'ieniai ladi** only. ttl Ve.ler war. Jll..ur.Jl lo^r __; . *"t"-i.l,voy."rti~Tr»diiu4. for w./rnea. It , .-etn. I«.t( Terry »v _____—-_—-. -^-^_-v^^se^Aeav-iea>aK>-_s^i/a-a^\ya.^^wev-w-a--' I -^-c-_-_- li..*n. enenitri.' irealm.nl -n^BWW>»T<'»wW*»w^*ll At»*ww«.'Sl.'llt4. VV„n.«n a IM rnea'a «.t nnd h*nd rlnt _ ' p.. .„d .11 .rlble. of ealue bouglil and • .old *We, lltt lir.i. Ind Hit. aa^eaallea^UeV^ _- tody D*l*«lHa -Asaary. atl'l *,'«••_• llldg. Saalll*. M*IB 4411. I»d |111. A j. tVdr. eopi. -•_ •_ s^*^*s***~^y^J&*B*B MA^~'-~^*~ lltt in-, i....- i.l Ittl Hr.l ar. Man_r__ana.|__aßd bltwk.d Coder ntau***»tenl "I old vVayalda ho* -41" •""T... r tion» Mala Till. - Mel. till .___, HIH-aJt. X«_«JM.i -, —;r~ n***s*B. — tuX mi. tie*. I_*li*rd lilt, -_-_-______. Y7C-^M«^^i'^ia»r rfrn r|*la7iOe^>^^ !..«••I Sllet-k OB th* Cu.il 1ea,.1. i.i..* .nAVrtritlnt '' ' Amal.ura ' rorporallon.' or«»nl.»d. Noiary puhllnC psmaaa .a... a *....'«,<» llolh i... *>•* P....i. 1 n.aar Sieve** Henrlng Atrademy, •»" •_!_*__!*• *,••Si."--,'"*l_,'-'"" -*•"*..*"*' ... •ris&¥~~(iXZ'fi, iavwyer.'iilnf l-l»*a*r Hid* eon.uHslloa If**- I'eraeo.l I*. i«,,i". a SfWarUllr. * I*!**!!** I. a., 4s»»rt*. t'oa;wisT Tawaaaad. 1*4 ■ t"ll*ii*y IHdg .......inaii. t. (teal i.'.ai.snJ. wile, lelurlaa. /<^^r*(_r_veATjl|ic_^ i< t OrTilo.l, t.*.e.,|,.To^atiai]|^|i(Q^i*,iif _______ I'at.k Hid*., ,ee..itd and I'llie ..-^-eJtUJ^J^iljSJilL^e^^ Th* I ..*"... I ..iieiii .nil *fi..li , VV...ks il!.Jir.!i_L*_'™i'. ***i. ••'*» md. iTii ,___—___ '" "' "'" Coparty (Iliad with a 1..*.. Repairing done, Th* Albert ii... i, Optical I. __________ ST., corner FIIIRT AYE, Ht)mT< frfATt iT7)T'"ric"Air cc~" ... *5y* m *|MVi-l*il.l* 11*( !4eri.lid_Av, .. .- W. Bdmurid*rr>ph*."a», .irailusie Oe. > Helen, »t| |^*rr iv.i, it *v,, i*^. . -71 i-'UHIMK-ii. lir-ricUN," tit l.eiry~*.»i"d"i. ••hone Msln till. i»i! „.'_"f/'""1 **' ■-< loimerly rvani' ..!."- -L '•'"'" °'f|ee Kvenln* -„,.,,|„(. ._..',.. r.'„l ...'''f. *•*■*-' s*rts**t* _______ —^V™_.l*l I'lr-'k^e* lllorl, _ M lit* •r.-5""_l * i'"*k. i'si.Tere.l |..i'*,rr»nd .11.2 -V-". *■'«'■'"***■" »• »"■"• ■» **• ■I" sy™,i_i__!_,'_j-!_'ek ...'.•"*?.■* !"» • t*«'.tar*d pale" nI atler "^ .. *!i£-_.t!£2t!i-.'"''TJ'. l*_^'j!LX_-Li,w>>' ;_H ,r™*T^ *TfSt I".*"'".-" r _-.«iHe 11.-th Ph-rovS IITI SMI 1.1. t l.iihaifraph.B. *'"l'rliiun*"c."7 T__Col»mbl« at. ,M*j «_*____■»* _i_J' -^-_ %^-u J|_mi A _f_rj_t^^ yK<41 -_ rt _ K^^>^*_»^^_^^^^^ —r*"i»*_L.__»'»«r Ist h-gj-i iuSI ____. tt. r*ti(le Coa.l st»mp~'.v'ork» H.V*. gl.**. In* and >jaj»_i_d_J _lj* _____U_T -Tf^'"'?-^?^*-'^^^ J|S«__l.t >_honeej_Malt» tat; Im Jit '•" ""'' * 'iiL3>j^UT; • j p .re fctlSse S_sjwS . _JH_M__j_4i]___|tti lad 111 ~t>o.. Hlie* end oi»*r*oT«_*» la.lf la Trywrlt*r_ft Supply c; 111 at. v. ni*. TELEPHONES-MAIN 341., INDEPENDENT ._*. HIGH CLASS IH'SINKSS CHANCES AND CITY PROPERTY I '.It a. a B a 4 •*"*■ _-*.**> *, FOR SALE. PIONEEI LOAN ft .NVEBTMENT CO. HEADQUARTERS FOR CHEAP FARM. AND ACREAGE.'.'' »03 . aye a ■ nit nooND v. i YEsiata VVAi HOHM.-i .ii.' I OVER til rS UK it.- TUB 10 ONE OF OUR MANY i«» THIS PROPERTY MUST RE SOLD. Hi acre ranch; .', acres cleared; 60 fruit trees; v , C re In .-_,„ fruit; good well; .mall spring; 4 room house; __-__ -_£__? ____V^t ____**• •** :on COUD,Jr ro*d ' OMLr B<'*!'1 *-: borse'eow .__ „. L chirhmaM »•*" -" ---"mliis rnols; etao oil f,, f nltura,, possession at once; everything goes for a „.„ ,'L. " term*. Bring this ad with you. ' •*W ' "•* «* YOU CANT HEAT THIS. On public road; 5 acre-. good, level land, near Long I.*.* ■ '.'"' back "' Colby, overlooking Long Lake; would make a fie. chicken or fruit ranch; for only $300. i.oo cash, balance lie*, per month. Phone Owner. 2S3C. or call ,_,} see _,_' _____ PIONEER LOAN ft IWEaIIsEOT' 0& DOYOUKNOf Th* the SOUTH -vi' 1* the be*.! field In and around Seattle for Hat careful Investor? "Tt: That with (he completion of the Duwamlah River Improve ment, the SOUTH END will 1..,..mc tbe manufacturing and'-:'*• commercial center for tbe whole Northwest? That the home* of thousand* of wage earner* will Decs saril) be established in the SOUTH END? *[,i"""' *' |ii||^i^ft ||tajßsajtji.trjciiiiisi. . '■ - v That the time to invest -. NOW. while values are within'V," the reach of every one, and that tbe people ,_ talk with ___ the ; SOUTH PARK. REiUTY CO. 1 ■vf*. .521 Eighth Avenue South. LOANS. RENTALS AND INSURANCE. Resident agents for five leading fire Insurance companies. Phone: Sidney 103. FEW .r-inii RARGAINS. Ws are Ile«J. 4 u.rlrt. for North Hod «r.,l Woodland District I*Top*ttJ_S Two-room cottage, i.i Itxltl. ttat, Hit down. i~". , Two-room ""are ,i '.alt*. 11**; Hat down. *• Three,.., ,n collagai, lot laaMft, 111 ft; lilt d. an Four ii-.I modern collage, lei 41.40, corner. 11.110; |l*t dow. . •. Four-room new modern bungalow. ll,ttt; tit* raah. lit* per -eaftjH rite -room modern bungalow cottage, ll.tot; |lt* down Five-room modern bungalow, 11.110; 11*0 ,:. -n. Five-room modern bungalow, i 40, tit* down. Six-room mcalcrn bungalow, 11.ta.; t:to dowa. Seven room modern bangalow, 11.100, 1100 dowa v M last ttattt. IS**; list dow.. Id I 41.100. int.. i.,,„, le I Ha. It.ltt. I. Th. above taytta**** and lull 11, good, and a((ord a good .ound aad mountain view. Take 11,,,,,,, , v car 1., ft.th .1 , era .. . . c.. '•*£**■ 1. C. EVETT ... CO., Phone: Nor.h 11, Orran MS Op,, a.--,,.-. 11l ABUSES TIMER BOTTffll AND ONLY 8 MILES FROM CITY; CLALLAM COUNTY. OWNER LIVES in NEBRASKA; NEVER SAW THE PROP ERTY, AS SHE TOOK IT ON A TRADE. WORTH AT LEAST 125.00 TO $30.00 PER ACRE, HIT WANTS TO BELL OUT. WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER—CASH, TERMS OR TRADE. 1 :■' ''' :*."'."'':-: '.":''."'■ '.'■■-', '■..."" ''.".".-:"'■', ':'..■' ■".•,*••',"*■■ •■ ;...-,', ..., - .:"',': "■, "™ - GRIFFITN COMPJtW Ll INM 3336. ALASKA Itl.lHL M 7052. VWVVVVVI I'|-_V« HJV N *. Bi.MMSiFfli Special practice limited .„ GENITOURINARY AND Bkim DISEASES. 11l rtllST Af-faOPgiSITB I'lOKßg,,: W.D. JI.D. 203 EPLER IILOCK «... .13 SECOND AVENUE GRADUATE. LICENSED "''* SPECIALIST. -a" GENITO URINARY SL'ROEftv' AND PELVIC lIIHOROERB *' KXAMI.NATIO.V AND ADVICE.' FREE PAY ONLY AH YOU H'ltOVß. I. I*. M i.i 11 M,I. J_. |," ."i" "-»" • I.e. laii.i (or .11 0i,,,,., • „ *___________ af w.raaa and m. a. I*. „,.7, mf? *""• •nd ti.on.n fneihode VoVsi.-^**l- aaay lerrae. oui city pailaala *___/*S_ •tedlrine. rurn'.had '",_, *\*.JS "ft '«* >U.«--_^-'!!s.L'_i-->"_^^^ DR. Jot-' ISJII# a. www uv c-/ uy Oalrt. All pel.!, .t....... „,;.,, „,,„-__ leopl.e Hen. 1,1-1,- ■ ...-,„,! md rfia*!* tut ritANK i'itO'-.k"i~---i^r^~ rt.-ii.r,.iia.„. ...,», „ ,__ rl.r__L.-_* •as** My „,....,,■,., tr...".,?^.*-" rnarkably .uer.Mful. a,*_3_""- ___*•• J l-wiu 111-lit, third floor **»*». l Ooltr., woman, ihll!,*.. a o ** „££."l i,a, i.,... -..,'„»___**',«,"*(. tad* Ann*.. *■ "• At.s "TUT. Wl."*f —le*V*rlßT~ilt"l'i __,__~ p-_r**w»* ne__j_he_i*e Itll, M'"l*-»\ l>f. J. M llrnwn. »l,d..rr,ii_.l .*__""*" y*rva*ey. «**■«, *i.w«3«i ____Ts_el__J_»' -JLr_J_ili."-_jr»ai_^ £-^™^^ [_____. One-hour .how. Strictly i «*-.-_ *-'*** _______>* tr -"-""X ladeiwtulret; __^-__^__J^R__«J<^tr^^ ~~" •"" eVairip.* t*mt.TmHa^rttn£.u!!mS!{*C&**t patrad Itll Vt'e.i'eke ay. *** >*•,