OCR Interpretation

The herald. [volume] (New Orleans, La.) 1905-1953, August 10, 1911, Image 5

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064020/1911-08-10/ed-1/seq-5/

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e Make
e Best
ce Creams!
Why We Make
The Best?
use it is cooked and
i s no artificial ingre
It gho of the pure fresh cream.
Ist epg. highest grade sugar
o pure vanilla beam.
rukuhas p-oves that you can
-a M garms by freezing but but you cas
Sk I Hence our ice cream is
Odenwald &
Gros Co. Ltd.
619 Canal Street,
Corner Exchange
$1 2648. Place.
" Kown, That on this thirteenth
in the year one thousand nine
- al eleven, .efore me, William
a notary public in and for the
Orleans, State of Louisiana, duly
and qualitled. and in the
of the witnes-ses hereinafter named
Si~ssnd. personally came and ap
oeron whose names are here
all above the full age of
who declared that availing them
the ,rovisions of the general laws
Ntate.relative to the organisation
they have covenanted and
sad do by these presents covenant
Sbld, form and constitute them
qs well as such other persons as may
- e-after become associated with
a corporation and body politic
the objects and purposes and
Sr tements and stipulations fol
.M and title of the corporation
hfmamis declared to be the "Pan
ber and Lnd Land Company," and
same It shall have and enjoy
advantages and privileges grant
to corporations. It shall exist
at ninety-nine years from this
ha l have power and authority
me and be sued, make and
te seal (the same to change
); hold, receive, purchase, con
hypothecate or pledge prop
mal and personal; Issue bonds,
other obligations or negotiable
have and employ such man
officers, agents and other
interest and convenience
srporation may require; make
nseen by-laws, rules and regu
tho corporate management and
tbs stairs of the corporation
of said corpratlon shall
of New Orleans, State of
all citations or other legal
be served upon the president,
sert of his absenc or Inability
san cause, the same shall be
the secretary of this corpora
and purpoes for which this
Is olgtise and the nature of
tobe carried on by it, are (
to be as follows:
treelve, own and bold mort.
debeatures. shares of capitalli
obligaltion contracts, vi
debtedness and other property.
Ai the rights, powers and prtivl- I
I owners thereof, to do
a sets and things tendlig to in
mane of the property at any
_ the corporation; to issue
to seure the same by pledesl
,t*ust or mortgage apon the
prt of the promperty held by
sad to sell or pledge smeh
rorporate purposes, as
-_1 ol directors shall do- d
:'"e promitlon of its said
to lease, purchase, hold.
_netra',e and convey real and
within and without the d
sad in any part of the
t execute, carry out,
work, develop, administer,
nstrl in the tate of Louals
publi, works, Improve
lences of all kinds In
(whether propelled by
,orse or other power ),
itc works, terminals,
ca'ala, hotels, piers. ,
Y and like works of later
ineluding sewerase, dralna
water, gas, electrif Ilhta,
rphic and power suppy
markets, schoo and ed
ttons and all other works
of public utility; to apply, d
otherwslae acquire any con
sad eoncessions for, or In b
oWstruction, executlos, ear- P
at, mmanagemenr, admi
of any works and con- 6
er private, and to ude a,1
arry out and dIspeee of, k
t to aconat, the same; to 6
rthing neceemry, sultablMe
Sacomplshmet of an y
and attalnments o ny of
abefore enumerated, or
M any time appear for the
eoeporst!on eapable of ii
arted on In connett witon
qleulate direetl or indire t
the value of or render
the corpuration's p e
o buld and oer sawmills,
sod any kind of wood-work- i
the manufteture of all nd a
tnto merchatable ,pio
t ramroade, callroadsr,
. hand to eonstruct dirtQ
necessatr for th e o
tral millng mlo eu -
for the nsaufaturing1 hba
thges, sash, doors, YIndo
- turned work and other mer
and to buy and sell
of all kinde nd to comr
merchandise buels. ce
may conduct Its busess t
and have am or more a
of the State of LosLa,
- the several States and 'Ter
SUnited States of Amerlee,
S tt of Colum . and i ,
th foreign countries ei
mortsage, convey, trea
pioperty in said Stte and a
etock of this earporatioe
Shereby iaxd at ten millie s
.00), divided late snd wi
-ee hundred thousand (105,- to
_ th per value of see hu
SW100.00) each, e whieh
shares shall e preerred
(6) per cent etock, a twes- he
I ehall ha emme. etock,
4m t for in esmsh i see an
atm d aIn sec amounts
at directors may detesminse g
he issuad at net hem than pa
sestal mdoared, or eor
to L s
erdias may be deaignated by the board
anald corporation shall commence business
and become ing conCern so soon a
ten thousa.nd dou- of nthe capital stock
shall have been subscribed for.
All the corporate powers of this corpora
tion shall be rested Inand the management
and control of Its affairs shall be exercised
by a bomad of flie directors, composed of
of all busIness. The directors shall bel
elected annually by ballot y the stockho il
er, on the 0second Tuesday of January of
each ver. Each stoekhoslder shall be en
'ttied to one vote for each share of stock
held and owned by him, either in person
or by prtoy. All elections shall hie helit
after tn days' prior notIce by maerl shall
have been sent to each stockholder at his
last known address. Failure to elect direc
tors o the date speciftied shall not act
as a orfeiture of this lcharter, but the dl
rectores tohn In offlce shall act until tlelr
succtassors shall have been duly elected and
qiualhlebd. Any vacancy occ'urring on said
bIan:rd from any caulse shall be tilled -il
the remalning directors for the unexplred
I umedlately lupon th' sltn lu of thit
clulrter tihe stockhotlders sihaill ieed l t I
elect five dlirectior. wholl shall serve til
the ele.tltion of thi-Ir sotleosora, to in, lih
as her Inhl tl.ohlneti.
Said il.ard tof dllre.tors, anti all sutc-iel
in sallrlms, shall, at thol eir first iteithi_
elect froitu theIr nuninther a itresidetl, vice,
iprisid tnt and a .-i.r.l'tarv. Th'ie lir t rllrt
of til crporathtioin shall have thee rul;ht
to aip lint aind dl,isltis siuch clerk. nian
i aild other eillhovesCte of the iorpir:tl.
oii a ts i tontlit Ions .a. r it li ly or ihi ttl
ros it th ckorpolatlin reqilre'. Tile telnulr
if ifflte f tit altl oelitp.sie of the corplor
Ilon shall teiti dlrlttg t hei pleastlre it tuhe
haord of diprdctors. Any d If the cdrllretor
nshall iitie the right io aloitnt by writtlln
instriitierit anotheit diret.t, r or stoctkhtldlr
tio iat a. llr llroil altit In hio s steati at allvy
itnd all nrettlugs of the board of dlretors.
'his act of Incorporatilon may ibe
changed, Inodlitlet., or allt'ret,, or ithi cor
inlrailon nmay e dissolvedl, with the assent
If ti it re-fltlrtlns of the capital stock preis
ent, or representel, at aI gefncral meeting
of the stocklhoders convtenrd for that pur
pI'i+ after ten days' prior notice of snch
ileiting shall have ibeen gIven bty publiHa
tion In one of the daily newspapers three
times during sald ten d ays.
W Ihenever this corporatitn Is lisortletf
either ity limItation of its chartir, or from
- any other cause. Its affairs shall be liqul
dalted by three commissioners to be elected
from among the stockholders, at a geperal
meeting of the stockholders convened for
that purpose, after thirty days' prior no
tice of said meeting shall have been given
aid fty publication in one of the daily news
Iap,-rs published In this cite once a week
during said thirty days. Said commssfion.
ers shall remain In office until the affairs
- liquidated, In case o, the death of either
of said corporation shall ave been fully t
of said commissioners, the survivors shall
continue to act.
No stockholder of this corporation shall
ever be held liable or responsible for the con
Stracts or faults thereof, n any further sum
than the unpaid balance due to the corpora
ted ion on the shares owned by him, nor shall I
i" any mere Informality in organizatlon lavei
e the effect of rendering this charter null, t
nor of exposing a stockholder to any Ilabil- d
n Ity beyond the amount of his stock.
v Thus done and passed in my notarial of
n flee at New Orleans aforesaid, In the pre- it
idence of William A. Wenck and Edgar G. t
a- Gould, competent witnessea of lawful age t
and residing in this city, who hereunto sub
scribe their names together with said par
I iet and me, notary, on 'the day and dte t
Iset forth in the caption hereof. n
d (Original sgned)
in Notary Public.
i I, the undersigned recorder of mortgages n
t- in and for the Parish of Orleans, State of
t Loulsiana, do hereby certify that the above
is and fo'egoing act of incorporation of the S
: Pan-A'ierlcan Lumber and Land Company
was tills day duly recorded in my office
o In Boo' 10'i, folio -.
SNew Orleans, La., July 261. 1911.
(Slgned) EMIILE LEONARD, D. t. d
l(Seal.) o
I. the undersgned notary, do hereby c
' certify the above and foregoing to be a
o true and correct copy of the original act
of Incorporation of the "Pan-timerlean
d Lumber and Land Company." together with
n the certificate of tbc recorder of mortgages
thereunto appended, on file and of record in
my office.
In faith whe-sof I hereunto set my hand
and seal this 26th day of July, A. D. lI, . I
i (Slgned) WM. RENAUDIN,
i d Notary P'ublic.
t July 27 aug 3 10 17 24 31 1911
a OF o )UISANA, l ARISH OF r OR- a
Be it knowtn, that on this the 31t day o af
the month of uly, in the year of our Lord
ode tholasud nine hundred and eleven, and t
Sof the Independence of the United States of
America the one hundred and thirty-slxth,
Tbefore me, Alexis Brian, a notary public o
duly commisioned and qlalifped wphln and
for the parish of Orleans, state of Loull- o
alna, therein residing, and in the presence,
of the witnesses herelnaftar named and un
dersgned, personally came and appeared the
several persons whose names are hereunto r
subscribed, who declared that, avaIling ,
, themselves of the provisions of the laws of *,
this state relative to the organIatlon of ,
eroraotIons, they have organled anod do by h
these presents organize and form themselves lt
and such other persona as may hereafter af
JI ola them, nd their nccessors Into a corpo- ad
ration and body politic in law under the
covenants, agreement and ostipuolatiuni o
lowIng, to-wit:
The name of this corploratlon shall be the h
enjoy ail the righta and privilegla ganted a
by law to corporatloas; t shall exist for a h
period of aLnety-amla (90) years, unleds
sooner dlmolved u hereInater provided; its be
-domklleahall be i the cIty of e Orleanl ,
state o Louisiana, wtheore citation and other
legal proceae shall be served on its pwea- th
dent and ian hs abenee ona the tvice-gres
dent ofl thae corporation.
This cororratIon saIll have poer to ca
trac. ,s andbe sued in lt corporate h,
aname; to maLe and use an corporate eall; to
hold, eee, l urchas or otherwise acquire.
convey, mrtgsgs, hLyotheate or pledge pro
perty both real and pen aul ; to is bond,
notes and other obllatioms; to borrow or
"lead money; to have and employ such man- be
agers, directors, ocerm and other employea
as the baiea ol this eolpotion may e-e
quir ar its eode t; atnd to make ad ema
tabtlsh such by-lnw, rule and rulntiu5 set
for te management and control or the af- s
fair of said operaten ne may ib dra.
We or neesary. del
The olJects an purpoe for whclh thi all
eorporation is organisod and the nature of
tie bei to be carried on by it am
decinaud to he: to urhe, emse or other.
wie scqulre, to sal and genrally to deal
i lnds in thie otate or i neighboring .
state; to oustrt or othrwis acqulre i
weeks and fppl a m or the c- t a t
mneral substanc; to acquir, ib purhse,
lreas otre rtoe and to operate oil wsb,
redmniss e , u their aopprten- *
a s ito Imrhesm and sell and genmerlo y sam
i ~Ii t a securt tiesrlt o ethr
wlc~rt ithe perptt hereln mt
ard the president and by the secretary. This
corporation shall egin businests as soon as
lses ten thousand dollars s $10o000.00 of Its
as stock shall have been subscribed for.
All the corporate powers of this company,
including the right to purtchase. convey,.
ra- mortgage and hypothecate real estate shall
ent be vested in, and the management and c(-n
sedl trol of its business shall sw exrocised by a f
of board of directorg. .,mlposed of three *"ock
ball holders, two of whom shall contlturt. a
tlon quorum for the transa,.tion of all linil. uits. S. I'
b Messrs. J. S. Bradtly. ,. t'. Wells and 4;.,'rgE
old A. Sinlmm shaltli '.nl titnlte the tirst hIntI rlf
of director, who shall hold office as such until
en- the second Monday in July. 19l12. On the
ock second Mondsy in .JItly. 9i '. and attuaillytlI
son thereafter, there shall I.." at nmlting of
ield stockholders. convenied upon the call of the
atll secretary by giving ten dlatys' rntlie, thereo f I
his to 'each stockliholder throigh the mails di
rec- rcted to his last known pIlle tof resldnae ie
act or business, at which a Is.ird of dire.tlors
d- shall Ib chosen for the, elilling year. Each
Ietr stockhohl,,:. shall b, entitled to one tie
ntl for c-at-h sha:trte of sttock own-lld by hlt. to bea ,
aUtid ast ehithllr In t.-ran p r Iby proxy. All ele
I4 tions shall Is held by Iv allot. if d,.land hi
reld tatthle Itherefor h' any at tockhildtri,. Th.
billot shall ,he endtaill,,d Uniler the sup rvi' -
itt titn of two stsckhltldtrs aplint.t .d t y tic '.
tt t l,'.-It lnt o- f the ct"rpl 'atio jal. The. ditr, toa rs
atil at ,ointed hv this charter at r any directors
cIl i -aahseat n'ltltl"- el'te- ,.id silll It ,,:thtal'e itan otli.t
unttil thll- el luin:l aI ual n tlllilll lt, of storl
ed holder.i and until lheir t suc eh rs haIvc. t .,tten
i1-" filth, ela"eted and 4111:llisp s a nd, n no failure ho
,i .il'h t dil i tec -tdo s saahaill t.Ia t l l'l a :t'. . aa a t f aorl tti
aas ate of this ch ate t. a v'baalet y toatata Itt
t in taird rtd hall t-t tilit d a ay ah t r-at linng o
a dit.hectors for :Ike un.,,pir.d term. The
a lt i e t, taie to appoiht tand irt.iss lh I
or clerks. agrntis, tnanagerI-s ola d oth0,r tmpll os.I
Er which th.. buisinles. of the tnpally may re-'
qlirt'. Alllty tone of titi diractors aIshall have
or tIe right. to deletgiate ill ririsidlt aItt iloh-r
lten irctl. r hslt a th oritylt' and-ll fM ,'tt lit %i in .1,atu h
dilr.iector, to he exercised at any i1 " itng of
r AlrI "l.l. VI.{
I LThe tie.r. of this corporation shall tt l- an
i.h oells f al president,. vice rtsi nt, .  re
i- y and. iol a treasurer, tans titrry of which of
oritr es. excepting those of tipresidentl and vell ,
Ivt presten teiray eb heldtn Iby the -s.mte indovidl
aal. I ntil the setcotnd Mo ndlitIa in .t ly, nll
nr I11, Mri. J1. S. Brady shail Ise leshlent and
ur treallnurer of this colrporation Mr.. It. .
trh Wells shall e vhire-president, and Mr. teo.
thereafter, the oardi of directors imumnedlate
ly upon their election by the stockholders
sha:l meet and select fron Ol their own null
Ier the otli.ers aforesalhi, wh, sh,.all thold oft
F h., lie until the ensuing iualnaaa stockholder.s
rm meeting, or until their datce'..rs shtlall have
Uld been duly electted anti qualint- nl
so No stockholder shall ever be held liable
en or reswonsitle for the contracts, faults or n
rs debts of this corporation teyond the amount
ek of the Italance dlule Iby him on his stock suib
n- scrlptaon, nor shlall any, mere Informality
herein have the effect of riendering thiis
chr charter null or of expasing any stockholder el
to liability except as above provided. a
This act of Incorporation may be changed
and modifled or amended. or the corporation p
Ill may be dissolved with the assent of stock
a- holders owning a majority of all thei stock at
i of the company, expressed at a general meet- Is
- ing convened for that purpose, and after at In
ll least ten days' written notice of such meet- hI
ing and of its purpose shall have been given de
to each stockholder through the mall ad- at
- dressed to his last known place of residence
or business. In case of dissolution of the
't-corporation by vote of thei stockholders or
'h- by expiration of this charter, the affairs of
G. the corporation shall be liquidated under
e the survision of thre stockholders who
- shall b elected at a general meeting of such to
r- stockholders called.as aforesaid. In case of
te the death of any one of said liqluidating com
missloners, the remaining commissioners
shall select a successor to him.
Thus done and passed in my ofce at the of
city of. New Orleans. on the day and date
herein first above written in the presence of
Mesrs. I. I. naal and G. W. itcy.eltzer.
competent witnesses, who have hereunto
signed their names with said appearers and
me, notary, after due reading of the whole.
a (Orlginal signed) : J. S. Brady, 39! shares: :e
D. Wells. 1 share: Geo. A. Simms, 10
Sshares. Witnesse - : I. R. Saal, Geo. W. cic
SC Schweitzer.
IALEXIS BRIAN, Notary PMblic. e
I, the undersigned deputy recorder of
mortgages in and for the parish of Orleans. ta
do hereby certify that the foregoing charter
of the South Sulphu-, Mineral and Oil Com- sh
pany. Incorporated, was this day duly re- itI
corded in my omce In book 1051, folio -.
y New Orleans. July 31st, 1911.
t (Signed) EurIL LEONARD, .t
DLeputl. Recordecr of Mortgugae. 1'a
I herebyv certir the above to be a true
copy of the original charter of the South in
Sulphur, Mineral and Oil Company. Incor- Io
d porated, together with the certificate of the
deputy recorder of mortgages thereto at
New Orleans, July 31, 1911.
ALEXIs BRIAN, Notary Publie.
(Seal) aug 3 10 17 24 31 sep 7 1911
E Be It known, that on this 28th day of the
. month of July, in the year of our Lord one
thousand nine hundred and eleven, and of
the Independence of the United 8tates of
America the one .-andred and thirty-sixth,
b hefore me Frederlk Charles Marx,. a notary six
Spublic. in and for the parish of Orleans. dr
state of Loulslana. duly commlissioned and thl
qualified, and in the presence of the wit- Un
Snesses hereinafter named and undersigned. Ito
personally came and appeared: the several o
I persons whose names are hereunto subscrib
ed, all above the full age of majority, who e
severally declared that avalling themselves
of the provisions of" the general laws of this
state relative, to the organiZation of corpo- a
ratlons. they hare formed and organised IA
and do by thele presents form themselves aia
and those whom they represent. Into. and wh
constitute a corporatIon and body politic li the
law, for the objcYt9 Ynd purposes and un
dr the stipulatons and greements herein- bu
after se orth and exprtssed, which they
adopt as their charter, to-wit: :
The name and title of this corporation
shall be and is hereby declared to he the pal
JACK)SON COMPANY. Its domicile sball p
I lin the city of New Orleans. state of Lou- co
islans, and it shall have andi enjoy succes- be
slon by its corporate name for a period of be
aninety-nline years from and after the date pas
hereof. ed
bAll cltations or other legal process shball a
he served upon the president, and in the ele
event of his absence or inability to aet from ra
any calluse. the same shall be served upon den
the vice-presideant. bol
The ohbje.ts and purpose for which this ab
corporation .t organised and the nature of l
the business to be carried on by tit are by
hereby declared to be to conduct a hotel, .
restaurant nnd saloon busIaness In this stats. ma
The ecpital to. k of this corporation Is citj
hereby fxed at the sum of ten thousand dol- A
lars ($10,000.00) divided Into and repre- co
senated by one hu-ndred shares (100) of the wh
par vwaln of one hundred dollars ($100.00) tar
each, wbleh shall be paid for in casuh In j
such amounts, and in sueh manaer and at she
such times as the board of directors may sch
determine, or the same may be issued at not Ca
less than par value In full payment for pro
perty aetailly received by or services actu
ally rendered to the comlpany: suheb stock
when so Issued shall be full paid and non- I
This corporatlon shall have power and
nuthority to contract, ee and be sued In
tts corporate name, make and use a corpo
rate ual (the same to change or alter at
pleaure); bold, receIve, lease, hbtre and
pnrchase property, both real and personal.
and to ell, mortge or pledg tbe smie:
arrorw money, Isue bds, nots or other
evidne of in us d assume the aug
nsame; hire. mplo and dischadrge, all ea -
ere, agents ad epksees and fi their -
salaries ad eompenamton ad make such
Ly-laws, ree, and regulations f the pro
eard ot three who shatl c e BEk a
heus, sad shall bae I d at the anml
metin at the stbekhelrltn be W he de
the enais of h h at en:Sao- a
t. a w. mtb bE - bo
urnS at lea Sth h oting
- Iw
eir lll - '
Ills The board of directors shall presceril, tlie
as manner in which said m.eeting shall Iw held
its and the votes cast and tilte rteult ascertain
ed. The failure teo hbil d any annlllual ntee' t
Ilng shall not terl' inalt.e lhi lt chl'rter Ibit the
ultel'ers thene in l.:ie  till euntinuet in' Il i'..
atUn s.holl isietellun ate nnDIliii tfiie  ig as
vy, soon at possible.
y'I TI 1 1e h lard of dlirector of. this i orp",r
I tion shall exercise all ihII p ter,, -. both nii
'- eral ecand lpecial. vetteed iln ilt- c--very;I
- e h ,x, i'"1 "t hel hby the Sha i.ol , r i the mci
a I aul l I 11 .111 in no c ,,l:lcil .,Ic t.i
. lu iti Ucncc it anic nlleti . of Il l..hi. Ii. . P r- .of
'"; thie c nlp r tit ee fy olr " ;l thi z anit. c i t,
ti( ori r I , eitin. ,ot t .l . nli rl . " i.1, ,et
l tl e er cld into Iy thI , . id h, rl ,f dir,. t. ..;
le' ' t I . . ie.l. of Ilect h i ll b.le pali it
l eI t, it i1 eall i Jent, . i ; el . - i. I ' l and
o f tlh l. i Ie ' , ii. ld to t ix th. e ir i .Ilc ri*; i ,
e lcill ci cci tion. iThey c fl.tll ho~le , l'owl r , .
of;i.. r tk t cc i. t' and resodlty 111 pro r
4ic r icccc i ntt . ,llic ci e u c l t io1 -Ill..C iCv t-e
ct Sai .j l ird of di. i le' t r, I- htll at it- tint
iit 'r i l it.iii ia i 'i e i IIo n lk . .h., , .I'
i dlent lll ' itle pil'lelit2l:l and c r ,i-i ll''. ;e c ll a.
."  ' ' II',I ' . Ti he . . ,,,'.ret ir n ,,, . 11 ,4 .1
lt - h i' h, dt er ll, dilt , t '. '
h,, i rll 4l, th11 m,- lkh ls, - !,ll h1,!, :a iti,"t
' ill-' f r i" ll e" i . I .f·tIt , " , l ill tit i
I l.c rttl ,a of i li1,r t t. ,.C till l It,' tice c i li,. i f th. '
c iopti i ii : ld Iiei diiree,,ltI. ciho ,cce ,rs h d, -i
1'1 i tdl o .lui ll I l c t hhi, Ii I ll ii P .el . i 11i
o ilt , t4 .d i tll t ' llfll+' , m idl ia li .l ,
1 I1eiitie h c iird of -fl iit r, II -icl lc c icit it, cc\ l
,cclit.er.s i nc l till .i 1 c -c ll' ,.lt it ,l ' ringt ii1
hI11i, citel. i le. I'ro1l e111cIc . 1 I'i ci, ill I t.le c.
i eitherl I c I, clcl e l , - ,i f ctih c inrt l l shl c lci
'u s .\ll reor linumb t atd a
,Ineti li ti he h ard .h ilstl clii hic cIi.x
, l-to illothirl,1 , di lrlt,'r' i.
t' '1'ruanfer s of .torok illl lint hie Io- llz'
ut Iln ll i- t :i t ilte lic .ks I tcd he hc. ,:of tli.
toik .ilhaill h 'le eltitlet I tcc c e i l . I e'tM er il
enislk i i i ccr lh proxy at all ouidiien ii of thei
.slct'k holhce.rs.
n 'I 114. corporation .hart colueuce hi
Stcic ccslcctl cliTLE 1 clicte. i
t reun e I'hllicc ltd ii lnel c - all ite., ilc-iile ,
ll ,,, llt'fll it c ,il ii 11 sto slula ll+ d hae h 1-.
SThiis tilot of incorporation may Ilit iehnlgedl
Inl cdiitie or altered. or this corpeilorll'ati I' t
ie distclvclct wiu t he lic' ..eut oi f t ol thinrd.
I cf the capital iistick il're'.etlt or rt.lpres.c ,Uted
at li g 'nerale tl lmee'ltlug of thi e I tctklhIlders.
clionvecel ftir that lpurpose afl iiter thirty daysl'
prihr iltlicce of such tueit ing shiall alie Ihereli
liitUven by publictit ll in ol if the dally
Sliewspapers punlished in i the city of Ne
Itrleans once a week dlringi said thlirty dalys,
and suchle canges its lill tie icade in rref.r
elce', to the capital stuck shaill relire in
Sadtdition forty day. prior written notice byl
ermail to eacho stockholer.
s l'enever this coleleoraetion i+ dissolved.
elither lby Itmnitteen of its c.harte'r oir froeln
any lother cause, its atfftirs sha!l Ie lqil
datetd bly twio 'oemmnisiouners elected y tile
stocikhoilders from among their numleer at a
general meeting of the stoc'klodeirs con.
d ineu for that purlose, after hlllrty days
n prior notice shall hlay- l.-n givren In the
same manener as provided e e Article VI, an.
k at which llmeeting their comiensatlon shall
I- lie tixeiL Sail c'ommlsscioeners shall remain
Itn efce utntil tie affairs of the corperation
Shave Ie-n fully llluidated,. In case of
n death of either of said 'oulnmissloners, the
I- survivor shall c-ontlnue tee act.
S Ne -iteckholder of this corporation shall
r ever be betl Ilable or iesponsile for the
Scontracts or faults thereef in any further
rsum than the unpalsd balance due to the
by him, nor shall any mere Informality In
organlzation have the effect of rendering
this charter null or of exposing a share
holder to any liability beyond the amount
of his stock.
The subscribers hereto have each t. itten
O losite their names the number of shares
su ,scrilbe for, so that this act may also
serve as the original subscription list.
Thus done and passed. In my office at the
city of New Orleans, aforesaid. In the pres
en'e I, Eugene Ii. Saunders and K. Johnson,
colnpetent witnesses of lawful age and re'
siding in this city, who hereunto sign their
names with the said appearers and me, no
tary, after dlne reading of the whole.
SOriginal signed : tC. . Jackson. 20
shares; J. F. Wallenbuy, shares: Jas. L.
Ilarding. 5 shares. nWltnesses) : Eugene 1.
Saunders, K. Johnson.
FoeinED. C. MARx, Not. Pub.
Stale of Louisiana,
Parish of Orleans.
I, the tundrsigued recorder of mortgages.
In and for the parish of Orleans, state of
Louisiana, do hereby certify that athe above
and foregoing act of Incorporation of the
Jackson l'ompany was this dlay duly record
ed in my office in olok 1051. folio -.
New Orleans. July 28, 1911.
( Signed) EMILE LEINARDit,
Secalp) LDgy. Recorder.
A true copy:
FnRED. C. MAI, Not. Pub.
Be it known, that on this the twenty
sixth day of July, In the year nineteen hun
dr(e and eleven and the one hundred and
thirty-sixth of the Independente of the
United States, before me, James Barkley
Rnosser, Jr., a notary public, duly commis
sinned anti qualified, personally camne and
rI1pea red, it, my office in this city, the par
tes hereto seearlrbed, who declared that
pursuant to the laws of ts state th ey I
ereby form and constitute themselves into a
tlne years, with a domicile in this city,
where all legal process rshall be served on
the president, or vice-president In the ab
sence of the president, with the object of
buying or "otherwise eacquiring and selling
or otherwise alienating lands In the Unilted
States, improved and unImproved, and gen
ierally all things appeortaining thereto and
with all powers and rights granted to cor- -
porations: with a capital stock of one hun
dred dollars par value each, which shall be
paid for when subscritbed; all corporate
powers to be vested in a board of directors, I
composed of three etockholders, who shall |
be elected at a meeting of stockholders toi
e held as soon as this act Is signed and
passed and whose succesaors shall be elect- I
ed on the irat Monday of June, 1912, and
annually thereafter; lmmediately after its I
election . sld board of directors shall select I
from their number a president, vlice-presi
dent, and secretary-tresaurer, who shall
bold ofice until June 1912, when their suc- •
cessors shall be selected by the board of dl
rectolrs to be chosen In that month, and all
vacancies in' ofce and board shall be filled '
by the remalnlng dIrectors and at its disno
lotion this corporation shall be liquidated
by Its president.
Thla act shall constitute, alas, the orig
inalsubhscrtption lIst of the corporation, as
Thuds done and passed, In my of at the I
ceity orf New Orleans, ion the day, month and
year irst before written, in the presence of I
Alphonse J. (uneo and James Thrtiffley,
competent witnesses, domiciled in this city,
who slga with said appearers and me, no
tarv, after readin the whole. .
JOrigilal signeA): Earl A. Derftard, 20
sharest: A. 0. You, 5 shares Ed. Gaut
schl, 5 share.. (Witnesses): Alphonse J. .
Cuneo, James T~trtlley.
J. !. Rossas, Ja., Not. Pab. *
I, the undersigned recorder of mortgages
in and for the perish of Orleans, hereby
ertitiy that the above and foregolng act
of incorporation of the "Osark land Co."
wa this day duly recorded in my oIce I I
ook 1051, folo --.
New Orleans, July 27th, 1911.
(Signed) EIaILa LSONAD, D. RI
ru ce B. ] osna. Ja., Net. Pub.
aug 8 10 17 24 81 sep 7 1911
_. n_ K h3_ t e i his Stlk d il]_
<nl Illtle m il
ie1 'tili.e llut a H cO I rltdl , ll. ntlh ,"r tl .' 11 i.
eld of TI'llI: .\1 l:Iln,'.t I .. v i ,i\ . ftr t .. .
lun Illl' " fil burin, and i I,]ll l '' , /II + '1 . l , .,1
II ' l l ii. haill I le 'n T I ',n  L, Ii 'rL t e ;It ' iL l n L
' if i I , I fI I ne 'ii l, ll, I ,"I ,, 1,'I " 1 1, 1.L; .L
1 II l I V, 1. I 11.'- ,1 1 .,,
1 '.1 I .1 T1.', r 11"t t11 ii' . ' ;111 I '. -111 11"
" I T I ' l i. 1a I h,,I r . i 't 1 , I:\ ", ,: , . , I ;,
'K'il' 1 ;I 1 '.. - ' ,l I. l li t ,. , ,
I• ! ,I 'I I 1' 1 1i I I.
11 1 T
I TII , 11 ,1 . 1 " I,.iT ,, .
a ' II T, 1 T L: 11 4. " I il" IL\ L -.,n\l , " , Ii
I I .1 11 . : ,1.
I't 14,1'' 1 .lt 1 l II \ : 11! . ( I li ,
ie, , 6 h.] .1 l ,11 . 1 + . 1 ,," t , , ,
L I .I 1 I Il I I , - 1 1l I I 111 , , i. ...
I 1. th:,. 1111 il 1 +11, I. I - .i l l .Ii Ii,
t. 1 -I, 1. II
L i1 i .n , I\, 11 -I'. I, . I .,.-L :t I :,i : , ,
in " rl +t .11 11 1 i,, . .l '',1,,, , ., .tl , ] . \., I, ,
\I I ri' 11 1 II .,I,' II . 1 , . t , I.. " . . .
oI r l I i \L . i ' . 1: 1 iI.
• 1 1 , i ' n., l , , . . i , l , , .
9I ",'ll ; I., , 'l't, t. :I \ ,-I " 'II , , I1', . 11 .il l , , ,
i , Itlt ll, I : 1 II I I I ,NI:
' i. .1 \ IS .1 T l I' 11: I ' 111
i lil eil hlli l h. 'bltii* "'. . ' i , .1_ .
i I, I I h r1 .- 1I , .i .1 I ,, t.. IT , I 1
ihl"l II,If. -1 11 :1 1, 1,, : , 1 . I u,, I n ,. . I I;. ,.,
I t 111 I II l ','I ,.f l,. I I ,
A liiI-'ic l l ,i t, I I. It - i L , 11'
'I tile i1l 1" I 1 % l8 + . I' ll' ll+ l ' i ' Il
a ' 111 t1 i .iilLll u. I n til l t ll lll 1 1 1
, Sea I.. Itin.an u n
:'' -\ 1' isI Iof O rli , l n or thate " of L i•s .
t1.1 Iir .in t t rei hli ,rl d, hlly . tll, i 1.111.
II iq lla l liltt ei, an inI tihl prIts lic I'f ihe wi
'l llrl nalll Il'Y ch m nl'l awlllH, rel , tl' seerlLI
,Ir( s whose n1 111 . Hr hreIln ter a41 lIh
selvls ut til e i l rorihi, , nI o tihe la n of tIs
raiti ns llt the.I .7 i erllc it tri I a or e
r alion fi'o the term of linietl' n enlars;
I 'roum 1111 ti ay. ulnf -her ,f nami of ili. AN
e In EAI.T l' l:l It ANYt4 . w'h\ Hll l .IiniT ltill, in
lls h titici', for thl lJirpose i Initing Nnl slll.
d fr aimont of others, itn the delng of any
n si l all tlhilinIn t nll tilllln w ith or per
g1 ta Ieng il ithe 1 eraI real estat e f l uisina\,I .
n. The capital stock ball y e Fifty ThIo saind
i S.liM I T.oliars, divided Into Jive Hun
Ilreid andtli Shares of the par value ot One
n manner as the Board tof .Irectlrs sey de
as termine.
o The corporation nlhle .egin Itsiness f cat
oncei. nd shall havde alll h power and all
.e tllority to hlorrow mle on tranct, syle anil
e- ie' suI' in its cOrpordrthe name ; to hoile, re
, ceive, ,.lllrcha . sell anil nllley.g andtl molrt
Sgage, effect anof hplr,threan l l oirty lianith
Ir ali and personal, anhei to n1am. and api
. , point srceih ontl'ers. agents and eImp'yi'eel
s Its  nterlat ; anlnd collvelnilen may r .lsires.
o r The ll'siness sha ll I ee ctncTlloe u v a
te urld 'l , lrecltors ,f not less tir thre
,. not- more than seven dlirec.tors, wu:. shall
Ie elected ( thaellsot on thep first iamday of
JIlly of ea'h year, alt an Dlecteoac it which
lis darys notice in writing shaell ali sent Ilh
aR'h director by maill. Eah share of stoeak
hl:all lie entitledl to one vote ither in per
o All ctdisoay andv all other oleal Iroc's
I I i' sIs wa inmIts ile d
e shall ,ti served on ninde c'resident. and in his
aencale or inallility t act upon the lt'ie
o stoch holder shall ever hie held lialeuli
or responsible for the contra ets or ifaill
of this cororration in any further sum tshah
the unpaid halance due to the corpor fl lno
on the shares owned oey him. nor shall ant
mere Infeormality in organlation have the
Se lect of rendering this chart'er null or of
exposing a srtockholder to any lialility be
yond the amount eo his unpaid stock.
At the terminatlion of this charter the alt
fairs shall he liquidated ly the Board of p 1r
Thus done and passed at my office in
this city on the day. month and year here
inabove first written. In the presence ol
Burke. comptent wiltnessea, who hereunto
sign their names, together with the saidu
appearers and me, notary, and the said al
Spearers in ardition have set opposite their
names the numbler of shares nl ertimd Ivl
them, so that this act shall also serve as
- reading of the whole.
ii. E. UPTON.
I JOHIN R. UITON, Notary Public.
I, the undersigned Recorder of Mortgages
t in and for the Parlish ofi Orleans, state of
Louliana. do hereby certlify. that the aleov
and fioregoing act ofl incorporation olf the
Pelican Realty Compnany was this day duly
recorded in my office in Book 1051, fohllo
New Orleans, Auiguist 3, 11411.
A true copy.
New Orleans, La., Aug.ll 3, 1911.
(Seal) JOtIN R. UPTON,
Notary Ptiilic.
Aug. 10, 17, 24, 31; Sept. 7, 14, 1911.
Quarding its Own Gee.ts
Honesty. in its purpoae, looks but
little ontside of itself; bonaor gefael
ously aids to deserve the good opinionU
of the best nnding kieener anogush in y
the morl stalin or blemish than in
grievous bodily wounda. Honesty
guards its own goods, and loves self 1
lnterest, while it gallantly protects the
weak relieves the oppressed from the I
grasp of cruel force, redreser the in U
Juries of others or defends its owa )I
pure diltgnty.-albert Mathews.r t
Art Enthusiasm. I
"Does the public of Crimson aulch a
remember my previous visit?' asked r
Mr. Stor.mingto Barnes.
"It doe." o teplied Bronebo Bob.
"And is it naiting to receive me with
open arms?"
"Not exactly open arms. It lookhe
more like a case of concealed wemap
oas."-Washlagton Star.
Sed Impulms.
A mere gooad impulsea that doesr not
result in good works is ratber worse
than useless. for if not carried out ti
deed it has a reactlon listead of as
aetion as its outcome.
Father-I don't thlnk much of that
yong SlnkaEs wbo calls to mee yo.
Daughter-Never mind father. I
think enough ofi him for both of sort
Dliks-Where I spent Chrietmas last
year the thermometer dropped to sero.
Itanke-Thats fothng Bloatk-What's
usthiag? Jiaa- Why. serol
C dnBcesienat 1e , f
New AOanqus-u dot t bella. yes
s II m E Mis NaRD, D..
mA t lEru- o
H osnes t I itbpurt o e s los but
lite Ustsd o telf;b. rgnr
b rections tor the Making of Ginger
bread. Pudding. Pie, Muffins ana
Parliament Cake With This
Wholesome Cane Product.
ti ,, that i th , t .1 t, 'l. l T r tU 0,
s -th " r \,rl:,lus \Italll,. in th, o ut
1'"!. is oft,'11 cii I ti) lookin -'141 1t
:; 1 V\ thli i n No betti r t l.,l vx
I:s thain thli. ,ur. protou t if the
rionaJ inaial point if flew
b, tl u I l . rt a h ol.: mne and alt
abl, fo 1,l 1 I nt " 1 rxii Iis as \n llabilo.
It 1 itl n:ntr rall) a kitnl of hniey.
i l. n",n is i i :it, ,-n .d io a tihr"o ,I iftr
enlt kitl. i -a i.r, a liixitlir. of cane
elar, hi ch cryiistallize ; a fruit
Iu.gar. whi,'h does not candy at all,
anlll of invllert suglr, a corn mpound of
the tIwo
i'i ,ak.ryv suilli lies many ta s of
(t lint it. As ci.uge -rread,- ,. il taffy,
plain in a irost ix iolasses littcher, to
b.e used, in rc'al like honey, or eaton
a)ininantly ats :i1n ace(piCellCdll nlit of
t milk puddings of all kinlds It may be
Il oliad m olasses lulings are liked,
so are batter Ipuhlhings e-aten with
syrup Witl hoiled rice it goes well
and also with blanc mange. If oatmeal
I is the dish molasses accompanies it as
a sweetemng agent splendidly, and, In
this case, corrects the slightly binding
action of a most excellent food.
The richness of mincemeat and
plum puddings Is due to molasses
greatly, and molasses pies are very
Gingerbread.-Sift three-quarters of
a pound of flour into a basin, add half
a teaspoonful of salt, half a teaspoon
ful of carbonate of soda, one teaspoon
ful of ground ginger, one teaspoonful
of allspice, a little grated nutmeg ard
half a teaspoonful of ground cinna.
mon. Melt together in a saucepan,
one cupful of molasses; a quarter of
a pound of sugar, a quarter of a
pound of butter and half a cupful of
I milk. Cool and add to dry ingred
ients with two well beaten eggs. Mix
well, then pour into a buttered and
floured cake tin. Bake slowly for
Sthree-quarters of an hour.
Molasses Puddlng.-Beat together
four ounces of butter and three ounces
of sugar till quite creamy. Add one
well beaten egg, three-quarters of a
teacup of molasses and gently told in
half a pound of sifted flour. Add as
much slightly warmed milk as will
be necessary to form the mixtures In
to a soft consistency, then add one
teaspoonful of groune ginger, and one
beaping teaspoonful of baking powder.
Beat all very well together, pour into
a greased basin, or mold, cover with
greased paper, and steam for three
hours. Turn out on a hot platter and
serve immediately.
Molasses Ple.-Beat the yolks of
four eggs with one cupful of brown
sugar, add one cupful of molasses
and two teaspoonfuls of grated nut.
meg, then add two tablespoonfuls of
melted butter, two heaping teuaspoon
fils of cornstarch, mixed with three
tablespoonfuls of cream, and the
whites of the eggs stimf beaten.
Pour the mixture into two pie tins
lined with pastry Bake for 40 min
utes. Beat up thyee whites of eggs
stiffly, add one heaping tablespoonful
of sugar and beat again, then d;read
over the top of pies, set in oven and =
Moldsue Muffine.--Quarter cupful
of molasses, three heaping teaspoon- .
fuls of baking powder, one-quarter
teuaspoonful of salt, three eggs, one.
half a cupful of milk, one capful ef
flour and three-fourths cupful of rye
meal. Mix and sift dry Ingredlents; t
add remainlng ingredients; beat well. i
Drop from a spoon into smoking hot .
fat and fry to a golden color. Drain 5
and serve.
Parliament Molasses Cakea.--Two 0
ounces of butter, one pound of mo. ii
lasses, one pound of flour, one table- t.
spoonful ground ginger, pearlash P
silse of a nut, small piece of alum. i'
Melt the butter, add molasses, pour tl
among flour, ginger, add pearlash and p
alum. Beat mixture till very smooth. t
Leave It to get cold, roll out thin,
cut into long pieces and bake in a
moderate oven for 25 minutes. tl
Two Cleansers.
Boiled potatoes are an excellent sub
stitute for soap when the hands have
become soiled by contact with black* .
ened pots and pans. Potato waterd
should, besides, be kept for renovat. w
ilnga silk.
Although vinegar may be used to el
eclean the outside of copper oooking ei
utensils, care should be taken to avoid f
letting any fall on the tin liningl of s
the pen. To clean the pan inside and w
out, by far the best method is to scrub A
t with eoda, hot water and saosp. The ci
outslde may then be polished with a tl
rag dipped in vinegar. ol
Kidney Stew.
One beef kidney put on in cold we
ter and let come to a boll. Then take
it off and throw away the water, wash 1a
the kidney and put It on again. D to
this four times, then all the blood will w
be out of it. Cut It up and take out to
all the veins and put It In some more m
f-esh water and cook till tender- w
about four hours-and let the water m
cook down to a cuptul, then season p1
with salt and pepper, and if youe Ike be
put in some curry powder or some a
vegeables and It -olll make a nice I
cheap dish for a change. . t,
SThme is nothmihat makel men
rich amd strong but that which they
carryiided them. Wealth ci
d he hmrt, not d the hand~-MiL
Her Next Meve.
"eInt me se," mused the young wife
u she picked up the cookbook. "I
have mixed the batter for the angel 4
ea. Now what de I do next '
'telepeme ftor the doctor." a·saw
S h am nstime s.adL, wbo happe- .
gS al hm t (w a everbear be.
r- Beefsteak er' C.-scerele I', Easl;v Mi.;
and Is Deicisus-graic I To'gueQ
and Ve;etTit:le Stew Ase
Tasty and Cr,eap.
h Beefsteak En C ,serte- -T" i1 :tr.l!
T . 1C: l .! ' 1 I',II I, ..II tI
tv t . '  ·, , . , ! ,! t, 1 ,
IIlI :.<i II poor. u t ! Ip hn o
h Iath . " t i ill W, .i '-, .... I tIand
t !, , a .of , i d , , t ,In ', \ o t 1 v,1n e
f o I"I , ."\ ? It ho' ir I ! I 'II.. l in ).
t o :, aIII. t it, i eI ' I : halll "lIar,  i
light IrI n 1. i" 1, t f It 1 i. Ti ftTane
in sat-lll r'-" ' I n I ,, t T: I ,.-t T l
'arnish ," th th n ii t  . u it.'roe
i Vegetab Stew-One hall (hI, lit('l
w. an hour, then ,1 three cup ,s of dicedor
potatoes. Cook until potatoes are ten.
Ider allowing water ' rook all tll hen
add rta t !e , d'f l tter and !';ti' p of milk.t r
pot nd. fresh tonguear ' cover with bosnl
roIng watelr iand trook slowly two hours.
Rerove front water, blanch in cold
water and r emov,' skin and roots,
Cook one-ishquarte cup each of diced
carrots, turnip and onion in butter
aive minhutes and remove them to a
deep braiaing pan. Brown tongue in
pat and plac on vil pgetables in ptean.
desired add clove. cinnamon and
sweet herbs. salt and ppper of milk.ne
clove, bit cinnamon, bouquet of sweet
herbs, one teaspoon salt, quarter tea
spoon pepper. t(over tongue one-hal
pan two houater and. At the last hal hour
the juice of a lemon may be odded.
fivhen tender remove to a hot platter
Thicken stock for gravy and poor
aroundp braising pan. Brown tongue non hot dish.
fat and plate on vegetableip It
Nearly Every Woman Spoils Soup by
Putting Meat on in Cold
Wseet herbs altr. and pepper
It is not generally known that
meat, properly bouqiled, yield no
"scum" khatever. "Scum" is pro
duced only wteaspoon the meat is put o
the stove in cold water. Nearly every
.woman spolls the soup in that way.
Only a few French cooks from the
old country know how to produce
good, clean soup without the slast half ht
est appearance o "sa lemon may be al-dded.
ways put the bone or meat into bol
ing hot water. This method prevents
the escape o the mot nutrltlou platter
of the meat-the albumen, or, as It
an egg in hot water and t pand paches;
break it in cold water, allowing it to
come to a bol, and you have-no
egg-only "scaum" "8cum" in tried
meat is the best part of the gravy
you never throw t "Scumaway. y hot
water, and you will have clea put o
healthy ioup and no " acum."
Vegetabhe Soup
One cabbage, one turconip, two om ions,
two cuarrot, two potatoes, a little
parsley, pepper, salt, two quarts of
water the cornbee with boiled in, a
ile oa bread; try one of the onlon
asliced n a little oil at the bottom ol
the kettle or large saucepan; when
it is calledbrown add the water, the bread
toasted, the vegetables cut up in small
pieces and seasoning; boil three or
four hours, then mash the soup
throush a colander or In the sauce
pan with a wooder spoon and boilches;
together ten minutes; r, too thick add
more water and boil or ten minute-no
if it is thin boil fast with the lid ora
the pan until thick enough; sufclent
for six.
Fresh Things.
Some oft the sians by which to tell
good fruit and vegetables are here ou
dlcated. Oranges are sound and juicy
when heavy but not too hard. Radishes
and turnips when spongy are not ft to
eat. Pineapples are best wbhen the
edges of the top are smooth; in in
fterior qualities the tops are of the
sawedged variety. Celery Is good
when it breaks without much bending.
Asparagus should be quite stiff. Nuts
cannot be judged very correctly uanti
they are opened, hut they should be
of good weight and not too hard to
t ough Porterhouse Steak.
The tough and of porterhouse steak
Is often wasted because no one wants
to eat it or serve it to others. This
waste may be avoided by hoppilag the
tough portion with some o' the suet,
making it into balls and baolling it
with the rest of the steak. Serve each
member ofl the family a ball and a
piece of tenderloin. if so desired the
balls may be flavored with onion jfuice
and chopped parsley. It is sometimes
possible to have the chopping done at
the shop.
Weed in Egyptian Stonework.
Probably the eldest timber In tbe
world which has been subjected to the
use of man is that fournd in the an
citent temped. of Egypt In 'onnection
with the stonework, wihich is known
to be at least 4,000 years old. This,
the only wood used in the construction
of the temples, i o the form of ther,
holding the end of one stone to anotla
er. When two blocks w.'re laid in
place an excagvatiou ablout an inch 4
deep was made in each blHlk, In whicb
a tle shaped like an hourrglass isn drlv
-n it Its therefore very difcuelte
,,rce any stonh from its pontloo.

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