OCR Interpretation

The herald. [volume] (New Orleans, La.) 1905-1953, March 28, 1918, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064020/1918-03-28/ed-1/seq-1/

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ore foFrrmage than
r taxets. Help remove SAVINGS STAMPS
W d to ft U lilnaI of w Wet Sinof M R vw. "A very lie and wrdltabl weekly i.wapwe."-MANUPACTUR R RECORD. UNITED STATES GENMENT
.- Js C yard took pt in the
els day at the Esplanade o
Chi , and Misses Helen Gra
S Ll oravois took part in a of
 trlends of Mrs. J. Hear
Spleased to learn that she gi
LM_ t after a spell of sick- 10o
0. Daudelin is preparing a to
to be given by her
. o in the near future.
l had the pleasure of wit- it
a. smilar exhibition last year ,
forward to the event with ai
ire, and many others will at
at the exhibition this di
pturday Night Euchre Club
go home of Mrs. L. De Laup ca
The successful playere 91
I.L R. Williams and Mrs. S. 1F
- Mrs. M. E. Barry, Misses of
-lmel sand Kathleen Barry and e
Abbott motored to Peach
- dsy, where a delightful a
nest in crabbing. 01
. . pChatteller entertained at
party Saturday night in honor a
getr, Miss Denie. A
 ta Chauvain and Mrs. J. ta
a-Lt Sunday at Nairn, La. 01
AwhI Smith returned Satur- w
a business trip to Mans- 0
p i-adder and Leesville, La. T
ls Harvey was elected sec- ft
d the Latin Club of the Es- tt
ghb School.
p A. Tansey spent Monday at ne
@Mde Smith is expected home
fa (ohrles Saturday.
Graham has returned to
Uege, after spending a
), K. Hotard has returned U
- ald awhile with her niece, c
r Mrs. Frank Gondrella had
of losing their eight- 1
daughter, Annie B., early s1
mmraiag. The funeral took d
afteranoe. t
Sultk celebrated the twen- tl
of his birth on B
M tcsL residence of his pa
- l Mrs. Shade G. Smith, p
ys Evelyn Peterson, who b
St. Mary of the Pines a
-la Obtawa, Miss., arrived
to spend the Master r
wlh her parents, Mr. and t1
W. Petersoa. a
I p Inrs. d Medod have re- P
I lgghis, Teen 7
Afternoon Euchre I
utaiaed by Mrs. H. Lee e
sgmesstel players were p
r Mri. . A. Gar- b
AG ott Mr, nU. LJ. u
tewiesty-u years old.
Carst section, was taken
agtsal bespital Wednesday
Seamnet. c
Whestisy has been s
the tlth Precneat faPo
l ,Arnoult of hlemphis, b
Sgedlag awhile with her r
hs returned home rbem a
tigtal and I. improving
memmemndath a de
-Eae, supesrtilr, the
l-d grades of velning t
bb of Mrs. McKlale I
Uu d-htr, Clhrti 1
ato ars t ther , ,
sl re able to be out
Ms. sed thirty4~o
Sto Me mental boe
.~ heme at 422 Aaix
'tedm, who has been
M Ite heal Naval Station
was treamerred d lat:
a m e anard dughter, 4
S retarned to their
, delhts. N. J.,
ahile here with,. tihe
* Me Geerge Wlheon
ir, who Is reltitag
as lay hare bSnday
r ted ed phret
left Saturday for
where he has a·o
of Mbilek Ala.,
et lamp
spent Sunday with
r e Dim str#t tis
a spell of illness.
M Atlaatle Aveue
I e tres the Hotel
It is adon nicely.
Adams has recoveed
sad has resed
sad sister,
eIir hem. in Mau-,
dit speondlu the
Wet Mrs. J. De..
of Jesult Beal
*t. .s Drwy
I~sis hr USer
3 W be
The Algiers branch of N. O. Chap
ter A. R. C., held its regular month
ly meeting, Monday 25th, in the K.
of C. Hall.
Miss Ella M. Rees, chairman, re
ported the following articles sent ov
er to chapter headquarters: On Feb
ruary 27th, 29 sweaters and 12 pairs
of socks; on March 22nd, 9 sweaters,
2 pairs of socks and 6 pajama suits.
Miss Herbert, instructor of the sur
gical dressings class, made the fol
lowing report:
The class has met regularly three
times a week. From February 26th
to March 21st, the following dressings
have been made: 170 4x4 compresses
78 9x9 compresses, 18 6x3 gauze
strips. On February 19th the first de
livery of muslin bandages was made
and consisted of the following: 50
abdominal bandages, 41 sealed ban
dages, 50 triangular bandages, 4 T.
On March 19th the following surgi
cal dressings were sent over: 100
9x9 compresses, 220 4x4 compresses,
16 3 yard rolls.
This class has now a membership
of fifteen, but more workers are need
ed, as there is a large quantity of
special dressings to be made as soon
as our branch allotment is received,
which will be during the next week
or so.
At a meeting of all the heads and
workers of branches of N. O. Chapter
A. R. C., held in Holmes' Hall, Sunday
the 22nd, Mrs. C. H. Moberly, direct
or of the Woman's Bureau, Gulf Di
vision, A. R., told of the work that
will have to be accomplished by N.
0. Chapter, A. R. C., and its branches.
The American Red Cross will have to
furnish the army and navy with all
the dressings that will be needed on
this side and over the sea. This will
necessitate working every day in the
week and the trebling of our forces.
Mrs. Geo. Denegre of the French
and Belgian Relief, has appealed to
the Red Cross to assist her and her
society in a drive for clothing. This
drive will begin April 1st and contin
ue until the 15th. It is necessary to
collect about 300 tons of clothing.
Mrs. Denegre requested that only
sound and substantial clothing be giv
en. Garments that can be worn only
once or twice would not be worth
shipping space. Furthermore worn
dresses or those of very thin mater
ial would be of no practical use to
the women of northern Fiance and
Belgium; they want warm top and
under garments. These unfortunate
people have not reeeived anything in
the past year and their condition is
terrible. Bedding is also badly need
ed; blankets, sheets and pillow cases.
The Algiers branch, A. R. C., will
receive contributions of clothing for
this worthy cause and will deliver
same to the headquarters of the
Preach ad Belgian Relief. Send
your donations to the K. of C. Hall.
The people of our district have al
ways responded generously to all ap
peals for a worthy cause, and we
hope that fi this instance they will
help us to exceed all ther branches
of N. O. Chapter in the quantity of
-astles eestribete4
Harry Papworth, chairman of the
committee for gathering roses to
shower on the visiting soldiers, in the
parade Saturday given in connection
with the Elks patriotic celebration,
has organised receiving stations for
roses. Elks and the public can send
Sowers to any of the stations for de
livery to Mr. Papworth's committee.
Mr. Papworth is anxious to establish
other stations and asks for volun
teers. He can be reached at the Met
aire Ridge Nursery.
Pull blown roses only are wanted.
Roses may be cut at any time now
and pat in a basket as the petals are
to be thrown, not the Sowers. It will
help the rose ushes to cut these
Sowers. Do not cut buds. All Elks
are asked to cavass the hbr
hoods for flowers. The reeving
stations in our district are at the ree
idenoes of Mayor Behrman and of
John Moynah and at the Foto Mar
Reaming at Station A, New Or
leans, Ia., P. O., Thursday, March
28, 1918:
Men-James A. Brannon, Isidore
Charles, Sam Crmmomis, Tom Elliott,
Anthony Lyons.
Women-Miss Coussack, Ida V. Da
vis, Celeste Gordon, Edna Green, Sar
ah Elison, Mrs. M . Z. aDmor.
Charles Janvler, P. M.
Joe. M. Danlels, 8Spt.
A diner was tendered Thursday by
the White Brothers Company, jewelers,
to their employss in appreciation of
their loyal and unselfish services in
making that store the success it is. W.
T. White, president, termed the affsair
a " pot-together dinner' 'for his offieial
my, at which the interests, aims
S-and liieis of the store were discussed
A few interesting talks were hearud
I by the executives of the firm, and a
general good time was enjoyed by all.
e Mayor Behrmua Moaday received a
letter from his son, Captain Behrman,
stating so far as he has been able to
Sobserve the French are not sufering for
lack of food and that sugar seems to
j be the only commodity they cannot oh
. ta in suffieiesnt quantities. As to the
Ameriean soldiers, Captain Bebrman
l says they have plenty of everything.
a Misa Mvel Walter is home agai
r. aLtr' spending awhile with Mrs L
K. E Ditch in Morgasn City
, Miss mma Oeore has returned
Sfrom orgn City, where she was the
gust e Mrs. O. Lfqch.
slr. George ries ofr Mmteumy
SAla., has beenu the gret of Mr. and
. Mrs H. T. Mourns hr a few days
ataderle Chut, in rmer w bo rw
a street oar plery, hs reelaed is
I. U a peshim with the Iawesra
se w r s e * the Al s U
U March Winds ]
.ems -

- - - ---~~1 -7
-7-- 7-·
V -7
"h- - ----- --
Myaor Behrman said the City Hall
will observe the daylight saving hours
after March 31, as all the clocks will be
set an hour forward. Employes, while
apparently arriving at 9 o'clock, will
in reality be there an hour sooner and
will leave at 3 o'clock although the
clocks will point to 4.
Paul B. Habans, acting superintend
ent of public schools, sent out circulars
to all principals calling attention to
the change and instructing that the
school clocks be set forward an hour.
The registration office also will be
affected. As this office has its hours
fixed by law, the setting forward of the
hands of the elock will make the office
conform to the law and the daylight
saving also.
William Thornton, 41. years old, of
Behrman avenue and Outfall eanal, was
fined $5 or ten days iby Recorder Goff,
Saturday, on a charge of skinning a
cow and exposing the carease to decay.
Thornton also is under charges of as
sault with a dangers weapn, p~
ferred by Prank
nod Ourt, it being alleged that he drew
a revolver on Estopial.
Plant an Extra Acre
This year when you turn over your ground to plant put
In an extra acre of corn, or cotton, or rice, the proceeds
of which you agree to
Put your money in War Savings Stamps. They pay you 4% com
und interest. They are the finest investment that anyone can
he. Absolutely safe and you can always get your money back
in ten days' time.
When you plant your extra acre and invest the proceeds in War
Savings Stamps you do good in three ways:
1st--You raise more food or materials needed by the coun
try at war.
bRd-You help the U. S. by lending it money.
Srd-You help yourself by putting money in savings
stamps, which are the same as cash, paying interest,
and which belong to you.
You can get literature about War Savings Stamps from
your local bank or postoffice.
> This Ad Is Paid for By the Amleaimd
Banks of New Orlams
Shlb._ sa
Applications for examinations for po- a
sitions as income tax deputy collectors,
inspectors and agents will be received a
by Collector J. Y. Fauntleroy up to
April 2. The examinations offer good 1
opportunities to capable double-entry a
bookkeepers. These positions pay from I
$1,200 to $1,500 a year, with substantial
allowances for traveling.
Examinations also will be held for
estate tax collectors and agents, with
salaries of $5 per day, with $4 per day
for subsistence while traveling on ofi
eial business.
"The man who failed to register un
der the selective service act is regarded
by the war department as a slacker and
prosecuted as such. The man who fails
to file his income before April 1 will
be regarded as a 'money slacker' and
will be made to suffer full penalties of
the law." This is the statement made
last Satardqa by J. Y. Fauatleroy, eom
miseeser of lateral semse, reiatvhe
to local payments yet to be made of the
income tax fee.
Sts. John Chapter No. 35, Order
Easern Star celebrated its twelfth an
niversary Monday night. There were
a large number of members present
as well as many visitors from sister
chapters in the city. Sts. John Chap
ter is in a most flourishing condition
and is one of the strongest chapters
in the state.
At the meeting Monday night the
chapter voted twelve dollars to be
sent to the Eastern Star Industrial
fund; and each member voluntarily
donated twelve cents to be sent to
the same fund. The cause is a most
worthy one-the education of children
of Eastern Star who could not be ed
ucated otherwise. At present there
are five in the state who are being
cared for.
After the meeting refreshments
were served.
Appropriations carried in the naval
bill, which was introduceed last week,
for use at the New Orleans Naval 8ta
tion, are as follows: Improvements to
seatra power plats, $80,000; water
front implovemet, $100,000; shell
house, $40,000; eoating erane, $30,000.
_ no
Eighth Grade A-Scholarship and of
deportment: Philip Saleeby, Evans lid
Mahoney and James Stafford.
Eighth Grade B-Scholarship and d
deportment: Milton Acker and Mar- co
cel Serpas.
Seventh Grade A-Scholarship and
deportment: Eugene IAe Boeuf, ohn 0)
Cieutat. John Roberts and Iilary
Schroder. tL
Seventh Grade B--Scholarship and ex
deportment: Alvin Covell. Malcolm in
Schwarzenbach, Milton Henry, Wil
liam Kassmer, Ulger Gaudin. Alton il
Diket. Karl Saleeby. Thomas Hebert tai
and Stanley Baker.
Fifth Grae B-Scholarship and de- To
portment: Joseph Sutherland. .John is
Hunn, Elmo Voegtlin and Ilymeli
Amuedo. Scholarship: Charles Ger
retts. William Entwistle, Julian
Humphrey, James Umbach. Charles
Seitz. Charles Terrebonne and Ethel
bert IarRarde. ti
Fourth Grade A-Scholarship and i
deportment: James Louis Higgins.
Wills Nelson and Frederick Kraemer. th
Scholarship: Robert Smith and no
Emile Legendre.
Fourth Grade A and lB-Deport- he
ment: Aloyslus Serpas, Walker .Per- of
ron and Charlee Pickett. Scholar
ship: Esse West and Charles Wiel- Te
Fourth Grado B-Marcel Roth s.,
James Fabares. Earl Cooper. James te
Wilmore, Ernest Andry. Malcolm Don- th
nell and Armand Delcazel. Scholar- St
ship: Bernard Covell and Douglas aR
Curran. Deportment: Bernard Wil- o
son. Elmer Davison. Louis Dietrich. t1
Giles Gait. Maurice Davis, Richard pr
Kessler. Peter Fink, Mike Milazo and
Hart Callow. in
Third Grade A-Scholarship and St
eportment: James Koenig, Osborne th
Hunter, Jerome Mine. Wellman Bond. ne
Melvern Perron, Mark Amuedo, Di
Thomas Duffy, Walter Lahausen and a
Allen Guillot. se
Third Grade B-Scholarship and of
deportment: Alvin Reed. Vincent Ci
-Trauth, Avon Vinson, Leonard Pen- te
nieon, Leslie Sutherland, Gurdon
Camus. Francis Nugler and Leslie tl
Duplan. fli
Second Grae A-Scholarship and at
deportment: Alfred Decker, Pres- he
ton Delcazel, Tracey Lilly and Ben- flu
nie Weiner. M
Second Grade B-Scholarship and d;
deportment: Julius Messner, Nelson tl
- allon, Leroy Cooper, Henry Buras si
and Louis Bengert. n
First Grae A-Scholarship and de- is
portment: Sigfried Spreda, Ken- it
i neth Guy, Charles Hildebrand, Wal- 0
ter West. Charles Soulant, Leander ti
Boudreaux, Hugh Cobb, - Domingo a
Miguel and Albert Brodtman.
First Grade B-Scholarship and de
portment: John Carubai, Ashtontf
Roberts, Lucien Ainard and Lee
Schwarsenbach. b
ADOIPH Masrs NOrms
The following pupils were perfect
in the weekly spelling test given by m
the principal:
Sixth Grade A-Margaret Mosely.
Lee Steel, Louis Cronan and Ralph i
Birth Grade B--Lucille Le Court
Grace Cazanlon, Willard Walker, o
Ines Bourgeois, Irma Gillich, Charles at
Smith and Arthur Grundmeyer.
Fifth Grade A-Alden Smith and
Ethel Rice.
Fifth Grade B-Thelma Wlle, Ora s
Brown, Vera Luak, Elmer Orand
meyer, Prank Imwsoe, John Camuas
and James Gllis.
eourth Grade A-Marion Edge st
combe, Aarles Tagert, Charles Hoes- d
ton, Thomas Donnelly and Nicholas ,
Carona t
Pourth Grade B-Eleanor Bergs- a
roD. d&
Third Grade A-Thelma Hinta, -
Marie Wall and Aseella Nepvreux.
Third Gradeo 'B--EBthel Hodpgon, 4
Eleonor Steele and Ben Cantin.
Bcgnad Grade A-Veda Baker, g
Irmadean Simon, Dennis Keogh and p
J. O. Walker.
The pupils of McDonogh No. 5 *
School gave a penny party last week
for the benefit of the Red Croes.
Quite a neat sum was realized. The i
refreshments were donated by the
parents of the children.
The Easter celebration of the Kin-.
ergarten will be held Monday morn
The Catholic Ladiee' Benevolent
Assoeation met at the resildence of
Mrs. H. C. Brown, Pelican Avenue I
and Seguin Street. last Thursday
night and elected ofeers. It was also 4
the tenty-flfth anniversary of the i
organization. The following oficers
were elected to serve during the
coming year: Miss Emma Skling
ton, president; Mrs. PF. Berthelot, vice
president; Mrs. E. McDonald, record
ing secretary; Mrs. H. C. Brown.
financial secretary; Mrs. WL P. Sa
lathe, treasurer; John A. Barrett,
undertaker; Dr. J. 3. Pollock, phy
After the meeting refreshments
were served, the fruit punch being
donated by ]M'. J. A. Barrett and the
cakes by Mrs. fi. C. Brown.
smEvE se S trsMTr .
Acting on the recommendation of the
committee on teachers and instruction
the School Board Friday night instruct
ed principals be advised that hereafter
only graduates of the Normal School
are to be called as substitutes and all
authority to employ high school grad
uates is revoked.
The police are making a crusade
agaiust unnecessary noisemakers. Two
have been arrested and Recorder Got
fned each $2J0 or ten days. John
Tripolino, 17 years old, was arrested
Thursday afternoon by Sergeant Ben
gert, while Josepb Sesmauao, 18, was
arrested Friday mirlng by Corporal
Hofuan and Patrelma Aviragnet.
Beth mare pdilUrs ad were arrested at
Pelme aresne anl Orir street
Oil investors throughout the state
are deeply interested in the an
nouncemtent that comes from New
Orleans telling of the consolidation
of the Louisiana Southern Oil and
Gas Corporation and the Southern
States Oil and Gas Company. It
wa:' affected this week and the new
concern is now doing business at
6:10 Gravier street. It will be known
for the time as the Southern States
O(il and Gas ('ompany.
In many respects this merger will
mean a great deal to the man who
expetts to put a few dollars in oil.
In the first place the new company
wil have the advantage of a nearly
doubled capitalization and the ad
dition of several strong and promi
nent officers and directors. Dr.
Thomas Stark. a pioneer oil man
of this state who lives at Thidodaux
is president of the Southern States
By far the most important item
in coonection with the amalgamation
i" the fact that drilling will begin
in the Anse Ie Blutte field within
tetn days. The derick is up and the
rig is in place to start the first test
well. Oil already has been found
there in paying quantities and is
now selling at $3 a barrel. This is
considered a high price for Gulf oil,
heretofore regarded as a low grade
of petroleum.
Not only in Anse Le Bette. but in
Terrebonne will drilling begin right
away. Not later than April 15 will
see the first well going down in a
territory that promises to uncover
the largest pool in the United
States. Charles Dickensheets. man
aging the field operations for the
Southern States Company, believes
the Terrebonne field is the most
promising in the United States.
Don Farnsworth who was manag
ing director of the old Southern
States will be general manager of
the new concern. He has been con
nected in a financial way with the
Democratic National Committee for
a number of years, was formerly
secretary of the Chicago Association
of Commerce and itterested in Red
Cross and government financial en
"If the people of New Orleans
thought they were in the oil business
fifteen years ago when they bought
stock in a $10,000.00 company that
held one acre in the Beaumont
field they were badly mistaken,"
Mr. Dickensheets declared the other
day. 'They were only playing into
the hands of shrewd Wall street
stock manipulators. However, I do
not mean to infer that stock selling
is not a part of oil development for
it is. Look at the holders of the
original Standard Oil stock today;
they are the richest peple In the
world. Many of the small producers
who wanted to sell their holdings
to the Standard and who had to
take stock for them were greatly
surprised to find that the stook
brought them more revenue than
the actual money they would have
"There is a homely esaylng that
'there Is nothing certadn eamegt
death and taxes'. We should re
member, however, that figures have
been published to prove that 9$ per
cent of all commercial enterprises
fall. This high percentage of ifal
ures is found In the merchandising
business and in various other lines
of commercial endeavor which we
are too apt to consider as consera
tive, while we characterise oil ln
vestment as speculative.
"The fact that ntatistidans tell
us that 95 per cent of conmerdat
enterprises fail does not interfere
with the continuation of commeree
and industry. People go right an
starting new stores and new mer
chandising enterprises of all kinds,
whereas the same people, because
they may have at some time bought
an oil stock that did not pay, will
denounce oil investment as wildesat
speculations, and eve ws. The
fact is that under modern methods
of oil development in the hands of
practicel operetors approeimately
85 per cent .of the oil wells are
8Seter Xavier gratefully acknowl
edges returns from the following:
Mesdamee J. Aucoin and Aycock.
Mrs. Baker, Mr. J. A. Barrett, Sr.,
Mr. J. A. Barrett, Jr., Miss 'Viola
Barrett, Mr. W. Boaworth, Mr. C.
Benenati Mrs. A. Benenatl and Mrs.
A. Bourgeole.
Mesdames Clements, R. Casey and
Oherbonnler, Mr. C. Donner and Miss
M. Donely.
Mesdames OCyard and Cogan.
Mrs. Dwyer.
,Mrs. J. Euper.
SMrs. C. Preach, Mrs. Freach and
SMiss K. Fltrpatrick.
SMiss P. Grimes, Mesdames A. 3.
DGuillot, T. Graham, J. Glepert, A.
aGrimes and J. Grimes.
Mrs. P. Harvey, Prof. 1. Herbert,
e Merames A. Herbert, Hennesy. John
- Hememy, Huff and Henning.
,Medames T. Johnson, P. Johnon
I- and Johnson.
. Meedames A. Krnus, C. Kline and
- E. Kleinkemper.
, Mesdames E. Legendre, W. Lamp
- ton, J. H. Lewle and Luciean, Miss
Rits Lauman.
SMiss C. Murphy, Mrs. Martlmues,
g Mr. P. Matthews, Miss L McDonald
e and Mrs. MlcMahon.
Meaduanmes J. P. Nolan, R. Nolan
and Newman.
Mrs. O O'rlen.
Meadames A. Rooprich, Rants, Reo
ney and Riordanm.
Mrs P. Slrey, Mr J. Srey, Mis
SC. Shields, Miss H. Sweeney, Mrs. J.
S8kelly, Miss N. Sadler, Mrs. J. Swan,
Mrs. J. P. Selph, Mrs. Schabel and
rs. L. Sierra.
Mrs. A. Trwlekler.
d- Medames H. Vallette, Vallette,
Van Hees and Volmering.
Meldames Wilson, Robert Whit
more and R. Whitmore, liss Wilson.
Miss V. Zeringue. *
h Mrs. John McGarr, 31, of 433 Blidell
ed avenue, hadl a narrow escape when she
a- swallowed poison at her home thruLgh
as mistake. Mrs. McGarr had beens
al some medicine praesribed by her
it. eisa, sad Sunday she mistook a
cmrlty Nesplalr physidass

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