* *~ I i..: 7 ýý: CHAS S C 4TE BHROt DUG .C*. WA "T KXAS L -ý + .t coºlgCOt -o GIRLS` LFMO,"! BLEACH SKIN WHITE PA,1i.r I ., L etI n to D*ýultce Bceauty of Y'ur ;kin It I,' hLd at . ,r. I. 1 11i ll cvlIi S, r , of h.!i 'r - i 1u i : I ' :i f r t e , n .tirlv c, ,. ih. t_. . I h-, . , r,' ii iT" ", ' I' 1 i i " l ln l, ,l, `. I iýll'h1 ', 1,"I ii 1ti i, 1. 1c ver. M ele 11lh,. i1c , rtit 1 ;, i:. A.l .! . cift ` . r ' " ,111 I I :1'. 115 i S iit. fi'rl I t r "I' I!".l1 I I. tl t , . ,r A singl. 0'i,, , lnn rof Ii...r c :,e 11.-.1 sam on o-i ', .I I s1. i '-.. its In"r1' Is* it for infla ilnat inn of  I Ih yes -Adl After in usiii huos is('l the chcitnrn form age he begins to lean toward the simple life. Back Lame and Achy? Housework is too hard for a woman who is half sick, nervous and always tired. But it keeps piling up, and gives weak kidneys no time to recover. f your back is lame and achy and your kidneys irregular: if you have "blue spells," sick headaches, nervous ness, dirziness and rheumuiatic pains. u-*e foon's Kddn'ey PillR. They have done wonders for thousands of worn out women. A Louisiana Case Mrs. E. W. Ingram, W9 Perkerson Ave. t'rowley, I,.. says: 1 suffered a great deal with my back and kid neys. I couldn't rest comfortably and lost much ileep. My back ached so I could hard ly stand it. I was told to use foan's Kidney tills and one Iox brolgyht Inm mulch relief so I contlnued l tlalrCg them. I used thire, hboxei and ail nlv r,) u l Is disap peared." Get Deaa's at Asy Sitem. 50 a ie DOAN'S '"PILL IFOSTla.MiLURN CO.. SUrFALO . N.Y. Ulmll. psusly ,asdIs. WM' sad (1db..'. hsomhs.. hamals a as even MItMat?'S SYMIP 11. iam' sad Chlss's Ashles Childiren row healthy and free from colic. diarrhaLn. latumer,. constipation and other trouble it liven Itt teethlin tUme. Safe. plmsant-alway. brilias. markable sad gratittuyg results. At All Druagists For Grip, Colds and MALARIA 7-11 ClIlLIf[UG kills the Malaria germ and regulates the liver. 25 CENTS KING PIN CHEWING The tastiest tobacco you ever tasted. GENERAL HARDWARE AND SUPPLIES Coantractors' Supplies. Builders ttardware. Etc. Ptces and In-r fornmatton furnished on request PEDSl IRON & STEEL CO. IIOUtOIN SAN ANTONIO FREGKLES -ie--"" ,ý: I'ittortant to Mntiore V Al itItu li+' In f-:e for ti. " : t 1. ('I lirin &li +r II t i :. t,& riai K r, , t'< id I' O'. f \ Y r'A "DANDERINE" Stops Hair Comning Out Doubles its Beauty. N. A few cents buys "I)anderlne." Atf ter an application of "li:inderlne" you can not tind a fallen hair or any dnnd ruff, besides every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and tlhickiness.-Adtv. Exchanging Confidences. I:dlit I--ltar .Jack is 'o forgetful. lamiii lIn't lie. At thte party I:ast nlKht li:ad to kteep reitlinglint him, thait It's you ihe's enganced to and not ii e.- London Answers. Nervous Spells Near Heart Failure Eatonic Stopped It Mr. ('. It. Loats, writing from his horle at Lay, Mtl, a. ", I lhad been taking mtediclne froni four specialists, lbut lll le me,n friend. oite box of rit ontoll Ilhas done mae mltre good than all thet remediesll I h:ave ever tried. I witas in awfully lhad lllape. About half an hour before' iealis. I got nilrv ouls, trembtlllng Ond healrt pressure so had I etmld htardly wil Kor talk. One ba o, f a, tonlih' stl -eI"l it." Ent,' oniih ullic'k:,y l1lirtltve< these tru lv mirvi ll - rt ' ~ilts. hi :t i