U1'Vfli812D EVERY 7FRIi)AY. F Q 11, - LOUi iANA. LOCAL ITEMS. SOtiion Scs fur sale at Joe Sholtoi.'d. S RUUGIES! 1L'CUlIES:! 'Bar tiame andl money by buying yotu bingies from W. \. IWoonon. Wrintera are not often woýrn td with take btthoseo who sret rp thix is.suo of thepaper had more pi to toove thlan thy could manage. Don't be afraidi to coco forward and subscribe for this lipr'r. It was in a Gill net once but it is now in as Sal trap. hoesPoulitry Iowdieri for prevention sand cure of cholera in poultry, fir sale .uatSbclton's. Frank Sitaeird cn lit you up in Sad sles, Iiridhs and tarn o a t low cash ligures. here is the place fuor our moneys worth af anything you wnut to buy Jere at Frank Sherardcl's Calh flou.e. Our train now wwets the V. S. & P, both wanys, giving us two rttuaur trains eaoh !ay. W.J. 'naylor & Sun, tirtiiculsh, will sell ys:u the chec pest gooda ccr banght ina his tuwu. ....L E. H. oUleudolon Lind J, ' Il!ui,'rt isgsqu :avejnet. rotutncd fru,, 4Farmer villo where they attended t Appeal Coact. __ j TilE BAGGINiU TIhT fs ceased to worry the lurmm ra in thi., section,sinco tlhey have len aL thatI goods are sold so ewap at Fla nk Sher urd's Ca h Hlouse. - Cold weather is couiing at now i:; the time to buy your lilanl .&ad P. .ljewencerg n ill sell yen chl r 'r than anJ other srnrchsnt. Comne at xlaw inc his lurgestock. Cotton is Mtill rolling in ii lively rate. The merchants aid payil guat prices for it and selling goodaS their custentoers at remarka!ly low pr s. Slinuden has boinsted the sqlm dtile flag, but W.V J. Taylor & 1on Lica e price which still alarm the n. i s. - We will be glad to haove corre sl. ints tfrom ever section of the piah, aud would also be gwla to hav4nr .trreslpondents not as local agonts. .j Call at Sherardi's and( examluel is limense stock of Boots and Slhoes. , will find the cheapest and best - gnus ever sold. Geata furnishing goods and tn y )ado Clothinu of t11 styluse id t is t themost fastmtidiais tastes, at the pos larlousn of P. Luewenberg. Co. T. W. leool the newly appoitmi aounmistaoner ofmIgruition hi up ft < .l.Osewndingf few days with his & fly and frimnds hn Homer. The Col. 'ilaem hod and 'talea full posdession his otic sad I lamow alkinig imnmi tioni*rlth the air of a profsslonual. See Fraak Shorard's savcrtiseume Sii this linse. y his energy, tir - iog> amtl natitrasl businesg taet, Frn t7&# iron for himself an enviable ruj ~A#atiom rs 6 bUl tinaI man, and is ott . tbe moisrt misglegiaag enorebmachnts I iortl Lousisa. o ~P4Jiia e leased flo Farmers' U! o ~t1h~seaad tespeedsuily sqhlcta theT tirioftbrirctants and Mill who *10p *i r fresghts toirecoive. 4V~ WJItwoib trk tnd shpi cotton $a .tEMU* teases. Wilb ialde store ghtw1 eFhp.p Reapecttmftly, T~hOR Y & hLLEN A LL1e.nman bCo, have opone4up binteon'aorneva tiaWrenzee's Ttss 1·hvy will deal atsf rsalily 4ir . ogode, sad have a large has be delayed by tsam that all he I as sold otore ~g~o~frthk a st 39 days $1sadtba (bo As lty rbjb; a ba~W 4W II#flt 4' ~ il $h~6fit t Hat litafho clapel sire. tho ta( INicrinatiive ran in to Huoer, iet during this shirt time our town for buiiOess and genteral ilmprovement hasn 4urpaasstl the exac4tationst of its muost . saguino wel-wishira. The crowded Iorse racks, the lung train of tfirn wagons bearing Iro lieryey staple, the quick step of tlhe imerchaut.man, I he nuoi.e and bu: tlo of the street', all be takens the s'gitni etint f'ict that Humer is fast regaining her lost trade that was haen in foroner years. Our Inerehants farseeing and zealous Sof tlheir own uttrcet, ore paying even more for cotton than its actnal market tvalue nd selling goods a. chealnp as any I town in this State outside of Now Or vleans. These indnccnents raust and will attract trade, for no reacona ble mtitan will go beyond the boun:ds of Iis own parish to tradoe when he can do as ucell and even better at home. S The umost trouble we have now is in getting our demuaud for luiaber suppli Sed. Now citizens ate seeking homes e with ms every week antd themr is a great cartity fur dwelling houses, notwitli stantldipg about fifty new ones, some of which are now in construction, hav e beenl built this year. Let every citi zen, both of the town and the parish, strive to make our towin wlhat it. shounldi - be, the metropolis of North Lnuijiana. Another Assisslnatluu. Merideth FoIrd, the ..lored man shot on the Neeley place a week ago l;anst Saturdiay night, died lust Thursday from the efl'cts of the ihooting. It seems that the deceased attended a pi rty on the night. of the sh::oting :u:d whilu en his way honme was hot down from his horao by soae nuiknown par ties who had secretedt themselves in :atbnsh n. ai thb r.ad-sidn. There is no positive evideue. as to who did the shiuoting, although Wesley and WVillie 'Smith, two brothers, Ihave been charg ,ed with the ofeane and are now in jail awaiting the action of the Orand Jnry. This is a cold blooded assassination a:ndl the guilty parties, whoever they may be, should he visited with the severiest pecnalty of the law, howeover, the par ties above mentioned should not, by the publie, be adjudiged guilty antil hrlit hide of the case Ihas been heard., Edncntion is !he chief corner stone of rmaterial prozress. hlomer should be come a great centre of learnin-. For bealth and morals it is unsurp:ssed, being in tl: etslremo i.orthern part of the State aucnd' further removed than any other place of inmport:ance, from the malarial i'ullnences of the swamp country. Its natural position givesit an advantage in this respect over any other townl in the State. It in fatal to the best interest of a community both materially, socially, and politically, to neglect this great cealing interest aside from the moral turpitude in failing to properly shape the tminds of the rising gen ration. We laibored under considerable d.fi culty bthis week in getting out our pa. per, us our pr essdeUrs still sling on to the GUwuA eixchusasgas and refuse to allow us to see thma, adthongh they ceased to publist the paser ovet two mouths ago. We must, a lso, uppolo giso for the heading of our pjiper not appearing noater, but the trath is soein prwton took out the head-line while the paper wits tied up in litigation; bitt we hare done the best We could undtur the circemtaances. Exctanges with this aper will pleasedirect pilainly to the omecr GUARDIAs. reat Reduction in Prices f whiskey at the Parlor SALOON. O0 Whisiey reduced to$1 b0 50 " " to 200 00 " " ,to 2 60 1 0 " to 300 * All whiskies are guaranteed. ¶ bis locl tlinka thters should be less l6. among our boys about niarryitag itt# moruof it did. If yon are all ln nino out of ten of the oposite sex itok ip in the same asrIess with 7 li fe if she is properly appreach your documents are fresh froum Ii, Cler's s l'qill. e was a suit ab~out sesen geeeo in tSiUeinsasoe court of ward 7 this week Sel~ woauld *brnish an extensive aod frt-iss local, tU as the writer was attorneys in this very lsor i st-wo say it with pride tosteat fraos forthert renarks. aetation liglasta OfPythfihs isasd amembers of Claiberne S Iti27, L ofP. are specially ie ttynd the next rogolar night, Oct.11th, to he trans *ecet mouthi eqetrol of Alen .-3 lot. AU eqites bouh 66 y aemasy bl we~lglbrta ~Lwfpre en l Waoujes lo~~~~~~~a tols~I~a~t Im~g lIl owever ·whb_4. .u. t..m. aa. n cr15s to announce that a$nb re sent 8. s f te at TlThe Parish Farmners' Union meets uIn Homer to-day. Frank Shirard is selling hats chenp cheaper than can be bought anywhere for cash. A full line of clothing lfr sale cheap at Fruak tSlhetarid'. Cash House. Clear the tr.tce., and let me in Frank Shlrard's Cheap Ciash Store. Fra{k SIerardtl, at his cheap eusi aºuse buys hides, wool beoswax ant. tallow. Do you want a huandunsoe suit of Clotlhes at low. figures? If to call on G.G. Gill. The young wan who sits up late at night talking to his, or somebody elses girl is liable to get left on the 5:45 a. to. tr:.in. G. G. Gill has on haudl a large, comn plete anid well astorted lot of Gouts Clothing, Ladies' Dress Goods and Cloaks. A candy a ew given at Mrs. A. It. BusIIh's i;as T.tsday evening was highly enjoyed by a paty of our young cpeol e. Mis:i BIloude Griffin, of ituaton, is inl town on a visit to frieuds aJud rala tives. The Cheapest Cash lit'io in the Ton a is Frauk Sherard'a. Call on him. lie tentts to se evcry 1man1, woman and child in Ný.th Louisiana. La:lies Dress Goods at Frank Sher nrd's, to suit the taste of thie most fis f tdious and within reach of anybody's purse. Geats unde.rwear a aspecialty. ATTENTION LADIES-Call and oex amine those elegant and lovely Oloaks at G. G. Gill's inatumoth store before npurchasing :esewhcre. If we have a few more mornlings and nighlts as the last few praeeeding ones Gen. Jack Frost will orive Col. ) w Jack inio winter quartets. Frank Sherard is never behind the limes in keeping everything oa hand necessary to the wants of his cuasto mere. Call on him and be convinccd. There will be a u.ass meenting in Ho titer to day to select delegate a to relpre noot Claiborno in the Congressional Convention which assembles in Muoroo on the 10th Inst. G. G. Gilldefys co npetition in quan tity, quality and prices of Clothing. You will not bind a umore handsome stock in any p!ace in the State, north of New Orleans. If you want musnic go to P. Loewen berg's for Violins, Accordeens, Banjos and Ihe gcuuine Gold-Ton:ue Harnumn icas. Buy your Jeans, .insays, Flannels and all kinds of Dress Goods from P. Loeweuberg if you want to get the worth of your money. Frank Shearrd wants to met you and ifyou don't call on him ha will hunt yon up and a'most give you his entire stock of goods eelow cost. leoree-Snoeing A specialty. Don't forget that I have ins of the best horse-sheors in the State, and positively narnntes antis. faction* W. WV. DOHMON. Police Jury Proceedings. The Police Jury of Claiborne parish met Monda.y, Oct. 1, 1888. Present TA Watson, President, wardl 6; T Y ,O'B-mnnon, ward 1; PR Neol, warm 2; 1AN Winn, ward 3; TT Lowe, ward 4; R J Bridges, ward 5; J MI McKenzie, ward '7, and J A AycoC-k, ward 8. Board called to or-der. On motion, the repom-t of the committee ,on rodding the court house was rec-ive-d. On motion, the following uamed perisons were apl)Iointcd Cle-rks of election in and for their respec tire wards: Ward 1, Summerfield, JCS rnith; hart's Chapel, Thonias Leak; ward 2, Gordon, tV E Goodenou gh; Colquitt, Crawford Greer; Tiger Creek, John Oukes; ward 3, Haynesville, Phillip Gibson; Has ty's X-Road, J H King; Norton's Shop, W H Randle; ward 4. Crl-- i ry's School-House, C '2- Oatrand; Eureka, .A : ad on; ward 5, At~ens, 3 L Candy; ward 6, Ay Icock, B F Marsalis; Macedonia, B F Pace; ward 7, Homer, HS Taylor; Arizona, H W Minnifoe; ward 8,'Lisbon, J J ppinger. Be it enacted by-the Police Ju ry of Claibore paris~h that . there be. aid is bereby established a public road from near Chrytetal Springs, on the ih4mer avid Shirn aloo road, to the flopper (pd e road at, or pear the O in D'Arbmhqne bot tify out by the cerCi' hereby ovle4 hen out saii4 in Chrystal Springs to between 3 sad 7/st . speebe each of ized to ir subetJteco o4 to and a a sphaad oht John Cupp), bridge lumber, $90 05 A J C:tarathus, for Picks, 6 25 Ledbetter& & Co., brg. nails 5 15 WV M Atkins, br'ge lumber, 131 32 R F Taylor, julror inquest, 2 35 VW F Bridges, " c 2 35 FC Greenwood, " 2 35 A E Wilder, 2 35 F U Allen, 2 35 Dr Turner, Coroner, 10 00 Dr A R Bush, Post Mortem, 10 00 . -11 Hay, bridge nails, 75 S'1' IHarris, bridge lumber, 13 00 I J M McKenzie, com'te service, 980 Clahorne Guardi. n tinýr.17 50 J 1'V Crow, brid her, 24 46 )r Turner, one quarter sala ry as Parish Doctor. 31 28 F A Iiillev, bridge lumber, 8 81 J WV Crow, 19 52 F A Willey " " 26 20 A N Garland, bridge nail, 70 N 0 Smith, bridge lumber, 3 i W J Mercer, assessing taxes, 1888, 310 20 E 11 McClendon, Dist. At torney in case State vs. Si'd Wallace, 15 00 State vs. :iaywood Perry, 14 00 " " Jane Marcus, 15 00 " " John Hayes, 15 00 On motion, the board contract ed with the Sheriff to wait on the Police Jury and serve all papers issuedl by them, road overseer commissions and road commis sioners, and call the body togeth or at called meetings, and for the ensuing 12 minonths for seventy n:ne doll:ars to be paid quarterly. On motion, the salary of J. H. Simmons, up to the filing of the suit against him, by R. T. Mc Clendon, amounts to $151 62 When, on motion, rln d ald jourued till ha M. S. I . J. say morning Me sent. Minutes of Monday's meeting read and approved. On motion the following bills were allowed: W. C. Boring, Constatl amt. in various St date, 0 Dr S R Richardson in State cases, to da Louisiana Weekly J nal, public lprinting, Committee on work at the Farm reported that tiy3 had e. amined the work done and filnd the work of Mr. S. T'1'. Taylor done in accorldance with the contract and recommend that his part of the work be paid for, and that the woi-k ldone of Mr. Hyde be paid for when he complies with his con tract, which has not yet been done, so far as the gutters are concern ed. Committee on Settlement with the Parish Treasurer, reported that they had received, from the Treasurcer, cash vouchers against the parish to the amount of $2926.31, which they checked and burned, except vouchers No. 596, for $18.05, which is preserved. Cash on band, as per Treasur er's report, $4149.68. Committee on work at the Poor House and Farm, reported they had examined the work and found it done according to contract and ecommended payment thereof. On motion tile following bills were allowed: Clerk Police Jory, to date, $40 98 Gus Delany, bridge nails, 45 1 J Webb, Constable, 11 60 W J Taylor & Son, for jail, 70 W F Bridges. Justice oh the Peace in State cases to date 109 6) Louisiana Weekley Journal, Public Printing, . , 17 50 BC Parker, Constable, 7 85 S T Taylor, work on Poor House and quai'terage, 137 50 CaIldwell & Touchstone, br'g lumber, · 75 50 .T W Brooks, J, P. 9 05 Maddry Bros., br. lumber, 17 80 J Milenry, J. P. ' 10,00 (To be continued next weelC.) John Fittpatrick. -The preiclent, frohi reports, has WilLfiro toe name of John Fitz patrick as sehal for the East ern DistJ'p f a Louisiana, presum ing, it is , e that New Or leans t 'him. .Now comes onigressiotal District d1 indorses him for. hi Dis trict comrn i otNew Orleans it .jiar ishles. Tho at. ri. has no .ilari tyiu ewO 't as badly mist al dgoi0l io for )tls a ver saiWa ~he abitts o*hich he' thie e #bmily on thl#s f couz W e :Ioe b realde will im~pIIh're (It he Jis ever .ai lthatf; the SI$ my;~~ Sr.... THE BROWN I HOUSE. Southwest Corner Public Square, IHoimer, La. LARGE CLEAN R OOM S, WELL LIGHTED AND VENTILATED, GOOD BEDS, GOOD FAIR ad GOOD ATTENTION, Thankful for past favors, all comers are cordially in vited to call. Terms mod erate. W. W. BRnowN. H. . South Side Public Square, Homer, La. I respectfully in vite my friends and the traveling pub. lic in general to give me a call at my house. I prom ise good atttention at reasonable rates. MRS. T. P. HAMILTON RAGLAND TAYLOR, FJE ED, SALE & LIVERY S BLE, West 4blic Square, onr, La. ki ~paoious Lots for Drov Y · God Hqk* 7di ~o* Larg cestRetailEstablishment in Nort' Louisiana BEN HOLZMAN, -DEALE1R IN Dry GooDs, Clothing, Furnishing Goods Boots, Shoos and Hats. teatlqunrters for Iildies' Misses nuit Chiltdren'4 UlJnderweal', samples of satue miaiIlt on ap'p1ica tion. Orders in all depart ments wiil reeil ev prompt and careful :tten;tion. When visi tig our city wet won iti l e. i aiied to IIaveO yVui ca'! nit t ae t a lo k tironigl our inmmenso eslablishLnit, No,. D) and Texts Srt el, Sl I{E1 - PORT, LA. W. P. THEUS &CO., - DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTIIING,BOOTS, SHOES,IIATS -AND First MIouse South of Depot, Arecdia, Louisiala. LOWEST prices given on Goods. Don't forgcet to call on me when you colie t1, Areadin. I will make it to your interest. B? Highiest prices paid for Cotton and all liinds of Country Produce, and the LOWEST prices given on goods. Don't fotrget to call o: te whein you conic to Arcadia. 1 will inake it to your Interest. The LONG and S8ORT of It is that Ezonomioal People will Always go to, -- J. A. W1TTER --FOIR TIIE BEST BRANDS OF TT\F9~3INES ..46..N ,IQT.0E9 having hought a large lot of Whiskey in bond at tlhe lowecst rates, I can and will sell you cheaper and bettpr Uiqugra than has. ever been offlered in Homer. I dely competition in quality alnd TZ &S MITH. -----DEALEUS IN-- M IIll, Nos. 8, -10 and 12 Spiing Street, SHREVEPORT, - - - LOUISIANA. Manufacturer's Agent For General Plantation Supplies Browon Cottoin Gins, Allum'. (Jotton Presses, Ames Engines, Coleman's Mills, Victor Cane Mills, &traub Mills, Arery Plows, Coleman's Presses, N. ". Enameled Paint, Cook's Evaporator, Jone Wagon Serles, Great Western Cane Mills Full Line of BI~lakatith at& Carponter's Tools. Iron, Wagon Wotr; alle, 1eavy thes*'t ld'i Hardware, Cutlery, Irou Pipe and Ei4MngsfEigineeis Slnpies, Belting, Gum Packing, - Q4ar~ge, Itarb Wire, &c., &c. . I G . GILL --DEALERt IN-w RB GODS, TSANDS HOES, ~ir~$