OCR Interpretation

The Carrollton sun. (City of Carrollton, Parish of Jefferson, La.) 185?-1???, August 11, 1860, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064165/1860-08-11/ed-1/seq-1/

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ýo.. .4 A RT O LLT O
Lone MIlountain Cemetery.
Per beyond the city's ton ""t,
* And the thronging pa s' tread,
Stands the beautiful Lone Mountain, }
City of the Dead.
Grandeur sleeps along the hillsides
Beauty in each grassy vale;.)
And the stirring trees chant vepii. .
To the evening gale.
Statesmen with their tasks unended,
Poets with rare so igs unsung,
Little child, and maid, and matron, , .
Love's sweet harp unstrung;
God's true nobles, poor, yet loya Ps
Honored brows from many a
Gently rest where gates of sile t
Shut them out from Time.
,hey have left the sunny vineyard,
nd the classic palm tree's shad4eI
the frod tit. greent savannd,
.'.,d the h: athtr'y g'ae.
-rooked their last on Alpine glaciers,
On their drear, Northic'a snows
And the orient's bowers enchanting,
There to find repose.
The, have braved unnumbered dangers
'rempests of the ragting iainl
Perils of the mountain palsses,
anguors of the plain;
All,,e treacherous minisllie.
* .And the tropic's firsihl breath,
Amid Nature's peatdeful bootuty,
" Thus to learn of Death!
WValls of anaval'ing anguish.
From all climes becs. tnth the sun,
Have gushed forth for th'io' outse ,1iwcllrs,
Though their o , :'. done:
Cheeks have b:'anc. ,I h ciiscirt sorrow
SIveredl heads lut'' touie it with care
Chihlish mirth bcen hushed i) ,veei,m"g
For the sleepers there!
Winter, as in soft ernmplpaeion
For the stran"gers ioiie mauy weep,
Leaves his snows to scatter roses
Where they lie asleep.
Spring and summer light the ve.llhys
WVitih it wviil 'l ruess of ib:olnS;
Every season weaves in i'cSisicg
Garlauds for the toiub.
When tihe morning's ruddy lustre
Breakc aclng the Eastern hills, ;
O'er their graves, like tears of amber,
The rich light distills.
Hour by hour, in dreamy spleindor.
The clear heaven above t.,eu licis,
With the mellow depth and be:auty
Of Italian skies.
Murmurs of thi. blute Pacifi',
Which the vs andering inds h ve caughgt,
VWith it sadde,:r scunntdi thani e lIi et,
Overlean the sptt.
And when tw:light's lucent s end.ore
Flush and pule along the west,
Pilgrims by the Gates of (ilury,
Seem they, taking rest !
[Satn F'rancisco lhulletin.
The Earth Angel.
"Oh I wish she woull mtul... mcither!"
T'ei restless suff'erOr to--sed w.ear:ly
upini his' lpiilov as hlie spik,., and the
colir of the hectic flushed chu , u ks d i.1p
(lied, iand the large blue eyes grew v Illre
brilliant, and the soft voice -li,,ke' as if
between hope and fear.
" Do you think she will 'el .i
"'Tis not time, Edli' : she t's-ver
comes 'till dark, durling," rcli iii, the
mother softly, snoolhi iing hack lic liou'
damp curls from tthe white i' intur leid,
then agtnf resulinig her w',t' k.titct wIrirk,
the pay,'or which wouldh provaii, a rootf
of some kind, howe',i'r iuis.rOihl', to
shelter her and her dyi:n c.iiil: ig.
yes, she knew he was dsyin ,,."llcv. and
surely as his father hi e passue ,i , v
two lung years biefr,:; dying., andi s-,e
would soon be alone--and wiatr ,,utll
life be then ?
"'Don't ery, mothter." iiunn'trod the
boy, gently, reaching out hii. litt tle s"'i.t
ed hand, and wiping the iutars from it h
wan cheeks; "you do not fcei said l -
cause I like to see the sweet lide coinc',
mother ?"
'.No, no, Eddie, not that, dort': ,.She
is our good angel, Edili,', at:- when
you. say your prayers ytu inilst ask
God to bless her tl)o.' c
"I do, mother, O. I ,lt, ,,,ther. Lcst
night,twhen I was so ptitid. a,, .ii lth'iLfght
I was dying, I could cot ',i'rget h:r, ail
1 prayed that tl' gocil 1'atl.-e ' c,,lil : -
ways bless heir, for shl is (so go iiil tlhe
poour; they all call-i4ttl ý ,igel. iitl:,,r;
btlt.isn't it most time fi" her t, e,.,n''
"N'ot till dark, Eddie."
"I wish it was dark nitw-(), I wish it
was dark now, mother, viu say ,whI will
come then. I always ft-el lei.ttlr w, .,
she is here; her had q uiet. the lta il tlust
burns in my forehlit:ad all the l' 1ty I,: ,'
and her sweet vice,', 'tic lik, thi snag r ,
mother, that come-ton ' in my liriI mct'-
don't yeo think v,,ry oe in ll.av(.n
will be like h-rc 1(d have .1it'tt such a
smile as she Icas. and i n't h. a ral
angel, mnithcr? t ('i, '-hce tal[-i s,, kiily
tome," murmurt.i lhe hiy, diritamily:
$so kindly. and foil- -;, c . ,-woct sto
ries, and brings tn'.-ach rit'li cad fiew
ers, and winl', and ji-lices, cctl iln't site
an angel, mother ? and isa't it almost
dark, so that she will come i "
"You're a foolish girl. M1adelitte
what reward do you expect for your
pains? Beautifl], talenterl, weathy and
accoomplished, and wastJig thse gifts
in the dirty lanes and 4his city
instead of being the ce-r 'ba admi
ing circle, the brightc'st staf-in Fas
sion's galaxy. Fie , fie' do
aside this foolish a ' . ,yomir u k"
an end to these visits to 4 'ty*1p bsara
and miserable garrets; spend more of
your money for dress,and less foolishl'.1
)ri've y-our earria. "'-rcegh the nash
ionable'trects istead
of late.'s
their si t
weairy ones
i'assion's tra
uess: jewels
troubiled he 1
and a better 1'
ensure eac lf
of goo i
Mra.y' w1
r ew . tli do
likeise. ,
Judsou T. South Carolina,
was in forme 'udge of the iis
trict Court in No Tlexas, founfof
a joke, but very decidge in his (liscllargo
of duty. Thos. Fi'anidl Smith w:is a
practicing lawyer at tth bar, and hav
ing shianfully iiisstated the law in his
walIr , toss the jury, turned to the Court
and alked the judge to charge the jury
ne'ord'lily. lThe jullgoe was indignant,
and repliedt :
'J)e': the counsel take the Court to
be a f(o((l ." 4
Snith wa'is not ablushed by the reproof,
but iinstantly ro"espollndel :
"I trust vcuir Howi'r will not insist
on an answer to that quletinu, as I
might, iu ani.iwering it, truly be c,)isid
(.red gu'ilty of' c'ontenlmpt of "(';rt."
"Fine the' cionusel teln dollar's, Mr.
Clerl;" said the judge.
Smith ihinnlediately paid ith-' moin)ty,
and reinarked that it was ten dollars
inore tltin tlhe Court could s1tw.
"t"Fine tlth counsel fifty dollars,'"' "I4t
the Judge. "
'lile tilne was entered ily tLe clerik,
anl Simlith, not being ready ti respond
it that Uali, sat doiwn. Th i' xt miorn
ili, oi the opening iof-hme c'ulrt, Srmnith
an it h' dfterence of
la-ner, hga,  2
i," Ia it ,l,esO yor Hloiuor, the clerk
tool th It litthl jok">o' y* 11', stt( cltday ,
ilielt the . d. .  rio n , a's 1 perceive
frlom tihl reading o,," the . linuitt,-. W ill
",out hii r e plaCsed t, iiilorin hilnl
of tie .ierror iand have it .red 0'"
The (',,li' ul s (f ih ti e "ii ( I.est, ind the
i ll 1,ie i:'i,,lo ,,.y, ple:ied the judgie. and
hll. t r iitt.e thi 111(".
.1l l:o \ ill:iutiann. or TI'hreoe-legged
: ille, : . ie -4 s ':f:ltlili'irlv ' I h(d, w as
( 1, ,1 1 ,(" t i. , i ,l l ,l ,,i" ' ( ' '"1"',.'
.lli <:nr,'t, a l w -,,r'" ,, ,1he f
il t sli tt .. a , li il , of iw, .if:hi
' llligi out sa lsiatil. ; u amdi4Ii'. siri.
:Ibl b.o. k,''" da'wing r h ;'llI ; 0t! 1
tl -. . . the lpa,; "j( -lint]l I( t1is
.'VYi, i l' t i s not goaut. sir," ariJi thl
I rI , ( j1t,- ;e: 'o"th, lr~I -r iaii rit
i :,I', I In it ,vo'. r :," 1.(sbranc, ht 1
six--l ...(t r tv heal Il t,, , ( ;r d ,~t' the
citni1`(l , who ,I1,,leI the llitit (11 tie,
t't g iiit(iit ilit] ftrail to l( jiury.
nIi Vti i' 1nth Cr ii e (I . Oini*
I ti ei'h ili~ii ~ t lu+ litii 'Cii it x, r('.
a '. ,, etti on w t a I ti i.i at, I - -ii -ii
e liy tlhl ial ur ,1 il In t. h '. Ir I ,y
athilt Cu' rl i ri . o i il ir'.T , , I .- t ri, , li , i
It ih< 'ltiiion "tilh t I tI . iiiu Ii a l t,$ i .t
be req' irieil t, 4t IC i a it ,n rtl- an wfs
necessary." T'hi. inal wu. hang.
" : ga.t is to be shut dowv:iti
"all ,r i. atOy addre*.et. spee
-i, e,..t CC any sa'srce. awesrd tie
lgn . i -if Wale. s' h-alifax
ele frt , eau~,e the nt has
ception of the Prince, will so di.g:st
the Canadians as to ripen the seeds of
. ,-pin blio.naisi' amonio ii ri;.
Sroecity of the Tlger.
wt k.on "The Wild Sports
tains the following graphic
&een to sleep an hour
woke by a shout from
t one of the troolpers
by a tiger. I leaped
,'and aiizing the large single
rifle, kept loaded with pow
r the purpose, I fired it off in
wa pitch dark : not a bit
p, save one or two
i spot where the trooper
ver which the tigress
o victim. I got my
as rapi4ly a possible, 11eek
sword, fnd seized.one ,i :ny
younger shikarca, Nurso,.
ther. My khidinutgr. or
a tman by nnie Fakir
, my cand,.lesti.k and-shade:
villagers, a inumher of whomt
ained in the village, rushed
with torches into the camp. NIy
e Mangkalce, could not at. first
utfIadar told me in which direc
tigress had gone. 11o had seen
- lo within five paces of the 1a111;
is ~lo he was seeingl tl stentlry
cl)hfi ed. The poor fellow ,vh, wan.
4eizedl waisputting L his h.lt- , ;,ts
on duty. There was at dri raviv ,
without any jungle in it, which r, up
to the camp. The tigress hol :.stli . up
t Nand sprung on the mniu's chest,
se'ing."'m bynthe mouth, and so svs
tematicity clonling it that the pour1 fel
Suld never reply to, his ,Inatme. I
+ho it-Gholam Iloussain K Iun-. -
was lioare;.t pringit g ilit, tilhe
ravipe,I followed-it up rapidly, 1hinki:n.
that the only chance of reiverinlg tl
man wits to, g.t ip to the foot of thei
mountain, smle five hiuidred yards dis
tant, befo re sihe could carry himiil there.
I.heard (ti,, siigh, tu1( fohllowed in thatu
direction. In va'iii. We returinedi. It
was ten l in11utes to twevel\', the ml)oon
just rising-. 'hl'ere yns'a fainit h lo
that the poor fllw I 'd ol r....n ,"! :,pped,
and hlad cliimbetd up a tree., but .vis
afraid to answer. I returned to bed,
but could not sleep.
The tragedy of the night was not to
ibe forgotten so s.ddeinly; and it about
three o'clock in the morning I aghin
heard the hltotin of the large monkeys.
Shortly after I heard an extraotrdinary
noise, which I could not aale, o`tt at
first. I quest ioned the seon  1i re
plied that it was the lttigotr the `mon
keys ado out, the tigressx'.'gr
and hing of the Ioor trt ,i,'s
bones. no use anymnore risking
life in th ark, besides, the tragedy
was most'proba l being finis:.ed ill
the mtgita ere human foot
coul Yen iil the dtay
ti O. 'sttlted. No
e tr .,Thtigr1 s"
d trootper
ac-ross ! c'l y~..tiLe, c
were h orid belt, his furibani,trous
and ot r pts ,t" lifs dr4's iln vc.hl
bush. " . r
1 A s' newvh't .-i 4ulahr whIe, 1,f ;l
p41 'gel inllt il"r has ceºll 14raln ,h to light
I'evw York. Savs the 'i itis:
I. I t 1 111t 3 (th of .1r l .l\, 1 -I.i j: -t 1,nI
i )tr a4g to-, .. -. tih,. I ft1 I. I
lI f~ Ii n d th . , 1, l I ly , I :t ,1 i ; ::1"I
'it 1,1.1 ,.^ .Iu p p,,,.. ,, thlla; t .1,.,".:I-.,I I ,I:h
,1.," frml latlltll a'l--', h1441 It v ..i -
liv,red over t,4 Ii. .A t 1ri, - i.v lII,.
l', r,,en r. (l1 1 ia rl:tvr . l ;', " . .1 , r -
i.1 Vl ' l • I el a 4i -i ;1 1 tal ' ittt t d
i;ri ki t. i h a at ; Il t i ll.r 1 .tI.411 1 11 111 ', l..i,
:am . ;tl'tr 11, I;tIi ,, a 1",,,1441, t11,4 44 ,, y
IcV.l t !.i .. ,I ii i ti,' 1 ... i ;, i iit h i IIt.
I 5',. di- .,v. r, 1 It. . .4 'r t i t di ti
hate t iilli ti a o:i -i l h1ad1 tpr ,mptd.
at the.i n tof ,ivue .1 tI ,e i ita i',' nity
nth dii iNcont-ati ini vibilhf
o1. r,, o,.,14d. S 31,-twit,, Hav W
hlichi they tllir r oJly cleann edud
,nder.t a l,I th.t ith i. tli ite an
hle M rithl to contirrucert it itti ite
aithek f iniquit are , l, t p ,i lf their.
ndat t t arild' - t e i -
Incetltdris)L in MlississiJp)i-Oxtford,
Miss., has recently been the scene of
incendiari-sm, several fires having fol
lowed each other in quick succession.
The Oxford Mercury, of the 25th ult.,
sit vs N
"\Ve mentioued ia day or two since the
destruction of Col. Brown's residence.
On the nig:ht of tile 19,th ult., on effort
was made to fire the new st-munill, on
University street, but. luckily the fire
was discovered, betoro doing imuch
daniaire. The next night the hous of
Mr. Naithan \Vorley. in the smuith part
of the town, ywas destroyed; less about
$1,000-and the same night thet dwell
ing house of Mlr. Wilson was set on
fire, but was speedily extinr'ui-hild.
Th'Ie euliling night, Sunday, a simiiur
.Ikttcml,t was nmade on the dwetllling Itihous
of ilr. liRobert Cook, tut tie lire was
discovered before it did dmtnae.
No clue has as vet been foulnd to tie
perpetrator of those holdl acts of incen
diarismin. Various surmises il] siuspii
c(ions are indulged in by the citizens
hbult, its yet, no detlcfinitle t'r of ttcticii
hasiI lien taken ill the ir'llises. W e
wait, inxiousl)', the fr't ther devet,l,
mcnt of the plt, hoIinfg that tur
citizens imtv le soton relieved of their
fears, Iby tlite tlise(overy an111 lllSn111r.yV
puniilhinent of the villiiIa or villainsi
lengaiged ill it.
The ht,'i"e Trade r!/f 1 \w York.-
A.corrsht indlent of the Now York Post
sends to that joturnal a detailed list of
tighty-five slavers fitted out ait thir
port from Febrluary, 1t59), to July, 1860.
1 ie idds:
Added to the eighty-five abiov slav
ers soinle htalf dozen have gone tihr tight
the .tound, i( and the nefines of which
could not lie obtaitUid. 'IThis is about.
as c'rreet-m list a hei bo got na and
derived 5from thd N ork city pape'rs
an dhe English jour as. Some~ twenty
ves ls have been detained undter sus
iici ~. A great many others lhave
cleared front eiropgQ and South
Ametrican potW: '
kiLn Laguayria.-Laguayra corres
pondgnce of th6 NoWe.. York Journal ,of
Cornm ' says:
Y re ada~ have no dtOubt httitrdI
man   sf the civil wir ill this
unfo try; buit o, t-ftr'tr if
the di Asos and dis;ast'ri are, gi n'
rally own. The rural distrits hav
m,,t awfully slltfhreil in tihe bu,'iin, of
vilhla 's an14 houst,, d.. irying phla tu -
tiou s, amo thei ('tlh -,lo oh'1l u thr:ers,,
ralles id as ,sassillti,ns \want ll ,nly per
lpetrat "d.''
ail ) IA AV C.NJ
Conce Tonbhs and alitm t1he else
4 Eena y.
t¢r[ bJ t , .lPl.,
T hat th t"hoil t iztl lt l i
1(rnIm ission In g ull an , li'ntit,, t.,
I, i'l i s Writin ,, "thil till', ,rilry a ,'
,f ' Iit I' l',i Iryl I I f r t , ri , i I{
Itr f ti e os ovi' elri a l ( ,1 ,i :,,
e . it 'i , I h 'Tr, sin, r- r,'I ijlt
ili.' tell * iiI ' li 'rl 't ,i' (, h ' ,I - I.
wI iti ', t, * ll '.i t, I thou . rni ln I!, .
ita f ,, i t h ht I 'rl -, ,f i li , I
e it vIer Ui ,I-ou / I
It `1:' IVt Ilj ll : FIjii' t I iill' l'' ci- i I;
ti I n s th ,t ti,, ,!,,ll-I, i -. It i . ,
iis tliy ait ul l tli it ting V 1 rJ Iii
to tpa he bulriial Iii
:. f r/t h r t ,/ ,. /1, "'I t I
Ib tll' d itv i1 ll,. t",i Il 1~
l n' .;t ll t hI l Ii i r ' ,1 \Ifi'
h r up withelt ll - ri' t II ,I I 'r..,,ti tll
I. bvb th f r Jr Uni th I l t
ill C i t it iti r jI t i i I i
-4. 1o ,,it u l5 rt ,r i) /,I, ". T .' I
f e o' , ]rVi' it 'lJ t p,. ii
ti 'p n tr '. i +1 t h. r"' " t r, ,.,,
thr ,rl, , nt providc. ...d..
tbi i l lce tr in Orine
this 0rdlinaneeo. tl .,
To Provide for lRccordiug Privileges
and to Regulate 'Tax Nuils.
'u"ttd July 17, 1860.
Be it Orda'i'red by! the Jliayor and
Cun,,cil of the City of C(rrollton, That
it is the dluty of the Attorney of this
city anld he is hereby directed, in accor
dtianc with Section 17 of the Act to
lincorporate the City of Carrollton, to
caiuso to be recorded in the Mortgage
Ollice of the Parish of Jefferson, afl
tax bills which remnain unpaid at the end
of the' delay of 20 days, for answerlsg
as ti'xdc by section 1(1 of said act; and
to" t ,it crtlh alitid for that purpose, it is
herc)by tilndo his duty to prepare a list
shlowing the IIullln'S of the debtors, the
iottnit dilt. by ctl'h, the year for whloh
it. is due and tlhe d ccription of the pro
Iterty, its ftulndt oIn hlit bill, on which the
tax is due; which list smhall be made and
siglned by himi.I forthwith after the expi
i'ratti otf raid delty of 2' days and filed
with the' l''(rtlcrr in the least possible
(diel, to ibe entereid on1 his Books ao
corl'ing to li1w. The Attorney shal,
take J1 udlig nt'lls by default against allk
I)r'l'sot who % iViv ' hint uanswerod and then
sta.y law lr..-evtldings, ion all unanswered
tax suits until further orders 'of the
('tlltm ,il. Ini1 ll Lnswered suits he shall
lIric'.''d nl(cordrl illg to h lw.
c it./'trther Ordi,:,ed, That all bills
for pilVht g or other work done on the
str-eetl.s anIii sidtwallk alld forl which the
froit owelltr's litre lianble ac icordin to law
iind a1ll bills ifor work lawfully done
Oil pr'i\tlate itl'rcirty llInd for which the
onv,'tltr is lil lh, h.thall be recorded in the
Mltrtgtg"e )Ul;ice Iby the Collector pre
\'ioll. to being ut in the hluIdii Of the
Attoriiney for suit.
Concernlning thne Police of lila Parish of
.JIeliferon.-L.ft JBink.
l'lntsttld July tLh, 1860.
Be it Ordtin'ed, etc., T'iitt all white
Ialttle 'Cide!iits o(,f thel Left. alnllk of the
I'riti-lh, tIiove tht e Ihc t of twenty-ono
tilli under the it l t o forty-five years,
sh11ll be stub llit 11 pltrl duty when
ordtered l,)y thel P'olic( (Conlnittoo, and
litiitd biy tilt ) Syn dit , xct't. it.n case
of 111 k til ssl or for :i (llt l othil r i)lausiblo
clnlii li tit' I tt)tiu tiii I lir~ l)(',rone callCed
I Io I to performi luttrot duty shall be
1)i irtitt d to pitiut ( other t rsonllti in his
Tiltat the lioh.i t ..ury ahill ut ullly
at thenir fir; A i i t leeLtilg t; rect A
i li;i I Ihl- e I, ie undel r the sup'll vision
, ini ii his rd lers ull I I'reclins (ich
wee!. irio the '.o tlio, l'ior (itee, andI.
rll, i t week!y rl i't io said Com.
M ille('.
'1'1,I ' I1li i', Ihall i usist of( two good
ull Ir Iw s11 ft y snc it s.nit.ry of fifty
dIllrs (:T.1 5) tr,, iOnlilh all h,. wlhose
it l y it s.tiitll lt e I liiatol lvt'(,riy lnight
from.II X11) I llil b ) 1(Iiil' s , rr , tlh , publio
llit ud o lr 111cth i ftl s l tl, .lic j rie ditior.
ltof the, rl',i, t,.. r. le u, o ltd Iy e o irdered
y. tul,,i 4' I',e rnrnitr to. Ju. syndic.
l11 ,lt , of . (l alljo nrity 4 t to J .o
•!ri'ti!v .-'i''1 'i. A l
Thit ),atr l ).hall ha cnsist of riot 105l
tinlel !fl'tes nr '- i l' l s, 1)t1r1 ( 1 1- u:, allu
ilar 1 i1,: i"- rt 1,r i ii Icct'rdingl r
hAll rdsnanc Onctn0 rul palyo
wbieb are ang ,"4e" thi ordinaaq
\or in l noinl witr4 i arie ro b Plled
Il ~ .o lye inl < ",-e 1f li -i iy or to ill
i f itll,' I, lit ..  1),. I ,rilit salf"'ty re -
'I l ' I. i,,i, ,. ,r pl i, r , h l> :,11 Arrest all
1 ' ,, ) I " l t Ii 'r I i. "II- wthits 1,r free
,, r) : 'l, ' , " ::I, , . :V IIl firin g
, 11; , ,. I , ,, ',". . t,, r t , t till
;( I rI " it I' ,: ! it II 11 1, i " .,.1 'r: "r. " % e r
I , ,, : , ,,' 11 :, . . ) t h ,i t ', li mi t; ' if ei', s
" ri .11,, 1 -I. i l I, 'l it'. d Y i r tli "
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