OCR Interpretation

The Banner-Democrat. [volume] (Lake Providence, East Carroll Parish, La.) 1892-current, August 13, 1892, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064237/1892-08-13/ed-1/seq-1/

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.- - - - : i '
be IBaLnlerflAArIT, .
v been doing woman's work for at least a
week, or more;
And I'll own it isn't aything like fun,
For when you try to think that your labor's
nearly o'er,
You will often fnd you've only just begun.
There Is boiling and there abkng;
is sweeping sa4 bed-making;
tou and other things not understood
-" such a novice as I,
And so I won't deny
tI would not be a woman if I could.
Thiss khew it came about: My wife was taken
no Nhe se to be had, so, like a dunce,
d t lad, but I found out very
I oolk'a't think of everythingt at one
The Are was slowly dying,
Wk a I put t e -frying,
the at was m havoc with the bread
I had paeiar tasting,
u the s t was rosuting
Wa s plaything  pe lag, upon the bed.
When I went to wash the dishes, I found the
The spoot ns melted ef, aad on the floor
It lay a perfect wreck, that awoke a pensive
As I thenght upon the happy daye of ora.
I reflected on the bsh
Of domestic scenes like this,
And I couldn't hit on any other plan.
It might be called bewitching,
But the work done in a kitabhe,
Is not within the scope of common man.
So I'd like to mention this to every friend and
That woman's work is never overdrawn:
y respect is something greater for the house
wife's dlily labor
Bince the trials I have lately undergone.
Their woes are not misstated.
For I've been Inttiated,
And rm bound to help them every time I can.
There's a recompense In doing
What alone is worth pursuing,
And woman's loving labor Is a blesslng nato
--Gs. W. Shipman, in Housekeeper.
A Scorloe That Brought Its Own
S"What amuses you, Shirley?" asked
the head bookkeeper, as he looked up
from his big ledger and saw a smile on
the boy's face opposite.
"I-I just landed a five-pound bass,"
said Shirley, laughing and blushing a
"Um ab! Did it pull very hard?"'
"Fearful!" said Shirley.
All through the year ShirleyHBolmes
had been saving the money for his trip.
He was assistant bookkeeper for Brown
Bros. & Bridges' wholesale house on
West Pearl street, where he had been
since graduating from the commercial
college, two years before.
Shirley was an orphan. The small
means left him by his parents had been
exhausted before his education had
been completed, so that his first year's
savings had been used to repay money
advanced him by an uncle to complete
his course.
His savings, this year, he was invest
ing in building stock, wlth the excep
tion of one dollar weekly, which he put
aside for no other purpose than a trip
to the bas streams of the Alleghanies.
He was very fond of fishing, and had
been reckoned an expert as a boy. He
had not taken a day of since he left
school, and be felt that a holiday was
his due.
All through the dark winter days, as
be pondered over the long rows of fg
urea, he paused now and then to muse
for a moment of green mountains,
blue skies, clear, rushing w ater, and to
feel ina magination the tug and swish
of the trout line and the rapid click
of the running reel Then his eyes
would sparkle for a moment and he
was no longer in the dim and dusty lit
tI office.
But only for a moment, for the long
cotumns of figures were waiting, and
Shirley had a feeling of friendliness for
them, knowing that it was through their
mute assistance that-his dream would
be realized.
All through the spring and early sum
mer he pondered over the big books
and thought of the cool mountana He
had asked for his vacation in August,
and his request had been granted. He
had calculated that the Lfty-two dol
lars would pay his expenses He had
agured it out over and ov-er, and he
knew the items by heart.
There were excursion rates to the
mountains, and his round-trip ticket
would cost him twelve dollars. Then
't ri was his board at a farmhouse,
She calculated at twenty dollars,
could get a good rod, real and line
-'ten dollars, and for general items he
allowed as mooh more.
"I think that will cover everything,"
he said to himself. "I shall begin toget
things together to-morrow, and in a
will be oa the way."
t, as they losed the books,
you been to see 1ler
."But I
alledA pewak a, and
Eents4 Hsrrls had been their ship
pt ek . le was a tender-bearted,
csBe-t- edi fellow, whom Shirley had
elvqe liked for his out-apekea, friend
)y wa. He was not very strong, how
eE-- oudt ous day during the winter had
eatastu d a evere cold, terminatingin
pusirnis. This attack he had over'
oe, bet t had left him very weak
sod with a disagreeable cough.
NIt atother, a widow with a
peda , had wfound it had iat
tr. without her s ca i'!
th-gh eereit-'s
usly eassmed htt blls,
while emplieoe, froa~ tlmesa,
sent or carried sak books and de -
cies as he eoMu eja.
Ubirey had visited Evpett very resa
larly until the lest faew weeks, dring
whieb time the prospects sad pspar
*1os for hl outi·g had esu~ibl his
evenings algst to the Qtwateso of
everything else, and what withreeding
mpa the dieteant stresmes and ahte
-pewats, be bed forgoeten poor Her
ett atkmat gptirels. Yes he weold
After supper, Shirley went to the
market and filled a basket with fresh,
ripe fruit; then he hurried off to atone
for his neglect.
"Poor Everett." he thought, "sick
and cooped up in the city, while I am
going off for a month in the mountains,
and here I forgot all about him. How
selfish people are, anyway!"
By and by, he climbed three flightsof
stairs to a close little fiat where Mrs.
Harris and her son lived. Yes, it wae
bad there for a sick man, Shirley
thought-bad enough for a well one
this hot weather, there was no doubt of
it-and once more he thought of the
cool mountains and of the dashing river
where he.was going.
Everett was overjoyed to see him,
aend the tender-hearted fellow choked a
little as he thanked him for the fruit.
Shirley sat down by him ernd felt re
morseful. They talked of matters at
the store, and the spirits of both rose
as Shirley told some amusing things
that had happened lately.
"You know young Bridges is doing
your work," he said, laughing.
"Yes, you told me," replied Everett,
with a little sigh.
"Well, he doesn't like it very well,
but his father wouldn't get anybody in
your place. He said Charlie could just
as well do Kt ill you came back. He
had lots of trouble at first, but gets
along pretty well now. He's not a bad
fellow, either, but an awful dandy
wears a silk hat and patent leathers-"
"Yes, I know; and I recollect once he
fell down in the mud and came into the
office nearly crying."
"Yes-wepl-and you know big
Roger. the drayman?" -
"Oh, yes; Roger has been to see me
twice. The last time he brought me a
sausage over a foot long. His wife
made it, and thought it would do me
Shirley laughed at the idea of saus
ages for sick diet till the tears came.
"I suppose you ate the sausage," he
said, at last.
"No, I'm keeping it for next winter."
"But I was going to tell you about
Charlie Bridges," said Shirley. "The
other evening Roger was waiting for him
to make out some shipping receipts,
and went over in the corner where
it's rather dark, you know, to sit down
on the stool there. Well, just as he
plumped himself down, he felt some
thing pop and squash under him, and
jaumped up like he was shot. It was
Charlie's silk hat. Everybody laughed
except Roger and Charlie Roger was
awful sorry, and offered to pay for it,
while Charlie shed tears but refused
the money. The boys liked him the
better for that, and be and Roger are
as good friends as ever."
Everett laughed so heartily that he
began coughing in a way that cut Shir
ley to the heart. His mother brought
him some water, and, when his cough
was quieted, Shirley had grown grave
and silent.
"What is the doetor doing for you?"
he asked, after a long pause.
"Not much, now," said Everett, a
little sadly. "He says I need fresh air,
most, and that, if I could get strength,
my cough would stop."
Shirley continued to look grave and
offered no reply.
"I must try and get back to work by
September," continued Everett. "Just
think-I have lost eight whole months.
It is terrible!" And tears stood in the
poor fellow's eyes.
"Where would you go for an outing,
old man?" asked Shirley, after a pause.
"Oh, I don't know! I haven't con
sidered it. Almost say place in the
country where I could get away from
this smoke and have fresh air. Yes,
there is a place," he added. "It's
where we used to live before we came
to the city," and he glanced quickly at
his mother, who bent low over her
sewing and did not seem to be l ten
ing. "I should like to go there," he
continued. "It is about fifty miles
north of here, and there are nice woods
and a little stream where I used to
catch perch and chub. I should like to
go there again and fish. I know people
there, too, and I don't believe it would
cost more than fifteen dollars a month
for board." And the sick man's eyes
shone at the thought of his old village
and the stream with its perch and chub.
An hour before, Shirley would have
laughed scornfully at such sport, but
he did not laugh now. Pretty soon be
said good-night to Everett and his
mother, and walked home under the
street lamps, thinking.
That night, when he got to his room,
he made a new calculation. It ran as
Three rousn-trip tickets to Pokevrll..... 6 00
oard for thre e omonth ................4 a
laltelts and hooks for perch std chub. . I 00
T otal ........... . . .... ...-- - - . . ..* ........ 1e
Then be wrote a little note which he
sealed, stamped and dropped into the
mrail bo on the corner. It said:
"Das Evivnrr:
"I am pgag to trake s vaeatloas in August,
and, aS I ilwm want eampsr, lirnvite youe to go
wtL e-alseo r meoater, totake oareet d a
I have bese seving theI mosey for a year, sa
halve enaugh for aiometh's trip or all. Yoe
aes prepare to start aext week- I will omoe au
toorow nlght sad we enas alk It over.
astily. Smm-ar."
Shirley Holmes ever spent a happier
month in his life than that whleh he
spent with Everett ad his mother at
Pokeville. Everett seemed to get bet
ter from the airst day, anrod before the
month was over was thoroughly him
self again.
Mr.. Harris visited with bha old
friends, while the yrag men spent
whole days in the woods, ometimes
Ashing, ometima jet lying beneath
the bIg t~e
When hey retued to the t the
bot duty weatherwas over, sad they
Swent back to work brmsed sad Itbsra
rod such fast friends that th~ are
called now "the lsePr e-"arles Next
year they ar gong to the muntaina
together,--Albert Bigelw ie, it
GolQea Dys
-An Engcuisan at <boteI in New
.York sked If t re were a oytrs
inthehoWL "ean- *u,
wer. fl o the restaurant
We dms'tbeep o the o&la." "I
thidk yoE me," aId Mr.
John 3.11, eeJr& h imug. n k'ohwa,
den't , p hw, a 3*-' bhelcvb
marter calil Rh tbbhi.alq
He Meant Well. But the World Misauder
stood Him.
A VWest Chicago man a few evenings
ago read an article in a newspaper set
ting forth the fact that it is the duty of
every person to make it lively and
pleasant for those about him. The fol
lowing morning he decided to do what
he could during the day to make every
body lively and cheerful He heard the
hired girl coming down stairs, and he
thought he would hide behind the
kitchen door and give her a pleasant
little surprise. The girl was hardly
awake, and failed to see the pleasantry
of the joke until after her strong right
hand had planted a slap on his cheek
that almost loosened his teeth.
He was quite sure his wife was not
yet awake, but instead of grufliv call
ing her, as he sometimes did, he decided
that her awakening from happy dreams
to stern realities should be rendered as
pleasant as possible. When he reached
her room she was sleeping soundly. He
thought it would be fun to take a hair
brush that was lying on the dresser and
tickle her cheek till she awoke. When
she opened her eyes she did it with a
suddenness that surprised him. At the
same instant she threw her arms up
with such force that the brush was
driven through the mirror of the dres
ser. Still he reasoned that these were
only accidents that were likely to oc
cur to anyone. After breakfast he
went to the station to catch a train for
the city. It was raining. He saw
Jones stand his dripping umbrella in a
corner while he tied his shoe that had
come unfastened. It would be a good
joke to take his umbrella just for a
minute. When the man, who turned
out to be not Jones but a stranger re
sembling him, had tied his shoe he
reached for his umbrella, but it was
not there. He had just located it in
the gentleman's hand when the latter
"I beg your pardon. I really mistook
you for another man. It's all a mis
take, I assure you."
"Oh, I understand," said the stranger
as he recovered his property. "Mis
takes concerning the identity of um
brellas occur frequently on a rainy
day." And everybody felt sorry for a
man who was caught stealing an um
Throughout the day the man who de
sired to make it pleasant for everybody
met with several minor repulses, but
he did not despair. On his way home
in the evening, when the shadows were
gathering, he saw his neighbor walking
just in advance of him. It occurred to
him that he would slip up behind his
neighbor, and putting his hands over
his eyes, make him guess who it was.
That very morning his neighbor had
read about some one being held up and
robbed the night before at that very
same place.
The joke proved to be a deplorable
failure. The joker no sooner attempt
ed to put hands over the neighbor's
eyes than he was knocked down by the
latter, who held his face hard against
the pavement while he called for the
police. Iater on matters were ex
plained and the joker returned home
with a disfigured face and a determina
tion to let this sorry old world amuse
itself henceforth.--Chicago Times.
The Tobseeo Flead Was Shown in His True
As the train stopped at a small sta
tion in Kentucky it was discovered that
a switch engine had run off the track
just beyond and a wrecking crew were
atwork getting her off. The conductor
said he would be detained half an hour,
and many of us went up to see the
wreckers at work. There was a crowd
of fifty around the spot when a fat,
good-natured looking man who had a
mouth big enough to take in half a
pumpkin pie, came sauntering up and
bowed and smiled to everybody. He
was just getting ready to say some
thing when a little skinny man with a
piping voice, cried out at him:
"Don't yo' do it, Sile Davis-don't yo'
do it! If yo' do I'll give yo' dead away."
The good-natured man fell back at
this, and I saw him wink and motion to
the skinny man to draw aside for a con
"I don't want no track with yo', Sile
Davis," was the reply. "I told yo' last
week Id do it, and so I will; yo' jest
keep shet"
The langage aroused our curiosity,
as a matter of course, and we were
anxious for the explanation when it
came. The fat man walked around for
a minute or two, and when he thought
the other was not looking he slipped up
to one of our erowd and soiftly re
"Stranger, would yo' mind lendin'
me a chaw of plug tobacker far a day
or two, till I can git twenty-seven dol
lar s as is owin' me on a jobT'
"Here yo'!" shoauted the skinny man,
who had kept an eye open all the time,
"I warned yo' rI'd do it and now I will!
Gentlemen, I want to tell you' abouat
this critter. He chaws mo' tobaeker
than any io' men in Kentucky and he
begs every bit of it!"
"I only borrows it," protested the
"Only borrows it! And never payst
GenOtlemssa, look at this memerandum
book. Hem's his aseonnt all put down
esad itggered up to date. He began
borrowin' ehaws of me on the th of
May, 1s0, and in the fifteen y'ars has
borrowed jest exactly fifty-four uo
sand and two wsa ad sevemr paid one
of'em beek. Don't no man in thits 'ersz
ereaowd pall oat no plg far any sich
crtter to bite on."
"I don't want none-I'm -chawin' on
asesaras," replied the fat man as he
tried to bree up under the shock, but
he didn't hold his nerve) over a minafute,
sad went of to hide hfrmelf behaind a
freight ar.-Detroit Free Prem
--Ittle Besle's doll had loeteaeys,
its tae was oracked, one arm was gone
sad most of its internal sawdnast had
eparted. She plaed it in a sitting
psture on the oor in the corner of her
play-homse, eamined its forlorn and
shreaken Iges with ertieal eye, sad
a•d, ,egretfvly, yet decidedly: "Yo
anstky in the family If yo wnt to,
Dolly; biut astar this L' only gtg to
baa 4%umSthW baj'nS
Direetions For Which Some Weary Worme
Will Be Very G(l1s
A good way to clean paint, and one
which preserves as well as cleanses it,
is to put half a pound of glue into an
old pot, pour about a quart of cold wa
ter over it, and set it on the stove,
where it will dissolve slowly. A little
of this glue water should be added to
each pail or basinful, of fresh water
used. With a fine woolen cloth (old
flannel shirting is capital) wash about
a yard of the paint at a time with onl;y
this water and nothing else, then wring
the cloth out of the water as hard as
possible, and dry the paint with it. Of
course it will not be quite dry, but that
does not matter as long as no drops of
the dirty water are left. Do notgoover
too much at a time. Any particularly
dirty bit of molding may be safely
scrnubbed with an old nail brush with
out detriment to the paint if this water
only is used, This glue water also
cleans waxcloth and the varnished walls
of passages nicely, the glue acting as a
kind of soap, and removing all dirt im
The best way to clean mirrors, or any
glass, such as that in picture frames, is
to wash them lightly with a sponge and
clean water, then with another sponge
rub them over with spirits of wine.
After this dab them lightly with some
whiting tied up in a muslin bag, and
finish with an old silk handkerchief,
This sounds troublesome, but in reality
is very quickly done, and does not entail
half the labor in polishing that chamois
leather and water do, besides keeping
the glass bright !or a .nuch longer time.
A quart of spirits of wine will last long.
China which has been lying aside and
has got smoked can be cleansed by rub
bing salt on it when washing it.
This will effectually remove the smoke
stain without hurting either the colors
or the glaze.
An old-fashioned but capital way of
cleaning carpets is to use oxgall in the
proportion of about one part of gall to
three parts of water, rubbing the car
pet over with a cloth dipped in this,
taking care not to wet the carpet more
than is absolutely necessary. This will
both remove stains and revive the col
ors. But as the smell of the gall is
atrocious and not to be got rid of for
twenty-four hours at least, even with
windows wide open, the process should
be carried on in an attic, or outside on
a plot of grass, where no inconveniences
need arise from the odor.
The covers of albums and other draw
ing room books soon become worn and
faded if much used; but if the bindings
are of leather they can easily be re
vived by the following process: Wash
the leather as lightly as possible with
water in which the smallest morsel of
soda has been dissolved, in order to
free it from grease. Then wash with
clean water to remove the soda, and let
it dry. Now dissolve a bit of gum
arabic about thesize of the little finger
nail in a teaspoonful of water, and beat
this up with about the same quantity
of white of egg with no speck of yolk
in it. With a bit of sponge wash the
leather lightly over with this glair, and
let it dry. Should the glair, however,
froth up on the leather, as it will very
likely do if there is much tooled work
on the book, dab it with the palm of the
hand, or with the sponge squeezed as
dry as possible, till removed.-Chicago
The Amusing Antles of a Cagefull of song.
Three tiers of brilliantly colored lit
tle birds was one of the many pretty
sights I often saw in the bird-market
in Paris. To lighten his burden, the
owner of these pretty songsters had
placed a great many of them in one
cage. The cage had but a single
perch--a long one, to be sure, yet at
best it could hold only one third of the
birds. - As you may suppose, all places
on this perch were always in great de
mand, and usually its whole length was
fully occupied by the tiny warblers,
crowded together in jolly companion
ship Flying about the cage in all
directions were those not fortunate
enough to secure "seats," and their
antics in endeavoring to find a resting
place were very pretty and clever.
Alighting on the seated ones, they
would wedge their tiny feet between
two of them in an attempt to reach the
perch; and sometimes they succeeded;
but more often a second tier of birds
was started by the new comers coolly
getting upon the backs of the first. A
slight disturbanee of the cater of
gravity, however, and all would come
tumbling down. Then there would be
a grreat commotion anda perfect medley
of color, as the birds rushed again, poll
mel, for the coveted places. Presently
quiet would be restored, and the tweo
tiers of birds again suceaesfully com
But there were still others flying
about or hopping around on the bottom
of the eage, who also expected to get
resting-places To perch on top of the
second tier was indeed a very pretty and
a very difficult performance, as there
was considerable wobbling in the lower
tiers, even at the lightest toueach of .
averiag bird. Finally, with dainty
wings and feet oatstretehed in slow de
scent, a bright little acrobat weaold
start the third tier. But alas! the next
bird might prove a caeleasslittle fellow,
and would upet them all
However, in spite of accidents and
careleasness, the third tier was often
finished, and sometimes it lasted even
several minutes before it was demol
ished But when the pyramid was com
pieted, usually some hungry little shap
in the srat stry,spying a dainty morsel
lying o the bottom of the eage, waould
withdraw his support, to the disaster
and oofashm of the arowd.
Thus it went c, all day leag--lnoee
sant change of ploe and form and col
or. Happily thrungh it all the I~ittle
saerobats wm as merry as birds could
be, pearing oat their alquid masit into
the golden aeushime, joyously twisting
and shaki their bright little nds
The grai4 aus of old Noee Dan
eathedral, eoe. by,wasmot so cbrns
la than that of t ttmats ptty
ehoir *sining nder the bheheapiwtMo
of *eofr JUdiyer1,w-M1iib Jupmtllb
-Of all menagerie stock the monkey
tribe is the most precarious. The oom
parative comfort of a roof tree does not
compensate for the activity of their
natural :-ie, and, considering that they
feed on fresh fruits in their primeval
forests, it is not amazing that after a
time an unlimited dietary of hazel nuts
and stale buns is apt to disagree with
the quadrumanal digestion.
-A good story is told of the encounter
which Miss Lucinda Q. Gore, a school
teacher at Lackharabad, India, had
with a tiger. Turning from the black
board, she was confronted by a Royal
Bengal at the open school room door.
With woman's wit, she jammed the
brush end of a broom into his eyes, and
when he drew baok with a growl of
pain, slammed the door in his face. Help
came before the man-eater could gain
ingress elsewhere, and the brave wom
an and her pupils were rescued.
-The French government has con
sented that plaster casts be made for
the world's fair of the numerous art
treasures in the Trocadero, Paris. The
exposition authorities will bear the ex
pense, which will be something above
$25,000. The collection will be a very
fine one and will occupy a conspicuous
place in the fine arts building. After
the fair the collection will be placed in
the projected Chicago museum, where,
it is believed, it will prove of great
benefit to American artists and of much
interest to visitors.
-A reason given for the use of the
third as the ring finger by some author
ities is that in the early Christian mar
riage ceremonies the bridegroom, tak
ing the ring put it first on the bride's
thumb and then successively on thefirst
and second fingers, pronouncing in each
case the name of one person of the
Trinity immediately after the words:
"With this ring I thee wed"-namely,
in the name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Ghost, until, with
the final "Amen." the third Anger was
reached, and there the wedding was
suffered to remain. -
-Dr. V. McGillieuddy, who, as col
onel on the staff of the governor of
South Dakota during the recent Indian
war, issued ammunition to the state
volunteers, estimates that it took eight
hundred pounds of lead to kill the two
Indians who fell victims to the prowess
of the state troops Dr. McGillicuddy,
also issued three hundred guns to set
tiers for their self-protection, and when
it became his duty to collect these arms
after peace was assured he found them
scattered all over the west It was the
doctor who stopped a ghost-dance
among the Sioux by ungraciously kick
ing old Red Cloud when the chief ques
tioned his authority.
-Dwellings increased in number
more rapidly than populatioh in the
last decade, according to the enasus re
turns, and there were only 5.4 personas
to an occupied building or house in
1890, where in 1888 there were 5.6 per
sons. There has also been a decrease
of the number of persons to a family
from 5.04 in 1880 to 4.94 in 1890. The
number of dwellings in 1800 was 11,
488,818 for the United States and the
number of families 12,600,152-leaving
an excess of 1,906,884 families over
dwellings, or 10.5 per cent., which is
less than in 1880, when there Was over
11 per cent. more families than dwell
ings--Springfield Republican.
The Meek Little Mas's Rebke Was Eseet
ve If Somewhat Goeandlequest.
He was such a weak and humble lit
tle man that when he came Into the
grocery store to make a complaint the
clerk was dasposed to be haughty and
"May I inquire," he said, in a still,
small voice, "if any gentleman here
sold my wife some butter yesterday?"
"I guess I am the man," responded a
big, brawny fellow, with an inch or
two more chin on him than a clerk usu
ally has need of in his business.
"Oh, excuse me," exclaimed the cus
tomer, shrinkingly, "I meant no offense.
The butter is all right, but I wanted to
say that three colors of hair in one roll
issomewhat incongrauous. And I thought
I might add also a request that if you
could send up a brush and comb with
the next sale we would be ever so much
obliged. Of course it was an oversight
on your part, and I am not complain
ing, you understand-not complaining,
merely suggesting."
The clerk's face was a study.
"And," went on the little man, "I
don't think it is quite fair to pat tacks
at fifteen cents a pound in butter at
forty cents, unless yoa make a discount
for difference in weight and price, or
throw in a clawhammer so we can draw
the tacks upon patting the batter oan
the table."
The clerk was gasping and the little
man was going right along.
"Beferring again to the hair men
tioned previously," he said, "permit me
to say that I find no halt beeseaof its
quantity or its length. The ineongrma
ity of color was the only objection. In
the old times we read that Sasmpsoa
had long hair ad a grestdmal ot,
ad your batter In thMt respet has
rights my entire family Is bond to rs
not sendl kp in a eage."
By this time the elerk had fallea up
against the eonater, bet the little man
paid no head.
"I might p0ssibly," he eostnmaed,
mildly and weekly, "toech apon its
age, but I have some reason to Ispeet
that this better is made from milk,
that the milk em from a cow and
thaMt a cow is a female, ad I have beean
taught reem my yeath up to abstasm
from any and all mueuames to age l
relation to female kbld,either rmotely
or comatigmously. Thea e I shall not
animadvert apon tha umbjeat, ept
to remark, inedentAlly that the phMrase,
'feeble old age,' does not latne reumot
est degree app~lyo this eas. I wish
you'd sd up to the bes ae poud of
sods, four bars of soe#p pa sekage
stare, a bushel of apple sad twety.
ave poads ofet sugsar. My wife aski
re to lave the .4er ad shd esa
abe'd evme aond beam and a sd
about the buatsr. endsin g.' and
ite I.ta walbed m 4qqr
-To check erysipelas, paint the int
flamed part with white lead frequeitlyl
painting with iodine (the sta snlscan i
be procured) has about the same efeet.
-It is the most beggarly economy to
lay a carpet on any floor without puat
ting papers under it No earpet will e
stand the hard wear which comes apeaI
it when it is put directly on the floor.
Besides it softens the tread and reanders
It more agreeable to walk upoln.
-BoUed Halibut.-Put a thick slier r
of halfbut meured in a eloth into boil t
ing water to whih a quarter of a tes c
spoon of salt and some juice of a lemon
have been added.-After cooking thirty I
minutes (two pounds) remove the skin I
and serve with egg sauce.-N. Y. I
World. I
-The cents e, or "thousand-legged 1
worm," found about the house in somn
places in damp localities, is an entirely r
diferent creature from the southern c
centipede of the same name. It is harm
less, though very disagreeble. It does
not infest any building in any large t
quantities--N. Y. Tribunp.
-Breakfast Dried Beet-C-t or parse
the meat very thin, and freshen by I
placing in hot water for a few minutes. C
Pour off the water. Place in a-pan o I
skillet a lump of butter, and as soon as I
it is heated put the dried beef into it,
adding five or six eggs immediately.
Stir all up together, like scrambled
eggs, and turn out on a hot platter.
Detroit Free Press.
-Rice With Apples-Peel six or eight
large, tart apples and. scoop out the
cores. Make a srup of sugar' and wa
ter, with a little lemon peel Pour over
the apples, cover and bake until done
without breaking. Place the apple on
a plate, fill the cavities with boiled rice
and pour over them the sirup in which
they were cooked. Serve with cream,
and sugar if not sweet enough.-Ohio
-Waterproof Paper.--Common paper
may be converted into a substance re
sembling parchment by means of sul
phuric acid. The acid should be of an
exact strength, and mixed with half its
weight of water. A sheet of paper
placed in this solution becomes hard,
tough and fibrous, yet its weight is not
increased and it is far better for write
ing purposes than animal parchment.
Ladies' Home Journal.
-Lady Abbes Sandwiches.-One
pound and three ounces of almonds,
quarter of a pound of butter, two
ounces of loaf sugar, mixed with a lit
tle rosewater until it becomes a thick
paste. Spread it on a buttered tin,
bake in a slow oven; when done let it
get cold, then spread a layer of crushed
and sweetened strawberries between
two layers of the paste, and cut in
stripes with a very sharp knife.-House
-The etiquette of French dinners is
more formal than that of American. In
Paris, which is all France, one must
never betray any admiration of any of
fects evolved during the dinner, gastro
nomic or decorative, much less speak of
them. In New York, which by the
same token is all America, it s rather
remiss not to expressmnsome metusive
way, one's pleasure of taste or sight.
"What a charming arrangement of
flowers!" "This salad is something to
remember!" and others like these, are
phrases which no New York hostess
thinks of resenting, indeed, rather
hopes for. Many French dinner notiomn
are, however, eepled hers, notably that
of serving unbrokes dishes.-N. Y.
Dainty Articles fur en Parler sd Diaing
Long silver oastinga forks with
twisted silver handles are in use.
Oblong boxes for aatches have base
like those of silver eandleeteks .
Small silver card trays have perfor
ated bottoms as. uA as perforated
Perforated borders and broken edgfi
theone or the other, finish all salb*
Ring holders are made like small sil
ver eandlesticks except that.lmy  taper
toward the top
smelling-salts bottles, half craYtal
and half metal tips, gold or silver, are
shaped like cartridges
Glass bottles covered with perforated
silver are so coanmmon- thnat itis ias
pected all are not sterlig dlver.
Perfume atomisqr, the rubber n '
ered with silver nettgag and the glass
with perforated silver, are seen in great
Asparagus tongs snd broad bsed
servers have been Iought out la nu.s
bets. The preferenesm s equaniy dl
vided besweenthema
Cirenur thermo.uers of ivory sa
Its mitations boad in perforated ors
ments of rlver have the cenatal spaes
used as a lender.
Parasol stiks are sold by jewelers
They are chley~roartur rl wood., baIm
boo sticks preillg,aad sm daintly
fnished with erystal, white amber,
pink ad eolwed quarts.
Oblong slver troys have a mal sil
ver endliestl with ip poised om an
elastcL string of s reti g from one
end of the tray sea rrr odver it.
The sealingrau usad obthe haplements
Is on te tray.
hwelers get sml bipque fgures,
sech as Cpids, with egs sad birds,
and us these for tlyi rngs. The
rings are hunr o t arm sad toes of
Mte Cupid. T5 boy leeks very cunning
sad Is sue toMttrat Rtatetion.
The new comrilnat OflMIe and l
vr is the most pragtft inadiation in
leather goods. The leatheg is an in
tease turquotme blue and is ade up
into every variety of nly montied
ehauge pouches, esnsdrs and writing
p-d These are in rnamsental
ornaments trgh whisH the blns
leatheris sees. Othe deviees are put
isiaserted, most eateanit is alb s ka
at slver, and lst*1ei7 1ad grpoup ao
horseshoes. The fachkies e earwying
out Me saless. teis tulleie brlnrg
Intao thes~Qajbtt'Bt * gt.ssth
-A Georgia man has in his possesasion
a palm oil lamp made in Madrid, Spain,
in 1004. It was dog up in the woods
some time ago and is supposed to have
been lost by Ponce de Leon.
-An English manufacturer, while
examining We texture and quality of
some banee found on a mummy,
was astonished to find that the-rrmage
ment of the threads was exactly like
that which he had patented a fae
months before. which he had supposed
to be an independent invention of his
-A resident of Fitchbrg, Mass, is
in luck and in trouble at the same time.
He is wanted to receive $10,SOO left him
by will for stopping a pair of taunway
horses and saving a young woman's life.
The reason he can't be found is that he
disappeared last fall to eseape a judg
ment of $1,000 given against him in
-The Hindoo prince soon to visit En
gland, the Gaikwar of Baroda, is one of
the most progressive rulers in Hindes
tmn. He does not want costly buildings
merely for show, but spends his money
preferably on schools, railroads and
drainage. His pemonal character is
good and he is philathropic in his
--Congressman Tillman, of South
Carolina, is said to be the most vigor
ous man for his age in Washington.
He is now sixty-six, and his beard and
bair are white, but he is as straight as
an arrow and has asonstitutionat iron.
Like Hannibal Hamla, he rarely Wear
an overcoat, and once said to a friend
that such garments were for women
and invalids.
-An Italian woma in New York,
one day last week attempted to enter
the street cars with a small goat, but
was refused admission by several dier
ent conductors. She then stepped to the
sidewalk, removed her shawl and wrap
ped it closely around the goat and so
deceived the next unwary conduaector,
and got a ride for her pet, to the amuse
ment of a crowd of on-lookers.
--krau Probsti, w1ho enjoyed the dis
tinction of being the heaviest woman in
Europe, recently died at Tranbeing, in
Bavaria, at the age of 41. At her death
she weighed over 550, and on saccount of
her enormous weight it wws imposible
to earry her coffin from theirsttory of
the house in which she lived. Comae
quently boards were put down the
stairease, over which the coin was slid.
-A pretty story is told oI Mrs Jalia
Ward Howe to the effect that whenshe
wasa child of only nine she was so
charmed with the melody of the Italian
lgangse as sheheeard it in a elss of
other girls that she secretly procured
a grammar, and studied by herself until
she had gained sudeient sefhity to
write the Italian teacher atter in her
own tongue, asking pennesslonaJi
the class.
-En-Queen Isabella's chamberlain,
the $Ianqulse de Y--, is a mrn uo ex
pedkints. He is a reired aval oaeer
and better versed in arnlae matters
than in- social dties At an evening
reception given by the es-queen recent
ly tie refreshment table was ygsalaued
on t eateasive a scal tha&hear were
not enough tableeloths i the boase to
cover it. The chamberin themreupon
causemd the board to be 4aped with
sheets, at the juncture of the .be of
which nosegays of dowers wre imnert
ed. The guests were amused as well as
amased by the novel mabkeift.
-Litesary Lady-"I am very fond of
Bacon, aren't you?" Unliterary Gentle
man--"Cn't may as I ass, but Iks ham
and eggs."-Pharmoseetieal Er
-It is an accepted fact, mreesaty di.
eovered by scholars, that Noah bad bee
in the ark. The agaroo went in with
hops and the bear was always brain.
-Naming the pem-Mil Elder (to
the dentist)-"Is it go.4 for to take
'n anesthetic, Dr. Molar!' Molar-"O,
yes, madam; chloreform."-DetrotFree
-In Boston.-MIss Gotham-"Have
you ever been west?" Aiss Boston
(with a traveled alr)--O4 yes I've
been in New York saeal ames."-De
troit Free Pres.
-"Be sure to shsake befsre fsking,"
msaid the druggist as he handed his cs
tomer as bottle of ague eure. "I always
do," replied the estomer, grlmly.i-Ver
mont Watchman.
-"You borrowed s Aer of me the
other day, you know." "Yae." "I'd
like to have it baek if you can--"
"Bat, my desk boy, I've spent it."--In
disapolis Jourmal.
-How obtaus me eople are! When
Wigglste was by Misa F1r.s,
whose seetions are centered oan her
pug ha P ,t be i e1td dq h the te tu
pid feflow rm ed: "I dem't know; I
never ste any. -- TU erlpt
-Mesehant--'re mgret tat I san't
have these goods chrged, as I don't
Iknow who yoamre." M -Mrtser-"My
husbnad i the plumbeg3 k Is mpair
ing the lek down eis now," Md
chaat-"I beg your par4, madam.
Ymar goods w be sent meeapt one."
-The phnepaiph wll do elt ser
vies when it is set, ehlie.we, In a
elock, end tt sig ce " hme! Go
hoee'" to the too seLt'l l . The
-hr mighi be esbl witheot
limit for sabseeat reli p the dial.
This is of argentlsporteae seduhould
commead Mr. Edison's tEatita at
'ons.-Bosteon Cosmrnwttl.
-"I'mgoin to m etf m bIew ·ay
thing about rithmettl . row
many are ten times two asked
Unle Georme. "Fout," said Johny,
innocently. "Nosenm!"s msai ifele
Georgen "Bet you an ai sad ltreave
i tto pps." " ," ai nge.rge.
i"Pa," cried Johany, "a't ten timhe
two ents sour niokes?" "Yea," ai
I ep andJ ohan stem-appled-H p
er Basr.
i -A wittpea who bid givs is r
i dsseeu sk a a ay sto eartb emr
a badt i curt tht hbe ersa Ambitig
satid it: "My leord, yeay
Sbelieve meae ot,u*gl stated not a
weed that is Imis.,  cr I hae been
a weded to trath fmrtem ua mt rm.e
* "Ye s," a" Jsaid Justice Ma
!A so, hUow 1 loNg yo 9 Sv l
WtaQW -.Tme

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