• - , ,  , , i'A It VOUM. V- LAK PV-E EAS CJ VOLUME VII. LAKE PROVIDENCE, EAST CARROLL PARISH, LA., SATURIr, JULY , 1894. AA DELIGHTFUL WOMAN. ' BY JOSEPH H&ATTON. a ICopypght, iS04, by the Autbor.1 ELL, no," sad the young fel low, "I don't -know that I have had what you would call b a quarrel with my father." C "And yet you ai \\t have left his roof, where you were so happy. k . and I find you here in London; while I met y ouf father y down ito Bath and he saia you were not , on speaking termss" "Did he?" said the young fellow; "then I suppose we are not." "Surely the trouble has not arisen t4 out of your marriage?" I said; "fathers no longer impose their choice upon their sons or daughters" "Well, the fact is," said Ned Hen- n shaw, whom I had known since he was C a child, "I don't think I want to talk 0 about it." "But I am anxious that you should. C You were honest Tom lienshaw's only son; you lived with him, shared his c professionaT business, and he and you were what due likes to see so much in father and son--ehums, companions, friends" "Yes, that is so," said Ned. "Won't you smoke? My wife has gone to an 'at home.' She will return very soon, I hope, and then we are going to drive to Richmond to dinner. Will you join us?" "Thank you, I cannot," I replied. lighting a cigar, and waiting for Ned to talk. He was a successftl architect, had in herited a moderate fortune, and he and his father together owned considerable property in the western city. ''"Who was your wife, Ned?" "A widow," he replied. "Indeedi Well, old Weller warned LM agaiast them, but I have known iarne very charming widows." "My wife was a very charming widow," said Ned, "and is a very charm ung wife; but must 1 tell yen all about it?" "I think so. Your father was so reti cent that the business strikes me as mysterious, and I want to know with whom I am to be friends, with father .