OCR Interpretation

St. Landry clarion. (Opelousas, La.) 1890-1921, June 21, 1913, Image 5

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064250/1913-06-21/ed-1/seq-5/

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* i
We have everything that the young and
old need in ready-to-wear clothing.
Our suits, hats, shoes, shirts and gents
furnishing are the very best in town, and
our prices the cheapest.
'We are the agent for the famous "WALK
OVER" shoes-we have other good shoes.
We want you to call around and see our
goods, and we know you will be pleased
with them.
231 East Landry St. Opelousas, La.
a - . .
. MRS. ADA MECHE, Widow,
:.n,2a 19608, Sixteenth Judicial District
Court, Parish of St. Landry, La.
By virtue of a writ or fiern facias,
bIlssued oat of the Hon. Sixteenth Judicial
Il `itrlct Court, in and for the parish of St
,Landry, in the above entitled and num
bered suit, and to me directed,Ihave seized
·Ind will offer for sale, for cash, at public
Stactlon, to the last and highest bidder, at
'the front door of the Courthouse at Ope
Sases, La., on
Saturday, June 28.1913,
4t U o'clock a. m., the following described
Kpoperty, to-wit:
Allthe rights, titles and interest of Ed
,iprT. Meche in and to the following de
iCribed property, to.wit,
ist.Forty-six land 6-10 arpents
:f land with improvements,
aounded north by property held in
ldtvisilon by Edgar T. Meche and heirs of
ds deceased wife and Adea Meche and
hers of Albert Boudreau, south by -
Sb Joseph T. Meche, and west Dy DU
P ue Meche.
2nd. All of the rights, titles and interest
Ed dgar T. Meche in and to fifty-eight and
7.,darpents of land bounded north by prop
4 held in indlvision by Edgar T. Mache
ltd the heirs of his deceased wife and
,".M Meche and the heirs of Albert Bond
,south by Joseph T. Meche, east gby
rr Clay Rogers and west by Joseph
d, All the rights, titles and interest of
M4.tdr T. Meche in and to a certain tract of
1.aa4 containing 15 acres, more or less,
..O.adsd north by formerly Lawrence
- ai.s, south by property held in indivislon 1
b tween Edgar T. Meche and the heirs of
ais dleeased wife and Adea Meche and the
i.a1s of Albert Boudreau, east by Joseph T.
AMche and west by Dupreville Meche.
th. All of the rights, titles and interest
S~tMdgar T, Meche in and to a certain tract
1If a containing eighteen and 75-100 ar
h. elts, more or less, bounded north by
411rly Lawrence Marks. south by prop
rtheld In Indivlsion between Edgar T.
.Mche, heirs of his wife, and Adea Meche
-1M the heirs of Albert istoudreau, east by
y .tClay Rogers, and west by Joseph
6th. All the rights titles and Interest' of
ITrT. Meche in and to thirty-five acres i
.Of 0op0 and woodland bounded north by
Albert Lanclos and Sam Haas, south by
JO-ph T. Meche and als, east by formerly
Rogers and west by Dupreville Meche.
6th, One buggy.
Terms-Cash. To pay and satisfy the sum I
f P.lve hundrea dollars, debt, with inter
Sitdoosts, unless the same is imme
" 1 -6t M. L. SWORDS, Sheriff.
State of Louisiana,
Parish of St. Landry.
Taken up by the undersigned, near I
S town of Arnaudville, St. Landry I
SPrah, June a1th, 1912, one red cow, l
b I tseven cr eight years old. No (
b and no bar mark. The said cow 1
h been ranging with my cattle around E
ay ý Prmises, and in the neighborhood I
Te owner or owners are hereby 1
o.ed to come forward, prove prop
, ipay costs and take the same away, 1
w 10 days of said notice, or the *
Sdi-. ow will be sold acoording to the I
Nie Jury ordinance relative ostays. I
Jfte 14 3t
4hSCaed ia 6 to r4 Days
' willm refund money if PAZO
PM fails o- - cure any ease of Itching.
Ilb grbaPordallrn!~·
State of Louisiana,
Parish of St. Landry.
By virtue of, and pursuant to an or
der from Honorable Fred J. Grace,
Register of the State Land Office, dated
the 11th day of June, 1913, and in con
formity with Act No. 55 of the Acts of
the General Assembly of 1912,
i principal door of the Court House of
the Parish of St. Landry, at Opelousas,
Louisiana, on
c Saturday, July 26, 1913,
between the hours of 11 o'clock A. M.
and 4 o'clock P. M., to the last and
highest bidder, the followiug described
property to-wit:
"1 Lot, Lot 9, Block 9."
less than Fifty Dollars.
Per A. L. A.
Baton Rouge, La., June 11th, 1913.
Register of State Land Office.
june 14, 21, 28; ji(ly 5, 12, 19 and 26th.
Taken Up.
By the undersigned, at Cataro, La.,
one beef, color brown. Has been in
the neighborhood about 6 years.
randed thus:
The owner can obtain property by
paying all costs.
june 1 23t Cataro, La.
FOR SALE-One 3 year old
(Dean excursion) colt-H. P.
Robin, Washington Road.
Cured by Our Reliable Skin Remedy,
Saxo Salve.
For twenty year I suffered from
eczema. My skin would break out and
itch and burn terribly. I heard of
Saxo Salve and decided to try it. Af
ter two or three applications I found
great relief and before I had used
one tube I was completely welL If it
will benefit others who suffer from
eczema you may publish my letter,
as I believe Saxo Salve will do just
what you claim it wilL"-A. Pritchet,
Shelbyville, Ill.
It is astonishing, even to us, to see
how Saxo Salve, our new remedy for
skin affections, allays the itching,
softens, soothes and heals the skin
in all sorts of eruptive disorders,
such as eczema, barber's itch, ring
worm, tetter, etc.
It is gparanteed to help you-we
cheerfully give back your money if
it does not. Shutes Drug Store, Ope
lousas, La.
P. S. Eczema sufferers invariably
need a blood tonic. Try Vinoal on our
What A Boy Said About
Raiging Hogs.
Every boy and girl in the Mon
roe District should read this let
ter and study it. If Otis Woods
in the hills around Dodson can
do this, what cannot the boys and
girls of this section accomplish
when they once set themselves to
the task. Every boy and girl
who takes up this hog industry is
a patriot. Let's keep the $481,
000.00 at home and send the boys
and girls to college, to make
better citizens, to build up the
home industry and to make this
a model farming section.
Every boy and girl should read
this letter.
Baton Rouge, Ia.,
March 14th, 1913.
Prof. H. M. Cottrell, Agricultural
Commissioner, Rock Island Lines,
Chicago Illinois.
Dear Professor Cottrell:
Balis has just returned to the of
fice from a visit to Dodson and
makes the following report on the
work done by Otis Woods, a pu
pil of the Dodson Agricultural
School ond a member of the boys,
hog club. The record that this
boy has made will, perhaps, serve
as an incentive to other boys and
girls belonging to the clubs.
On last year this boy bought a
gilt for ten dollars. He raised I
his pig according to instructions
and exhibited her at both the
Parish and State fairs. At Dod
son, where the parish fair was
held, he won sweepstakes over
both men and boys.
He exhibited his page along
with 96 others from different
parts of the State and won first
prize. At both fairs he won
sixty-five dollars in cash. He
was offered at this time seventy
dollars for his gilt. Since that
time out of only one litter he has
sold seventy dollars and fifty cent
worth of registered pigs. He
has left on hand out of the litter,
two pigs worth ten dollars each.
In addition to the premiums he
received at the fairs he has re
ceived two pigs from the Fort
Worth Stock Yords worth twenty
five dollars. Thus making two
hundred fifty seven dollars and
fifty cents gross.
Professor Horton, the Agricul
turist at the Dodson Agricultural
School has ninteen boys who own
registered pigs. Professor Hor
ton has a large hog club enrolled
in Winn parish.--Monroe News
The citizens of Marksville are
alert to the fact that there might
be a vast wealth in an oil well,
which was at one time pro- 1
nounced "no good," but which I
expert oil men claim has great
quantity of the priceless fluid, I
and all that might and vim will I
be able to accomplish to the I
securing of enough money to
operate the well, and form a 4
company is being tried by the i
spirited people of that enterpris
ing little city.
There is a company being
formed for the purpose of drill
ing the well, where experts
claim there are oil and gas, and 1
Mr. C. Gaspard, cashier of the (
Avoyelles Bank & Trust Com
pany, with several other promi- f
nent citizens of Marksville and +
Natchez, Miss., are busily en- I
gaged selling stocks in the com- (
pany, and is is expected that it
will not be long before there is I
enough stocks subscribed to and
paid for to commence drilling. 1f
If anyone is desirous of invest
ing in oil stocks, this is a splen
did opportunity, as it is said that
the chances for the discovery of
oil are ninety-nine to one.
Here is hoping that the peo
ple of Marksville will be blessed,
as most men who have seen the i
well seem to think, and that a
large oil well will be, drilled in '
the space of a few weeks.
Avoyelles is in need of it, as l
badly as St. Landry.
New Iberia, La., June 13.-A t
June wedding of prominence I
was held Wednesday at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. I
and Mrs. Harding Howell. Miss
Margaret Howell was married to
Henry W. Gould of Opelousas.
The young couple will make
their home in the latter city. -
The veterans of the Civil war
all over the country are prepar
ing for the great peace re-union
to be held at Gettysbury, Penn.,
beginning on July 1st to 4th.
The Louisiana delegation
headed by Col. J. B. Sinnot, of
New Orleans, will probably leave
by special train from the Cres
cent City about June 28th. No
definite arrangements have been
made thus far.
The veterans are warnedthow
ever to be certain of having cre
dentials, and some manner of
identification. It would be prop
er to print the words contained
in the pamphlets, sent out to the
Confederate veterans, which are:
Credentials absolutely neces
sary.-To secure quarters in the
camp, the veteran must present
a certificate from a commander
of a U. C. V. camp or the Gov
ernor of his state, that he is a
bona fide Confederate veteran.
Identification.--It is suggested
that every veteran have on his
person a card or paper, stating
his name and address, so that in
case of accident he may be ident
Mr. James Byron Meginely
had as his guests, last week,
Mrs. Martha DeBlanc Mrs. Coy.
Meginely Williams, krs. John
Edward Zoder and her two sons,
Master Wallace and John Ed
ward, Jr. Mrs. DeBlanc, on her
way back home will stay two
weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Levert, at their plantation home,
"St. John," near; St. Martinville.
St. John is one of the largest
sugar refineries in the state,
"Rosedale," will soon have the
pleasure of opening her doors,
as Mr. Meginley expects to en
tertain a party .of friends from
New Orleans, Mrs. Locke Breaux;
Mrs. Patton, Mrs. Edward Harp
er and Mrs. Coy. Williams, some
times in July, prior to Mrs.
Williams departure for Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Plonsky of
Washington, were here on sun
New'Orleans is the latest mun
icipality to feel the influences of
an all-water route from the coal
fields of Alabama and is prepar
ing to grapple with Pennsylvania
for the fuel market on the lower
Mississippi, so that when the
Panama Canal is an actuality it
will be in a position it rightfully
What has been a dream for a
generation or more on the partof
the people of New Orleans, cheap
er coal has become a realization
through a new water route just
opened which taps the coal fields
of Alabama, this new waterway
being accomplished by the reason
deepened channels through the
Tombigbee and the Alabama
rivers into Mississippi Sound and
thence to New Orleans by a short
cut through Lake Borgne and the
canal connecting the lake with
the river.
While the first shipment was
small, it is confidently believed it
is the forerunner of millions of
tons of coal and marks the accom
plishment of one of the most im
portant commercial achievements
in the southwest since Eada cut
his chanel through the shifting
bar at the mouth of Mississippi.
For the purpose of accomplish
ing just such improvements as the
all-water route from the Alabama
coal fields to the Gulf the Nation
al Rivers and Harbors Congress
was formed and it takes to itself
some of the congratulations in the
crystallization of a sentiment
that has made this improvement
Bungalow Going Up in This
Mr. Adolphe Jacobs is having
a pretty, attractive and modern
bungalow built on the south
western portion of this city, next
to Sheriff Swords' home.
The section where Mr. Jacobs
is having his little home built is
a very popular one, and it is cer
tain that the people inj that
neighborhood will welcome Mr.
Jacobs with glad hearts, as he
will be a splendid addition to this
residential part of this; ity. ..
ib elb. Iy and Silver a
YOU than you know
of; bringing you
neither service or
Gather it all up
and trade it with
M tDn Street Jewelers
for new and use
ful articles.
They allow full '
value f o r gold
and market price
for silver.
several rooms suitable for light
house keeping or single lodger
for rent. Aply to
or C. L. RAYS.
403 Court St. Opelousas, Ia,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Krotz, os
yKrotz Springs, arrived on Tue.-i
day evening to spend a few days
here as the guests of the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert

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