BUY THESE HERE Flmonla Salve Soft Drinks Felt (on So delicious that people forget ions antd i:l all about those with a "kick." t ilet Soap Cigars and Tobacco ~Tole C rits the ling qualities Best grades of pure tobacco odesirable f the lands and a ndd ntgenuine favorites with the sd smokers. ice. pIefmery Home Remedies ljst he deliFeýe st st dic- Fr any ordinary ailment. A ptd by refinenwýnt an d few cents wiil keep sicknoss aste. ationery Prescriptions Late ny ste. or the ('are and accuracy is observed pain and neat va: pLin and neat Nari y. I; oes in the preparation of all pre or brokein packagU scriptions. Confectionery No=Cal Pills Delicious candid' aild -wts,, Stiniulent and liver cleanser by the box or the ioinirl. Pure, Contain no calomel -5 doses wplesomle. for 25 cents. wholesome. IDEAL DRUG STORE . J, MAGEE, Prop. FRANKLINTON, LA. Local Items eId n tion of Local and Personal gppenigs of The Week. ' The Era-Leader. pMaklinton, La., Jan. 27, 1921. irs. EscoeCorkern of Z Ana, of Franklinton friends Sun- IM S. Johnstnn and young eo biter of Hacikley, were in klinton Monday. J.Barris,R. H. Babington, d Ogden Doremus were Boga- Y viaitors Sunday. re.C. T. Corkern is improv- w ow0ewhat now after a criti ess thru the past week. T. J. Simmons was a f -r guest Friday of Mrs. G. b Goodbee, at toe Fern Hotel. i B. E. Bickham suffered stomache trouble Saturday t t and Sunday from ptomain ti pnug. and Mrs. Ed. Foil left Monday for Folsom where will be located in a new I more convenient to Mr. c work. and Mrs. Ottis Fussell heirfour weeks' old son, r., of Pine Clitf, visited Fiesell's parents, Mr. and F, Morgan this week. aractive bit of work has 'tshed on the D. B. Wal ber shop, making a full front which furnishes ee of light in the tonsor ra besides adding to the ce of the building. Billy Knight of Pine who is now beyond the score and ten mark, was injured Monday while wood Tne mules he was became frightened and =sudden lunge threw Mr. tagainsta timber and hurt and side, from which red acute pain. ore Positive Proof i Than anything we could say about the value of e Cherry Bark Cough Syrup Is its tremendous number of sales. All other cough remedies combined do not sell as well as this. We stand behind its claims for purity, and guarantee that it will bring you prompt relief. bington's Drug Store chwepaalýd. M. M. Moore and H. F. Stafford were Bogalusa visitors Monday. ec Mrs. Fred Frey and Joyce , Junes spent the week-end at w home. cc D. E. Sheridan of Bocga!us,. was in Franklinton Mni;d ys night and Tuesday. A Mr. and Mrs. Tom Simmons N of Bogalusa spent Sunday with Mrs. T, J. Simmons. I pay cash for chickens ano di eggs. ' Call at my residence. W. Y. Wood, P' A. Tims is visiting his little daughter, Elise, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Magee. c John Love left Sunday for a week-end visit with his brother, D R. D. Love at Poplarville, Miss, . Bob Jones came home sick t from the University last week but was able to take up his stud- C ies again Tuesday. a Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carp rea ,a turned to the New Orleans in tirmary Friday with their little t infant who is so critically ill that its life is despaired of. For fresh Oysters and Fish, fruit, vegetables and groceriesi of all kinds. Phone 108. Fish and oysters delivered every Sat. urday. e 1urday. F. W. Magee, The B. K. Knight double quar. I tette rendered special music Sunday night at the B. Y. P. U. s and preaching s9rvice, which was Senjoyed by an overflow congrega 1 tion at the Baptist church. s Mrs. W. F. Varnado returned SSunday from Pickwick, Miss., .e where she visited her children, Mr. and Mrs., D. A. Varnado, Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Varnado, ie and Mr. and Mrs. F. A, Varnodo. is Mrs. J. E. Wood is having her le new residence on South Cleve LS land street greatly improved by Id an exterior coat of paint and very r. artistic interior decorations done rt by the skilled hands of the :h Messrs. Barker, Mitchell and Fisher, painters and decorators. Help for Starving Children.' Cll All those r(si rn, to contribute L Ifnly amount to thc 16 lef F;lnd will for the starv';in ci (:dr' of Six Europe, can leave t a : onunint at Fehi th ra - Loder oftic *hs we k and a n (1 it \ lIn t L e t I ( ! l ( S h t , t o 1) a ut rities Monia1. W. J.1 Ti 7:'0 U'cir:k P. .d. , l)it(:U e hear \'; 1)1'(111 . C hai the i,"('" l~rnr.tit, W , : n are Il na Gooduce vi:,t1 d L I (;isa tIhe fi-ends 'l ion t :Ir. ;I1(:i Mrs. A\iert Si [B o[00 of 1,'% Orleans, -pent the week.i- i end(1 with Mrs. Coyne.D Note the change (of hour of the ligh picture show to 7:)() Show to T'I begin promptly on timi~e. R. I Born-On Thuirsd iy, January 20, to Mr. and \l .. Akare M Varinadu at their hoi:e at Pick-. not wick, Miss., a .oi,, \\Vllhialm Fi auik blov Varna(lo, I ( way Miss Susette iKeithley return- alon ed to her at Brookhaven Sunday dent where she will rematHi tihru the Stri week having her dental work MaS completed. I Si Miss Nrtma Merrett who i at ir d(ling stenographic work for the Abort Mackey Grocery Co., in Hou N(wc Orleans spent the week-end Ht Jotic with rts. J. E. Bateman, Jou 1 rt. John Love entertained at blo' dir ner Suonday in honor of Mr. E aid NI rs. LatimIore Foil, other sout (-+ .=hing Miss Abbie Broy l(s Inid %ir. Richard Babington. Misses Eva Mae, Ina Lee and A C1hvOe Gibson with Messrs. Cecil' S Bui ris, Arnold Si mmons and fou Dea. ;" bgin all of Bgainsna, mn-. torrl( Ivr . Sunday and spent' C the diy. with Mrs. S. H. Burris. line John Barker, Roy Mitchell and Wo Charlio F'isher of Elizabeth, N. J., cht are at the F-rn Hotel while at' work (on the Wood's residence re: and are expo.csiig to locate here permanently if they tund the at trade will justify it. t Gordon G >ndhee wrote his mother this week from the Train " ing School at Monroe saying he . is getting ;loig well with his b studies, is healthy and fat and is Swell satisfied with all conditions - at the Institute. r- Connell Faces Serious Charges lik c Dr. Niax Connell, who tarried in -' here a short while about two is years ago, in the practice of den' a' tistry, was arrested in New Or. leans last week by E. E. Blount, lol ~d chief of police of Summit, Miss., Ith and two detectives of the New to Orleans force. th 0, Dr. Connell is charged with be* lo, ing a fugitive from justice from br lo. Osyka, where he established den- fa tal parlors after leaving Frank. er linton, and also from Indianapo. T Je- lis, Id, Ijis brother, Emery ol by Connell, 22 years old is sought al ry o a similar charge. m ne * It is said that detectives from 'be Indianapolis are charging the a nd young dentists with the theft of rs, one or more automobiles and A while E. Connell made his escape : from, the authorties at Batonk Rouge when they attempted to arrest him, Dr. Max C(onnell was held in the parish prison in New Orleans and when authorities at- I e tempted to leave with the prison· er Friday for Indianapolis, a' writ of babeus corpus was issued in the prisoner's behalf and ho I *will be. given ia bearing in the city court Friday of this week, Fine Eggs For Sale. Royal Blue Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching; from fine exhibition and heavy laying I birds. Flock is headed by two sons of King Royal Blue, First of Tennqssee. $2.00 per 1h deliver' Mrs. Homer Sylvest, I S.t .. Franklinton, La, Rboms and Meals. h (Good meals 40 cents eaoh. Regular Board $23,00 per month. - Mrs. F. F. Morgan, H1l 4t leveland Sh Cluib Husbminds Banquetted. @* Ladies of the Waverluy Club will entortaie their husbar.d; at Six O'clock dinier Tuesday., Fenruary 1st, sei ving turkey ahd all the "frills". eth reccepton to b- at the rI' ii ince of Mrs. W. J. Burri1 oil Main f reet. Tihe club ladies have on their hearts the organuiz;i on oft a Chambor of (crnmmurnt among " the busniies men of town and are hoping to ;ee plans laiud andi the initial orlai. Izit )ion per f1c te d , on this oCca.1oIn. Signal Whistle at Light Plant. Two-Long blasts jn-t b f ore lights are turned on. P. M. onl y. Three-Short blaste, calliing R. R. Fornea. For Fire. Main street froml Cou:t II. u.t north to Fair ground. Shoirt ilistst blown continously thus ......... Tenth Avenue from new high. way north, to better guide you, along this street are the resi ldences of Messrs. Monk, Cirp, " Stringer, Greenlaw, and D. N. Magee, SSingal. Two short blasts blown " at intervals thus.. lain Street. South from Court 4 House, along this street, Fern o Hotel, H. E. Richardson Dr. Jones, D. R. Johnson. Signal. Three short blastsI blown at intervals thus... .. East of N. 0. G. N. railroad south of Depot Signal. Four short blasts, thus Along Railroad, north of depot, lSignal, alternating three and I four blasts, thus, .. t' Cleveland and Lee Street, this r line runs from residence of W. Q. Wood to Baptist Church, back of church by Merchants Grocery, J. 1I. Burris, down to E. L. Maget. e residence. Signal, six short blasts blown e at intervals, thus...... . ... Along Railroad south of depot, ] SSignal. Five short blasts, thus e Out-Fine long blabt. '3Mt. Hermon Notes. January 23, 1921. We are having beautiful spring !. like weather and it puts new life in us, and pulls the blues off our ofeelings. 1 Things are picking up right r.smartly around Mt. Hletmon. A lot of road crews are at work on