OCR Interpretation

The true Democrat. [volume] (Bayou Sara [La.]) 1892-1928, October 05, 1912, Image 4

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

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The Tru e Dmocrat.
Vo~ XI St. Francisville, West Feliciana Parish La., Saturday, October 5. 1912 No. 36
ACT NO. 21.
lrov' ing an am1 nd ini t = o ,c'it n
of Article 197 cf the ('ons:i
ut!ion of the State of Louisiana;
relative to registration of voters.
Section 1. Be it r b'yi.,d by the
General Assembly of th,, State of
Lo;i:,in a, two-thirds (2-3) of the
members elected to ea'-h House con
currIa, that Section 7, of Article 197
of the Constitution of the State of
Louisiana be so amennded as to read
as follows:
Section 5. No male person who
was on January 1st, 1c7, or at any
date prior thereto, entitled to vote
under the Constitution or Statutes of
any State of the United States, where
in h,, tih:n rcs;ided, and no son or
grandson of any such person, not le.s
than 21 years of age onl the 1st d1 y
of May 1912, andti no na'., person of
foreign birth, who was luatulrdiz.'d
prior to the 1s:t day of .IVnary. 1,9y ,
sha!l be denit.d the riebh ti , rl,.ai t.r
and vote, in this State bl rta-olin (K
1his failure to u):i .ss ,l I , ti l
or jropi 'l- - (10:1,.l"f: '1 t ,t ; r `s; t';l¢ d
by this ('(onstl: n >i :,'(.' \ d A l'
shall hav, r'-! d ip td .- , an ' "
five yoeti's nl"Xt pre(('edi' the liI t(daI '
pt which he shall applyf for reg'istra
tioin and shlill ha', e r,;ist,,ri.d in av
cordance with tie ternis oid this Ar
ticle prior to September 1st1. 1913, and
nlO person shalil h entitled to reai-,
ter under this Sec tion after said date.
Every pierson claiminitil; the benefit
of this Section shall make application
to the proper r' nistration officer or
I.ie deluty for registration, and he
shall make oath before such regis
tration officer officer his dputy in he
form following:
I am a citizen of thle United Stat is
and of this State, over the age of
twenty-one years; I have resided in
this State for five years next preced
ing this date. I was on the
day of entitled
to vote under the Constitution or Sta
tutes of the State of
wherein I then resided, (or I am the
son or grandson of
who was, on the ( day of
entitled to vote under the
Constitution or Statutes of the State
of wherein
he then resided) and I desire to
avail myself of the privileges confer
rTd by Section 5, of Article 197 of
the Constitution of this State.
Certificates of registration shall be
Iven to persons registering on dura
ble paper, and consecutively marked
ao the pernanelnt register. A sepa
'ate recistration of voters applying
::der thils Section shall lie milade by
t Iregistraltionl officer of every Par
ishli, for this Ipurp sl' thit rc-eistrlation
effi'iir of every P~arish shall kep
Ii- offic(te open ldaily, Sund;ays and le
ga, holidays excepted, until August
,:st, 1913, inclusive, from 8 o'clock A
M. until 1 o'clock P. M. and from 2
c!o:-k I'. M. until 6 o'clock P. M.
Thb registration of voters under
Ihis Section shall close( on the 81st
lay of A, . n-us. 1!91. and immediately
*.r,;lt'Lr thi raistVration officer of
-vc-ry l', H. 1: . tuake a sworn
olpy inl <lui: ,'., ' ,  ,he list of per
ons regist rl'(. I.;" :t a , - . -'- tion,
lhouving, in detail. , a -.. ( h( ap
!iceant iregistered a>- i i 'ir,, of Il ,
T priorl tlhereto, o r; a-.t - n o" 1 (Ihi
C ter or as the gital udsn oe iiI ci t"
r and deposit one of s.,! du l- 1 le.
1 the offic ( i of thl , ,-,r -tary - o
ti:,t, to be lbv him recuirdeid :an,1 iri
Cr-v-,, as a part of the 1icrin i i ttt
corld of his office, and thi 0 otthr (l :
:ii dii pliicates shall be by him t'fi!L,
:,i 1,ffic (f the Clerk of thil t ,
i, i'.~i:it of tile Parish, and, in toih
iarii l if O-rlans in the offic, ,f f iv
-cord,: of Mortgages thre to :ct
tl ill a ' ipe)rmailnent record l)roddd,
,;t, , :i the lp rlmanelt t register of
, pI. 1-eg rgistered under thts Se.
On, :., IaisI'atitoI officer shall
n,' it io : Lt, 'p'of cOlumnt tile ; ,
S, o" f "t, piiticant, ait tidn rr
, . ' iar n - all d4stinguii ,
I P'cU " ih:racter:istis if thi ap
.  h ,ght, 8i:(, <o-or i- ,
V:' , .L o d0 d ot by ,i' . oi' til alu
"i",.,. I:;tl ,l ii iind r and lnI)I.-:'n l 1 t ' i - on
-: l: tlhis Section shall 1e tetured
:n a v,.ll-htound book, to, ie provided
iy each Parish for t;hat puirpose, and
shall be known as the oprmalanent reg
it ,.r. Itnllnediately on closing the reg
istration under this Section, on Au
gust 31, 1013, it shall be the duty of
the registration officer or his depu
ty in the different Parishes through
out the State, to make a sworn state
ment, in writing, of the number of
voters, both white and colored, with
the number of each, who have regis
tered, and whose names appear on
said permanent register herein pro
vided for, and such sworn statement
shall be published in the official jour
nal or other newspaper published in
the Parish in the next issue appear
ing after said date, the cost of the
same to be paid by the Parish. Any
re ,istratinn officer violatint the pr0o
visions .f this Section or failin: ito
comiply wVII th t rh o  oviiolS hereof, or1'
!::11 n1a , a fal.- or e t' e'i t :tate
S l'" u11ni :t ' t li S-, t on, shal l ii i,
-i ( In '( .ilty" of a felon:y ( xl 1d U!
c,,Udt,'tiol I . h l 1-o . bhali }.<, Snt nt'ie i
!n b :· ;ll l ( lll/Ol! :tl 1. l( r/'1 ]a.ie'n{', for a
'"'11 !' I(1'_ n ex ', 'dill t ( !ln o '' , it '
1h' 1:.:1in, r 1 i: wb It c l th, n:t:uu, s cif
p :'onsil- w lo:e l;iIl o"n: : lp ('ar oI s1
r' -'stratiIn lis: sh:llu hereafter regis
t.r nin ty differntt from that requir
e'1 of por'ns r'eaistOrd unlder other
S' I -Ins of this Artitleb, and !shall,
1b as now prioviddd or heranfter pro
1dedt by law and the remedy and
pi onceedings tt 'er-ly, subsequently to
t(' lo0s of said raiste rat ion, on Au
gast 31st, 1913, the 01nrus of any per
sons who may have obtained regis
tration under this Section by false
statement of facts or other fraud
hlnal be stricken from said roll, shall
be as now provided or hereafter pro
vided by law.
Section 2. lie it further resolved,
etcd.. that this proposed amendment
shall be submitted to the qualified
voters of this State for adoption or
rejection at the Congressional elec
tion to be held in November, 1912.
Section 3. Be it further resolved,
etc., that on the official ballots to be
used at said election there shall be
printed the words: "For the propos
ed amendment of Section 5 of Article
197 of the Constitution of the State
of Louisiana, relative to registration
of voters" and the words:
"Against the proposed amendment
to Section 5 of Article 1;+7 of the Con
stitution of the State of Louisiana,
relative to registration of voters,"
and each elector shall indicate, as
provided by the general election laws
of this State. whether le votes for
lo against the lproposed amellndmient.
L. -1, TtHO1111AS.
S-o;paker o' f thI house of Reprolesn
iLieutenant Governor andl Piesideht
of the Senate.
Approved: .1une 27th, 1 12.
Governor of the State of Lollisialia.
A true copy:
Secretary of State.
ACT NO. 132.
Senate BIill No. 137. ly Mr. I-al,.
P'rol~iosing an amendment to Article
281I) two eighty-one of the C'on
stitution of the State of ILouisiana
relative to the incurring of debt
and issuing bonds for work of
pIublic improvement, and to the
validation, and refunding of bonds
issued for such imnprovements, by
municipal corporations, parishes
and school, drainage, sowerage
:sud other districts Ithe (City- of
New Orleans excepted), and the
:tss5,ssment of special taxes and
forced contritbutions to pay for
sam .
Sc(tion 1. Ie it resolved by the
Genr,·:lI Assembly of the State of
L.ou.ni 'a'. "we-tbirds (2-3) of all the
n .nlh, rs elected to each House, con
c·r:::, 'P.at Ar.\:tiicle two hundred and
S .l,)-n lh, t2511) of the Cons:itutionl
f , .:[:,, " louisiana lhe -o ameillid
., d as follows:-
t :,1, ci' s.?Wo2 t-', ,listict& (.'itv- of
.New Orlans excepted, hereinafier re
fer cd to as suiil ;'isions of the State,
:hen anlthlor!zredl by a vote of a r:ia
jcrity, in number and amount of tihe
properl1y taypayers, qualified to vote
ulnder the (onstitution and laws of
tiis State, who vote at an election
held for that purpose, after due no
tice of said election has been pub
lished for thirty days in the official
journal of the municipal corporation
or parish or where there is no o4fi
cial journal, in a newspaper publish
ed therein, may, through their respec
tive governing authorities incur debt l
and issue negotiable bonds therefor,
and each year while any bonds thus
issued are outstanding, the governing
authorities of such subdivisions shall
impose and collect annually, in ex
cess of all other taxes, a tax suffi
cient to pay the interest, annually or
semi-annually, and the principal fall
ing due each year, or such amount
as may be required for any sinking
fund necessary to retire said bonds a
maturity; provided that such special
taxes, for all purposes as above set
forth shall not in any year exceed
ten mills on the. dollar of assessed
valuation of the property in ruch
No bonds shall be, issued fo" alny
other purpose than that stated in the
s:iliiissiei If 1he propo sitiiinn t t l the
t:lxpt:iye:'. and ll nlublish'l flir thirty
(i:1) days s aforesaid, or ftir a great-'
er amonut lthan tlheein lmlentioned;
nor shall such bonds b)( i-sulld for
aniy other purposes than thi ( OEst ic ue
in.. improving and maintaininm g pub
1:. roads and highways, paving and
improving streets, roads and alleys,
purchasing and constructing systems
S(of waterworks, sewerage, drainage,
navigation, lights, public parks and
t,uildings, together with all nee.ssa
Sy equipments and furnishing, bridges
and other works of public improve
ment, the title to which shall rest in
the subdivision creating the debt, as
the case may be; nor shall such
bonds run for a longer period than
forty (40) years from their date or
bear a greater rate of interest than
five per centum (5) per annum, or
be sold for less than par. The total
issue of bonds by any subdivision for
all purposes shall never exceed ten
per centum (10) of the assessed val
uation of the property in such subdi
visions. Municipal councils are grant
ed the authority to create within
their limits one or more sewerage
Paragraph 2. Police juries in any
p;arish or parishes may in accordance
with law create drainage districts,
which, in addition to the powers
hereinabove granted, shall have fur
ther power and authority to provide
and maintain drainage systems and
the governing authorities of such dis
tricis, when authorized by a majori- 1
ty in number and amount of the prop-!
erty taxpayers of said district quali- I
fi -t to vote under the Constitution
and laws, who vote at an election
hiod for that purpose, may impose
andi co!llect for a period not exceed
ntg foro years forced contributions
or atreoage taxes not exceeding.fif
ty coni~ per acre per year on every
ac re ot land in the subdivision where
such an election is held. The gov
,rning authority of such subdivision
w hen authorized as set forth, may in
cur debt and issue negotiable bonds
to repr'esent same, secured by the
taxes above described provided that
the total amount of debts thus incur
red or bonds issued, shall never ex-,
ce-d in principal and interest the ag
gregate amount to be raised by said
anneal contributions or acreage taxes
during the period for which the same
are imposed and that no su('h bondst
shall be issued for any other purpose i
,han that for which said contributions
or acreage taxes were voted, run forI
a longer period than forty years, bear I
a greater rate of interest than fivet
tier centumn per annum or be sold for 1
less than par. All bond issues here- I
tofore authorized by taxpayers in any i
subdivision at any election not con- i
tested on any ground of fraud, are,
hwreby recognized and validated.
Paragraph 3. When the character of
any land is such that it must be Ic-1
reed and pumped in order to be
drained and reclaimed, the Board of
Drinage Commissioners of the Dis
trict in which the land it situated,
shal, upon the petition of not less
than a majority in acreage of the
property taxpayers, resident and non
:'csident, in the area to be affected,
:asertain the .est of drainage, and
;rclaiming ,aid land ;.and incur debt
carninst said land for an ;auin nt suf
::-I., for such debt n._gotiable bonds
running not longer than forty- (40)',
,ars from their date and bearing i
iteri t at a rate not exceeding five
:Ir cr(entum per ainuni payable an
nually or s emi-annually, which bonds
shall not be sold for less than par;
and said Board of Drainage Commis
s;nners shall levy annually upon said
land forced contributions or acreage
taxes in an amount sufficient to
maintain the drainage of said land,
to pay the interest, annually or
semi-annually, and the principal fall
ing due each year, or such amount
as may be required for any sinking
fund provided for payment of said
bends at maturity, provided, that such
forced contributions or acreage taxes,
for all purposes shall never exceed
Three Dollars and Fifty Cents ($3.50)
per acre per annum.
Paragraph 4. The police juries of
the various parishes throughout the
State, for the purpose of construct
ing highways and public buildings for
the parish, and the governing au
thorities of municipal corporations,
for the purpose of paving or improv
ing streets or alleys, and for all mu
nicipal imnprovements, after making
provision for the payment of all stat
utory- and ordinary charges, may fund
into bonds running for a period not
jxc erd!ng ten (10) years, and bear
ig inter'est at a rate not exceeding
li\e i) per celltum per annum,
w hic bonils shall not be sold for less
lhan ptar, t!h avails of tllh residue
o, ;lhe ten (10) mill tax authorized
by Article 2.2 of the Constitution of
Paragraph 5. Should any of the
ubdivisions of the State neglect or
fail for any reason to impose or cal
lect the taxes provided for in the
fI'regoing sections, ally erson in in
t(erest may b)y summary proceedings
in the district court having jurisdic
tion, enforce the imposition or col
lection of such taxes, or both, and
such proceedings shall be filed and
triable free to any cost to the litigant.
Paragraph 6. Municipal corpora
tions, parishes and school, drainage,
subdrainage, road, subroad, naviga
tion and sewerage districts (the City
of New Orleans excepted,) herein
after referred to as subdivisions,
when authorized to do so in the man
ner herein provided, may, for the
purpose of readjusting, refunding, ex
tending or unifying their bonded in
debtedness, issue new bonds, cover
ing any particular issue or issues of
bonds or the whole outstanding bond
ing indebtedness incurred by such
subdivision for the purposes specified
in Paragraph 1 of this article or any
issue of refund issue bonds or renew
al or refunding bonds issued by such
subdivision in novation or renewal
and any bonds, heretofore or here
after issued for the purposes speci
fied in said Paragraph 1 of this Ar
ticle. No bonds issued under this
paragraph shall run for more than
forty (40) years from their date, nor
shall bear a greater rate of interest
than five per centum per annum,
payable semi-annually or annually and
sl:all not be sold by such subdivision
issuing the same for less than par.
Any bonds issued under this Article,
may be, either in whole or in part,
exchanged value for value for bonds
issued, under Article 281, or to be is
sued under said Paragraph 1 of this
Article, or sold and the proceeds
thereof used for the purpose of pur
chasing outstanding bonds. Before
any bonds shall be issued under this
paragraph the issuance thereof shall
be authorized by a vote of a majori
ty in number and amount of the prop
I erty taxpayers qualified to vote un
dier the Constitution and laws of this
State who vote on the proposition at
an election held for that purpose, af
ter due notice of said election has
been published, for thirty days in the
official journal of the parish or par
ishes in which said subdivisions are
located, or where there is no offi
cial journal, in any newspaper pub
lished in such parish or parishes,
provided, however, that the govern
ing body of any such subdivision may
in their discretion and without a
vote of the property taxpayers, is
sue refunding or renewal bonds un.
der this paragraph, if the bonds to
be refunded or renewed thereby
have been or shall be issued for any
of the purposes specified in said Par
agraph 1 of this Article, or in nova
tion or renewal of any bonds issued
or to be issued for the said purposes
specified in Paragriapb 1 of this Ar
tlcle, and such issue or issues so re
funded or renewed have been or
shiall be authorized byv a vote ef a
mnajority- in number and amount of
if;e :Prolperty t;axonavers:l: quIl:I!fi : !y
laws of this State who voted or shall
vote on the proposition at an election
hold for thtr purpose. When ihe
bonds of any outstanding issue shall
have been obtained either by pur
chase or exchange, the tax levy to
pay for such bonds shall at once
cease and such bonds be canceled.
Each year while any refunding bonds
issued under this paragraph are out
standing, the governing authorities of
such subdivision shall levy and col
lect annually, in excess of all other
taxes, a tax sufficient to pay the in
terest, annually or semi-annually, and
the principal falling due or such
amount as may be required for a
sinking fund for the payment of said
bonds at maturity, provided that such
special ad valorem tax for all pur
poses shall not in any year exceed
ten mills on the dollar of the assess
ed valuation of the property in such
The governing body of any such
subdivision shall have full power to
adopt and pass all ordinances and
resoltttions necessary to carry the pro
visions of this paragraph into effect.
An election may be held under the
provisions of this paragraph at the
same times and places and by the
same election officers as an election
on the question of incurring debt
and issuing bonds under the provis
ions of said Paragraph I of this Ar
Where londs of any subdivision
have been helretofore issuld for any
of the purposes sl,eificd in Para
graph 1 of this Article, and such is
sue has been authorized by the vote
of a majority in number and amount
of the property taxpayers qualified
to vote under the Constitution and
laws of thi~s State who voted upon
the proposition to issue such bonds
at an election held for that purpose
and where such bonds have been is
sued and sold by such subdivision for
not less than par value thereof, far
said bonds or any refund issue bonds
or renewal or refunding bonds is
sued in novation or renewal of bonds
issued for said purposes specified in
Paragraph 1 of Article two hundred
and eighty-one (281) are hereby vali
dated, ratified and confirmed; provid
ed that such bonds did not at the
time of their issue exceed ten per
centum of the assessed valuation of
the property in such subdivision, and
such bonds hereby ratified, approved
and confirmed shall be deemed to be
the valid and incontestible obligations
of such subdivision and a tax for the
payment of the principal and inter
est thereof and to create a sinking
fund for the redemption shall be le
vied and collected in the manner
and within the limits prescribed by
said Paragraph 1 of this Article. This
entire Article is to be considered a
full grant of power to the subdivis
ions of the State, as set forth there
Section 2. Be it further resolved,
etc., That this proposed amendment
shall be submitted to the qualified
voters of this State for adoption or
rejection at the Congressional elec
t;on to be held in November, 19.12,
and, if adopted, the same shall take
effect immediately thereafter.
Section 3. Be it further resolved,
etc., That on the official ballots to be
issued at said election there shall be
placed the words "For the proposed
amendment to Article Two Hundred
and Eighty-one of the Constitution of
Louisiana," and the words "Against
the proposed amendment to Article
Two Hundred and Eighty-one of the
Constitution of Louisiana," and each
elector shall indicate, as provided in
the general election laws of the
State, which of the propositions,
"For" or "Against," he votes.
Speaker of the House of Represen
Lieutenant Governor and President
of the Senate.
Approved July 9th, 1912.
Governor of the State of Louisiana.
A true copy:
Secretary of State.
ACT NO. 133.
Senate Bill No. 1.
By Mr. Geo. Wesley Smith.
P'roposing an amendment to Article
223 of the Constitution of the
State of Louisiana.
Section 1. Be it resolved by the
General Assembly of the State of
Touisiana, two-thirds of all meembe-rs
elrcted to e:oh Hoi Ib e en uln-lirrinL,,
tnon of the State of L.oui-is na b,
submitted to the qualified el,ctors of
te State for their apiroval or 'ejec
tion, as required by Artic"l 321 of the
Constitution, at the Congrss:onal
election to be held on the first Tues
day next following the fir t Monday
in November, 1'912, amending and re
enacting Article 223 of the Constitu
tion of the State of Louisiana so as
to read as follows:
Section 1. Upon the reconumenda
tion of the Auditor of the Police Ju
ry of any parish, the Governor may
suspend any officer charged with
the collection or custody of public
funds when in arrears.
Section 2. Any officer of this State,
oL. of any district, judicial or other
wise, and any officer of any parish
or ward thereof, and any officer of
any municipality or ward thereof (ex
cept the judges of all of the courts
of record of this State, the judges
of the various city courts throughout
the State, and the justices of the
peace) holding office by virtue of
having been elected thereto by the
legally qualified voters of this State,
or of any district, judicial or other
wise, or of any parish or ward there.
of, or of any municipality or ward
thereof, shall be subject to recall
from such office Iby the qualificd vot
ers of this State, or of any district,
juldicial or otherwise, or of any par
ish or ward thereof, or of any mu
nicipality or wa;rd thl r of, at auy
election thro: ghout the State, dis
trict, judicial or otller\; is. , o' of any
parish or ward t.;:reof, or of any
municipality or wari thereof, by a
majority of the legally qualified vot
ers participating in such election.
Such recall election shall Lo held
when petitioned for by such a ntul
ber of the legally qualified voters
of the State, district, judicial or oth
erwise, or of any parish or ward
thereof, or of any municipality or
ward thereof, as will equal thirty per
cent of the total number of register
ed voters qualified to vote at thelast
preceding general election for the of
fice the incumbent of which is sought
to be recalled. Notice of intention
to circulate such petition together
with a statement of the reasons why
the recall of such officers is sought
shall be given to such officers In
such manner as may be provided by
law. The General Assembly shall
by appropriate legislation, prescribe
the form of petition, the manner of
verification and ascertainment that
the requisite number of legally qual
ified voters has signed same, and
also the manner and method of call
ing such election and the promulga
tions of the returns thereof. Such
ballot shall contain the specific ques
tion, "Shall (naming the officer and
giving his official title) be recalled,"
and opposite the question shall be
two squares, in one of which shall be
printed "Yes" and in the other shall
i)e printed "No," and no ballot shall
be considered at such election unless
the voter shall have voted either
"yes" or "no" upon such question.
No officer shall be subject to recall
Suntil after he has been in office one
year, and should his recall be defeat
ed by the electors, then he shall not
again, during that term of office, be
subject to recall. At least three
months, but not more than five
months, shall elapse from the time
that the necessary number of peti
tioners has asked for the recall elec
tion before same shall be held. A
successor, for the remainder of the
term, to the officer sought to be re
called shall be elected at the same
time the recall election is held, and
should the majority of the voters
participating in such election be in
favor of the recall of such officer,
then immediately after the pIromulga
tion of the returns of such election,
the successor so elected shall quali
fy. The General Assembly shall pro
vide by law how candidates to suc
ceed the officer sought to be recall
ed may have their names placed on
the recall ballot of the State, district
judicial or otherwise, parish or ward
thereof, or of any municipality, or
ward thereof, by petition iigned by
qualified voters to the number of
not less than thirty per cent of the
total number of registered voters
qualified to vote at the last precei
ing general election for the office
the incumbent of which is sought to
te recalled. All voters nmay express
a first choice and a second choice,
and the candidate who is the first
choice of tihe greatest number of
voters shall be declared to be elect
ed, if the election hasr r,.sulted in
the recall of the officer sought to be
recalled. The officer sought to Io
Section 3. l3e it furthier resolved,
etc., That the official ballot to be
used at said election shall have print-

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