OCR Interpretation

The true Democrat. [volume] (Bayou Sara [La.]) 1892-1928, January 18, 1913, Image 2

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064339/1913-01-18/ed-1/seq-2/

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: I (.I.d it,,rs
Journal of the Parish of
t Feliciana, the Towns of Bayou
:I'a and St. I'ranlcisville, and of
B School Board.
Ve also own :ani publish the l"eli
na Record, a wedkly ne'wspalper
the town of .;ackson, I:. Ad
tisers will do wtll to get joint
tes for both p(aprs.
.Entered at the Post Office at St
arcisville, La., as second class
il matter.
ibscription $1.50 a Year in Advance.
Saturday, January 18, 1913.
THE FARM. (rood
and I
Prof. .1. 1t. D)avidson, of the agri- Junio
illtural ,gini,erill, d IparmInel( t,low\a \
tate ('ollge, loetiuredl to a jintit type,
eting of the 'a!'lllers' ('lonf 1,l ile and
(id the pIarish supi rintendii ts llfS fi.'tgur
Julc:tionl, this week. slide
He brought oulit t he itlilti' . e I harg
le use of fartil . a-hillryV in illntlr - (ondl
g the offi.ein'"y of I;ill ltabor, lie palrtL -
lowt d how th, produitioil per farm fol
borer wais crrelltted with the dE- macl
.lopinl(lt of labor-savig mlachin.es d ve
f1 the farm, i i vig statistics show- whet
ig that the states tlha had the latir- A ki
ft amnount of ltiontey invesed in farm Corr
[achinery, had the largest incoite W
er farm worker. In somne of lhe with
orth h('cntral States the inconl petr the
trm laborer was from $600 to $7.T', will
end the investt lt lper c'apita was Cali
Iver $200. In Louisiana the invest- \
rent in fartll imlpltletlts per work- win
r was a little more than $21, and one:
Phe income a little more than $200. n u(l
He also dwelt upon the influence of Itali
arm machinery in improving lhe \\
uality of labor While the farms of firs
ihe North were selling for twice the
brice of our lands, and the farmets Mic
aying nearly twice as much for la- V
or, they were able to comrpete with firs
j1ouisiana only because of the increas at
0d efficiency through the use of farm I
--_ - Sar
"THEY" AND "WE." Cat
In conversation with a local plantler 1
he writer was struck by his use ofr $.i
She word "they." IReferring to the
Iast crop year, he said: "They didn't
11o so extra well, altlhough they mn:de
rood crops of corn, but the price is
Co low, that it brings nothing." And
ontinuing it was still "they," and
presently it developed that the meant _
*egro tenants, as is so often the case
when agriculture is discussed.
lihere woiuld bie mIore cheer in his
alk if he had said "we," and spoken
of his brother pllanters. For so lon 1 ot1
as the crux of tl:e situation depends tic
for the most Ipart uplon tni gro labl):r,
there will be no marked improv'en,'nt
but when white ouen begin to say
"we" andt work for themselves, then
will cotme a c(hange. In lprolportion as
there are working white farmers, so
does a section prospet'r.
Not that we would decry negro la
bor altogether. .But as a race, they
lack the industry and the initiative
for original or sustained effort
Repeat the lesson of the lark and ft
the farmer. Let it be "we," not
As : ould easily be foreseen, the
effort before a New Orleans court to
punish a practitioner of the Christian
Science class for using prayer only
as a means of healing, has plroved
abortive,. It is difficult for a court d
in a Christian cotuntry to deliver the i
opinion that prayer is not a sufficieat 1.
means of healing the sick, although I
the Scripturecs are filled with prooft
that God limtself uses earthlly agen-i
cies to carry out even His miiracles, 1
not to s;ay tlthe ordinary affairs ot
life On the oth11r 1hand, there are in- t
stances of healing b(causte of faith.
but this means, niaturally lIr'ecludes
its use in the ('ise of small children,
as was dtone in New Orleans. A clev
er lawyer, htwve\',r, shotltl have been
able to minake a point of "The prayer
cf the righteous availeth Inuthte," and
put ulpon the ldefense. tlhe task of prov
nlug right(eotsness.
Cauliflower raised ;at tlw I,. S. .I'
exlperimetnt station was again highlyi
praised in New Y'ork, and the predic
titon made that if furnisihed in sut
ficicnt lquantity wouldl drive the C('ali
fornia and Flolidn "flow\er" nrt c,i"
the market.
riThe superintentldelnt of tll, I nti-'.a
loon Ieagu hlaw isstied at call for ;a
conv(,nti(oi to tdiscuss plan:s for imak
ing L,ouisi;ona ;1 p~rohlilbitio~n State. \\°'(
dc not tt'lieve\ it will bh piractic abl),
even if it we'e 1pos11ibille. to force' prto
hibition iupon Iliiuisiann. Too Iarge .1
proportion of the polpulation have
other views. But thle saloon ticin.
who evade or (enly violate the (ay
Shattuck law, and tlhus lpriduc'' ;ihe
more flagrant inld(cencit s tif thet li
qour traffic, have themtselves to blame
that prohibition may b' a:gitated wiith
some, chance of ultimate succe.ss.
Some Genuine Bargains In
Printing Machinery
and Materials.
Improved Cranston Newspaper Press. Mi
We have an Improved 6-column
quarto Cranston Newspaper and Book is
Press, which has been used less than wi
six mronths, and on weekly papers it S,
that, which we are anxious to (lis- 1
)poe of. Have motor, belting and fix
It.res which will be sold with the le
.pres, or separately, as you desire. lh
(;od reason for wishing to sell. Price $:
,11nd terrms will be made reasonable. H
Junior Linotype.
\Ve have a two-letter Junior Lino- r
yle, equipped with two-letter eight C
and ten-point matrices, advertising B
figur(es. quad block and three border
slides, which we will dispose of at a n
bargain. This machine is in first-class ii
condition, has no broken or worn out o
pa;rts, and will do everything claimed
fot it by the manufacturers. This ii
machine is for sale because it has i
developed our business to the point i
where we need a Model 8 Standard.
A kit of tools goes with this machine.!
Correspondence Solicited.
We would be pleased to correspond
with any one needing one or both of I
the above machines. Prompt replies
will be made to all enquiries.
California Job Cases.
We have 21 California Job Cases
- which are absolutely as good as new
1 ones. We offer these cases at 45c
( ach, f. o. b. Bayou Sara.
, Italic or Job Cases.
\We have 24 Italic or Job Cases, in
,f first-clss condition, which we offer at
c : . , each, f. o. b. Bayou Sara.
s Miscellaneous.
- \We have 7 lower news cases, in
Ih first-class condition, which we offer
s at 30c each, f. o. b. Bayou Sara.
u I triple job case at 40c, one Improv
ed job case at 50c, f. o. b. Bayou
Case Stands.
We have two City Case Stands No.
. 15, good as new, which we offer at
$r 41..00 each, f. o. b. Bayou Sara.
Mustang Mailer. lea
We have one Mustang Mailor, which the
is new and has never been used, sm
which we offer at $5, f. o. b. Bayou nee
Sara. wi
10-point Leaders. to
We have six pounds of ten-point
leaders, two dots to thý em, which ca
have never had ink on them; cost as
$2.88, will sell for $1.75. to
Wood Type. th
One 3A font No. 5040 10-line Wood in
Type, has never had water on it. ai
Cost $3.25, will sell for $2.00, f. o. b. nu
Bayou Sara.
One 3A 4a font 8-line Devinne b(
with figures, has never had water on li
it. Cost $7.64, will sell for $5.00, f. e
o b. Bayou Sara. of
This type is as good as on the day t
it was bought. We want to sell it
in order to put our type equipment
in series. tl
Advertising Figures. h
.I Five pounds 20-point en-set adver
tising figures, including dollar marks
and lower case c. Will take $1.50 t
j for the lot.
Five pounds 10-point en-set adver
tising figures, including dollar marks
and lower case c, Will take $1.50 for
1 the lot.
v These figures are in first-class con
c dition, many, of them have never been
inked. The reason they are for sale
is that we have bold figures on the
a linotype and do not need these.
t Quads.
We We have a quantity of two and
three-em eight and ten-point quads
n which we will sell while they last at
r ,5c per pound. Just the thing to
use in setting up your mailing list.
V- Terms.
u With the exception of the linotype
and press listed above, all goods men
tioned in this ad. will be sold for
o. cash only, and money order or check
it must accompany order. These goods
will be delivered f. o. b. Bayou Sara.
The True Democrat,
St. Francisville, La.
The canning operations at Baton
1:ouge, this season, as noted in an- Lal
other place, should furnish inspira- F
tion to this locality. Even if it could bei:
not be repeated on so large a scale, tloi
a small canning plant could accom- unt
plish a good deal, and a larger busi- ing
ness be gradually built up. Mr. V. M. for
.lackson at Laurel Hill got excellent cor
results and profits from his canning No
outfit, which is a small one. Like pel
the Baton Rouge people he did well peI
with his blackberries, which is th' 85(
cheapest possible crop, requiring no col
labor, except that of picking the fruit pet
flom the fields and hedges. th(
There is opportunity on every ha
hand, if people would only see it, and to
reach forth to seize it, before it 5:s Bl
taken by some one else. ic1
`. Perhaps the average property own- sh
I e; views with distrust not to say ea
t disgust, the suggestion that it would an
. he wise, rather than have an empty 88
t house or idle farm, to let some res- as
h ponsible person have it at a low rel- w,
)f tal, rather than that it should be ten- m
. antless. In some cases, it might even ta
, be wise to give it rent free, if there- e3
i by a new comer could be encouraged do
,. to immigrate, or a new business be tt
i festered. ti
Unfortunately property owners are is
n not so far-seeing, so progressive. sl
Many of them will even decline to ti
n help an enterprise that would fill V
r their empty houses. tl
md 0
- There is a limited sense in which
courts should be free from newspa
pi r e: mass-meeting criticism. While c
I. judr~s are deliberating upon a case, d
Iy that case should not be discussed in it
- in.wspaptrs or on public rostrums, t
i lest the judge or judges prove weak e
li- f noweh to be improperly influenced a
ih lr'., y. But insofar as such discus- e
sion :nay be regarded as an offense, t
it shorld be left to a grand jury and
,., nut to the criticised judges. A judge
a who is weak enough to be improperly
Ik- influelnced by public criticism or cla- i
', meir, is toc, weak to be trusted wiih
lo, a'rb,trary power for the redress of
ro- his own grievances. In all probabil
, ity he best security against improp
ver public discussion of cases on trial,
en. would bt a general inculcation of
ay- standards of public decency rather
he :han criminal prosecution, whether
li- Ly grand juries through indictment
.me tr by offended judges through arbitra
ih r. proceedings for contempt-Chicago
HOME. of
Lake Charles American-Press: foi
Five thousand dollars a month is he
being saved the state in the opera- in
tion of the Conservation Commission wl
under the new administration, accord- in
ing to the report to the commission hi:
for the quarter ending Dec. 31, and mi
comprising the months oi October, on
November and December. The ex
penses of the commission for that pc
period, the report shows, were $15,- cc
850.23 less than those of the old a
commission during a corresponding
period in 1911. At the same time
the revenues of the present body th
have been reduced $8,016.57, owing
to the reduction in the cost of hunt- ju
ing license effected by the last leg
islature. L
During the quarter $23,529.13 was
netted the commission through the
lease of water bottoms, oyster beds,
showing an increase of $2,627.73 in h
y earnings from this source. the R
d amount represents the lease of 17,- If
y 882.03 acres. While the income, F
;- aside fromthe hunting licenses, which C
i- were so graduated as to relieve the I.
1- majority of people from an unjust !
n tax, has been well maintained, the v
·- expense accounts have been kept ?
d down. Remember the ironic howls e
e that went up when it became known I
that "game wardens" would be abol
re ished and "conservation agents" sub- r
e. stituted for them, and the claim made
to that the difference was in name only? I
ill Well, there was a difference beyond 1
that. The conservation agents drew
only $2,200 in salaries during the
three months.
a. People who were shocked and grie'
ile ecd that Gov. Hall did not save enough
during the first month of his admin
in istration ol. the ordinary income of
Is, the state tr pay the state debt of
Ik eleven millions should embrace :his
ed opportunity to apologize to the gov
Is- ernor for their misrepresentations,
;e, but they won't. They will be likely
ad to invent some new ones.
rly William Rockefeller has no speak
la- ing voice, when it comes to giving
ill evidence against the money trust.
Dp- One hundred thousand cans of
al, black berries, 9,.000 cans of tomatoes
of 140,000 can" .,f sweet potatoes. Such
ier is the record for the Baton Rouge
her Canning Factory for the year just
ent closed. The Mills Company, of New
tra- Orleans, which operated the caning
ago plant, paid out to the farmers and
laborers during 1912, $10,500.
It should be remembered that ev
ery storekeeper, now that the parcels
post has started, is himself the cen
ter of a parcels post zone, which he
can control, says the Beaumont En
terprise. It will do the big mail or
der houses no good to establish a dc
partment in each state, since the
merchant in his own zone will be
able to distribute lA goods under the
mlost advantageous circumstances.
Therefore, there is no ground for
fearing the parcels post will enable
the big mail order houses to put the
small town storekeeper out of busi
ness. On the contrary, if the latter
will seek in an enlightened manner
to make use of the advantage it
gives him; advertise through his lo
cal paper what he can do with its
assistance, and make a serious effort
to deserve patronage, he will find
the mail order houses are no longer
in a position to do him great dam
age. The New York Evening Jour
nal's advice to the country press is:
"Boom the parcels post; make it
I better; explain to your local store
keeper that through it he can deliv
er goods direct. He can be the agent
of the manufacturer, who has not
time to start a mail order house,
it and no inclination to do it.
"Let the storekeeper advertise
through the country newspapers what
he can do.
"Let the country newspapers im
press upon the manufacturers the
fact that they, the edito andr coun
try merchants, are the only salesmen
in direct contact with those that live
in the country.
or "There, is room for everybody in
this country--that is to say, for ev
n- erybody who intends to be of any
n service. And the mail order houses
le wll live. But their great monopoly
e ill cease.
"Do not overlook the fact that
they, being intelligent men, realize
nd what we have told you here. They
ds know there is real danger for them
at in the parcels post. They know it
to makes practically worthless their -
elaborate system of freight delivey, C
which they have built up through
rpe years. They know their system of
ken- selling a hundred pounds of goods at
for a time in order to take advantage
eck of a low freight rate now goes over
ads board."
tra. fhe country merchants might have
been hurt if a blanket parcels post
rate had been put in, but we doubt to 1
it, because to guard against loss the the
department must necessarily have fix- tiv
ed the rate at a figure high enough MA
to protect the maximum haul, Un- LIF
der the zone system, however, there tc
is no chance for the country mer- she
AT chant to suffer, since, in the matter
of rates, he is given the advantage
proximity to his trade creates and af
forded a means of distributing goods
is heretofore non-existent. It places him sin
ra- in constant touch with customers with fri
ion whom he has but periodically come pre
ord- in contact in the past and enables ar
son him to fill daily orders which for- to\
and merly came his way at long intervals
ber, only.
ex- As we understand the situation op
hat portunity has been broadened for the
15,- country merchant, provided he is not -
old a "dead one."
ime Sillicus: "There is honor among
ody thieves."
wing Cynieus: Nonsense! Thieves are
unt- Just as bad is other people."-Life.
was TION.
eds, The Louisiana Forestry Association
3 in held its annual meeting at Baton
rhe Rouge Mondoy and Tuesday. The fol
17,- lowing officers were elected: Henry
ome, E. Hardtner, Urania, president; \'.
hich O. Hart, New Orleans, vice president:
e th Lieutenant Governor Barret,vice pri's
njust ident; M. L. Alexander, New Orleans,
the vice president; Mrs. Agnes Brown
kept Avery, Shreveport, secretary-treasur
howls er; Executive Committee, Prof. J. C.
nown Lee, chairman; H. T. Gamble, N2w
abol- Orl]cans; Fred J. Grace, Baton Rouge, c
sub- at large.
made Federal co-operation in the fores- -
only? try fire protection was asked, the
eyoud Lousiana delegation were asked to
drew secure an additional appropriation
the for the protection of water sheds at
the head waters of the navigable
grie.- strc.ams. The association went onI
,nugh ! 'cord as opposing turning public ;or.
idmin- sts to the states, as asked by vcst
ue ofr' ed interests, as it was the first step
bt of in the monopoly of the public re
e :his sources. A copy of the resolutions
e gov- will be sent to Congress.
likely Meridian, Miss., has recently plant
ed 3,000 catalpa trees along its
streets. This beautiful tree with its
eak- semi-tropical appearance, large leaves
i and attractive flowers, has the fault
gst. of not being an evergreen and hence
. of dropping its profusion of leaves,
which the average house holder will
.ns olf not clear away, "no, not for nothing,
natoes thank you." Aside from this, the ca
. Such talpa's quick growth is a great rec
Rouge ommendation to it as a city beauti
Sjust fier, when results must be had at
f Nefw once. Why not therefore plant more
caning of the catalpa?
's and EVR EK
G(round Corn Cob and Shucks, Cotton Seed
Meal, Black Strap Molasses For Sale by
Should be given tTebeat training to e
pare them for success in business.
Rersonal Instruction., Free Employ.
YOUR meet Department. t:omplete College
Bank, College Store and Wholesale
No m[feiWpresentations to secure stu"
dents. Through the success ofits
22000 former students, Soulte C~olego
Ia recognlzed everywhere as a Wide
Awake, practical. Popular and Sue
ft G SchoolE0 SOUL & SON!.
Mardi Gras, New Orleans
One Fare Plus 25c Round Trip
Jan. 27th to Feb. 4th, 1913." Return Limit, Feb. 4th,
with privilege of extension to March 2nd upon de
posit of ticket and payment of $1.00 extension fee.
Jan. 30th 7 P. M., Knights of Morn us.
Feb. 3rd 2 P. M., Arrival of Rex.
Feb. 3rd 7 P. M., Krewe of Proteus.
Feb. 4th 10 A. M., Rex Pagent.
Feb. 4th 7 P. M11., Krewe of Comus.
Special Train from New Orleans, 11:15 p. m. Feb. 4th
to those who acBEING GIVE
tives of EVERYBODY'S
LINEATOR-all in addition
tc liberal commissions. Let us
show you how you can
Secure a Share
simply by forwarding the subscriptions of your
friends and neighbors and collecting renewals of our
present subscribers. Try for THIS month's prizes. There
are lots of prizes that can be won by persons living in
towns same size as your own. Write at once to the
Butterick Building, New York City.
...In the Market Again...
We will, beginning Monday,
Sept. 30, buy corn and other
produce at best market prices.
FOR SALE-Pine and Oak Wood;
cord and stove lengths-MISS LUCY
MATTHEWS. 11.14t.
WATCH LOST-No. 4,379,367 Elgin
movement; solid gold double cas.';
ladies size. On fob of black velvet
was an Odd Fellow charm; a square
inch of pearl or ivory with enarmeled
letters "F. L. T." diagonally across.
FOIL SALE-Grade Hereford Cattle,
Lespedeza Hay and Seed.
St. Francisville, La.
mare colt, two years old; one sorrel
mare colt, white face, about two years
old. Will pay suitable reward for re
covery of this stock.
18J3t. Wakefield, La.
FOR SALE-Honduras Upland Seed
Rice; Nancy Hall Yellow Yams; Red
Triumph Potatoes at $1.00 per bushel
each; one dozen Indian Runner ducks
at 75c each.-WHITMAN WILCOX,
Wakefield, La. 18J2t.
Our funds are invested in first
mortgage securities; no second mort
gages taken.-The Mutual Building
& Loan Association.
In his report to the go\'ve'nmi'
former Commissioner Valentine
presses the hope that the day
nhear when all Indians shall staid
an equal footing with all th,,.ir tfll
Americans. Almost frol the beg
ling our illiant policy, i.t its apil
cation, lu:. . c.1 a :V, )o.u11i dli5"r:t
We haV; practically exterlminat
th. India ,.. a su if;fic i nuIter
inrg retained in res:,rvations in diff
ennt ., t;ons :o furnish rich berthe
w hite adventurers, who dtel:oil t
poor Indians of their heritage, and
(ulleate habits of life that pronl(
lawlessness and breed diseases tI
are rapidly exterminating the rat
If Professor Wilson shall do nothi
more than to cut out this fester'i
sore from the body politic, give 1
Indian a c:hance in hi.; aspirat io
for better things and pllace the :r:
ers behind prison bars, after :·ollp
ing them to disgorge, he will ' in
applause of all good mnlt.--Couni
- Review.
Within four days' time two ne
1 paper editors have been appointed
fill out unexpired trnms in the U
ed States Senate, Editor Johns
of The HIouston Post, being na:t
to succeed Senator Bailey, of Tex
t and Editor Heiskell, of Little Ito
being named to serve in the place'
g Senator Davis, of Arkansas. 'Ibc
governors' heads are level.

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