_ Sbe *Uce FeI± firnrnad - -Jefferson Davis Parish's Leading Weekly Newspaper VOLT WELSH, JEFFERSON DAV'IS PARISH, LOUISIANA, FRIDAY, NOVEM1BE1 17, 1916. NIMBER 4 OPEN HUNTING SEASON B INGS SAD ACCllENT While huntir, .1 th,, marsh close to their home i i y rd:+le :dlay morning 1Dc"' ii,, :r.ii was acci dentally Csh, . ',. .' ' tle ,-n of Mr.'Wrl According t. : : ; the boys were hiding in tn.. grr;,ss waiting foli the ducks to r,;-1. an i wh)en a flock hove in sight ti, . ,,c'h r.l.ed up to shoot, the Ste,'"+r L, uv's eun accident ally disch: : ' ' " h lowl,' wads and all irt- thea llufpaAir boy's back, the shot eltc n, .i"uj.-t at the base of the , . < :,i the 'r , - tehra, teai . h into the intestines. Dr. John 11. c,  tend to the youn,, man and after ad ministerir" fiat :,:d he was taken to the St. P.' '" Charles, vh r i, \- k:n a - ed i, n ". • i • ' Owin - the your: ; . .;n cha for rec', "MISS PETTI(OATS" AND "A WOMAN'S WAY" Two Big f  .. 1: :F ';. ,: mi N .t Woek "Miss pett :. , it i , Brady, whltc 1 I Hu"li ni. Wednesday, N,,v 22. i. -arl to b1 onIO of the finest phi:titr.re frhun : ir' tartic view that Wni A. IdaV h.as yet pro duced for the \cor'i t i': n Co. Friday. Nuv - r trwo lvppuLi. scren i . .r C (t a : tc t, lyle Black i -Ar in 'A Woman's ,, , ,.i.t, t , e ago Wast n I a tar"1 -u utM'-. SPLENDID UNION SERVICE. The World's Union Temperance Si:'rtday program was rendered with m.luch satisfaction and profit last Sun "t·;y at the Methodist church. A full i.ý c;se attended with unabated inter. et to the iendition of the "Linco!n i . F:,:ram" prepared by the Anti ' i' League of America. Splkndid music and singing were i, en ly the united choirs of the city 4 by ,Ir. R. F. Weichert. Slayor Gal,hert opened the services h a few remarks and then prompt. S'.i the program. 1',v. Stewart read the Scripture and "' t:e invocation, following with a -, r,, aid:ess in which he explained tale s:vnificance of the Lincoln-Lee sivicc, and gave tribute to the glo 'u p,oress of the temperance movement, state by state, until we now h-"e twenty-four states in the dry ':aons and readings were in .ith temperance songs, : i '. he , r , ý1 : ' re i an :ch.trch was well decorated with S',,r. and flags an-I wall mottoes I maps. This was a system of tem ,erance education. Literature was :i-trt:d and a splendid responsive 'vi'e, consisting of questions and . n the progress of the pro wm :ovement since 1851, when . - :ir-_ declared for "No Saloons," : hean tily entered into by all. \ free will offering was taken for I' . e, which amounted to $19.35. Th:s was one of the distinctive serv ices of the year in Welsh. J. W. HIERVEY. --l100) Automobile votes with ev !ry t sl.0!) due bill, good in making any , ,hase at the Journal Book Store, Y-*sh Printing Company or Greer f:r,< .Twelry. AUDIT OR UM SPECIAL FEATURES NEXT WEEK Wednesday, Nov. 22... Alice Brady •..in... "Miss Petticoats" 5 and 15 cents Friday, Nov. 24... ITHEIL CLAYTON and CARLYLE BLACKWELL .........in......... "A Woman's Way" 5 and 15 cents c0 . . T . C r o c h e t Thread The Ladies' Bazaar Mlrs. W. T. McAffrey, Prop. :Corner of the Southern Mercantile Building We Can Supply You, Wants Whetever you need for your personal wear or for your family oes, Boots or Rubbers Honest Shoe Values too ess Gfoods ite Goods--..Linens i.nty Lingerre. lery. Neckwear, Gloves, dkerchiefs, etc. -·· RICE ASSOCIATION INRWEcS MUi IMUM I The Board of Directors of the Southern Rice Cr owers' ass,.ciation has again advanced :i:e mrnnnm be - low which [as ,oci1m1 .' :Ai1 i'll rot be - so l. T'his is the s.'c.c d tme since the season opened tthat th h:o'rdl has taken action of this kii1,l. The first e minimums fixed were $3.50 for lion. Y duras No. 1, and $3.25 for Bl,e Rose No. 1. These were advanced to $3.G1 and $3.35 respectivel i: OctoLer. Trhe s following minniums ~vc:'ui xd ,:i during - the November meeting of the directors and are now in effect: : e 'e F'ancy 'No. 1 -.-.--8.. $ 1 No. 2 --------- 3.40 3.60 e No. 3 . . 5 3.4U - No. 4 $,.,) 3.20 The advances refie, cd in the fore Sgoing are warranted by existing mar ket conditions. In October 1.204,915 pockets of clean rice were distributed by the mills, which was the largest distribution ever recorded for that month. The mo.eraent of :o.h rough and clean rice has !ben freer this year - than at any time in tie ;,ast. Lhuriin t,.e 'hree mont.; e :i ' N:oven,!,cr 1st there was re.L . '1 y nuli 286,455 bags of rough rice as compared with '2,124,440 sacks during the correspond ing months of 1915. For the same s period the distribution of clean rice amounted to 2,493,512 pockets as comr pared with 1,357,1:;; pockets for the 'orresponding period in 1915. July, August and Septe:nbe:" imports show ed a decrease of 100lt):) i ocket , ;wh!e exports showed an increase of 18,000 pockets. Efforts to "bear" the market have been made by certain New Orleans brokers and their western allies dur ing the past few weeks in the hope of acquiring quantities of rice to be sold at a big profit later on. The parties responsible for this attempting raid upon the producers wrote a number of letters to jobbers, telling them that there was a big carry-over, that the 1916 crop was abnorma!!y large and that the demand would not increase because northern labor was fu!!y em ployed at high wages and was not looking for something to take tihe place of the high-priced foodstuffs, it had been accustomed to eating. These etters have had no effect, however. The crop is undoubtedly larger and of better quality than that of 1915, but not to such an extent that prices must drop in consequence. Furthermore, the demand is growing at a rate to belie the prediction that the comparative cheapness of rice has not attracted the attention of north ern consumers. With everything that goes to supply the table of the average Sfamily selling at prices that in many cases are from 75 to 100 per cent higher than twelve months ago, rice is steadily gaining in popularity and owing to its superior value as food, will beable to hold its place in the es timation of the public. The Southern Rice Growers' asso ciation feels that it was never in bet ter position to demand and obtain *a fair price for the cereal, and if all of the rice farmers will stand pat and respect the dead line it has drawn with a view of giving the market legitimate and effective support, the New Orleans and other "bear dope sters" will reap nothing but a large crop of bad luck. NAT'L FARM AND LIVE STOCK SHOW OPENED BRILLIANTLY New Orleans, Nov. 13.-The Na tional Farm and Live Stock Show, the first really creditable country fair ever held in New Orleans, opened on the 11th under the most brilliant and favorable auspices. Governor Pleas ant and 'Mayor Behrman were the chief orators the opening day and on Shreveport Day Mayor John McWil liams Ford of the north Louisiana metropolis came down at the head of a big aggregation of Shreveport boost ers and spent the day as the guests of the management. Mayor Ford was much gratified over the passage of amendment number seven allowing Shreveport to refund her debt and an ticipate a big increase in 'municipal improvements on that account. Next to the State Fair at Shrevep''., the New Orleans show is the most sue cessful and elaborate to be held in the state in many years. Prizes amount ing to $25,000 will be distributed among exhibitors of live stock and farm products. 61LSON PLAYERS HAVE WELL PLEASED AUDIENCE The Gilson Players presented "Bar riers Burned Away" to a big crowd last night. Space does not permit a detailed account of their engagement here, but this is one of the best conm panies ever seen here. Everyone is praising them, saying the show isas good as many charging one dollar. Tonight (Friday) the play is "The Broken Rosary", and Saturday night the side splitting comedy "A HaGbelor's Honeymoon. Prices the same, 10, 20 and 10 cents. AMERICAN STEAMER SUNK Paris, Nov. 14.--Representatives Of the United. States embassy are ax Ltvd-at Corunna, £pain, to ak e depositions from Am~ericanm seamen abamh the American steamship Co lumbiaii which was. sun y l'yerman submarine, says a dispatch fr1thrntat city today. Captain Curtis of the Columbian elaims he was kept a prizsoer oi beard - " ::. . - ' - ... . --~m2. 'BOOS0 JNO, M. PARKER i FOR THE CABINET e U. S. Senator R. F. Broussard Confers n With Parker at New Orleans. Martins Still Disputing. e Friends of John M. Parker, recent progressive candidate for vice presi i dent have started a boom for him as i- a member of the Wilson cabinet, sug a Besting him for secretary of agri culture in place of Scretary Houston, e foi merly of Texas, on the supposition -s that if McAdoo retires from the treas ury portfolio, that Houston will be elevated to that position, thereby leav i in the agricultural post open. 0 United States Senator R. F. Brou 0 !sod was in New Orleans and had a 0 conference with Mr. Parker. "It can 2not be denied that Parker did Wilson 5 a world of good," said Mr. Broussard. d The plan of giving Mr. Parker a pub 4 lic reception was coupled with this bcoost for the cabinetship. r Wade O. Martin, democratic candi ,!ate for congress; Judge Thomas M. Mi'ling of Franklin and Sherrara IBrisbane of Third district democrat ic headquarters at New Iberia, were e in New Orleans consulting with At e torney General Gamble and others as to future procedure in the congres sional contest. "I have won the victory by at least e 300 majority and want my dues," said S1Mr. Martin. e John Marks, campaign manager for e~lidge Whit P. Martin, progressive - was also in New Orleans and ridiculed he democratic claim of fraud. He re fused to say whether Judge Martin, if ~eated would vote for a republican f speaker. In a statement from Thibodaux, Judge Martin emphatically denied that he had pledged himself to enter the -t ublilan raucus. '`l have not t ledged myself to anything or any body," he insisted. 1. H. JACKSON APPOINTED DISTRICT ATTORNEY t One of the official acts of Governor Pleasant last Saturday was the ap pointment of J. H. Jackson of Lake Charles district attorney for the fif teenth judicial district to succeed T. A thur Edwards, resigned. LOCAL SCHOOLARD MEMBERS Whereas section 18 of Act number 120, 1916, known as the General Edu cation Bill, authorizes the Parish School Boards to appoint local School Boards for the different schools; Therefore, Be it resolved by the Parish School Board of the Parish of Jefferson Davis that one man shall I be appointed for each school in the parish. The duties of the local members .~hall be as follows: Thelocal board shall consult with ·the member of the parish board con cerning the selection and salaries of teachers. It shall be their duties to visit the schools from time to time, report their condition and make such suggestions md recommendations as seem best for the improvement of the schools. It shall be their duty to look after * he fuel, water, sewerage and the gen eral care of the building and premises. But it is understood that none of -the above duties delegated to th elocal board shall in any way usurp or inter tfere with the legal rights and duties -of the parish school board. The following were appointed: Lake Arthur School, G. H. Shove; An -drus Cove, Plaeide Landry; Trahan, SArthur Guidry; Shafer, G. N. Goudy; SThornwell, E. A. Lyon; New Haber, FT. Ardoin; Jennings, Brown Funk; Miller's Cove, Drozen Sonnier; Elton. Robert Buller; Fuselier, Frank Buller; I Pleasant Summit, Wyatt Anderson; tThree Pine, E. B. Christman; Liberty, I Nick Gabarino; Fenton, H. G. Patter. -son; Edna, Dr. Huffman; Laforgue, SHenry Langley. Meadow Prairie, Jim Watkins; Thompson, Adam Buller; I Topsy, B. M. Ball; Bourgeois, Etienne I Hardy; Oak Bayrou, Alcee Benoit; Mal. .lett, D. Mallett; Roanoke, Aaron Longanecker; Mayville, W. H. Patter son. Others to beappointed at the next meeting. .JACK FROST ARRIVED HERE TUESDAY NIGHT Summer, which has prevailed beau Stiful and sublime for the past eight months, came to a sudden end Tues day when early in the morning a chill -northeast breeze began sapping the Swairmth from the atmosphere, the first Sinkling that there might be a change of seasons this yiear as heretofore, and t Wednesday morning found the ther Smometer down to 80 degrees, with a o thick crust of ice. Those who had not already done so were hurriedly making their peace with thecoal man. Isn't it terrible-after wia are held for eight 'months in the cold grasp of the "ice t trust" we wake up one ine morning in SNovember to fnd the demon has cast u s directly into the lap of the "coal * trust," but always and anon we face - the high cost of living. ~ ,Sa... .. le. - Excellent riee ilinag propercy Iocated , on gcod roads four m.e from Lake lrides. Cra abs panhdi a tractsoI r4tI ~SSSS1~ -~ A ~ The First District Sunday Scht oi Convention met Wednesday, Novem ber 15th, at 2:00 o'clock at the Pre s byterian church in Welsh, with thirty_ i seven delegates present, and a %Ne!l filled house at the evening session. Beginning the program of the after noon session devotional exercises were conducted by Rev. E. M. Stewart. Mr. John J. Miller presided, with Miss Elizabeth Cooper, seclctalvy. All of the subject.s that were as signed were handled in a tbusinesslike and pleasing manner. :;iMr. W. I'. Tietje made a very forceful address on "How a Sunday School Should be Conducted to be Successful." Mr. Tietje's address was followed by a Round Table discussion of all the subjects affecting Sunday School work, conducted by Miss Cox. EVENING SESSION. The evening session opened with devotional services conducted by Rev. J. W. Hervey. Reports of the nominating commit tees were read and adoptel, the fol lowing officers being elected for the ensuing year: John J. Miller of Welsh, President; C. E. Monger of Fenton, Vice President; Miss Eliza beth Cooper of Welsh, Secretary. Department Superintendents-- Miss Leona Kennedy of Welsh, Elementary Department; Mrs. J. E. Bowers of Roanoke, )'Teen" Age Department; J. F. Hoke of Roanoke, Adult De partment; John T. Hood of Welsh, Teacher Training Department; Mrs. E. E. McMillan of Roanoke, Home Vis itation Department; Mrs. John T. Hoo:l of Welsh, Icm-ne Missionary Depart ment; Mrs. J. B. Lee of Welsh, Tem perance Department. The collection taken for the District Sunday school work received very gen erous support, the sum of $120.00 be ing subscribed. Miss Marguerite Cox of LeCompt, State Sunday School Field Worker,. delivered a splendid address on "Some of the needs of our District Sunday School and how to meet them." This was a treat for all as Miss Cox han died her subject in a very able man-i ner. President Miller spoke very encour agingly of the work done in the dis trict during the past year which was one of the best years in Sunday school work, and asked the officers to join, heartily in the work the coming year. The convention closed with singing of the Doxology and Benediction by Rev. J. W. Hervey. ty ciiy I )' 11V ('l', il oliir 'I ll c r2:-,, t a.. . :. ,i - W. T. Law.so, fi't ugg: , ip i }, o o t rice floiu) ion iombinatIi with wo i .1 Owing to the ti:e tl! he ( a 1has btn hit o I , ti, i war aod that none, o t ' r., i. miflls "Sto,c i'z in th s c ' i ,. i . s•eU ing of l ice f.0 : t I rvd :( , hard malter, if not ant im;ti:t,. :!-. Not to ' e diaunlted iy the.,e ('1,ni7 in'urmountll able di .ll. i : 1 ,t zrque set, his inilntive facuI i' t, who iet to ,ine s that h e i lr whe th, r he can or not, he sureeeh(d. Being lunaoll tt o -c:r' ' l'iou, iI any qua te)', Mi. Iazerque detui . , ia off.ee mill, he procc,,,,d t,) grinld up a stupply of rice by t hi slow :i , pr imitive proess aind while the 1t4,!. wa not rs no t great, it wa u iet to form the basis for some Sien doe rolls which wete bakedl at the Ci ,owhy French Bake y. These rolls were snt out ,: 31,. land to leading citizens of the e .', the Signal office, he plhys'cians, rie men and others interested beinto amnon: those to reeei,'e samples of the rolls. In making his rolls, Mr. lBazer qu. used on-fifth itce flour to four-fifths V.,hiat fl ,r. :po l th: riult -sr a i d.' licious roll fully equal in palatabilit to the rolls made entirely of wheat four and many of those who received the samples declare that they were even better than the bread made en tirely from f heat flour. WILSON CABINET WILL REMAIN UNCHANGED Special to Times-Record. Washington, Nov. 13.--Secretary of Commerce Redfield, with Pi esident Wilson's consent this afternoon an nounced there would be no resigna tions of cabinet mem!nbers after their present terms ear ended. "The wres ident's cabinet after Mtarch fourth will contain the same men as at present," h said. 1 , I ,, S1i 1 I 1 i : ;'I tle iiL oaf .. I l., i i. " ' ,I :!ller'S ari , but in i. L~he w is tlll 'i( to localt th it II 'i.il,i ul'd filliy ;:(Ill'ru to t '1 ', t . l' i! ,1`;,", ':h(' \\"a i rle 'moved li., ' , ' rLI IIl.'l in. e!11 l(nw 'i ed it n IIL t ','.'I it hillned t111e flesh of her body :ni i lh'd hrtq' mother's heart wilth al !i' . Alei i: ' ' t I)l'pi t Cllrri'lt this in.,I 1 t:. t!h a ly fil the little boy was ,.;01i l ) ca i ll, ~i, i ti he firl '. Duothrs fllh.,l i11(1 Welsh adlinhis. teie L \! s. ltira's burns which are v', y . ;.,, aithb igh hopes are enter. tInVtI i:l' a I' I'i i \'v1ery. M.. Ie a is the daughter of Mr. Dei . ai. a who lives north of .\ "I' ME'TIIODIST CHIIURCII. . .d. schy ,l, at 9):45, classes for :',e. n..." se: vio, "The Mediatorial Hei, 1.; C, hrist." Vl--n:, ,ervic, "Christian Citizen uiw le,,.ague at 3:00 p. lm. l';piv,' ,h League at 6:30 p. in. Y. 't e cordially invited. .1. \V. JIERVEY, Pastor. L an't Drench Horses. '. l'arris Colic Remedy. Simply drop iL oa the horse's tongue with toe ned;ciie dropper that is furnished ,h cvcry 50c bottle. Cures fifty nine tim nes out of sixty, and the women can give it when you are away. Mlon,,y back if it fails. Welsh \VW: ,.house Co. Big Demonstration Cole's Original Hot Blast Heaters FRIDAY and SA TURDAY November 17th and 18th No"t;cvthe N st ove9 in I. The Outsuie powertul Radiatntr Body. The Insle durabl," Demonstration in Charge of Factory Representative A cordial invitation is extended to the public to come in and inspect our excellent line of heaters. Whether. you virish to buy or not come in and see our line. .. ,,urn`grq,, 'ýY, `.+Sý tit .'Y .?" r dw r tý ~ i Jiouse For.,, .cý ,t"