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The Rice belt journal. (Welsh, Calcasieu Parish, La.) 1900-19??, July 19, 1919, Image 1

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-~~  .Official organ of the Po
C lice Jury of the Parish of
Er. a.pt Jefferson Davis and of the
Board of Trustees... of... the
Number 2. L ,, .+C". Town of Welsh.
Jefferson Davis Parish's Leading Weekly Newspaper
SXX, Number 2.. . WELSH, JEFFERSON DAVIS PARISH, LOUISIANA, SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1919. Subscription $1.50 PerAnnumin Advance
-.... - _ I_ _ ..... ...
J. B. LaCour will- visit in
;C. Hart was a Crowley visi
nice Kit Macke.'el in at
le" Eli Lyon of Iowa was
Ish visitor Thursday.
. Commander F. L. Sandoz
s N. is the guest of his sister
S. J. Arceneaux this week.
, and Mrs. Anatole Derouen
ily of Hayes were Welsh
Wednesday of this week.
ile of Phiz is what you
on that picnlc.-Kim
 Arceneaux of ott, La.,
the guest of Dr. J. ; La Cour
Iuily Sunday. i
, J. M. Booze and N, H.
s were here Wednesday
from Roanoke. ,
I You bet it is hot. Call'us
a nd let us get those orders
time. Phone 34. '
are matered with equal facilityby
in I
:Hell Roarin' Reform"
A William Fox Procdu t l
' i which a devil-may-care owe rides to glory
Tom Mix leap, with his horse, fiqjn the balcony of
one: building to the roof of anothq.
SSBE Tom and the horse go crashing through the
toef -to land in cluster of outlaw; who stole the
ae:!i dlkfrom Belgan babies' mout "ran the preacher
: ouit 'of town a4d kidnapped Tom, eetheart.
rturiui, Sat. Nig t 1 J ly 1l
}:T.ES)AY. JULY 29
Special Production
... CASE"
woman the Oernans shot::;r
al Prs - 10c, 25c, 35c.
' f
an4 TraMi Hosflal
?tcc'4.1 , a Iare ,of t s tra Patouage
Auto and Tractor
S Repairing 1
q at roLngIScBs LSHop,
*_ est Your. Valuables!
Nut you' Iiluble pIa4p rs ttc., where ithey ;'
Swit be "afe front fjee or 'burglar. Palace
___ hem in Ene of ow
·- s A1
Si _ -
t'i ''. '"ý i.:,, '. ý...'ý:ý` f.'ý" _ G^ ,' a~ ý_ r ý
h a j +A ýz+:ý ý12 -G_ -ý ý.. i:".'1..'.- ýý ý-v'eiýý}ý"ýi _ "
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ýtr7 :F T,ý ý .,9. As +Yýy"t 9ý..T.;F ý ý^ ý: rYý-ý
`' ' ý ` `ý£ ý .ý ý , ' r T `ir 'F = -` , } :? + 4 ; rr ý ý ý " " L y ý ý `; ý 5 ý
i ý +,`ý 'Y~f +N it" .. . 1 ý'. "{ -`; "1,: ýX'ýyl.ý X
-Miss Alice. ont*bum is
Sidney Daigreof bLafayette was
guest at the home df W. T. Mc
affrey last :u tday.
Mr. Fariner! We want your
Eggs,. Butter, -Vegetables, Rice,
Mrs. G. R. Boling and children
motored offer from Lake Charles
last Sunday. ,
I. R. Aylesworth, manager of
the Mutual Warehouse, was in
New Orleans this week on bus
Try a bottl of "None Better
Bra;nd V.i~sr' ,You will be
pleased.-Kim~. b alj.
I insure}ti aggaij  st every
thing--W. f Colbet, Agent,
Phone 66.
S. Goldsmith left Thursday
for New York and other Eastern
markets to purchase fall goods
for the Goldsmith store.
Miss Vernie "Unkel who is pur
suing a nurse's training course at
the Charity Hospital in New Orl
eans during the past eight months
is here for a visit with her family.
'Lieut. J. C. McCollister was in
iWelsh Friday on a visit. He is
enjoying a short furlough and ex
pects tobe discharged soon.
Mrs. J. A. Verret and children
left Thursday for Orange, Texas,
where they will visit relatives for
a few weeks.
I insure anything against every
thing-W. M. Colbert, Agent,
Phone 66.
Mrs. A. E. Lognion and sons
arrived last Saturday from Hous
ton, Texas, for a visit- with rela
E. A. Greer was in Lake Char
les Sunday accompaning his bro
ther, R. S. home from the Sanitar
I insure anything against every
thing-W. M. Colbert, Agent,
Phone 66.
Miss, lone Robinson left Wed
nesday night for California,
where she will spend thebalance
of the summer. Her first stop
will be Long Beach.
G. C. Dumoit and family are en
joying a' pleasant visit from his
two sisters, Mrs. R. J. Bourgeois
of Thibadoeux and Miss Alice
Dumiot of Houma.
If you need horsest4rivers, or
aft, see me beforeh buying-A.
Benoit. t.f.
Messrs. and Mesdames E. N.
Hazzard and D. A. Kelly of Lake
Charles were guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Willard last
Sunday .
Jack Demsey knocked Willard
down seven times before he gave
up. Pyroto will put your place
clear of ants at the first lick-at
Mrs. Carrie Glaze, sister of Mrs.
A. Best, and Miss Pearl Duplant
tis, niece of Mrs. Best, both of
Kansas City, Mo., are guests at
the Best home in north Welsh
this week.
Randolph Oak3iitt of Elmira,
Ark., has beeij sj* 1jnge a few
days here and &lto Mr. Oak
smith is .onDrr t the office
of the Southern Rice Growers'
Association at Elmira.
It you need horses-drivers, or
draft, see me before buying-A.
Benoit. t.f.
We Weld broken parts of
Tractors, Pamps, Engines,
.Boilers or anything made
of metal
McCutclianMooney Welding
Worts I
41t Ryan St. -Phone 1321
C. L. Davis
Draying, Hauling and.
Team Work
Heavy Machine Moving
House Moving.
- Wood
Cement Blocks
Phone 85 Welsh, La.
Paper Hanger and Decorator
All Papers Furnished
Located at
F.L. Cannon's Welsh. La.
1 Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hood, Mrs.
3 M. B. VanNess and (laughter Fern
- and J. B. LaCour wer'e Lake Char- t
les visitors Wednesday.
1 F. C. Hart returned last week i
from a visit to his old home in i
r Illinois. E
Mrs. Sam Ringgold has receiv
ed a message from her brother, I
Lessin Henry, stating that he ex- 1
pects to be discharged from the 1
Navy and be home soon. I
sI 1_i
I insure anything against every
thing--W. M. Colbert, Agent,
Phone 66.
Mr. and Mrs. John Barnett and
- the twin daughters, who have
been spending the summer with
the family of W. A. Murphy in I
- Pine Bluff, Ark., returned home
last Friday.
I Present Prices $2.75 Per Bushel
.....Get your order at hbe present
price, while peaches are at their
Martin's Fruit Exchange.
s Joe Hebert is enjoying a visit
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
I)upre Hebert. Joe was recently
discharged from the U. S. N. after
r two years and thi'ee months ser
Harold Shipman is here this
week paying a visit to relatives.
He is suffering from severe burns
on both arms, as the result of aI
successful effort to avert what
otherwise might have been a very
serious catastrophe. A truck on
which he was hauling a drum of
gasoline caught fire and at the
same time an automobile carry- ,
ing a number of children stopped
close to it. As the gasoline was 1
about to explode Harold pitched
it from the truck, the explosion
f occuring as the tank was leaving t
his hands. The quick action on l
his part saved the occupants of
the car. from being saturated with
the burning gasoline. He receiv
ed serious burns on both hands
and arms.
Mrs:. Odele 'Heblt~ Ad sister,
Miss Ethel Hebert, left Thursday
for New Orleans, where they will
spend two weeks or more visiting
r relatives.
Special Price on New Waterloo
Boy Tractors.
I have four new tractors, two
2-speed and two -1-speed, never
run. See Welsh Machine Shops.
Miss Lucy Bell Lyons return
ed to her home in Sulphur Wed
nesday after a pleasant visit with
relatives ?h Welsh. She was ac
comnipanied by Miss Edna McAf
frey; who will be her guest for a
few days.
I insure anything against every
thing-W. M. Colbert, Agent,
Phone 66.
Trespass Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all
parties that any person trespass
ing on any of my property in
Wards 5 or 6 of Jefferson Davis
parish will be prosecuted to the
full extent of the law.
July 5-5tc
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Terry are
here this keek enjoying a visit
with relatives and old time fri
ends. "Bill" is connected with the
- chain of Pigley Wigley stores in
New Orleans. They will return
home monday.
H. F. Arnold has sold his home
in Welsh to J. T. Smith, ihanager
of the mnicipal lighting plant.
Ir. Arnold is going to Wichita
Falls, Texas, in the interest of the
Layne and Bowler Co.,and Mrs.
Arnold will spend sonle time vis
iting in Lafayette.
The rain ruined your garden
this spring. Start another now.
We have-the seeds, fresh and
clean. For July and August plant
Pole beans, Bush beansml'tiftoes
Crucumber, Lettuce, Radish; Tur
nips, Squash, Pumpkin, Beets,
Mustard, Peas, Cabbage; Egg
plants :Potatoes and' Celery.
Amoes Todd has returned froma
azi extented trii through the
north. i14 paid a viSit to hiS bro.
go,'5~P;Nia r~~ aM n~f~Cy
R. S. Greer returned home F
Sunday from St. Patrick's sani
tarium in Lake Charles where on
June 19th he underwent a serious I;
surgical operation. He is improv
ing as rapidly as expected and it
is hoped will be able soon to be
H. F. Arnold and Amar Prejean
returned Tuesday night from 0
Houston, Texas, where they had s
been to take S. O. Scoggins' auto- tl
mobile. Mr. Scoggins is making a
his headquarters at Houston for r
the present. ii
Present Prices $2.75 Per Bushel
......Get your order at the present e
price, while peaches are at their
best. ii
Martin's Fruit Exchange.
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Barbee were
in Lake Charles Thursday taking o
their son Harold for a surgical op
eration. Harold suffered the rem
oval of tonsils, adenoids and nine
teeth at the one sitting. He is
getting over it all right. They
were accompanied by Mrs. An
thony Hebert.
Willie Stutes of Lafayette was
here last week visiting his brother
John, and at the same time look
ing at properties with the view of
purchasing and moving here.
F. B. Dennett was here from
Lake Charles looking after the
installation of a Delco-Light plant t
He also sold a complete lighting
plant to one of the progressive
farmers of this vicinity. n
Rex Cooken, a grandson of O.
S. Carr, passed through Welsh
last Sunday morning with a de
tachment of engineers bound for
San Francisco. While the engine
was taking water Rex took advan
tage of the occasion to send a
message to "Uncle Bill" Fear and
the other relatives. He stated
that he had met Trueman Fe in
Brest the day before they. '.gihat
port on the homeward y.
Mr. and Mrs. WarferE'Byerly
and children returned Tuesday
to their home in StUttgart, Ark,,
following a pleasant visit. with
relativps here. They were ac
companied home by Miss Gladys.
Williams, who has been visiting
her brother, Harold, the past few
Miss Katherine Carroll arrived
Tuesday night from Oklahoma
City, Okla., for a visit with her
brother, S. E. Carroll, and family.
iMiss Carroll has taught in the
Salina, Kas., schools for several
years and will return in time for
the opening of the coming 4nrm.
If you need horses---drivers, or
draft, see me before buying--A.
Benoit. t.f.
With every 251b can of Pensoil
Noiseless Differential Grease we
11ll give a $2.00 gr.ease gun free-
as lonun he li aatl'P I~Q-Ij~imhnl~IE'I
/ Effective August Ist, 1919
General conditions which effect production costs make it necessary to increase the
selling price of allDELCO-LIGHT PRODUCTS.
f. o. b. factory
No. 200-% K. W. Generating Unit ............................ ............. 35.0
No. 208--% K. W. Plant with 80 amp., hr. battery (16 cells) ................. $475.00
No. 216-% K. W. Plant with 160 amp. hr. battery (16 cells)................................ 54.00
No. 300-3 K. W. Generating nit ... ............... ...... .. .........................$800.00
No. 332-3K. W. 32 volt Plant with 160 amp. hr. battery (16 cells) .................................. 00
No. 310-- K. ~W. 110 yolt Plant with 80 amp. hr. battery 56 cells) .................................... $1,295.00
No. 316--3 K. W. 110 volt Plant with 160 amp. hr. battery (56 cells) ..............1......... $,620.00
No. 3006-3 K. W. 65 volt Plant with 160 amp. hr. battery (30 cells) ....................... $1,240.00
No. 6002--Delco-Ljght Engine (No price change) $9... $195.00
Delco-Light Water System 32 volt or 110 volt direct current............................... ... $225.00
Orders Must be Receved aotLater than July 28th.
II youes are ctemplating..Deleo.Light take advantag of the
pesent price which i equinvaleof one year's ler .-t
F may- nsi D1f
'ý' ~. ti - t te
4 :~.
Is Believed That They Could Win
With a Few Days More
of Practice.
The much heralded ball game
between the Rice Farmers and
Welsh's semi-professionals came
ofi Thursday afternoon as per the
schedule and it is cheering to say
that the farmers lost the game by
a very small majority. The six
runs they scored in the second
inning came very near being all
they needed to win. The score at
the close of the game stood 8 to 6
in favor of the town team.
Most of the fans present ex
pressed the belief that the farm
ers could, with a little practice
win from the regulars. Be that as
it may they played a very good
game of ball and showed a keen
knowledge of its finer points.
The game was clean, the um-i
pire's decisions being taken with'
out question by both sides. I
It is to be hoped that the teams
will match another game before
the season closes.
Present Price $2.75 Per Bushel I
......Get your order at the present 1
price, while peaches are at their
best. 'i
Martin's Fruit Exchange.
Picnic at the Park. 1
The members of the Presby
terian Ladies' Guild, their fami- t
lies and friends, enjoyed a picnic
supper and ice cream at Sports
man Park Tuesday 'evening.
There were about sixty ,present
and all had a very enjoyable time.
Carpenters are enpged in the I
work of remodeling and enlarg
ing the residence of J. A. Verret.
Mr. Verret's maison will present '
a very different appearance when I
the work is completed. 1
PeacqI ty Signed
.What is Next?
About the next thing is to get the children
ready for school before the busy harvest
season comes on-get the sewing done and
their wardrobes arranged.
We have everything you need-all fabrics
laces, ribbons, embroideries, notions, etc.
besides a full line of under wear, shirts,
stockings, ties, hats and shoes to fit them.
Tuesday Night, July 22nd. r
Constance Talmadge in
A Comedy Drama
Thursday Night, July 24th
Robert Mantell in
also a Mutt & Jeff entitled
Saturday Night, July 26th.
Willam Farnum in
also comedy entitled
Tuesday, July 29th.
an extra special picture
Lake Arthur won the ball game
here last Sunday from Welsh by
a score of 8 to 1. Probably the
largest crowd that ever witness
ed a game on the local diamond'
was out to see the battle.
It was an off day for the Welsh
boys and although they played
some good innings, a series of er
rors let Lake Arthur in with a
bunch of runs.
Crowley comes here for a game
to-morrow and our prided team
should win another rep.
Odd Fellows and Rebekahs
Attend Special Service.
About twenty members of the
Odd Fellows and Rebekahs lodges
Imotored to Roanoke last Sunday
night, where they attended a
special service at the U. B. church
The sermon on "Love" by the
Rev. W. Lomax Childress was
highly appreciated by them all.

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