OCR Interpretation

The Madison journal. (Tallulah, Madison Parish, La.) 1888-current, March 13, 1920, Image 3

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064430/1920-03-13/ed-1/seq-3/

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et to do for
Diapep.,in." by n eutr:' ..:n
of the stonmah, iustantly r(
-i food sour.iL anlI fernie'uta
euses tht' niut,,ry-nuaking
a1g rtbUr , ft:I.i ' n -.e ful.n ,ss
A stomach anlI int,trneW.
- i blets of "1'.ip" ''< L'i.ilp" 'in ' -
- eýel almnt : ,,,t a a thi·y
h itomneh. Thty hIp re'tlate
stomaCh' so favrite foods
,,--. without distress-Costs
at drug stores.
cura Soap
sthe Skin
Keeps it Clear
gie it a chance to
'."--ue Dr. King's
New Discovery
dangerons stage where a
or cough or case of grippe
get the better of you nay y
than you think. Prompt
wllt Dr. King 's New Discovery
a long singe.
rs it has loosened con.
dissipated tight-packed
broken vicious colds and
S re it to the youngsters-
L There will be no disa
$1.20 a bottle. At your
Give it a trial.
Become Normal
tp, bile flows freely-
billousnes. tongue-fur,
disaIlppenr when Dr.
Life Pills get in their
rtable action.
never pleasant)l correc
habit-forming, should
to rack the system vio
ture's way is the way of Dr.
Life Pills-gently but
g the bowels, eliml
latgstine-clogging waste, and
the most gratifying results.
system with them and
bem of regular bowels 25e
dearsnMiand abody n
ad l ith may be
lkeep youear system ri
ilr q ty tait h
. . ti
mdeit emedyr feleineus,
me arts ack dd vMe the
mi gd bleas. In weshce n
three eises. 4
-e ___ 6 aw0 t h
of m l, asclsnsiaso
o otI " nui -
d1 masdes. Gdifa @
si t a ndreds of
eying neuritis,
The House of _hispeas i,
rihBy t by LLLIAMB JOHNSTrown ONo
Copyright by L I1. Brown , Co.
El_ _ __ _ _
F-! opyrig oy pyr t 1f . nrown ' Lo.
Fiction rca_ers who like '
haurnted houses and m',st>.
rious ni;ses in the night, t I1: i
and ghost doings ti-a; bat- I ,"==
fie explanation, should stop,
look, and read right here.
For '"The House of Whis- on
pers" is we I na r ed. It's
even more fascinating than t\
the old-time hauntcd house,
aeca'se it's a mystery
apartment in a big city
bui ding-the lovely heroine,
for insizrce. can creep ters
along a ledge from one win
dow to another in the dead
of night, and a wonder- t'nf
ful pearl necklace can cis
appFe.r fornm a wall-safe ,
and f'nd its way back again. ab't t
and the su:erinte.dent and
his employees can fase.n a
charge of murder on the. dr'ti
hero, and there might be "'
roon in the wais for secret t,
passageways. But there is iiri
nothing reN-fas'iored or
queer about the loyalty aid
devotion of the heroine for
her l;ver in trouble: it's the
same glorious thiug that
has thrilled us al' ever since I"
tru. love ceased to run
smooth. And of course she
gets the reward that she "'
deserves-and they live
happily ever after. 1
T he
CHAPTER I. twtttn
-1- "1
With an exclama:tion nf annoyance fromr
I clrumpled up the note from my greet- "n.
uncle Itufus and flung it on the floor. flirt
My disappoin:tmentr t its c'sntents was iahot
the one thin;g needed to colnp!ete the *,'n
utter misery of a wretched day. .ie
Only that mornin2 my ronmmates. ine
Birge and Roller. fortunnate fellowa. him
h:,d been Inforninil that their appilcn- he v
tions for the amhbulnce service hal hai
been accepted. Our year of happy HI
companionship had come to an abrupt Cr in
end. Itn
"Cheer ip. old man." cried th.' op. with
timistic Birge. "'your luck will change had
somm time." his
"Right." said Rol!er. as he stoop d eltil
to give a final tug to the straps of his It.
new kit hag. "n ('hap as crazy about hbet
Adventure as you are is bound to meet to',
her soon." "'
"'Stop it." I cried In desperation. "It abi
Is you two who are to have the gt'Cnt fo:(
opportunity. Soon you'll he see~n n
shrapnel hurst. airplanes hattling. reg- lea`
Iments charging. heroes dying. ani I- Cat
I'll be sitting here alone in a hall- :a
room. eating my heart out with lone- red
someness and envy. spending my days him
at an uncongenial desk, and my nights sidi
('od knows how. after you fellows have
gone." I
"You never can tell." ch!rped 6d1 uIt
Birge. "all kinds of strange things hap- helt
pen right here in New York. You mayr
be the one that has had a bellyfuT of his
adventure before we return--if we do." set
His last three words gave us all a wh.
sobering thought. There was a chance. can
more than a chance, that never again w.
on this earth would we three be to- ter
gether again. Elht of our college coy
mates hai preceded Rirrep and doller ma
to the great hattlefield. Already thre say
of them lay In hero graves somewhere I
under the liiies of France. ha.
The silence of a sad partlng fell on arr
us. The taxicab came and we drove thn
together to the pier with hardly a word ni
As we shook hands at the gang- t'
plank old Roller spoke again, a glui- t
ten of tears in his eye. somethlng al- up
most prophetle in his voice. in
"Nelson." he said. "' feel It in my hu
bones that something is wonlt to hap- I
pen to you soon. something thrilllng." mn
I wish to God somethlng would'" int
I answered bitterly. Inp
Disconsolately I waved them n last p
adien from the dock. In a black mood wt
I railed algainst the fate that had left ii
me behlnd, poignantly aInmenting the to
la,-k of the eighdtt hundred dollar' that at
w aid have set me free to accompany *
Two letters, thrust under the door "h
Sin lodging-heonse fashion, awaited my
homecoming. One of them I reeng- an
i ied at once as my mother's weekly
billet of good advice. and tosseir asdd tin
to be read when I was in a he'ter tel
frame of mind. The other was in a an
Scramped. unfamtllnr handwriting. As he
I stedied the envelope curiously a ms
peilon as to the writer's ident'ty "
flashed into my mind and eagerly 1
fore it open. 3My great-nncle. R fues otl
Gaston. was an oaid. old man. It must re
be from him. What could he be writ
Ing to me about? Rufus Gaston was he
Hren-worth many millions. f.
It was merely an invitattot to dine
with him and his wife. Disg.ustedly Ie
fmlung It aside. It aespped the climax of
my dlsatlsfactilon with everything he
Her.' were my two chums starting of CI
t- thte war. and here was L Spaldlinal
Nelson. twenty-ail strong Into physique. st
save for a "football knee" that had t
barred me from military serfvice. thirst-U
ia for exeltemeut. left behblad ia the
ema* Imb ein we ad ad mw bid
4m te se ialakreutimg agal wftk twe I
rans er e,, nreete= t ~m 4 up me
.m-s.t ur tinm~ I
11 1 . " *~i ",iiil I _ , II : ' f - ' ý "' , .
7til u.:ir .'t htin~ t n 'lV il In ' Brihe I' ,o
l i t it lil fr i Ii iii ,li r. i t ti, . ' r
t rsl " t r le , y o i e . ' n'ili of nt. , r, 1' _it
that I W"inh erl I:'lt.yoeeimrIm
i t . a t " I, lt, " 1 h 11!: 114 i' t'," ! it" I'' ;ire "I . i,
TIt l t aI vritllly i,' .' Th li nt "1 +1,i -.i
reel. ri t - l. it'iV eicl itid " t irtl"i" r'
shl d-i nI " t I "till o-tiw d her ei iht hi1n- *Ii**t
d r ed d olg la r s, hl i .
"i ,to n t,, .ve." sh,. h~v wi~t te-{ n , l ei;
ime. "httw y'lll e utti hilnir 1:il\ 't l fr' . i. Sli
r '! , I.I l e ' '. .1i _ ,. -1" hit 1i i 1 ."1 .111 \\ h ,
lt o 1i 1\1l, " -i. n l ,II t in t'ii , .,tl . T1n ,o 1,"
I.l i t ytui i ft! t atii lt i ,,l! Ch1 y ,.l 1 -:"
, emi es. i ettl he lils l i r l .uiz .,ni. Fin y t i'
ing 11 -' whna n ith ir nexpnztt h'ti will Ibn j I
,ci'h ht"er. l ,' II l , iltonnt for -r
h llt. T h , ti:Ne to .nti r 1:. i-t to :!y I',," ,
I ht ': t! lo r it i my mttl, ip f-ite lit I
to t l i l lu o t ? OS,,. n i! i. ld - en \,o i ' «:!lr ." ia "1
I t r Thi< ir 11111ltoft i  ital find rno lit1,"i
:ilulyr. z 1rg u lietiton to hr wtit a:
Sit ii i ofl r.0or .!t m1.1 I , ,,il hI ,- "I
fo ll' coulld h, nmy owln mllaster'. Ellh "i
- vh oo . I hliaI l"' It t oli 1in ' : \' y " 1 'th e d o l- ly.. '
Al.rs. and as it atnemulatd l hat been it
th tu I win: her a mn dey orutr. I
T lhogtnil y' ti r t' niy orter's li te tt lt- ""I
yter. Th fir _"hart nr it repiated hanr nt
manlly argullnltsn. She wtrltie: htaix
m 'Twoll dhi\ intlny. I rec -ive .a "httr "1
e frote ny filher'"s lrhxteir. ulfuIt (i't -.
Lt..n. :dln })hnn -u ;;rall Ih -n yor _1
or. first went to New Ytrk. lt ake, "l
ils l.bolut yon arnd madtit tmv, a prtotIit; n reli
the neern', ng you. I a :i nvlt vnhiliur' It' iedi
Sri'te him nl tin llave. Yoiiir Vitsw" hnt
e. iine ard so seldo.m in neeort. I gaive tin
him your atldre-s and suZle.tt'd that miti
n- he write to you hnimolif. Probubly he meit
i h .s don, so bcy thit, tiltIe." d . lit
pv, H.astily I rened n alV gr'ehllt-ll'ts atlet
ipir cirumpldt note from tli. the utor nit setr I
tm'lloit'th l" it lout. If Ti-ftuo (:topia' i.:
op. with hl mnillitns and nit direct heIr
fl¶ had nlteli a prouttisitin cilttuernii in ' m.
his. letter totk tin a Vcly IYmore liater
p d ",ltll-g onplexitn. Colrefully I re tiel
hi Iit. seekinci for some htilden mnntItillng
iUt ht- tten the lineas. hut t Ioit Cud no tlie
eet 1, what he bamyin m!wnil. Ie me"-ly
i, resie the pttili that I woult lIe
"It c.hIi. to dtne with him ant his wife in
[ent .orit.i!l next Thursday evenlnz.
ina whatt could it melta? It wai at
reg. leas°t well worth ilorilne Intt. r.
i Glston wI'a sevnty-folr. Hie hal, matte
I ia fortflnte in the Somth Aleriatl trtle
ne retirin at sixty-five. There wis only
ly hinstl an c his wife. On th e Glastont I
.i, f m. through emy mother, my sisters
eave 1,l I were the only bliod relationw.
I wondered if it could h,. that old
I Uiellu, "sas thinking of makini me his.,
ap heir--heir to the Gaston milions!
at As I penned a cordial acceptanre of
tof his dinner invitation I deoterminei to
do." set myself to pleas'ng the ohl couple.
ll whom I had met only once. on th., oe
nee. casion of my call. A Yew year" ago I
in would have despled the thought of ent m
to. terint to wealth. hut since I had dis
age covered how diffeult it was to marn a
ier money and how much more difficult to s
tree save it. my views hlad changed.
here I could hardly wait for the day he en
hap i set for me to dine with them to me
on arrive. I found myself approachint o
roe their residence fully three-quarters of
ord n. hour before the time named. When
I dP -overed how early I was I decided at
ang ts liter in the park for a few mtn
ts- utes. Old Rufus recently had given e
Sal up hle Avenue residence and now lived
in one of those stately Iapartment
my huildingst erected in the East EIgtiesu In
hap- I turned into Central park opposite to
ig tmy great-nncle's street and dropped
d'" into the first bench I caime to. deposit
ing beside me a hunch of rbsej I had
last purchased as my first move towardy
oo winning my great-aunt's affections.
left Lighting my pipe I gave m.ysself up
the to plesant reveries,. from wich I was
that aroused by finding my roets tossed
pa n suddenly to the ground a$ my feet. 0
"Pardon me," I said Indignantly.
door "but those belong to me." 0o
my "Benches ain't for bundles." croaked '
eg an evil voice besilde me.
e.ly Recovering my flowers. L turnel to
asid" find seated besilde me a rat-eyed yo'cnr
i fellow. cheaply dressed. ey. ong me with
i t an Insolent stare. As I looketi a" him
As he began crowding over towarci me.
. Plainly it was his lntention to oust in" 1I
*t'ty from the bench.
ry I "There's plenty of room on thost j
. ,fui other benches over there." I sugiestet U
must resentfully.
writ- "Beat it yourself if you don't like it a
was here," he retorted, blowing the smnie o
from a cheap cigarette in my face. "I
dine gat a date here. and rm going to stay.
ta of I answewrd with an angry retort and
hing hot words followed. We had almost i
c of come to blows when the hushes op
iding posite us suddenly parted. I caught
ique. sight for just a second of a yillainous b
had face, that of a man about forty, ant
'hrst- unforgettable face with a red scar
; the aOrn the left cheek. He raised one t
Fbid- haer in as leapmrtiw gesture, signal- t
h two lmg to mwyi!s esui. - I
p m I* s whI a sWil e
....n, a m - ng me.i
SI ' ' .
! :1 t1' ,l all" , ! i11 l r," ' :1:, l ," ,oe III
:: t"% h b l , I , l ion . 1 ',i: i . u1k! .'
nut lhil 'e It d.ii:l y lInro . .j'l !t 'I bit
ti" t.lte'l, on .sit' ,r .h* ,,of \iduch .,' a .,
S f, tiv, d' h' Iir Y' d. 1
'I"T1o eill"' _:". a .;h,. I: t ,ent T she v,'h!!,,", ;1.
ri. I i' * :! .I I 1.". ! Lh'Irt. i
. ri,'. 11 't t , t1 c t1' :II, i I "t*'l '.l "' lil I":
hl. l., '14 : t* : I t -he ad h ti i-
:11 L . 1 1 l "' f' r : . 1 1" ll ei! . 1 1'
a 1 Slit- !Ih'. (I ' ,I : 'ii ht . Ip<. l\ hi4 . I
S i'gai! lt,!n I I 'k 111" Twnoe' a l, i ,k ill whi'h 1 ,
y Ipr ,'le :11, fe,;ir -,,, ie,, to In.!.lIV t \wilh
h_ utter ,l l.t . i.
",'I I herei . "h, 111.
i I 1 1,:y 'll t c I in II: r l ,,l"' I SncInP- h"'
1 4 (.t 1. 1. ,' dly k:i) ' w :1"t\-wha i. ' !.'4 4, ýl
i- 1tj l ei " i lp lI 41llali 1w \ with : 1 pu zledl air 1 t
" and l i Ied h -er h1i11d 1 to a rnil . ':l' - :III
tiI', 4 il \4.a- eli'a itin . t h:
t "Y,"1I n ,11\\ ele to \ lar r 1 ,lii, t i ." I .'
. " I ,li''i ' 1un e4rt'l'at l." I un1 Iniered. 1,
-h "Didnt't yon." -I, a<ked hr-it:aihit- t
1- ly. " bi 1n't yro l coli here alout t1he ;l4
"Whalt il!pers?"
In "Y0:1 know-"
t- "I don't know." I reliet. "I kno.w L.r
ir nlotiilli out aI ny pni1 iirii. Y4 l l ustll
11live mi'htakn 111,1 f-or ot eoile else1."
er "llnt this was the place-this bench .si.
S-th, first hnlneh?"
u "I sat downl here quite by accidenti."
ed "Oh"" s1e exclaimned with a sigh of to
on relief. "And you're not wearing a
to red e:trnation. either." t
nil I re,:lled then with mlgiving that e1.
ce the ill-favored youth '.iho ju-t a mlo
:at menit 1(1;4 had d 4isputed the hench wilh it
ani that he had muttered something
.'"a .iout hlavin, a date. Yet it .1141 not a
id seem I.osl le that n rl oif thf "rt
o o
ot- "You Were to t. r **. "I et
en- Wvould be having a rendezvos with
dis- a scamp like him. I deternlin tl it
are possible to ascertain the girl's nis
: to sion.
"I am merely waiting here." I hart
he ened to explain. "until it nIn time for
Sto Ime to keep a dinner engagement with
dat some relatives in the apartment house
u o from which you came."
hen As I spoke I noticed that the fear
ded and loathing had vanished from her
eyes and that she was looking with
VM relief at a little college pin I was
ved wearing. She was blushing now from
aent confusion at her mistake, and the rls
ties. ing red in her cheeks added great#
mdte to her exquisite loveliness.
"I was to meet someone here," she
faltered; "you quite understand. don't
"I understand perfectly," I answer
of any serie-"
"No. no.h lhe .lobed. apparntly
, overwhellne by whatever it was that
Swas twbsetting her. "It's nothing-h
nothing anyon i e . can help."
o p"Tell me asout the man yol werem
"Whh e o arex you?" she demandtt c. her
him suspicion suddlenly rt.ing at my ques
me. tion. "Yo 're not a detective?"
S "Far frfnl it." I nnswerud amucmd
ly. '.Tn just plain Spalding Nelson.
hoen on my wsp to dine with my great
stell uncle Rufus Gaston."
"Id a hd " she haid. relieved. "their
n- it lyartment is on the same floor'as
- e"rTel l me about the man you warsT
sitay. to meet," I insisted. "I may have seen
and "Did you? What was he like." she
most demanded eagerly.
op- "I*mn't yonea know himt?" I conntere
ught "No. I never saw him. I don't even
nous know who he is. I only know that
os. there was to be a man waiting here
star on this beach this evtening We were
I one both to wer red earnations. I wcan
oal-o o tome here alo to m e o wc ad
a to met he-"
tb m "r uritI nnwesd amused-tig.
iv. ~ I "rm jutpai pliigNesn
Ihs onm i"I.tnewt yget
, r . ., • an, "
1, -1 . '.
A..- .:
t - It L ' 'II I t I: . ' I to . \
u... \', 1'. : - ', " ' . . t ..1 1 .'. a t h: ' : ,- i
:. ., ", 1 , ". !, ' . i' 1 ,. - " . T
. n11,i4 : qu. n 11'1. P - u ll"
"I ,,,.1.,'. I" ~11 '.1: ' ,"" I \\I'it- .5,'%t':
Ij t." 1,1\', ,.. 1:1" "",." . a a( . I
"• \1",\I',v \1 11;J 'l ':" (1..'lo
I .,l r l i l y th . r t .'s : 'i I : . t' ) ;L 'b - :I r _ t 1 F 1
1 ' t II:., t e- t e: 1'1 1 ,w , ? ,d h ,r r kt1 1
tht a `.l.-" I.t ' ', r 1 11:1 1 ý:i 1 g lu t t<' -a,
l"11 T : x 1 1 :1I w:4 11 1 ' I11 o
th **h\-t, '1r. \\'h, t h , , . m:"en
, rht. lll oik' ! t o tt * e:l , cnp t i nt o ht tl' r . g i n
""l'han tk y,11 "- 'hat. Ir. N,.-t,." me
'' \ \i-h 3',1'1 I Ilt, leh, I yet"
, riii r ate
" ,-I. lrno :s' l e thnI: Iu" I i ng- in -t-..
" Viat hi it*.*'"
toe therM rl t," !'1e it h l, ll- -" 1F. rata
A trek l:,,r d.oIo her l,,,v <tm idi one
more i look ot 1errs,lr : rferlt into herin
I yt'\tm1. f
'I "'n't e h llndi. t :lIit. I ni tst tn, ft.1
[el r.:t,,,,l outin aet tal. her h;md. to
ro gol!.aill V,41l 'v1 lt i know."
-You 'nIIu l'"t Ino4t try to stoip Illy'lo e_ "
i  'g " h e 4. ri ,',t l |e rie , t"'~ . iY l l f r , ,e S
i U her h11 1 . ttiriiel . 1t ''k.vly 'i,·4. t21 I
leklkl I et"r Dlo4r l'ft n e 'tell DIinU
lhl,'re :ato e. '.lt'i'tI' after her.
Pidrphed t . y1,t.1 C.reatre aIs tof
\\hIit i ,, l lht .,. .!,. aI't,'r :1 Il elfnielt I
T hl e l pI l;l4 t Irct l oIII r i l tw n ri le L4h g o
Sunder t'e sane roof with
Remarkable Dcnizens of the Dee;
Said to Be Merely Creatures of h
Ic the Imagination. co
The auP1 :rIle of wandmring herd- to
Sof sea lioni aluon the shlorest of othl T
era ('alifernli retind. of the perel e
11nal storiies aloull mllontesl r It th
the rare d emitl ens tO "oarr fi fh.
t- llt hle lýlt.,lct l ror sea mte ster- Ie
minae of these lh. ae twenty fth
Soung. tfrunth e e h thiy h rali
adTpted io lrves at great depth the:
scanot live at the surface mhor trd
Sl;how thbl two have hcn n washed u,e
Saiy s1toI re Molf sea montems oel
th he fruits of .ome excitahle r4I' flu
SilapgelntieIh. There are ulany thingp
r- hbout the sein whith ? lght redil.
ThetalnIs sople hae. lati ihaed 4tr4t mnn
screts, that suchl a p nl e so miht readm
he elir nleve thoat. if afly e ohjeetled te
it his story, lhe (orhl1 say the lIthnltel
Ollt polp,,,red. Then who CeuhI prove
r he had not hsamen It aro
an ainous pelkile hve had thirritlol al
lpuylt anti. legends ao isut mn moern
t- ter and thoe prhahley have helprc
ln ories now. Tile Nohr. tTales are th
t most numerouls aflnI vivied.
Opportunity Everywhere.
re The litts of what a uan may lror
inel are ofound imn hlnlseplf. Men are
er t rhnby talking abte t their rightlsd a
that they fail t ete what Is their op
portunities. Men have risen to power
o. hrntn work together. Thee wcorld ha,
;t- rewairded them for it. When ton
tfidence is placed Itn a man the wor hl
el neives him unlimIted opportunity. It
as is then he must gro into a lager
S sphere or stay among the men of dt
er. visitn. If bome pewoiee wouldn nt
en trying to tae ulate the world and take
ta hand ian regulating their own dia
she content there would Ihe decided pros
ress. Suc ucss after all in a mtter
gd. of growing oat of the old and into the
an new with ever Increased development
uete l IRemcl Its Des 1 iatnfmi.
A1I lA Ittle boy wslgiven a penny to
mr e d g ive to the Lurd at dreb He is
I EiEtI A ilir H
01 Li 1 i
SE'IA_ E t- S - PE ` C~. N
Rc:J0r FO - S.'E i7E \
O'4 P\C0.
WILS N'S 5T '.,, il SM,.E
Sianm CG . T - 'ts On Do.
csr'n C, A, ;c.. T - . ' y.
Is Fou' i.
1', . ' " " '
r'. gL" t .!" i '; 1 , - ,l' .;..t t.,
' .ii .,' on i t" ..:1-: ,' "
S d l.r:n ti r A . ,, to
am t -i :. I_'' V .' -. o ... . "
l i. ta+,-nd ni . . -r t:.,. .
ftr i'r ne bet a. n t.il , i r t - - '""t and
.a;ror m n,., il, 1: att'. r N r. it
, :. prgi oil t- t'hit ur :1 t. n - ! " 1'
i'P'mant r rachei o i hsi, 1% l' -u
, i i , i c' - l -I'
S atle o-S. tv:e to nork ou' It " nll-i
i sltion inilder tkhe r-'it . fat tn havn
f, re'rll bet roug't th(o an nd and
I r.aticatirn vote. ta;kn. Dem.' ae time dur
Carna. oning the e uj prent ::
, grant o. and n,.. 't Radcalsm. fr
wind ol thk tory trov ding a pn:lt of
ment reached on Arti':lthlre tonvicti n
at wsecurld have to uppeork ou its on
'salvation anl tak, it.; eai-u u n hay
ing the ueray pl Asemted by a vote .o
To Rive.claim Big Coal Mine o
I wmad that goffical fbe l:nieve that in
any ventuaty 'liehich has r debate pundr- obably
ould beb rorkng! at tn end irard m a
rath collietry vt Rtakven iolne time dur
re 1ing the prent we ontroek.
To Prevent Radicalism.
Frankforton. - A bitoratll desof Ar-ned
nto prven'st o ritic al syndicaliseb in
ton intucky by pro ding a penalty of
$(tmocit and a maximum ter red of 21
Sears' impreisonm relat whonre convitee. n
Ssecuredon, passed the upper naouse of
commitree on Foreugl Relations. w
ti The General Assembly by a vote of
21 to 14.
To Reclaim Big Coal Mine.
thwas ma oficials believe the
fire which has ra' dI la the under
ground .orking lls at the Girard mam
moth colliery at Rven tonio, Pa. inor snt
15 years is row und e r contrul. bi
Help For Armenia. n
_..to e.rth.
meniadeso Cpoliticaly. - lndeican denorers are
allgoing to theed naited States in largeol
nion alarmintrg, accord bying to pesadorie
t Irom Northern Strelations committee.
Probe To BAre in Sunched.
Tuscon, Arit Nes . - The datob
r commir Weled on ForeC. Wood and tionsre which
st B ers, will ere launched here.
r vee IU
Sanderso.n Potae.h O Lieutput. John
onKelly Washington - Prntonio. wan oinsta pot
mwn ind storm seany last maconth reashedng
e oig the record t Sotal o 000 teos In lar
c numbers, and the exodus ishere becoming
from Northern Statee
Urge Reir A For launchd.
Warsawpor. - Immediate desaction y-or
the rs Weledn C. Wood aland is Georged in an a
gro\ Peal sent ton. Wash ington ovfr the I
tare nturecord total of 55). agency repres ntatives
i ihts Iand l dispatch received here ai otd -
Urge Relief For Poland.ca
Warscon- nonced that an unuccImmediateul action fortem
orlthe relih been made to assass urged in an apord
It Acton the BritiWash ministon over tho Fin
arger and tehnical adviseors as well as oth
e r plan Air Ambulncs.
i tae Washington. - Four thoritativrmy antr
Washour DH-4 army atr
planes have been ordered converted
ppon into airplane hospital ambulances anu
tatterA. V. Verville, aeronauticar enginer"'
o the at McCook Field D.yton. O, haa com
ent t pleted a design for the model.
SUhip ia Crippled.
New Yortk. - The Amerlcan steam
my to ship Nameaung, rom Gibralra Febrl
- ue 19 fo Pblsdsl a was reporte'
p by wirsles - d4able with .Wster
-,ear L
But Dona's F'ffictd1 a Ctmt,'ete
!t vc. :t .\ e i .wr i Ken i t es
|aid. .',v i i(,.ed ti  h.
' . i .
C, . -. .'
CA. ,t tt r?* r'er 1:e
DOANS ',", t
• .1
S . Itt i,
. Delicious
LiLht, cake-like corn bread
is the kind that is produced
Liitht. cake-like corn breed 'h
is the kind that is produced
from Marco "Cream" MeaL
If you are going to have
corn bread, why not have the
very hest? Why not have the
kind that is flaky and rich in
Marco "Cream" Meal is se
lected by d;scriminating heese
keepers, because they keew
that they can be sure of thq
Insist Upon "Marceo
The Marco Mills
Caused by
If people who are btllito are treated e -
eordinlg to eeIl sysstome tbhy selds g"
t very much better. Wbhatever MlIe NM -
e neoss to Its sinuee and remove It. ..r a
the chances are that the patltet will t1
mare strong and healthvy
Doctors say that more than It mS
Sorganic diseases can be traced to an Ia
ar ELeae. Blllousnes Is ol o tat to A
getlonf heartburn, belching, sla o stea
bloat and gas are other sigtn ei a •i
stomach. EATONIC. the marve ledad -
I not eortad
the stomach miseries ll w wedma sa
at rIain sls ac.t aes thee Y t
a tral. zooi and eomfortabl. Hset
gtiy: Improves the appetite and ee
e fl strnettlth from yaor td.
P sy that LAONIC is the morn
stomaeh remedy in the worl it I, the
YOU ee. Try It on oar msta
aot-stled ruarantee AtI
Only eo ents tor a big ben.
e a( tas. sal et , sp sa e
iteel lee bett bo at dr8ts8i
Old Folks'
Sie P rlrS u
?Ue b dae Se
br ebym

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