OCR Interpretation

Lower coast gazette. [volume] (Pointe-a-la-Hache, La.) 1909-1925, February 12, 1910, Image 4

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064433/1910-02-12/ed-1/seq-4/

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"Sorry, old man-bad too(th'"
N.o -lt'illj.tit st.ow' ni me nlun'>-(c'an t
get near hint--trying new schemc."
Teamster's Punishment Earned.
.11ip, ritlvy it ,ays riot to b«" ir'ul
to hl ~i, 'li in ('hic(atl . . 1 teanistei'
,ho :"inateI dl ;ihaluloning his horse's
ifor' . i ui'.s in- a recli' nt rIliy slay
v,;h ina d $,, by a niatgistrat''. The
1inIIatnr ;a(' itety p.rostec'utfl t cl;Lvas"
,igorously :tald prtom is,,d to r.i-pu' thn'
ti:ltt'l' or, th,, dri\ r' ` ml' phll v'rs. P'r1 -
siumahly ii' wiil lise his ji . i s [, o
was iunail', to pay the tin anitid W[
hL v, to sr-rI'' a jail t'l'rn.
Their Status.
"Ar I t h pi i\,tiy' "
"llajijy. No, thyr,' rich "-St.
Louis l o.-t-l isji n ih.
If you had positive proof that a certain remedy for
female ills had made many remarkable cures, would you
not feel like trying it?
If during the last thirty years we have not succeeded int
convincing every fair-minded woman that Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound has cured thousands and thou
sands of women of the ills peculiar to their sex, then we
long for an opportunity to do so by direct correspondence.
Meanwhile read the following letters which we guarantee
to be genuine and truthful.
Hudson, Ohio.--"1 suffered for a long time from a weakness,
inflammation, dreadful pains each month and suppression. I
had been doctoring and receiving only temporary relief, when a
friend advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com.
pound. I did so, and wrote to you for advice. I have faithfully
followed your directions and now, after taking only five bottles
of the Vegetable Compound, I have every reason to believe I am
a wellwoman. I give you full permission to use my testimonial."
-Mrs. Lena Carmocino, Hudson, Ohio. R. F. D. No. 7.
St. Regis Falls, N. Y.-"Two years ago I was
so bad that I had to take to my bed every month,
and it would last from two to three weeks. I
wrote to you for advice and took Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound in dry form. I am
happy to say that I am cured, thanks to your
medicine and good advice. You may use my
letter for the good of others." - Mrs. J. I.
Breyere, St. Regis Falls, N. Y.
There is absolutely no doubt about the
ability of this grand old remedy, made from
the roots and herbs of our fields, to cure
female diseases. We possess volumes of proof of this fact,
enough to convince the most skeptical.
For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has been the standard remedy for
female ills. No sick woman does Justice to
herself who will not try this famous medicine.
Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and
has thousands of cures to its credit.W
Mrs. Plnkham invites all sick women
to write her for advice. She has
thousands to health free of charge. ' 1
Address Mrs. Pinikham, Lynn, Hasse L NK
NEW MUSIC BOOKS for the homee ircle. Fifty volumes, vocal and Instru
mental, each about 100 pages. Best print. Superior paper. Half a million Coples
sold In six months. Send forcomplete catalogue.
iodS rn Song Favorites The Piano S alaxy
Vols. I and II. Bagh or low voice. Acollection of 0 pieceswithin "he abilit of
VOL. 1, containing 25 favorite soogs by th average player and not to be fon In
such compoera Ms: Come. dreaKrW. resented: Ckamlna'fi. Rligr, Onabrcl-Merti.
Godard. d'Hard*lot. Ha Via. Nvir, ~ome. odard., Oregh, Kargenof. Lack, Meger
set. Streleki. Tkomas. Tosti. etc. Halmund,, Piern, Wacs, tic.
VOL. II, containing 22 favorite songs by
such composers as: BtArted, deKovw,. Oprti Albumm
(Creek, Har, Hildac. olNoyNedkam. W:eati Album volumes.
Sad/wias. Ten, ilws, etc. A collection of operatic fantasias and tran
scriptIons.Moderately di~ffcult, and fngered.
esi of Sacred Song M" :, T::.arel" #m. stm
High or low voice. Lucia. Puritan N, orms, Don Giovanni.
Containing 2 celebrated songs by such Frelhets, Fra Diavolo. Rigoletto.
favoriten c empoerts yas Amroe, OL.f , containing favorite operas: Ober
lavorites ompoNrasds: Aru, C.s rk. on. Faust, Prophet. Carmen. Sonnambola,
ladrsc. & eAserka SlzA. Welis. tr. lgon, Cavalleria Lida, Tnnhausor,
We Buy
Hides mad
Feather., Tallow, Beeswas.
Ginaeng, Golden Seal. (Yellow
Root), May Apple, Wild Glnser.
etc. We are dealers; establishd
In 1856-"Over half a century In Louisville"
-end can do better for you than agents
or commission merchants, Reference, any
Bank In Louisville, Write for weekly price
list and shipping tags,
M. Sabel & Sons,
229 E. Market St. LOUISVILLE, KY.
For Asthma, Bronchitis and
all Throat Troubles Take
lE toý 5 , ta a lOR ISH U J S
The relef is as quick as it is certain.
Pleasant to take and guaranteed
absolutd; f.e from opiates.
After Spending Thousands of Dollarn
and Consulting the Most Eminent
Physicians, He Was Desperate.
Becker, of 134 Van Buren St., a
well-known wholesale dry goods
dealer, states as follows:
"I have had catarrh for more
than thirty years. Have tried
everything on earth and spent
thousands of dollars for other
medicines and with physicians,
without getting any lasting re
lief, and can say to you that I
have found Peruna the only rem
edy that has cured me per
"Peruna has also cured my
wife of catarrh. She always keeps
, it in the house for an attack of
cold, which it invariably cures in
a very short time."
J Ittb'l, f,,r printing in niw, papr ,r
rn rtra r "n r'. u'nbl h r '1 thti pap,"r
,i .itak y" y ro rd'rand r ,dthe rrlrting.
DEFIANCE STARCH ..;t... work wI:Rh e: '
Memphis Directory
Seed Corn, Mixed Chicken Feed: Purity Mixed
Freed. Wade's Mixed Alfalfa Feed for Horses
and Mules. Write us. Elevator and Warehouse
on I. C. and Y. & M. V . R.
50 N. Main Street, Memphis, Tenn.
Moving Picture Machines
All makes at the lowest prices. Films for sale
and rent. We furnish complete outfits for
Traveling Exhibitors for Moving Picture Thea
tres. Chairs, Slidtes, Tickets, Carbouý. Gas Out
fits, Limes, Oxoue, Ether, etc. Write for
Boswell Film &. Transparency Co.
158 a. Main St. Memphis, Tenn.
Potrtoes, Onion Sets,F ield and Garden Seed.
Orders and Correspondence Solicited.
10-12 8. Front St. Memphis, Tenn.
All our seeds comply with the state law.
DEFIANCE Sold Water Starch
makes lauadry work a pleas.n 1r o0. plk. 10i
Rev. Watson Dana Never Tipped
Hat to a Woman.
Archbold's Cousin Never Touched
Liquor, Tobacco, and Has Not
Seen a Theatrical Perform
ance, Though 70 Years Old.
Kansas City. Mo.-Rev. Watson
Dana, cousin of the late Charles A.
Dana, the famous editor of the New
York Sun, and of John D. Archbold,
the Standard Oil multi-millionaire,
who visited in this city at the home
of his son, 1216 Tracy avenue recent
ly, although more than 70 years old,
has never raised his hat to a woman,
and declares he never will.
"No man has greater respect for
womankind than I," said Rev. Mr.
Dana, "but for a man to raise his hat
to her is an act of sacrilege. The
Ilible teaches us to uncover on enter
lug the temple of the most high, and
this mark of respect I reserve for my
Mr. Dana has never touched liquor,
never chewed tobacco, smoked or
gambled, has never told a lie and has
preached the Gospel for 50 years. Hie
has never entered a theater or seen a
theatrical performance, has never
traveled a mile on train or boat on
lie has not an enemy in the world
and has never spoken unkindly of his
fellowman. lie has the reputation of
being the best loved man in Ohio.
lie has given away a fortune, but has
never been involved in a lawsuit and
has never had a fight.
Rev. Watson Dana's great-grand
father was one of the party that first
settled in Washington county, Ohio,
in 1778. They founded the town of
Newport, a city that is surrounded
with historical spots and famous
He was born in 1836 in the house
his father built on Dana's run, with
in a stone's throw of the Dana mill,
whose crumbling stone walls served
for pictures for many a famous artist.
His father was a minister and the
boy grew up in an atmosphere of re
ligion. Early in life he began preach
ing. As he expresses it, his college
course was taken behind the counter
of a country store and his theological
course on horseback.
There was not a railroad in the
state in his boyhood and many a ride
of 30, 40 and 50 miles he has taken
on horseback that he might be able
to preach to a few farmers and set
tlers in a little neighborhood, too
poor to support a minister.
Time and again he has been called
Rev. Watson Dana.
late at night to ride through storm
and cold to the bedside of some par
ishioner. He frequently walked miles
to preach rather than profane the Sab
bath by taking a convenient train. He
has never had his life insured. He
holds that life insurance is a specie
of gambling, with life and death as
At one time he was wealthy; to-day
he has practically nothing. There are
many persons who owe him and who
will never pay, knowing he will not
bring suit for recovery.
Utility In Studies.
President Schurman's questioning
of the utility of teaching modern lan
guages in colleges is somewhat sur
prising. While it may be true, as he
claims, that not one in 500 outside of
teachers will use them, this is not a
valid reason for discontinuing them as
studies. Such a test could be made
to sweep the college curricula of near
ly every study now considered essen
tfal. What would become of the high
er mathematics if this test were ap
plied? Who uses conic sections of
trigonometry in his business? What
business man has actual recourse to
what he learned of chemistry or min
eralogy? The utilitarian test can be
applied too rigidly to college studies
with the result of greatly narrowing
the college curriculum. The cultural
studies ought to have a chance.-Min
neapolts Journal.
Love WIII Find a Way.
Oberlin was the first coeducational
college in this country. In the early
days they had a rule that in case
there were but one man and one wom
and in a room, at least one chair
should be between them. One even
ing an instructor, passing one of the
small sitting rooms, was horrified at
beholding a young man and a young
woman occupying the same chair.
"Sir," he demanded of the man stud
dent, "what is the meaning of this
outrageous behavior? Do you not
know the rules of the college?"
"Why-er--don't they say that if a
man and a girl sit alone in a room
they shall have one chair between
Not the Worst.
"I must confess that I don't sleep
well while traveling by train," said
Mr. Chuggins. "I had a terrible dream
last night."
"I understand they had some trou
ble on the road."
"Yes, I dreamed my motor car ran
over an embankment, smashed the en
gine and tore the transmission out by
the roots. You can't imagine how re
lieved I felt when I awoke and found
it was only a railway colllsion."
Lena Schmidt of Dudley, Tex.,
Writes a Letter About Cardui
Having Helped Her.
Dudley, Tex.-"''You may use this
letter in your advertising, if you like,"
writes Mrs. Lena Schmidt of this
"A few years ago, I suffered every
month, I was relieved right away.
"Cardui has surely done me a sight
of good. It brought me back my
health. I am now strong arind well,
and feel better than in years, and am
doing all my housework."
Every woman needs a tonic, to take
when she feels blue, miserable, sick,
weak, under the weather.
The tonic to take at such a time is
Cardui, the woman's tonic.
Cardui is also a medicine.
For pain and discomfort, due to fe
male ailments, no medicine is so good
as Cardui.
The main ingredients of ('ardui are
imported direct from Europe, especial
ly for this one woman's medicine and
tonic, and are not for sale at ordinary
drug stores.
Cardui acts specifically on the wom
anly organs, proventing unnecessary
pain and building up womanly
Try it for your troubles.
It will certainly help you.
She (to her fiance, with whom she
has just broken off her engagement)
-You deceived me; everything that
you told me about your family, your
position and your means was false.
lie-It was true about my debts,
"I had eczema on my hands for ten
years. I had three good doctors but
none of them did any good. I then
used one box of Cuticura Ointment
and three bottles of Cuticura Resolvent I
and was completely cured. My hands
were raw all over, inside and out, and
the eczema was spreading all over my
body and limbs. Before I had used one
bottle, together with the Cuticura
Ointment, my sores were nearly
healed over, and by the time I had
used the third bottle, I was entirely
well. To any one who has any skin
or blood disease I would honestly ad
vise them to fool with nothing else,
but to get Cuticura and get well. My
hands have never given me the least
bit of trouble up to now.
"My daughter's hands this summer
became perfectly raw with eczema.
She could get nothing that would do
them any good until she tried Cuti
cura. She used Cuticura Resolvent
and Cuticura Ointment and in two
weeks they were entirely cured. I
have used Cuticura for other members
of my family and it always proved suc
cessful. Mrs. M. E. Falin, Speers
Ferry, Va., Oct. 19, 1909."
What the Doctor Did.
Gustave Ullyatt has a little daugh
ter who hasn't been well recently. The
other day a physician was called to
the Ullyatt home to see her. He ex
amined the child with the aid of a
stethoscope. When her father came
home that evening he asked what the
doctor had said.
"Nothin'," replied the little girl.
"What did he do?" asked Mr. Ull
"He just telephoned me all over,"
was the child's reply.-Denver Post
Books Worth Having.
Supplementing their factory for the ma
king of specially ruled and printed blank
books and loose leaf devices, S. C. Toof
& . C., Memphis, Tenn., now carry in stock
standard blank books in a variety of bind
ings and in papers from the cheapest that
is good to the very best. Write for price
list and mention this paper.
Ruling Passion.
"I knew Butt's smoking would get
him into trouble."
"At his wedding, when it came to
the ring part, he reached into his
pocket and handed the minister a
For Headache fry Hicks' Capudine.
Whether from Colds, Heat, Stomach or
Nervous troubles, the aches are spepedlly
relieved by Capudir,.e. It's JIquld-pleas
ant to take-Effects immediately. 10, .
-nd 50c at Drug Stores.
The girl who says she wouldn't mar
ry the best man living will probably
live to have the satisfaction of know
ing she didn't.
Take LAXATIVE BRl)MO (Quinine 'I'allet
IDruggistsrefund money if it fails to cure. E. W.
GROV C'S signature is on each box. ~i,.
Young man, don't marry a parlor or
nament unless you can afford to hire a
'ou'r - colughing and ga.p~qin . W.Vhen y<,u v,' ;n an '.l
fashtontq deep-seated cold. take' .41enu'. l.u',u ll,
,ont. 8old by all druggists. 2c, l0 and tl.t0 b.otilh.
Few men put off until to-morrow
the meanness they can do to-day.
Dr. Plerce's Pellets, small, ats ar-cnated. ency to
take as candy, regulat' and invigurate stomach,
liver and bowels. Du not gripe.
Pompadours are responsible for
many a high-brow.
oauae of thmO ugly. grizzly, gray haire. Use "LA CREOLE" HAIR RESTORER. PRICE, $1,00, retell.
People Realize the Danger.
As an indication of the force of thb
crusade against tllerculosilb) ,, the N;
tio1(1:l Association for thlie Study an
Prevent loll of T1'l r l'llh1osis, ili :t lull'
(in issued re(t'('tily points to the lact
that while i :;5l .. e1 c,'tlt. of the ex
pIenditttres for tuberculosis iln 19t.
\were uluade froun llutlic i esoll'e.es, Iall
propriations made for 1911 indittie
that over 75 per cent. of th1' IIm'iy
to be spent this year will be ,11 fitl
eral, state. city and co ity funds. in
1900, out of the $8,l]n,!;oi .,L i s4e1t i for
the prevention and teatleliº of lIl
berculosis, $ 1,:"!l;,7;l5 . il ;1 wi ts Ispit
from public imion1ey, and $:i.1 7.171 1I
from ll fulndm s volutliarily mtaih b'ltl,'itel
For the cal'r'rying on 4of state, Il'd'iral
and municipal titbrl'c ulosi., (lork in
1 10, over $ oll,oi ,ieii has 1i,,ln l i rl'l0 -
priatcd. Of this sui, the sth:e .1 is
latulres have grantiel $1.1[t IlllIt, LiDt
niluinihiipal a (ld C0Ol1ty lih, $~.;,t.
510 nd lthe federall guIhlnhiilt. ,
An Exploded Theory.
"Do yol helieve tierl is allih 111
iin 1l(ntal suiggestionr
"Not a tiling."
"Don't yoil think it is Ilsile is
one person ,:ko,,w. hi:. mind 5t, :dile
fixed ol a celtain tlhilln hi+h <il
wishes atiolher to do I hal lle .,l t
\ill be inllielncved so that hl 1 ill
'eventui ally do iit '
"No, I don't lloieve illn the tho(y
at all. l've bheet, wishing t i" ,1 1 ', W 1k
that you'd pliy ue what you ownl 11
without making itt s.i1y fir fnn
to ask you for it.- Sunda;ty 11a 1.in,
of the Cleveland Leader.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as tleiy cannot rea:lh t1i' d-e.
eased portion of theil ear. 'I herie ilhly one : toi
cure deatness. al d that i l b. y 4 u" t us1 taal rt!nll) .
DI nae'ss is caused by an intlla fid ('4nt11li4114 4)f It1'
lmu1ous lning lof the 1 Lustarclie s T'l b. n i 1 tl.'s
tube is Inflamed you have "h rulil nilhl so4mud 44r 4i
perfect hearing, and when it is elntirety I 5nsld. i4 .1t
nlss is the r ult. :11d unlerss the i1nil1al.la l,al 4 ni' he4
taken olt and thils tub restored to its hiirwli; 4,4:',:
tion, hearing will be diestroyed fore ver; ne I -l
out of tell are caused by :atarrlh, a wh4 h Ls nothing
but an inflamed condition of the rn'ous surface,.
We will give Oie lullndred Dollars for any 1.e4 (if
Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot lh cured
by Hail's Catarrh C(re. Send for circulars, tree.
F. J. CI CIENE' & CO., lo1edo, 0.
Sold by Druggists. 75pe.
'Take Hal's Far'_lly l'il1s for constipation.
For Shame, Mr. Staggers.
"Our splendid cook left to-day and I
had to take her place," said Mrs. Star
gers. "I hope I shall be successful in
Imitating her."
"I certainly hope you will be suc
cessful in following In her footsteps,"
suggestively remarked old man Stag
gers as he chewed on a crisp-boiled
Loved to Death.
"Did you ever know a girl to die
for love?"
"Did she just fade away and die
because some man deserted her?"
"No; she just took in washing and
worked herself to death because the
man she loved married her."
Free to Our Readers.
Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chica
go, for 45-page illustrated Eye Book Free.
Writ. all about Your Eye Trouble and
they will advise as to the Proper Appli
cation of the Murine Eye Remedies in
Your Special Case. Your Druggist will
Iell- you that Murine Relieves Sore Eyes.
Strengthens Weak Eyes, Doesn't Smart,
Soothes Eye Pain, and sells for 50c. Try
It in Your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes for
Scaly Eyelids and Granulation.
In Bad Shape.
The Missus'-Jim, you've been drink
ing again!
The Mister-Mabel, m' dear, I can
not tell a lie-I
The Missus-Goodness! Then you
must be worse than I thought. Go to
bed in the other room.
Wedding Invitations
Announcements, calling cards and
all copper and steel plate engravings
for social and business purposes in
correct styles are made at S. C. Toof
& Co., 18-22 North Second Street,
Memphis, Tenn. Write for style sheet
and mention this paper.
Owns Up.
"Young man. I began life on a sal
ary of four dollars a week."
"And lived with your father a while,
I suspect."
"Urn-well, yes, I did."
For Colds and Grlpp-Capudine.
The best remedy for Grlpp and Colds Is
ficks' Capudine. Relieves the aching and
feverishness. Cures the cold-Headaches
also. It's Liquid-Effects Immediately--0,
25 and 50e at Drug Stores.
Nothing endures but the eternal
commonplace; and if one departs from
that it is to run the most perilous
risks.-Charles Wagner.
and muscles sore from cold. rheumatism or neural
gia: when you slip. strain or bruise yourself use '
Perrtf Iaci" Paankuler. The home remedy 70 years.
Some local celebrities are famous I
and some are notorious.
Mrs. Winslow'. Soothing Syrup.
Por children teething, softens the gums. reduces in.
Uammation.allays pain.cures wind colic. 25b a bottle.
It's a pity that wisdom doesn't grow
on a man tlke whiskers.
SDo You Feel This Wayl?
ro you feel all tired out ? Do you sometimes
think you just can't work away at your profes
sion or trade any longer? Do you have a poor ape
tite, and lay awake at nights unable to sleep ? Are
your nerves all gone, and your stomach too? Has am
bition to forge ahead in the world left you ? If so, you
might as well put a stop to your misery. You can do it if
you will. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Disco cry will
make you a different individual. It will set your lazy liver
to work. It will set things right in your stomach, and
your appetite will come back. It will purify your blood.
If there is any tendency in your family toward consumption,
it will keep that dread destroyer away. Even after con
sumption has almost gained a foothold in the form of a
lingering cough, bronchitis, or bleeding at the lungs, it will bring about a
cure in 98 per cent. of all cases. It is a remedy prepared by Dr. R. V. Pierce,
of Buffalo, N. Y., whose advice is given free to all who wish to write him. His
great success has come from his wide experience and varied practice.
Don't be wheedled by a penny-grabbing deale- into taking inferior suhsti
tutes for Dr. Pierce's medicines, recommended to be "just as good." Dr.
Pierce's medicines are OP KNOWN COMPOSITION. "heir every ingredient printed
on their wrappers. Made from roots without alcohol. Co,ntain no habit
forming drugs. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
T'he lace that lights up in conversa
tion is not necessarily lantern-jawed.
PAZS OINTM'1ENT 4 isgurant cd I cujr' ary rase
of Itching, Blind. ill.eeing or rntruding iblo, in
ttuo 14 day or msuey refunded. iW(.
The average man is always paid
average wages.
sd~ le--------- ------
__ For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
, fli :: 3(..,,NT~_. +-Always Bought
SA\l'\etble Preparation fbrA
silti(it F& J dr l l R%)t 1 Bears hoh
tigr th l Stomachs artd BIowJelCs of
-l ... . _ ' Signatuare
, Promot.s Digcstiesr,Chec'rlui
IpiumVtMrhinr e nor M-ocr+i
- 71Nor NA 1 c ,_.:
dxA Anna
" # rr'~ / cll...
Ac or ti . r vt '
Su ., Soar iiomch,.Diarrhu, a ,Us,
% \urms ,C nV lOrls 4,vCri";h
ns and Loss 0F SL:E: For Over
Wi zi,:h' 1 ; +. '.rh Y
THE CI:NrAUII ___ Thirty Years
Guaranteed under the Foodand
Exact Copy of Wrapper. ,ma o.Mv-,, eowUS.,. new ,om., ce.
I Because Alabastine is better
e u and much cheaper
than wall paper-does not harbor insects
nor disease germs like wall pa er.
BeCUSe Alabastine i far better than any
kind of Kalsomine-kalsomine rubs
off and flakes off. Alabastine does not.
Because Alabastine is clean, stylish, casts little and is
easy to put on..
hhSanitaryWall Coating
is a powder made from pure native alabaster. It comes in all sorts of rich, soft,
velvety shades that enable you, at small coat, to decorate your walls in the same
style as the handsome city homes.
Alabastine adheres to the wall of its own cementing nualities. It needs no dirty glue
or paste as with kalsomine or wall paper. Anyone ,iian decorate with Alaba.tine-you
just mix it with cold water and ap;,!y with a flat wall bruoh. Simple directions printed
on every package. In redecorating, just put a new coat over the old. That saves a
lot of work, trouble and money.
r.--------------- walls of your home. We will furnish Free
" Alsbastine Co., stencils to help you make your home beautiful.
S 82 Grandille Ave., We will send you at once, Free, a bhook about
SGrand Rapids. Mich. home decoration, samples of Albastine color
At no cost to me, please send your eTects, and complete valuable information to
Alabastine book and tell meaboutyour help you make your home cheerful, clean and
SAabe bat Ala bastine nCompany
r P.O ." * To.et..l.thsme 782Grandtille Avenue
* Grand Rapids, Mich.
SCounty....... ...Statec..............
IALL u i -----e .is. SURE TO ACT
Hay's Hair-Health
Never Falls to Restore Gray Hair to Its
Natural Color and Beauty. Stops its falling
out, and positively removes Dandruff. Is not a
Dye. Refuse all substitutes. too and oc.
Bottles by Mail or at Druggists. FRE
Send roc for large sample Bottle
Philo Hiay Spec. Co.. Newark. N. j., U. S. A.
W. N. U., MEMPHIS. NO. 7--1910.
A ! o , F O R i.o3 * a n.= n J P E Y E- .
"I have been using Cascarets for In
somnia, with which I have been afflicted
for twenty years, and I can say that Cas
carets have given me more relief than any
other remedy I have ever tried. I shall
certainly recommend them to my friends
as being all that they are represented."
Thos. Gillard, Elgin, Ill.
Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Taste Good.
Do Good. Never Sicken.iWeaken or Gripe.
1Oc. 25c. 50c. Never sold in bulk. The gen
nine tablet stamped CC C. .uaranteed to
care or your money back. 9Z4
in Afrer' a. (et ip o Cotton Cal(',t;rgue.
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FOR We will make from any Good Photo
West.rn I wipaar tio n. L tt! ork. Ark.
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