OCR Interpretation

The Lumberjack. [volume] (Alexandria, La.) 1913-1913, February 27, 1913, Image 2

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064459/1913-02-27/ed-1/seq-2/

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Education , * Freedom in
Organization 4 Industrial
Emancipation Democracy
I'. t. , l \\r kly by .~:atnti, l lnht tr l t I'nin (of F:orcst and ].umber
W\ , r! ur, Soith, rn i)i',trict. -
lotx 7'9
l1.\X \\i)RI\. 1,(II'SI\.NA.
Yearly 'tiitedl States ---. - -- ---- -------------------------- $1.00
Six Montlhs 'nitedi State-, - .- ---------------.-
Forrign \',arlyv ------------- --- 1.50
]Ihtn ,]le O rdr,, , I'er (',,py nti (' ntadt > - . ..-- --------------- - ---- .02 1,
B , nm d le O )rel, t ., I' r C'o y t' t I 'n ut,.,l ,ta t( , ) . .... .
Single ('tices - -. - -----------------.(
('ash ti1,it a ; c nl,1ic i y ;all ,rd'r',
A I)NAIN . INI)'t ST I' I \. T\l, 1 I\ l't)ii I lf S'i AND i.Ut\lIIIRi
WIiRk( ll ' S -- iutht rn D)istrictl.
I)ist.n, t I leallttartr ._ 1194 ,uiltl Av\',nutc. Alxandlria, Iouisiana
A. I.. iEmi"t, ,n_- - - -(, neral ()rganizer Southern I)ictriet
Jay Sinnth - - -. --- - - - -Secretary Southern i)i.trict
A. I. (;tilliry ... ..- -r. 'rca urer Sioutlen D)istrict
Il, I . ,han, I".. I. Slhtw, I. I,. \.lihw. rtli, I'. l. Collns, I) R. (;,rdi,n.
"Inti, tl . S.,.,',nd ('lass Mladl \lattcr. J;anuary ')thli. 19'13, at the lst O)ffice
at A, lcxan ,ira , la, un ler the .cit ~f M arch 3. ,7'9
In sendtin, t iny fur tIh i ,japl'r ,i, nut mix it with mttirs intended for
th i r r,,u i t.1/0, a , tin r iarri,, a s.l.trati aciiunt. ('ash tntut ac
ti,,nit all -il,-cril'tin. anI hiolnle rd r- \.Make all chucks and tnncy
r,], t -, l ,ya;tll, to Th,' l.ut brrjai k.
"\I.\NY 1)E1'ORT'II) ..'! \Il'RRYVIII.I."
DRIVIN(; 01 ( 01' .\11,1E(;EI) TROI'I()'IIIE I.\LKl'1RS
--0- -
'Other iLeaders of the Strike ILeave I 'pon Invitation No
T'rouble of ('ons(lequeCnce.
Ind ications Of trouble at .lerrvville over labor diflkr
lnces are not apparent, and none is expected, although daily
scenes are enac'ted which tend to) show that the feelinrg with
reference to unionism and anti-unionism is strong as ever.
Follovwing upon the heels of the deportation of four strike
leaders of the 1. WV. WV. a few days ago came the deportation
of several more yesterday anl the demoriition of the union
"soup" hotuse, which hadil been established in the tiown forti the
purpose 'i supplying recess:!ries foir the remaining union m11en
\who were absolutely dependent.
The citiizens of the town, as a tdefense in the tdestruction Iof
the soup lHouseti, say that the place was b)reediing vagahlondage,
andi that they deemed its discontinuance advisable. l'ihev ac
cordiingilv took the law, so to speak, in their own hands, and a
rtmd last evenlni tore the shack dolwn. I .adhcrs of the strike
were ci tricuurrentlv requested ti) leave t twrl. i'he larids upt in
which these people have lbcen staying, it is said.
was nrot their property, andt therefore the citi
zens anti mill people felt juititied in ordering tiheiii to
nimovte on. i'ew have refused to obey the instructiotns given
them, n titaiil ay 11e rrvv iile has less thhan It iil urit mnn, rinwo
menit anii lhililren living there.
\ dteptiny sheri i and guard at the mill last evening staced
that lie i.stiritlv kne'w of but one I. WV. WV. man in the town
tf \lerrville, although that is riot taken 4t its face value. The
itmbiiniier if the atfiiiation is c ncervatively placed at too or
T it ni ii foric. have slo)\lv uliit surely lodi ground from
the tuttili lig ',if thie strike. 5,lmle of the strikers abst lu itel
ulti ii iit iafte fit reui-ain on the grourid in idleness o'ut tlf ne
((' Ii tr thu' t he i tlll li'us. w ile ,tthiers voluntarily left tile
plit , c 1 it l liiiar h i rike \ is tlculairet. T'hiere are Xoo non
tniltirt mitt .it ;\,,k in thu two nuill, aint planer tif thie Anieri
iii 'I li I r" 1)itt . biV r it I tkt ( huttes hi s mi rtin.,
\lii . i- li , ,- i, ,it I it lt tlit, 1 .10 1 tt l i. rii ill id t, i iti, tlt
iith -,!h ilhe t<", lill,,l Ini'l i r~ uiniiil inl ilhe t,, n hlarbor llic
- .lll i (l i,, t lii . ii i-j' , tl i l ittI c r L~c itin ii ,,I 1i-'(  ii c. [t
.mi w( i- 1.Ill-,, w hi, , ht~il9 ,uf liJin th , bei nin., oi( thl- rC~l ni -
\ u. k ',i bi ,' . 1 II, li i ttill, I liit' I t1 '
tiih i.i , . . : , \i . I itr ('t... ilp,' \i u-t'
"lpeial ti t p the , , S, ,h . i it tsit'i ,  l, , l
1 I l l h e d e t . i ' p- . , x { , r i m. m, ', n o~ t r a u blel ] . F~ i L e bi bi .l .
iut ]( - Ith.!' !, , n', i !tha .! } , !i(.!, 'o, unidetr \\ait h,(
,, T h' i b e/ ! ,tti< I . H"'n - a d l s t ke r n h
! k " ( b .iilt'- . wlll a n P rll li t< , ,, W edt n <'<,t i . F ec b r u ati~ :, t ht .
!1I 7
"* pcn iI tl "l'fhe ln t'..
LAKE CHARLES, LA., Feb. 23.--The grand jury of
Beauregard Parish made its report Saturday to the Court sit
ting at DeRidder. It was expected that there might be some
thing of live interest in the report rplative to the deportation
of the strike leaders at lierryville the past week, as some of
those deported had complained that the law had been violat
ed in the methods employed.
Speaking on this point the grand jury said that although
there was evidence of some transgoessions of the law, they
were of such nature that the individual blame could not be
The grand jury said that such violations as these were,
x\cre made by irresponsible persons.
Judge Overton talked to a States correspondent over the
.,hone from DeRidder, saying that there was no evidence of
impending trouble at lMerryville or elsewhere in the timber
section. that he believed the report had been much exaggerat
ed in the itianv reports sent out concerning recent affairs
From the New Orleans Daily States of Feb. 23, r913.
"The Courts are their own indictment."-The Coming
Nation. And so are "(;rand urics" and sheriffs and Gover
no,ý, and so is all capitalist society.
Neither the American-Press, the Daily States, or The
(',onling Nation are I. W. W. papers. The States is the organ
of the un-Reformed adn "unterrified Democracy" of New Or
leans, and the American-Press is the mouthpiece of the Saw
lust Ring of old "Imperial Calcasieu;" nevertheless, the
statements above made prove everything The Lumberjack and
The Rebel have alleged against the "imported citizenry of
\lerrvville," and worse. From their own mouths are they con
dlemfldl. A more lawless gang of highbinders was never as
embIlhced in the name of "law and order" at any place at any
time anywhere on earth.
"I agalhondagKE." is it, for a Labor Union to feed its mem
l'er.s ,out on strike.? A "crime" which must be abolished even
if "respectable citizens" must take "the law, so to speak, din
their own hands." and violate rights older than organized so
cietv itselt. Well, if the UNITED UNIONS let you put
this aTcros, if they don't make vagahonds of you we are badly
mistaken in our ;opinion of their fighting qualities.
"SA IOTA(; E?"
"The lands upoln which these people have been staying on,
it is said, was not their property, and therefore the citizens and
mill people felt justified in ordering them to move on." Neith
cl were these lands the property of the "citizens" or the "mill
people," so, thus "law and order" "justifies itself?" Learn
itosl your laters, 0() e workers, ve who have built the world
and, all its treasure, vet have no property, not even enough
lnd on which to place a soup kitchen to feed your hungry
children! Learn, you.vcagabonds, LEARN! Behold! they
tlemselves prove to you every declaration of the I. W. WV.
Learn from your masters! "Do unto others as they do unto
\u." ( ve worke'r., ye who are 'agahondsr in the u rorld your
labor built from jungle wild and desert sands! Learn from
your masters! Learn, you Vagabonds!
'"T'hc Union forces have" NOT "slowly but surely lost
ground from the beginning of the strike," and, the very fact
that the Santa Fe-Association Ring resorted to the shameless
' iolence it did, proves this statement a lie. Not only is this
statement a lie, but the further statement that "there are 8oo
non-union men at work in the two mills and planer of the Am
crican L,umber Co." is also a barefaced lie. I ess than yo scabs
went to work on the day preceding the "deportations" and
part of these w\ere detectives.
Far fromn: being a failure, the "handful" of U'nion men andi
their brave and splendid w\\omen had the Assassinhund w\hip
ped to a standstill, and this shameless violence was the last des
perate act of the BIund to break the spirit of the workers and
drive them back into the mills, as the latest news coming from
"Ierrvville proves beyond the shadow of doubt, but the mag
nifiicent answer given old Scab-herder Smith by ourColored
"ll//ow Io',rkers: "We belong to the I won't work in a strike
kind of co,,ns," and the heroic resistence of the Rebel l'omenr
of the II'orking South shows that they have played their cards
in 'aini . l(:ubs nor Dinnamonds are trumps this time--it is
Hi,'arts and Spade5.
"A week ago," 'you say, "things were hot in .lerryville.
It was then the citi.zens and .American Lumber Company up
on whose ground (another barefaced lie) most of the union
men remained, so it is stated, dedided upon the plan of oust
ing those who wi're d''eemed disloyal." Disloyal" to a P'lun
dcrhund, traitors to t lighbinders! -
And so, this spontaneous "uprising of the citizens of Nler
rvvillc" was "decided on" a week in advance, was it? And
YO)I' publish YO): R violation of all laws. even those of war,
to the four winds of the earth and on top of it all the "(;rabid
.lury" of leauregard parish hnds the "transgressions of the
law cwere 'if such lnaltre( that the individual hlame could nolit
he pI~tcd" ;n(rd j udlge ()Oertv n is len t tl , "thiic'ev' the report
Ilaad beecn inricht c xaggeri lated in the lanyiv rep')rts sent ' ul t cain
c.irning rececnt a ffair therc." in \Il rrville? Ind(ceed lid l'lTe
Ci'rniinl Nation Tpeak the truth l-en it said "'The ( "ourt ar"
ihL'ir i\m i cti( ent''." lan'i o are the "( ranl uricn ," n , ;ie(and
Ire the S trj.t. and -,i are the l)istrict Attoirnev ,if the nimag
TIhe l,1t wordi lha alwe- iutii ever been ,pike'i 1w the
,in t I)I'.i0('R A('Y' tua thui, all hi'torv hear, li'vir an!
unt \ ii tL t nt aniIit i V, ; it; fl!,1 bears wvities t tlohe fact thaIit 'uii
,ltrg('ii t' dea aS, laitv been c r orded above at ire th' tr-t(',
• , ,Ito ( th i ¢,i , itiau ion if the ruling order, fir the\ il" aI
pralarr ti,,r to the Ra,, that th, R,'gn',,inr (,'an it-Cit *O'k
e,, le, Ve' its arrti-<ocial harareter. has thrown , 'vc 'i tn' .'nb
l.te ,if -ll-tice to the storms, and seeks to dule hi vic nth"
,f I',,rturr.ral. )iaz ,of \le\ic .. Ab|ltul oaf Tl'rket. anI Y'un. th,
\Ianchu Nobility of (.'hina. .'\ it w'as with them. -, it will
be with the .lanchu Nobilit' of America -tIre I)E\l()(
RACY will yet, and soon, plant it brogan-shod feet in the
halls of POWER and teach you, as it has them, that there is
no RIGHT Without MIGHT; no MIGHT without
IF they hurt or abuse a single one of our heroic Women
Fellow Workers, white or colored, in Merryville, THEN,
Ilet the sheeted Clansmen rise from Meir graves and ride again.
"If this be treason, let them make the most of it."
And let this be rYour battle cry: "Death to Peonage in Dix
ie. Her sons were never bred to be Slaves!"
Thus saith the Union of Unions, the Free Masonry of La
bor, and the Brotherhood of Southern Workers.
Over all, remember, is organization on the job. Read
"War-What For?" by Fellow Worker Doree on this page.
Read it and re?read, and read it again and again. Organize
your class into the ONE BIG UNION and the Assassinbund
off the earth. That way, and that way alone, lies freedom
for the workers.
By E. F. Doree.
The other night as I stepped from the platform a worker ap
proached me and said: "That was the truth yqu told, and if
something isn't done there is going to be a war.?'
How many men, working men, have made that same state
ment? How many times have you mentioned the word
"War," or "Gun," or something else closely ralative in con
nection with this struggle in society?
I dare say that if the I. W. W. would go pn record as a
standing army and would call for volunteer soldiers that we
could recruit one-half or more of the workers in this country.
Yet they do not join an economic organization. Why?
Do you like to kill others? Do you like to die yourself?.
Or why do you talk war. Quit reading now, and THIN K.
Do you like better conditions? Do you like more wages?
Do you like fewer hours of labor? Would you like to hold
the management of industry in your hands? If so, these be
ing the objects of the I. W. W., why don't you join?
You say that you would lose your job. You say that you
would starve. You say your family would have to suffer hard
ships in periods of unemployment and strikes, etc. You say
that you would be evicted from your (?) homes.
Let use see, could you go to war and keep your job, or feed
yourself and family? Could you be at home to protect your
family, and are you sure that you could prevent your enemy
from burning your wife's home while you were at war?
Would it not be possible that you and your family would
he forced to endure hardships?
Now suppose the war you speak of lasts five years and you
won, what would you have? Can you answer? Then sup
pose you lost, then what would you have?
In either event you would go, with rifle on your shoulder, -
through the swamps, on half rations, sleeping on the ground,
possibly losing your life, either from exposure or shot, and
then you would have, in the end, accomplished nothing, for
Sou larked e'duration upon which to build society.
You speak of war when there is no need of war. The
working class can win hands down if organized. You, the
workers, feeds and clothes and houses all society. When you
cease to feed and clothe and house society then society gets
cold and hungry. In case of war the workers would have to
produce all the munitions of war, not only for themselves, but
fot their enemies.
W\hv should you produce guns and cartridlges for vyour
enemy? If you did not they could not fight, for your enemy,
the capitalist, the soldier, the militia man, and gu'lman. do
,Eot produ':e anything. So, if you don't want to get hurt, quit
making guns and putting them in their hands.
1To fight you must he organizcd, guns or no, guns.
The I. W. XV. is an organization tl'at is organizing the
workers on the job; in other words, we get at our enemies' base
of supplies; even in war this is considered the finest strategy.
We are organizing at the point of production, to control that
which we produce. In other words, we intend to beat the boss
s) bad he can't fight,, without exposing ourselves more than
we have to.
This, we, the I. W. W., asks you to do; take one-half of
the risks of war to aid in organizing the workers into the One
Big ('nion. If you must, go half as hungry as you would on
war rations, sleep occasionally in the woods, hike to the camp,
and, if need be, run half the chances of getting killed that vyo
would in war. I)on't sit by the fire and ta!k war. Go out and
organize the workers at the point of production, and cut off
the off the bosses' hase of supplics, and yu have him licked,
and the world i. yours.
Join the i. W. W., and get others to, join. Elducate them
to their interests, which is not war and death, hut organiza
tion and life, and more of it. We need no, war; there will he
ni, \?r. WVe need organlizati ,n ,,f Iall the workers. llelp Ipr
ganliZ e themn. When you quit talking wa;r and talk common(I'
"T'llE R I ( illT''. 1 T)1" IIE l. ') l ,l("
| h, sik wl thei a im , ui "lo an, arnIr" ,Vwnv. r
in 1 be(,n rights unic, tihefr" C" 'p,,lllo f iliti. ls . \ putl
it that ian l it .upinc'lh in ilr'- F ,itJ U il 'c U when it.. , n
l a ur, being violated hv Urml1Itutt iil b irid itt- ; a publi that
a-.''ime' no, responsibilit ' for .ri, tikt'- u, intertt in th. livt
railr,,oa,1< anid make ita ljilb'r: a t<,n;rdlv puhl) t, wh1'i1h
w hine' iti ,pitc against th,-" wh., ,erve it, arid lit k. the fvtt
,f thi',,e who rob it such a public has nit rights that an.tnt"
is bound to respect.- Franklin H. \Ventworth.

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