OCR Interpretation

The Progress. (Shreveport, La.) 1892-1900, October 16, 1897, Image 2

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064460/1897-10-16/ed-1/seq-2/

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anything from him caused old p
General Flores to become very h
uneasy, and every mail little Fe- is
licita looked eagerly for a letter or w
some word from him, but ever 0
doomed to disappointment. One ai
day her father said to her: 'Little h
bird, how would you like to take
trip North?' h.
" 'Oh, how lovely it would be.' st
"It was planned to go at once. w
"In due time they were steaming P
up the Mississippi to Cairo and P
thence to Louisville and on to i
New York. One day her father al
suggested that they should go to
Boston 'and maybe we can find L
out something about the boy,' as
the general called him, in speak
ing of Hannon. Felicita was, of s
course, delighted. After settling g'
themselves in their hotel they be- a
gan at once to hunt up Hannon,
who they found at the hospital,
though convalescent.
"Everything, of course, was ex- fc
plained, and great was his joy at ei
finding his old friends. s(
"The pleasure of seei g them to
proved to be a good tonic, and he a
was soon himself again. One
day, after returning from a drive a
sight-seeing, the old general in- p,
formed the happy couple that he c(
must return.
" 'And what are you going to do, h'
my boy ?'
'I'm going, tao.' g
"After his mother, no one he Ir
thought could ever give him joy ci
or stimulate him to energy, but n
somehow, he could not under
stand, he seemed to wait and look n
for the coming of little Felicita. it
He often mused over it. 'Can I y
certainly be in love ? No, it can- s
notbe. She is only a child, and n
besides how could I ever expect to
win her ?'
"When they got back to New
'Orleans General Flores and his a
partner concluded to dissolve, and a
they proposed to sell their business '1
Sto Hannon, but as it was valued ii
Sat $50,000, how could he buy with
only $10,000, but that was circum- h
vented by selling on credit. Han- y
non thought seriously over it, but v
c-',oncluded to buy it, with many k
"C redit looks nice on paper, but
who knows the many mishaps that f
,attend it? and like many more, if f
he had g ne slower he might have s
fared better. I
"After the bargain was closed he b
felt relieved and even hopeful.
"He spent several days with his
friends before he embarked on his
new, career. When he took his
; leave GeneralFlores called a negro 1
boy and said, 'Hannon, take this e
:4 boy towait on you.' c
" 'Oh, General, I don't wish to
p 'buy anything more,' hoping to not
let his friend see his antipathy to
buy negroes.
.." 'Oh, you don't have to; I give I
', him to you.'
He, seemed to hesitate, until
P" oFelieita joined her father's request
y'-b saying, 'I would feel much t
w.;,:better satisfied; he would be so a
a;ithful to you and look after your
ofo ert.' She well understood
iS coruples..
"x- "He left his friends with many
Professionr of love and gratitude. I
-hen he took charge of his boat
) turned to the boy and said:
'Je, I don't know what to do with
7t,' to which he grimly replied:
, o needn't trouble yourself
~ : ai at, Miss Felicita done told ]
t* it hat to do for you.' 'All
~ea, I hope you will do itif
a l3 me.' 'Ha, hal he would
wtklt him, I spem* 4
pleased and amused at Joe. 'Ah,
how thoughtful and kind the child
is. I wonder what sort of a
woman will sh- be. There are none
on earth above her, as pure as
angels. To know her is to love
"Joe set himself about to make
his master's quarters comfortable,
seeming to antrlipate his every
want. As time wore on Hannon
prospered, and money seemed to
pour into his coffers in an undimin
ished stream. He was honored
and loved by all and his boat was
one of the most popular that plied
between New Orleans and St.
"Felicita was fast ripening into
sweet womanhood and the old
general began to think seriously
of her future.
" 'I am growing old and what
will become of the little bird when
I am gone ?'
" 'His health was failing and he
felt that he must secure his prop
erty in some condensed mann r,
so he sold all his commercial in
terests and put all of hi- money in
a bank.
"Hannon would visit his friends
as often as circumstances would
permit and always found a7 wel
"Ohe day the old general called
him into his library and said: 'I
want to talk with you. I am fast
growing old and I want to arrange
my affairs. Will you be the exe
cutor of my estate? I know of
no one whom I trust more fully.'
" 'Ah, my old friend, there is
nothing on earth that I would hes
itate to do for you, but I am too
young to trust with such a re
sponsibility and your daughter
might like an older guardian.'
1" 'I thought of that, too, but she
trusts you as an elder brother.'
A shadow passed over his face
and a pang shot through his heart
as the word 'brother' was spoken.
'Must I, should I, tell him all. Yes,
it is light.'
Hannon leaned over towards
him and said: 'General, I hope j
you will forgive me; I may be -
wrong; I may have abused your
kindness, but I cannot suppress
" 'I love your daughter.'
"The old general seemed dazed
for a few moments, and, rising
from his seat he paced the floor
several times and ejaculated: 'Mon
Dieu! Mon Dieu! I might have ii
known it.'
[To be Continued.l
Judge R. C. Drew, of Minden,
has annonnced himself a candi
date for the parish of Webster as a
delegate to the Constitutional Con- .
Judge Drew is a staunch Demo- c
crat, a strong man, one who can
be relied on and is eminently
qualified to fill the position.
THE PROGRESS would be pleased ,
to have Judge Drew in the Con
stitutional Convention.
All the same Judge Whittaker
was bound over to await the ac
tion of the Grand Jury for his
b assault on Mr. O'Malley. From
the way some of the papers were
talking we thought the Judge
f would be discharged with a chromo.
IIf reports are true, one who can
get up any enthusiasm over Judge
Whittaker should consider it an
honor to be spoken to by Mr.
1397. Fell S<easoie Qerg1J. % 397.
You are cordiall invited to attend our
which will take place on
Th1l i ary A. Files MIilnine. v Co td l
10 per .eent discount on all 91 cash sales
florses and Mules
ii nIIII. . ',uIII sTl, a n',1 IIiI11, III a!'II1i 1,1,11I'11.11t1 1.11 . r I IIi iI II I1'1111i '.11 IIIIllll lllI ll I Ii
SC. A. L A - Kz, J-.,
Wall Pap'r, Widnow Shadles, Moutldings, Picture Fra;mes,
Wire Screens, and Cabinet II ard lwre,
, Speeial ;attention given to repairing and
e Upholstsring all kinds of Furniture.
Near Shreveport, La.
This Boarding and Day School for young
c ladies and children,will re-open its classes
Monday, September 6th.
For particulars. address
Important to
a N1ortse Oxrners.
- The foot is the most importadt member of
the animal's body; the value of a horse
depends upon the condition of his feet.
Hence no foot, no horse. As the remedy
a lies with the owner it is for him to decide
who shall do his shoeing.
I am the Only Exclusive
Horseshoer in the City.
Telephone connection. Horses called for
and returned to any part of the city. Shop
on Texas street, opposite Cooper's stable.
Alex Watson,
Practical Horseshoer.
We have just opened at the head of
Milam street, a Barbecued Meat Kitchen.
and have all kinds of choice barbecued
meats on hand ready to serve to custo
mers in any quanity desired.
Family Orders Solicited.
Free. Delivery.
Restaurant, Lunc'h Counter
and Saloon,
827 Louisian Street,
Opposite Union Depot.
Meals, Lunches aad Short Orders served
promptly and satisfactorily.
The Bar is supplied with the choicest
brands of wines, liquors and cigars,which
e are served at all hours day and night, by
polite and experienced attendants.
W. A. KELLY, Proprietor.
t~ Sole agent for......
Kentucky Belle Whisky.
AT ........
THE E O1I, 4'z"
Cor.Texas Avenue
and Jordan Street.
Oe ra House Tailoring Company makes
clothe .

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