OCR Interpretation

Louisiana capitolian. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1879-1881, May 08, 1880, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064592/1880-05-08/ed-1/seq-1/

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i, S .z . . it " '
4 w _ ,,ý , . .,-f... .
P ublimbe- f ruc Propi~lotor.
. Crackers, Stage Planks, Ginger Bread, As.
sorted Cakes and Junmbles, all fresh stock at
W INES-Champagne, Catawba, Claret, San
terne Port and Sherry Wines, all of good
quality at DAVID & GARIG'S.
)PRIZE CANDIES--In great quantities, also
Shoo Fly Gum at DAVID & GAItIG'S.
K EEN CUTTERII-Axes, lntchets, Knives,
&c:, of the celebrated Ketn Kutter Co.
Sette at prices which will astonish the na
tives by DAVID & GARIG.
SARDINES in Oil, Sardines in Tomatoes, all
U find and lmportajCgoods at David & (arig't.
OATMEAL--A few 51t packagest of fresh
OPin Head at DAVII) & GARIG'S."
CHEESE-N Y Cream, English Dairy Chee'se,
C Western Factory Cheese. I)AV [D (IA 11(1
SUGARS-Cut Lost, best qquality ; Powdehred,
~atrictly pure; N Y & Lousinnn "A," White 4
and Yellow Clarified, Choice Prairie, and Fair
Open Kettle in quantities to suit, at
MACKEREL Half Barrels Quarter Barrels,
Drumns and Klt, all Ires4 from Boston
packers, at DAVID & 4ARIG'8.
Q WEET POTATOES--A few barrels of choico
S Yam Potatos at DAVID1) & GARIG'.
I-RE CiRACKERIIS-A snall lot of Golden
.12 Chop Fire Crackers. Ilust received anti will
he sold cheap by I)A VII) &. I;A RIG.
CI lICOLATrE--Mailhard's Vanilla and Sweet
Chocolate, McColbh s half Vanilla and Cocoa
in half and quarter pountld pack:ages at
and fresh. Price ten cents.
For sale by DA VID & GARIG.
and attractive styles, and gunrantted Pure
DLUM PUD)INII-A few 2t cans of this
celebrated I)esert for' Christrmas Dinner.
Send 50ctsant he happy. DAVII) & GARIG.
PICES, Nutmnegs, Cloves, Cinnamon, All
s spice, sifted Black Pepper, Ginger, &c.
nTH , E ABIES~ for 10 cents at
H S. LANG, Attorney and Cous.elor
, at Law, Donaldsonville, La. Will
practice in all eou1rt8 of the Stato of Lou
isiana. jy l9
TIIOMAS 11. 1)II 'ItEE, Attorney and
UCounlolor at , Law. O)llice: No. fi,
l'ike'n Row, Baton Rotuge, La. Will
praitice in the State and Federal co'ltti.
E. W. I(O1IEIST1lN O\. .. 8.M. IcIttnERTSON.
E V W. & S. M. IRO1BERTSON, Attor
* it. eysand ConnseulorrNat I,aw. ()Otheri
lI North Ioulevard street, BaIton Rouge,
La. Will practier in th Fifth tl and Sixth
.J1 ii ali d I' )lr i'trit. fel, i
A. S. IERIItON..C'. BI. ID II...L. 0. ilEA.lP.
ERI ON, BI1If) & BEAI,E-Attor
i neys at L]aw. ()lier on North lBo
levard strct, lnear the 'Potolihe, Baton
Rouge, La. Will attend to all law lusi
Itess entrnlsted| to thenm in this and ad
joining parishes. |'lth
II. t. M. FAV tIT .......... . II. L..AMON.
.rV )T' & LAMON-Attorneys at
I Law. Otlhte on North Blolevard
street, Baton Rouge, lUa. Will attend
to all law hsintess enrtrlted to them in
this antd adjoining i arishl s. fi ltMh
RC ORGE W-. II ',KNER, Attorney
t at Law, and Notary 'Public, aton
,ontre, LoUisiann.
S.-\lIIRIAGEI AND I) I El' ll '--Irom
hl ti leihtrattd Itttry Iof ayers a&
$eiovill, Cininnaitti. A line auul well
Iseletetd stock of ('lrriiiags ad; Ihtan ggien,
botIt top and open; ;lso, ()pen ('ar'ri:vegs,
)D ctorstl ' li1glgies, e4t'. l'la:ses exaiitl'e
stork and pri'es Ihf'reo intrlasing ,lse
tIOES, AXn S, ETc.--The well known
"IL 'yndll" I11i , aid S 'l; nter8' Mteei
I loes, Collins' A'elehr ated Axes and ot her
br'atil, 'laitrs ld liack lhands, Nails,
Powder and Sholt Woodilnware. For
sale by AN I )liEW .JACKSON.
ºI det'eripltions of Saddles, including
theI lantet tyles, and Ilare ss renh lininei
thle newet iimlprovemlents,ll for cIte at
milost reasonable prices.
G AIID)EN SEEIDS -Of the justly lop
ular crops of I). M. Ferry & Co.,
fresh and gelnAine. For f sale by
S '(UARI AND MOUiA:SM--Ilty the
hogshned and t barrel, mor Ly retail, at
bot tom pIricOes, lby
Il l)R-i. huarrels iand half ha lrClarn
.i' of Paney and Choice Extra Flour, at
thel lowestl cash prices, it store of
M EAT--(rein Sid llld Shoilhrs,
M l heoni, and, in fart, all artic'les
nieeded by plaanters. For salhe by
stocks of th, :;love, for sale low, hy
-1OF"FEE-In store: 50 -ga-s of lio
"-eCottee, ditl'erent. grales, at lowest
pric'es. ANI)HIEV JA('!ON.
S-EEI) P)TA'I'i.OES--In store and for
sale: Peer'le'ss and Busset liPotaitoes,
ait store of ANDiREW JACKSON.
Robt. F. Hereford, M. D.,
OFFERS his professinal setrvices to the citi
zens of llttun Rouge and t icinity.
OGHice--Corner Laf'avittte' and Florida streets
l~oecaze Builling. lResidence.u Africa street,
between St. Ferdinand and St. Louis streets.
Refers hy perlmidslon to )r. T'1'. . Bllunlngtn,
1Hou. .. lHerron. Andrew Jnekton, Win. G(arilg
Rev. Dr. Goodr'ich. Mllajor W. T. Cluverius and
3lessra. Goutrrier & McNair.
EItol lRolge, ,uaryv 10thll, 1880.
Having known DR. IEKREFOFIIl) for many
'1ar't it atluorls ine pileaetre to I'recommend hitl IIII
to the citizensuif Iltoln Itouge, u.s Ia geitntlhnui
and physicia, en.tirely worthy of their eontl
dence. t(jlul7-ty) TI'I)S. . J. ]il'FINI;Ti)N.
k ilver- ilPlatedvr ,,' t
TWARtI.. Wa' on hand, I will
se'll the ane, folr the next thirtv days, at a r'dull'
tion of T\WEN'TY-FIVE P'EI ('I~NT. Now is
the tlime to liy TEA SETS, (CASTO'i')S, I'AKE
DISIH ES. etc., etc., it a Gl( T L\G' BA I.\ I.
T'he above goodt are warrntted to le tlthe IIIST
tihat is made. .JOHN JOHNSON.
l6 a wteek In yollur own town. 't'rtms alind
l V tive dollar nlt lit free. Address II. Hal
lett & Ci.. P'ortland Maine.
Land twell selecttred stotck, alt low prict.s and
fully warrantd, at J.)IHN JOHNSON'S.
- o- - 'iper day at hIoue. Samples worth
SU iT t tittve dolairi free. AddresstStin
eon & Co., P'rtlantd Maine.
(ROLLED GOLD JEWELRY, tho very best
Sn:lde. A large assortment at
O L D Daniel Boone--A favorite brand
0 of Whisky, at David & Garig's.
T O GET BUSINESS, you must adver
tise in the Capitolian.
VERYTHING sold at low price, and wnar
1ranted as represented, at John Johnson's.
72 A WEEK Twelve dollars a day at
 7- , home easily omade. Addrtess Trl, &
Co., Angusta, Maine.
STho undersigned hbgs leave to an.
nounce to his friends and the public
ogenerally that he has pned a
 estaurat ati yster Iloon
at the corner of L,afayeto and Main
streets, opposite Cluverius' drugltore
where the Choicest Wines, together with
wevry dollucay ill nelwo, to |t found hero or
from New Orleans markets. The IIOTEL,aahov
the Restaurant, having lou n thoroughly repaired
a1ld renovated, is now open for logsts.
C. CRhIMONINI, - Proprietor.
. Board by the day, week or
t month. ;Gol codnlnoda
ý' ' f .tions for0 travelers. A por
ter will be in attendanco
at all houlr, dlay or night.
Red Stick
(Estahllihe'd in 1170.)
1 Insortment of I)rugs and Medicines, Choem
ilens, 'atellnt Medicines, Toilet Sapsl, 'Perfuimery
Nail 1and Tooth r'uislh's, FaEncy Artlehes, C(l
I.ry. IFishing 'ITckle, Night Taelrs, InsllulnclleO
Oil, Five ;uld 'rTe Cent Cigars. Stationry, rhr.
I)e:alr ini
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Plantation Supplies, Cutlery,
Wines and Liquors,
(orner Lu.fayL'it' and flai SNtretls,
i-hl5 I\AT( )N I{1)[(t;", LA.
Red Stick Cheap Store.
Dealer ill
ancy taple froceries,
St. Ferdinand St.,
tih IT'ON O{;(UE, LA.
S),haler in
Western Produce, Groceries,
Saddlery and Harness,
ure.r of 'T'hild and Cuonvotio1n Sts.,
t',*lhi,' s .ATON ])l ;G E, LA.
(E"st.Ilislhed in 1y49.)
Di II, I.it IN
hreip I om Dl icllil Blrdli
Agricultural Implements, Paints,
Coopers,' Blacksmiths' and
Carpenters' Tools,
Oils, Class,
(.ig. of Hltd '1,,l,,)
f..h' BA''O(N ROUGEI, IA.
D1A\l lit IN
harlor, Oel ni eCoong oines,
S')OVk P 1'ANN,
A nd all tf tli r aippli It'iitil 'ers for Stort,
A large assortmenit f T'IN\VAIRI',
:lways o1 h:ul.
hli,'4 Ii'IN oE'(., LA.
Photographic Artist
hotoAlbums, lrnmes, Irel, elc,, etc,
Corner of Third and Laurel Streets,
1U AR -ROOMS and fztntlies sonpplicd with
) Champlnagn, 1'ort, Shlwrr, hIlret :and White
Wines; Irish, thrlnhn, I lii'e Itran'h, Chick,,n
Cock and other BIrands of WHISKY; Western
Lnger Ihoer, Al,, Porter, G;inier Ale, etc.
Ilhst Bira'llnld of Cigars always oIln han d.
J. PHILIP BOTT---...... - ----Proprietor,
C'oner St. Louais and Borlevard ts,
Tlhe heat of W alls, Lilluors nd Cigars alwayiis
kept oll hai d. ('ad stoir o erllrtofllly atteldel d to.
Bott's Livery Stable
Ad(jirient to his Salomon.
Will always be asupplied with Horses d ai ar
riages for Ihire, at allhlonra. Feetd and stabling
for ainitnals. Rates as low as the c'heap)est.
cpeier a-' ommilion Mer4chnt,
P. O. Box 84,
Civic and Military Tailor
ma,'l BAl-' )N .1-,OU1 E.
Come to me in my dreams, love;
Oh, come to me oft.
When the light wing of sleep
On my bosom lies soft,
Oh, come when the sea.
In the moon's gentle light,
Beats low on the oar,
Like the pulse of the night
When the sky and wave,
Wear their loveliest blue,
When the dew's on the flower
And the star on the dew.
Come in beautiful dreams, love,
Oh, come and we'll stray,
Whore the whole year is crowned
With the blossoms of May
Where each sound is as sweet
As the coo of a dove,
And the gales are as soft
As the breathings of love;
Where the beams kiss the waves,
And the waves kiss the beach,
And our warn lips may catch
The sweet lesson they teach.
Come in beautiful dreams, love,
Oh, come and we'll fly
Like two winged spirits
Of love, through the sky.
With hband clasped in hand,
On our dream wings we'll go,
Whole the slarlight and moonlight
Are blending their glow;
And on bright clouds we'll linger
Through long, dreamy hours,
Till love's angels envy
The heaven of ours.
Featherstone's Hero.
About the time it happened Little
'l'ins had been at Featherstone school
a year, I think, though I may be eits
taken, I have so much to remember
since I began to grow old. Where are
all the boys who were iat Featherstone
in my day ? The books of the blessed
old school itself, with tlihe ianly-win
dowed building; the weather-stained
belfry where the gulls made nests;
the neat, trimn playgrounds, and the
whole broad ocean sllrgin 1along.
Cumberland beach, only a iiile away
-all this I must IInev\'er forget. For
what would be the good fortuine of
being ita boy if one could not have his
school-fellows to rellcrler the hoime
they had in common, and the glorious
old days when he and they woke up
on the bright suitminer mornings with
out a thinlg to do in the world besides
learning alesson or twif'l Then there
was the master (though it took us
some time to tinld out just what a no
ble iand generous man he was), alnd the
ntasler's kind, motherly wife, who
cared fiir uis boys when we were sick,
and who broughlt Hilly Wilson through
a desperate struggle with the typhoid
fever when everybody said lie would
Who of us will ever forget the quiet,
sleepy a ilt1rnonls we passed in that
large, still tchool-rooml, stlldying olr
illustrated histories and geographies,
listening to the old clock heating away
as if it was the pulse of the place and
looking out wistfully through the deep
windows at the sails heaving in sight
now anId then on the glimnerillng
oee;an Or,will any of us forget the days
when it stormed, and the sea threw
its spray away Ull to our windows,
anid :at night rInbhled over the beach
like guns, keeping us awake for hours?
And, linally, whenever we look at the
sea, are there any of us11 who would
not reiall Little Tiis?
What ,i old-looking little chap ihe
was, to lie sure, when lie first canle to
thie shool! Tle boy's laulghed at the
nane-Littlhefield 'hTi'ns--ad calledll
hIim "(irai'father" hecause healppai
(d so old fasihionied. 'Thrw stoincedy
began to nickamie him Little 'Tinis,
and we all took it 1up. lie was not so
very small in staturle, however-only
slim and poor. His fitce was freckled,
his hair cred, and he had large hands
that looked as though he had always
beeon ulsed to vel'ry hard work. One of
the boys said thlat the master had
brought him from a poor farm ; but
we never 1o11u1 out whether that was
really the trnuthl. All we knew about
hinl was thati lLe had no parents, and
was kept at the school to do the chori's.
\hele the biggest boy shook hiin one
day bneanse le refused to tag hle sat
downi aui cried; said he wished ihe
was dead; he never had any friends,
and we might kill him if we wanted
to, hle didn't care, he said. Some of
the boys only laughed at that, and
told him he htdn't any pIluck. After
ward he kept away from us as much
as he could and studied his lessons
But the dlay calie at last, however,
when we found out what a brave
heart Little Triis had; and then, of
course, we wondered that it had taken
us so long to discover the fact. It was
some time in the sprinlg-lthe dark,
cold, rainy day-when the seat had
been mnade wild by the high wind.
The ioist of us hadI remained indoors
all the afternoon, and h'ien the even
ing came we gathered around the open
fire at the end of our long dormitory
and tooktun turns telling the sea stories
we had read. Oh, you may believe it
was just the jolliest comfort in the
world! To hear Billy Wilson tell
about his father's cruise to Bombay,
while you wcoe watching that great
heap of tire cracklinig and darting tlp
bright fluamnes, and listening to tde
storm heating the wiindow and the
surf thundering agaiinst the shore,
was worth a great deal, I can tell you.
And what a noise the wind and the
waves did make that night! It was
as much as any one could do to catch
a wink of sleep; and I recollect how I
lay awake ever so long fancying that
I could hear voices outdoors crying
and calling to us.
I suppose I must have been dream
ing an hour or two, though, before I
really did hear something, because I
sprang up started and confused when
that loud boom and tumble broke
above the noise of the storm.
"What was that, LudgateV" whis
pered little Tom Duflield, frightened;
and then in a moment everybody in
the dormitory was setting up in bed,
wanting to know what had happened.
George Jenning crept out to the end
window and pulled up the curtain
just as another crash made us jump,
and caught a glimpse of a flash in the
distance, bursting the darkness apart.
"It's a ship on the reef, fellows!" pm
cried out three or four at-ouce. en
There was a general scramble for in
our clothes, and then we all crowded
about the window and waited for an- ca
other flash. But, before it came, the in,
master opened the door, lantern in cli
hand. ed
"You heard those guns, boysit d
There's a ship on the reef, and they're wl
firing for help. Pat on your great Tl
coats and come right down to the cliff. f
We must do everything in our power wi
to aid them." n
He meant, of course, the larger boys v'
--Bob Nichols, John Sawyer and Ed to
Williams-but the others of us went ar
with him. Before anybody could have ta
counted a hundred we were all run- bh
ning down the road to the cliff as fast tv
as we could go. It was about three bc
o'clock in the morning, and "as dark
as a pocket." The wind had lulled th
considerably, and the rain had ceased m
altogether; yet there was a strange- he
ness and wildness about the whole of at
that open country between the school W
and the beach that impressed every
one of us with a lonesome feeling and at
made us take care to keep together. bk
Then the old school building in the sc
rear also looked weird with itslighted w
windows here and there; and the lit
ocean reaching way off before us he
sounded as though it was tearing the nI
land to-atoms. hl
The master and Little Times had in
reached the cliff in advance, and were as
making ready to light a pile of old di
brush driftwood when we came up. th
"We'll make a bright fire, boys,
even if we can't do any more," said e(
e he, enthusiastically. "They will see
1 the light and know that some one is bi
- here.
ir Pieces of stumps, broken limbs from rc
e dead trees and refuse wood hl
e heaped up by us in no time; and then
I what a scene-picturesque and fan- sV
tastic as a Dore piinting-lay all sn
I around as under a firelight! We were
on tile extreme point of the cliff that bi
jutted out several feet in the sea, and be
below we could see the huge rocks A
y covered with thick foam which our
,r tall, illumninating flames made crim- f
if son. The scattering trees appeared
is grim and gloomy, thedarkness crowd- \
o ed back and seemed blacker than ever, it
is while we each and all hastened to and 6I
fro in the midst of one another's gro- s
g tesque shadows. at
s No more signal guns were fired from nI
e the distressed vessel, and we strained pl
i our eyes in vain to catch a glimpse of hli
- her; nor could anything be heard si
t; across the deafening breakers. We w
o could only wait for the daylight, tl
Swhich, fortunately for our patience, o0
li did not delay long. Breaking over la
d the ocean, it showed us first a flap- w
d ping sail or two, a dark hulk half
submerged and swinging back and
, forth on the rocks within gun-shot of (
t the cliff, then a knot of men huddled
nr near the forecastle, wfho, as they saw D.
;Ius, raisetd a faint shout of joy that
y made the blood tingle in our veins.
"Is there nothing that we can do B,
p for them, sir?" asked John Sawyer'
t eagerly of the master.
"Le(t us make a ra;ft out of trees," tI
K cried three or four excitedly. ni
"'It wouldn't hold togethler two min- r
utes in those breakers," returned the
iI master, rubbing hands nervously and h,
,? lookingg perplexed.
i, "'Hark! bark!" cried somebody. r
"They are signaling to us." B
We saw one of the men step into
e the rigging, and then a word or two
o that he shouted tliough the trumpiet a
,a cae to us faintly, and we guessed 6
the rest.
"We shall sink when the tide rises."
y Then again: p
"Our boats are all sunken I" tl
,i "You hear tlhat boys? Their boats
Sare gone, and they'll sink when tihe
tide rises. Whate shall wedo for themi.
is I say, what shall we do--"
S :'I thinik we had better pray for b
f thenm, sir, said little Tirus, looking i
1 1diump up at thIe master's surprised 1
it fi e. i.
1 "You are right, Tiros," ihe ,luickly a
It anwered. A"We will ask God to help
(1 us. Boys, take off your hats." w
s. We obeyed himi instantly; and drop- tl
e ping oni his knees hlie prayed silently a ci
mt moment or two. ''Then we were n
e arousettd by one of time mineJ calling a
q, (uite distinctly througlh the trmnpet. nl
i "Stand by! we're going to fire a g
f line ashore." w
S And before we could comprehend
iwhat hl e meant, thie ship's canlnolln tl
bI cllched forth its flashl antd smolke, and b
sa solid shot camie clea-viing the air, C
bringing a rope in its trail. Butboth a
r, fell into the sea almost as soon as they t
'e hlad left the mouth of the cannon, and sI
f we all sprang back to the edge of thle b
n cliff to hear what the man was again b
5 shouting. ti
, "We have got one more ball. Stand s
d by !" c
1. It was five, cight, tenll minutes 5
s while tlley weCre loading; and we wait- o
- ed nervously. They would be careful ft
i not to make a blunder this time. The a
y achievcment of throwing a line ashore tl
s when it was attached to a cannon-ball a
it certainly did not seem very difficult S
e for we had not yet studied any math- a
1 ematics that included projectiles, and i
, did not know what nice calculation it
it it required to land a ball on the top ci
p of our cliff. But the mnaster knew; o
i and just as the ball struck dead d
e against the front rocks he cried out n
, dispassionately that it was just as he re
i. had expected. n
c "T'rhey've lost theirlast chance. God ci
L help tlhemn!" a
h "She is getting deeper in the water," fi
I we all cried, as thIe ship lugged under
it a heavy swell. C
ig "There's a woman clinging to thie t
rigging!" h
1- It was-Little Tims who shouted u
I that. We remembered it afterward; k
I just then we were all scattered along a
n the margin of the cliff watching the o
e rope that hlad broken away from the p
hull and was buffeting the waves' If fi
s- we could only get possession of it the a
; satfety of the whole ship would be se- sj
n cured. It was but a moment, and
1, then I saw some dark object going el
I. down, down, down ! The master then U
d shouted : C
n "Good heavens! what has the boy s
p, done 7" And we were all in a desper- p
t ate confusion. . o
"It's-Little TimeP," as we saw his
pale, frightened ace rise above the
enraged water and look up at us an
Of what happened next all I can re
call is that somehow we followed the
master down the jagged side of the
cliff, and in six or seven minutes seiz
ed Little Time from the swell that
dashed him ashore, grlppinp the rope
with both hands and looking dead.
Then we hurried with him up to the
fire, and ran about frantically for
wood to feed the blase and warm his
numb body. I remember that when
we had drawn the strong hawser rope
to the land and secured it taught
around a tree, the great, burly, cap
tain crept ashore on it, and fell down
before Little Time, excitedly saying,
two or three times: "God bless the
boy ! God bless him l"
Then he rolled him to and fro on
the ground, rubbing his feetand hands
madly; finally, throwing off his coat,
he wrapped it around Little Tims
and ran with him in his arms all the
way to school.
You may be sure that we followed
and gathered in that great kitchen
before the open fire, awe-struck and
scarcely daring to breathe, while they
were trying to bring Little Time to
life. How frightfully white and cold
he looked. It seemed as if hlie would
never grow warm again--as though
hours had passed while we were wait
ing. The crew of the vessel all got
ashore and came up to the school, the
doctor rode over from Seabright, and
the vessel on the rocks went down.
At last, however, Little Tims open
ed his eyes.
"You are feeling better now, my
boy I" said the doctor, cheerfully.
"The rope-I meant to 'get the
rope,?' he said, looking at usas though
he was dreaming.
"Yes, yes, you did it bravely," an
swered the big captain. "You have
saved us all."
We boys waited to hear no more,
but ran out and rang the old school
bell for joy as it never rang before.
And then we all went to the play
ground and gave three mighty cheers
for Little Tims--Featherstone's hero.
And the city papers the next day !
What a glorious account they had of
it! Such a storm they said had not
been on coast for years. Then a de
scription of the wreck was given, and
an account of our school. Little Tims'
name was given in full, and it was ex
plained that lie had leaped from the
highest cliff along the Cumberland
shore and swam out for the rope; that
when it was obtained and drawn over
the water the sailors rigged a basket
on it, in which the captain, his wife,
and the sailors, one after another,
were brought across safely to the laud.
Confederate Prisoners.
By Lietlt. Mich:ual McNamara, in Smuthern His
turical Papers for February.
But the writer's misssion is torecord
the daring and chivalric deeds of a
member of the command that sur
remndered. The captured prisoners
were mattdched to General Sedgwick's
headquarters, and when assembled
around the camp fire at night, sur
rounded by Federal pickets, Leon
Bertim, by the advice of Colonel D.
B. 'Penn, the only field officer cap
tured, threw the flag into the flames,
as thie efflectual me;ans of Ipreventing it
firom falling into the enemy's hands.
The following morning the riis
oners were taken to the Old Capitol
Prisons where they were contined
three dlays, when the officers were
sent to Johnson's Island and the
privates to Point Lookout.
As soot, as the captured officers
reached their filture prisons the
buoyancyoftheiru lt urcs asserted itsclf
and during the winter' months every
species of amnsement possible was
indulged in, to drive away the ennui
and render prison hfe bearable.
A minstrel company was formed, of
which Charlic II. Pierce was among
the leading performiers, and their
entertainmentcs were witnessed and
llapprleciiated by many outside as well
as inside the prison, and by none
more eagerly than thie officers of the
garrison, who invariably assembled to
witness thenm.
TIhey also organized base ball clubs,
the Southern nine composed of those
below the rank of captain, of which
Charlie Pierce was captain and catcher
and the Confederate nine, composed of
the higher officers. T''heir champion
ship game was considered one oft the
best ever played, aimd was witnessed
by upwards of 3,000 people, including
the priisoners, officers and citizens of
Sandusky, Ohio, who eagerly embra
ced the opportunity to be present.
So apprehensive were the prison
officials that the game was gotten up
for the purpose of covering an
attemnpt to break out, that they had
the slides of the portholes drawn back
and the guns prepared foraction. The
Sandusky Register published a lon0g
and eulogistic account of the game
which was won by the Southerns, and
it was made the subject of severe
comment by the bitter radical press
of the North, who immediately
demanded the removal of the com
manding officers for allowing the
rebels so much liberty. Their
malicious efforts were successfid ; the
commandler was removed, and the
amusement of the unhappy prisoners
for the time being cut off.
in all the prison~jportsLieutenant
Charlie Pierce was regarded as the
leader. His versatile talent, genial
humor, sterling manhood and
undoubted bravery, together with his
kindness of heart, endeared him to
all, and even commanded the respect
of his captors. But his notoriety and
popularity proved disastrous to his
future operations, as he was known
and constantly watched by the prison
Johnson's Island, it will be rememb
ered, is three miles from Sandusky,
Ohio, and about thirty miles from the
Canada shore. There is, however, a
strip of land twelve miles from' the
prison, leading to a swamp or woods
on the Canada side.
The severity of the winter neason
being past, the minds of iany ofi ti t1i
prisoners natural revtoerted . to
attempts to e ¶, Asido oISwa
mor ben t on i bt tha:te hejic o
daring Charlie ie re A tn. h d
been commenced from blook 8, but,
the project . was deemed ,
owing to its long distace :from the. p
dead-line, and abandoned: Charlie= t
then transferred his operations to ti
ilook I, where he soon orgaulsed. a i
working pMrt, who succeeded, by w
incessant labor,in completingatu t el '1
to the extreme end of the works. But, mln
alas! for human expectations, when did
the attempt was made to pass out 'id
they were pounced upon by a guard lo1
sad their hopes blasted. Thusended
the first attempt. alt
On a less active and vigorous mind
such a signal failure would have had in
a paralyzngeffeot. But It only Brous- foi
ed the ambition of our hero to sue
ceed at all hazards, and his thoughtes ol
were instantly turned to some plan for tth
the futfre an
An opportunity s4Un presented it- Y1
self, which he eagerly seized. One
morning the offal cart was driven In 5P
by a soldier under the influence, of do
liquor, who lay down in Charlie's
bloak while the cart was being filled. w
Charlie succeeded in securing his cap
and overcoat. Quick as thought be in
jumped upon the driver's seat, seized to
the reins, drove out the cart, passed tol
the sentinels at the gate, who opened en
it for his egress, and got beyond the
parapet, imagining himself at last he
free. But the condition of the sol- -I1
dier being discovered by the prison 0
guard, a hue and cry was raised, the ex
ruse detected, and a squad sent in til
pursuit of the fugitive, who was soop an
overtaken, and the intrepid Charlie be
was brought back to his prison quar
ters. co
This daring attempt led to increas- so
ed vigilance on the part of his senti- ha
nels, and rendered our hero an object wl
to be watched and dreaded. But his iif
daring object was not to be abandon- li
ed, and his third attempt exceeded sti
the previous one in strategy dud exe- ot
cution: of
With a chosen few, he conceived in,
the project of sealing the parapet, he
attacking the sentinels with rooks, as
and breaking for the Canadian shore, 01
the lake being frozen over.
Scaling ladders were made as se- qh
cretly as possible, and a bright moon
light night stlected for the attempt.
There was only one pistol obtainable, e
and this fell by lot to the possession
of Lieut. Wheeler, of Morgan's ca
airy. The others armed themselves
with rocks. Lieut. Pierce, Wheeler,
and J. B. Knowles, of Louiaville,Ky., se
were the first to get their ladders in ac
position and attempt the ascent. Our I
hero, however, was the only one who
gained the parapet. A rock in his at
hand was as true as a rifle ball,
thanks to his base ball experience. lid
With it he felled the sentinel. His
cousin, Lieut. Bowles, was shot on
the ladder, and his body fell inside. a
His dying words to Charlie were to
push on and leave him to his fate.
I Lieut. Wheeler and the sentinel in cu
front of him fired at each other sun- at
ultaneously, and, singularly, both n
n missed, when the Lieutenant slid n
down to avoid another shot, he "'
Ihaving no other means of defense.
Lieutenant Pierce speedily pursued at
his way over the natural bridge of ice
on the lake, under a constant fire
fronm the sentinels, until hie got be
yond the range of their gulss. At the
sane time the guns of the fort opened
with solid shot, for the purpose of L
breaking the ice; while the signal genus fi
I could be hear for miles arounlld boom
I ing on the still air- Unheedilng thile in
cold, for his heart beat high at the
prospect of once more being with hiis to
comnrades in thile field, and proving ci
with Ihis sword the faith that was in
hinu, he gained the strip of land twelve t
r miles distant, and pursued his way in
through the woods until daylight, v
I when hie was halted by some farmers, I
with shotguns in close iproximity to w
his body. 'rlhose fellows, when
f aroused by thie alarmI guns, were ever ,s
on the alert to capture an escaping
prisoner, and claim the reward. They I
I had no ordinary one in Charlie Pierce, it
I and hungry, chilled and footsore, ie te
was speedily marched back to his
old lquarters. The gallant fellow of- s
ten said that he felt more chagrined fr
and discouraged at being brollught a
,back by civilians than if captured by g,
Sregular soldiers. But his fortitude
0soon returned, and his mnindl con
stantly dwelt upon the one darling ht
f object of escape.
It was not to be wondered at that a
I Charlie now became an object of the ai
I strictest serveillance on the part of p
; every agent of the enemy. His every st
f movement was watched, so that his re
- sole reliance was upon strategy for i
.his fourth attempt.
Procuring a Federal uniform (it
Swas supposed from some one connec
ted with the hospital) he carefully
I concealed it in his bunk. With a o1
Spiece of wood, of which there was tl
e plenty, he manufactured a gun stock; ua
with a lot of fruit cans, which he A
procured from the hospital, lie manu- di
I factured a b;arrel and a piece of the u,
Shandle of a camp kettle was wrought i
s into a lock. After five months' in- 1
Scessant latbor, he completed Ins task, is
- and during that time he was exceed- au
ingly reticent, confining himself to o
r his bunk as Inmuch as possible, keeping
B his own counsel, like a good general, b
but working like a beaver. As a
e piece of workmanslip, it was pro- ft
nounced by all who saw it a marvel
t of mechanical ingenuity and skill. He
Swas fortunate enough to find an old a
rusty bayonet, which he soon made ti
1 look hlke polished steel, and how he a
Sstained the gun to make it look real
) no one but himself knew; but that it fc
t did look so the seqluel will show. p
I Having everything in readiness, how b
s put them to use? The guard must o
3 be brought into the block at night, so
n that he could fall in with the men and
march out with them. Confiding his 10
- intention to only a trusted few of his a
,mess-mates, he reqluested Lieut. Mi- n
e chael Long (now living in New Or- n
s leans) to inform the guard that an at- m
e tempt would be made to break out at
a that night from Block 8. The Lieu- b
tenant was thankefQr the informa- u
Stion; the sentfinel emed, 'Corponlof re
o, thes
hoever, be w t
experiment of
the gar , whice
One inudred amon
commandant of the"
son's sliand, who
Th `+eomnt9fi
brought to attempt
to tihe omceh of
told the tale.
limented him on
etrtegyd, and byconde
other padishment
of his disguises atd
insisted on keeping h
he deemed a At trophy
among the archives of
Ohio, where it is at
Charlie was then sa
quarters to brood in o
several falure, ntwt
indomitable courage, th
energy and the patiduraeii
the prgate, which the di.
was his comrades that': 5e
succeesful in this last a
they surprepared his Htn
scommatinels to believe he
soand were rewhady to ou
humaness at roll call, when
Pierce was there to asswe
and there he remained
with the others at theo
like gil true a oldierm, en
insituation as best he
suned the even tenor oft
Bu twhere gallant spitrrt -
never bend to then enm'
cquartersmb to thebrood yellow
severis remailurens now est, wit
indomitable comurage, the
wood Cemetery.
T[he brillhant record of .r ,', · 
energ wll show no nae aie'
he prdo sern the niche o 4f fAme
Lientesant Charles Hat
successful in this last a
g The following narrativue, l sy:
i Little Rock Gasotte, was tol on up. i
sfidentially by a helanderer:
"A Texas minister ro ready toou
largess adie roll ce, took hien~ik ti
rga preashinge A brisk tmg o
Stos heganr o the outiremained e
t church .
rwith the other Deacont, ~ad the t-dpl
ter, I beli eve these fellows ee~ at
ing insinuation as at hme. lco t, m !
cry nearly convinced,d t continued
wall close to his head.lo
S"I think, parsoN, that it refers 4o
somat the agelse," replied e of el idea
The ministlliant rised a o umfl'r of
Y water anilld was in tname act 6f aPlsig.
9 it to his lips when, the glaks felfsl~'aiid
Stered hy a shot. i ;
"This is an inuendo so longer, :':
sadornid the mnichster, wiping thowater
L from his vest. "This is hat I t'
Slan unmistakarle thrust, Tlhe soi
Y gregation will please sibg while I
e hgo out alld investigrate e iay r
Is there another preacoler a
G'house 9"
"YIes," said a man, tlrOwlg down
ta stick which hie ihadt beed wldtling,
Sarising and pulling at thie waaitofble
Spants, like a man who had just.
Y straightened onp after seting out a.
riow of tobacco plants across a broad
r field.
"God on an extra f"
g The wittisg preacher handed
a over a large Remington pastol, w6hifa y
Sthe insulted preacher took, asaid fel t.
9 ing one from his belt started .out,
SAl'ter going out there was an imme
- diate improvement in the firing bal
Snes. It was decidedly more lifelike,
It insomuch that the deacons satworkfsg " "
- their fingers. After awhile the wa~p
1, ister returned, and placing an etr
- and the nostril and a half of noser
aon the pulpit, premarked: sig.
S"He that hath ears to Bear, letnims
Sbehave himself"
" The sermon then proceeded owisti
further interruption. lgP
" An administration that all good ...,
men wish to forget," is the d:: ,
a tion which Mr. Edmand ds' ritling
applies to the two terms oi  :."
Ii The Republicans, at least, widfH· -S .
it forgotten, but it isn't, and the rD~e". :. "*
F , ple will show what they t Just,- "
w.by electing a Democrsatic brd .
t over the would-be Emperor. ,
S PRODIGY.--W lear" tCf our fd- .
a low-citizen, L. B. Herndon, , hi,
is a fine Jersey heifer calfod ai
i- mouths, rcenetly is mpottrtdbl.o,
(now freely giving milk. This is a
Smoest remarkable frelak of ipature, sl .
it isomething we never b sa t r befes, ..
Sbat is amle vouchaded la an
ad impeotril eyad o if'
Srelte the fath--Sb e al ei,

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