OCR Interpretation

The Louisiana populist. [volume] (Natchitoches, Natchitoches Parish, La.) 1894-1898, August 24, 1894, Image 3

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88071004/1894-08-24/ed-1/seq-3/

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I" III \ .AY.. ,ugu t 2l. 1,0,.
. r.ltgr.h aorde4,.
m,.t . -. " !i , - " , . 1,p iii
' m )i Id,,II',1 . " I -i ... b t \c .i . .
ilisr Jt-l, . l . l i " IE h l i 11
11 i ,a,. .1. I' i . 4 ? hg d.,y j h , It
I( . 111." ! ' . I II. I' all y  I
few nJin'rte tIat + el' wll V A oste d
ol t ftlilr t th r t E t O r1i ( +I -llo tah i. at 7
,all V hi,,t.i ( \. i .er.: i I.
p. mn.
t:air i I ,1 I+. ,E . ml ; i e t y . I1' 1' mo
( . \f i. P'. o !, is .IIEr il aln ill,tai'tl
t hust tI t sl 10 so .rStOI
( 'l to p re :lin ti ll., Ie l t I \., it
r :;l . i, ;are 1: l'i- t thil c( lV l| t lolo s
\to iA i lnto r Ii ular ,, i tis tloi l ur
lneig fhor, t;he nlda .is, fori
favorse at enderts ill e f ln te
. etc.
Mth,ixed it ints. Thiis h rl.l. ,ils aul
J. .. ])o11u,234 11 . F, . -,II.
Gen. J. iI. (' rl\e eill oH r
sanetlwin a very iphasant 1'all. The
Geperal ill co Vilnne any one ill
few nuite' that he is well posted
on the d we cn rl c issue of the il ty.
c'all of our troll 'or c:l.
For a lirst chis. : h1 sllwt'e mil neat
Hairl, nt, go to Ch:rhley's F.amoiiiis
Ton relia bility r.
t e rcity , i to learnus that iMrs.if
(dhas. V. l 'tll er is seriously ill, i ull
ell to lerlnanen for health.
o . J. two, nllrl t ihasconverted his
3tore into al reguolar heaep John
"lln't forget the grand MasoniC
Barrie tot tlobertsvaille on the
80tho, u .. Tzin. This harbecue
will be giveu 1,y it I; \ ". ý ille
Funitue o. 23all. 4 i. at J. . ;
evue rn ll i ae Son o d.
Neton tothe Odt of
Agent. .51r. ;' e 1
experience in the insurances, n
earead we can recommenid him to
any of our tatrons forit competency
and reliability.
Mr. Hamilton Spikes living near
the city, informed us that his wi fe
and daughter are both seriously
ill and have been for several daiys.
We lhope they will soon recover.
Mrs. Malinda lm alker, of ward l
clot, inag is worth eeing (Ilattrer i.)
of ward two, were both inte licted
dmicR, was a rtead ior tee, l wer n
carried to the ie an asylumve as t
Jackson, La., by D oetutjn Sheri el
Dowdeu and trust our rn. rs
Furniture of all kinds at J. A. &
In speaking of hig things, we 1
. ore always lreminded of the ostoyi
tpare near the Iron iridge. Thit
me wilmoth saytore i :ept by Mr. Charles t
riendethrt whose willcard apolwart inue toi
pbliehss goods aurt priocees tdin sit thea all
clothingr is worthant ews from whetherat l
hlarges iiothing for showie g hi~
erech s from l ew Orleans, amongi
which wlafrom a head for the ill paperna, we
neit a pi the paper s earwe hope to ve in
be i erllei thInWe £rome done thep
best we could under the circun
We awill rpsaoy to our Gra t parish
Tpleupds that we will continue to
blehb court proceeding as an at-ll
thney important news fromit that
ay special recomntimoenation ant
"tOler hads ae feel sfe inl fsa.y
litao eelve thbuseir es per as ear-d to
WLle call preeie promptl attetn-to the
* I| sipo (:4111 to I o14',% o1 .latrie1
in he4 ' E4 J'w Par lte.'
\ ' ' 1'1;'ial a tf -.n tio,:l 41t l-4
\'o ftri ofi Nofr 'hit iiTs p1::-- ti1
Iho not Iae of tih.lti' I t,'a rt I': t \iiu
tI .lt loel c..'re in till
if--I's. it" i ( verr" im,1115tallt that
th. l:1" 11' t of t. r t' i i :ri. h ' i . bii t
Il:\ et the Istr i irs ta at the titcii
',taln li 'e' mnw tli,,n d.
litl't's 1{i(':tJ IO'11s itttiis 315 w-e
V,,ll arlie l t; i dl iIt l at'iil to 1o le
\ .'i '.l I'. filtg :s l'. ,'c alei'lt' i t, ' . Ixt'l -
I at 1oc.
1'11 Iut i' I.\' 15k. t lil co.I proet -
tiposes t alli the oo- citizens 'f tlci'
',1' .'.so'it 3:4 i ' g1il tll3 i. T'lo l l"eitor(
i,\,.rylbo!ty sliouhi r'e:ll it. (i l\ly
ien( ll r (l Year. si lilbscrl forll, If it.
('l'X, we ale Ihon lst ill tlieiti 31:(l wer
i l citizg en cotI'ries1 41(1d copiliaraoS
tll we cstr i lers in the cit" of eatlcs hi
IWlt"li;.O t 'e. 1i-, liv ,lle l l b 3n il V le to
gather hI.cnl IIws items as we
would like illn inlteinl to do whien
we gst bet'tte'r acquainted w\"itii our
uip l'iot terioli 'W. \\ e oi"e litq'lv hi
sullrroiltaligs. tt e are ihere to
lulibl lp the great interests of the
country neved we aknm thle ro-opera
tion of all the good citizens of the
great city of Natchitoches in that
Sdirection V. lhile. your o r-litical
viet s may dillt',r rl thu , of i. l;l
rs, \e1ork , hone isni t hesi aule w
claimin we have a right as an .\1meri.
call citizen to e,\ll'res our olpiniouisi
Third wetr a rd others eelt,
srl.e right. e hold hl owvers.
that this call he done ai etl'ectivel\
ltllhoe t el COldia geri Ciiny of tit
great pil ubltic interests of o.ur
try. f ointiention Iiring to lunild
up nolilt it ear dowi. We ,ar ' tin rly
convinced that we are right, but
we have never assumed the rol'4e oit
infallibility, there it. orew'le tfore we are i
ways openli to convicrtion.
Now ready Ir idelivery. -nd your or-ll
does to ti. L'RlleIlsor.
ate t work lin a new residein co o
Mir. Ihenry hughes. has a resi
deuce il the Course of cousructi k
on Fourth street.
Clerk of Court Helry IA. 1 ya. s
has en st finishedro an addition o hise
dwelling ad hls, also trhe ated t to
O<ur lpublisher, Mr. \\'. Ti. La- I
tthami, alas' a flyingy %'i.it to lBiyce
iion Sunday, 19th int. While thleret
e waic the glest of Mer. J. W. Mil
ler, a popular lloyce mer tchant,
anid reports lhaving a go time.
Mr. Miller pincing his carringe and
team at his di.posal he, in coln
lany with fir. BH. I. larrison and
Misses Florence and ,Jennie Jack
o l, went to tnhe camp t tnoiinotoi
lien in u lrogref s at the Rapswet
trisp grof lualsic whe iclhe qar rtette
jothe tlnk selves of in te he x'O L eTll. t
Soervi ets ben to coronduesped toy eva.
ericston ottond McVoy, and otble'er.
luivines, wh il leavipng on thhoe
staary bird for TE elOUig reiv-SIA
OPLI TRerioR S kick inW the riiiOllohtOlidy
ittle fello i now btke by the snd weet
trains of Uthin which seriousve tomy result.
n this issuof the kil hdness ofon tlhe
- hwael.nd for which we ksxteln
he i thanks of the rOtcsTe of o. r
ioes that anyprices work intruspond to
rice of cotton, at arn ble's.ten
! ttl ll a elin isecautkesl , sevenet
ud okerma whnile mlaying on the
i a serious kick in the right sidell.
little fellow is now better, and we
rst nothing seriouns pcemay result.e at
.Asess a of Mr. n. A. Rod
Alre in tesirg to the reladers of oure
ipf rer that any work intrhsted to
ar for the PoPULIsT.
t'.i- el \ ' h'l I. ilt .l'h l li' ll Il I]
"1. \'4llitia'n 'hl 4,i E lor AIO s l lt.:¢'!..4
1hil tit t1,( i l ' il r' li1 h1 , Iou I . 1
i 1(II.11 .( IaIn ~l 1; i tt ; tI; t,.1
t ,1I\( ', I(tli.s 14) tl (',l i. -l Iixig! v:
(v nI t'lll' 1 ...11 T. 4u t' Ite l ,l.Nlilll . 5(1 ,4l1
aII h'1m r i- tI ' t : ii 1h4h:1 11" : l rh'ii hl
hl il Xi, ;1 : in, mur, v.l a nl I I . ii t ilth s
l m(,e tiom at olritg hmulnk,, l h;-!
1C (111.' Ali 2Ioiitg( 4clla 1 :1 : s :4(1 I:II liv
Or f letc iit to tliscliah ge the 4lihti4''i
Thl ll'I l, .st S ta) ..u t"ll c114tll t ii.
(I . l it4I i xs11 ilt)i'l l t' I\ l:,ilI 4) lI.
I lile, 11i 1 set 41s j It 151 r sct: th o1. Itrti
A* de y ]uir nt \hll n a it' I ) lha \ . he
Sh'4 ilh.4'(1,4 ill lil' ('iilillitl V 1it t}l'' j
1i' \is ll 1t'1i, or hroa nde rii lth
hi 1 111.h .(t 1 :11 . n d ' r-li,.i i 1 ils itlt -
(1 k 14 i 4l;l r elo t l 410 b 1 spi ll 14 'tclli
ml lat :it tinl a it (4' o (l a ,i i 'ry.
It 'l 'iv p ri tilii'i. l, iP of 111. I. . \ ,r1 -
I 41 11\, 1' oitir to the (,l i, i tlsll -
i't Sl;1irll'lltll 1-y. th iiiiiCe o\il .Icli!·l
of' o iur :i. Ii.- i 'iI1., a tafll ir pii resi I
ialiyti )nlotolhy o t. The ritl aryl
ln oltion mat olr aindllies. Th
Trh t wbhasp iny
Sin ela rtiettt will 1 eonl ar.(,
(Crm Mi.all Dokelt, Prs of alisoal
Sati'se ors ,foltrer for is lete be 'll
18'1, terl of te Fourg the Judic ial
(' o)istrit ( ui t, l to h 'orin fulell tie It
I lfa( , ti 1: . o 0i the lltri4a., t b
Large tocn k of eri s' still goutiih.
First nl l wee t , roni\el, it , . i .
are to ne.tried:
s35, State vi Iloustou' ('i1Ii
S ie, T l list taff s esl  ' ndly ill-e
814. State \vs Artsy Prurett.
l\ i Sate vs J. Cl . eer ' r.
co., St..ilate ivs J ls r of ltt.
ine, frSthte o'tes iOli l LeoCi ie. Il
8 e , Stere e l vs (l;, 'i iltliVr the i. 1
(". Stil a;te 1)i'1 :t11 l1y Ch oorili rter l
i4Lan, tote v Jor th Ire kintl.
, tate r Jr.
isl, State ('e (rrie Ionai. n -
illll 1im al'liy gDock tt rl' "(l silt'nl i
las, State l, t. L. ~ri s \\tll ir
clerfi, Stlte vs nih. I:itaway iy. h
18l7, State vs thil \iau lert. e he Vl t
it" or Ildy fieu s, aso thmeir ti'es
ele9, Stte ns desley to diCa l t. e
than wnetony of the elithiiatl
8sn, Stat. Come a llaan hulies.
872, State vs. MWck Fat'e l.
871, Statc i's lohus Clresttr.
8t7, State s J. e . d arpt .
4l, Jolan WlliJams nr- Gcor
teat to coantit mnurder. Co .
Criminal Docket, J ro tpi'i I
189, ater of the Fo urth Judicial.
4istri, it )evlle h)uboie, aissaul;t t
;olax, L., Ol oay tetery.
o E7, S DNDY viz , 1T.
80i3, weeks S aith, olarceny.
8are, Wto il tri es l id Wi. t
,;ii., State vn illiad re laeivi stol
834, State v Wesley Capps.t it
850, State vs iau, cursiul tt.
sw State vsr J. C.e a rate uWard.
834, State vs James Pruett.
O5le State Vsch red ithe la rceny.
833, a Shill lat, assault y witr.
felly Stbottite rsrt..
840, W 11 IfeareDbwr, assault b wil- I
adlly slootiir at.
841., Jack Esmse, larceny.
847, StaheMa h Ss ilill Wlhum.g- tY
810, tater sha.biao, uasirult
fuith a htingroi wet.ti. :
II" ''" r ill l l 1i1 1111 ( 111. \i I l 1 1iiý\ IlII' i I ,i'. i ' -.t '
Clot ink -GC, n ' rl~r~ ' : ;
Bo':ts ana Sh: : ,k ,-- IS:. ~i:.
\". it !l :Ice iýý ilinsIy I hut w' i : \\ 4wk hd.,.ý 4r&'II pt i rE r '.Ib3 i II i ll i I il 11iii1!
O;(' l inI. I Ct trcil' 11 1 u m" 'ume.k lS Fi'(' p11' l:a~aa :at 1-4- oA 11 .:;1 1 Is &e b
We have no SHELF WORN (JJUS ; We have no SICC)NDHAND UJii2' i:w AZ D ~R) NEW, and to
your TASTE.
(('ii e u~ a v all. ON Lis iij11 ill vThIe v I( l ilac wI:1t 4 eaPe ft he I n V tii l t'iE i% I
1 '.el3 , O' ),e:r I n"t lI, . iº' ,.4i. :u 1
Foil S.\TI lID. \ , -'l" .
S ' (' ml;'rn c I tr .1t ! o. U a Iss ll
S Iantl i:Ittei'V. lied thll ('Iill ntl
a ,. ,l .\ I .t lfo'd. , Sr. ('littilng
timlller on the lands 11 o';lotllher.
SqJ. \Vn ICeitzell, assanlt with a
* ingerni s WVt:11onI.
FOIl MorD-AY. 24TI1
5.;1, ilu4ton Call,;s, intleting at
\wounrId less thanI li:iyheii
,71'. State vs Jltl Dreieda, sih t ,
, ing with iintent to Iiiirtlder
t For Tuilesilay, 2jt h
,71. W ill ilatnil, larceny
S7,, Bill lreaze:ale. ob)taining.
N il(ly i nd lt .'1 tht pretelses
l For; W\edna esdIay. 2.th
Si3 , Bert (Gut,, Johl ItaIbIrl et
,l, Ilaeny and receiving stolen
737. Harrison Schism, larceny
The arc;'used ill lhe above cases
i are hereby notiilled and reeltested
to senl the names of their wit
i nesses to the office of the Clerk of
the Court a stlicient time before
court ODVo ei* of same
Meeting CA e
I L. Shackelford, Secretary, af 1~-30
p. un.
Present: Ward One-W. L.
Shackellford and W. 1'. Stevenson.
Ward 2.-Joseph Wilson and
Thos. J. 'Chandler.
Ward 3.-Henry GOlynes and P.
W. Lofton.
W\ard, 4.-Bln. J. Nugent and C.
J. Ilutchinsoiu.
Ward 5.-By proxy.
Ward 6.-W. W. Smith and I.
J. Maxwell.
Wartl 7.-J. L. Fletcher and C.
L,. Purvis.
On wotionu, W. W. Smith war,
eleccted Chairman, and lenry
G(uynes, vice Chairman;. AV. L.
Shlackelford, Secretary.
On motion, that the delegates to
the Congressional Convention to
meet at -Natchitoches, La., August
"2th, 1894, be appoinied by this
Executive Committee instead of
election by mass meeting of the
various wards. Motion carried, and
AV. L. Sackelford wardn one.
A. WV. Stewart, " 2.
C. C. Richarlds, " 3.
SO. C. Watson, " 4.
IR. N. Tillman, " 5.
W. WV. Smith, " 6.
M. F. 1lachefu, " 7,
were elected as delegates to said
1convention, itb the understand
ltug that if nmass meetings were
held in each ward for the election
of such delegates, that delegates
so elected are be the proper dele
gates for tno.e wards in lieu of
those elected at this meeting.
And the folHlowing alternates
were elected to repprsent said wardls
in case of the failure of the regu
lar delegates to attend, viz:
W. P. Stevenson, ward 1.
It. N. . luke, " 2.
T. O. Moore.- " 3.
(;. J. II t,'hinso, n, " 4.
T. M. Bradfirdl, " 5.
(eo. Andre. " .
J1. Fletcher. " .
Mtion, carried.
Thlit if any of tie dcelegates to
the Congressional Con\ention lail
I to appear at Natchitoches on Au
gust 28th, thit those present be
authorized to ca~ the full vote for
the )arsh. MotibQ carried.
That the followslg gentlemen ie
appointed to organifza'e,,l,h,'s Par
ty Clubs at the variblus precillie,
where is-caul, s at-present are or
V-axrd 1. W. L. Shackelford, at j
Sp ring Wagor _. to.
Nu urr"y tiuiose. rs..;rr Tc B,'r .'ek
3s:. C", 1.1 r,. Ph<.!o r.. C,
r I , I ýatll(( .C j }_ /1
*ffri'.nl ulth~nI. Cu. :b. PMr I., t k'. 3Y a 5
O !u t. .u xt .a jj_ 'a ' tu. _
0Tu r v T
\ rýý. , = I, ,'.Y, " ý1 ^'\ ý/
$43.00 tr r'. 1\ ýy
Jrli ý ' I r't 1 H· t
^1111,15(· rº.lbDL::* '..J FLY \ET*L FIkhart wht'Ip.Zl~rnrr
v r,"·.~, n!.. r,,. clrb with ur.l."r. WnA 4.. . y' ",,u 'i,' ,' !'rv+. r t I1 11: r
.Kt~t:,,. t". y.y y-tate um 1 tvY-We o cntº.wu·. .-t" ,: t .:.4, .'r. f . -; Ir,ýu.~
1To. a Fan" ýe' ni~~u. Ad rers WY. 13. PRATT, Sec'y, ELKH#ilT, IND.
[ Ward 2. I". 31. .Morri-. at Ragdad;
'T... (2l.haoller. at l:ruc.e's Mill.
Ward 3. 1V. C. Heat. at Antone.
Ward 1. John WV. Smith, at Lin.
\Ward 3. R N Tillman and T 3
Bradfjrd, at Christian Hope.
\Ward 7. B II Ilale, at latt, and
(2 A Neal at Montgomnery.
ThIerte bing Clubs at the remain
ing precincts already' organized.
1lotion: carried.
That the hLairman of every Peo
(Cluab e aIe monthly
tUtm esatled.iL .
That the Chairmua.of the varI.
ous I'eople's 'Party Clubls through
ouiit thile ,alrih, lie ret uired to call
their clulbs to meet once a motlih.
and to take an active intrest ill
thle organizati n ianld prigress +t
their clulb. Motioll c'arried.
'Tha:t anI electiin take place at
once in every ward. to elect mmn
ltcrs to thle ":la'ish lxecutive Comi
Juittee to, till the vacaicies that now
txi t, and that ioi olle he allowued
to vote foir said committeemen ex
cept those who are regularly en
rolled nmeltlelrs tof soolie P'eolie's
P'arty Club located ill that wartld.
The follow ing wiards are ecititled
to fill the tollowring vacancielr
ward one, 2; ward two. I : wamrl 5,
I: wanr 6, 1 ; ward sevelm, I ; being
the va clicies Tiow existinig il sa:id
commiittee. .Motion carrield.
That eaclh ward shal;ll be a;lloiedi
:1 rerll'sentltation at three mn mbrc·.
to s\erve i n:i sa;it Exceilive Conl
uiittee. Motioii cirii ied.
Thalit the regular llace ,f miit-ting
of the Pari.sh Exicutiviie ( 'ounitltee
shall be at Fairtiehi (huri.h, near
Crelds amird that it shall meet
lquarterly; the iit rsql artirly me't
ing bing on Frilai, l'- hre1l lihe 3rd
Sundtlay of Nov'embeur. I *1t; Ihat
ithe Chalirmllal shall hiavxthe Ifnul
thority to call a lmit,+img ut this
(i:lnmitte wLhjetiever lie' dctiIii it
adv\isable. Moltion ca;'rit.,l. i
That+ the l';ari.h l·:ExcuCtixt, (CoIn
Inittee iitmeet a:t Fairilihl ('IhuI'.h omi
Friday, befire the 3r.d- Snanday ,f
()tober, and a i1ll attendatl tce of
,ll uemi|ibeis arle requested to be
)res4et. .Motioi carried.
That the chair'iia at t tihe vri,,uI.s
Cliiies t!iroughiout th lie I risih be oi
gamllZedl into ;a C:aimpalignll olulillltttlt
antd ;iare relequestd to mc-ct the I '.ir
ishi Ex'tcultive Colllllitii tee, aI: Liii
tieli Clirlllch, Friday bletlole the : 3;ri
Sunly of &)tobtlr. Žllutioi ctrriid.
l'iiat tlie Secretaryi bic rquccstedl
to have lat-.,e iesoti ,ltioii.-, in lisbedl
Ii the IA)IISI.ANA l'Ol'lIl'.
Meetiug atijoulrnicd.
It, is oiterldi tlhat the Lou.Il iN \
oI'or'LIT, plbili.ihcd at Na;tchito
va'.s, Is' Ihi' ofli'ial orI'gni o f Ih
'cople's I.aaty of l(iaiit tarish.
1V. \V. SMI'TI,
Ch. 1'. It. i'1x. Com.
Sec rictat ty,
.rant i i arC .,ii.-h,
.\1l !It' F*+I'I'III ·111.1.tl;It.0l 1)(*', (IIt (.lj llt I I
f 1lroy .( tatrol a'.n1. o, f I'onfll+ rl+.'
"thleatensu .ot .4r h l a"n'-it. \\ill II. "lT o '
lu id. fOru sl'll'  + till'+ e.II,. r1d+ llll ,tl
moul) elec-lt.dl columllh. tdt.r.
Be suire to stiIhserillo for the
Our cIhlIgl;;es failed~l to reach
our new quarters this w-erk, eojtlie
quently we ftilekd to get the eilt.
era:l news als closely as We woul(
like to have (lone.
Practical Watchiiiaker.
(2V ywary at the Bcuin.)
N ITCrI1TOd:1jE.s LA.
Weo i t by Mail or ExprosH to mte or
U1I b eIn w4s) Xt! promlpt
t1AU'L. . HU
N ATCII1'fi iiTEKc, LA.
l'44iiCleM 1141411e lot 1 ',ti. . .t ' 4111 t1l.. l....t
Floeigin a...l 1110144 Col;d,: llo.. aug24.
~Saisaut J. Henry,
W~ill pract ice iii all tiii, Sitat and red
er.tl Courts.
Itcgiriratioa Notice.
. u~ittI it Iwireuv, Sri ' I that in '"1"".
Sici u $eclutqe *o .t At Ii of 11of iW. ý.
thlle tivr ~p, clot d, per'.. nt1aL a ,,K 1 ~
fbhe Clerk of Ijeglatr~atyunmI
lit rwthiau the4 ruJc..ioaltziaa (4 f
ol Natchitotlas.. prepalrstlwy to Se C.
g~reealf .5l elc'rtiri to Ill eld5 O sm
~.iutuaIr WI..1r I1 will be At t
lowing Ug jelacca 01oi thedates ltmimo:
Ward 1.-At the Cot. &t Z.nci a ill tho
City of Vat.;hito."h,'. coutizuarllly Sip to
the ,:ia' of Vl4("tft.i4.
W ard 4-Wi~llwi 5ilctlur 3rd.
I Evo -r;;r,.c,.ll, (Ilk .I
3-.1111a, 1th.
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A (rd111 l M i:ia.11101, bi I.. wIrllc
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