THE' CAIRO BXTXiTjETIN, APRIL 14, 1870. ,.,,.,.','',"', "" m Of THE CRT, I I M'K ItOliSDAnOtT I'OCKKT. -ful shower this run. grateful to The furniture,, wnroliouso of B. H. fynrrcll l iibout to jwnvo now roundii- II llltv fupplviorCalliUooH.uh.ljGjihors ju't Mwlvlil tr. Nell"'. No- 60 olli() I.ovfc. ( ; I phillp Schmidt lift commenced tho crcc-' ' tion of r sung Httlo residence in tho upper t'ef the city. " i IuioiiNsI BABdAiKs I A pood sultof i ii i -n vV.n-',. rn tiling tor umi iioimrs, m r. ju v llhlo Lovec. , "AV mini. ''going It nloni," but 0 in li. minis mot prosperously, In tlic commission, for- ng iind product! business., 'I'I&t Kkokivkd. Slio Shoo Fly Elliott At.Ton't Bodder Mo HnU nnd cups nt rd'.'iNotrs. No. 70 Ohio Lovco. !i 'iiKvrrybody uses "Wizard Oil, nnd Bar- ,jlfty. ,Bros. sou It cheap lor cash, rai Vofilia, homo institutions. Buy from th 1 1 Barclays. . ... . ... r - ,.m..i.. 1IS - II A Binelo iickm hi -nr. jwiiij b gut -" lmr!o must draw tho capital prize i..00u brick residence. Call on him nnd hiivUhnt ticket, lest somebody clso gets It, liii'i ittgravely conjecturod that tho skele ton nloued tin in tho fourth ward, tnc other dav. is that of a whlto man, Indian or negro I Tho Intelligence of this ugo is 'tfnroTy marvelous. iF'fiould bo well for parlies having plants nnd shrubs to sell, to imitate- tho ex diiiplo of Mr. Amadus Jucckel, and advor- ' r- mi f tlscthcmin tlio UULlETiN. mo tnqury, now active, will bo of short duration. rH (5. -i.l 1 n:t1t..4 1T1I I. nn nt i 'iI'VT. iridiums iuiiu uh I ) ttfo laUtst and best furnished in tho coun I JiiA-.t lt'i tbo resort of both cltlzon and strangers who indulge- in billiard play inP. JanCtf. I1'11 TThl' did I). "VV. Munn, in his letter to tlm colored iicodIo of Cairo, address -- r them n 'my colorrd fellow citizens?" Whvthodlstinirulshlni: proflx "colored?'1 Will fbVto distinctions never bo wiped out: Mb. 1. Kami, Grand Dcpty of tho I. O, .0'. T- Jim been lecturing at Metropolis on finiVcrl'nco. "Why does ho remain a-far away from Cairo? Wo havo so vend drunkard in the city who need roformu- . ' 11,11.- ...I . ...II. twn, nnu wo wouiu iiko i mm tatucjii. A! ,k6maV. Riving voice to tho most pit! wis lnmViitutlons, passed along Eleventh itriMit. vesterday evening, arresting not u little attention. Sho mourned tho loss of a bnbt', and' scarcely lighter was her grief tbuii that of I-ar over the loss of a home, a family, tad, a kingdom jTJjb vprtlon of tho Buliktin that tho street tax niay be paid in city scrip has ,Wn construod, in certain quartern, to a iiit.Mt 'iia..I iimtii ilwi.lntnneriitlf tinrtv' Imuw "forsooth, tho fact asserted nuy niiro l'.tho advantago-of tho negroes, Tho worm irogreeit, Tha nitv of Cairo derives her easement - ...J'.'i .1, e.i ,,.i,..,f f.n ,,f or right to use tho Cairo wharf, freo of charge, rom tlio Cairo L'ity rropcriy Trustees. jSJte grant Is made in express terms, and recorded with tho plat of tho 1'Itfc lfit3rservutionof tltlo to tho land Mujjigtlclt. Mr. Linecar, In bis upcwh to tho colored , iH-ople. JasLTiu-fday, avowed 'nYlc7imyPlY'-J HoVlaYfcfiy fW." Seeing thn avowed Jiimeii tin- vliai is termed WiUalfty.'' Seeing that tho avowal rtliln't- tnku well with his audience, ho at oriciftjJed'to.iiiaki.'lt appear that ho, him- ulr( wasol Aincan uxvraiuuiii t TImi iitTOw)U Promulgator nays that, "iv. rjutUniiMH . progressing rapidly with tho largo' whlirf-boat ho Is building for CapL 'llild,of.Calro,, Tho Council will 'proT.ahly cohgnrgatoon tholeveoand view wlth tearii .tho ,new boat swlni; to her ini'iotiufWanil will not the Mayor tear Ills haiHn'wratnV W'litTKHJO.vii, C lb, goKl brown ku- i?ar. m lb-. Bib Colloe. 11 lbs, choice Jiti- iruVTa 1,'on'oo, ill lbs; O. (5. Java tolTiMV 3 I'm, for $1 00. Baking powders !10 ctns, ptr lb, Coal oil 40 cunt per gkllou. l'uaehesnnd tomatoes 20 cents per t-an, and .nil" kinds of groceries and pro. vj.ipnf, Cheap, by J. II. l'HILLlV.S, lit Cor, "Washington ave. and 4th street. AnWumMng (he birth of a son to bis HonOTj Jtnlgo Baker, McCartney, in his Promulgator, t&yt: "Boport asserts that tho young Ju,dgo was making a law Hcch ut tho tlm0 lfis father arrived I" Mao is liuorjfaylien tho Judge arri ' ttlljitjhamf-fro"1 tho court houso ho ft Wui Ihi sJiirjng his nbstneo a Cross mhtiui been Aled, which is a good joke, if tlio baby' namo Is Wiltinm. The public school children arc not a littlq qxrrcbqd ovortho groundless rumor thhl colored ciilldrofi will bo admitted on i'pfal ttrW with thorn. On tho other Jiund, a number of ho colored children aro oxccfdingly unhappy over tho ,Uught that thero is a purposo to compel them" to enter tho whlto schools. Tho youngsters on both sides may quiot their fears. Vublio sentiment, just now, Is nverso to tuch a mixture. Ai tho .risk of subjecting our self to tho .charge of dcsirjng to "disrupt tho dcino cratio party," we must suggest that it would bo well for tho democracy of tho filJyi.V)WW)ulMm ooinpetcnt and sub stantlal member of tho party to till Mr. i WHliuiistfilV 'vacant seat in thu Select ConncM." rAieh 'opposition as tho radicals can now muster, by laying Mound City and Caledonia under contribution for colored MitcM, vfifl tnaVti' thV contest Interesting, but not nt all doubtful. THE COURTS. CIHCUIT COURT. Box. t. .f. Bakh, pfo-Iillnfi; MM. John Q. IUhhaji, Clerki I. F. MrCABTRKT, Pfoupcullns Attorney. Wednesday, A. M. McKenzio & Klco vs. 1'cte.r .Immortunn. Mechanics' lien. Keportof snlc approved. William (Jnrvln vs. Miirinda Mar-bil lion. Ejectment. Continued by agree ment. "Wetiiorlli & Bro. vs. John 1 Taggart, Debt. Continued for service J. M. ricreo. vs. Illinois cciiinii rauroau company. Assumpsit, lonuniiuu uy agreement.' j Harah J. Kurtz vs. Gortrudo V. Kurtz, ct uls. Partition. Continued for salo miu report; Smith &, Jnyno vs. James Unrland. Debt. Continued on motion of d6f'ndant. Elizabeth Hutchinson vs. Illinois Cen tral .railroad company; Trespass. Con tinned by agreement. William W. Whito vs.. Keasun Heater. Assumpsit. Continued generally., Don Curios Buoll vs. Cairo City Coal compftny. Assumpsit. Continued by agreement. B. Smyth & Co. vs. James Mnguiro. Assumpsit. Vunuo changed to Pulaski county. "Wolcott & Swasey vs. John V. Gibson. Assumpsit. Continued by agrcomont. Court then ndjournod until tins afternoon nt 2 o'clock. Ttiurida)'i A. JI Fred Brawo & Co. vs. "William "Winter. Assumpsit. Judgmont for plaintiffs. Parris & Allen vs. William Winter. Assumpsit. Caso continued. James Bonch, ct als., vs. Timothy Conk- ly. Assumpsit. Attachment for witnesses ordered. Tho City National Bank vs. Thomas Lewis, ct als. Debt. Motion for a change of venuo entered. James Sullivan vs. Tho Putnam Flro Insuranco company. Assumpsit. Caso on trial. Court then adjourned until this afternoon at - o clock. FISTICUFFS. Tnollattlts t'oitht, a Third "lUnktrrd Anir, Tho Httlo village of Oooso Island, in this county, was nil aglow with excitement, a few days ngo, from tlio following cause, viz: Robert Russell, a well kit, muscular country man, was engaged in n qunrrel with ono Joshua Thurston, when u third party, named Oroen . Moss, entered nn appearance, apparently ns a mero specta tor. Tho quarrel progressed to a point where Kusscll thought that blows should begin, and, accordingly, ho commenced drawing his coat for a light. Tho Instant ho throw his coat bnek so as to encumber hit arms, (Ircon K. Moss "mounted him." Being taken at great advantage, ltucl could do nothing moro tlian to lako h drubbing quietly and philosophically n ho could. Moss took full satisfaction, and then retired in good order. Rucll gained his feet, throw olf his coat, and avowed himself so much displeased with tho result that uothlnir short of another round would satisfy him. In duo timo ho found Moss in Iun tcr's store, and thon thero attacked him, A furious light ensued, and Moss received ubout us comnleto a driMsini: otl'as ho had uoout as com pieio a urt ai(I)1 MiitvrL.a,to liuosi ll. as mis rosuu leu matters about whoro thoy wore at tho com mencoment. Mos expressed himself dis satisfied, and only awaits tin opportunity for a third contest, tlio issuo of which ho thinks will provo satisfactory. SERIOUS AFFRAY. Aa Innocent Xta Klllnl. On Saturday last two men, wIiomi names wo could not learn, entered a grocery in tho town of Santa Fe, in thU county, about twenty miles from Cairo, and i-oou afterwards engaged in an angryaltorcation. Words lead to blows, when ono of tho men, seizing a heavy glass tumbler hurled it at tho head of tho other with all tho force nt his command. Wcsly Price, a rospi-ct- ablo citizen of tho county, was sitting In his wagon, directly In front of the grocery door. Tho glass, missing tho object ut which it was thrown, struck Mr. Prion directly in tho forehead, knocking him senseless, and intlcting injuries from which ho died within lorty-eigin noun. .nr. Price was wounded on Saturday aud died tlio ensuing Monday. VH ti Oi l VOl'U CIIOK'K. Tho undersigned will tell his .lock of eowors, for cash, cheaper than anybody lllso in town. Thu best perpetual roses all of which aro In largo pots; roses you raunot buy at uny nursery for less than 60 and 75 cts. a pioco, 1 will sell for .6 to 60 cts., verbenas by tho dozen, from 75 to $1 25; pansles, by tho dozen, ut $1 00, single geraniums, from 5 to 25 cts, a piece, double geraniums, from 10 to 75 cts, pulargniums, from 10 to 25 cts., tropaoli- unis and tritomas, at 'J5 cU., cupheas, doublo pctunas, sweot-tcented geraniums, chrysanthemums, fovorfows, rinoruries, etc., etc., at 10 to 15 cts. a piece, amaryllU formossisslma. a splondid llower when niooming, an reauy miu iou hi iiiiu at 60 cts. a piece. Come and seo I AMANDUS JAEOKEL. tf Fifteenth Str. bet. Walnut and Cedar. TIIKKT.MCHOUS IIOTKI. AMU UKSTAIIUNT. This popular and eligibly located houso of publio entertainment Is now fltted and furnished throughout in good stylo; and, under tho management of Messrs. "Walker & Slisson, is doing a largo and thriving business. It is kept upon tho European plan tho guest calling for what ho wants aud when ho want) it, whether in the day or night time, nnd paying only for what ho orders. Tho rooms aro largo and clean, furnished with the best of beds and bed ding, while all other features of tho es tablishment aro arranged with an especial nvo to tho comfort and convenience of tho guests. JaCtf. 1IUICK I.ATKIt ANIt.CONTItACTOn. Mr. (5oo. B. Chrismnn advertise, to-day, his readiness to contract for any kind or brick work, from" tho building of tbo largcst.ehurchcs nnd school houses down to tho under-pinning of a houso or tlio topping oft' of a flue. We can heartily re commend Mr. Chrlsman as a first class mechanic, having all nround u, In some of tho finest residences and business houses of tho city, tho mot inconlestlbio evidence of.hls skill nnd Industry. He will take contracts for work and furnUli material or not, ftsmnvbo desired, in any section of tho country, and will inuro ampin satis faction in every instnnce. Address nlin or apply (ri person, nt Cairo. ICK CIIKAM, SOI1A. NEIiTKU AXII KIsSIMIKK P. Sail p, 101 Commercial avenue, (it er nttentivo to tho wnnts or tho inner man, has opened his elegant nnd well fiirnMied Ice Cream Saloon, where, besides thu most ..... .1 1 ...!.. .1... delicious ices,, too imirmi mnj uumm k cooling and healthful Soda, Seller and KI-- sineen waters in tneir groiiiciinuriiy. Xadles br families may visit tho saloon without fenr of Intruders. Additions havo been made to thu stock nf tobacco: c cars. etc.. worthy of the ipcclnl attention of buyers, cither whole sale or retail, nprlltf LATEST FKOM TIIK LADIES. Sinco tho Introduction of Phalon's VI- tatlii or Salvation for tlio Hair, ladles who formerly used dyes, nro universally abnn donlnc them. They find tho now nrticlo so harmless, so clean und pure, so pleasant to tho sonsos, and wlthnl so superior ns means of renewing tho original color, that they absolutely shudder when they think of tho Ulthy stuU' thoy onco ued. aplldiiwlw. IIAItlMVAttK Kilt KAI.K. Go to C. "W. Henderfon for anything In tho lino of Hardware, such a But, l-i k Screws, and n general assortment of shelf hardware. Also, a lot of Garden Impll- ments, such as Bakes, Hoes, Mantiro and liny Forks, etc., etc. Mr. Henderson has nlso Jut received tho largest and best stock of cooking stoves over brought to tho city, and tells cheap for casli. Tiik Sun, our .S'hh, that shines so bright ly, advi-es tho citizens to pay thu street tnt In ser li and not in crcculmcks. it savs : ''Of cotirso Supervisor llyan will not refio them. It Is not his duty to ex plain all this matter. Lot every man tako euro of himself." Bight, Oh, Sunny Sun. Wo don't bliuiio Bvan either. Ho would bo an nss, without any of the brightness which distinguished HalaiuiiV, or which now makes glorious tho Unit, if ho did not tako pay In greenbacks from all who oiler to pay in Hint currency. But, let us wins- nur in tho enr of tho citizen; "I'ay In scrip. Do you hear'" I Tub examination of tho duxes in inuslo at the Conservatory, will begin on Tues day evening at 7 J o'clock. Friend of tho pupils will bo proontod with ticket, i no number of visitors will Imj limited each ;nlng, n that all can bo provided with seats. Tho musical enteriainmeni win close on Friday evening with a grand con cert, of which duo notlco will bo given. Tho next term of tho Conservatory will begin on Monday, April 18th, nnd con ttniiii 10 week. Tuition S.V00. in ranee. up 1 Hit. Caiu-on, tho dealer in pianos and ewlng machines, I building up a very good btiM ness. He has earned success, for a more persoverlng, Industrious individual is not numbered among our citizens, llo will contract with you for tho delivery of n $1000 pjano, or tho repair of a machine shuttle alwav read v to acommodato in tlio smallei-t us well u tho lnrget trans. actions. After awhile wo expect to see him the proprietor of one of tho largest piano ware-rooms in tho ,Southwot, on the principle that tall oaks from little acorns u row. ' Messrs. Miller and .Miller have jut re reived an unusually largo, well aborted and strictly fashionable supply of piece goods, to which they ask especial atten tion. Tho lot embraces thu finest cloths and casslmers over brought to Cairo, and such a variety of styles that all tates may bo accommodated, fchiits or garments from thcio good aro made to order In thu bet manner and latent style, and at llg ores that will defv competition. For proof of this they only a-k to Ihi put on trial. At all events call around and seo tho now goods. jan'.'titf. Boy, and now und then individuals of niaturer growth, having improvi-ed all kinds of boats and lloats, may be seen at all hours, on the surface of lako .Shiinncsy. No kind of work is moro laborious than noHni? or rowing theu heavy lloats, yet thov call It fun. It not unfrequently hap. pens that boats caplzo or tho rafts go to pieces aud scud their human freight to the bottom of thu lake, hut no i-erlou- roulls have ensued, so far. I'llllTOUlAI-liTri'lloriMiUtl'IIKI Go to .1. O. Bagwell, Photographer, corner F.lghth street, and Ohio Levee, for pictures, Carte do Visiles, etc. Having made arrangements with muiiq of tlio best artists of our largo cities, ho respectfully solicits order for copying and enlarg Ini' old pictures. Call at his rooms and Cj - t seo specimens of work in that line. apldtl a ivokii or .timet:. Mothers know tho importance attached to the care of teething children. Bead the advertisement of Mr. AVhltcomb's Syrup in another column. aplldawlw. Clothing for tho million at P. NcH" No 70 Ohio levee. Tho best goml in tho city will bo found at this house. tf Drawors nnd Undershirts, at a f acrilleo at P. NetPV, No 7!l Ohio Levee, Front. Ono hundred half-barrels of Cholco Family Flour, suitnblo for tho trade, for salu at thu Egyptian Mills. npll ldtf ltlTli:MKli:.SK A IIANM Have just received a choice lot of carpets in nil tho latest designs and makes, bought nt panic prices, and sold cheaper than ever. nprilOdiit THE atUKCII W THE IIEI1KEMEK Services will bo held In tho Church of tlio Redeemer every day during tho week, commencing at 1 1 o'ulork a. m., tho Rev. Mr. Coun, olllclating. Thero will also ho services on Wednesday and J-ridny evenings, at 7$ o'clock. aprllCt. niXEKAi.'WATJHIIH. El KMT OF TIIK SEASOX Kisinieii, Seller, and Blue Lick Waters, and all tho other variety or Water Oomthe celebrated springs of Ger man, 'ind Amerleu, on draft and for Mile by the gla.s gallon or barrel at tho drug store of B.T. Wlittukur, N'o. 108 Cominer ciiilnvenue, Cairo Ills. apll'Jtf IfAViufcON not only deals In plows, culti vators and tho thousand and ono traps, tricks and implement so useful In nnd about thu farmer's home, but has tho habit of keeping everything which can bo found no where elso. Ono can learn more about the Inventive genius of mankind, or, moro properly, Yankee Ingenuity, by a ten minutes' inspection of tho multitmru of contrivances nnd queer, useful nnd or namental "contraptions" collected in his warerooms. than can bo learned from uny book on Inventions extant. Lest this ex tiresslon lie misconstrued by some ot tne "i-ciitlucls upon tho democratic watch tower," wo feel called upon to add tho us surnnco that, in mnking It, wo entertain no purpo-e whatever, to "hurt tho Democratic party. Good Calf Boots for two dollars and seventv-llvo cents only at P. Cell's, Xo. 7'J, Ohio Lovco. Ender's Chill Cure "It never falls.-' THE BEST IN I'SK-Knder's Chill Cure. RIVEFUVIEWS. The weather is clear and spring-like with the temperature almost too warm The growth of vegetation Is somewhat ex traordlnary, and the foret trees, llndlng themselves behind time, have assumed their green attire more suddenly than usual. House plants nnd shrubbery are growing so rapidly that ono can almost perceive the Inercato of foliage from hour to hour. The thermometer indicated I deg. The river has fallen alout live inches al together, and the decline will be ijult slow, for some time. The MIMppi Is rllng slowly at St Louis, and enough water Is reported com Ing down to keep It so for a day or two. and afterwards to keep it from declining rapidly. The Ohio is rllng again at Pittsburg, with eleven feet water in tho channel and more heavy rains are reported; It i falling rapidlv at Cieiiinatl and Louisville, with on! v suven I'ei't water In the chute over tlio falls. The Cumberland is again falling, with 12 feet on llarpcth Shoals. Iluslness Is moro dull at our wharf than for six mouths past. The City of Kvan.ville brought 10 tons mdse. for Cairo, JVJ5 bags wheat for St. Louis, and 48 hbi whisky for Nuw Orleans, The Tyrone brought 176 hhds tobacco for reshlpment to Now Orleans; 1.1 cattle aud .10 tons sundries for St. Louis, and a few lots sundries for Cairo, Captain .1. Slut Neal has purchased nn Interest in tlio .Magenta, and litis taken command of her. Sho wa advertised to leave New Orleans for St. Louis, lust Satur day in company with tho Great Btpnblic and .Mollio Able. TheC. B. Church and M. .1. "Wicks havo gone Into tho trade for which thoy wore or iginally designed that of .Memphis and St. Louis packets. One of them will leave St. Louis overv "Wednesday and Saturday, und ono leave .Memphis on the samu days, Tho Louisville newspaper are in exta- eies over dipt. Gu Fowler's new steamer Idlowild, which is to arrsvo hero to-day, Thursday, and toko her place as u perimi- nent packet between this city and Evans vlllo. From other sources also, however, we learn that shu is a perfect beauty, both outside and Inside, aud is complete in very thing necessary for tho comfort or convenience of the traveler. Sho has a Frecdman's Bureau in her Texas, so that "our colored fellow citizen s," lately styled "niggers," can rovol in all tlio enjoyment of a HM-cliiss cabin passago without being compelled to "soeiato wid do poro white trash." Her clerk office Is lilted up in superb style, with richly llgurcd colored plnte-ghiss. Her carpet is of u beautiful pattern and is English tapestry. Her two bridal chambers uro said to surpass all others in every particular necessary for either comfort or elegance The ceiling of one is ornamented with tho painting of "a sweet Httlo cupId boy, and tho other with that of a loving iittlu cupId girl," at lcnt m says thu reporter of tho Louisville Cuurier-Journal, who, wo suppose is on fait on tho question of sex. The dimensions of tho Idlowild are as follows: Hull J22 feet long, 33 feet lean, :, feet hold. Engines, 22 inches diameter, llj feet stroke, with four boilers 2U feet long, :i8 Inches diameter, doublo lined, Sho has wrought Iron shafts and cranks, and her water wheels are 21) feet in diam eter, with li.' feet length of bucket plank, Her draught of water, with steam up, and a full supply of fuel, Is 20 inches forward and !I3 Indies nft. Her olllcors nro: Gus Fowler, Captain W. P. Fowler, and Duku Nicholson. crk. Wi sh Phillips una uupt. rrni K Dit Sotiehet, I'llots. John Mooro and W Moore, Knglneors. A. T. Tucker, .Mate. Geo. Jnckon, Stewart. ... Tho Thompson Dean is tine tins evening Cr New Or cans, and tlio blirevo lor Shroveportaro due this evening. Tho Idlowild Is thu regular pacKot lor Evansvllle this evening. Street Supervisor Itvan tlemamicu mreo lollars street tax from tho clerk ol tho His- murck the other day. Tho ilemnnd was mi In n verv norcni tor V milliner, so tlio clerk reports, but was not complied with. Rvnn afterwards said hu was joking, but It Is a rough joko on the character or tho city. omo i,i:vi:i:, Aiito. FUI.TOX k SONS, - - I'roprlftnrs. Arc NM In full 4)ierntloii. M..r.. Vultnn A Honn are nfM.Mwl In fnriii-li nil klinli of Flour nf the ll " "'t "a'1 "',0 Mill K I uf nil kind. Ilriilinin Flour, In ,k nrln li'i-s olliilitlty, rrom me uei "" Whml."lll BOOTS 4 SHOES, yy-n., rAHIIIUXAUI.1'. BOOT AND SHOE MAKER T1VEXTIKTII STKKKT, llctnccii Wnsliliiglon Ave Si Poplar SI. Itoolisnnil NhnfN Mmlr loSlrtlcr. I'lneil WorHiiirn i-.inpiyri. Satisfaction Warranted Patronage Solicited. nprftllf LPS SALOONS. JOII. ..4TI.S I'mprir (or of the Billiard Saloon nnd Bar Boom El Dorado 1 00 CotllllHTCltll Ave, Cairo, npr'lf - - - Jllinoirs JOII.V II Y I. AXIS' SALOON. kind of SUPERIOR LIQUORS Boor, Alo, to., OX COMMERCIAL AVKXIT5 lt.'wri-n Kllilllll !'! MlilllMtrrls. CAIRO, ILLINOIS. Tlie'tlilr-ty, li Idle umxl llqimr, shouM gitv nun n i'hii, Riei iiiu-i- VltiGlMKI I All (.nn liv their nt stij'i'heJ M luUr. J .11. I'll I I.I.I I'.S tV CO., l.Sicres.nrs to v.. ll. llrn iri, K i . j FORWARDING "W-tLrl - Boat PROPRIETORS. (.'AIM), ILLINOIS. l.llli:i(AI. AliVANCKN MA III'. O.V 'l. Ni(i.vni:.TN. lirr.We iri..rtil to rrrrlti', tore nn! fr.irl frrilits I" ull point", ami liny unit sell on enc lllls.lnli. BO-lliii!ii's.llcii.cil In with irom'tiifs. j;o. ii. iku i Miis, ("lu'ciioor In I'.ukcrA I'filllis.) COMMISSION fl .Mel Dealer in Flour, JIouI, Hay, Corn. OatK, llrau. Cor.lOth St.&sOhio Levee OA I IIO. ILLINOIS. 13. H. II A HULL, I)i:.VI.KIB I.N Fl IIXITl in: Bar Fixtures, (iLASSWAKK umi IKirSi: FUHNISII- l(i (iOODS, 185 and 187 COMMERCIAL AVENUE Cairo, Illlnol. jj . NOTICES, JOTICE. of the Culm iiiul Viiieciinen c ' ? lit tin- oltire of Ills CilillHUiy i ' 1 J K if tl I. tliU eity on TuesiUy. April Alh. IMO, at 1" LA UN bp. Cairo, Illinois, April "Hi, I itsnUl Treus. mnm mills mm mm, OA l an hit i w II a b r t M tl.ll 7IUM I II "CAI1I I.IU. FORWARDING CAIRO TRANSFER CO THROUGH BILLS LADING Given to all Awilliiblo Point-, BY "RAIL OR BY WATER St Louis, Cairo & New Orleans Packet Co. TIIK cTKAMKItk UIMMAUCK -. KNTUIKKN, I'M. II. Musti-r, (il.M.V, Master, VAN IK tlK. Mk-Ici (1KKKN, Mt.T, ..I'hri'KH. Muter Villli:. Miisier ...M' ' llltll, ils.lfr. ...AI1I.K, .Nlier ....Mil I.OV, Mfcstn I.I.7.IK Cll.l. COM .MOX W K A I.TII UIIKAT ItKI'UIlMC JIIHMIKH1IT1 TIIOMI'SO.N l)KA- CI I V Sit' Al. l ).... SIMVi: llltA.K'll Msti.i.ii: aiii.i: (O.MI.I..M'.tl. W. 11. A II I II Ull ...llt.-'K, busier Comprksiu , S..I Hie llne.t ml UfrfeKt iis mil t el. I,oi, s. lor New Orleans. Ti.r steamer Thompson Dean, 'rirr ..Muslrr, will Ic1e TH lts-l W. l.reliil'X, ril Mill, eouDi-ctllii! t New Orleans itll IVrau I. Ins nf Mrmners lo I.lTrool, New York. Ilnsluii, mi it ll 1 r.toll, Trlaa. I'Asnirers and Mhinfers rsn relr nn one ol iiieee U.u's leaving t airo (.iinelual,!; alsit". K, (lenrral A Kent, la r 0(?j-e. on V.'hsrflat. luU." Un llnr Memphis and St, Louis Packet Company. 1 !-. IS7. ... . . . Thf f' l.nw .nir llat ,tii r e lli.s ..n.n l ;.! run In tlm fllo itisc ofier . Memphis Packets Hol. Arrltf t Cairo, Arrlie at Cairo, , i.o.. tr. r.r.ixr sr l.ovis. ;Tues.lj, tunla) I a. rn I.ll.r Va.rr. CITY OKCAIIIU, TlmrsJayt I'." M nls).l a.m Malln, Ma.leri , , ail.l.1: urMfHIa. .atiinlart it'."'' .liur... I ." I..' IMS Vicksburg Packets. Aritre at la.iu i teV allel- nalv nibjsy, at 1 a in .. Sir fill situ IT. Ilol. MAUIII.r.l ITV, M i.ici Kierjr I ate att, alt r. may. t.l MINAltr. at lam at I a In. Coiioay, Master . JII.IA. Callahan, "la.ter KL-IIICIlN. KrsrY slier na't weilr.s-- Kery alter Iiat Ulie. la hi, ilT at I a in Jl akf, Jlnsler.l " I f..iine.-liliif alM liin- .Viirlhern l.lnc I'm Ul Ciiniauj, KroUllk I'arUel Cimiiall , Umalia I'arkel oniiimiy, sn l Various Itallioml Lintm )u'"iSlm mntl Willi ltl r Iektt Co., Arkmi.a. Itltrr 1'aikrl ompaiiy, liiitils mitt l.'lihrleslon II. St.. anil IU.I..Iiil A- Tclilicaair IC. It. At V -ksiHirBM-ith ... Ynioh III rr I'arUrti, anJ VU'kaliurK mill .MrrlilUli Hall road (lit n thrr uiill lili.lal Mjaiel tlfkel to all Mall, M.! iio.uul.t rail or r. r, . . 1 IIIAS.T, III.M'P.fieneral Atsnt. Olli 'e on Wnarl-toal. S'i S1I KU, T -WM an'l I' Aisent Nashville and Cairo Packet Company. It"; s. CsnlUtc ol tho following .iirjjt; .sjilenJIil jiHsienner steittuurs: Talisman STltON'd Mu'erl 1el. I.ruti-s l;vriy .Moiuliiy at I I. SI. Tyrone, IIAIIMON Ma.,ir ..Her. I. euti s r.xtry Tluiraility ill I I'.SI. John Lunsden, Ul ....Msier '-Slrr)' l, ittca Kvrry Sulurilay Ml i 1. H. 'lliroiiKii Hills Lailliijj CJIvon Yin. Nash lllc umi Cairo I'm-ki'l niul "(ireeii I.Iiif" To .isllle. lmUHU". Trnn.1 Al InnlH, SiillllilliUN. Itoine, Mstruu, II. SJuliK . W l I'uliil. eorBlivii. Mil. I VltfVlUe Sin.! Kiilmili.. Ala.) Maul K. inert . Alii.: l harl.-lii. N. ' I Nllll. !il".i SaVillinli. . Wlllillnmoil, X. I'.t t,",,,,,M,""-4CHs.T. 1IISM, Audit ut L'uiro. Memphis and Cincinnati Packet Company. HK.NUY JON'KH, I'res't. SAM J. HAl.K, Ffn-'y. a Conieosul of Hie fnllowlhK Hrsl f's0' class l Killers. AI.H'K IIKA.V i"1"1,1.1,115' M.'!,,t'r W!!l!??:::::v:t& .. MIVKK SilSMS.N Hen -M. Mrrrielus " HAH J. HAM! V. I'. ttnlKor One of Un" alxive seleiuliil sleamcra Icnte Cairo fur Memphis every Tiiesilny anil .Sauiriluy, Hint fur Cliieliui 'll eveiy I'rliln umi hntiinUy. 1 f CIIAS.T.lll.NIl:.AKenl, Cairo. 111. (H1W' (in Vliarf'tt. Evansville and Cairo Packet Company. - c.-inslstlnp ol mo to owinc vKieiiilid I'lifsfiiyer Stenmer Armada, DIISOUCIIIIT Master I OWI.KIt I.eHvea Cairo Siiuduy ami Tlililsiluy al S p 1 Quickstep, Mauler I UHAMMKK -.Clerl; Leaves Cairo Tuesday ami Friday at 6 i, in, CIIAH.T. IUNIIK, AKem. I cms T. ins