OCR Interpretation

The Cairo daily bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1870-1872, April 20, 1870, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88074142/1870-04-20/ed-1/seq-4/

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gtte iiili;fiu.
mm itorsiuiiorT piir-KiT.
Try Uristol A Siihv.- ." mapl vr"P'
IM.n.lvor vlllttr.iiaihls 1'nVT; fllHon
elonllvbv to-morrow eiiii
tho opening of the wit.
Youth' boys' and Childr.-n ootU. ft
I. that. Xew Yrk price., i
Tho report that th. tobacco jitanU In
lMinw.rrai.tmi. Th-jr "H unsure...
IIaiioain! IUiwai
.' A 2xl Mill 01
.mm. ...Whine: for t' ilul-U". ftt
1'. K(jir,
"i. i 'Ohio Lcvoo.
M.vor WII i M 1- erlouai j HI
n.e..e Mil of ,, n. .r- threaten..,
chnrncterthan It l generally lHovl to
;! l.
The St. N'leliolM Milliard Hull 1
! ' the largcl nnd mi furnished In tho conn
t.v h l the reort of both elt!r.en and
annum who Indulge in ''"ll"r,' lg-v
Tho PuMlc School Tnhhl for Mnreh
n Wnutlf.il ..eelnic.i of tnr..pby-w.i
c-irrulntcd nmongtlio K-holarof tho public
school tiwlity.
Tho Ontltuntal i- tho only rook novo
" with sliding ov,n door-. Warranted In
- nil roret. ritch-r & Hi-nry. nt
Commwclid avenue, w l-'"1 trwl'
Tho 1'resr.vterinn pooiablo. to lio hchl ut
tho ro.ldoiH'o of -Mr. Stcclo, on Mnth
itroot, on TliurUy , to-morrow) ovcnlt.i;.
will bo MiriM by liiiTrt' ti.blci.ux, tun
1c, etc.
Mr A. ChIiip little child, only houi
twenir months old, Ml Iron, tho high
ildowi.1V, r,.r Mr. C whUnwycterdny
but fortunntoly t-H rtlww lijur.
ThecJilld fill" dUtntice oftlflcon foot.
ThfV never tiro tin oye. They lt
imtnv'M without elmimc. They nro
mrfeetin .-very wrll.ulnr. Thoy nro
L.,,,,!-.! iurf to brwk. Call on 'labor
llrei., our rll known .low. b rp, nnd ..kk
i,lNit tlim.
Th. .nntilhlv WNtt f tllO public school
l.,p.ti. nxu the nv.iri.Ko daily attend-
iuiw at 5S5i ci.e of Urdimm nnd tho
iiuiUr of vUltor at 3 ... U hero wen
Mwpcn.ton during tho month, rnd
of coriKirnl punbhmeiit.
i ..u..,l t 1 Neff'a. No. TO. Ohio
I .I'M ft t
pkudid lot uffprin L'l.Miniore,
r.t,,.. .! Vottinr. whi' h will be made
nn In the ino't faoWonnblo style', nnd nt I
..i4. to suit the tluu. perfect Ut guar-
nntoed or no le. "
TIib seholnrs and teachers of the Sunday
cj.,.,.i fK.niiix'ti'.l witk the chureli of the
JVW"a -. .
I!ml.inr tolliinl ill n l'.ster fe-livnl, In
1'l.tllmrnionlc hall, b-t night. The amiir
...... .. varv i.li.:in' uno the exercises
win w I
being vnrr.il nnd. h.rt. nnd the refre-li
Mr. CraUr. f th- "rm '" Crnig V C.
...... i rrutr. visit.-l t.. fiioitinatl ollleo of
t-r..CuUr. Iixlf - Co, h f w day
a u 111 u'ttru iHtoriu,..! that work will be
, Annum! on tU Ciro ai d Vlneniie. rail
,1 V,v tl uud'llc f May, nt farthest.
Ttil U encHinufi' iiiUlligelieo and
Minf In u thur (hut .nf-r.' .sMivietion.
tiii: u u' hi.in win; a.
Anion- mi' new 'lvertiliint ti-dity
rw.yb tuwl that of tho Vulcan Iron
Work. .Mr. .1. T lteiink proprietor.
n.im wurki are supplied with tho lntett
nnd 1-wt NiHcklnery for imrforming trr
Ink', tnrnliig. plaining, awl H the various
WmU of work tiwiiatwl in tne eon'iriic
lion and repair of u-ainl).ist, mid mill
inneblnory, nU'.,et
Mr. IU1111U 1 aboag' nt for tho xile of
Cameron' HH!il atratn pump, nn inven
'tlon whWh, when kn..n, will bs eolild
tred un lndiH'nt.al.l Miui.it to all of our
rtttamUmt. wid niai ufueturiug etablih
niaiitt driven by at.ain. There are ten
tlx, of tliton pump., varying in . Hpai ity
'rem lWto 1000 gallon. r minute, and
In iirieufroin $KtoJl Ono. Mr.ltcnnlo
lias ene of the tinalltir tdxos In oH-ration
mul will satisfy Niildv of It. .!'
falnes., who wilftakt'tho "troubk' to call
unon him. On trial thi. niorning, under a
. low prutsure of at- am, it threw n half inch
atiantn. throush Hl'ut SO feet of hose, ut
Iw.t 100 feet. Tlit- largor sizes Luvo
L-rwiter power and eapucity than any
.Inrm flrH I'llL'lllO fVOr illM-Metl. TlleV
ma v bo'ined either as a pump or w nn en
uinA nnd w ill prove of especial service In
uimJviiiL' water to Uiler, having the
oowar to forw in water MgHlnst any pres.
iw of steam, and Hie stroke being sub
t u regulation that will fumi.h any
uaniiiv of water desired, nut, i eo ap
tiwiau'd thsv mutt bo een. I'arlh's in
tri4 Mill, therefore, call at the Vulcan
Ironworks, where thev can exnrulno one
of the immii and receive 11 verification of
Ml wu law ka.. about them, and oi much
initio tW iviukim unsaid.
TH i: sT. M( HOI. IS IIU Ul, AMI HI M I II t .NT.
This jiopular and eligibly loeatel house
of public HiteribiiiiuHil 1. w tlttnl nnd
furnished thruut'licut in got stylo", nnd,
under the luanagi aieiii of .ler. Walker
& Slisson, i U..111U n ur-u and thriving
baslnw. ltik' upon the Kuropenn
. plun the gu.t ailing f.,r what ho wants
ftiid'when he vnu it, whether in tho day
or night time, andpajing only for what
lie Qrdor. The 1 .i. . ar-large and elcun,
furnUhed ilh tu. U-.t of bid. uud Ul
tllng, while all cih.-r fuatures of the es
tttblUlnnent arc arrai.gd with an especial
eye to tho eowfurt and cunvtsuUsuee of the
t 3guet. JaOtt.
Op to ItrWol Milwell fur-jftnulno
pimple vrup. apllft-ai
- 1
tiii: i:(!vi'ri. rj.onti.vu .mills.'
TIic Ksryptlnti Flouring .Mills, looted nt i
the vorwr of l.ovccnud Twentieth street,
tiiii'l In the front rank (if tho iiianufaetur
ina rt.il'llliiiu'iitii of Cairo.
miiln building Is four stories in '
1 . . ...ti i ...... I
iiik. j'i V". ii .. ...iiiviivi nun uti'i
trout ol lorty loot, ami n Uepth of sixty 1
iot. It U of brick, built in the bot and
niot iil.).tniitiiil inuniicr, tit n ooU of about
forty thoumnd dollar. Tho ongliio and '
boiler houe, nlwut L'l by 3C foot, U on one
tide, and a largo, iron-roofed but rid hoii-c 1
in the rear.
Tho innchlnery, nnd all the appliance I
..ml apparatus are now, and of tho inoM
"oncrally approved kind. Four run of
.tone nro at present employed, but thoro I
is nmih' j.owur for doublo that number.
i'he n.piieity of tho mill U two hundred i
MNrrvN every twenty-four hours.
Mure tho eti.hlli1iiiiont Inn pai into
the hnnd of .Mo.sn. Pulton and Son,who
own nnd operate It, improvement have
been mndo lilld convenience added of I.
very uieful nnd ingenious character inch,
in fuit, a 100111 to luvcit it with nboluto
Intelligence. "Wheat U brought to tho
door by railroad. A laborer rhoveli it
from tho car door Into n hopper
underneath, whoro it is weighed.
From thU hojipfr it pause to
a largo bin in tuo unit Morv, in wiiicii
tnnd tho feet of nn elevator. From thii
bin it I' elevated to tho tower, fomo fifteen
or twenty feet nbovo tho roof of tho mill,
and there ucpo!tcd into 11 revolving, wire-
cloth cylinder, that feparate from it at
lenctn portion of it dust nnd impurities.
From tho end of this cylinder it is tlftcd
Into conductor thi.t convey It to nn im
proved gradation reparator on tho fourth
llour, in which It undergoes a blowing and
bilking that make it part company with
uch cheat, oati, etc., a passed through
tho revolving cylinder. From licnco it
Undo it way to n Kccond icpnrntor, located
on tin. third lloor, wncro 11 encounter
further Juvenile hurricane nnd earth
quakes. From this pecond separator it
paic down to tho lloor from which it
started, where a umit machine "take it
through," taxing it for impurities. Again
tlio clevntor come into play and I10M it
to the fourth floor, whoro it is depo'ilcd in
another separator, which divest it o( all
broken, Mirunken or dwarfed grain', and
every vctlgo of dust nnd foreign mutter.
From this fflpnrator, It hipcs to n bin,
which communicates with tho htoncs, and
I there permitted to rot until tho miller
choose to grind It. W.i are thus par
ticular In detailing tho cleansing proce-i-e
employed by the Kgyplh.n Mill, becauso
no other one thing it nioroecnth.l to the
priliictlon of good llour than clean, sound
wheat. This being true, the reader must
confos that Mcssri. Fulton nnd Sons have
pro. Ided facilities that will always insure
them that csential pre-repiMte.
After observing the ingenuity nnd won
derful labor-saving character of the ma
chinery, etc. how tho fork ! nearly nil
saddled upon the engine, nnd the tlxture
nnd appliance driven by It, nnd thatnttout
the only servieo charged to the projirietors
wa to buv tho wheat and sell tho llour
ivfter observing this, the next feature that
attracted our attention wns tho air of clean-
lines that pervaded the .'.tablisluneiil
There were no dirt, mud or marks of to
bacco juteo upon the liner, nor fe.toon of
ootuvcb hanging from tho Joit or over
head machinery. Throughout there wore
that order and eleanline. that spoko of
tho pre.enco of willing, Indu-trlous and
knowing hands.
Much of the Hour mnnunuturod in llies
mill I shipped to .NnOivllle, Memphis,
New Orleans, and point nlnng tho Mobile
A: Ohio Hnllroad, nnd 11 considerable imn-
tit j goo. to aupply the Iik.'ii1 demand. 1 ho
whout Is iHiught In Northern, Central nml
Southern Illinois, or wherever purchase
can bo olloctod to tho butt advantage.
Tho proprietor nro practical millers,
the older Fulton having devoted more
than a ipiarter oft. century to the business,
and that too in localities where tho great
e.t etlU'lencv wa alway es.entlal to Sue-
el's. Ills sons, both young men, nro also
fniniliar with nil tho 1Kt1.ll of tho calling,
ninl will, their father, are bending their
enerejosto tho work of making tho Kgypt
Ian mill k credit to the city and the cpinl
of the best in the country. That they will
,i.,...rv. nml uL'hlovosucce.s no person ac-
0011 luted with them and tho character of
,i..,Ip rneilltui can dolbt. Kxperieneei!
millers, Intelligent and accommodating
i.,.iillemaii. thoy have no such word a
fall'' recorded in their lexicon.
pn iTon torn nioui:.
Tho undersigned will sell his stock of
(lower, for cash, cheaper than anylxidy
til so In town. Tho best perpetual roses
all of which are in largo pot; ro.e you
cannot buy at any nursery for le than
50 and "i i. n piece, 1 will sell for 'J5 to
50 et., verbena by tho dozen, from 75 to
fl 25; parish', by the do.en, at fl 00,
ainglo geranium, from 5 to 25 (is, 14 n't
doublo geraniums, from -10 to-H . ci,,
pelargniuiiis, from JO to 25 ct., tropaoli
urn nnd tritomas, at '.'5 ., cupheas,
double jietuna, weot-eontel geraniums,
chrysanthemum?, feverfew, rincrarie,
etc.,' etc., at 10 to 15 ct. a piece, aiuurylli
formossls.iina, a splendid flower when
blooming, all ready started in largo pot,
at .'0 els. a piece. Como and seo I
I'lfteenth Str. bet. Walnut and Cedar.
tiii: i'i:oi,i.:,N :v iumovuhv.
Tho public have discovered that tliero is
one preparation, und only our, by which
grev hair can bo reinvested with tho lingo
that nature ht.tnwedupon it without stain
ing the skin. They sec that Fhaloii's Vi
talia, or .Salvation for tho Hair, is transpa
rent, and produce richer brown and
, . .
blaek than nnyof tho ollVnslv dje. Sold
I b all druggist.. apllftUwiw
mini sciioih, t,tn:it.uir mu'Iktv.
Tho second public session of this society
.rill ho hdil on I'rldny evening, April
i-'Iiul, 1870, ut tho high school room.
Mime, (InMrnni nl.it) Kimna Holly
Ili'ciimi.iiH - Av,,.,,!, Thtt altrmlstira at
schc.nl n m:n!o rompul.orj lior
tilspuu.nisj AillrmMi, llsnry Vincent
.N-Ktl. Win. MiCKo
pong , M Mollis r,ivf Quyr
liHctniatl,n Willi Chrlsnia
Milan', (Instrument!).,
...Mnlli W'rbb
Mnsle, i In'irtiiiieotal)..
ri.ira Harrall
Katio lliirr.U
Xllfn Valliril:
Kittle Urc.wn
.MJk lla.'Uvr
Mask', (Insltuaiuutal) KmIo l'liltlis
Aildie.s linn. Win. ll.lir.tn
Music, (Initrumi'nU) Jo.l I'lilllls
Kxcrelso will commence nt " o'clock.
J'ublio invited.
.loii.v S. IIackkh, l'l f s.
Nick Hackkk. See. pro teni.
tB. ihanliessj, 1. M., ire.i.nj. j
All tho colored women In his neighbor
hood regard .lack done ndnngerous negro,
lie has sworn to have at least four women
"howling like dogs, In li 11" before tho
cloe of the week, and one of these women
I hi lawfully wedded wife, For this, and
for tupping hi wife on tho head with n
tire shovel, ollleer Stout escorted Jnck to
the pollen court, this morning, whoro ho
was lined $o and the csontln1. Having
no money ho wa ca1aboosid.
Ollleer Shoehan brought n colored
masculine named Amos Amount into
court that the 'squire might learn tho par
ticular of his hitachlevementnt llstlcutl.
The'equlre not being pleased with tho
Mory nsked Amos to loan the city five dol-
lnrs, and to leave $t,l0 additional, subject
to his disposition. The cheerful compli
ance of Autos wn really beautiful.
The obstreperous M.imhatulng diverse
tisement of danie llraunon was so obnox
ious that ollleer Shoclntn felt constrained
to "pull him." .Mr. li. left tho Vquiro's
olllce the city' debtor to the amount of
$11 CO, which he propose to pay by an
eleven days' sojourn In the calaboose.
John lloblnson, forgetting that bo was
not in l'aducah, became very disorderly.
Stout Introduced him to 'iulro.Shiinney,
nnd the tulre, rather liking the man, pro
vided him with eleven day free board and
II. "W. Walter laid his hand neros. the
mouth of a talkative fcllow-cltlzcn, nnd
tho pilre, being a great stickler for "free
speech," lined .Mr. SValtor fo and the con
comitant. And so endeth thechapter for
hi:ci:ivs;i nv api'imiianckh.
A '-good one" I told of nn ardent and
tcry extreme Kentucky politician, who
is known far and wide for hi bitter and
unrelenting hostility to nil measure look
ing to the KK'lal or political elevation of
the negro. Onboard thesteamor Idlowild,
of which boit he was a pntngor, lie des
cried n little girl a black-uyed, romping
little brunette, towards whom his he.vrt
warmed Immediately. He wa fascinated,
nnd gathering the little prattler to hi
breast ho kissed and fondled It with the
most fatherly nlfectlon, calling It hi little
darling and vowing that next to hi own
little p t, It was the dearest littlo cherub
lie had ever laid his eye upon. Just nt
thi juncture, and atn time when (he euthu
slat tic gentleman had attracted very general
attention, tho mulatto ehalmbermald enter
ed an appearand), and In a bra.sy voice.
bawled out: "You, Amarllla Kll.abelh,
get right down out dat white gemniRn's
arms, ami cum away from dem white foil.,
or I'll larn von something what s good for
Had the child been a toad, the feud
Kentucky gentleman would nothavodrop.
ped it ipilekor, or w I tit more dl.gutt. "D n
ninl" he exclaimed, 'i'vn fought against
negro eoualitv all my lire, and Mere I am,
Itlght hero the laugh come. in.
Til t (i UK ST T II 110 I'll II UOt'T I).
Tho St. Loui Dtmnemt is ''reliably in
formed' that the .Mohilo and Ohio railroad
will be extended from Columbus ton point
o -'.Kltc Cairo, sometime dtirlnt; the pre.
cut year. ThU will complete an all rail
route from Chicago to tho Gulf by way o
Cairo. St. Louis charge, that it has been
n disposition to favor the Illinois Central
which has canted the Mobile and Ohio to
neglect the opportunity Incomplete a route
for through car between M, Lou! and
tho (iulfby building an inclined plane at
HI. Nioliol. Hotel, April IV, IS70.
H.C. Hart, I ml.; 1. S. Ke, Ky. ; W.
0. .Martin, Charleston, Mo.; ; Sim Hemp
hill, Carbondalo; (inc. Hoodgo, do; J. A.
Hall, l'lilladclphht; Hon. Jno. Capon,
Shawneetowu; C. K. ()trander, Chicago ;
B. M. Little, Kllingham; I). It, Heilinau,
Elllugham; S. H. Smith, llurkesvllle, Ky;
Silas A. .lone, Spencer county, Ky; .Mr,
l'aluier Gregory, St. Loui; J. ,M. Daw:
son nnd wife, Decatur; Wilon Wear, do;
II, F.Abie, 111; MUl'ollick, New Vorki
.Mrs. V. 1'ettlo nndfamllie, .New York ; M,
II. Kyan, III; J. Y. Coke, Ky j llruco
I'ariis, city, II. C. Sehul'cr, Kvnutille;
J. K. Nollan, -Metropoll; W. II. Fatiy
han, Shawnt'ctowu; J. M. Oneal, do; A.
Uailey, Ooeoltt, Ark; W. Roberts, Mo; J
Ititsher, Sjirlugfleld; G. Iugrnhnm, Mo.
ii i i.i, Tin iisii.tr ni:i.(i.
A ball will he j;iven hy -Mr. Dlnan in
the largo lmllding cn the corner of ll'th
and Commercial avenue, on Thnrvlay
ovenln, the L'lst instant, to which her
friends and the mthlio nr.. rcsiicetfnllv In
vited, nil 2t
The Nt. .NMeholas Illlliard Hall is one
of the largest and best furnl.hed In the
country. It is tho resort of both citizens
and stranger, who indulge in billiard
jilayln?. JanCtf
Tub Cairo, llrownsvillo ami Holly
Springs railroad will be a north and south
line, nml one of the utmost 'oii((.ieiic to
the bitjlne. of theeoitntry. S'lirting from
Holly Spring., Ml.-!lppl, It crosses the
Moinphl. and Charleston road nt Mocowj
the Memphis and LnuUville load at
lirownsvillo, nnd thence reaches a point
oppoito Cairo, v in. Union City.
i f.xi.7.
All jierons who have tmt paid
their State and County taxes for tho year
16ij'.i, will bear in mind that tho time al
lowed me by law for tho collection of the
same, without co-t, will expire in it few
day. Delinquent will, therefore, lllnl It to
.their interest to attend to tho matter with
out delay I..1I. .UYF.KS,
"Sherlirand Kx-oincio Usdieensr
Kt'llMslllMI (IOOIIS.
The eotnpletet stock of ii !itletimii s
furni.hing good In the city, is to bo found
at .Miller and Miller.. It would bo a!
remarkable want, Indeed, in thla line that
thoy cannot satisfactorily supply at the
verylowe-t figure ruling in thi' market i
Somewhere on ComniorciaJ'nffcnuo near
ICth street, n cluster of hair fTowv? 'I'he
Under will bo ultably rewarded by leav
ing same nt the reidenco of .Mr. James
Johnson. It
in:u'i:it .i.mi ciii:vi'i:ii stii.i,.
Aurora Oil can bo had nt forty cents a
gallon, and suitable burner, given free of
charge, to thoru who will patronize Kw I!
laeob, at No. l2t Ohio Levee.
1 1EV IT.
.Mrs. Whlteomb desires nil to try her
Syrup; it is the great children's s. otlilng
remedy, and sold nt th" low pre : .
cent. al'llMAwl".
-Maple .yriiput Itristol nndStllwell No.
32, Kighthstrecl. njtlln-.it
Hsu AWr, 0.lniiil) i.; t .e'k.lop. I. n-T
Nurllix'tfin, .'in.! hhMn. . .m-n,.,
Minnl. " I'ellf I ,
I'-trolm .No. 5, 1'ivt., I'lmie'iel,
Mtlht.v, " Wil . Iliiols. t. I.
IWIp il. miilil... Mem. 1 Hello at. I. mi".
Tnl linn, "
Iln Able Oel i Mlllny IVwlnih ;
4iii.'kli'i. D.jil.tillf; iMamuii'l, fill. ,
..ene th. i.mio.i nil i'u a.
Ilrlln Memi'til., " fviro.ia, fadie nli;
Hi lie M l.niin, M rn . Tul1lert. '
Miniirui.i. " .Surllic.M.H. rt. fjJl.
(.no llr.n. "
The weather I variable. The un puts
In an oecaslonnl nppturalioe, but clouds
generally prevail. The tPinpernture i
lln.im.ti I. rather dt.ll.
Tim river has fallen li Inches slnee lust
Tho .Mi..1..1ppl I. falling .b.wly nt M.
Louis, but is rising ut JJubti'iuc, nnd is
within four inches of the high.! murk
ever known.
The Mls.oiirl li stationery.
The Ohio is rising rapidly nt l'iltlburg
witli feet water In the channel. Heavy
rains have already fallen and still con
tinue, with no iippcnranco of ces-atlon at
lat rcjiert. It i falling .lowly at Cin
cinnati, and Is stutieiiary sit I.oui.vil.e
with nearly 7 feet in the chute u.,n t.,e
The Cumlerhiiiil i. falling with Sfct
Ilarpeth ShoaN.
Uu'lne here l rHther dull with plenty
of freight.
The Kerton put oil' n large bunch of
b umnii. for the IIin.i.ktin Kiw Ki-iMirter,
which was a big item to him.
Tho (treat Itepublie had not yet nrrlved
when thi. rexirt wa. written, but was
momentarily i'vpcctod,aiil will dmibile.
leave our wharfliont with nn accumulation
of freight.
The rival l'adueah packet IVtrolia and
.Milbrey say they are milking monej .
Alf Cutting of Metropolis who I. now
building tho .Mammoth wharflioat for
CiiptJChm. T. Hind.-. .f rnlro.n description
of "which wa piilili.hwl n short
time since in the llfi.l.KTis, hu.
Just contracted for the builillng
of another hiigh boat of the same ileserlp
tlon for the "Merchiint, Wliarf boat .,
elation of Vlek.burg. It Is to bo ;ill0 feet
long, W feet w ide, r fei.t depth hold, guard
8 feet wide all around, making her total
length 310 Vi t, and total width 00 iVet.
Her olllce and sleeping apartment nre to
be in the center and occupy 110 bj 10
Thulirent Itrtpublie and Mol'.ie Able are
due for New Orlean thi. evening, nnd the
Marble City for Vicksl iu g.
Tho City of Kvansvilb' i the regular
Cairo nnd r.vaiitille packet tills evening.
Uilr eiil.ciis should not forget that they
have two daily packets to l'ailneah the
Petrolia and Milbrey.
1'ur JiulKf of lilt' Miiii ii)i' oo, I,
We re aiitla r t I l i nin ) hut Die Hon
Hlli.N'in Illtl'.Si: mil Lc ac hi I. I'm' t r tlie uthVe
of Jiiilof thi'Sn.reiii d un f IU.iiis, from
the First .".rainl Hi. Is n. 1-ei'licui mi MunU.j,
Jnneii, 1T0,
xkw aj)Yj:htisi;3u;xts
jXKci.'Tint'.s xotic;;::
K.tat of ("iilvin I.twrrne,., riVecwil.
Tho iiiiiliT.istnt"! l.milia l"'t ll Hi'iiiiti d I ! t . c .
Iltor of lii.i l:ll will an l ti'.t.iiin in (f . ilH.il t.:t..
IriH'e, lfi(t f llin fount) ol in icr, niel i tv
I of Illinois, ileei u cil, lira ly jjur. int . Iliolii'
kiiI iiiii'nr liifme tin' Ciiintv i oiin ol ilxiimJcr
ei lint), ut lliu Court llmne in t i o, . I .tie Jui.u
j Icrni, on iIih '''ninl Muinliy in June, ne.t, m
ahli'li time ull I'itmhi. liitnnte uiins 1111111.1 siinl
1 sinio nr i' nolllK-il ninl if qu.'.ti'il lo nllrnil fur I tin
I JMirposo Hi iMlinf llic hiilili'a'lju.lnl Alleisuns
Inili'l'liit to sniil f.titeurn reiU'slcl to inuUnim
imillKtH luyini'iit to Hits uinlcMifjnt'.l. lutt'.l
. tins '.Mill day of Aliril, A. II, IbM.
air3niMltrj Kswut.J.
" A.pr-il SO.
' lit
rorutnd". In.-. . nt' UK". MPiunlmrtt. Itmlrnml nm llrnli W'oi... fx ..
i .,. hiiI iiIIiik.. Urn. iilel KiiKine trlmininR..
Diai.nn in
Plaster Pans, Plasterers' Hair;
o:z3:iYi:Ei2Nri cUo.
Willi' In IJiilk, nbtayH 011 lminl
j"s.M YTirV CO.,
rn.iv "y liiiel a mi.'
rte .1 K I
Scotch and Irish Whiskies
Poil, Madeira, Sherry, Catabaw
We arc nui'Dl. fur J- I!"l -t Co' OM'rated
tMll.l.l.lSu A IK.
w I et' iu i) f" ' li. " "li h r I
in. t.. me nil. I.I '11 "f ' '' M'Klll 1 .!.
f.iH.ia Ktirntinn K 'n n fl '"I efhr.
tAltlt I.. THOMAS,
l ree""! In do nil U.inl. of
4P ....
roit.M.it ii.mi:ii,i.i.avi:.m'i:..mi
i.k. it i n srni.t:r.
u.rll . i!i i. 1 lii.i.. .-.." fn 1 . 1 or n
till' I'll).
Mail Iiine
SI TAJIMIII'S I citso Wi'S'Stl)' froin..ss
Yorli. I.lv.-riiiil ninl 1ihiomii.
l HAS T. IIIMii:.
Cairo, litlUOM.
Orlo s Itnwp o.-neral Wc.iem Aijeni, N. 1
I .a eir.'1-i.l i .. i ifi'l'.wly
A. 1T V T I H E E It IS
74, Second Floor, OHIO LEVEE,
Ciix-o, 111.,
Vmy and Sell Ileal Eslnto
PAY 1ls.3C33J3,
rriiMsu AiisTit.viTs iik titlk,
or ii.i. it i.v its.
Sfc WW W -
Sf W '
11. tV.Us'O,
is rn i:im it ri to riiii, ilitiiKiis
I'rciii).ll)' nJ sutufifloril)-. itli lit" .!) I't
l.eiivo Orders nt II ulcn-. Old Sluntl
mi 10 EUECFE,
I'All II l'i 0111 ! Is iTinol, I.ontloiiili'r' y,
(;iiiai;tisv or uetiikoui tu Cairo,
.i0 '.mi.
k iri:nui, Moituis; & casiiii:,
ajirSII AgrUSSJ.
P XJ m
prun t r - .1 rn a . 1 1 s.
w i ki mi i
III S.T it (
on u..-m1iij
Steam Engines
nn y
W'hiilr.nle Ii. sIit. mi I I.tieif.r"ir
Atfi i.i. uf
if, fsi.ro is.
l'art Iciilii ' Attention to Order.
II H.llotf.
u luiTiiuaN.
Otlt IIIMif.. f't-
1 astiitr. aifHti -se tf
j yt. imi 1 1.1.1 i'S v .,
1 r r. J' I'. Ifr ' V. 1 '
Wliarf - ZBovt
CAIliO, I I.I.I Sols
l.llli:rtAI. AIVM'KS aih: SI.N I'll.V.
ii.TWr I rf ui
I ., r""ive, sl.irr I ' runt li
nts, an! Uiy atl'l .ill Mi "ill-
frn'lit. to
1.11 )'"
nn. .ion
i!i!llilsiDi'.tittrnlel lomtn rinitnt.s
! 9J" I'HIM.IN,
;i..cn..'r to t'.srkrr A I'ln'li. i
) llrl.rr r
Is'lil. Iltlj .
1 1 I'll II.
Corn, OlIfH,
Cor.lOthStt&tOhio Levee
f'.lIUO, II.I.l.VOIN.
fi:ti:k crui,,
Millers' Agent,
j oo
I Ordtrs Sollrlltil, anil
SalUfne lorlly I'llUil.
I'riuiiiill)' anil
. I). Mstl.'i..
I A f ATIII'Ss tV Vlll
I . C I ' I.
(i:.M:itAi, l'lionm;
Commission Merchants
lit.", Ohio Lewi, CM ItO, ILLINOIS.
Sjn uilatii otmn n 10 the tir n.i.i' ainl 'ili' of
iii:ri:ns to
!.'( oiini) national mm. , 111 on, III . Win I'hl,
Ilnnn. I .lilt AutniiM InnU. I ail'i. I mm.:
IhiIi-., Imliiri. A Co.. Cciiitn mil M-r-jiaM.,
.. '
1 liicnirit, III., luu-, MnriinA . liicni;,' III.
s Il.il.ItKV,
rroprli'liir of the
j A It UK I llOI'SI.'.
tH.ltoodnK, llulli rini,', trponllui; and Ktcam.
Dual W'orUilont' in 1. ut-at uml snlittontial inan
ner, ul slinl nolU r..
. A thtt CI
t ilk.) , ii
..i.i . .
tin r.r t
hSLM. I.
(,'l.en In all A.illlalile I'olnts;
St. Louis, Cairo & New
Orleans Packet Co.
Til K hTKAMKhs
Ill-MAIUK ... ....... TII'iMI".".
tin tiitt.i i. .u.i :.. 1
liK.V S.lt . I M, :o
TIIOMPXO. IH-:a. I Ll'l-KIt,
ii,i i: mi .rri.....M i;i. i
.11111.1,11: sui t uil. 1..
s. It. Mtrill ll H"'i.l"KI. J"
l l I I! I.VIWI. Srl I.UT.
ri.i.NKC.si.itoi.i. lux
1 111' . ii!. 'I.e tliiftl ar I Uls'.l U!.''i'rt
I, I.-i,...
I . t o- T . 'Istmtr
I Pauline Carroll,
I -- M. . S1a.lt r
1 a .1 ... -AIlKf lY, l.i". r,-. Apt li'
tin 1 tin l .. . Of tun W'1, O'fAll I..lif l
"iMflll'f. I
1 t.lvri M,ol, N'tw 1'nrli, lln.loii, .till (ial
' t Ion. T.IHt,
I l'... ns-rs an'' 1 1 i i ui. j on n ol lii
I I ...... ,k ' 1 C 1 T ' P
(jrn'ra) AkhiI. 1 .'r"
.on V.l.stli...'. I'i.' ' ljn 1,1
: Memphis and bt. Louis
Packet Company.
Th f..!i.fni s'.
f'lD a in I .' n s ""
r Hu. t.inssnJ '
Memphis Paclicts
r- .t.
.! II.,
Airitf ai lairo
ti,, ty i m tf
M r, Isy. I s.tn
iHr.lSJ, i( .'
Tin. Is l.jr t'.'
.-.U,.l... .,y,
mir T lirt'is
2.t, tt.i.f
C1TT JI All.u.
Mai n. M-.r. .
Sim utarNis
Vjcksburg Packets.
Afrit. l I a.t.'
t' a
i r.
(OluRArO. ..
W.I..J.), 1 s.n, I'r.as' i
fr. Is). I a. o s t. I
i nt js auo -
Kl'lUPo.S 'iaJtv I I. ii, Tu.ilst lain
l L oH J I ai on I . ;
C ll'l.'IIMrf .1 M l.l "
.Mil III. Ml I. III. I'.l.l ,Mlii'ali) ,
iiroStilS. rsia.l stilt lit. tt .
Ollialii. I'i l.rl o.iiiil)'.
at.i Va'liiu. ItHlltoail I. In..
Jlrliililil. "tul Vhll III rr I'arhsl Co.,
I, u.
.HP i.
Illll. I
AiI.mm.k. Ul. i I'tth.l .1,1, ,M it .
M.oil'lil. anilt lt.rlt.loM II. 11.
.., tl..U.I,t .V. I .,ltl...r It. II
,l -I i i '
Vslllll lllsrr I'itt hr.ai I
'. U.linis; ttli'l Jlrtl.lluii Iti.llr.init
Oitinr is.r '.mi. ' i ti . "
i.i i. . t.t. ' ' - i
1 l It T IUM '
t '
i I ,.
Nashville and Cairo
Packet Company.
Coiititinii; ol tho I'
in i rs
t - plt)iiiid jmenj;er it
S'l IHtS.S M- !
l,ritt l.tl' .11 ll ill. )' rtt I l'i
Ma.i.T I
t ry TI. iirailu
IIABM.iN . ... Ma.i.TI 11
I. ,. I.tir) Tl.iirailiiyiil I I'. 'I.
John Lunsden
I.AVI- !.(, I
I.entt 1. 1. 1 ) Snlotilr) nl I I
Thmni!li Hills I.nillii'-(.hen Via. Snsli
Wile ninl (11 1 10 I'iti'kits nnd
"(irieii Line"
Tit nlislllf. hnllitiioiiua. Trill.. i At
l iiilii. . Iiiiiiliui., Itoini , .Sim on, I I.
a'.lllll s 1 ft I'ollil. I.toiut loss 11. 'Ill
IlllUSl'lr 1. 11., I.11I1.11I1., .tin.) .Moiil-
K 1 )'. Alls . 'lirleoii, St. ' i Sflma,
,li... M.siiiinli, S.n.t lloilliuloil, '.!
S 0I11111I1I11, S, ., lit
( HAS. t. iiimii:,
Agent nt Cairo.
Memphis and Cincinnati
aa I V
racket lompany.
R:M:Y .lll.N'1.4, l'r
I. MM J IIAI f-n-'T
-11I i,i li... f,.(i . 11 tti.l
1-bus sit anter..
lolm Bunk, Mlff
Kn.nk m in- "
V. II. M.in-r '
AMI T. IM'AV ... .
.111. l'.til.
SII.VI.lt .'lllS
,lifii .M. Metric 1.1s "
! till .1. II 11,1.
.w. r. WaiKi r
,.1 n.u i.... 0,1 ,,.,..r-
ftlr Mri,iilo. cw r Tin -lsy anj i-aim-.a)', uiel
' or . niiMllliau ttury rri'nij uiiu rmni,i ,
Cll Ah. T: IIIMiK. Annit, . 101,.
llllli'Hru Wln.rf.1 -nt,
Lvansville and Cairo
Packet Company.
X'T' 'onlting ol tho lo lowing
xr.-i-Zf Splendid 1'afsenger Stoainer.
KOWI.FII MK.ttriW KuWI.Klt..
I.os.f. Cairo (iuinlt.) n.l ThurKjuy at a
. t'.rrk
OltAMVfiU Ma.tr I I'r.NMN ilOl
l.lBU. Lair" lilr.ila) I'll'l riiutj l '' t
Cilyof Evansvillo,
HF.XTi:n .. Ma-irri t'i:.N.vuifiTu.N r i. rk
I. ciiiic 1 film Went, m.mnl'-iiMiril.i). di a p.ttt
Cnnni'CtinK n. I'ilniitli wnh Tin i n ru. r
Iini'Uls. ul M11 1I1I1, inl Willi Nn.li. 1 p f'l,cl, nt
Jvansvillti .villi the refit lor Mi let for J,uiilsvllle
and Cluemuatl, anil the K KM'. II fi rail nulnU
.North. C'U.Utl.i;T, HIMU:,

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