OCR Interpretation

The Cairo daily bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1870-1872, September 16, 1870, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88074142/1870-09-16/ed-1/seq-3/

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$lir gutty, it.
Lin a i. IlitnviTiK.1. A cleri'itl error in
the council proceeding, m published yes
terday, involved i; mvonity for their ru-
Itemcmbor tlio Doinocriitiu meeting at
Loiiiirgatrs corner to-night. Able spili
or, will La, In Httetidtincyi
Allctid the Ihimocrntle ratification
meeting tlil evening. Orcon, Webb,
Morgan, mid other will deliver addresses.
.Mayor Wilson, John Gates, A. II.
Irvln. find lien Whiltakor arc in tho
coitntrp .shooting squirrels, and enjoying
tlio hospitality-tiff Nick Himrakar.
Mr. Sntrord's carriage hnrnt-fa were
tolon by a half-breed Indlun iiuiiiimI lVter
l.nelnlr. Ho vn cotnmltttd to Jiill in tie
fault of S100 bull, to nwalt tliu nction of
tin! grand jury.
Kwcil Xi'Jnlob wili furnish Gasolino
for Gasoline linn' and -stove, nt low
rate, tf
Go to 'J.. Ohio Leveennd Luy the Au
rora oil for 30 cent per gallon. Thote who
luive it know id value, tf.
I'adticah boasts a roller skating rink,
where lads and liiiic', by dozen, nnd core,
coiigrognto nightly. It I an inntitutton of
iinb jundvd twipulurity.
I y.U"liHrtber is Inconstant receipt of
,r-,l,V.,i,lH"n.oro "yier,. wnioii he xill
crvo up to cuitomcri in any tylo desired,
on short notice and in the most satisfactory
manner,, augltf
-In rijily'tiHieli-gutii, thfl.JIdii. Km
FMonT.ltieriilg'tt FxpreiH-f regrets that ho
cannot he in ntli-ndiincu at our ltntl jlcu
tfon meeting 'this' ovening, on account of
pmr engagements. He it taking rmrt in
t-'v 'i'"iii'fw5anYai,';nd i putod td
peak in'Mcmphit to-morrow evening.
-Mr.,!'! lUade; architect It engaged at
tlie-work-of remodeling the Clark y.OTM.
ing, introducing a now. front, etc. Hit In
sjru tlom are to 'inaku tho building as
trong a possible, and tho joooor tho Wt
lr .Mr. ltoad It tho very limn to carry
out luch instructions satisfactorily.
wtlii Ifrydu'rW 'tt Tbur.iUy,
glvti J (iJgi Urn-iiof thli city, th benedll
of seven tditpriali. We h'avc not tern the
Judg lrii-e thU terrible visitation; but
we undertand that ln eiin till en.-lalm,
in tba Uougi or tho Immortal Vbtr
ami tUtutyttr'
Klla JohiiMjn ami Lottie Dctnond
were Idcntitlcd nt Inmate of it bawdy
houte, and,aa partial aloiieinent paid Into
to tho city trentury the sum nf ten dollar
each, nnd distributed al-out half that turn
among thoofllcen who numod th trou
hie inv lvrd their Identification.
-Wo sec it Mated that Mettrs. Fowler
and f I'adticah, have purebau-d the
ruachinery of thu steamer Kapidati, and
havelncontcmplatlon tho building of a now
ltM( fyr h .Cairo Mild l'udm li pekt
trade. It it thought that tho neu lat j
i which ought W be falM tho IMta City i
will bo ready for IuiIiicm bv the flrt dav
f ncit January.
.Mr. H. Knglitb, prlncljial ..f th
( nlro public tchouli, ha Ii ii upjKdntcd
librarian nf tin l'ublic rtrlUK.l Library A
uciiouv nnd lnitnicte.1 to call in ail thu
bk now out niiioiig pilpllt nnd citUent.
Ai it itdiiirAb(u to htte the luvkt cntn
l ogurd, children nndulbrri will jipnclate
ne Ttnty for heeding tlio tb
-Thu eonti tt fur u in hv Mitturl
l.egitlaturp, from .Miitipp countv hai
groMii .Jim.) inttrtiiiy. Tlirro are tbro
rundlJiiU In ' the iljlJ, !. Wniile,
KdctM and riyrd. Wnido i. making
ipeeeliM in every pteelm tjln the county,
wtiiU lrd'nhd Weni' it bali and
"talk hor.U; thi, father. ' . ,t
Charley Lowittlio negro man who
coinpilttvd. n rnpe upon thq prou of a
wbito woman, near .Maylleld, Kentucky
at arretted In 1'udueiib, on Tueidny luit'.
A i two or three negro men, guilty of like
ol.lttvo Uetwitronir up to'troei f ri
thittioiyty, diirliiptlm. puit year or twn,
I.c witTiu (Koviou to look to th immedi.
utofuturo with th'o grnvet pirehentioiu.
??Tba 6cOi)orny. practiced by tlio' pros ent
City Council, nnd tho retraining inllucnco
of the new Constitution, have bad the ef
feet of uppreeiatlng" scrip nb6iit twenty,
live ccforton the dollar, withfn tho month
pntt rurtledfirliij large mm cannot,
ut tlil lime, buy orI for le4 Ihnn TS
rent ,on the dollar, iteforo tax-paying
time is over, it will ccminntid P5ceiit nud,
in thu city, bo the equivalent ot green,
backt. "Sojiotijt)e," it the nt-poiuo'of
everyboly who lifts nt heiirt the well-being
of tho clty
Tlio crnbi.and (ackto for removing tho
market houtu nro on thu ground, nnd thu
work of tearing awuy' tho plntformi Is
well advanced. The removal of thu build,
ing .will dlicoen Urfcu holt, or cellar,
three or four feet deep, which can only bo
filled nt an out lap? of throo or four hundred
dollar. Trio money for which tho build
Ing was told ihould huvo been aet ijide for
tbut particular purpote. In other word,
tho market homo should have been given
to any responsibly porsou who would
oblignt himself tp pinko tho required flil
Thojuvenlie llttlo fellows about tho
sizo of M.p!nsi-bftv6 or.gnIzd a bao
ball club. It U called tho "(lolden Star
Hast) IJall Club, of Cairo." The members
are in no practlco, and think of chnllcng.
Ing thp Delta's to couteat. 'f,0 oQHjck.
steps," compos! of boy, Rio, and tho
Mound City club, which rests, under tho
shadow of defeat, tlioy regard na focmen
unworthy of their steel. They crave thu
honor of, beating tho bestc)ub In the couu.
try and, wouldn't it be funny if they
should beat It ?
Thooililbltlon by Prof, IlBtolnmyor,
hut night, gave unbounded satisfaction.
Ily common consent tho I'rofcs'or Is pr
nounced tho mot rkillful prestidlgltuleur
that ever visited Cairo. His hut nnd drum
triok.i were really wonderful, the latter
producing ('Meet that Manifested th"rn
reives in uproarious laughter and npp
The hoii'o will doiibtlMs bo well filled to-
night, ns those whowere present last night
will be Mire to return and takethelr friends
and families with them. There is nothing
In tho entertainment to olfeiid the most fas
Our entcrprl'ing fellow-citizen, W. M
iJuvldson, ha, at hi onn projier experue,
sunk n public well in the street opposite
till ttore, nnd invites man and beast to ue
tho waters thereof, without money nnd
without price. Tlio water, which
brought from a depth of eighty feet, is very
cool and clear, and although strongly
eiiaiy orate, is highly relished bv stock, and
Ii pronounced palatable by many of the
neighbor, who u.e It quito freely. At all
hour of tho day the well it surrounded by-
teams and tctintttri.
Lvenbody who Indulges In the ele
gant and manly game of billiards, will learn
with pleasure that Put. Fitzgerald, of tho
Sun Flower Saloon, has Just put up two
one-third size billiard tablei one of them
a carom table of the mint popular mnnu
fiicture, and conceded by all wliohave tried
them to bu the bust tables ever brought to
the city. Kvery night, between tlio hours
of 10 nnd PJ (clock a fine lunch will 1;
spreail, to which ovcrybodv 1 Invited. Of
the character of the Sun .Flower' wines
and liquor w need not spenk. Fitzgcr
ajd is celebrated for keeping onlv thu best
i f sept. 14 Ct.
LoTf A tmall (Jutta Perclm brcnttpin
mounted with gold, and in the ahnpu of a
cr, iiq finder will recelvo what it cost
by leiivlng tlio same ut tliN oilice.
Two Xl-uiki Wa.stki. Twosprightly
girls ean secure situations a nurc by ap
plying at '.'1 Thirteenth street, between
Washington avenue and "Walnut street. 1t
CofVTV Okikiw Wa.vtkii. The ruling
prio! will bupall for live hundred dollars
In county orders. Applvto
up 10 It. St. Charles Hotel.
A Hamiiui.. A very small quantity
of wood or coal in a Charter Ouk stove
will vok a plentiioiM meal for n small
family; for its whole arrangement of hot'
air flues, oven, Sro-W, dampor, etc, Is o
planned as to conserve and apply all the
heat generati-1 directiv to thu cooking
food, without permitting it to wcape up
me cnimnoy. sepr.'-ltdAw
(in to .1. O. Hagwell, Photographer,
coriHT P.lglith tretit, and Ohio Levee, for
picturet, Carlo do Vlsltei, etc. Having
made arrangements, with mhiiu of thn best
arti'ts of our laruo cities, he respectfully
olirils irdt)r f..r copying and .inUrgo
ing old pictures, Call nt hi room and
e specimens of work In that line,
Tiik IUaho.v Win Work on tho ciis
torn Louse and po-t oflice cannot bo re
sumed until Mr. Mullutt, the superTltlng
archltrct arrive and iniji t tlie building.
Mr. Cieorgo 11. .Sense, the superintendent
of the work, informs n that this is tho
only caute for the delay. H is expn-tid,
howrer, that Mr. Mullett will arrivu dur
ing tlio week. In that event, work will
be returned before tlio eloteof September.
CliH'A(o sharfM-r are swindling thn
farmer of the Northwest out of tent of
thousand of dollar through thu "hot
wheat dodie. Tho villainy has become
bnre-fneeil that tho preit feels enllcl up
on to dcuounc it.
Cairo warehousemen do butlnei In
trjet accordance, with ''tho golden rule
and, a a continue nee, wheat never heats
here. Furuyira everywhere should make
a noto of this.
Ckntral Mkat Mawkkt. On Satur
day morning next Mr. Charles Helfrick
will open the Central Meat Market, next
door to the corner of AVashlngton avenue
and Tenth street, with as lino u supply of
freth heel' pork, mutton, veal, lamb, etc.,
m was nvor oll'ered In this city.
Mr. Helfrlek 1 an old cltien, who bus
been subjected to a loss by lire of quite
everything ho posiessed, and now that ho
projMu"" to recover, we hopo lie will li
liberally patronized. He will kecji tho
best kind of meats, and tho air of order
und cleanliness about his market will cer
tainly commend It to fuvorablo considera
tion. topl-ldiM
CuoLrnA Moitnuft ICkaii This. Dr.
K. Ii. Hnrtman & Co. Oonts : Ono week
ago to-day, I was taken with mi attack of
Cholura Morbus : tho vomiting nnd purg
ing were most uxcosive, and accompanied
by most Intolerable cramps. My family
becamo alarmed, and acnt for Dr.
but ho wus not at homo, and tho nearest
other physician being threo miles off, It
was concluded to procure n bottle of your
Mlshlor's Herb llit'-crs. My wife gave our
boy one dollar und bidding him "make
luwto" dispatched him to tho nearest drug
gist, Messrs. KautFman & Bros. Ho re
turned, and according to the directions on
tho bottlo I took a wineglassful immedU
atcly, and repeated tho doso every fifteen
minutes for three-quarters of an hour, and
astonishing as it may seem, it stopped nil
discharges and cramp llko magic. You
cannot bolicvo how grateful I fool to you
for this potont remedy. Ono dollar cured
me, and I nm satisfied that had tho doctor
been at homo it would havo cost mo not
loss than five dollars. Yours Kcspectfully,
Osborno, Oreen Co,, O., May 27, IfXSO.
Sop. PieodA'W
fr'rlila- Nlftlil, ;.xicmlicr Jfltli.
1 ho Democrats of Cairo nnd AloAander
county will hold a lt ilificntlon meeting nt
, Lonergan's corner, on Friday ovening, tho
Kith inst., to ratify tho State, Congres
sional and county nominations, nnd o in
augurate the canvas.. In Alexander
The Hon, Emerson Kthrldgc, of Ten.
noiee, lias been invited, and will, proba
bly, be present, and, with Judgo Allen
Judge Oreen, Hon. II. W. "Webb, Joel
Morgan, Ksq nnd .others, address tho
Let there bo n ernml rally I Tho tlmo
to be "up and doing" has arrived, and
every Democrat Is oxpected to do his duty.
TurnoutI Turn out I Ily your pres
ence at tho meettng show that you arc
nllve to the necessity of overthrowing
Kadical rule, and placing tho relm of tho
government In honest Democratic hands.
Tiik .Sinvr.ni.vo Shakos. The loss to
tho laboring classes of the United States
caused by fever und ague, has been esti
mated at upwards of two million of dol
lars per annum. Wliolo settlements aro
sometimes prostrated by tho dlscaso, nnd
it is regarded in somo localities as one of
thoso visitations of l'rovidonco which
cannot l avoided. This is a mistake. As
certainly anv of the ovlls which aro in
vited by neglect may be forestalled by
precaution, so certainly may nn attack of
Intermittent (or remlttont) fever bo pre
vented by invigorating tho systom with
Hotcttcr'i Stomach Hitters, in advanco
oi me season at which this malady pre
vails, rrevention, it Is needless to say,
is tho wisest policy; but it is consoling to
kno.v that where tlmo has not loen thus
taken by tbu forelock, nnd tho paroxysms
havo actually commenced, a com-
pleto cure may, in all casc, be rapidly
effected by thu mo of this powerful vege
table tonic. Tho reputation of the Hitters
ns a specific for dyspepsia, liver complaint,
constipation nnd nervous debility, has in
some mcasuru thrown into tho shade its
merit as a prcvcntlvo nnd euro of other
ailments, but ail who havo ever taken it,
either as n protection against or a remedy
for malarious fevers, will admit that it
surpastc in efficiency all tho so-called
specifics (including quinine), usually pre
scribed for these maladliw, while it is at
the samo time entirely harmless and de
cidedly palatable. iet2cod.daw
HoiwoxV Choick Whoever attempts
to restore gray hair with tho ordinary
preparation, must chooso between th
tiir-iikoilyes uud tliu muddy coloring fluids.
Both are dirty. Pliaion. Vitalia, or Sal
vution for the Hair, is tho only article in
iixlstencu capable of changing gray hair
to any natural shade; it is trunspnrcnt, fra
grant, limpid nnd infallible. Sold by ull
druggists and fancy goods dealers.
Fist. IIlooi.kd Hom-i: ion Salic A
line young Kentucky full-blood horse,
three year old, about sixteen hands high,
perfectly sound and in good order, for
sale at a great bargain. Call on Dr. Hon
nurd, No. IT Seventh street. scpl.l.tit
Sioiit m PiucKLKa. Mnnoy cannot
buy it, but Laaura and Morris' perfected
spectacles will preserve it. o glimmer
ing or wuvcring of sight, peculiar to
others in use. Taber Hros sole agents for
(.nlro and vicinity, freo advertisement
aug31 dtfcw tf.
Fi.ouir Choice Fainilv Flour in bbl.
hnlf bbls., acks, Arc, for sale at tnoEgyp
tian Mill. aUgStf
CiiAKTtn 0.-.K Cooking Stovo tho best
In use for salt by C. Y. Henderson 190
Commercial Avenue. Sou julvortlicrucut.
aug 2CK1 4m,
Tny It. Mrs. "Whltcomb desires ail to
try her Syrup; it l the great children'
soothing remedy, and sold at.tho low price
of '.''icont. sepP.'d&wlw
Fine French calf boots, and gents
wear generally custom work may bo
found nt Klllot, Haytliorn & Co's, at low
er prices than els whore In tho city. tf.
Foit i. ghis of splendid St. Louis lngor
beer the host in tho city go to tho
Wushlngtooii saloon, corner AVashlngton
nvenue and Fifteenth street. tf
W. W.'Jhornton, No 13 Thornton'
block, Tenth itreot, lias just received tliroo
hundred boxes of glass, varying in sizo
from 8x10 to aCi40. For sale, wholesale
retail. Jltf.
Khhu. IIlaxickkhuiio, of tho Washing,
ton saloon, I a Judgo of good beer,
nnd keeps no other kind. Ills St. Loul
lagor is, confessedly, tlio boit kept in Cairo
Call on him and try it. tf
teeth toon become- speckled If
every detllment it not re
moved from tboni ovory twe uly.four hours.
To do tliUcllectually, there Is nothing like
Sozodont. It literary renders enamel lui
pervious, nnd indestructible.
"SpuLdlngV celebrated Glue, uicful und
true. sepl2dlw
Pun ions, DavU & Co., at, Nos. 5 & 7
Tenth street, havo received their second
large, ftock of Fruit Jars for tho summer
trade, which they aro offering at much
lower figures than last year" figures.
Good Glass Jars at l 50 por dor-.j Ma.
son Jars, self aoalors, at $2 75' pcr'doz'.
samo with poreoleln lined caps, f3 por don.
(Jull and cxamino ut tho
Regular Meeting.
Cairn, 111., Sept. 14, 1D70.
Present His Honor tho Mayor nud
Councilmcn Arter, ilaroluy, Jorgonsen,
Meyer, Taylor 5.
Therobcincr n quorum present tho clork
mosentcd, for concurrent action of this
board, tho resolution in reirard to tho Cairo
vv vinccnues railroad, ns amended and
adopted bv tlio Jioatdof Aldermen on tli
'Ril.in.i ...i.r,.i. ....... i r.. it,r,..
...a.., , .iii.ii, uii iiiuuuii ui uii iii; in. hi.
a ay lor, was concurred in by the following
vote, riz:
Ayes Arter, I)arclay,.Iorgcnscn, Jloycr
...... a.iui-"U,
Xays None.
Kenort f tho Committee on Claim,
said Commute to' whom was heretofore
referred the bill of Messrs. Carroll & Web
iter, beg ieava to make tho following re
por; :
J his bill or lumber, having fell short
U4 roet. which at 30 per loou elves
B2 : add to this amount frolirht pa d. S30 00
gives ov t. deduct mis sum irom f 3U,
the amount of tho bill ortcinallr. leaves
mo sum ot $auu is, (inroo nundrea dollars
and eicntcon cents,) wnicn amount s ro
commended to bo paid.
D. AKTF.lt,
Com. on Claim,
I" In mAn It,. 1,111 wn. n. . ..
comminded by the Committoo by tho fol
lowing vote
Aves Arter, Barclay, Jorgonscn, Mey
, Taylor 5.
.'It none.
Tho Mavor statod Uiat it was. in his
opinion, very improper to allow tho bill ns
reported by tne ijommittco, for tho reason
that tho deduction is made In scrip when
tho city paid tho cash for tho freight on
tho lumber, whereupon, on motion of
Councilman Jorcenscn. tho rota nlluwim?
tho' bill waa'rtconildcred, and tho bill ro
referred to n special committee, conilitlnir
of tho Mayor, Comptroller and Chairman
of Street Committee.
Tho following bills for salaries and con
tracts and proncrlv authenticated, having
been allowed by thu Hoard of Aldermen,
wero prcsentod :
lllll of Jon II Tajrlor, alarjrutCitjrTrcaur-
it in AUKUIIhm M,IV w
Juu IIjrlftBii, sjil.irj' a City Comp
troller In AiiffU! , .... 7 (ft
llclil Ilambrlck, Ury a Cltr
Mrhal . , U) no
John Hroirn, talirj a Cuy Clerk in
August - 100 (O
II chAnnn.jr, ularjr at l'ollcc Mag-
istrste in August i'l oe
John II Oohiukii, chlif of I'ollcn
la Augutt M 3.1
JohuSlitthaa, Police Con. In August "i i'l
M K Powers, " i.i m
HearbWut, st.Vi
Anilmin, " " iDai
Win Mcllalc, lor Uitllng jifUoncri. W) ii
Jo II Taylor for serrlcn atCleik
to Uommlltee nc Inrettleatlen, at
il(ojir month, or cnp at To
fnion thodollr-.........- xu .11
KUTliateher, fnrtimiiai trflc,
rash tlrj7, ortcrip........... sj M
John llrovn, for sorticun rndr
td Uruoce ConinltUa ft (O
Vhoretipon Councilman Taylor moved
that this body.concur In tho action of the
Hoard of Aldermen in allowing tho foro-
golug bills with the exception of Mr.
I'.ll,'. '..IJ I... .U l . ! .
Aves Arter, Ilarclay, Jorgcnson, Mov
er, Taylor 5.
Nays None.
A motion then prevailed that tho bill of
A. Cain bo laid over further consider
Tho following bills havlne boon referred
to thu Commllte on Claims bv tho Joint
Session of the City Council, on the Cth
init, and upon tho Stb reported back by
aid Committee to tho Hoard of Alder
men, recommending that they be allowed
by said Board of Aldermen, to-wit:
11:11 nf dro'City (in Co., for g consumed
in street lump lo August Iti SOI 0i
" 1'H.eener, for hauling fortlty f l W
" Oeo lleiiilrlcks, for repairing Coun
cil I'litmltr, 9ti SO cash, allowed
inseril - - 19 40
" Altirlglu A I.yneh, for rent In full lo
August l 'lh, U;u,ofCoiinciK-iiii.
ijer and Clerk' urilee, recoiniiit nil
log tn ment.eath...
(ieu Johnson, erirrt rrnlerel in
remorlnit- Couocll Cliaint-r
" Aiiilln Turner, hauling water fur
" l'.'MVaTkV'Vo7r"nHTm
Coimril Charnbei..... m
" H Willlamtnn. for hauling, fl, re.
emrneulel payment of....
" llurclsy Urns., me Heine.,.......
SJ 10
t m
n is
ij (i
7 as
Councilman Taylor moved that when
this board adjourns, tliat it adjourns to
meet Saturday, 17th inst., and that the
foregoing bills bo laid over for considera
tion until that time, and that in tlio mean,
tlmo the Mayor and Finance Committee
contult Ittial authority in reference to tho
city's, right to contract and pay the fore.
yoing aud similar bills. Carried.
The following bills hnvInL-buen allowed
.by thu Board, of Aldermen wore presented,
io-wii ;
Hill of Tho. Nanglilon, UU r ontlreet.
ni :i
Hi 75
7 M
i I)
21 11
U oil
la il
It ll
II tl
A ,'.)
n 7-t
U 7.1
JU t)
;j is)
Win Mcllnfe, i litrxe of chingn
in Oeerln, for hiuliun
Jat Ueehan, hnullnu on titets...,
Mr. Pinlih, "
Tun lletalnn,
JuoMurnel, ' i
Mlkdliwd, " mm
Thos Henley, 4 ilayawnrk on i
Jno Morrlay, 1 "
Jo. Munahati, A "
J u Ityan, Street Huner lor....
ii I' l.yiin. for salary In full n
Cujiipirollrr ..,......,.
.i -MmhnneT.
Councilman Tuylor .Mr. Chairman, eee. I
of Ordinance, t7. rem. re. all claims
afsuinst the City to bo Presented to tho OilV I
Council in Joint Session, nud by said Joint 1
session do reiorruj in mo proper commit, i
net: mm inioej noi iippenr lliaiti o.10 Lllll
liavo been to presented or referred. I
therefore move that thu bills lay over un
til not Joint session of tho Council. Car
Tho Mayor presented and rend a com
munication for .Mo-srs. .1. Fulton & .Sons,
in reference to tho runiiinir nt lartre of
bogs which was, on motion, referred to
tlio joint session in mo my council.
There belmr no further business, thu
loard adjourned until Saturday 17th lust.
JNO. llltOWN, City Clerk.
I.n thu acttvu pursuits of pleaturu or
gain, tho inestimable blessing of health is
too often forgotten, until diseaso is llrmly
seatod, and tho fact only realized by great
bodilv and mental lutferiuir. Tho LWar is
j m .
tho vulnerablo point in mut pcrotu. nnu
. . . '
the disarrangement of that orgau involves ,
aiuit;tv mo wuuiu tciui", uvnvv.iivtua.oii
-i . .1.. ...l .i ....... i,..m ii.,. i
why under Liver illiea.o tlioro is entim.
rated auch a number of afflictions, and wo
claim tho Simmons' Liver Kegulator to bo
a romcdyfor thorn' all.
Fo'r ladies, nuses and cbildrons' shoes
all atvlmnnil nrlriH! for ladles funevaml 1
hale goods: for gcntloiiiacUatom work
.ho..,'etc.; go to tboclty.lioo store, corner '
of Kljhtll atrcet and Commercial aVonuo.
A now supply ha just been opened there.
ht '
. I
or MierllT.
We niomilliorlrcif toannonn-e I lint Mr A. Id
lltVI.V Hacamlnlaio rr tin. mil nr -!.., n ..r
Alexan-ler county, nttlioeiunlng .Voveml.ertlco
tlon, aubjeet to tho !ee..-un -r dm Hcmorratic
Coiilily Ciuivention auglOtd
At the solicitation of many t.l,7.e;, oflinth kJi"
Ileal parlies, I herehy announce myself i. Hie
peoples candidate forHh-mioi Alexander
count) ) nt the ensuing .VotemW election.
nt'l I'ltP.I). KOKIH.KU.
Entire Change of
Mttlincc Niifiirilay. '2 V. M.
Will Im! tiN-elvcil !v Din iinilorii;neil until t
o'clock p.m., H.itunlay, Septeml-er I7ih, ISTO, Ir
iiiiiii-iiiiiii innieruii ami runniruuunf n SiilennlK
III front Of tho lllcll Hrlinol tillllilinr nn t'mii
'reel. In tlio ell v ut Cairn. Id ho enm.ilnleil 1111 or
lforo the loili d.iy of October, next, and paid for
Vhcn completed nnd appron-d. ; i
; in rixKiuuAuuns apiuy in me nniiersigneu.
Ily order of the .Suhuol I)lr ters.
, . . -I. M. WAItWirK
Cairo, H. pt. 14,t70. nt
At a meeting of the .tucldiol.le r of the "Enter
Drlvi lUnk ii f I'alrn." lieltl Jnlr -.iitli. into, it urn
ortreil that tho nainenf s.ilil lUnk lolungoil to
ine i Mirui.-r; ".ivimh hank," ami thnt
theherettygl notice of tnmn liy ptitlieallun
hi cuiuiv. wiiii Ber"ii"n nnnor Mini ermrtnr.
A. U. SAFfUIlD.See'y.
aiirJOilnH '
United (Hates of America, f-outliera District of
iiiiiiuii, n,p.
U'h.nm. .n iIiai.iII. .. .... . 9 .,
Jan-ii U. Parker and Titrfii Htriilor, owner or
TMMisamrmat "Mam Parker. a HUI in
the Dlatrlrt (totirt of tlio Unltcl Suite, fur the
Ho'ilhem Uiatrlet of Illlnola. ualiist ibeateain
lioit "Sus. Silver," her lnnt, tm-klo, appnrnl
O'l fumltire. etc. tirwriif tint mmn mini l
ronieninM in neeordtniu nllli the praicr of
Mill IIUI. '
Aiiitwhortias, Ii virtneof prooi-sii In iliro fonn
nflatr, to me tlirecteil, rrtun.ilio on Ihe Unit
Jlomlay in Oeloler, I havo aolM iinti niel taken
tlie tnl tteiiliilxint ".-ilik hilwr." l.i.r Imm..
tarkle. apparel ami fiirnltiirr, el--:, mi l Imrcthe
eaine in mr tiiMo.lv.
.VasK ;i hereby uircu, tlut a DlmrietCotitt of
the L'nltvil HttrKlll to held nt tlio l'nlteil -mtr.
Court room, in therltvnf t.Vlrn.nn thn tint Mnn.
day InOtolHT, next, for tho lrlalofiheel. pre.
mite., and the ottnemr tnrnert.and all pereons
tthohavoor claim any Interest therein, nr lnir
byeile. In Lcnml untie ar at thn lime und rlni-e
olore.lil l.lo .hoiv mue(u any they liav.', h Ii
tlecreo ahould not Ut ruiiiluriM ill ordance
with Iho prayer of n Hihc. 4
JII 7 1 1. miUTT,
I II. St. Mnr.ltMl.
C.lro. III.. Sep 2, 1 :n. .,s ;,1 i
United guic of Aincrie.i, foulhrrii 1'Mre-t of
lllloai., a. . :
Whi rta. on lhe-iMh lay ef Jul, A. Ii. IcTO,
Wa.hluKtou LIi-IiIi iiI-mxi r (Hi. I a lil.'l in the
Ihslriet ;niirt of the I'mted tole. fur llieMinth
ro lil.trici nt llliuole, a.inet ih- .iniiiU ni
"ulckstep,'Mir boats, tackle, irel and fur
nlttire, ee prnyiiiy ilmt the ..iin.iiu.iy le e.ne
ilemuvl in urourdauu with thu eiiticr .f .a.il
And whereas, hv virtue nf timer, imliii. r,irm
of l,lo iiK-ihriMrd, rrturuAbUmi ihelir.lMmi
dT In Octohsr, I hair eelfivl upon and taken Ihe
eaidle4inU).it"iek.tvp," htrlHi.it. t.tckle,ni.
purel und furniture-, ne., and lutu tliesniueiii
mv cnsloy,
Notice is herehy pUen, that a llltlrlcl Court nf
Ihe Tailed Male. di liehlut ,lliu Cllll.il M.llie
Court lloom, In the city of C ilroon II, e (lrt Myu
ill) Id li.'toler, neit, for the trial of .nid reinle.,
and the oh tier or ownet., ami nil per-on. whii
Imvti or churn uny inttetoi ttiruiu, urn iien hy
cued to Im and appear nt ihe time .mil rlnee afore
emd, lu ehuw ctu.e, if nny lhy hatv, why a de
cree tlmuld not le rendered in u.-corilanuu with
the priyrr of tld lilel.
JOHN I.. rtiiUTT,
l .S. .Mnr.lml.
Cairo. lll.,S.il. i. l7l. rrp'dllt
I'ulted late. nf Aimrlni, aniilherii IiUtrelef
lllinolr, -. r ,
Wlii'ren., mi Ihe Flfli i' nlli diy nf Aimti'.t, vi I".
lK7ii,Je.e lllnkle tiled it liM ul lie-1 i t n- tl .'ml
of the L'nlled hliiten Inr III" Nnitliirn lllriel n
Illinois, njiam.t the le;iuilijt "A llakir," her
huate, tackle, apparrl nm1turiiltiir, eiu., pfsjin
that the fatiie lunyto i eiili iimeil in If cor l.iiire
withtlm prayer ! said liUd.
And whereat, In- rirnie nf prnuex In due fnrin
of Invr, t.i fie direi te I. retiima-1 on thn fir.t
)l .ili.l.) in m:lo.T. I hale -rii. d iipeiinud Inki'U
Ihe said tleuinho.it "A. linker, ln-rh.'V., t.v l.. ,
npkirelnnd furiuluro, , mid hme the 4ine m
mv uiulmly
Nutlce i. herehy Kilen, Dial u llilr t lend ef
Ihel'nited hl.ile. Mill le In Id ut II u I niled -I ilet
Cniirt li.x'lll. in the elly nf( uirn, mi Ihe lir-Dlnu-
"'".niidiheoaner or owiurj, mi l alt pei. i..
my in iH-tniN'r, in xi, i"rni" iruiinr nm e:ud pn
and, hi eh-w ejiiee, if any Ihuv hav.-, wh) a do
tfto.M;" luai...rd.i e mil.
Jull.V I,, iioitt,
, S. Jlnr-Unl.
Cairo, UN., Aiiuust i, lure.
I'nl...l Lli,. ..I I ... . -1,. . J ...tl 1 I :..
Illinois, ... '
Whereas, on the rifttenth diy or Aiuusi, A.
I). li7.Je.t lllnkle Hied a hUd in Ihe ii.tri t
1 Cmitl ef tue fiiitetl Mates for thn millietii Hi.
trmtnf lllluuit, nKainsttlietteniiiho.it Mrniaila,"
her IhjiiN, lii. klo, appurcl mid 1'uriil ure, ee .,
irj)luKiluttheeumuii uy Lu enii.leiiined In m -1
fordancoHith the prw)rrvf sd hhrl
And whereas, h virtue of pr... es m due form
I of Iiih, to inn iliitcted, reliirn.i'.le en tliu ilt-t
.-iniiuny miKiuuer, I liasu tteil upon mm iai.en
the said ale.iiulmat "Arnuuls," l.t I hoatu, l.ieble,
nip.irel and pirulluro, e'. .. mid hme the tiuiie ill
in v cuttody.
Niilhe herehy clleii, thai a I' .Iricl l.iurt of
thu Unilfilciiili'. will bo In Id at thu railed Mute.
Culitl Itooin, In theeili of Cum, ell II c llr-l .lieu
il.iv In October, next. Inr the Iruiluf Ihe slid liriin-
ies,aiid the owner or n tiers, unJ all jier.eiis whn i
i vitiiiu iiu- iiiii-rt ii ihik'iiii nu
citiii ici iu und nppi.r hi ik liiutMuisI tlio
M.litl. tit kttinw r nt.ia if situ tlisv Imts. liv n
iiihu or einiin any iiuerett tin rein, nru nereuy
thouid not u rendered ln li.vuri m.'o
tlh the I
nrnveroi eaid i H-l. Jl)ll. it Ittir
Jnll I. Iiiiiere
C S Marshal.
fttiro, llis .AiiKiitt t'J. tarn.
Cur. 7 Hi St. nud Cuiuiuorclnl ivi.
Wlnld-'s Itlm k.
M I PI IPltf I F.V Afr'f!
"I. J DULIXLLT , - -.g ,1 1
1'artUular atteuUoa Kl,e to fu ml. IH.il-
-". """'
jiiy-Altf I
7 Nf hswnn
Manufacturers of Steam Engines
P,n.t!?,Vr aM,. llf"'" tn.ly on Hi.n.1
Zi iuti:i.i.i:,
KY a coM
, i
SCOTCH (lltA.liri.-. At-.
WAItLfllxiMs ASH wJ)KVllnj', (M;N)-ti n-
T fl I II 1 1 A M i ST." A N N 1! 1 1 Tt,
MnnitiiMiil., Vaults', ira'e ttit'nVs, Jl.intlw.,
t'liiinlniu-, eli- , exeeiita with riiit rior wetk
tiMiislilp. At l i -t j'tiee..
, Ktutlis i. lieruian nud llehti h Intlerliij. dune
loiln'httyl. - '
Miirl'lKnnaftjrailite Futures, ) llielie.l HMllp
tllte.nf Ciirope, iniiirted.
All unrk AH iMIIIied.
Konlet.ne, apply In
;.4HI. 1M TIMM1.4N. ; AKt nt,
t-'omii I'tlllhSlrfft liiid Huuiii. .1,1 Avenue,
ma) (U.ml.iu N
II, V. IMrker
IS. K Illnke
p.itiii:u a.- iti. tKi:.
nm ui iiic, oils
Wlmluiv (i'Iiiks nud I'ntty .
ttriislira, WhII I'apri-, Wlii.lniv Hit ra
- Illinois
oiiio tkvjii:, vxino.
H'LTON - SONS, - rroprlotoiH
Am JVow mrull rrHlloii.
iUsirs. riulmiA u7lrojirfiredlofuiiilh
all klild.of Vlmirof the het 'Ua ). and also
Mill 1-eed ef ..I I. uid. ilraliam r lour, in .cki
or in leu. qiitnl l). 1'ial" fror. tlie K-t White
Whe.it - aprittdtl
t i r tr
"uJ ,n""",: ,uV'"ju'..Wf..;t
YuimVn peV nnnn.Vlo.' leTOn. tbS Very
''' Wt-I. eptriilly
cas; '
..J QL3 I
r- "ss" M
i m s- y. eo
Solo Vsoxitw for
tsfTl nt f Ir.lillihu nr,,t r.lsil asanf
Turtle Oil
low, m urn,
Til lilMIOMIiTi:il.S ! !
Large Stock
...VOIt SAI.K AT..
laChoaiter anil I.ellrr Shun
Nnnpfnr all tinea (exeent wnah.
Ine elollie. furs lemilntr Win-
h'mh wuimm ivnlee, I'nltil.
Oil S'latlisj, t'joor. l'itble.,ntit I
.11 llnnilii'n.lf .l.l..... I
til mill ;itmiir. and for
CJasiaral lloaae Clennlna- Pur.
MMCt). I
war -OM.lllllff hiiivcn, liiiuare,
nraat, Ntcal, Irnn, nnd all Xaialllu
Wurtl. litmoiri, nt liv H..l rn.li..
iiU Hntl, Itavliitf a lirlllhtiit nrraee,
rqual to New.
For Sale by HAliCTiAY 11H0.S
rons.ttn at
If or Btxtlitn . KTo
dnntior rtl Itisslni;
I t. 4kSSB.1t flOAtSU Oil
txxo wntor, At
!) W&TER
TliU I. not manufactured wt
Srr. Iiul come, iltrrjt from
tli Nprliisr., nl SaratiiKa, Xtw
u III it.
Blvtuu-.lo lie linil a. It uuruli..
arkllut; mill lirlKltl, front III
Barclay Brother.
Blue Lick Water
KF.NTCCKY.-Vreth loi 'Just
rreelTetlkept on Icr, and rot
sale by
Ktt'DI COUtlaulv vn isu4 w Eotvuisvu
Alto, all Had. of Walnut and BUak VaJ dofflns.
' JIisaSplaaidlleirM,aiiJ,ill
r AM""1 all a-'HiitraU lis lit City.
etlpUllii ,
0 k

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